Don't Wear 1a Truss! After Thirty Years' Experience 1 Have Preduced Au Appliance for Men, Womcn or Chidren That Cuires Rupture. If yen bave ie moît cverything euse, corne te me. ?V'here others fail I have my greatest ,,uscess. Send attached cou- pon teday Ltid I will send yom free my il- TH-E ABovE is C. E. BROOKS OF MAR- SHALL, MICH., WHOb HAS BEEN CURING RUPTURE FOR OVER 30 YEARS. IF RuPTuRED WRITE HlM TO-DAY. lustrated book on Rupture and ifs cure, showing my appliance and giving you price.s and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It is instant reifwhen ail others fail. Remember I use noit salves, no harness, no lies. I send-on trial to prov e what I say--is- true. You are the jndge, and once having -seen-mfllustra-ted book- and -read-it you will beas cothusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mail today. It's well worth your time whiether you try rny Appliance or not. FREE INFORAÎATION COUPON C. E. Brooks, 285 Brooks Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail in plain wrapper your illustratedt book and f ull information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Naine.............................. Address ............ 1................ City .. .............State ........ PHILOSOPHER. "<My! you wanted fried potatoes, didn't you V" said the careless wait- ress, as the ýcustomer in the restau- rant finishied bis meal and rose te leave. "That's aIl right," answered the patient mian. "IUve w anted, se many things ail my1if e that I didn't get. l'in used te it." A vwomïan may net be able to re- form the man she mai-ries, but she is reasenably sure to informi him. î Thbis May Interest You. We want a relia ble man f0 seîl our well known specialties in fruit trees, small fruits, seed potatoes, flowering shrubs, roses, etc., in Bowmanville and county during faîl and wioter months. Outfit free, exclusive territory, psy weekiy 600 Acres of Nûrsery Stôck dlean well grown trees and shrubs that will satisfy your customers. Early and good delivery guaranteed. Established over 35 years. Write for whole or part time ternis. SALES MANAGER. PELHAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO Steamer From St. John Promn Halifax Grampian, Sat., Dec. 2nd Direct Victorian, Fni., Dec, th Sat,, Dec. th *Scotian, Sat., Dec. 9th Corsican, Thur., Dec. 14th Direct ]Rates of Passage First lass, $72.50 and $82.5o, according to steamer Second lass, $5ooo and $52,00, according to steamer Thîrd lass, $3025, $31.25 and $32.50, ac- cordiug f0 steamer f0 Liverpool, Glasgow, Belfast and Derry. Boston to Glasgow Scotian, from Boston, Thurs,. Dec. 7th Numidian, fromn Boston, Thurs., Dec. 21St. Portlandl to Glasgow Lakce Erie, from Portland, Thurs., Nov. 30 Sicilian, " " " Dec. r4 Corinthian, " " " Dec, 28 Steamers on Glasgow Services carry "One Class'" passengers at $45,00 and $47.50 rates, and third class at $3025. For rates and full particulars apply f0 MV. A. JAMES, Bowmanville, Ontario ChrlistmasqSaIlînge EL Led11. y No. 2t Th M. S. "RoyalGeP e" WedescayDec l3ti¶. SCRffOOL REPORTS. BRADLEY'S SOHOOL. Report of S. S. Ne. 14, Darling- ton, for Nevember. Naines in or- der of menit: r.I-Alymer Gibson, ICate Jr. IV.-Fiossie Montgomrney, Evere-tt Crydermnan, Mrurt 'îbiumipson, LarmieThps, George Gibson, Elwod Wi)U r Sr-. 111. -ZiiIaSDewelL Sr. .1.-Tommiiy Wilbur, Ireie Gibson, Bruce Nontgornery, Il ar- old Jebsen. Jr. 1.-Frances Cryderman, Sr. I.-Katie Cryderman. Jr. .-Cynil Jebson. Pt. 1.-. Roy Campbell, Lit Mont- gomnery, Leslie Gibson and Job. Vilbur equal, Frank Deweil. Pt I.