£lck Ileadach u rhv aIl the troublés md.' det.t a billon stte or the systemr, sncbsas Peiaz.iness, Naule', Dýrowsiuess, ]Distressafater eating, Pa in lu te Sie &. White theirimost 'emarkable suce esuli s enown la curieg e la h.yt Orter' U iLvei, Pille a" ~quallIyhvaiaeblO il CG- usL thf.cuing auJ r 'Venting ibis annoying coruplait.whîle they as correct alidisordersoftbestomac,stio3ulte the ircr and regulate the'bow 1-- E-1 if tiioy ouiy suffor tram tbiisdistrcssing cornplaint; but fortu- iately thoirgoodnae does noteud here,aud thosa Who once try them will find thoar littie pills valu.L aible in sa many ivays that thoy will flt be wiI.. z1ngta do witout ti -n. But aiter allsick head le the bane of ro many lives th a tÊlere is where ,wemaleaur great bo&st, Our' pille cureait vhile ethera do not. Carter's Tittla 1ver Pills are 'cry amali auj verryeasy to tike). One or tara pillae mahoe dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, bot lby thir getle action please al wha uaethem. 4ED ~ICINE Co., ITom.C A. E. TIcAUJGHLIN. Barrister, Solicitor aud Conveyancer. Omnce:-ii1eakîey_ Block, Ring $trast. Bowmnvile. mney 5.o an at roseauý- a.ble rates. 48-lyr. B.J.I-lazlewooa, M.D.,O.M BOWNANVILLE. 0 ONT. LDMEDALIST of 7rinttyelft,- GÎIeity, Torouto; Pour yeare Attaxmdhig Pitt8burg,K, Oft Ce uPd EeSidanee Welilgtoe FIL Te' 1 Leine No. IOS A Business College Course. wui pay if it me takzen at a ood sehool. ýliere me floue Setter th,, n the British i Amerscaiu Business collage, Y. M. C. ABuilding, Joronto, the achool that many of the foremost businuen of Canada have attended. Studients enter- ilig should Write for catalogue. T. M. WATSON, îThis îMay Y ers You. We want a reliabie man f0 seil our well known specialties in fruit trees, small fruits, aeed potatoes, flowering abrubs, roses, etc., in Bowmauivifle aud coufity during fal aud witer montha, Outfit free, exclusive territory, pay weekly 600 Acres of Nûrsery Stiick dlean ve ll grown trees and shrubs that wil] satisfy your customers. Early aud good delivery guaranteed. Esîablished over 35 years. Write for whole or part time terms. SALES MANAGER. PELIIAM NURSERY CO., TORONTO. eto's Cottoni Root Compound.1 Týn, he great Uterine Tonie, aud sol af e effotual mothly Reglator on whjch woncan * ..depend. Soid iu threo degrees .~cf stronigth-No. 1, $l; No. 2, ý-y 10 dogmees stronIer 13- No. 3. for secial cases, Î15 P'er box. Sold by aIl duggists, or sont prepuid an oet of price. 'eeparn let. Addreg<3:TH COOK MEDrICINECO.,TORQNro, ONT. fa-rry Winclaor> TRADE MAIÇS DESIGNS i .-yone oendlng a iiletan eiio- uay inventon laprobably pteotftble. Coeîxuiiien. tiois strielciiy 'Oudnti. IANOBOIIK ou patenta Oeuît ee. Oidest. en~c ,frstmgae Patents taluen tliroub Munu Co& < oîv special notice, wthout ahsrue, 1luthsï $ckntIfk meicait A andsomely illiustrated wCkly. largest cir- culation & ~auy scientille journal. Terius for Canada, $375 a yer, potage prepaid. Sold by ARl newsrdealera. MUNN Co.30Bra.! JeîYok SYnOPsls of Canadlen Norlhuwest Land Regulaîlons. A NY pereon whria e sle he~bad cf a family or aur maie aven i8 rears ebti, may homestead a quarter section of avait. able Dominion baud un Manitoba, Sask.- alciseaan or Aberta. The saolicaut muet appeer finuersou aitihe Dominion Lands Agoncy or Sub-Agency £or tise district. Entry bY r ooxY mer hbcumade et aur ag. er, on certain conditions, by aretier, mother, son. danebter, brother cm slalom cf intendiflg homesteader. Duttes :-Lix miouIse' residence unpon aud cultivationa-of tise landI in aci er tires yeam'5 A homesteamlea mer live ,anusj. iu nine miles of bis isomestead on a lr cf et toast 80 acres sobcîr awued and ocenpiod py ifm cr br hie f atier. molli or, sou, daughier, brother or sister.