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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1911, p. 2

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LIttie Liver Tflls. Must Bear Signature of S5eo Far-Simile Wrapper Below. A. E. 1IeILAUJGHLIN. Barrister, Solicitor and Con'veyancer. 1 ifce-131leky BlIock, King Street. Powmanvili.. oney *tu joan 8't rea.Z a.ble rate$. 48-lyr. JJOWMANVILLE. . ONT. MALST of 'rlnity Lit- ~~Ier~tyTornt; Four yeara Attendlig Phyictn nd orgonat Mt. Oamel Hospital OS e ai e8neWeUligton Rt. Te' 1 y ne SNo. los. A usnesCollege ýJ Course. 1s11i pav if it is takzen at a, gond schoo1. -Lihere fs none better than the Brtish Americau Business ,College, Y. M. C. A. Building, Toronto, the sehool tha niany 'df the foremost business nien of Cnada have attended1. Studentoi enter- ing should write for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, principal. Coo's~otonRoot Comproun&C The great Uterine Toniu, and onÛ1ly saf O effectuai Montbly - Reg'ulator on -vt-hieh women cati ,..depnd.Sod in three d eros oik f trength-,No. 1, $1; Vo. 2. V 10 degrees stronger ç21-*No 3 7ý for seclal cases, e5 peor box. Sold by ail druggists, or sent cpldo roi t cf price. Frce pamphlet. .Addreso: THE COOK MED101NE CO.,RTO.oONT (Ioi'serf lirc s'2) We solicit the business cf Manufacturers, nngineers aud others who realixe the advisabil- Ity of aving their Patent business transacled luydexperts. )l'reiiiaryadvice free. hre m erate, Our Inventor's Advser sent upun request. Marion & Marion, Newr Yorkr Iife BIdg, Moitreal * and Washinzton. D.C., U.S.A. Tiuscî MARKS OESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &ol. Anyoae sending a steisi aud description nMay rllcly ascertin Ourcoprinions fru0 ow ether an Invejîtion ta probably patentable. Conimnalci.[ tiens trictlyeoiîttdeiitial. HANDU90K on Patents sent free. Oldot agoen for seen riug Patenita. Patente takeil tixcuisimuon & C. receivo specllnaoice, wtbout cbarge, ln the A liandsomely instrated weekly. I.argest cir- cuistion of 0Cy scientid cornai. Ternus for Canada,.$3.78 a yer postage prepaid. Sold by ail uer dessers. MUNN & C~o.26Bosdxy, Il w York Branci office. 65 P FSt.., Washingtoa, D. C. BYflopsis of Canadian Mortlhwest Lanld ANY persun who la the sie bead of a .jfccnilY ,r auy mhaie over 18 years old, Oîay oetzi a quarter section of avail. able Dominion lsud iu Manitoba. Sasl, ftchewan or Alberta. Thce avalsoant muitI appear su person at the Dominions Landi Ageuey or Sub-ÂAeucy for ths district. Entry by proxY may hemoe t an, a,, eney, oic certain oniions. by ftier motier, son, daug ter, brother or ster et inteudtng homiesteader. Duties ;Six muittis* residenco n,n and ecltivatton of the land in eýach ci tiaree years. A homesteader may lîvexii in nine miles of uis homesitead on a fan eof ai least 80 acres solely owued aud occupied py hlm or by lits tather , mou er. sou, daugiter. brother or exter. lu certain districts a homesteader in caA m Ai',maxv nrLemnt- Fection alougMUdeils omnestesdu Pic $3 Oflper acre. Duties 0Mt rsieSIX meonthe lin each et six yeprsfo aec hoxceteaàd entry liucIudiing t imeOre quîred I teru homestead Dt enlt) su d utvaefifty acresexra bmtedri, bt sud cnu b a a ire.emlption, may take a purrhased 1homeç. tead i tin disýtricts Price ý3,0Due acre, nls-utrý,side six intsi Cach of tbiree years. -cutivaite flfty acresý esud erect a house worth 50.0 W. W. CORY, 1Deluty M1,11nistýr off lhe nterinr. N f.