-Percy Deweil., FLORENCE O. ANNIS. Teacher. TYRONE. Report ef Tyrene Publie school for _Lovember. I'ares in order o! mer't: V.-Ciarence Woodley, Johni lEiis, Garnet McCoy. Sr. IV.-*Myrtle Moore, *Rerna Phare, *Lance Phare, Elgin , ig- gins. Jr. IV.-Irene Farrell, *Breta Hawkey, Lorne McCoy. Sr. Ill.-George Rahm, Cedrie Jr. 111. *Gerdlon Farrell, Aima Cutteli, *Harold Clemens. Sr. II. -Mary Higgs, Irene Verry,--*Edith lmn, Wle Rahm, *Ma,)ry Richards,--Fred Part- uer.* .-Ean Byar,MarieXerny, May Thompson. Primer-f(a) *Lela Richards, (b) "Eileen Higgs, Hazel Hïodgson, 5ýGeraldine Clemens, *Hazel Werry, Gladlys Collacubt, Cyrus Farrell, (c) Eddie Hawkey, Johnny Hlath- enly.* Present every dlay. E. E. RUNDLE, M. STINSON, Teachers. CADMUS. Monthly report of S. S. No. 6, Cartwright, for November, 1911. Namies lu order -of merit:. Class IV.-Smith Pergusen, Bir- die PaliFs, Marion Nesbii-. lass III.-Florence Gibson, Wil- lie Saunderson, Willie Carren.,i Gilbert Gibson, Edna McKee. Thos. Curron, Denoir1s Murphy, lass I., Sr.-Everard Saunder- sou, Frank Sanderson, Noniuan Plîilp, Albert Cox. lass I., Jr. Velma Start, Lawrence Strong, Lloyd MeK.tÇ2 Primer-Mary Perguson, Mar- jory Sauderson, Fiera Start. MISS E. ELSIE BROWN, Teacher. S. S. No. 5,-Cartwright, for No- vamber: lass V.-Mayme Bruce andi Vera Beacock, equal. Sr. IV.-Alma McLaughlia, Wal- lis Marlow Harvey Bruce, Wilhert Nesbitt (absent exarns.). Jr. IV.-Ruth Marlew, Cera Bruce, Grace Bruce. Edua Bruce, Florence Fair (absent part of terrn). III.-Gordon Brown, Clarence Mouutjcy, Hazel Beacock, Rheda Beacock, Hetly Taylor. Il.-Edith McLaughlin, Keithi Bruce. Sr. Prirner-Norman Harris, WF.&rene McLaughlin, Marjonie Kicld, Harry MeLaughlin, Grace Shaw, Anna Bruce, Edith Ruauuck. Jr. Primer-Clarence Marlow, Edman Harris, Vernal Greep, Gladye 1Resbitt. Average atteudauce 27. ETHEL TAGGART, Teachen. EBENEZER. Report of S. S. No. 4, Darlinigton, for November. Names in'order of mnet: IV.-*Leta Piekell, Elton Werry, Rowena Oke, *Cecil Pound, Wil- lie Bickeli. III.-Mabel Vincent, *John Pick- «I had been given up to die by three of our best doctors, I could flot stand it to be on my feet anti I was so swelled in the abdomen I coniti hartily breathe. 'But, thanks f0 Dr. Miles' Heart Remely antd Nervine 1 arn able tc Will the memory ef! those awf ni be a.bout theItrets a waling ati-days ever leave Mec Lciy they vertisement of the curative quai- only, corne back te me in1 glîrnpses. ities of your mrmedies, aithough I Sornetimes it is a memrory o! a be- amn 70 yVeRrs old." wildered brain torturiug itecif in a~ JoHN . COCRAN, frenzy te re-discover its lest Mdent- Lewist. owRN, i ty. There are days, on the other Lewston, 11.hand, of which neyer a shred cernes Better than any staternrt we back to me--days on which I1îmust could make regarding the value of bave--heen merely a wandering cioti of earth. Dr. Miles' Heart Remnedy Ho1w my memory atually went are these words of Mn. Cochran. 1 rernember clearly. I was stroîl- He speaks frorn experience, the img through a Londen park, the highst ossile ourc ofknow- ut and glare o! a scor-ching Aug- higes posile ouce f now- stsun keeping my pace a slow edge. If you have any of the one. -Suddenly I feit a istrange, signs of a weak heart, such as eerie feeling in my left armn, as if a pain in the Ieft shoulder or arm, chili wind \vere blowing steachily fairiting andi hungry speils, short- down-it. A dizzy faintuess made ness of breath, smothering speils, me sink into a seat. flutteing or palpitation of the heart, How long had elapseti when I re- you eedcovered consciousness I do net yo