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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1911, p. 6

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There is ofteu a time wseu tise inturest ut a purty or cerne social gatiseng fiage, andtihie cernpany lok ut eacb other weurily ant i n- tinige in email talk anti wonden wisy tbey carne. It is tisen tisat tise ru- sourceful girl or boy stupe forwart ant i wtis a few quiet words anti cerne clever steny cr seumingiy sim- ple littie tricis, bas at once tise at- tention cf tise wisoiu cornpaîsy. Al is liveiy iuterest anti laugistur where tisenu was gioem bufere, anti new life is givun te tise wisoi room. We ail liSe te sue young people wbe are brigist ant initeresting in cornpany anti nie eau do tiseir shane te amuse wben epportunnty off uns. Now bure isea simple leekiug thing for a bey to try-tbat is, sim- ple looiig until bu attempts it. Tise feat is te sit on a jug anti, witb a canctiesticis in eithun baud, te ligisi tise wick of onu candle from tise flarne of tise other. LIC4HTING THE CANDLE, An ortinary jng, of gooti size, is lait on tbe fbon. On eitiser sitie is placet a cantie antioeeof tise wicks is iighteti. ,Tien tise competiter site ou tise jug se tisat its nucis points towamt bis feet. Putting hies legs struîght ont lie new places tise beel ofhie nright-font-u thr-týee-of tise left, andt tking a cantie in ither haut, ligiseor ratisur, attenîpte te ligst-tise unit -wick, Tise fun is soon in evilence, for ut every at- tempt te raise botis canties frer tise floor even relis jng anti man. But aftun a few falis anti a littie prartice tiseme cernes a moment of steatinece; andt ien botis cantiles are ligistecu safeiy anti placet on tise ber in their original positions. An even more tifficuit feat than tisis is te tion. Otiser sirilar feuts may bu deviseti reuiring tise use cf botis bauds. BALANCING ON BROOMSTICKS There is a favorite3 decis game playeti with a clotises basket that proves immensely successful wvien atiaptedti t a dnawing room. A broometinis is passeettisrengistise isantiles of an ordtiary ciethus-bas- ket, witis equal projections ut botis unds. 'Two chairs are placet fucing oue ausethier, tise basket je iifted, unithtie projecting ente cf tise broornstirks are baluncet on tise seate, te thut tise basket swings freely. Four ceins are uow put ou tise chaire, oeaetcrisof tise four corners, anti the pruparations anc complete. Auy boy wbo je xiiing te give an exhibition of tise art cf balane- ing stepe into tise basket, site ustridu tise stick, anti, witb a waik- ing stick, kuocise off tise four coins fmum tise cornescf tise chairs, anti steps te tise fleer &gain. Simple as tiss nîy seem, it is only uecessary te ttempt tise feut te tiscover wherein tise tiilty lies. Altisougis tise waikiug stick, wbich may bu usut as a support, enables eue teo enter tise basket anti sit on lhe broornstick in safuty, se ceeu as any utternpt is mate te nise tise stick in ontun te Suons town tise reins, tise basket ut once swings round anti prebably tismen s yenuas a bueS- jumping horse might tirow bis rit- un. Tise riethes-basket game would maku a mermy party f mcm tise tinilest mutuial. THE GLASSFUL 0F PINS. Te dt iis tricks, li a email glass witis as rnany pins as yen eau packs jute it, anti crowti ente the tep of it. It is bust te filtise glass in this way befoe rbinging it te tise table, about wbicb tise cornpauy are sit- ting n hem yen are tryiug te amuse, berause tises, wlien yen tunstiser eut ou tise table yen xiii muSe tisen leesun up, anti se make apparntiy a mn i biggr pue tlan migist SANTA CLAUJS IN HIS, TQY FACTOPLY. Hie is