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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1911, p. 3

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K O - I WITI-[O - A - , TOWN COUNCIL. ONTLTTA 0~ Recnty i bs bendefiuitIy proven by experiments ;a en;huals ta lcobol Iow ns he srm ei'elpwer of the boe end that aleolhotparal1 esth w ut cr Regular meeting Dec. 4. A ll ~y j 0 L E eru cause--, Êuic destii of over oeehall of the huuiau race. in chair. After routine a petition A loed cjcseruaentirely without alcohol, which is a pure'glycerieo e-x- vas pres-ented f ront C. M. Cawker Vnpoal nwaltnwl trctcfrots schasBloodroet, Queen's moot, Golden Scal root, Mandrakce and andeee thr sig o xe hew ut ges. Just as yen doze off, the Stoeret a bcaý exeoivl d by druggtists for the past lorty years as Dr. uenclmp tickliug starts in your throat. Agul Pieceî oldn edcaDiscovery. The refreshing influence of ibis extraet is like frt usr onrcouigli, stillasieep. Ahardercougli, ced Nata~'îa~ene-th blod s bathzd in the toute which gives 111e to the bloc,- noithwrd; f romt T. Prge n then another. First thing yen know, the vitelA frs (Df theb-, oabibe n herieeîdaîv consumes, the eleVen1 outhers fer more, lights on yen're wide awake, conghing yourhead tisueruîih hiliba acuuite duin hewiîr.Elu and igisets ToPuLb. of Dr.RV. iecath luadr l ta avaid' ota sd PoprtyCenA few nights of ilhat and1c you're se 'rctce, 'alte flii teý rae s rs'îvExaccf ordf Trude,1, askicý,g fer usýua k atgî grip eu yen. roots, without a particle ci a!coholi ore Dactc grn f$ot hiîu ur ut why cadu re it? t is with the grealest eÎ pleasune, that 1 wr)te to jet ver knovT of N-r-eSmpo iseLcr is î- - the gr-ait beaifit 1 received, f-cm the uae of yehrîeieosai-cr aud use cf Coun!,cil licei for POUIi ice anîd Chloredyne will seoolue tîjat treatioent et home," writes MRS.Vwil. HEYaS, CI Lad ysmlth_ B C. 'i suf- try and dairy display. Qra:uýýted. exasperatingotick-ling, loosen the phieon fered for three years f nom a rLunning more. Cenî'ilted four doctors but ' "they failied te mend or glas relief. FinàlIy 1 was tald 1 was in consume- The Bozard of Trade aiseý asked and cure the inflammation of the inuconis Ntien and would have te consuit a spcciaiLt conceldipg my car, that the fer a &'rant cf $100 towards esxpen- membrane. It cet ouly stops the cougli --d- ead bore, must be eut eut bef ove t-he Weund would heal. A klnd fri,,rd laowgyetee sudr- * ~~~advised me te, write te Dr. iire, wl'ieh i dil. and atter seven menthes' ses incurred in the icterest cf the quicklY, alwn e egtsud i eu~cy Setter Seaith tiien I towfreshing sleep, bti est h clc - - use of the treatiment the sore is hesled, and1 no etrhat hn1tW.Lidntbl.uttgesttero f 1 ever did. 1 draessed tie wound with. lr. Pierce's AI-tealing Salve and n Ladotbl.thue trouble acd drives eut the cold cota- - teck the 'Golden Mecacl Discovery' and 'Pleasaul t ellets ' 'er my From WLc. Hutehînson and fnm- plctely. Chlldrea %villîngly take Na- troubles. 'I shall always recommend y'cur me-diclnes. - iiy, thauking Council for kindnesa Dru-Ce Syrop of Lieseed, Licenîce and -- 1' ~es'e' Plsset Pllts e~usfalivr asd ewaî, -and symputhy in -their laite b-a- C-lcrlorodyne, because it laide se 1o reavement. Voun Druggist lias it or cant quickly get a ny sa 1it on the ribs and buckbones Coun. Pethick, Chairman cýf Fine it for you le 25c. and 5ec. bottins. The if the weather is cool, and Water Cota. reported :installa- National Drug & Chemnical Co. of T_ The meun cfsaitI ue istentien cf electrie moter ut pumping Canada, Limitnd.ri 'hpouuds te every 100 pounds cf station and repairing tanks ut On h îîmeut. Ie addition te the salt I Te'd's Corner. 