nedknew. Passers-hy were coming Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy and geing; the tramp at the other end o f th.e seat still slept neisily; which for over twenty years bas nohodyhad, noticed anytbing. been recognized as the best prepa- Somehow, I found myseif stand- ration of its kindt f0be had. ing on the kerb. The constant Sold under s guarantee assuring the jestliug set me following the isran return of thea price of the first bottil f If A man smîl-ed recegnisîngly as be fails fo benefit. AT ALL DRUGGISTS. approached. As he got nearer, h MILES MEDICAL CO., Toronto, cari. cordial smiie changed te a puzzled stae-. Fora --orenth esitat- cd, but went on. A glance hacît Arthur Beever equal., Harry Os- isEowëa tiiat he was lookiug ever borne,' Gordion Trull, Fverett' sorry 1" he hegan; and then, "Hal- lbI, you're the very man I want! Weinh. ary Po How',s that Simnpson affair 'goingl" ist.-Willie Beever, MayFuoI ans wered evasively. As h.e chat- Inene Xeîch, Adtire Nrchol , ted on, my feolish, rneaningless ans- Myrtle- Col- e.Ali wers made hlmn glance at me more Pnirnary Elsie Welch, Ali and more curioîîsly. "Nothing Warden, Harold Beever, Clarencei wreng, is there 1" he asked at last. Bell, John Oke. "Yen don't look up te the mark." 5Prcsent every day. "I-oh, I'r-no, I'm net feeling JESSE ARNOT, very hrîght !" I murmured. Andi Teacher. when be had gene I hated mysel! ______for net telliný hlým the truth. UNION SCHOOL. The aext picture in my memory Dan is one e! a railway cempany's buge Houer roll for S. S. No. 17, r colored pester-a purpie moerland, hI'gtn :- ver which wbite, towerîng clouds lass V.-Aita Bentham. sailed, toucheti some hiddea chord. Sr. IV.-Aiyrner Beech. I see' mysel! at the station-bow Jr. IV.-Walt.en Fergusen. I got there I do net kuow-taking Sr. III.-Everett Beech, Lerne a ticket for that moonland town. Knapp, Mildred Bentham, Russell And then the veil f ails again. It McLaughlin, Fulis Hall. was net, as I know new, tilI ten days Sr. -II.-Phoebe Beecli, Lenorec after that I steed in the police- Bentham. statio)n at a imaîl Yorkshire village Sr. I.-Frank Page. -peniniless, bear-deti, and worn te, Jr. I.-Fugene Bcech, Gyril skia and boue. Seme mystenieus! Avery. changoe cothing had tunned me, MARGARET A. REID. frn battereti cap te gapi-ag boots, Teacher. inte_ a tramnp. I began feebly te;j _____explain, and the uext tbing I re- 1 CAESAREA. mlemben is waking te consciousness j iu the eounty infirmary. I had i Report e! S. S. No. 7, Cartwrighat faînted away on the stene fleor. fer September, Octo-ber and No- Seen I was convalescent enough vember. Narnes lu order o! stand- te petter about the ward lu a red ing:-fiannel jacket, doiug odd jobs fer Sr. IV.-*Rtîth Proutt, Blanche the nurses, and answening ghadly to Bruce, *Wilford Jackson, *Charles "Sýouny." Haran, *Plossie Samelis, *Cani Net a glimmer o! mnemory was Bruce, *Rilda Samiehîs, *Howard present yet, thongh by daily cross- Wilas. examination and subtle purnpi-ng Jr. IV.-*Ada Williams, *Aiice the doctoris did their best te oa Harran, *Charles Bowlar, Amy the5 benumbed faculty te ife again. Dickey, Nehlie Gordýon, Lila Little. It was subtlety at hast that wen. Jr. III.-*Manie Proutt, *Mabel The resideut physician. came eut on Jackson, *Ella Werthingtea, *Clar- the balcouy eeone rning wbere I ence Hanron, Lizzie Dohenty. sat enjeying the sunlight. As we Sr. II.-Gertrudie Noon, Mabeh chatted, he opened a newspapen he Brue, Geoge ameis,*Haoldcarnîed. "I see Malagas are up te Cordon, *Fddie Bruce, Adelbent egt-ie, ermet auiy Beacock. "Queer 1", I answered abstraýctedly Jr.Il.