very--busy- working-for g- oëd littie -bays -and gr small squares of pasteboarti if te- sired. After tise gnests are seateti at uach table, give te each a sucent cane on wbicb is written the sub- jeets of tise tifferent tables. Wlien ail are reaty the bell1 at tise glass is quite dry, anti that yen keep it se, becausu if tisis is net pur- fectly dry tise water wiil very seen un -ovur tise etige of tise glass anti reaty you tell yeur cempany tisat yen are geing te put ail tise pins bacis in tise glass witbont taking eut any water or aliewing any of it te escape in uny way. Ne one wiil bu- lieve it possible who bas net'seen the tnik tdoue; but if yen take tise pins very carefully anti trop tisem in tise glass yen wiii firt that yen can put tburn ail in tise water until tbuy more than fil tise glass again, anti yet ne, water bas been taken eut or spiliet. It wiii cause mnch mernirnent anti arouse noeunit of in terest as those present speculate on wisat lias become of tise water, andi isew yen dit it. If tliey wish te try it, arrange evurything for them, anti wisen yen fil tise glass, sethat tise utiges are wet anti then as tisuy put tise pins in, tise water will run over at once. Tiîs wîll turu tise laugis on tbum anti butise source of more f un. PROGRESSIVE INITIALS, This ie a gaine tisat ail eau play. A number of tables te suit tise nnrn- tise lest table rings andtihie garne proceetis. Onu persen turuis a lutter. Il thse first table is for fruit, andthie lut- teur turnet is A, tise person whe turne it says apple or any fruit cemmeuciug with A-an J keeps tise ltter. Thun in quick succession a luetter is turneti by eacli persen in rota-' tien, until ail tise luýtters ,xre cx- isanstet. The obj-ect of tise game is te bu tise first te thinis of a fruit, flewer, net- et man or ýcity. Wheu tise lettons are ail exhausted at tise first table tise bell rings, andthie garne stops. Tise two persans wbo bave gainet tise rnest letturs turing tise gaine, progrese te tise sucent table, anti tisosu at tise next table wbo have tise least taise tisuir places. Eacis person keups a record ou bis carti-of tise letters bue gets, anti at tise eut of tise evening a prize is givun te tise eue whe lias iseld tise rnost letters. AN AFTER DINNEIt TRICK. Thume are fuw occasions wbeu a tricks is more acceptable thianwbile sitting areunc tise table aftur din- uer. Hure is an interestiug ittie tricks, whicb is espuciaiiy suitable for tise tinuer table, as a uapkiu ring is ail tisat is equireti. Taise tise ring anti pass a fore- finger tisrougb from eitiser site. New foilow closuiy, for tise next fuw movements constitute tise, wole tricks. Turu tise luger urounti a few times witbiu tise ring anti then, wisen tise igbt linger is uppemmeost, "I LIKE NOT PIRTERSADA VILLAIN'S M1.-Lf. PROOF FOR W~OM[N- WHO SJILL SOFFER TIIAT TRIEY CAN FINI) RELIEF IN D0DD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Mmc. Lois lleKay snffered front Pains lu the Bach, Site and ln the region of tise heurt - Dodd's Kidney Pillsecuret lier. Tiveiten, Digby Ce., N. S., Dec. 18 (Speciai).-Ex ery day ceunis tu brng a i4essage of ciseer for tise weak, ruu-town womun of Canada. To-luy'c message cornes fronM Mes. Lois MrKay, a well-known resitent of tisis place. 