- In certain districts a homost'ýeadorl good standing mer are-emot i a oucner section alongside his hamestea-dt. "Prîto $1,00 per acre. Dnlles-Must reside euix mo(nfilsisnlu aci cf six rus rmdate ai h, mesteed etry llnclmuingtise ime e. rie e san euesteed oeteuit I and cuivt itr ac7res extra.1 A bOme5'týaedo risoba1 eh0setd ie tend in, certain ist;ricts "P,]i',càO 301no'r "cre. Dte-us ei six imouithe in <)' tai Irces -reeclevteifi cres, udreia buseaarb53O0 W. W. CePY, 1 pin Muster ai' laener TBITTIlniithorimzedii bictocf tfils adcesvsemet wilfnt ho valiSfor. NOTES AND COMMENT5 "It was good to live in that age,' poets sud essayists, have exclaimý ed in singing the, praises of certair perioda of modemn history. Cor tainly, it was goodti t live in the sg( of Pondces, in the ae .of Shakos peariisu Milton andi se on. Bum jet tis Lho jueit to our age anti re. egnizc ( our ox\n prit ileges I.ntiop. portun-ities. lut is natural te udea- lize the past, but it is nlot necesssr3 tînduly te dispara-ge the present. Ours, too, ia a giorious sud roman- tic age; ours, tua, is an age of pro- grecs and achievemeut, of soul-stir- ring events sud inspiring tasks and respousibilities. We shoulti guarCII against an anti-modcmnity hias. The other 'day an emineut educa- tor waructi a graduating dlais agaiïist cr'ouds andi demagoguos, chatter anti buperficiaiity, torrent,, of talk and dislike of mental effort, ail of whicb things ho dealaroti ta bo peculiar to our age. But while ours is uudoubtediy anae of ail- pervsding papers, betc eles cheap magazines, mass meetinjgs, inventions andi improx emeuts -which destroy solitude, anti militate against contemplation, it ýis net true that chatter, super-ficialtbiuk- ing andi sophistry are ucw under --the, sun.- Every age bas ifs 'dama- gagnes, its secsatr<n-mongeis, ifs crazes anti follies. There wore de- magogues in ancicut Greece anti Roume; there were tiemagogues lu merry -old Englauti. Writiug lu 1726, Bishop Buffler complained of the "great number of books andi amusements" -which came iu one' s way, of the "multi- tudes who rcadt mer-ely for the sake of taiking," of the general unwil- liugness ta think bard sud suifer "the pain of attention." Thouglit was always "fatiguing," anti taik was aiways pleutiful, but, as the London Times points out, our age la r.cally doing soîncthiug to coïi.- Verset the aversion to the trouble cf independeut fhinking and judg-. ing. Insteati cf iosing mental cf- ficiency anti inteilectusl streugth, we are gaining and advanciug in these directions. After ail, this is the age cf acre- planes sud wireless communication, cf empire building, cf intarnatio-n- ai arbitration, cf social reform, cf scienrtifie industry, cf tbe peopleiz- ation cf knowiedge, art and cul- ture, cf succesaful campaigns againat dreadeti disease, cof chilti- saving, of humanitarian trcatmneut of vice anti crime. These tbings mc- quir-e thought, and they are doue by cîsr coutemporaries. An age cf igne)ramuses sud noisy croýwds, an age cf raut anti vuigarity, wouid bave 11e such entries to its credit. WTe repeaf, be just te your own age and appreciate its cppo-tuifics sud priviieges. We, tee, "were hemoË in Arcadia." French anti Qerman crîminole- gists are casting abeut for soîne plan for puttiug physicai marks ou habituai oiffentiis.