31ODERN MANCRURIAN CITY. t aise use two, poueds cf gnanuiated Coun. Cernish, Chuirman of Rie- )sugur and two cunces cf saltpetre lief Committee, presented the re- Dairen is Being -Organized on a- kmixed. port recommendiug payment of $10 Truly Up-to-date Plan, BUTCIIIRING ON THE FAPUM. liub the meut once eveîy tbree a week te, Mrs. W. L. Keys fer cure The city of Dairen, formeriy cail!- 1e Ider te -do neat and rupin davs i itb one third cf the mixture, cf Mis. liebt. Duwn. Adopted. ed Dalny, is said teo be the miost work ut hog-killing titan it is nec- Wbiie it la euring ppck it in a Reeve James, Chairman cf Fin- up-te-date town je Mauoh'u i. essary te have a good scraper, bo)x ie a cool Tocam, wheîe it wiil ance, presented report recommend- Heme the Japanese are spencling d :sti'ckiug kcife, a hog hooc and a neithen become, wunm nonr freeze. ung, payment cf sundry' accounits. large uu ahnaily ausree ný place that is ovceffrwr- obnismybesdcng and,, lighltun imiprovements, Good M. ing, vinit-es Mr. WV. Hansoni. iilg the me1ut frt ine te, the other Couin. Connisb put througb a by- hotels,ý are maintaîned by the South tei Focr scalding, a barrd is comn- each time if is rubbed, Alter the iuw for holding municipal elections., Mauchuria railway (which is asemi- ma monl usd, nd isalltha islest let the meut lie in a The Seymour Power Ce. made a',offiýciai organizatien>. This lienc uti moulyd unse ant ios a thut e bx for a week on ton duys, then. proposition in regard te, additionai non' :rns -express t 1rains foui fîmes by laurge. If veîy large begs are kiin e i'-oeut te smoke.- When 'tuken lights on King streýet. R-efemîecd te a eke conet wihcctrisu a suldngtub wuiii unswnr thecpr utc h box dip each- pince h-ia _Pnbý-P.peýrty Cern tepkaea-c - fix ff in t iitaythbnyraies as pose for ýsculding much better than kettle cf boiling watcr and let it agreement and 'repourt. unsurpas9sed iu the Fan East, be- cf abre.remain haif a minuite, after whicb Reeve James and Coun. Cc ela-:ud 'n lqipe with pullman couches, -anq 1l bave cee which is made cf twc- sprînkle a littie pcwdered borax moved thut Clerk Lyle enldeavon tei din"ing carpsad sicepors. The rail- gu incb piunks for the sides and ends onI the meut sidýe, and bang. get in ail ecounts agaiest this cor- way aise eperutes a twice-a-wenk w, and aheet irce for the botteta.. li Smoke it fouir ci five duys with porutien before. Dec. 15. steamer service te Shanghai. The 1,f is six feet long and 3y._ feet wiýde, hickory chips -or coin cobos, then 'Counicilions Morris and Rehder wharves cf Dairen are said teh 'witb a depth cf 2ýý fent. ' di ad sprinkie it with borax moved that a portrait cf ex-Mayon the finest in tbe Far Eaist, vesselsPo Two books are fastcnced ceai the agu nd put it down in dlean J. J. Mason ho, pnccured for the lrawing up te twenty-eight fef be- top on one side, with a pair cf trace bey. Mayor's gallery ini couneil reem. iii- xoored alongside the quai'. The chuuns te rue under the hýog, te The bot -%vater destroys any fiy Carne. port is open the ynun roua , as w facilitate the tumning and witb- egga that may have been deposited, Clerk was instructed te write G. thbcje that formas ie the bay is gie dru -ing front the tub. und the borax prevýents flics fîcta T. R. in neference te cuiveits a-.