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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1911, p. 8

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as for 111at C iaHall Grocer. OUR MOTTO: "'QuaIity the Test of Cheapness." FRUITSO Choice2 fruits for Christmas cookirg that show quaiity and value, Exýtra Sdectý, Valencia Raisins........... ......-.......10ec a lbý Cifornia eded Raisins.Best Brands, 1 lb, pk>dgs. 2 for 25C. Cai'lforn!ia Seedless Raisins ...........1................. 15e a lb, Ci ce Sultanas.......................... 1....... ......1l8e a lb. Cl oice Currants, washied and cleaned....... ......... 10e a lb. Finest Vostizza Currants, best importations ............ 10c a lb Orange, Citron and Lemon Peels................... 20oc-a lb. Finest llallowee Dates............ .......10eo a lb., 3 for 25c. Extracts, Shelled Nuts, Icing Sugar, Pastry Spice, etc. We havec the quality and value sure to give satisfaction, Choice Fruits for the Table. Fine Table Raisins in bulk and cartons. 20e a lb. ý 25e a lb, 30e a lb. - 35c a lb, Quality of these is fine. Table Figs-Choice Turltey Figs. 13e to 20e a lb. Oranges! Oranges! We hve mde aranemients for a large sbipment of California NAe Oage f tbe best brvands and as usual wilI give You the best \value l i town by the dozen or by the cas, Malaga Grapes, quality fine, 20e per lb. Lemons, Bananasý, etc, Almonds, Waluuts, Filberts, Peanuts, etc. Contectionery. Chloice Mixtures ..................................... 2 lb, for 25o Olur Special, good ltco look at, good to eat . ............. 15e a lb. Extra Choice Mixture, ........................... .. 25e a lb, O9ur assortment of Chocolates is great, 20e, 30e, 40c, 50c, 60eaIL llumbugs, Peppermints, Gum Drops, Kisses, Creams, Bulls Eyes, etc., and many other liues frornt 15e f 40e a lb. H-addy's Ideal Oysters. The very finest, Coast Sealed, solid meaf Oysters, Handled under the latest sanitary methods. The real sea oyster with the real sea flavor. 60e per Imperial Quart. China and Crockery, We have 55 sampies of cups and saucers to select from-uo two alike. They range froni 5c to $1.00. Best value we ever offered. Our 25c assortment should interest you. Just- epened, a_ large -direct- importation-of -Austrian -China of- beautiful designs and colorings. The assortment is too large to enumerate- prices fr,.nïr 25e to $3.00 each. These are really very choice. Dinner Set' Special. A recout purcha se of iDinner Sets enables us to offer you sete worth fromn $12,50 to $15,00 for ouly $9.00, A shortage of one or two smnall pieces lu each set acceunts for this opportunity., The Variety.-Choice of our 5e, 10e, 15e and 25e hunes should attraet a large crowd of buyers, some-of them being worth double the price asked. Bûutter, I3ggs and Poultry. Wanted, for which the highest market prices wiil be paid, in either cash or trade. pljiui c e 1 9r6. ChE" -P-: HarDzt', nipton. I CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR EXCURSIONS CANADIAN NORTHERRN Comfortable, roomy, well veutilated, ves- tibuied trains. No crowding. Single Fare Saturday, Dec. -23rd-l\onday, Dec. 25th.' Return Limit Dec. 26tb. also Saturday, Dec. 30th-Monday, Jan. isf. Returu Lumit Jan. 2nd. Fare and One Quarter Thursday, Dec.-21st-Monday, Tan. 1sf Returu Limit Jan. 3rd. Trainsý Leave Bowmanville WES'rBOUND, 10.10 a. m and 7.44 P. m. For Toronto and Intermediate Stations. EASTBOUND, 11.15 a. m. and 7.24 P. m. For Trenton and Intermediate Stations and all points on Central Ontario Ry. Tickets and all information from Station - --- A gent, or-- -- - - - - ALAN Mi. WILLIAMVS, Phone 58 or 81 Town Ticket Agent. King Street, Bowmanville. EV E RY THIrt1N G FOR TUE Fj'OOT REST ASSURE If it's. anything in Footwear, we ,have it. RECENTLY Âi--DDED Ladies'. Satin Slippers, in1 colors. Automobile Skates. OUR SPECIALS are worth attention. Ladies' .39c Rubbers, low heels-good. Ladies.' $ioo Overshoes Boys' Strong Hockey Boots s'5~ Men's $i oo Leather *Leýgingst 75c Buckskin Moccasins $16 Snag Proof Buckie ltubbers - Our windows show many more. GREAT EFFORTS are being put forth to make a big showing in holiday gifts. ROCKBOTTOM PRICES. THE BURNS GO. OSHAWA, ONT MAIN FOUR CORNER&. -BOWMANYÏLLE, DEC. 14, 1911. CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES THE VICTORIA LOAN and SAVINGS COMPANY ILINDSAY', ONT. IAuthorizerdCapital -« -,()0OOO. Assets Over . '.