55e, liSe otisers, bas founut new iife in Delti's Kidney Pis. "Befonu I usut Detit's Kitin-y Pille","Mn-s. McIKay States, "I Suf- furet witis a bat pain in my bacS anti sie, pains in my bowuis, anti Shamp, cntting pains aroundthtie hieurt. "I n'as ulways tiret. Sornetimes when I sut tiwu 1 coulti iardly get up eut of tise chair. But tisauke te De-lt's Kidiney Pille, my pain is ail gene anti my bacS is weil. I bave provuis for myseif that Dodt's Kildney Pille are gooti." Femalu troubleijeneuniy ulways caut dby diseaset Kilucys. Tise position cf tis fealuorgneandtihie Kitneys shows bow eue is tiependent on tise otiser. Tisat's why weak worn finti ~ ~ D-dd' -e ieinIt' KiTtne1T Pille. Tisey always cure disuaceti KW-ne-S turu tise ieft bauds tewartis anti tise1 p rigist away fr-onyen anti bring tise BRITISH CABINET SALARIES. tip of eacis fereflugur te tlîat of its respective tisumis. What the United iKingdom Pays Its New tise forefingers andti iumbe Twenty Offleers. are toetiser in tise centre of tise I o ot ut iemr ring, anti if yen bave feliowet tise t n n sts0,00 a etoa i thmoe directions cerectly. tise igist Btise-cbint racg.~obu fingerBwitisbucagainet tise gof fingr wll e aains th let 1exact, tise yearIy salaries tirawn by tbnmb on onu culde, andthie left fore-itstwnymebrofiepeet frmge-agristtis rgbz-t-unb rptigoverneont ru-acbunder tise latest tise othun. To cempiete tise tricis, arrangement a total of- $522,000ý iseep tise forefingers in contact with wites a Lontion correspondent. tise tbnmbs of tise opposite hauts Tise higbest in tise Britisis sailary anti gradtiaily open ont, when tise list ie Lent Aberdeen, lordi iientent- napisin ring will f ail away without of Irelanti, wisotimuws $100,000 ai any apparent discennectien of yenr yean. But bue lives in regai state fingers frern stant to finish, anti it coste birn mues moe than Thsis tricks will probabiy ruquire that te maintain bis position. A censitierable practicu befere yen Setter bargain, fr-om tise recipient's eau perfermi it nuatiy andt accur- peint of view, is tise $50,000 ru- ately, bnt it ie weii worth iuarniug cuivet yearly hy Lent Loreburn, an iclarnut is o ai o-tise lord cisancelier, wbosu main aonti oneide aiyfr uties are prusitiîng ovur tise bouse gotten.of lordis anti uppointing magistrates for the Englisis counti-us. Even SKIN A MIASS OF FIRE. les work is doue by Samnuel Walk- un, lent chancelier of Irelaut, wbo Horrible torture-pain ununtur- tmaws $40,000 a yuan f rom tise abie tiays wben tise whloe bodiy Britishs treasnmy. see te bu burniug np-long'nigis Murs bas been mate in tise Eng- of sieuplese agony -Tisen-- lisis papers ef tise suppoet Irishs- Instant relief-Tise ekin ùoo1!ed înun'is nise wbicis bas been givun tO anti nef resiseiail burning antl itois Winsten Chsurchsill. Tise position of1 iug gene! home secretary carnies witb it a Tisoussantis testify te tiis tisoni- saiary ef $25-,000 a year, wberuas sauts who sufferuti frem Eczema, tiat of sucretary ef tise atrniralty., Psoriasis anti otisur ekin troubles. wbicb bie receutly assumeti, pays util' tbcy beart of that simîple but $22,750. Tisuruloru. say tise ceoling xxnsb of Winturgreen, Thy- U.nls papers, Winston losec tise l 1 uowntîîat ce. Tbey overlook tise fact mol anti ether ingnetients kon htwben a year ago tise salary of as ID.D.D. Prescription, tise hbeesucretary wias aiset fromn 3, Samnuel Lewis, writes :-"1$10000 a yeur te $25,000 a year usudti tsme botties cf D.D.D, Pre- Wissston ýexpnessiy agieuti thut tise. scription, anti now my siin, once a nise was net te apply se long as iins of lire ant i rritation, is as bhuidthtie office. Tisas bue stupes rneetis anti seft as a chiit's." from a $10,000 job te eue paying; 0f ail remetdies fer tise sisin tisat $22,750, a niceu littie newnmti for we isnew we eau espuciaily recoin- weris well toue. mendtihie D.D.D. Prescription for Heuts of tise etucation office anti Eczuma. Just a mutd, soetbing wusi tiheurt of agriculture each traw -but it cleansrs anti cuijs tise sisin $10,000 a year. Tise postrnaster as netbing