N-Aýý- -BANK Eutabhised 1873--0F Ci\NDA~~ -M Bracha TRANSMITTING MONEY Er, sumns up to $50 our Bank M,,oney Orer ar cov~>dntand inexpensiv. For larger amounts we issue .Drafs or uis o Exchnge. Mney sent at once to any bankýingii point in the world hy Telegraphic or Cable Savîngs Bank Departuient at Every Branch. 86 flowmanville Branchs A. N. McMillan, Mgr'. BIac]Kstoclî R. H. CoulSOn, 4 Branchmes also at Newcaste, PNewtonmvîlle, Ovo no, Oshâawa, Whitby n roi1n inter Is Coming Coal-burnng time is here. Have your bin filled with LEIIIGil VALLEY COAL-Egg, Stove, Chestnut and pea. Our ceai bas neyer been better than- ib is just now. Tt is-ecenemy to lbuy -thýï (is oth. Weý have aIse a car of Hemlock Slabs on band.- I Prompt delivery to ail parts of the town. Jzýd é oscombràle, Yards and Office at Finkle's Evaporator, Corner Division and Queen-sts., opposite High School. Phone 177. TIRANSPLANTJNG WELL- stimulate more roots nearer the GIIOWN TREES. trunk. For'an apple tree four inch-, es in diameter the circle should have (By Dr. J. lB. Dandeno, M.A.,.a diameter of about four feet. Such Bowmanville, Ont.) trees may be moved in the sprinig. The railroad ha-s the right of way, When digging up the troc, as mucli and the most conspicuous destrue- soil as possible should be taken tien resulting from thse advanco of with the roots. To assist in keep- the stearniroad is the orchard. It ing the soil in tact it should be alssays seenis a pity te eut through made wet- Whcn transfýerred to its an orchard, especially whcn the 'new position the tree must bc trees are advancing nicely, bout the planted about the saie depth as it railway respects ne) utryand was befere, but with some extra oft-n Pa largeprtonofa ice yeung soul, a couple of inches, laid on orcar i-desroCd. 1.in view of arourid, but net touching, the trees, thepsspçt o oej or more rail- fer -extra support. reads in tslolityni the a-car Thse top cf the tr.ee should be re- (or distant)fura few points re- duced at least oeeha-if by cuttig lative te, the tre -plantiîng of valu- ba-ck to the very trunk, then prunr- abetrcs may be in place. Thef ing the rest somewhat, but not two C. N , Rl. bas eut threugh many or- severely. The commen idea- in chards in Ontario, and attempts pruning for transplanting is te eut have beetu made here and there te back se as te make a sert of cab- transplant and save the trees, but bage-head top, This is a serions with rather poor success, judging error. The total top shouid con- frem the resuirs. tain net more than one-third of While there are ma-ny things te bc wbat it had before.. consîdered in the transplanting of Fer eider trocs the sanie general well grewn trees (thue te ten statements ýapply, but it will be years), yet there are a few generai nccessary te move these in the win- principles which ýshould be kept in ter when the mass of earth areund mmnd wben uudertaking the work. the reeots may be ma-de te adhcre If possible, the trocs te ho rn- by frcezing. moved should bc reot-pruned at Whilo pianting iît is weli te in- icast part of a greuving season bc- dine the tree a little towards the fore removal. This is donp by eut- prevailing wind, and, aftcr plant- ting a circle round the trec, spade ing, if a few big stonos be laid deep, s-o as te sever the roots and about the roots, it will be if ser- vice te keop theas in position. A mulch should be kept aboutý'Ühe î&- IM roots fer two soasons foliowing. [f a1s Fading à ayv the first sea-son proves a verv dry eu oe the trees munst be watered a41nd 701-11gwoml this is best donc bv driving