- The -day--is _past, cf course, when branding woulti be tolerateti; a criminai like iBalzac's Vautrn i lne longer ta be identi- fîi by means cf a smart siap ha- tween the shoulder hiades te bring the reti eloera to e icibility. Yet some meaus for givung assurance,- of identity, cither hy pes aunai ex-1 aminstion or by corresp-ondence. mý'aî,n îîaturelugeucrai. Perbaps a slit atoiug, 'placed -ou seme parit cf tle hov where the officers cf the awcoutiflutiit, ,yet wïnereu it orthiukcf lokingfor it,mih gîvosocity afair ytntîuu T'HE EDITOR TALKS. "cYen, gentlemen, epraseut wliat is, or shoulti , hafi great est power for goati or cvilinii the land, fer if resta witli you te a igreat fluasume ta aducate popular opinion andt t fumnicli fli public wifh reliable .In- formation anti instruction. A funthier duty fails upan yeu, tIsat ci teaching.the youth ai the country le spaak anti write their ewu language in a proper way, anti I muet conicas that a cursony giance a,Ë soe ai tIsa papers drives me te flic conclusion thet you are eccasiouaiiy rallier rcegard- iess ai this educat louai respeusibilitSi." Say, ycu farmars, wlio voteti againef >reciprocity fearing tLe Yankees wouid gobbie yau up if camieti, do' you fead a litIle lite kicking ycursalvas ail ovor tIsa lot te readthtIa Cauadian hersas almost swapt flie taubant lunIlie great Natienal Hanse Show last month in New York City, anti a wae at slatfli boys cf Canada, epresentatives cf saven millions of people, woen flreaeout of five pnizes in campef ifion with the woniti at flic Chicago Live Stock Show andthIe r nuay milliens oi Uncla Sam's sens anti taughtars. Re- ciprocif y in ceurlesias of tlua clianacter anti frieudir compatitions tends te strengîhen 'thea tics that binti us togatiser. Ail bail ta flic Canadiars collage boys wlao won their shara ci international honora. Mayor Gaynor of New York gave coma cane ideas te newspaper atistorathie othar day wlien lac saiti: "A newspaper aliaulti show tisat fLanc is a gentleman in control cf if." Ne uewspapar neadt t show cvi- denca ai the coma ai that saying more than American dailv iaapers., But fliare are adtors cf Canadian papers during alec- lion limas wlia might profit by intemspcc- tion, t00. Mayom Gaynor fuiriher says: "~A nawspaper cliauld bli truc ils motives fair-sud give the news witliout paty ias." This ic what ahl readara woulti de- -igitto nccie-tha trul-unaduterae-à anti nuIiase- Ont new Govamnor-Gen- eral, flic Duka of Connauglit, was enter- taiseti by Tomante Press, Club an Weti- nesday lasI ueek ant inlureplv ta theada-i1 draslac saiti among nice anti wise thinga: Any man wlie bas travelleti witihlis ayes open iii daylighî toa!a v extent flimu tLe agicultural districts of the Unitedi States cenliguace la flic Canadian-Amer- ican Lcundary wil l t ha barassati by feans of compatition frcm U. S. farmans. If is truc fliat there are gooti iarming sec- tions liera andt fLan, but flic American cias require allie iarm produce tic-y cen reise excepting epples, sa thel -the hoame tiemaud t igacti pricas wiil precluda flic shipmant of veny lange quantifies te Canada. Ontario people neîurning fnam travelling thru tIsa' States invriably ex- press glac'ness oven uder returu te Ont- ario, fie farme present se mueli baffer andti fity appeananceansd tic whoie as- pect ai tie counfry froua an agricultural vie wpeinf lese omucli moeainviting snd attractive te adminans cf country lufe. Canada is gcati enougli for us. Reference le briafiy madtifoflic recent New Yort Herse Show lu my latter frcm that city ai lest weet anti sc in flic bal- ance of liaI latter thaf was crawtied ouf anti which uow appears on an inite page. I et umu te flic subecet egasu ta express MY great satisfaction even flic succass ci Canadiaus aI that international compefi- tien. Iu cvery ciass, in wbicli Canadiens camipateti they won houons anti in several classe s thcy ither swept flic boarti er1 captunedthIe langesl awards. Tic Globe pute well deservati icatiers in fie caps afi the milifamy compefifors wisen if says tIsaI an atiditianal credit ta tLe cuccessini Can-1 adiens te tic milifary classes lies lu flic( Fect thal whila, with but oua exception,1 they wcne