elsue au. Andt it taises general bas te stmnggle aiong o-n away tise itris instantiy! $12,500 a year, wiie tise cisief We wonlti like t elli yen more 8ecretary fer Inelant receives $22,- about D.D.D. Prescription if yen 125 a year for bis noue-tee-easy. wiii eaul, or write tise D.D.D. La- tusk hurtoies Dpt.B.S.,49Coîborne oW itis a few exceptions tise etisers biatoies, Dpt. B.S.,f tise cabinet traxw a rr'înt $9-5,000 St., Toronto, anti get a free trial a year eacb. Thene is ne saiury. bettie. ataheitets ee of prime min- Jury & Leveil, Drnggîsts. jeter, but Asquiths muSes Lotis ente __ 44 met by coiiecting bis $25,000 a yuur A T0WER 0F SKULLS. as firet lord of tise truaeury. AI 1 1 simîlar aineunt leaves Lloyd George As Late as 1809~ Turks Decked Walis fref£-on. personai financial wummîes Witb Sueh Relies%. se tiat bue can butter worry about tise financial affaire cf tise tbirtyý A stmange monument -of moticrn otit million otiser inhubitants of barbariini stili survives ut Nisis in Great Bituin.' soutiseru Survia. Durng thse war of indep.ýniunce in 1809 tise Survain N0N-LEAT DlET, garrison s bshexpioteti a powtur - magazine an-t purisut tiserein ratis- Vegetanian Walks Round Dunrnark er'than fallit th ie hauts cf tise 1Pnlhiîg Richshaw. Turks. odmntae iwpyia Aba ttie _ _ previonsiy tukenlTo nternsut cwpiyia bat ,~sr e his n bcSe Set un on a vege- place and thte Turks cemmumrnoated - - - I - - - tiseir vîc&ory iiy erectsng a rut-e tew- tanian tiset, a Danish entisnsiast cm, ornanîunted witi tise hua-taof uarned Brcckwoitit, bas juet sturtuti thuir enumies. Oit people wiltelon a unique tour of Deumaris. He yen that tisure weru once 120 bniit a rickshaw on tise Jap- beuts, but us thse. tower was neyer unese plan andt with hie dangistur as more tisan twenty-five fect higis, pessenger lie xiii waik al urount tisîs is prebnbly au exuggeratiou tise country, visiting uveny tewn anti Lamratine anti ether traveliers village. relate tisat they saw ha-Ir stili dling- , At every stopping place bu 'iii ing to ttiskuils, wiih must bave leture-outise ativantages te body fonînut a gruesoîne spectacle. Dur-an idt be ere ro a ing inany years viisitors were in tise non-meat tiet. As vugetariaivsrn habit of carryîng -eff sisuils as is uttraetiug frosis utierents rapitly souvenirs, but wben Nien becarne in Scantinavian tewns, tise vounut- Suriian tise rumainter were taken ary ricksbaw man expeets te epreati uwssy tomrtecunt bunial, al cave tise cause sriteriaily on bis Uîavels. a fuw thut n une tee cieeply iniset- At Elsinorie anti -usewbere bu bas tut. Rcetiy ise emaie of huit s urceseful meetings, for tise toen bae e e ovret.nor > noveity ef bis unterpnisu is tirawing a roof te protect them againet tisecowsttisleur. In ie elements, anti they ure negartied il.lages bis recuptien is luesenceur- as a piouns ebjeut of putriotieý pi,_ agîng. tbough kintiiy, for tise cousu- grimge.try fols are tispoet te off ut bis gmtmau. - ., tenunueitien of thise met iiet tisey, Ti- LAUE andt ieir fatisers bave been rearuti litSPLEAURE.on. jetge atHooiga. cn'tyenui__ liv wthyon wfen iisntf3igit- Notie- te nene device for i-' g ~ qneezing wtront of stocke anti HolianNo cl Ica't 1s milk supp'y woult fil a long LeUstasnthappiy. flt saut. Ih 11eChrîstmas'Dinncr Tisat tise Christmnas dinnen sisoulti bu a "feast of geeti thinge" gousi witisent suyiug, but whure circurn- stances anti esvîreumient tiffur se wîiuily arnong isonsewiv-es, it je tif- frcuit te give a menu wisicis is psac- tirai fer ail reatiers. Iu tisis ar- tîcie, tisefere, we shahl simpiy give tise ontlije of au average bill- ef-fane for tise day, andti ien de- vote tise greatun part