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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1911, p. 6

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O. B FIERMtSterling, Hy., gays: "I have sufered wlth kldney and bladder troueble for tenvyeurspast. "6Last March 1 cornmenced ustng Peruna and continued for three months. I have not used it since, nor have I felt a pain."~ Becomne Inctepencleut! Our Orad- uiates get and bold good posi- tionis owinig to, their Superlor Trailg. The Qtr. Yonge. and Alexander Sts. TORONTO, ONT. is doing*e higbest grade ofworkin Business and Shorthand Eduration. Students of this year are now in positions worth from $50 te po00 pet montS. Enter now. Catalogue is free. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. This Maây Interest YOU. -We want a reliable man to seil our welI knowri pecialties, in fruit trees, small fruits, seed potatees, A.owering shrubs, roses, etc., in Bownianville and counity during fait and winter months. Outfit free, exclusive territory, pay weekiy 600 Acres of Nûrsery Sliick clean n l grown trees and shruhs that wil satisfy your customers. Early and good delivery guaranteed. Established over 35 years. Write for whole or part Lime ternis. SALES MANAGER. PELIIAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO. NONTREAL. & QUEBEC to LIVERPOOL EVERY SATURDAY S. S. LAURENTIGC 8. S. MECANTIC Passengers in al Classes. Elevators. Orchestras. Rates: First $9J2.50; Second $53 75 up S. S. TEUTONIC S. S. CANADA Oniy One lass Cabin, (11) and Third Class. Rates: Tentonic $55 up; Canada $50 Up 5rhird lass at low rates. Clesed Rooms OnlY. Xmas Sailings From Portland, Me., and Hlalifax, N S. Canada; âleganflc;,Teutonýic; Dcc.2;9;14 Book ecarly. Sectsro your Berths Now. Lcatl Agent: M. A. JAMES, or Main Office, Montreal, P. TORONTh - RENTONI New Line Lowest Fares. Best Service. Solid Vestibuled Trains. Corteous and Attentive Employees. Convenient Trains for Toronto Matinees. dwLeave Arriving Bonanville 1.15 a,m. Toronto î.op.m. Toronto 6.30 P.m. Bowman ville 8.16 pa. PARLOR CARS ON At I.TR AINS. Secure through Tickets, încluding Bus Transfer to and fromn C.N.R. Station. rrains Leave Bowmanville liastbound at 11.15 a. ni. and 8.16 p. -m. f'raies Leave Bownianville Westbound at 11.15 a. ni. and 7.44 P. ni. For further particulars apply to ALAN 31. WILLIAMS, ?lione 58 or 81. Towns Ticket Agent. King Street, Bownianville. Cliristmads S ig ~'onHalifaxý, NS. or3iso R.W.S., "RoylEwac R. M. S.,RylGog, ijnsrpascd ccomodatonail classes., For fuI infrainapply te M. A JAMES, ýgent for Cnda oteeSteam-slips,1 ST. AND1IEW'S NIGHT. (By Thiomas Yell-owloes, Toronto.) Corne, g'ies y'cre han' my brithor iScet, let's crack o' ither daya, And wanner wliaur tlic gowans grow,- an' spiel the haw-thora braes; Tho' far frac hamne au' kindred ueo, ant' Settiali sceneis an' szgits, Wc>1l rn a health taciý the dear aud an', 4on tdis Sf.Anre'i We'rte here tao talk o'.the Ian' we loe, auid Scotland'a honnie his; We're here tae aing o' hier raging- ficeda, lier rivera an' lier rila. Over lier niuirlae's wad we stray, oclmb lier mountains' dizzy heiglits, An' honour oor dýýar auld mither ban', on flua St. Andrew' s niclit. Wc hear flic senga wo use'd tae sing, as doon flic bure we atrayed, Wc liaten fao flie hirdies warhliug in the sulent aliadc. The irybe aide, ifs wint-er tales, -0 Soofland