voluntaan efficers, fLair Amer-1 ican, British ati continental campatiters1 waý,ýra scîcccti ifrom flic negular cavairy1 anti artillery services ai thiai respactive1 countries. If seema ta mati on 1111e imb what compctiîseua Canadiens antan witli1 tisein cousius acresa flac border fhcy us-' u-tily manage la holdti ai own antia a fnýîe moe.1 ScLool teachers shouiti imprese on thair boys anti girls flic tuty cf prapar cantiacf anti respect ai al limes anti in al places turing tise sunging of The National An- fhem, Aitisae close ofef nfrfaiuumcuts inu public halls wherc lie people are al supposedt f stand anti jain in the singing if is tiîstrescing fa sac people puttiug onr their wnaps, coafs anti aven bats befone( tIse siniging la oven. Na action t ewardst Ieeviiag tflicbuilding soultibc mate filI thie lest notec is sung. We were geaflv pieassat tereati of the ,sfrikiug contrasl le flic genenal inattention te flic playing or siuging ef "Goti Save the King," flic action ef flic Dote cf Connaughst's party whie in Havelock, recantly. Scîsool chiltren linati up baside tlisa coacises werc inging national airs whiie flic royal pensonagea t andti fLir suit wama pantakiîsg cf break- fast. At fia commencement cof «God, Res toration of Stomach Power Oomes QiD-kly Wfth the Right Medicine. "My f3id seemed to decompose iu MY StOlnacli," writea Mr. Raîph Cdam- mous, of Newbridge, P.O. "I had a atomacli that fsiled in aume way tn perform ita work. Digestion seemed more or less arrested snd 1 grew thin, yellow, nevous. The atomacli becanme diatended and impeded appar'erty the action ai the heastt, for ofte'i, at nîght It -would do great tur ta. At times 1 would vomit a tricous mass, and at theso timon my head achod moat ter- ribly. A frieud, who had beeu cured of a imilur condition, sdvisod me to take Dr. llsmiltans Pille regularly,, whIch 1 did. The resuit iu my case was imply imarvclous. Dr. lHamiltons Pilla remnovd the cause~, atrengtheacd the stomadi, excit ci the lix or ta normal action, the kidneys w"ce released of excessive work. 11eaith soon glawed 7ithiu me. Iieaunowr,w ot, aleep, and livu like aflivemu. Be adi iFed-Use pr. Fnrnilton's PuIs -they :jl'e cure ta o ,you good. 25c ver boxni ail dnirorThe a tairbozo.u Co., K'gsoCanada. Dr f~rnIonsPgI Cure ~nc esti-"p Save the King," the entiî'e party stood Up andi remaineti standing uritil tlie chiltiren had finished before resuminst the4r mor- WEST DURHAM ELECTION, 15 YEARS A DYSPEPTIC Foreed Io Live on stale Bread and Porridge.- 4,FRUIT-A-TIVES", CURED HIM AvoNDAIrX, N. B., October, i5th. «'I have beau a great sufferer froua Indigestion for fiffeen yeers, 1 was foreeýdto leney myseif ail suci liearty featis as heaus, meats, potatoes andi ceulti not drink tee or cofice. For thse pest two years, I liveti on porridge, ctle breati, etc. I1lied treaiment frcm twe donos, sud trieti neariy evemy tint oi medicine, but gel worse. "Finally I saw a testimionial cf "Fruit-a-tivas" anti couchadedti t give lim a trial. I teck uearly four boxas cf "Fnmit-a-tives" andt hey lieadste nie feel like a uaw in. I can cat al kinda cf lieaty footis itliout suafcnring, and sa ne lenger censtipated." LEMUTEL A. W. ]BROWN. Many people lok on "Fruit-aL-tiras" as a miractslous medicine. If lias ludeeti penformeti wiît havesceamati lite miraculeus curas lu hundreds cf cases of chrcule Indigestion, Dyspepsie, Constipatioansd Bilieuus-s "Frit-e tires" is tise only nediciue in flic wcnit matie of freeli fruit juices anti vaîneble tenîca. soc. a box, 6 for $2.5o, or triai sizO, 25c. At al tealer. cm ircua Fruit-a-liras Liuaiteti, Ottawa. uing meai.TIII3ITE Te MISS SIABEL ILEWELLA 110AR, BETIIESDA. Lsst-century paper-fer newïspapa-r iuft- nMîay ec t- Mss-Mubel- ing was matie largely from naga, but ta- Llewelis, youangest dan.iater ai the laite wards the endi of the century a proceas Mn. Thos. R. and Mrs. Hoarl -i the was discovenati by which apruce anti bal- osnili te joi hem loveddocnes who havé, sama by grnding anti puttin.