-nuirzdpuiblicat -ion of th1'. adretiseeniwJ1lI1Dt Se DeaàLd r. NOTES AND COMMENT5 Eng liali crities of David Lloyd- George now accuse him -of making a treasouable attack on "The Eng-- lisbman's Home Is His Castle." A pretty ireny, this, if the, chancel- ler's inspectera lbe give 'n author- ity te heir official sud offici- ousr os into auy dawîng momr or kichn i~nte laud sud command the mýissate summon the -ser- vants for investigation. That's what England's eemiug te, eay some, with a radical govrnmenit endeavoring to estsbiish sncb non- sense as domestic service insur- suce, the provisions of wbicb. cover the msan servant and tbe maid ser- vant sud keep the mistreas busy sticking stampa on ber servants' An inspoctor may enter the sac- mcd precincta -of the Englishman' s castle. Pessibly be wili be pelite, but ho may bc brusque. The mis- 4rcess may net interview bim on the door steps or in the hall as lise may the gas man. He is giren au- tbority to enter the bouse. He may sit dextu in tbe drawing-moom. He may order the mistresa te summon beforo hlmn the gardener with bis jmutldy boots, caîl the cook f rom the dinner abe la preparing wbilo maids called in, sud ho may thon sud theme question.- o-ach servant te ascertain wbether thc condition,.s of the iaw, if it becoýme a law, arc enforced. The inspector's business must net bc "williuily de- laycd." Wben hoe entera a bouse its operations must be adjusted te meet bis requirements. Din-.tîer may spoil, gucsts may be put to in- couvenieuce, tbe boat sud hostesa harmied te their wits' end-a dis-- mal picture, asuggesting that the in- spection bureau sutherized te en-- force the law will lay itsoîf ouL te badgem the Engliah bhonsebolder. "The bill as a whol," says an Engliali attorney, analyzing it, "cgives powems of interfemence iu the prirate life of the individuai wbich is without pmeeedent in,,the biatery ef Engliali statutela. This, ne doubt, la truc, but it deoes net prove malevolence. Lloyd- George may lit the rocks witb thia1 provision of bis insurance -bill, but lic was courageous enougb te un-- dertake te meet the difficulties -of applying the insurance theories te domcstic service ather than make his w-ny cautiously amound the problem without touchiug it. Notwithstandiug the f act that the derelopment of the automobile, as well as of the seroplane, lias pro- ,ceeded more rapidiy in France thanr in, any other country, the use of herses seema to persist there botter than lui ime cf the lewer moving nations. Iu ton years the number of horses in Paris bas dimiuished by 24,210- that is, from 96198 in 1901 to 72,- 488 in 1911. This large decrease (a' trie over 25 per.cent.) make5 Ga i - ten de- "Frult-a,-tivesyy conipietAly rsordme SVNYMiNES, N.S., Jasi. 25th . . "For !1111yVyears, I uIred tortures from ndigiestion and Dsepi.Tw-o yeams ago, I w-as 50 bad ticatI vomnited vuy food ColiIstauiltly. IaIse suffeIedwith Constipation. I consntted physicians, as I w-as afmaid the disease w-as cancer, but medicine gave only timporary relief, 1 read in the 'Maritime ]3aptist' about Fruit-a-tives 1 and the ci-res this n'edicine was malking and I dlecided to try it. After taking tcrexes,1 fouund a great change for the better and now 1 cas say 'Fruit-a-tives? lias entirely cured me 'when every k)ther treameît fied ~idI everent y say < "Thanle God for 'Fruit-a-tives'2' EDWIN ORAM, Sr. 'Fruit-a-tives" sweetens the stoimach, increases the actual quantity of gastric juice in the stomiacl aud enaures comn- plete digestion of ail sensible food. "Fruit-a-tives" is the ouly medicine ini the worid made of fruit juicos. 