ruen au' niicht Wilb threob an' thrill cor Scettiali hearta, on tlîis St. Audrew's uteif. Wc 'houer the day hecausco' the ]an', tlic ban' o' aeng an' story; We heneur thc men whoae valiant deeda have wreatliod lier caminI glory, Au' Scottiali seldiers, an' Scettiali arma, bine weun many a wcll- î ought figlit, An' preod we ýare o' oor kilted lads, onths SfAuctrews -niclit. Then lierc's tac auld Scotland's hulîs an' heiglits, lier towerinag craga an' cairns; Hcre's tac oor lirithers eue and a', for we'r~e a' John Tnmsou's bairns' The green sward dyýed hy hereic bood tells o' men who diod for flic riclit, Wliese memeries tbear bring glad- neas and cheer, on flua St. Au- drew's uicht. DISTRICT NOTES. (Glcan.o.d Froni Our Exohanges.) Inspocter James L. Hughes and Principal Scett cf Toronto Normial were recent -guesta cf Mn. A. Henry, Orece. Principal Scott fauglit acho-ol a;ýt Badlydcff 7yer age. This was lis first iisif te) Orote , in 40 ycar ýs. Two oid resideufs died at Oreno receutly: Mrs. Francia Stapbos, ini lier 92ud ycar, deafli eccur- red about two weeks inter flan lier son, Colin, and Mrs. Jesse Wood- wnnd, iu lier 12nd yenr, very sud- denly fremn heart failure. Mr.- Clarc#uce Brunt and Messra. Thomas and James Colo, wletf Orono for Victoria, B. C., have arrived aafely at their destination. Mrs. L- E. Cook cf Pert Credît, aud Miss Vera Colwill, Tyrene, via- ifed at Mn. R. Hull's, Oroce. Mr. Wni.-Rosa, ex-M.P., wlio is reoviug fnem Pert Perry te Te- rente, wns preaented witli an il- luminated nddress expreaaieg flic geod services reudered te flic Me- fliedist eiurcli in fliaf fewn previ- eous te lis remeval te flic city. Edward Wîllia, near Millbreek, died Nov. l5th, as flic reacît cf a kick freni a liorse. Mossrn. W. H. StAintec, W. H. Stevenson, R. W. Grierseu and El- mer Liei,.Oshawa, wcre prize wic- cores ou apples at Octaneo Herti- cultural Exhibition in Toronfo. Rev. R. W. Allen, M.A., rector of Port Perry and Brokli Angli- can churýches, was united in marri- .age witli Miss -Agness Laurenc uCaessruly Tretele Deafness is flot se commor,is bHniri- r.ess, yet thousands are more oic alffflrted by it, and their cornfcnt soc- ýwLeIy ,nterfe,-ed \with. C'atarrhal dcafnesa manifests t- b-ut slou ly, yet*ilroust beacnwld --Cl Ilat the great î:ajorlty of thean xvý'l be-con-îc tc-tally deaf might haveavî cd this uiifortunate coditioin 'f rtad t,eatcd the catarrhal inflina-u t.nn at iVs boginî.ing. The oniy rencdy-t-at can be sPfe .ý ,eocdfoi- a1 forma of catnrl.,, --..... ',a C atarnrozore. You eno- carg tu ai ~u bcthe ith fi -,i genm ife - ci epsup fth i kanîmai an, u t the rame finieh .c aothing, heuling aje1 n if hea s Oh- ,rctamd sefa-e-fcithirenrddle -ai-. CA'5IRi~'iON. o thýine ivhî a,' 5o-t a ltile deaf, and are rear, rgiv ii, Ih la-ncît capable ef ,ff-,,Mî -utuost sais~facfion, crd use uc lattennded without danger, ard e-z tc-" treaLrrent ia-n be cannied on a' ,oineo snth-r'afened vitli the ioi etîeof i def cs sabuld postpo- YC-- mcrcit10 eeginnirî s use. F"m vory part cf the5 Domiinier ~l'vcgarc<i'ts of the bar.eficial ac- ion $ xo-e pon-,caterrhal candi- -o ý':' cf tie idrl'e ar have heem eni -- riyotn willi e resorting te tira A v ct-of crencd thre simples: '-d-ci teif entny Catarrhozenr '-veywleae aliit, 25., cri f ti~ y ai .nm Thre Catarrezn I Ce, i.