- the produc goîse betore. Mabel pcssassed oeeor thnu a cîsemicai proceas matie excellent thosa rare dispositionîs, wirli s kinti puip for pape'r making. Nearly 6oe,oe amie snd a kind word fer cvery carda of wooti ware grounti info wooti- 9n6, She was a ciever student, en ter- pulp by 51 pulpmiils opcraling thronahout îug Higli School ait a very eariy age sud Canada tinig 91. Statistica coumpiled f)w lsad. bniglter prospects haera thons. by the Forestry Bnancb, Dapartment of She deariy loveti lier Sntiy Sehool Interior, show that the total value cf this andi choir work, and as long as sfrengtlî 1weeti was $3,585,ooo anti that it was ce,- pt-,rmitte6 was ever a regnilar attendant. vet-teti. into 475,000 tons cf wooti-puîp, But hemlheuart was net sufficientiy Quebec is the premier pulpwooti province stmelîg te curry eut the mauy things cf Can~ada because cf _ils extensive spruce sedesir cd te do and she gradusIll be- anti balsam for 1ests. Tihe 25 pUlpMiîîs in'came weakom uritil deafl ciaimned lir. Quebec reportedth îe censumption of 57 Te Mabel thene wss ne dreati of tise Ipan cent. cf flic total for Canada, cr 23,000 future. She kîsew in whom i se be- corda more than lu 19n0. Ontario like- lioved andi deafli was but the frise eu- wîse increasati the amount consumeti in trauce iute lufe, ler greatest tear bo- ite I5 pnlpmills by over 20,a00 cercla ant i ng fiat hem centiîsued iluness miglit usati ovan one-tbirti ai the total censnmp- weary the loveti cnes arounti lber. Tlio tioci, ferming wîth Quebec 92 per cent. coffmunerai on Weduesday, Dec. 6, though the total. The mille ai Nova Scotia cou- privato was attendeti by about 60 cf the sumeti nearly 30,000 corde. New Bruns- immediate relatives and fionds, sud al- wick uisetiharely oe-fifth as mucis as in thaugli a requst vas macle that thora 1909, centributing in that year filteen par ho "ne flowers," boantifîsl, wreatlîs anti cent. of thse total. Ia 1910 the amount sprays were sont hy Bethestis Sabhath uset iwaa only twe per cent. ai the totalSeheel anti friontis, sliwlg the du'epost due chîýefly te thse clcsing ef ene large sympathy sud respect wifli whicli tho plant, 'The average value cf pulpwacd li fainly as s wheic are heid, I91c was $6 per cord, and Quabcc wae the! Oua of Mabel's favorite pieces, "'Dees oue province in which the price was leas Jeans Cane Y?' was suîsg by Mrs. 0 A. in i910 than in 1909. The higbest price Wightf, Providence, wvhîie Rev. T. W. paiti was in Ontario, wbere if averageti $7, Jolliff e, Bowînaviiie. anti Rev. Wm. whiie puipwcoti from Nova Scotia ait $4.6o Higgs Tyncuse, paid heautiful tributes per cond was the cheapeat. ta tise dapantet anti consolation te the loely mather, brofliers aud sisters. Mr. . W.Rowll,'. C. byhis ub- Six cousins weme lhor hearens: Milton Mr.N.W. ewllK.C.,byhicpu.'Wight, Nelson Charlton, Everette lisheti prcneuncemeuts anti hie campaigu bar, Fred Wight, Fred Bragg aîsd speeches lias doue a lot cf "casting breati anvoy Wightf many tisys." Indeeti, the fruits of hie Mme. Hoar wislies te express lier ap- practical speeches are alreiudy, inbnilliaut prociatian of tie kindness ofi fnieutinî evitience. for we finti a mati-ha t Conserva-aytieatnen gve leraiig tive pnmririg reti-hut chat iet Hou. James Mabel dus'iug lier ilmace anus in suy Dufi, Minister cf Agriculture, at Guelph sympafhy shawn herself sud famiiy. - last week wlien Premier Whitney got hic E.