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size, 25C. At ail dealers, or f rom Fruit-a-tives Lîmitedl, Ottawa. the increase for the country as a xwhole ail the more striking. In Paria me'chanical traction hbas dis- placcd the horse on ail the omnibus lines and the horse cab is rapidly disappearing. The persistence of the horse in rural France is attributed to the fact that there, in contrast with England and Germany, for ex- ample, thet la-id is divided into very smnall holdings, se that 1fie farmers, are for the most part quite un1able to a îfford an investment in mechanical appliances for traeti6n, etc., notwithstanding- the greater eventuai economy in using motors in place of horses. It is expected that the farmers' associations will be able te devise some co operative plans that wiil give the, amail far- mer access to the adxantages of modern inventions along this line. THE CHRISTMAS DINNER. In spite of the fact that the word dyspepsia means literally bad cook, it will not be fair for many to iay the blame on the coek if tbey be- gin the Christmas iDinn-ier witb littie appetite aud e-nd it with distress or nausea.. I may not be fair for any teO do..that-lýet us hope so for the, Aake of the ceok! The diaease dys- pepsia indicates a bad stomach, that is a weak stoinacli, rathier than a, bad cook,' and for a weak sto- mach there is nothi-.ig cIse equal, to Hood's Sarsaparilla. It gives the stomacb vigîýr and tone, cures dys-- pepsia, croates appetite, a-ad makes eating the pleasure it sheuld be. SÂNiAIUM.ASSOCIATION IIY LtN. nus ~ o acn "Tby saving besîlih."-Psalm 67. - Our gaieus Father, hear us While we befome Thee bow; Caused Palpitation, and Pre- î'cCpire sud guide sud cheor us vented Sl1eep-W hen l w-bat w-oseekte do. Grant us that fulliaiîtruct-1on. Health Was Gone, Cure For whici 'aur bearts bave cmaved, Followed Use of ."Ner- That from fLha great dcatmuctio-i viline."The people may be sared. ________The great vwhite plague extendi;ag "My astwls wil b," rits Hrry Stili xorks its work of w-on P. Pollard, s well-kuow-n beot sn ud nTyP)vrdee-id-i siee iraveler of H-artford, '"tat every-[ We soek i"s xverthrow-. une w-ith ad stomaci mnay learu as Strt)ng -*c the Saiur' am nit 1 did, bcfore i 't's too laie, that Nervi- W%7e - cno Thee appeal; line stahte one remedy te cure. Wi3', in od v, iclade I. w-asiu mighty bad shape, my digos--' 1 iew-as -ail wrng, sud evory aight Make kcow ai Thy power heal. I would 1ykn Testff1o~aIwith s start sud' ac zrosa hsnaa I ~~fiud cny heart TepxC lbr ht e i . jumping liko t he ïbe.l' ýo-e 480 tbrosiing mrachiiine. Aud gzde toP--r'if tIecisions 4 8 , 0 Ths ws cuse, ,AIl tb e xx-ý2 Dtrusb il'aTlaee. hy gas ou mY Si' aw th-co w-o are -c iin Etomaci pressing agaînsat my heari l. T noco i.1 ar, When I started-to use Norviline I gutýIn Wuhsi cr btter mighty fast. Iî is cerîoinîy as1 - et Th(eu art no-w providing grand remedy for the traveling man, 1la a,'ianswea-t'a their prayer. keeps your siomach In order, curesi cramnps, preveuis lumbago or rien- Ily wvxrkei7,lic directed, mnatism, breaks un ciosi coidsansd sure ibrosi-in fact theme basut becs 5Ayd r.e'alr' nt truathaepemd an ache or pain insido or ouiside fer Thit Ubrea 'nnty lie, prot'a--ee tic pasi iw-e yesrs ihat I la'ven't curod IIh'11aa r rl etrd w-lu Nerviline. Do yen Wonder 1 ra- OF ' f,' Tho-Li -rt -he givor;ý commneud -it?" 1 jý1 For genemal heuscbold use Nerviline c t~V Otactt pig 'Jasa ne equal; h w-ii cure the aches A>- t h'boe suld alIments of the entîre, famly-- rt~lar - ig refuse anythz'ng but Nerviliîce, SiOc per iT bol le, trial elzo 25c, ail dealoera o r ThelT ASN Catamrhozone Co., Kingston, Onit. ' L' ,x At 11. F CARTWRIGHT CO UICIL. Regular meeting of couneil Dei 4, members ail present, iReeve Js Byers presiding. Minutes of las meeting were read and adopted. Communication from Clerk c Whitby stating their expenditurý on town line was $23.50; also, fror Clerk of IReach stating that expen. diture on tewn lino, was $12.50. Thos. Woods, on behaî of Metho- dist congregation, applied for usc of hall on Dec. 25tb. Granted. Wm. Jno. Hoimea and also Cha, Venning applied for use of drul shed for skating' rink. On motion the Reeve was instructed to act or the above, and scot to rent alcet for less than $10.00. On motion, the Clerk was instruc- ted to uotify parties haviug roat allowauces net to pay their rent before tbe isth of December. E. Galhraith applied to have bushes aloug bis road dug out.