~.nflo, . Y, 1,d Krugt n '"Frit-alh' sm aed An i 11 PRIvIÈRU À PI'îaaa, Q., May 9, 1910 111 look upon ouiy recov-ýery as nthing short of a mracle. 1Iv,,as for eleven yea-Orsz',ccns tantLi! lsffernng frorn Chronic Dyspe;sia u ndietin I was treater? by severai doctors sud fley simpiy did mne no good. Duing the latter part of ruy ilinesa, I was se thin that I -weighed only go pounda, and 1 vomited everthing I ate. The doctors gave mue up te die as the stornach trouble produced heart weak- nessanaxd 1I as frequently unconscious. 1 received the Last Rites 0f The Churcli. At this tume, a lady strongly urged mie f0 try 'Frunit-a-tives'. Wlien I had taken onue box, I was nitnch better and af ter three boxes, I was practically wel-again,--anidhad-gained 2o pounids.- I have taken -r3 boxes je ail and Xiow weigh i50 pundqancd arn well."l Madame ARTIIUR TOURANGEAU. "Friiit-a-tives" is the ocly niedicine in the world miade çkf ictensified fruit juices and always cures Indigestion. ,5oc, a box, 6 fo 2.5o, or trial suze, 25c. At ail dealers, or froni Fruit- a-tives iuited, Ottawa. Kent, of West Kirliy, England, in! St. AIlban's Cathedral. Toronto, Nov. lstli. Tic nomains of #bc Inte Misa Jes- sic McNaliliof Lctlibridge, Alfa., daughter cfflice lite Readinastcr, McNabli of Porf Hope, werej hrought to Port -Hope fer inter-i ment on ThurS-dy., .11 '1 Coliourg District Epworth League1 Conventien met at Canton Wed-' inesday. N\1ov. 29. Oroiýno and assî,itc at a conlcert Mn- W. H. ileenigk, a fermeri Bowmauvilliau, ucw liaidoinsfer cf flic 45tli Regt., was rccenfly pro- sented witli a haudsomc silven pud- ding dihh lv fie Enfertaiemeint Committee cf BarnieflîrCamp. TIJIN flAIR ON TOP. If Panisian Sage, flic lair grewen tInt Jury & Leveffl guanantees, wilb nef cause liair te grow wliere flic liai is thinuing out, notliing on flua enrtli will. And we say toe exeryliedv. yen eau have your moncy liack if Parisian Sage isn't the beaf hair gnewer, hai savon, hmin beautifieranud dandrufi cure -ounflicmarket te- day. It Stops itdhiug scalp and faling liair and makos lair, grew fliick and? alundasîfly, an meney bnci, 50 cents fer n-lange baffle. Panisian Sage maies ticeliair acf t and brul- liant and prornetes gnewtli. LONDON'S STREETS. Polished Surface of Thorouglifaresý Show Great Care. Affer a speîî of dry weaflertfli sfreets in Londen, Ecgbaîîd, paved wifh woed acd asphaît, beceme poislied ta a very higli 4egree, and flic sîcen upon Victenia street aur? Piccadilly, and soie oflier ronds, ils se remankable fliat -at nigît they alune nîmeat luke ice in fthe glane of flic lameps, wites Lord Montagne in London Car. If an unuser? sèotion le ehiserv- cd ever which mefors do net rmn, ce pluali willb ho seen, but in flic myiddlc of flic street flic surfa ce, fbeugh cuniously o nough, nef slip- pery ru ifs dry state, is poislied lîko the- fleer cf a baîl-rooni, flic natunal effeot, wben one cornes te thini of if, cf rubben aund steel in juxtaposition, and flic aiglit but contiruai slipping of wlieela over a s-urface of liardweod. Que effeef of flua poliah is te maize if impos- sible for any liglit or leese maf- fer te reat upen if whcn flere ils an v wind af ail. The centre ef flic afreets 'las- beom arvclleusly clcan, aud ail flUic ho Ucrfuse is blown icto the guitens ear fie pavement,, which, hein affn iliebd with a trickîe i cit acd dcoeous detritiris whicb w-"dothervi7oe bc' blown father 1 Fir. IL've often wrtten