-.. -' o,ot I W ILLIXM FLAVELLY, President. I R. J. MCLALnHLIN, K. C., aid * W. Hf CLARKE, M. ID., Vice-Pre idents T he Conipaeiy accepts rney on deben- at four-aud-oue-haiS (4ý,) per. ceut. per anin. payable hall yearly, without any exeee.'Uese deb1enture ýare approe e *by the Go, errnient -f Otario as a proper - r 00OM TO RE;i NT-Froint paxi, furuished or un)fUrnished, in central part of town, electrie lighted and fiuruace heated. N.J.V., Draw~er B., Bowmnanvilie. 48-tf Fine Be ef For ChrstnasTrade. List of Cattie bought for our Christmas Trade: i Durham heifer fed by A. Gamsby,, Oreno i heifer, i steer, Sam'l Alin, Bowm-,-anville 2 steers, W'esley Allun, 6 2 steers, i heifer, Chas. AllUn, Providence 2 iseifers, Thos. Jackson, 2 heifers, John Wight, 1 heifer, Rd. Soueh; 8 heifers and steer, E. Hancock, 2 heifers, J. H. Werry, Bethesda 2 steers, Chas. Langmaid, Solina. i choice caif, W. Woods, Base Line. The above are ail heifers and steeýrs, the names of the feeders being a guarantee of the best quality that cari be secured. Highest prices in cash for ail kinds of the best qualif y of poultry. The best is none-too-good-fer-our-patro)ns. -- C. M. Cawker & Son, Phone 64. Bowmanville. HAMPTON 1Thankoffering services Metbodist ehurcb on Sunday Dec. 17. Rev. H. B.Kenuy, ebairman of Bowmanville District, will preacb at 10.3o a. ni. and Rev C. W. Barrett, pastor, at 7 P. m. Special music by the choir. S.pecial music by the, Sunday Sebool in thse affernoon, and an address by Rev. Mr. Kenney., Trustees are asking for $200. Public cordially invited. The meeting of Hampton Woman's In- stitut e on Thursday was a very enthusias- tic one and largely attended. Mrs. A. Peters, President, gave a very excellent report of the Provincial Convention in Toronto whicb everyone was delîghfed wif b. A donation of $5.00 will be sent to the Sick Childreu's Hospital, Trout o. So- lina Branch will visit bere this (Tbursda y) afternoon. Regular meeting of, Court Archer, I. 0. F. wiil be beld lu Sons' Hall, Monday ievening, i8tb inst. Election of oficers, etc.._Epworth League enfertainment and Christmas free Saturday evening, Dec. 30th. Admission, aduits, 15e; ebldren, io0 .... Mr. T. Salter, Mimico, visited bis, brother here. . Mr. J. L. Johns and d augb- fer Rboda, have returued froni Saginaw, accompanied by Mrs. C. Kent. Tbey also brought the casiset containing the body of the late C. Kent, the remains be- ing interred lu the north Cemefery Tues- da. ..Miss Hilda Cryderman's mauv frîends are pleased to greet ber.home from Vernon, B. C .... No one could say that the eleefion was a dry affaîr!. Mr. E. Hastings is stili very ill. .Mrs. J. Clat- wortby and daughter bave returned froni Fenelon, affer a pleasant visit with friends. .Mrs. E. Doidge bas moved into, the Cole bouse. . Mr. W. G. Doidge and bride are settled af the corner norf h on Scugog street. A cougb is -often the forerunner of of serions pulmnnary afflictions yef there is a simple cure witbin the reacb of aI! lu Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup an old-time and widely__recognize-d remedy- wbich if resorted to at the inception of a cold, wili invariably give relief, and by overcnming the trouble, guard the systeni from any serlous consequences. Price 25 cents 'at alI dealers. NOTICE TO PATRONS A meeting of Oie Patrons of Hanmpton cheese Sactory will be beid in the Town Hait, Hainptou. on Saturday Dec. 16,.1911, et 2 pin., for receiving anual report and closing the paet season's busi- ness. An eainest request is extenrled te every patron te be present. W. R.