(d neyer thick enough te inteîfere with anf It is placed ouer, a furnace, wbicbi depositing fm'esb cnes, riso rsig nnw.ui- aiain uigteya 90 ail w ,6 stemer enseitispr îs madie hy diggieg a trench in fthe Meut treatnd in this mariner muay lino. wi32 t ao, n 487 balls pthr groucd and wben in use I p ace be left hanging ai stummer and will Council adjourncd. ihcroan48inblsttei pieces cf woo'd aci-css the hcîtnn remain in the beat condition. JOHN LYLE, J., tonnage aggregating 1,637,719. in order to keep the hcýg frot (nom- __ES R Town Clenk. ing in contact witb the mro, b-ut- COD OES ANDUCR AE___ tom and, getting tee, bot. HIEALED BY ZAM-BUK,. RURAL MAIL DELIVERY. BRITISH STATISTICS. h I flnd thut the proper temp'ra- Chdsaec)pe ns i fui) % e reood sadi is oa 180e t cers, and winfer czerno are coin- Editon Statesman Report of the Registrar-Geuueilo tha te 90 egmesandif bani temon troubles just ucw, a4d for ail This is iu the ah', At pTesei u ntdRadm behýt us-lithed wut sou'ldc hpe, oan se Zum Buk wiii be found, the the re are tie routes pr-ojected up- There, has been a strikiug f alrlnýg for whc dipedeutcftheketieassumcat and quichýeat rneey. Somiie- on tieeatVl e aringtoni. The off in the natural inr n oj the-su th bmo wllcolilsoe. fmes cclii soies arise. £a'emchu promoter:ý - -onkiug nihwill population of Euglaudc and Wales cie, If sldingole tby usn tleate bains on the tee or 'fingeis, end plus enegy inus burmony. Sncbýý- this year. In a report issued by , sh c ld be ooed byf r thdeu a b - * i th om er case, uhere clona' pnoposed sec(tienal cloivry if cthe to he Registrar..Gennra] f the United th et cfin ac eom h e secks are woîn, there is a danger staiiized, wiii prove a caui Ungdoin if ia -ehoir that lu the Ecý To inaure a correct beat cf the of bioed-pcisoning frot the dye. Wbct is necedc is a well deýviscl quartier ended September 3o birfhs vu] irator tise a thermouneter. Smali Zam-Buk beiug se powerfuliy anti- system applied fe a consierabie exceeded deaths by ouiy 81,645, as ti quantities cf iye, ashes or lime wiîî septie removes the danger as accu aiea sucb us the whole township. compared witb 123,022 excess cf . haveno efec in emoirg he us upplied and qu-ickly hecîs. Ift is practicuble for four carriors births over deaths in the orr gl bae oefet nreeun haur, Mr. W. J. Huiliday, c f Ash te distribote daily ulong the cou- pouding quarter cf 1910 a.nd 193,-me bytve Oni., cause 'Il scui te comei cesosad.u b gpsa 'n 309 and 124,054 lu the third quarte 's via, case, more rapidly. ' Gnou e, On, sansd "I c d my lthe cesslions andthus brng-l potl co- cf 1908 and 1909 resplectively. Tho tht A hog bock is ln.-indispen- fing fjoznt, caun tcakdu hgeine uhneehi ieo numbier of binths registemed in Eng- s sable, and if ene is te ho meade it ftjincung a bud SOin, overy man',;gfe land and Wales in1 tbc tlîird quart- hie sbouid be maude in tbe forra cf a rii aicagdfei nd weuid Aeemte fmnîcko b er cf 1911 was, 222,601, a rate cf 24.4 sen hay or baie bock. li at n e el h anu svr utownship should ho conveuied ,teo annualiy a thousand cf pop ulation, 1 thaf abey hock answeîs tiie pur- and the whole cf my hand becune formulute a sebeme by wicb hi or 2.9 a tbeuscnd beloir the average b pose verv w-eh. swrohicu and in bad shape. could bc cinried lu efe.Msnbrbrt i b hr urea cde Ie bandiing tbe bog, stick .the 1"A fniend advised nue te fry Eber Wilson, V. E. Courtico, J:ue: the ten pneoeding yeurs. It. was neua bock ie the flcsh cf the loirer jaw,' Zý,m-Buk, and I Socin found thaf Rieynolds, I. L. Brown, W. 1J. Rioy, the lowest birth rate ever register- ut beiow the fork cf the juwboýne. Zam-Buk