ef fb'- Ehe)nv W' down'fln Champs M~~0:in Paris. V/o have uow in I en)dort many eboni, ways. but net Iieing g-iven a% a nation te s ml0-irh ovprniýiîbicctionau as ur GaI- 1h'netsbesour roads are not as blci, oxiug te dripni-ig oil on thc suifice Tic surface of aur streets s becýirnmomore likof Tb voffrf- h+ ad Berd nd ifs cri' t is nlecd 'ft lie -acc la rriaking of m. -wArns,. NEW YOR1K LETTER. (Editorial Correspondeuce-) I spent a busy, but very intereat- ing, Sunday. Methodiat flieugli I ani, I deliglifte liear 11ev. Dr. J. H. Jowcft,. M.A., preacli ou every favorable oceakaie, sei 1 a.rn. fonund us witli a crowd awaifing ad- mission te, Fiftli Avenue Preshyter- ian churdli- Pew lielders wcrc, firat ioclmittedl, and thon i-,7dreds of etlirs idin nd rewd [dflicim- mense auditeninni. hcero-a in "T1lieDivinle Bc tli,fic final words of flie story of flic "Valley of Dry Boues." That large, audience he.ardflic gospel of inspiration, of putting seoul into flic service wliaf ever if rnay lie, witli lre.afhbýeFsaat- tention. His ep.ening prayer was a sermon in itself. If covered a wondcrfub coosfitucncy and Dr. Joetf actually prayed for ah cedi- tors'acd writers of books- fiat fhey might sec and kuo w flic rutliac tell if tO men . Editers, as a lass, are scbdem included withic flic realni of the ordicary suhjects cf prayer. But few mou ceed divi:ae guidace and lielp niere. A splen- did quartette lead the service of song. Thc porcetîtage cf mon waa very large in tlie aludience., The afircoon found nie at flic Twenfy-Third St. 'Young Mc' Chisitan Assoctation c f 3,905 mc-L bers, 1,009- cf whomn are ecrollcd in tlie niglit acliol, and under whose auspices 20,000 lomeals are scrved annally te mcc and beys. Tlie speaker on flua occasien was Rev. Froderioli Lynch, rccognizedé au- thenity on the International Peace Mevement, lis subjeot heicgj'_Tlie Gospel and flic New International- ist." V/c lad rend muccl thaf Mn. Lynchi las ivitten on International Peace, or settlcmenf of cnatienal disputes by arbitratieu icatead of hy war, and deained te hear hi speak. Ho is supremely optimiatie and looks coclldently forrflic mudli- te lie desýr.d ensummnation, wlion the great natiens ai the carti shall aIl ho remoed from flic war zone. Ris nddness was eotliusiastically applaudcd when hoe sat clown. It ivas a very interesfiug and instruc- tive delivorarîce. Sunday evcning we went te tlie Union Methodiat Episcopal churdli, b etween Broadway and Eiglith avenue, wlioro 11ev-, Dr. J. Lewls Hnrt.sock delivered onec ,f flic ln est seýrfnons.we over .icard on -opeof Y-outli,"in wii hlic car- netycunselled edrypeopbe)l noe egrow dlspnt1ly and neyer te-)retý'ire fi'rom1 physîcal iacti- vity -of sainie kicd if fliey deaire a vigoronsannd hiappy od age. If wns a very sane and Èlcpful address. The National Herse Show is drawîng immense crowds cf specta-' tors. For soie unexpiained réa- sen saddlcns, racers and jumpers arc moat in evi4enco, especiably flic latter, and ift was excecdingby gra- tifying te me te sec Crow & Mur- ray, Hecn. Adam Bock, Hon. Clii- ford Sifton, Col. Herbiert C. Cox, Miss Wibks and other Canadian ex- hihitors, receiving a goodly ashane of flic prizes. lunflic jumping con-1 testa Canadiaus were leaders in meat cf flic eventa. Why tlic Hackuey horselias licou given sncb smaîl place in flua show is nef ex- planed, but if is an omission that