ÀALE, Seeretary. Hampton, Nov. 29, 1911. 3W COURTICE Good concert and Xuas tree ivill be given at S. S. Ne. 4 Friday evening Dec. îfnd at 8 pm. sharp. Talent je expecetfrein Bowmnanvilie, Oshawsa, aise good home talent; admission 15c, or two for lic. Everybedy coîue,.... MissItuby Cour- tice recentiy visited ber ant Mrs. ID. Poliard, Oshawa ... Mr. and Mrs. Wvm. G. Rundie, Toc- ente, hase retnrned frein a pleasant two menthes trip through Saskatchewan and are visiting his sister Mrs. S. Penfouud .... Mr. Gen. F. Ainis ie at Guelph attending Fat Stock Show. ENNISKILLEN Mos iug pieture show lu Methodier cbnrch Wed. nesdlay evening,... Our Suudlay Scbooi bas decid. ed te hasve a temperauce and missicusary service eacb nsonth. Next Suuday wiillasemission oe .Mrs. F. W. Lee and Mrs. C. J. Pasroe enter. tainEdI a nuosher oS friends different eveninge re- ooertly te bit fareweII te Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cole M110 left Menda,'Y eveiiinerfor the West ..The friends oS es)rs. Hreid Slemen auid AimerHler- r-ingwsill be giad te know they: are hoth steadiiy lînprovîin l h, ltb .... Ihece ix, a geod deai oýf sieckuese of varions kinde in iecaiity. Dc. Sicion bas been exceedingiy husy for weeks past. . _ Mr. David Brut bas Iseen plowing this week-rather nusual for time of yeai-.*., Speciai collection for Sick Cbiidceu's Hoepital ut Sunday School uext Sunday .... Dr. f5. Alexander, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr. E. Hannas...Miss Dinah Thouepson visited ut Mr. Edward Thonxpson's ' nda...Miss Editha victue visited Mise McLaugblliu .... E"te a as- f eyqit For IfnsandChie. ThaElKindYou Have AlWays Bo1 DUghlt Bears the - f oin~tr f' SALE 0F MAGAZINES The »Annuai Auction Sale of Magazines and Papers will be held at th ubi Library Reading Rom on Friday Dec, I5th at 8 p. m. BETHESDA A ebristmas tree entertainmenf will be held in the cburch on Thursday evening Dec. 21. Programn consîsting of drills, dialogues tableaux recitations and sing- ing. Public cordally invited. Admis- sion, 20e; children, 10e.1 HAYDON Visitors: Miss Kate McNeil, Toronto, at home; Mrs. Maud Trimble, Salemi, witb ber brother, Mr. C. C. Cooper; Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, witb their daugh- fer, Mrs. Wilbert Ridge, Pontypool; Mr. FrankVanstone, Toronto, ai Mr. A. Me- Nei's, Mr. Fred Rundle, St. Marys, witb bis brother, Mr. J. Rundle; Mr. Charles Living, Bnwmauville, at Mr. L. MeLaugb- lin; Mr. and Mrs James CrossmanTauuton, at Mr. Thos. Mountjoy's. Have n equal as a prompt and positive [cure for siek headaebe, hilliousnes, consti- pation, pain in the side, and all 1 ver troubles. Carter's Little Liverý Pilîs. Try tbem. TYRONE Annual Epworth League concert wil be held on Friday Dee. 15. If promises to be a gond one. Don't miss if...Mr. Fred Rundle, Farquhar, ealled on nid friends reeently,..Mr. James Stubbs, Peterboro, gave an entertalument lu the S.0.T. Htall Monday evening .... Tyrone parsonage trustees have purchased the ý acre of land adjoining the parsonage on the west. .. .A petition for rural mail del- ivery bas been suecessfuliy eircuiated lu this vicinity .. . .Mr, Tho0S.scott bas bought- Mr. Fred Rundle's farm. Must not be confounded witb common cathartie or purgative pilîs. Carter's ýLittie Liver Puis are entirelv unlike them in every respect, One trial will prove their superiority. Make sure of your Christmas dinner by leaving your order early for a gond Duck, Turkey, Goose,- Chieken or the best roasts of Beef, Lamb, Pork and Veal witb C. M. Cawker & Son. Well Digging and Cie aning Persons wanting welis or