*Ciftn eacck Grce-my tboughts wore ehsewh-ere. Gort'ien, Nfomn Bamel, GRae "The, chosed yesterday at eighty- Gordo, Noran SReti Dickytwo.> Burr, Mabel Burr, Ri iky "Knew much about stocksl" he Jennieý Harran. asked lazily, Sr. I.-Vera Br-uce, 0flarry Han- "Well, naturally seeing I'm in- non, Fred Fnape.n,'Margaret Dca- -anti Sens' office," I replicti mecb- cc-k. anically. Jr. I.-Byron Hylanti, Elsie Sam- Excitedly he shook my arm. I aIls, *Lerae Watson, Olive Des- turneti round with a stant. "Knew cock, Fila Crawford, Fred. Craw- wbat yeu've been sayingV" he de- lord, Douglas Frayer, Hazel Von- maudeti. uing, *Keuaeth Samelîs, Willie "No. Whatl'.' He teolt me. I Burn. sheok rny heati dully. "Nover *Present every day in November. mind," he reamurîeti me; "we'lh M. MeGil, find yen, my son." !Ceché. 1Two days lat-er I was telti there qA feacner. ___-.,_IL_.M_______L______________4 LOST!O Experiences of a Man Whose Memory Failed. was a visiter for me. The doctor toek me down, andi I trembleti as I went. An old lady rau towards me, witb istreamiag ayes. Fer a moment I staredi unrccognisingiy.. Then soething -spun in my heati like a wheei, and with a rush my memery was back in its place 'again, It wvas my mother!-London Ans- wers. SURE SIGNS. That You R1ave Kidney Trouble. If your back is constantly achirîg anti if yenu experience dm11 shoot- ing pains, if your urine is thick anti cleudy or yourpassag-es fre- queut scanty andi paînful, your kiti- neys anti blati- tien are eut e! erder. Negleet -quickhy brîng" on rheumatism, p bage, sciatîca, etc. Boeth's Kiti- ney Puis are guaranteodti t rehiave or your moniey back. They are the world'si greatest specifiec fer kitiney anti hiatder trouble. Al druggists, .50c. box, -or poýstpaiti frorn the prepnietors, The R. T. Booth Ce., Limiteti, Font Fric, Ont. Froc trial on application. EXCLUSIVE POOR FARM3. Providenice, R.I., Rias One Which is Valued at $,000,000. Reor ue1ng aî Pb' Providence, Rhodie Islanti, enjeys Repor of Lng Salthe use o! the moît xaluahle, peor sehool for November. Namnes in i farm ewneti hy any municipality ie entier o! menit:-i Cures PelrruiaenRtI, t-be wenld, ail because Ebenezer Sr. III.-Rnby Hooey. DBRONCHITE., COUGHS Knight Dexten in'1824 matie a be- J.II-lar SmtWill. O D,3queit leaviug a big, stone-strewn Jre, ilton-Harny Smith, ASMTHMA, meatiew anti several parcels o! landi for that purpose. To-day the Sr. II.-Rata Hooey, Marjerie CATARRU property is valued at ne mess t-han Oke, Ethel Smith, Edith Smith,____ $1,0100,000, ant iinl the centre o! Greta Virtue, Wilhie Virtue. 1 one o! the moît fashionable rosi- Jr. II.-*Lilian Stock, *Flva Vin- Throvr medicine te the dogs., At dence districts o! Providence. But tue. i boit they are unpleasant, often use-wieti oo am ti Sr. I.-Wiunie Altireati, Manjorîe disoase etf the threat, nase, or lungs, very exclusive one, te ýsay the ieast. Alireati, Henry Miller.1 Doctors cali i Brenclîttis, Asthma, or, By the terms e! a very rigiti anti Sr. Primer-*Francas Farrell, Catarrh, or if h n a liglit or sevore, iron clati wili, noue eau ho admit-ted *Hazeh Virtue, iHes por Deane. cold. Germs cause these disases-! raiitdýxettoewooc Jr. Pnirer-Grace Vîrtue, 2a'they have acamnian root. o asîtei cxnp-tos w 'inc Catarrhozoni. ýdesfroys dîisease germa, - 2out nti paiti taxes upn ra ton Stock. ~~~~but it does rmore, it heais disease iUs-esaeiPrvdneowheft- *Preseat- every day. sue. or or met-be wa a reai estate tax- Average. attendance 15. CATARRHTOZONE is ittle diraps ef payer lu that city,. No1 other Rhode HAZELM. PA('OB, healiug carriod by air te the exactIsatesninepro frmay HAZELM. PS('1-171 place where Catanrh existe. Observe,!Ilnesad i esnfo n Téehier, Catarrhozeue net ouly destroys the other part o! the Uniteti Stat-eso cause, but îmnmediatoly ropairs - the !rem any for-cigu count-ry may knock LOVE LOIC.resuit ef diîeased- condition.i at the portaI te -obtain admit-tance LOV'SLOGC.Catarrhozone means littie drops ofý anti secure shelter anti foodi. She-But.'J-k. vo- u .,ln't anrn hbali nn,.rart tnt eair nd aup. I.