was aitogether different W. G. Ruedie, . A. Stepheýns anud cd in any third quarter sincu the o11w,ene the bock muy ho stuck to nny pmepurutlon I brd ever tnied. W. E. Poli rà wouid muke a cau est#ý--olishment cf officiai civil negîs- a undet- the tendons of tihe hin.rd legs. lu a very short tinte it boaied the pital oorum te tacet and advise tmation. In four large cities cf fui Kenp the bog in constant mofioe acre." with Mr. A& Sutherland, Post of- the Ufnited Kingdom outside cf Se, irbilo being scaidcd, ced draw if MViss Lili-e May, cf Stoney Creek, fiee Tuspicten, To'oo-Cne.Englund and Wuleýs tho birth rate kee out te air occaionualiy. Whcu tbe Ont., su :"A nus' weeks sinco, PATEPAYEII, te, tbe tbousand of population was fiei b ir and scuil slip easily front tbc sc niai na-sfy, disflgurîig cold somes 20.4 in Ediiuburgh, 26.6 in Glasgow, 0 bcd' thse scaiding is compietcd. suddeniy breke eut on my lips, REASON ENQUOR. 28 in Deublin and 28.3 in Belfast. ies, Insraig n cenngte o wihbecame much swoile:c. Se- Wydn h iaf aesc Tbe death rate iu these places was Toi 1i clangfe and cleadnigt ten og m coniin redavsdaI h le h haf aesc Edinburgh, 14.2; Glasgow, 16.2; cit? th egtse fn ce t n bunart, lten my onditionBu a find udu-ed 'i1 .iong neckl" asked tbe teucheri Dublin, 21.5, ced Belfast, 16.9. t ut the lesoddytbt.e eat er t e y am-Buk andleveai "Because its head is so fan awav French ýiatistics just îssued ur, the brdy, other peparafions uside.This I frot ifs body," hýopefily ausweîedditetaIbmexiieanaua I bang the iîg wifh a nope and di -, and was muchspead alter a thse boy. fiaîn off' cfer w0oinl te anepcua pjuliey, as ht is more easiiî bang unt few applications cf this balia, te -f tin c fr- of 40,00 in temppae « this 'ay than any other. But it sec nvr oehealnd." vevmninftem rv tise oft 1910. e Lt ynm th cmpisi rnayho uugfrot. tise or-imnary Zami-Buik suil aise he found a girl wbo ;swohbewigtlrgsttenfussowdtt gaîrh'ni, a stick wbichi is 'bulîusen surE, cuire for eezeýmu, hlood-poison, wrd, hui th r lier wîtb mt th emestao sfigutdrese nthnu cde et h tab endond sin gste undte r ivng' s rs ies cl sres, Imec is fiat tbey are sucis pool- ough te justify belief that the trend undr hetenon stins c te inworu, inflimed patches, babies' prospe"crs.. i uld be, downxvard perna nenfly. bicd legs. eruptions and cbupped places, cota, Th f ns'evpsntwic A short sin8-letree xviii ho feu-id borns i-es ,h an ki cpcu re~f-si moent, cf 1911 te ccerfo a amre sic. I gnculy.Alh droggistsa nd stre SUF"FERED FROM sh haubt theme xvnmn 14,000 feunr hen s a fiin ep u a d s-fl t 50 cents box, on post linoa irths and 26,000 more deaths then th hg may bc bung ou a pole lOutfbruir Zea -Buk Ce., Toronito, upon VIOLENT CATHARTICS during tbc firat six montbs cf 1910. u p f oer tIhe -u- p s .n c 'i pt c r e 1 p i-up h n a o _ _ _T hs -m a ce c n et- lo ss f _18 e 70 -iu Afe tehcg is bu ug up, t'irise imitations and substitutes. tbe populiation. ý ut dccc uitis scaiding wýatcr, te- Uise aiseD Zata Buk, 25e. Tho Warning, of Mr. Geo. 0. Accdn eteBiisi figures ) _oeth__taisb nunn n-- tubet Be- for bay' tende ske ---. I- On Tha S l thn stato pltheBincth Wee 3rrmai-up--Coi'r abiots are --~ ~ -ý qni ve r rleYeu dont have -te kcp taiu ter and taling iheru. bh uetanfce spcedily. They areecd.cLiie-cate-, t -e-ta nig LaCnppe. 25c.~ trecs is subjeet te a fine cf 100 maý-rks ($23.80) on more for eaeb of- fence . Laws aund regulatices '!on the general gocd, bh wever, excite lencb resnpect on the part.