of t1ke space te tise novel fcutunes of duera- tien, gift-usakiug anti garnes, whicb accompany tise dinner preper. Ruw Oysters with Surcet Lemon Cruurn ef Cuiery Sonp 1Olives. Reast Turisey or Rouet Goose -Mashet Petutoes Crauberrv Sauce Boilet Onieus Bakuti Swuet Petatees Salut Christmnas Plurn Pudding Mince Pie, Pumpisin Pie Fruit, Nuts anti Raisins Coffe Tisere are many ways of muking tise table look "Cisistmassy." Onu of these is te select a tiny tre of gooti proportions anti place it in tise centre of tise table, decerating' it witis bigbtly-wrappud parceis of diminutive size. Tisere ebouît bu ou-e package fer earb guust ut tise tabie, anti a holly-ret ribbon siseuit leati fror tise parcel te tise plate of tise eue for wiim it is i'udt Th8 packagshebul,-tti i butiibt et wheu tise dussert is serveti. If thure are many guestes, it is a gool plan te bave tiseugsfts very iuex- pensive, and more in tise nature of a jeke wbinis sbuii gîve piquncy te tise tesscmt, tisan of a more pretunl- tiens nature. 0f course this is a matter of intivi-tual -cheicu. Anetiser novel feature is a Christ- mas pie, wbirhis s brengist in witb tise dessert anti placet in tise cen- tre of tise table, in lien of tise- -Ch-itm-ais- tru. T-ie--pie- js-nr-de by piacing suw duet in a large round lisis or rnilk pan ànt bnryiug the requirel numbur cf ernuil gifts su it. A ribben sisonit bu tiet te ecrisse tiat it caunet clip off casily -in fuet, se tisat tise gif t rau bu puilet ont by it. The rover of tie piu je mate frorn munilu puper, vury siigistiy ouled un spots bure .anti tiere, anti witis a bit of fleur brusisut oven tises-e spots, te simu- late a pie cruet. Openings sisoulti bu matie, us eue woult muSe f aury openîngs in a cruet, andtihienum- ber souit correspond wîtb tise number cf gifts se thut a nibison may bu puliedti isougis euri before tise etige of tise emnet je fustenedti t tise tisis. Pleut tise elges a littie se tisat tise piernuy net bu tee fiat ovun tise top. 0f course uacis gnest is te druw eut a purcel, andti is may be toe lottery fasision, taking tbem as tisey cerne, or a naine may bu attachuti te eacis nibion, A rathernuoisy, but a joiiy game te foiiow tise tinner, is cuilel "Christmas on tise Funrm." It je an adiaptation of tise oit gaine of Stage Ceunis, but je murh more fun te play, andtihie olteet as well as tise yunugust wiii unjey it. Tise gueste are seuteti in a cir- rie, while'tise story-tuiler stands in tise centre. Eucis guust is namet after seinte animal on tise farm, tise herse, tog, row, siseep, pig, eut. tueke, guese, hieu, rooster, etc. After ail are narnedt tiey al place thicr liants upon their kueus. Tise stery-tuiiun begins a taie about tise farm ut Cisristmae-tirne, anti as lbumentions, tise tffunent animais upon tise farn, ecrise in turn, whun meutionel, muset maku a noise liSe tise animai hit represunts. No purson is te bu nameti "ox," but wben tise ox is mentionut un tise stery, ail1 qui ',kly put tiseinliants bubîndt tier, anti Seep tisem tisure until anotiser ani- malisj mentionuti, wlien tbuy muet place thum upen their n Seus aguin. Tise story-teiier muet tny te catch tise baud cf soeineue su tise cirrie. anti if bue succeets, tisat eueernnst tuke bis place. Wisen "ail tise uni-: mals of tise farrn" une usntionet, pays and cheerfuinuss replaces grouch when storrîach, liver, kîdneys and bowels are helped nattially to da thce.Lr duty by. HÂP-mPV T IHO' ARID There are unhsppy marriod lives, but a, large percentage of -these unhappy honmes are due to the iliness of the wife, mother or daughter. The feelings of nervousness, the befogged mind, the ilI-temper, the pale and wrinkled