-1.-t1.1 euough tesu'pport twv.", fie-' But wo't we ho, oee KNOWN. "Diti anyne cahI while I was oui,, Nora?" the lungs, thrqat, and nasal passages. Catarrhazone ia endorsed by doc- tors, druggists, and by thousands of Canadian people whe have used it. Câtaffrrhozone -iii, mm, il, g nuniicalln.iYeSrifl knJoa. show yen biJs face,ý, as th-ere's four -air Ao weak plans à Mth lugy, trme, e! hlm up on yenn dressi' table. and nasal passages.ý IThree sizes:Ar25epSOcai 5.00,at dIruggiýsts, on by mail post" -b frei Safet-y matches were irst ilaven t- IThoe Catarrhazoneo C., 2ïmw £.Y, tOin lu-'mi u1855, ; and Kigsteu, Ont. REST CURE FOR TRAMPS. TUE KING'S PiVTE NAUE. Loafers and Lunaties ln Denînarit If Hie Renounced Tlîrone, What Have Speeial -Treaitinent. 1 Naine Wouîl He Take. About eighteen months age the Goverument o! Denmark, acquirati the Ishanti o! Llyoe, o! 1,000 a-cnes, anti placeti Prof. Kehlers, the well- kuown psycbhogical expert, lu charge. There were sent te him fer treat-ment a number e! prefes- sienal tramps and lunatics frern the Stata workhouses and asyhîms, Prof. Kellers bas fer somne tirne been a persistent ativocate e! the out-ef-door treatment o!flunacy. His chie! contention is that fresh air toues np the nerveus system, while the vanicti natural ebjeets are cal- culatedti t arrest the attention e! the patients anti dissipate the more tiistressing symptems o! menemania ofttimes prevalerit. The auther- ities, however, pref erredti t eff ect a compromise, relegating te the new sanitanium mauy o! tbe cnimînah lunatics bitherto heltinl practicalhy solitany durance. A peculianity o! the system i5 that untien the cein- prehenisive classification atiopteti by th authonities mon o! the more de- generative ciass, botb as regards crime anti vice, are removedti t Llyoe for treatrnent. The methoti of "«cure" e! confirmati lazinessi h somewhat Spartan. Fither the meu must settle tiown te regular habits ef werk-chiefiy o! a rural characeter-ýor the "rest cure"~ is pushed home te lt-s legical result- they are fer-ced te lie iu bed for a tern varying frein a day te three or four tiays. By that time the ennui become eimply unhearable,' anti the men are gla t t escape !rom the torture o! sheer inactivity. A Pil that Proves its Value-. - Those o! Reak stornach will finci strength lu Parmelee's Vegetable PuIs, hecause they serve te main- tain the healthfuh action of the st-o- mach anti the lîver, irregulanîties lu which are most tistressing. Dyspepties are well acquainteti witb them anti value them at their pro- per worth. They have affortie4 re- lie! when -othen pnopaîations have faileti, anti have effecteti cures iu ailments of long standing where other medlicines were founti unavail- ing. NATIONAL ANTHEMS. Both the Chinese and Japaneso national antherns have the ienit of hrevity. The length of! most' niational anthems is in inverse ratio te the size of their preprietary, ceuntriet8. The Belgian "Braban conne" is mnucb longer than the If the King were te reneunce the Thrýone, anti resolve te become, un ordinary citizen, lie would be call- cd