makes !againat flic exhibition. If is a surprise te many tînt in spite .of fie rapid multiplication cf mofor vehieles ef 'varius kindsatafhli nobcat ef ail animais, flic herse, lieolda sudh a high place in flic love 'of -lie people. If is oven said hy jV New York papera that on some days1 at flusaanuaI herse show there have icou reccerd attendan ce. Butj 1as liefene stated in flua corresponi-1 douce, flic lorse ashow is flic greaf 1aociety event niter fie surnier heui- days, and givos sweldeom ifs finat favorable opportunity te displny if- self in ifs auturne and wiefer teg- gery. And the way flie wealthy box-belders it'np te ho ndmired ;s înfecaely amcsing toteicdemo- IWILL guarantee it ta flse away up pout of the pans, and makie as delicious, bread as you ever- tasted., The loaves will be the biggest and most wholesome you ever baked with, the same -amounft- ,1,11 -guarantee it or you get back-the money you paid for the flour! Now see: Just go ta your grocer and buy*a bag of Cream of the West Flour. Take it home and bake it up., Give it a trial. Give it a couple of trials. Yaur aven or yeast migit, not be just riglit the first time. Now wheu you give it a fair trial, if you honestly feel, that you have not had splendid satisfaction with Cream af the West Flour, returu the unused portion'of the bag and get your money Just tell the store marn your bread dici'tcone utriglit and -you want your money back as guaranteed. It's not the grocery mani who bases. It docsn't corne out of his pocket. It is the Campbell Milling Company, Limited, of Toronto, who pay, and they are satis fied ta pay if yau'l1 be satisfied Ita try Cream of the West Flour. Ask your store -keeper about this guarantee. .1He knaws. H1e will tell you. Try a bag next baking day. "'It is tee tali;etu eat fthe top lae ! risa hrd wil G;allega n'a cear with srwe xvhiclihobe kicks franticnlly and al- meet everbalancea hituseif. -"The cakeif too white; ià needs celer !" cries acother chprcb, -al- thougli se nncghty, these Spaniah strýeet boys look exactly like Muril- le's cnchanticg cmos,--and at flie aide which the Gallegan rannot eec, he, pre*enýds te throw. little mud balla'. These. varieus ferma ef torture continue tili the peer Cal- legan arriv,-a at bis destination, b"reathlesa and purpile with rage. Ilis cake is intac't, fer fthe fer- mentors are ut heart geod little chipa, and mould nef have speiled the cake for th,- i',onid ; but the Gallegan fecîs partictilirly angry 1b,ýcquse bc ie s eypended teun ri'rnese hhs choicet i ocabulary cf Gallegan billingsato. WIHAT 511E PLEQITIRES. Succes iN sucli a fickle dane XVit h wercis yeu cannot weeo her, Te win ber aed lier partner fame You've get to ho n deer. cracy on cemmon people. But if PUTTING HIM TO TORTURE. isý well tint flua cla-sa of citizen-, - las sucli au oppesntunity te we:irSanshBOYS Rave Sout e Fin flicir new clofles te ho accu aur? With the Baker's AÂssistant. admirýer?,This is flic last yean fluisA bo w i nu mscevs herse show is te bcholeld in Madi- sA ey wles ef ak nefchieus soc Square Gardon, as if is going sîlwsen elc u ffi te b, trn dwn.esseufial clemeuf s of normal boy- te o' en don.holor. If appears fnem Mrs. Nix- iNew York City's splendid new ýon-Rouîet's "Spaciard at Home" Municipal Building of ferty stereys tînt flic atreet unchins of the lIen- witi a -statue on top offlithe wc ian cifies are nef