face, hollnw and circled eyes, resuit most often f rom those disordera pecul iar to women. For the woman to be -happy and good-looking she must naturally hava gond health. Dragging-down feelings,, hysteria, hot-flashes or constantly returning pains and aches-are too great a drain upon a woman's vitality and strength. Dr. Pierce'$ Favorite Prescription restores weak and sick womnen ta sound health by regu- lating and correcting the local disorders which are generaily responsible for tiie above distressing syrnptoms, 1 euffered greatly for a numiber of Years and foýr tse puet three 4, ovreR, of Utica, Ohio, Route 4. "The doctors tolld me would hava te go to a hospital before 1 would ever be better. A year agpo th;is wleter and apring 1 was worse than ever before. A ahperted Ijufere lke one in torment, 1 arn the Mother of six ebuîdrcn. i_3 Fosebad for five monthe ta Ikewenething must be doue, so 1'-<dte tW Dr. R. V. Pi'erce, telling him as nearly as 1 could how 1 sufferedi. He outlined a course of treatmeut which I followed te the latter. I1took two bottles of 'Favorite Preserilption' and one of 'Golden Medical Dlecovery' sud a fift-cet bttl ofSmat-Wedandhave nover suffered munis since. wis 1 oul tel ver suforngwoman the world over wbat a boon Dr. Piercees medicjues are. There ie no use wasting tirne and menery doctoring with anythiug else or any one else." S Thse Medical Adviser by R. V. Pierce, M. D., Buffalo, N . Y., answers beats of delicate questions about which -- every woman, single or married ougist te know. Sent free Mas. Diczovaut. on receipt of 50 stamps to psy for wrapping and mailing only. Atunt'saiti nothing, but movedti t ~ C RIIM S h e ~re are yeu going, An A CHRISMASJu ?" askedc both chiltiren at once. EV IOSI * "To my ewn reom for -ny cloak "VE Gl *anti boots, my dears.">i u'li S "But surely you are ct- "On tie cnrri,)tsrl Perhaps it was because the coun- "Oh, auntie, tion't, please 1" try bouse party -of little people that pleatiet Lily. had gathereti at Peplar Court for But ail the answer was-"Now, Christmas hiat been telling anti chicks, go anti put on yourdrsng hearing ghost stories on Christmas onadyurseor1lil Eve ouver the fire of pine.-logs, that hge yns anth yeur so-oo Isha the chiltiren went to beti feelingheyubohiitomrw" too ucl exite to lee. A.on The little girls diti as they wereo them were two ittie girls, Lily and ti otthe wn rtrnt t herwa Minnie Wyltie, whose father "as Why, Min," cidLl,"h -squire-oel th---place,- anti asatth *wntow cet il, th Cour. o--ned-4heghost's gene 1" Cour. "So it is !" rejoineti Minnie. "I'rn tireti of lying here with no- "But I think I see, auntie. Yes, thing totio," saiti Lily at last.. there she is, just corning in, anti "So arn I," repiieti Minnce. she's carrying a buntile. 1 saw it "Let's go andi look out of the gai- as she came necar, the lamp," iery windew." Another minute or so, andi they Softiy as littie mice tbey crept heard the back tioor boit shot home out of their room. anti ran on tip. anti then a ligbt, qnick step on the toe tiown the long passage which stair. went by the name of the gallerY, "Auntie, the ghest's go)ne 1" crieti andi eut of whîe.h several bedrooms Lily. qppnut. At the far eut of thiis 1 Y,Ier l nw2 ~r pie4Ê passage was a wintiow at which the Aunt Julia. chiltiren often sat, andi it was hcre "J - wontier," sigheti Minnie, that they pausuti anti looketi ont "what can have become of it !" into the tiarkness of the nigbt. But "Ilil tell yeu," rupliet auntie, scarcely had they tenu se, svben "or rathur l'Il show you." And she both gave a littie cry, anti Minnie epen-ed hur buntile anti sheok eut -drýoppeti upon hur kueus, trernbling a big white tiust-sheet. "The laun- ail ever, partly with colt anti partly dry-maiti washeti this to tiay," she with fear. sait, "anti hung it up ou a line "Aunt Julia saiti that there wure between the trees teo dry.,Se, tiears, ne sncb tbings as ruai ghosts," there's your gbost! The winti said Lily, ciarnberîng on te a chair meveti anti swayeti it, giving it a so as te se better. "But she waSsumblance ,of life' but, yeu see, it wreng. 