-cf fi-e Ger- mian tha! cases cf tberFtcfit e bis bibwa frit ine rameiy oc- evenî euetlhattakes pins ýte. iv9 U the old-fashioued harsh, purgîng pil, ai, insteafi, te use Dr. Hamilton's. r'hey cure headache, biliiusness, con- %tpation, bad stemach, and keep theO systeru lu perfect conditiou." Refuse any substitute for Dr. HuIm- lt'sPis; seld for 25c., ail, dealers, ,r '-le Catarrhezene Co., Kingston, Dr amlonsPdis "I wcrt ont te, the end cf steel nm the Grand 'Tnunk Pacifie,, thea" i oek th,-e trail over teMain Lake, w-ich 1 foiind toe hothe mosf b"autilul lake I ever saw 'iiiluy ljif e. Ihad % cliigbfi tnp, and ruade s2veral seceleun 1l stcpped of' ut Wiwihanud MAucn ountry" LUE NEW UINIONIST 'LEODER APesigCrsta i t etainly ; Few ) AR LAW, the successer of iRt P Hon. A. J. Balfour as Opposi - articles for man's use arc bnsomie as a liealiy tion leader in the Brit-ish Cern ruos.Thi i hi ltes pctue.plated, superbly finished Cuillette Sakety Razor Set. MOUNT R BR EIl>7 .A Tho iflChristmas Gift ? Decidedly. h WALTON-APPLEBY. shows that you care for lus persona! l erne very'qit ulpetwd is comfort and his 'Savings BankaccWUn-for tde ng teck place at tbe home of Mr. Gillette mùisters to Al three. < nd Mrs. \Wm, Jackson, Mt. Horeb, anvers when Miss Nellie E. Wal- ' . n and Mr. Fred. Appleby wereA Suggeïtve C-%risLmrs, Rt',; enp-u ide one, iRev. W. W. Jouen ffc-what's the harm? ing., Tihe bride was ably assisted yMiss Noa ayaes of Janctville, * muidcf ouer Th wcdingIf 370u want him to jy every y k eenest, arch ws playe.d by MIiss E.* IFatlls qi Cadus.Altr te erecny k qicest,-hanàdiest, smoothest-shavin razoi in the id congratulations were over the world, give him a Gillette for- Christmas. Look over Losts sat lowa to a v.ery dainty I k byrdt ele edding impast. The bridai coupleteGletetyssow yrug, dt on the 8 o'clock trai at lieu- or hardware dealer. Standard Sets $5.OO-Pocket ro for Peterbero and other Editions $5.OO to $6.OO-ComnbinationSets $6.50up ints. The bride was attired in a U vy-blue -suit and embroidered net aist with a navy beaver hat triru- i T7e Gflele SafeIy Razor Co. of Canada,' IMlîtId rd wth hit plme. he'sOffice and Factories, 63 St Alexander St., Montre&l. dt te the bride was a set cf fors, d te the maid cf honor a sterliag Offlc ako i New York. Chicago. London, ver breocli. Many useful pre- EglandChnga, na. mts were reeceived./ 325 B.riw nn paris. GOOD FOR COMPLEXION. 01 ail the skin beautifiers we _________________________________ ve had in cur store there is noue it we can recommend more highly ,À. GRAVE C11ARGE. noble me under they rigors * Ani the D.D.'D. prescripti ceý. My rich brother with idie hands, I )-D.D. is such a logicaI remedy ýWrîter Says France Rlas Taken the aerya ai lotles thn îo " i. r ail kinds ef skie trouble and s Nm o GBerrycoo iaÊs o ailse glivete follcoin entifically cempounided .that il ato bdPo eoo ok.qoons, aobei e ncfrom schod, ails up the complexion over night. therno Brywiin oks "Ne bof encrde rigiGo D.D.D. is meosi widely know.i as Th& Sunday at Home, charges the thd e giny of theauold te acepgin -e rnst reliable trentinent for Governrnent cf France with çposi-ad detiiy o le; hacce zema, but i a e~ oo tive, deliberate and active hostility e ytikn epe i htw it hs ben foid i- eau do in these matterýs is te make bLuable fer ail kinds -of m. i-ior skiî-i, te the Christian religion. The namne"TeGslscn ubles We d net esitu ; of Qed, ha says, has disappeared suppositions.8 TeGsescn ofrom the textobockshused by thetain moral conceptions which shock ve .D.. or secal - rcoi- romthetex