George Wettiu. Hew dees the namne Wettin corne: tebc King George's surname h This i5 the answer: Queen Victoria marnieti Albert, Duke o! Saxo Coburg-Gotha, o! the senior brancb e!f the Heuse of Saxony. The family namne by which this bouse, dating from the mîidle o! thbe tenth century, came te be knowa afterwards was Wettin, anti this was and is tha surname o both brauches-the Fruestine anti Albertine-o! the flouse e! Saxony. The naine comnes from the casthe o! Wettin, near Magebmrg, which chaimeti Wittckinti as the founder o! the race. Soes Phea Before It.-There are many whe have been afflicteti with sores and have driven them away wîth Dr. Thomas' Eclectnie 011, which acts ike magie. AIl similar- ly troubleti shomîti lose ne time in applying this splendid' remedy, as there is uetbiug like it te be hati, It is cheap, hut its power is iu un way expresseti by its low pnice. PROOF ENOUGH. He-"I neyer loveti before." She-"But hew can you prove itl" He-"By my savings bank bock. Thare's a deposit every, waek fer the paît four years." Beantiful artificial fiowens were matie o! wax by the Romans, anti the Egyptians useti horn and meta] for a simila'r purpose. This yenr there is a funther ne- tinction o! cultivateti latdinluGnon 3rjtain o! oven fi!ty theusan d acres. There are now fourteen thrusandr acres untier fruit cultivation lu Irelanti n large increase onprovi- enus totais. Tîîrkey's Arny, paeion Pa wai footing, totals eue mýilinMen, --The--Dexter-Asyhmis emore Cart idé &À -se1 îCSuv-e- nd relfsnupporting. With a imiteti j King." WHilethepre are- only sx atteudance, se te speak, it is saidtI teen bars lu th(-usin aule thnt t-be nterest on iuvastament or amntitweuy-eight lun"all, olum- s icneome is enocugh te' furnish e ve-ry ' bia," theSimen-qresvtyj inmat-e a tnip te 'Eupe each nia- six bars tepoeamt-hin lyaty ter, witb accommodatiomns t t-e ai the[record for lený!gt-h hi hlti beit summor botels lu t-be summer - y the San Marine anhmwn ic ]Durng t-be bard etimesi rviibaéiutdavn.o or &Ma or once, wben there wvas a great neeti times as nmany lbars as there areI o!f okfor pi epe n lisur i le repubhie.ip emaseluthe Dexýter wihlproidn Fer a stone wahh bîulîtaouitb 0w easy i î - irs Ilnsol place was taken ativantage eC, acisti hasthe UMt A!phouanthois~ many poo paeWpwe gion worcs.PyensoiLy A e tmnney! iD.71 IJ~hUE '~:i il î ~Every B:ag of Cream-î of the West Flour Guaranteed for Bread Yes, rnudarn, I arn the Cream of the West miller. 1 know what Crearn of the West is. -It's a strong flour. It has extra bread-raking qualities, and 111l guarantee great, big, bulging loaves of the lightest, whitest, Most wholesome bread. o7f àhe the ba.rd Weaflou r tbG&4i gaatedfr ra Tell your grocer you want to try Cream of the, West Flour. Buy a bag subject to the guarantee. Tell him we expect him tfo refund your money if the flour f ails to do as wec daim,. lie won't lose a cent. We wîi reimburse him in full. Show him this paper with the guarantee. Itis lis authiority to4ay -you -back- if -you-ask-- in~. E: hereby affirm and declare thaf Cream of the.West Flour is a superior bread flour, and as such is subject f0 our absolute guarantee of money back if flot satisfactory after a fair trial. Any dealer is bereby authorized fo retura price paid by customer on refurn of unused portion of bag if the flour is flot as represented. The Campbell Milling Company, Lîmited, Toronto. AIPCHIBALD CAMPBELL, PRESIDENT For Sale by :-J. A. Milne, Bowmailville; C. I. Crysdale& Son, Oshawa; J. R. Fisher, W. C. Britton, Newcastle; Chas. Britton, Clarke; J. R. Cooper, Orono.