1 suppose evun aunties are was only a dnst sheet after ail." wrong semetimes. Anyhow, she's It coulti net but be rather a dis- wrong this time, fer thure's one !"appeintrent'te theý littie girls te Anti Lily stnutched eut a dimpleti have their owu anti only ghost arm, anti peinteti tbrengbtihe Win- proveti te bw snicb a vury commen dow, atiting, "Yenu saw it, tee, and matter-of-fact thing. But they tiitn't yen, Min. F" seon camete agee ith auntie that "Yes, 1 sasv sometbing- white," there were n,(, îcbtbings aýs ghests answered Minnie,lier teetis chat- andti iat if , everybotiy hadtihie turing. courage te totrttise tbings that "W.eli. anti it's toîng ail that a oked like they w'euitiait ghest ongbt te teo," sait Lily, with turn eut te be, if net dust-sheets, tise air of eune experîenced in the at îuast articles quitu a sinnocent. tricks anti manners of gbosts, anti tisus net te bu mistaken. 'It's look-- CLERICAL HUMOR. ing floppy, anti gleamy, anti white, and it keeps meving anti swaying A lest preacher who eccasionaily as if it were coming this way, got his metapho'r:s mixet was anti-" preaching on scIf right.eousness anti "Oh, týon't !" cniet Min.nie. endeti bis discourse by sayiug-: "Yen neetin't be afraiti; I tdon't "Let ns rumembur that after al bulieve it will corneliere," sait our righteousness is but fiithy rags Lily. lit seums te be betweeu hanging on the branches of barren those two trees where the shrub- fig trees." On anether occasion, berybegns. You sno, hm -says the Quiver, bu- was preaching; wer egiwe-bati the , in- on besetting sins, anti wbenecen- wher wehadthe swingin-h paring these te obstacles in our summer."ý path exciairnuti: "Let us bew are of "I wish Aunt Julia could'sue our thuse stones by thse waysite, lest ghost 1" saiti Minnie. "Sise coutl tbey turun gain anti rend us." never believe there ceulti bc sncb 'Tbe t one tîume well known a tising nnless she saw it.," 1 preacber arnong the Wesleyansý "l'Il go anti waiselber," saiýd Peter Mackeunzie, in reading tise Lily, "anti yen can watcbhure anti third chapter of Daniel invariably sýee tîsat tise gbost toesn't mun abbreviat'it the fiftb verse wherein away." are enumuratedti heinstrnments of "Firn ufraidtotebe hure in thesi the Pabylonian baud, mest ef tbem tiaris alene," sigiset Minnie. witb bard naines, te the "cornet," l"Thou go anti naie Annt Ju,"- &c., andi wieu tise naines were re- replîcti Lily. "It'- s only a feu peateti in verses ten anti fifteen steps; bier room is at the othèend 1 saii, "Thse bandi as before." He of tise passage, yen isnew." was a lay preaciser c)f tise olti enter 'UIIrigh-i'l go.wbo was acumitted off te full rl-,n "Ailrigt lil o."wîtbont baving rend tise pescriYJ;, Anti Minnie got np from thu floo, "W.esîe's Sermonis," &c. lie tic, said Lily. "W . - - 7à 'Yus," chirnut ini Minnie ; "anti yeîi se thure are sncb tbings as sue wsito,' W slc tthse bus:ns o ncu juiud Auti1lia, "but it tesndonesadtheriahreaîIzetcaxsJ, filluir tht it mnstbu a ghos." ~Yo asinti,teir Patetbsnsstasee byxprt.areisinrydvcere. huge 'V~ but ku -uu] io Lu n rernarr-F, deato. Ou cd .J yi ~î~i <i Ct:fl. ~ je~nrealarin&aionu, ~.î.U5 il

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