cisterus dng or cleaned apply f0 John Lanmbert who understands the business, as he has work- ed at if for some years Leave your orders at Bounsali's Marbie Works, JOH-N LAMBERT. Bowmanville. PHOTOS FOR CHRISTMAS Are you still worrying about wbat to give your friends for a Christmas remem- berance? Why nof give tbem a photo of yourself or children? It is sure to please fbem. We sf111 baye time-for a few more sitfings which we eau finish before christmas. THOS. ROBSON, J Photographer, James Block. COUNTIES COUNCIL. FINAL SESSION FO R 1911 Thirty-eigbt gond men and true wb, coustitute Counties Councl - the Sbiri Parliament - for the United Counties o sNorthumberland and Durham met aftbth eounty town of Cobourg lu Victoria Hal building wbere the counties' offices an( Council Chamber are loeated, and wbicl are rented from the tnwn. Up f0 thi season mhe counties offices have been heat cd in the old-fasbioned way with woo( Iand ceai stoves. By joint action of tbi tnwn and- enunties authorifies au up-to date beating system- bas been installe( t-and the working seems to lie enfirely saf isfactory. 'i The December session is usually'devot sed more to squaring off the unflnisbed bus 1 iess than f0 new legislation. The jusua -large number nf aceounts bad f0 be con sidered and passed. The correspondenc( read wasnof of mûeh importance. Som( educafinnal matters may be noted: Grauts f0 Continuation Sehoois-Oron( $37.76, Millhrook $74.02, Warkworth $76 15. Grants f0 Fifib classes in Darlington Hampton $46.25, Solina $i3,01. Grants to High sehools: Cobourg ................43.4f Canipbellford ................ 94.8c Bright on .>................... 527.3é Bowmauville................. 954-IÉ Coîborne ....... ............553.;14 Port Hope .............. 1107-05 Inspeefor A. Odell gave a very interes- ting and instructive report of Inspector- ate No. 2. He bas 74 feachers lu rural sebools - 26 holding Tbird-class certifi- cates, 33 seeoud-class and 15 n permits He spoke strongly lu favour of continua- tion sebools which is the nId type of sebool Of 50 years ago wbere ahl the high- er classes are taught. Township Boards were recommended. If township affairs could be' managed by a enuncil board of five men wby not the sehiools in that muicipality?- It- wnuld tend f0 greater uniformity and f0 better manned and equipped sebools. ing a torture, yet sure relief inu the shape of Holloway's Corn Cure is witbin reaeb of aIl. OBITUARY. Mas. Wm, DEMPSTER, Toronto. Deatb occurred Sunday af the residence of ber snn-iu-law, Mr. W. Codner, 6 Tur '- ner avenue, Toronto, of Mrs. Mary Dempster, in bier 8nth year. Deceased, wbo was, the wife nf the late Mr. Wm. flempster, was born lu Montrose, Scot- land, and arrived at Bowmanville on the first celebration iu Canada of Dominion Day, July 1st, 1867. As she lay cnurting sleep, she suddenly heard the sound of belîs borne upon tbe air,- and~ on- making inquiries- from bher husband, learned the cause. Mrs. Dempster came f0 Toronto witb bier late buýsband, from Bowmanville twenty years ago and wben be died eigbt eight years, f ook np ber residence wi h lber son-in-law. She was a regular attendant at St Andrew's Cburch. She is survived by five daugbters; Mrs. S. Zarnage, Mrs. Wm, Coduer, Mrs. H. Gracey, ail of To- ronto, and Mrs. A. Booke, of Mimico. She also leaves one sister, Mrs. James Wylie,,of Detroit. Mothers eau easily know wben their ebldren are-,troubled with wnrmes and fhev lose no finie in appiying the best of remedies-Mother Grave's Worm Exter- minator. ORONO (From The ews) Mr. William MePherson and daugbter recenfly visited af Mr. joseph Campbell's.