abouti g ma-S&arCely -four holes wit!i a crw !bar, orshiar- Tiry-Seemed to Be stake, a foot deep, and filling these ~ He F'et. with water twice ýa wccek, cevering Dyg on eFet the h-oIeeca-ch tume weli with the muich- The- object is te get the Dr. F'aniltun's Pllus Cured waýtcr down, and stimulate tIse growth of the reets lewer dewn. and pot at the surface. Theso 'I think if should be the duty of tht IsMes should be 18 juches, or more, sehools to teacli children ho w to kee fr-mtete.Tb hne h weil," writes Miss Nannie E. Naydon, rmtete.Ib hne h a weII-know nr and highly esteemnec trocs show signs of bearing the first resident of Bristol. "Ignorance of thE year, and th-ev often do, a-s "he laws of health and the use of impreper sîtcfhetmusdeepr- remnedies dcstroecd my viger, and led euto h tmlsdet rtn me to the verge et invalidismi. I was as ing,, this, shoul-d be prevetcd by PL girl ruddy and strong. Nothing -Iucki]lg t'bosm rfut Beomed te affect me until i was a bout W thirty. Then gas began te ferni in the Wether it be werth while te go sLomiach. 1 suffered With bleating and 1te tIse expense 'Of moving trees 's a a. general fa-hure in strength set in. 1 went upstaisnyIlah ut matter fqr thse indivcutl te decide, tytn as rnY rreuar, ana My bti sYsernwa vey rreulr, nduntil j]b t ite work bc uydertakeni it grew pretty bad I didn't pay mouch heed ought te b clone intelliientlv. -In te rny condition. Then I get blue, wor- any cagse, thse trers ,,iPl bo bc-i rted ail thec fnie, wuakened in the nigh and coldn't get te sleep- again, Noue a couple ofyearsý.btit s etteri ot.th meicne I toek helped mne. One 1 te lcse two ye-rs tha n. dlar I -%vas reading ef a very interesting caoe ike Mine cured by Dr. H-amuiltoni's _ Pils115 Iteek the sanie treatinent It i was just iight-did.n't phystem'e te WEALTII 'IN GERMAN PEAT. U,ý-Lh, but toek held of the wea-k, .sick ' parts ef nuy systeni, and set ubiingsil I is proposed te ntilize the mi- righIt. If seems as if Dr. Ha nit,'s rae-.e peat deposits in northwest Pl t ~Vo made nie yeuing again, and Germamy by bringing a large part s-i ,j clor, spirits, viger, and health c h os'ne utvto n if former ' *days have returned te stay.',o h oi ine utvto n Evcry girl and won-an should useconverting the neat into fuel, te be Dr. Efaitons Pulis regularly. Tliey cm pieued in* the devclopment of âelp a womll u n mony ways. Bewvare ci'ectrical energyT for agricultural Df the dealer wiuo asks yeu te faite anwe Inferior pini on which his profit is purpoes . as 1el as for supplying ler-ger than on Dr. HIamilton's. soîd ligbt and power te a number of Iu Yellow bexes, 25e per' bo-x, ,ail deal- ?tr"7ns itucted within a radius of era, or hCtrroneC.,ln-ftymls Anewrefaas OUR FIRST WERl,' LESS MESSAGE. Goodyear-Tire.& iRibber C»n2s Line- Uffld--by Toronto--News-- Reporter. (Froni Toronto News, Nov. 24-) Bowrnanville Statesînan. Toronto, Nov. 24.-Do you tliink Joe Preston wilI go baek te the L isitre bys-lan- tien I -The _Nens, Toronto News: Bowmianvillc, Nov. 24.-I un- derstand that lie w ilI.î M. A. James. The above messages lock like an ordinary telegreni and ifs reply, but they are net. They are extra-ordin- ary inasniuch that they arc probab- ly fb-efist wir-eicss telegra-ms ever used in a-n election campeigu in Canada over a commercial systeni in Toronto. The telegrarniteý the Bowmanville States-man was- by the courtesy of Sickness is usuallý caused by the--accu-_ iuulation of--was-te - matter and impurities within the body., Dr. Morrse's enable the boweIs, the kîdneys, thelungs ard the pores of the skin to throw of f these impurities. Thus they prevent -or cure- dis- ease. 712 25c. a box., NEW ATLANTIC NAVAL BASE,.