- Granted. Henry Grummoutt was given permission to cut bushes on swamp road east of Blsckstock and to have wood ýoff same for bis own use. On motion, Coun. .Tnlt took the Reeve'ýs.chair, as tbe iReeve ýhad to take the train for Cobourg. By-laws were passed appoinitiz-i,- pqlling places, deputy retnr-oing of- ficers sud polI cierks in case a mu- nicipal election ia demanded as fol- iows:- Sub-Div. No. 1, Town Hall. Blackstock, J. H. Freeboru D.R.O. and S. Swairc P.C. Sub-Div. No. 2, Orange Hall, Devitts D. Enlglisli D.R.O. and T. White P.C. Sub- Div. No. 3, scbool houle Ne.__ 7 GÉo. Hoey D.IRTO. sud T.Hylaud P.C., Sub-Div. No. 4, Hl. Cbapman, lot 21, con. 7, Geo. Ncsbitt D.R.O. and R. Edgertou P.C, H-. Mountjoy applied for refund of dog tax, as lie bad kilied bis dog after harvest. No action taken. Reeve signed 'orders as follows: F. Johns, railing on rond, con. 8 .... ............... $45 00 S. McQuaid, 5 sheep killed, txro-thircis value .. ......33 25 Jno, Forder, repairing to culvert, con. 4 ............. 6 00 S. Crawford, 9.3 roda of wire fence...... ...... .... .... 5 75 Hl. Cbapman, repairs, road div. 44..... .......... .... 24 90 J. Cowan, 3 sbeep kiiled, two-thirds value .... .. ...2o G D. Hoaslip, 118 rods of wire fence...........29 50 B. Ferguson, 1 lamb kletwo-thlirda value . 3 25 Ai Ormiston, refund of Sta-- tute Labor .... .......... 2 5o E. Grenouth, for cement tile 5 61 Hl. Sloan, 115 roda of wire feuce...... .... .. ....... 28 75 J. P. Trewin, 12 rods of wire fente.-..... ......... .....30 00 J. Giordon, 20 roda cf wr-e fence ...... ..............5 0,0 N. Marlow, wood for hall .. 6 00 Whitby boundry at........ i 75 T. White, werk, rond div. No 10.... ......... .......1o J. Bycra, services as reeve,. 30 00 PR. j'bb, services as coun... 25 0G0 J. , G. 1-oeey, services as cu. .... .. ............. 25 00/ A. ýVan Camp, services as coun ..... .. ... .. ........ 2500 J. Ferder, services as coun.. 25 00 Cierk, haîf year salary .... 75 001 Have received from the three congregations in Biackstock, name- ly, Angliican, Metbedist aud Pres- byteriau s,î $34.00 each, t.owamds seatinig of Town Hall. Council atljourned to meet as per statute, on Dec. îsth, 1911. WM. BEACOCK, Clerk. -MILD CORRECTION, Old Gentleman-"Do you mean to say that your teachers neyer tbrash youl" Little Boy-"Neyer. We have mor-al suasion at our sebool." O). G.-",What's that?" L. B.-"Oh, we get kep' in and stoed( up in corners sud iockeci in and made to write one word a thou- sand ti'es snd scolded at sud jawý,ed at, and that's aIl." Iloue Bre 'sit wnas aftor a neliica joi l" a lon IC e-Wt's C. S. st ~~ FOR READACIIL CA1RnTERSFOR1 IZZINSS. 7 ITTL FORBILIOUSNEsLa I E FOR TOIIPIO LIVER. PIL.FOR CONSTIPATION FOR SALLOW SKWN. i ' FOR THE COMPLEXION lkwu MMmgTHA£ 5TPZ from Montrose, w-eut te sleep, on noxt attack lasted fmom Augctst 17' Wedncsdsy, Juno 12, 1812, sud did. te Norember 19, 1697. Hle went netwake up for two days. Shie off te sl.eep again almoat immediate- went te aleop again ou July 1 sud ly after waking, sud did not wakýe slept until Auguat 8. Wheu fully! up again until the beginniug Of the aw-ake she oomplained of giddiuiess, . following Febm)uary. but had ne- mecollection of baring I Very cuiosvas the casx cf beeu blistered, bled snd immlersod 1 Simeon _Watso,,n, a bard workiuýg, in cold w-ater. She mcrely thought industrieus man, agcd about 3O(1 of) sbe bad s long niglit. j tbletic habits sud active tempera- Tîsere is aise the French case of~ ment, w-be abetut 1826 begani prcaých- Elizabeth Arten of St. Guillain, irg in bis sleep. Ris