-M. W. pointer from Mn. John Bright, Myrtie, lier lufe ws fot long, Ontario County, Presitiaut of the Provin- Joy biathisu ending ever, ci'ai Winter Faim: 'Il eau agi ce uvifhlfle Briei is the swoefast gong; leader cf the Opposition," Mr. Bright saiti, But Love fiows on1 fomever "in hie criticism cý f the Govemument fon Tillitsuc ean waters jain fie mystlo ses, net speuding more ou agriculture, anti I RUfathometi, boutiless, cf Eternity. nope tnat non. aMr. uîtwîiu malte tun- tiser criticism along thase lines impossible, If lie doas ual, I balieve that tic farmers oi Ont aria will arise in thair miglit anti gat behinti Mn, Rowell." Well, if would be a sight for acre cyceste sac tie Presi- dent of Saufth Ontario Consenvativa As- sociation marclaiug behinti the Libls leader. Tiose who kniow Mr. Bright wîil agrea that haie au consistent ly criticize a muan wha is by no maos hic equal lu agri- cultural malters. Il was a positive insait -ts the-fanrs of tisa pravimice-when M1-r. Duif was matie Miniatar of Agriculture. Flic "backbone" cof Ontario desanves bal- ter consitiemation. Wîen Mr. Ný. W. Roeevel, K.C., ae- capfad the leadership oaf Ontario Liber. ais ne mau in flac Province fait glacIer flîsu the editer of THsE STATESM1AN, for knsowjsg flic man, wa knasv tIstailu ex- cellent ehoica liad beau male. Barriei ~Stumtiay Morniiîg is an indepennts paper anti us estimate oethelicnew leader is hns exprassati : Tise atidress of Mrt. N, W. R'oweli, t isasev leader oaf tic Ontario Libeaas ai flic Opera Hanse last weck, amply justifiati ah goati re- ports that hava comae froun diffamant parts oaffliheccntry. Withont the bis ai a psnty paper, ît; eau ba said tisat no more effective spechls las becus heard iu Barrie for many a cday-Barrie, fie hsome of saine of Caîsata's iotati ceus. It is clear that Mn. RoNveli muettfaite bis place ai oce amcng tiea cary fore- ussst political speakers in tise Previisaa. Ribs voico, ai tise hogiisrsing of lais nuit- dracs, shawed soune evitience 0f flic itrain cf'tIse campaigus, but thene*wss no suaggestions oi wesmnsess or co 'nin orc hsatiaus bahmnd flic voice. iisstyle depeuds for its cham ou1tise eosvisciusg arrangemensts of points ratisar tisars ou lac multiplicatioua of mesouîiiag phrases. H{is.appeal 15 ftîsitellect nather tisais fa lic emotialîs, Ha e ele ste conviuîce ratlier ilisute, excite. His îîotieralios if statenscalt is its ceaabla as lus arransgemeusto a isais eonviîîciug. BESI 1912 OFFER Aur preseuf suisacniber 10 THE STATES- MAN on THE Ho WMAN VILLE NEWS, Wiao viii rcncw his or lier ashîscriptian for 1912 befere Dec. 1 ucxt ,at $1 anti senti soc. extra for a bacfde new subscriber, either paper wili ilbe sent frouanatiw le Jan- sary 1, 1913 --ani.î,;usois. We mes- pectlully 1iviteevrypraseutsuanie to h'A l us oleat 50new amle's t u ici atils hif-pnice offen ftor uew 1ees. isean) absen mamber of yottn fami-ily or a friensti e reaut o',f oua CfilissePop- ilan James Ppas eeiyltter from hoame: tichemoelaid et DumhLam, SMUG. Bi'aggs-What is the meaning of the word smug? \Vaggs-It means a man wxho, is fat and glati of it. IMPORTANT. --The mian who wishcs t a h architect of bis own fortune sho-uId net overlook the importance of makig bis foun-dation firrn. "What on carth's the matter i Cut yourself wbiie shaving l" "No-o. 1 shouild ssy that 1 sbaved myseif while cuitting." is the highest type of womanhood. is the highest type of curative food. 11 The nourishing and curative elements in Scott's Emulsion are so perfectly combined tnat ail (babies, children and adults) are equally bene- fitted and buit u ,e a ,re f etSCOTI ý'ý- Esîtlislcc 1873 OI (/F \J AD NEWCASTLE liqDPEEDENP MORALIZES. The Independent is open te argument to him that thinkethl the resuits cf eciao tiens do net iargeiy depenti upan the mental, moral andi physicai