[ ~ ~ -~~~- Harbor for British Home Fleet ln ----Tt-Firt of -CIyde-- It is stated on geod aufhority s-t Gla-sgow. Scetland, thet the ad-I mnira-lty bas decided tenia-ke a ne w naval base at Lanilssh Bay, in the Isle of Arran, in the- Firth of Clyde. Hecvy moeriugs are being laid down there, a-nd -everything points te the intention cf itbe Admuralty te, provide sa-fe accommodaion iifor a- complote squs-dron. This new Clyde bas-c is te become the head- quarters of flic third division cf the home ficet. Hitherto, the ca-st ces-st lies for obvions reesens been the seene of flic mos-t vital changes in the dis- position of Britis-n's Naval strengtli. At Rosyfli, on the Forth, there are, as- is well hnown, immense worhs going forward whicli will make this place avery important and strong naval bas-e for theia-rg-- est slips. At Dunde e mailer creft, includ- ing submarines are concentra-ted, while Ses-ps- Flow, in thc Orkney Mr. L. C. Va-n Bever, Vice -Presi- leather cutfit resembiing le a med- considera-tle attention froni fle ad- dent of the Goodyear Tire, & Rub- es-t way a piece cf football para- niirs-lty. ber Co., fyled by n New rprtrplerns-lia. If waýs fifted wifl two Lewer- clown the ceas-t, a-t Ilsr-, with the wireless operator a-f the little telephone receivers- whic ich , ussxhis"tsev8y'mprt ant beadqua-rters of Ine destroyer Goodyear Ccmpany's offices on rested clos-o on his cars-. flotilias. Qucen street esst a littie before "The factery is telegraphing teDO__ ___ five e'clockla-st evcnîng. thse Sta-tesman office, and yen will INO A PPETITIE The News ms-n lisd requested Mr. get your reply riglit aws-y," le Van Bever te allow bu tesý-ce the is-sid.e hepýt on thse iuadgear ass This IeeyWl etRI. wireless outfit, weîe-t tIsat gen- ho ccntinued te conveois-e. Then he flemanteck tflicreportertD mil ,s-tapecL-alruptly -ad -taking- ylg-- I-f -yonu-h ave ne appe tife for -nica-s apaîfment equipped st thc reear of pencil, wrote the repîy, as it ca-me ca't work, car't rest and are an- the general offices and iutreduccd on a writing ps-d s-hla-r te those n-y'wthtefeqetuia-i hlm te the opers-tor, Mr. Fred. used for cablegrans. anad a burning, scslding pain in Barton.mahing Passages. Baren.REPORTER TRIED IT. If s-t niglit yen retire, hoping for "There yen are now, go as- fa-r as Alter discuss-ing the wondor cf slcep fIa-t cither dees, net coeo, or yen like," s-sid Mr. Vs-n Bever, ex- the achievement for a littie wlule, is- treubled a-nd plsining that the wireles-s appaeîs- Mi.Bs-itou calied Bownis-evillle - fitfnl, yen have tus cemprising the plant ws-s dupli -,, ine rul cated stthse works lu Bowmanviile "Take something ycurself" he n need and cousequenfly the office a-ad the saiaeendl eTcNesm-slBoha Kd factery were lu clos-c teucli witIs as lie renioved bis- headpieclesad ney Pills, the eccl other a-fa-ny minute, or at a-ny fîcnsferîed it toe icroef cf tis gus-ra-nfecd re- secnd f ccesa-y.reporter. Thieugli th* twc litti - - mey for s-ll SOMETHING TO SEE AND HEAR receiversfliere, came a- falot, Pc-' . kiney a-nd TIe inferier cf a- wireî,ess tele- culiar ciecky noise, which graduel- 'biaddeî tien- gis-ph statien is a- mighty inferest- ly incressd in strength nutil if tbe A few dos- iing place. The qua-ntity cf electri- seunded lihe wlis-fyenboas' when es cf Booth's Ridssey Pis wili wake cal pplancs ipiesses itcif asn industrions mous-e is- bnsy sore- jup thse sluggish kidneys a-nd regu- fal ca-lira-ad theres- a