wautiug in t lis 580 foot abeve flie stieet and? vis,- panticular quality. ilile for manuy miles outaide of Maci Feast-daya are observed acrupujl-1 laffan, is fhe most oliacnved and ously;adams n ie îrh interestiug structure now in pro- ing uhth sret, spru' ceso erection in flic city. New as Juan Soldado, înay b le accu a1 York's city gos erient will occupy Callegan carnyîcg in lofli lbandsan if wlen cernplcfcd. If ia lieunder? set pieco for flic feat cf la eneî-a.1 by streets and bas eue (Chambecrs) Poon Gaillegn! The baker las running straiglif flrýougbo ifs contre, chargerliii te carry f lis enenmous dividing if, te flic !th fleer, inte cake most canefullv. "This cake two buildings. lInflic baseenit is is for the feat of flic senora at fie a railway station of flic suliway Casa Grande. 5h- bas to-dav a systerni -Belew stret 1îevel the saint in flic liuse. flia rn--can- mnezzanne fleer extends ever the' rive there spofleas ccd perfect. subway, fie track-, in whidh anceI{cnember flua if yen wish te koep ncarly 40 foot helow fli, etreot. vor ,pl-, " Firepreef constructiou is used Tic Gailegan thuireforc cannies flireughouf; in fact, flore is littieRcrefullyi hig fwo b?,nds tie great about fhe structure that cecl bren-t)v cake wib t5sibite humi-, fer tp e cobîrmus are c f steel. fre'fîn',g in woudenfub patterns;. flic, wvals cf granite aur?'brick, -1 1rrpon iieton is a gev Cupîrl in ',he of +fie sfa cfa baIe liet-aner. If is terra cot a file. If sctmtt extndrafaiitouf befero hi 1,11 fiat Co0.000 cubjofo f granite Ti sre t rhins renli7e te fie and ,.,500,000 square foeto f hllbow fl h hrae I iuto.GaI1- file were 'user?. lgnii i ialîvaysfine sot M. A. J. Tbeî-' -irounjd ftic poer feltow. c(This rïaliinlois- gond 1"cries Away Wifl Depressien anr? Me1-ec -arný wt bm n oe t, vi!s ar'e fth' firver at a parti lrî plump fruit nuccly Thso ver--o i e top. Tic CalIe-au peurs accorupaurment cf a di'ior-dor-ý,d st et flow of abiivn iý ançmaee, mac ad orir?'l' er 'md niri n ccd es P. viclo,,s kick at bis fer- vrtc,!iýness te l -v-hnret tliC' no-"4or. If 3s 91l ho eau -de. for ,st, Th ic mot 5e &irisf'vyhcdre not set dowu fie precia:us tefoilotfena iihPriX-" Ve'ýg0tsbo ilavhh i vrlr-tnn "tuedaacpt w'm t lie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~t beihiiani" C h' tci-iY'"tn"p'"fer c1etewll "onrli-birlifnh" ar i, T ~~ > ~l.~ ociee' cngiih to useth. a ED. 7 ISUE47I The bard Wbeat flour tfrat is garjaedfrbed E hereby affirm and declare that Cream of the West Fleur is a superior bread flour, ~ L and as such is subject te our absolute guarantee of money back if nlot satisfactory alter a fair trial. Any dealer is hbreby authorized f0 return price il paid by customer on retura, of uuused portion of bag if the flour is not as Ilrepresented. The Campbell Milling Comipany, Limîted, Toronto. For Sale by '-J. A. Milue, Bew manviLle; C. H1. Crysdale &Sec, Oshiawa; J, R, Fisher, W, C, Britton, Newcastle; Chas. Britton, Ciarke; J, R. Cooper, Orono, you know - that, you are gettÎng the - one prepa- ration that has stood the test for, over thirty- -five years and stili re- mains the Standard 'tonic-food-medicine, used and recommended by the medical prof es- sion the world over. Soott'a is the embodiment of elements that make for good health and strength. A",I ROIT gran 'ltell yornet tcofre

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