infirmities il the make-up of the average man,, anti as the fîiing ti West )uî'ham is au aver- age mnnicipality matie up of the average man, we get back te aour lirst thcught that Mr. J. H. Devitt awes his eprted maj- crity cf 226 over A. A. Pearers as maiich ta the desire cf the Ricuing te keep in fashicis witls tIre timmes as te al ohe causes cSnbineti, If this ho net se, on what grounti eau thte vota bc justifieti ? Ail cf as whe have taken the trouble te look jutes the miatonial cf tise Reweii îiiatfoî-m, are in favor of aine paks out cf ten in ifs composition, anti the other tenth ici bel- iaved lu by nine electers out ef ton in the Ritiiugf of West Durham. Persanaliy, at other than electien fisies, wo have boeard every chiaS reformai prepased hy the uew Liberal leadeor entiarseti by individual electors, andi perscnaliy, wa bave every assurance for believiug evory electar me- fermedt t voteti on Moutiay centrai-y ta w-bat lhe hati previousiy entiarseti. We neeti net paiticularize upon tise pianka portaiuing te flie telophone question, thre echool system, the assessament aci, the thiroa fiths clause-ail as livo issues in fuio Ridiug as iu any other cerner of the Province, but asl apîsarntly forgotten ou Mnnday, some inight sy by politicai or porsgousi projutiice. but wo say by the fati cf fashion oiý the vaunting of victery. A BRIGHT LIFE'S CLOSE,, Dù,K.&K E-tabliched 2 er gefiNO NAMES USED WITH- ~~ ~ OUT WRITTEI- CONSENT- He was surpris ed et lsow thej ý,o%«I acres hoal d- "! took yaur NEar 3lr.nTcT --aTIirl forat aserions bod: aicenso with wehic.a I lied been inedi13cd sfor twelveyrears. 1 lad coDulted a score ~~~~ o~ .,. f physicians talzou aIl kmode ai bload f.',, ~ - m edicine, vilte i ai EH t prings ad oiher \minorai watet ruionts, bof anly gaI toua- 1 ~ poramy relief. Tiser vald iclp ime fot a * cime, but altfer discaafinuiog theie md- c du~es ts i nptoms wouid brea ii - - eLgftinr-,nning soros bloichi, n-- - atic pains, looseneis oý thae bair savelling;e t 4À la tianglanlds, palms of tise hlids ýIicaTig, - OiPOCTRATMf'iTitdhir sa of thVia A, dyspeptie astomrîsli, AFTER TREATME!NT etc. 1 lad gironuar in de8aar aIon a friend advised me" le consuit you, as yeunlied cunod hlm cia elmiiar diîease 8 eres ago- Ilhad noe, buit obhic novice. Su thrce areks'ltimetfIe caes commeuced taheai up sud I liecamne oncoured, 1 continned flic NEW IImnTasa riErATr for fourumontiba end at fhe end of flt iea evary avmpfaîn baad diceppoarod. 1 was cnred 7 reara ago and fia signa cof any dscase ounce, Ily boy, tlrc eam old, lascund sud bealtir. I cor. tainly eau reconamend your ireaimeut aih alal my beant. loi eau rofar anî pet eau te me privai ely, buti yen cen usa flua testimonial as yau sciis. WI. S. We trent NERVOUS DEBIUTY, VARICOSE VEINS, VITAL WEAKNES 9, BLOOD, SI-IN and SECRET Dîseasca,, URINARY, BLADDER and IDNEY complainsacf Men andt Womnems SAre yen a vie'îim? Havé enoulait ope? Are yen iuiendiog to ar nua REDRyour blood beau diseased? Rave yen unywanealos? iOur BEw sýTHOD TREÂTMENT wilt cure yen. Wh t hfiias doue for othema t scili do for yen. Commuiaion Free. No mettor wbo bas treated yau write for an 4onest opinion Froc of Charge.' Charges mesonable. Books Free-(Ibiustraied) on disoases cf SMen. NO NAMES USED WITHOU f WRI'ITEN CONSEN'-T, Evcryerisg confidential. Question liât and cout of Home T'rease,, rt FREL cor. ihnAe. and Oriswold Si, Detroit, Mich. T I Ail lettons freas Canada muet lie atidresseti A te our Canadien CorrespoudeuceDepent- mientis Windsor, Ont. If you dasire te sac us erou vl caul ai ur Medical Instituta lunfDetroit as are cea antitreet ho pai ntsli ur Windsor offices -ahich are for Correspondance anti Iaotoyfor Canadieni business cuir. Atitressalal lattera as Sollows: DRS. KENNEDY .& KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. -rite for our rrt--ite add-;ress. NEWS[RO SOSFICOAST WIIAT TUE WESTERN' PEOPLE, ARE DOINli. Pî'egî'eas of thse Grat West Tld In s Fcw' Poiated Items. Near Laembe, fis yeam, one set- fler hati 1,500 Luchais cf oesefr&u hOares, If 13 expecteti thaf trauscontin- entai trains wiliLe î'unning jute Calgary ncxt apring, Tbe campaigs ag'ltst meving pie- fume filma cf an anti-Bmifash nature or sentiment bas extesatedti t Victeria, Seven million dallars wellibe me- qumt for the conapletion cf the varions cîuic w-rkis noar auhanti ut Vancouver, A number cf cify physîcians cf Wîinip-havearecenfhy -hocn-rcli- Lad oSvluahie sungical anti mcdi- cal appliances. If bas beau discoveret iat expert ceunterfeitars have for the past two yars Leen making tiacir heati- qîîsrtms at Victoria. The total vue bcf -he British columbia fislheîieg, for Septe 1mber wpvas $1,2314,1a ' or 19 par cent., of the fichenies cf the Dominion. If is axpecteti that there, wili be at eaisf 22 miles -of ornaîssentai cifaeet lights Lnmning lu Vancouver by the mididle cf text sumnmer. Calgary teelsuicai achool classes ia honselsolti'science attend markt to witness demouctrations lu the cutttug tmp oS meals sud the selc- tien of joints. The production oS fruit anti vege- tables this tear lun the Kettie val- ley lias becîs practically twic thaf of lasf year, anti ahliseof particulan- ly gooti qnality. George Irving tiieti in the Goner- ai hospatal, Calgary, fmoir, binti poison, canseti Ly dust getting lufo tbc cavity of au oye w biefs h ad Lcst '-îae ycare -prieuly. J-h i d'*.-s e Leyslnitfr uait- erer, bat beau fin.-eti $205 o ein 1iquol i i Indians.'L'loerecent lonigoS Indian Joe, neur Lady- siaitb is tracedtirie-1y to this Thom-saucls oS doliaraswîîoc horso e eti anti prou i. isarhen caclu ils1iv the uoucmra t.m ta o'Jr use tring f- lesmornx T; h e s ' r c f h a u n a crv-a -1 pbtLay tofhp faipgtata(rewo extinguisheti before the damage be- cama serions. Musitrats, wintar skins, anc sali.' ing at 30 and 40 cents apicce -lu Winnipeg. Last year they dropped frem 90 cents arn te 15 cents on accents of the large supiy wbich aceount of the lange suppiy wblch minit ckins briug $8. If lsa sLiver PiII. Many of the aliments that man bas te coutenti aith hava their enigins in s dis- -ordemeti liver, which ila sdelicate r)rgin, peeiilà,ly susceptible td the dîsturba.nces that come from ir- negular habits or lacit cf cane in eating a'nt idnking. Thins se- counts for the great many liver me- guistors uew presseti on thae atten- tien of sufferars. Of these there la none sopenior te Paruîeiec'sVe- table Pills. Their oeainthou;.gh gonfle is effective, andti f Lic mostde- licatae au uise them. WHAT MANY MEN KNOW. Samne cilovercoat; Haetoesufice ; _ Expecteti a ew oua; 1-aven't tho pnice. Funny iookiug, aiu't it? No wouder yen siie; Out at the elbows- 'Way ont of style. Sou on vears oIt!1 Cross my heant! Expeet te wear if 1Till it Salis spart. Bade if gcootbye Late iast May; Toiti my avife To give Af away. She -klew bettaîr. Now I'm glati. O- tise level, oes if lochok d She-"They say that an appie a day wiii keep the tiector ivay." Ho "Wby stap therel Ani onien a day wiil keep evorybcdy aw,ýay !" A DEPOSIT 0F ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savi.rngs Bank Department,, and i3 sufficient to oe an account and entitie the Depcsito)r to ai pass Bo)ok. The highest current rate of Int,;a'st is allowed, and money may be withdrawn'at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. Bowmanvif-le Brandi: A.. McMiIlan, m~gr. B1ac1XstocIç.1 R4 . .coulson, " Branmches alao a t Newcastle, et aiOon, OshDawa, STANDARD Eý É-% " d-Il A IL T A T'. a 80 Branches a .