sese c hî - h c fflihonhn a-fe the urine. Ceafnt'-ued tre-at- thecaler nd her isa snsement wiil cure a-nd hele- the weah- iunes-ruines-s at fis-t s-rd as fIe cuphoard. As the sonnd keeps np onedkde- n etoete p whole thing was expls-iuod, Mr. )ee ra-pidiy gets s-ccus-teid te if, cdeitys in str the ap-ua w Sl Bs-itou enAcavored te ma-ho the a-nd flic telegrapli dots- apd d as het vîwueeSc bx rpy -p uses e licýhs-e instruments closrare any1i-igisal.Ifion Tise R. T. Boothi Ce., Ltd. while if wes up te the reporter te- The wircless, conneeting thec Fort Erie, Ont. Fiee trial Sent oun loch wise and keep muni, cons-ding Goodyear office and fs-cfery ha-s ap' ation. huisîfwih hecetsiny ga beca in operation for twe woeeks ap' teck the operstor a- long tue teoi ow sad liere lias- net been flic les-,)rn if a-Il aayway. Vatrions con- shadow of a it eli in ifs- us rking. HINTS.FOR THE HOME. trivauces that have ns-mes sounding STORMS ON'T URý 7TIT. Eulprsc e-adlhwî chic -te- cornet soies or fire escs-pes, Mr, Vs-n Bever meatîionied thaf vster us a geod Solutions for spong- were cxplained witl iîr uses, but wheu fhelclng-istance teleplite ung la-ts-. as semething more coavincing The! was cli ýte i sdusing flic stouarm idsped'fiwenpuun News- ma-n wa-s allowed flic privi- a- few da-ys a-go flic wireles-s nas s-hutadth -o rmnd 't I-cge of scnding- a message and get- riglit on tIc job a-fteuding te ifs s-apc and hemascd maces e'l lent towels fou tise dhildre-.,'s nue ting a- reply. hnritting jus a-s- if fliere n'as neo- ilc ahuoi "New, who do 'cou ws-nt iu Bon'- thing unusuai in tlic winid. "TheAIc Iovnenewei la- manville, sad wlis-fwonld yen like ss-ving on felephone tolîs is a big . Agreou e sa steice wica otcian- te s-s-k lias 'tas-ed Mi. Bs-itou item," h-e said, ',as n'ellas tes-ev- th ese i a- t ickitha-otuel lu HOW MESSAGE WAS SENT. iug of finie." 1onfIa-t w's iftbou*tso e crd Nsturs-ily the repoiter's mid Tlicoperagtr, M'rles froverbassteppusng up a-nd duT1. beenwüring he ireess or ver Wh-ec patchingn'ail papes" tear cenjuuied up the- veteian'edîtor, Mr. tîrne ye-rs. He first lesrned tele- the edges cf fhe piece -ott i James, Thst's flic na-y withms-ny gis-phy at a sclicol in Toronto, s-oeaued bn sse upe It a-il peopo whn fhy thnk c Bon-as-f-c bis arriva-iliere freni Xork- a tes-r in peper shows les-s than a manville , sbire. Bef-ore etering flic service cut wifb linife or scissora. Thon as- a- imoly subjeeft te nes-- cf flieGoodyear Company ho n'as. fania aslcu 1n 'fi sagen'as- ennd ani M. Brfou xit Esto's, kcepiag ha tond wîtl fwo or fhrce heurs-ocf geoing te lied proceeod te trans-mit if. Fie pulled thfe wireîess -on Mi. Eafon's yacht,% te aloep on tfloft side la te give downas lever a-nd a liffle furfher, ,Fluec«,tesoa aakwhhi dfi ans-y a-s-ma-il instrument enittedj e-neflcstmchae-h'iiIlaif- wiched bineisparksa sstflicpera-j1 Mr. CIa-îles Goodwin is flicep- cultit h e extremiete perforni. forfngreda-heysimla" t flafors-toi s-f Bewn'm villc. Ho is a Pillew slips sbouidhbea al i ch usrd in a-n reda-y steler t'oap l f-WeIshmen fron Cliester' and prier uarrowci flan flic pilieuva fley are fcc. Thea t-es-pnse te leapcl-n'a- t j-ni ng fhe Goodyear forces te ce-c.This- snguesa lu fit iu- pronennced, fa-r more se flian froni n'rhed ha conjunctica wth Mi. s-nes fle icpllews standing upriglif sa ordinai-y ticket-, in fs-ct fliey, Barton fer Mr- Es-ton on flic boas wlien flic led la made utus. a-ad in the o)ffice. A clean -brick ropresents a-n cx- produced a- noise similar semnewbs-fý te that of a train, or a car m ic h - SAVES