ranco, or near Mous,1 wbo in 1738, wheu 36 sleeping fit iuvariably lasted as yeumis cf age,' feli asleep for four long as the ordiuary Nonconformiat, days sud ishortly alter waking w-eut service, wbicb ha wais in the, habit off te aleep again for oigbteeu of atteuding. Tbe attacks becamoc boums. -For the succeeding five naore freýqueut as time went on, sud yosr slsho slept regulamly aery day ho would go tbrongb tbe w-ldo of from 5, e'ciock in the morniug until the, ordiuary cliapel service, pmay- 9 o'clock at niglit. lu 1748 she w-as 1iiag, reading the Bible, and precacli- prereuted by the; ague froca sleep-'ing. ing fortbmee w-cekalun oeeof lber' periedicai fits cf sleeping needie s NAAAS I ED w-emo tbmust inte bier fleah pieces ofi buruiug ma applied te bler nose 1Wb at la the truc cemparisen, sud pins praced ndor lber finger- 1betw-een the pow-er cf Niagara snd nails; abe w-us aven whipped, but 1 the Victoria Falls lu South Africai%' netbing couid aw-aken ber. The ausw-er la that the flow at Ni- Samuel Cbilten of Tinshury, near agara varies betu cen 62,000,000 sud Bath, a robust, atout iaboriug min, 104,000,000 gallons per minute; 25 yoars of ugo, f ell inte s profounid1 that ut Victoria is as 10w as about sieep ou May 13, 1694, from w-hich 5,000,000 gallons in Auguat. Thor hoe could net ho aw-akeued for a mean arailable drop ut Niagara is, tuentb, w-bon lie suddeniy arose sud 160 feet sud ut Victoria 380 foot. went on witb bis work. He did . Rnce, w-bile the minimum Niagara net, how-over, regain the power of flow mepresents about 3, 0in, 0 0 spoechi until another moutb had herse, pow-er, the Victoria fliw in ,passed, On April 19, 1696, hlbai uge represents- oniy 580,000 'inother sleeping fit. Aui apothe hrsepwe ansd acceptiug the cary bled, blisted and appied aisatmeut of local authorities that number cf ex-,temual irritants, buit te ,in oemo the flow of Vcua no pumrpes-e. drops te u ly 9,500,000 gallons n 1er Rle w-as atiificially fed for toýn minute, the minimum os-oe, woeks whcn bis jas became set, there eau be only abouten-nt and could 'hot 4 e pened even witb of Niagara's minimumn The max- instrumouts. Ho alept for savon- imum of Victoria is net giren. ;een w-eeks; thon lho suddeuly aweke, dmessed sud walkcd about tbe 1"Odd tbing about fiuttery."' om under the impression that hoe " " makes everyb<l'-- had ercly slept for -one niglit. Rlis sicc. e tbose who swallow i, I-ILT OPSONIC TRE ATMENT, In the lanuage cf pmcsent-day -Mnedicine, _immunîty î s -the -power thtb as persen bas te resîst. tie at-- tack of the microbes cf any par- tlculs.r disease. This immnuofity may lie racial---man, for example, ia net subject te a number cf 'lice s diseuses cf the domestie animais. Or it may lie peculiar te the indi- *vi;dual some persona, for exa'nple, seem nover te suffer frcmn infecti- eus diseuses, lu the case cf the individual. immunity may ho coun- fcrred liy one attacit ef the disense. , Wby oee ttack cf s disoaso sbouid muke a person sale from 1 another sttsck, at least for a time, is net always endily explaiued. It is probable that immunity may lie acquired lu diffement w-ays that vary lu differecit disorders. Ose expia-s nation is that in the, fight cf theh svstom againat disease a certain n substance is elaborsted that draws v the bactoria and the liactemia-do- c stmxxvuag celis cf the body together, c- te the diacomfiture cf the former, p A form cf this substance, w-hich is a alw-ays present lu the bloed, e-n- c ablcs the person te esiat th ima rt n attack of the invný,ding germ,ý a sd n se gaie tim.-e (te laubiate the other fomm, whicb ia more, pow-eful, but sets only ou the specias microbe present. The formation cf thîs sec- o-.