- ...... Mr. N. A. Jerome, Syracuse, N. Y., is seriously ill witb erysipelas. Mrs. Jerome Mrs. Cutf le and Mr. J. A. Jerome are with hlm ...Medal contest lu the Town Hall Dec. 27f b...Mrs. Allen Casey,i daughter of the late Robt. Hodge. passed away Nov. 23rd-at Mitchell. Mr. Casey was at one finie blacksmith at Kendal... Mr. aud Mrs. W. T. Maguire, aunouncei thie engagement of their daughter, Edythe May, f0 Mr. Harold W. Hamim., The marriage will take place quietly luI December ...Mrs. W, T. Audrus pur- chased the late Jesse Woodward residence for $450.-..Mr. Frank Morgan basý bougbht the twenfy acres on the nortLi side of the road, sixtb uine, frnm Mr. George Heury...Orono Lodge A.O.U.W. No. 161, bias elected the follnwing officers:- M. W.,JTohn S. Robertson; P. M. W., S. Cutteil; Foreman, R. H. Brown; Overseer, John G. HIoney; Recorder, G* L. Waddell; Financier, A. ]. Staples; Recceiver, John Rickaby; Guide, William-, Comm; J . \W., Jamnes Browýn;' 0. W.,' Daid Mfftt IRep. fo Graind Lodge, S. Cuttell. AI- ternate, A. Heuiry; Auditors, Dr. Tucker, J. G. FHouey, JohniWadell Trstees, James Browu, -A. Hleury, A. Tamblyý-n. ... Sý't. Saviour's Churcb was r--pened De. 3rd by Rural Deani Alliin, Millbrook. MAonday eveuiing affer an oyster supper NEWCASTLE MUr. H. Dudley received. a car of straw froni the Otfawai district.. ..Missi Tre- leaven is visitiuig frieuds near Lindsay-,. Miss Laura Smith baving completed bier dress-makiug apprenticesbip bias gone f0o jToronto.. .. Mrs. F. B. Lovekin, bas re- turued from a visit f0 Leamington ... S. Baskerville bas sold bis property on Mauvers Road f0 Mr. Stevens, Oshawa.. ... Master Harvie Bonat bau is atteuding Businiess Coliege lu Toronto. . .. Mr. Nor- mnan Gilbauk is aftending Peterboro Buisiýness Colege.... Miss Charlotte Rose bais returned fsom Fenelon ..... .... Miss Eva Piek ard visited fiendsý in Port Hope. Thie well knowu tegteigproper- fies of Iron, comibinled wI'iibother fouies sud a- most perfect nrinare found lu Cartes's Iron PuIls, wîc streugtben fbe ierves andî body, ant îî>ov the biood and complexion. Kitchien cabinets aCdrk.,enport beds at a little each montb. F. - ý ason & Soni. HAY FOR SALE Hlaviug nmadle arrangemnentswithi fa rmers fo deliver hiay f0 ail p)arts of thie towu, and also bavîug a large quantity of b)aled Ihay On biaudc, we are prepared f0 give prompýt attention fo ail parties leaviug orders, ai lowest prices. McCLELLAN & CO, -.imited., 47 ff Bowmiaiville WOOD SALES SATURDAY, December 16-Mr. Ezra Gif- ford wiIl seli by public auction on lot 9, Coni. 10, Darliigton, known as Robert Carter tarin, five acres of-mîxedi stand- ing tunber in "4 acre lots. To April ï, 1912, given f0 remnove timber. Sale at i p.mi. See bilîs. L.A,W. ToLEr,auac- fiomeer. T. HI. Kuiight bais sonie choice Raisinsýý and Currants for Xmas cooking, Every garment in the store wiIl be sold regardless of 'cost or value at prices represent- ing a saving of' from 3o per cent. to 5o per cent. ýo the purchaser. I t will. be money in your pocket if you buy now. Corne and see what you can save, The Anderson Clothing C BOW'1VANVILLE. A Piano for Ymas Order your piano uoW se that yopu wiibLe sure to S have it for Christmas. Buy a DjOMINIOd'N, PIANO fromn James IDeyman and save rooney. Caîl and see our beautîful new styles. They are simply elegaut. 1 will make the price rigbit and the ternis to suit you and guar- antee satisfaction iu ev ery detail.Z JAMES DLE'YM AN, PIIONE 50 AGENT, BOWMANVILLE. ç4stý**t ý* * Try Eclip se Flour for- Cahes and Pastry. Lt makes delicious pues, cakes and fancy pastry. h * TaiSes Less Shorteriing than Manitoba flour. That's why so many of 4 th etcooks prefer Eclipse Flour- th etit is economical. Sold by ail Grocers. Manufactured by S Fred. C, Vanstone, +. Phone 77. Bowmanvilie.* A RECORD-BREAKING SALE 0F MEN'S AND BOYS' HIGH CLASS CLOTHING' AND FURNISHINGS, Sweeping reductions on 4his entire stock, embracing Suits, Trousers, Overcoats, Ra-i1 cuats and Work C!Qthing at pr!cestatwill I cause a sensation for underpricing.

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