TIME AND MONEY. ,colient nialeshift~ stand for s-fia-t- dcistane runniog ever -a- bit cf bs-d IThe Goodyear Company's nirce ,' fion. flick perfoated matet-ert fia-ch. Tft dd nef taie long týl' g"t isysteni nas instailed by its- inveniter, hca tere sa-ilî mead fe fb flic m-css-ag- on flic wsy, sand thon Ms'. Thomas Clark, cf Detroit, a-d icar sllemoedoth Purpoee. thse eperator was res-dy for flic re- arc rigîf up toe lin~ute in o very If coehed meef is ready fer thse ply. Ou bis Isea-d lie nore a- liglit data-il, fable befere if ha iequus'ed, pis-ce in - '~ - s dis-I and s-et over s- pan cf,.lieu- FEELING AND FAITH. îng watcr pis--d ou fhec bs-ch cf Isih4 : . L k 5 ,6 If aby las swaliwed s- fis-b ~w 'a C ri p le d . Is -is-i 49 4. uhe : 5, . fic an ge s-ind ancev redo f î h o li. couki hardly walk We said, "We have ls-bored ha vain;bn -di udagrc lo-g Iu vain a-loui streng-th lias blicouns-e yeur forefinger in -flicfeu c-f il ibokand cx c-mat flieris-hofcfioms- and nac to Craw1 spet: 1idaitianreiv heltl downstani t tes n m bsudtTIc, pes-ce we s-l-l neyer coa r-i ain rle- lcif - down-stars a ties o niyhand bt sufferer. and keces, My doctor told me 1 0fflics-e wli e -c tîng a-nd- conl- A little heos-cao sdded te wa-um lad au acute attack of inflammators- font." watcr wlien n'a-s-ing windows, es-- rheuatim. wa inthepee4ui]y mat aide, will removo flic rbems-ism I -sin h lspifs-I Oui minds aie distuacted witlich e stichy conditior often fucd bof- for weeks, but was scsrcely sb-hie-t Oui day cf enjcymeuf is ps-st: tes' flan aiceliol, emmeula, ci wslk wben 1 left ir. I îead about W-e yield te flic doom cf des-peur whiting. Dr. Mles' Nervirie As- fes-e wio s-uc [alures-at la-st. 'Try weshîug cf fthc bauds wifli a bough-t a botule ard began to get 0Opreýssive a-d ad srd js-tflic yoke,, Tis etzt ac othe better frorn the sîs-rt, and for the t' Tisgreatly incres-ses fIe lather patsix nionîlis I have lad sacy Andi -frange is fithe me cd! and cl'earsing power, and d wli re- pas sarcly din: mos-c dirt ansdlcheomical -tains in s- auy pain and ans-île te walk a-s TIsefield la cnshrouded la amohe; n ouodeurlau--ir weiias eer." J.H.SANDRS, The victcry w-e nover ca-nn'n A e-ri aîi-tg V1,4 te follen' in P. 0. box 5, Rocks-ws-, N. j lca ioc st sasr io eTew nuedicines at-e of s-ny benefiz But fs-ier flien morniug apimoars i n<bziuclr 0 tho cý1scnier Fcea-n, for rheums-tism, 'but Mr'. Sander,-, The One wbo cernes acar us- to'a ur.ca-n,' -a h-f f flics-anihele, tells plsinly wbs-t Dr. Miles' Re- Say, ;aTný ti mi-c thflindersetn o f slee storative Net-vine did for it.< Oua 1j Yield nef te your- wca-kacss- nd ett! rispeint. uune 01 sO alcteOfS ouaae tuce r oue boutle of Nervire mekes- au ex. ccllent remedy for rheums-tisn, which is now kuowu to be a uerv- ous dises-se and tîci-efore subject te the influence of s- medicine that acts throngh the net-res, s-s does Sufferers from-remts edn t-alito tfiud re-lilef »i-îe ueOe Dr. Miles' Net-vine, with salicylIate, of sods-. s ---- the rev; rn of tu'cprle oh 0ýthe fïiS-tbIl f fil -to kberuafit. At ý il DrûUý7Iet o iS EDC-CAL COr., Tgronto, 'Gan. For, 'Le, I am-i', fliyen alway.' ' We lies-ien te wbat Fie liss-«îd And thon s-il oui sa-ducs-a de- parts-: Fie quicheus a-nd rais-cs- flicdoad And 1 Ils wifh Fils gladacas- oui -No-longer wc fre(t a-ad repilre Sus-.aiocd by fiscgoodeA dis Toua- StatLion, Ont-, 1911. box e FIGPILLS. Tiey wiil cure RIfE1IMATSM, IDNEY disorder, B ,ÏlADUER ýtrouýble, CONSTIPATION, SLUGLISH IER suail uiSTOI%!. ACII ad EOWL isord-ersAt al deners 25cens pr bxor eFi PutC.,S.Thms Ot corne from errers in diet, from too little exercise or fromnthe mis.