-d vamioty of pmotecting sub- t stance la stimuisted by the pros-a ence of t he bactemia in moderato r numbers Ii the biood, sud ta pro teetive becanse it tbrows the hi- croies inte the jaw-s of the deoeur- iug colIs, or rather, as its, namne, opsenio, from a Gmeek word mean iug sauce, indicates, makes tbem palatablo. Iu moat infecti*ons diseases n fow microbes at a time enter the blood, sud so the production cf opsoacta ta brouglit about. But as lna disense these lactemia lu the blood are living, theme la alw-ays the danger that thoy may lie se: virulent or preseut ln sueli numbera as te lover- come, the attacking ceîls, sud se bring sbout the deatli cf thc suifer-- or. Physicians, bewerer, have now- learued te produce the ssring op- sonîn by iujectinig the liacteria cf the same kiyid i tatbv firat been killod by lieat, se that tliey eaunot grow- sud de hsrm in tbe libody. Their only action thon la te cause the elaboration cf the lopsouan, w-bld tbey jo as axell desd as liv-- ing. The opinion tlua pmoduced, sots on the living bacteria suad ut-j tracta te tbom the colla which bY destroyiug tbem w-lui put an end to the tmuble.-Yeuth's Compaa- sou. REALTH NOTES. Sleepi.essnoss la sometimes pro-- reuted by a bot foot bath just bho fore goiug te lied. Riccougli can generaliy ho stop- pe-d at once by oating a lump ofi sugar seaked lu vinegar. A bag cf hot sand applied te the part cf the body affected with nec- algia w-hIbning relief. Ini the-e.irly stages cf quinsy or tensilitis xc gargle mîade liv sddins a teaspoonful of pow-demed alum t'a a tumblerful of warm wnter la teit' lie recommeuded. iRE MARKABLE SLEEPE1IS. LbrrsSeventeen Week ýiNa r MIan Wiio Preached in His Sieep. The countemrpart cf Mm. Wardie's fat boy bas mast been cbamged at WVillesdou police court xith sieep- mug ont, sasys the London Daily NcIs The missionsry said tho boy w-sa bers tired, and w-heu be- fore the magistrato lie aiapeured te ho doziug sud enly mpied te flic -queoLîstrut--r to bla icasup- Ïous nod sud witb closed o yes. Hol w-asremnde liaerdr+bat a sli*5a imiglit be found foi- bir, peu abl1v lu the 1hoTpe that a i ie on b ocen wsv militsucee.iiu w-aking hlmi Up). It may ho that the boy ONE SEIICRET (0FjOU2R SUCCr'S. E p-ee f, -,7 teusreCeiesth prsua ,lid thon e , astce ti, disease lsud cu:ýabilît. ipe-c/ce-isaeteipccie for the case eil are comnpourtî cibroui, oxcu chei m'in ute u cu ioaruy Sui, appropriate treatmeet enuotf, 31 tec ure, as seccf'umediciu s aec~ee ocr s vipýthtaItroxb!e you. W rhaxoro cu' e-a.llmdije keo c> tsuelc send the came metiinies to ail pqtionts aLIk uand cure roue. h uet/tdptet throuaicout Canala for over twent e arsaced eau reffr b auy bau' a t u'opus, iiity. We Gx.iratee C-us- or No P -y., We Treat ail DixassorMa u Wmn ~ O N SU LýTA T IO N FL EEj - -met n ndor Ot.If A io esire t s2ecus pesonai!!ycalaouMeia utttinDtota eCesdtea xio patients in our W1sro3e hc refrCr~pnec u I Laboratom)y foýr Cana2dianbsnesoly d:ss ailtteaa oxs DRS. KNND & K e NEYWids a,'n. Write fror irprivai adrss Good Health is the Target of your aim-or shouid be-sud first in importance. Get sud keep good health and you can work -witb hope-find life worth living-mise after nigbts of restful sleep-have energy and ambition-know content. If you are out of heaith, or 'n poor condition, sec what can ai for you. Your food wiIl taste ight and noumish you better -your boweis wiil be egular and your nervous systema corrected, Your blood xii be purer and you wiil feel more cheerful. Your whoie system xiii be benefited sud you will know why so' many t!aousa3nds have found that. Beecbam's Pills hit the target and Eit .Lg!me ht EveryTîinie Prepored only tiyThmsnea, St. Helens, L encsahire, England, Sold everywhera ji Csa d uU. S.AmeiesInabexSs 25 cents. RVILU CURES ALL PAIN ---j p l 1

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