boksuse byth the modern conscience." Immor- m D..D.our pecal rcom school childreni. For example, in endation. In fact, we are coe a school book entitled "Le Tour de tality is defliied as merely the con- ced thut D.D-D will give reliefj la France per deux Enfants," etinuhance of our moleorus.n te- ,t ne other remepdy cao. the edition of 1898 the two childienhetsftoe olodu."i- Sure]y if ycu have any skini trou- rest under a fi tree, they utter a ligion is founded upon fear and eyou should give D.D.D. Pre- prayer before they go te aieep, and upon unverifiable hypotheses." ription a triaI. then pluck up courage again. In -q )on't delay, for if net promptly the edition of 1908 the prayer is ACr o ieuaim an ecked, mninor skie troubles oftein omitted. "The heautie.s cf nature fuI and persistent form cf iheump- welop int serions diseusýe, df- mîust raise or thoughts teward tism is cau'-ec by impurities in the ut~~~ evnGrDD. ecr. Qd" is the sentiment of 1898; "te blood, the rcsult of defective action Better drop into or istore any ward Qed" disappears in 1908. cf the liver and kidneys. The y and get posted ce this wonder '"Prayer -gives us courage and blood becomes taînted by the intro- remedy. Ask also about Di B. hope" is replaced by "let us help duction cf uric acid, hich causes )apwhic is - ach other." To takoý an instance much pain in the tissues and in the th si invaeu lh ooi- dîn 'Franciret," a book for- mid- joints. Parmnelee's Vegetable Pulls rp'ng tesiai elh l and upper forms: "Lord give are known te have effected many C., me Thy light. I am the son cf teilers, remarkable cures, anîd their use is Or write thc D.D.*D. Labornior- * * My rich brother with idle strengly recommended. A trial cf ýDept. B. S_,49 Coîborae St., hands, 1 arn a son cf God as much thcmn will convince anyone cf their rente, for a free trial hottle. In as 'you" This prayer and this valtue., ffer case, don't put it off, but art daim fromn the edition cf 1895 once. became in the revised version cf South America is neanly twice as Jury & LeveIl, Bowm'anville- 11909: liaiso me, up, heavy toil! En- large as the whele of Europe. s This Concrete Root Cellar Costs Less Than Durable Cernent is particularly adapted to thse con- struction cf Reot CeIlir faons uuad irails. Experience proves tisat for thse farmer, Con- crete is superior to wood in every point cf comparison. sUoncete perurs in utaUCI4L of cooluess without, frenzing. There is no question as to ifs durability. Coccrete lasts, Trhe venions uses te whicb Conenete îrnay he _prcfituhiy put, oe thse farm, are pluiniy and sinîply în our 160-page bock, 4Wha - -thue F armer --Cern- Do With Concrete" which shows heur the felio,'img farta buildings and utilities eau be constructed of donemete:-- Barns, Clate-ns, Dainles, Olp- plng Tanks, Foundaions, Fence Posis, Feedlng Floors, Gutters, H-ensI Neais, I-itehing Poste, Horse Blocks, Houses, Pouf- Sheter Walls, Stables, _blaira, Stails, Steps, Tanks, Troughs, Walks, and so forth. Send for It-ît's free---thougli It negulanly selis for EOc. Write to-day. Myend Me a ciPi'À7àc of "'What th& Bankte Fermer OaDoC6 a"tuonalB With Concret e."- uld ddres 5 . . . . . . .. . . . . . . not for years, but for ages; and needs no repair, Anyonel who bas scooped vegetables f romn the old plank floor will appreciate the fact that Con crete- offersý a sýmooth, continuous surface with no proje-cting pilnk ends or, nails to damiage the scoop or ruffle die tme of the scooPer.- il a -l

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