- takes we commit without thinkiug cf consequences. These sickuesses mey be aligit et. frst, but they hinder work, pDrevenýt advancernent or briug depression and,-spoi enjeyment. Wha is werse,' the- lead te serieuS physical disorders ifflot cekdin tu; utye CNchecxk them easiad quick1ly. j:>heY will such a safe, simple, relia-hIe family rernedy as Beechem's Pills. In every househeld where this fanions and unequalied medicine is known, the whele aspect cf lie is chauged for the 'better. Be ready te help yourself-and your famuily-to overcomne trouble and te regain, and keep, good bodily conditions by having on hand for immediate use For females, Beecham~s Pffllare sPeciallgJ siliabIe. See ffl ud-ions caoc/i 6M. Prepre neu liy bY Thomas, Beechasm, St. Helens, Laneasire, England. S oid everyw ere in Canada san dU. . America., . a xe 5 cents. ........................ ............. Automobile Skates are "'ounices lighter tharu an.y oth er j and stronger. " Fine assor trent for gents or ladies. [ S Ankie Supports, Hockey Sticks, Hockey Pucks, Skate Straps, etc. Your boy- or girl, will appreciate a pair of skates for a Christmas n present. Be sure to cali and sec them, We are sole agents for Supreme Ranges MASON & DALE, 2 DOOs-s EAST 0F POST OFFICE, HORSEY BLOCK, U PHONE 145. BOWMANVILLE [ - who ced the uer-iies ef expert upecialists ~ wh ~vdte your iuueney ie treating cwith dotrsu u kniow Lotluog ef, vhy waste yourrFoOLCy uitui'lvortlless elecuric belts or drug stoe nostrums, whe-n you eau get guaranteed, reli able, succeossful trestirent t onutcse rMaster qpeciaiss. Dra. K.,é K. -ave treated patients thlroughouc Canauda S or over ' eisard are respensible uluan- csdlly. Ihey accept only curable cases and sberld your case pro'vo incurable it need ntilt c Y 0e acent. If you are unable te cal aouretc 'era p soilexmination weçvill send a Quetion List for yoe te fil up ',- el] yen ihether yen are curable or rot. for your jodivsîdualcase iwbfch yeu eau ta neat bomne. Vo havo ne cure al! iemedy that we oudtoe ererybedy a'ike as n eost cupecialists do, but v-e precribc the rein- Sectias requlrcd for each individual cruIe te - comploe a cure. % Thats one et the secrets ofeour wende'ful succ~e s-ea otbers fui. send fer Our Free ISookiet on Diseases c CUES GURANTEED OP, NO PAY We CGuerantee te Cure Net-voua Debility, Elood Disene, V0ak.- Veina, Kichicy, Pladd.r and iirinIary Dizeases CO~N SULTTIONFREE in fo ome Treatunent Cor MchianAve. and Griswo!d St., Detroit' Mich, T I AIl leffc"vs rom Canada mus-t h addressed ment ie Windsor, Ont. If yen desire teÉ see us pcrsens-lly calet our Medical Institufe lu Detroit as we seceand treetl" no. patients iu our Windsor offices which are for Correspondeuce and Labors-tory for Canadien business only. Address ail letters as follows. Wýe are Busy Opin.-g Up our Stcki Christmas China. Ansong other s-pOc1ilvelues areeour cupsancd saucers. Ou'i: 1 lues wiil surprise yen; our 25c assortmeut wiil sure please yeoi, Tihe eariy buyer gets the best selection. CHRISTMAS FRUITSare neuirly airtote aud. Remnember, quslity is the test of ches-puess. WCe guarcuice our fruits te be satisfaclcry. New Raisins, Currauts, Figs, Dates, Peels, Shelled Nuts, Extrects, etc. W/e give yen flic quality, yen get flic satisfaction, HADDY'S IDEAL OYSTERS are solid mes-t. Ses-led s-t flic coast s-nd net opeued untii they arrive here, they have the real sec flavor. 6ec per imperual quart. Butter, Eggs atnd ÎPouliy Wanted. F. A HDD, GROCER, BWMANV LLE