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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Dec 1911, p. 7

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L rotes o f Particular Interest ta Women Folks J ~) RECIIPES. icing long enougli te enable it te be put on the cake smoothly. Fish ,- :nqsi.-When flsh is serv- cd ani one wishes that course to look nce,' place lettuce leaves sea- DESSERTS. sone4i with-salt and pepper, on in- Orange Pudding.-Cut the crust dîidud dishes; place fishlin ce from a amall stale loal of baker's tre of lish and garnish with a ring' bread, crumnbie,ý and pour over one oA fr'esh buttered noucorn. 1 quart~ butter and two tablespoon- Egg in Nest.-Cut a slice from! fuls of sugar. When cold add the stem erici of ecd tomato and afteri grated rind of one and the juice scooprsg out, the~ centre slightlyý of two large, sweet oranges and bake in the usual way. Remove three eggs beaten liglit. Bakce in fron -,he oven and before quite ýmeoderate oven one hour. Serve donc jnound a whipped white of -with liard rauce: One cup white egg oxer each one, and drop the1 sugar, one hall cup butter beateri yolk, of which the-skin -has--nDt cem n ii n lvrdwitlî beeri broken, in the centre of eaehl orange juice. Press in one-hall of mound; replace in oven until al orange shell set on ice. the litile pieces are slightly brown-J Orange Cuýps. -Cut top of orange er; serve at once, generally withi off about hall inchi romn top, re- toast and parsley. In place of tieý move the orange juice viti tea- tomatoe's green or red peppers may 1 spoon, leaving as vou wishi slice *1 licuse. -- -bananas into the orange juc&e, sud Smoti Mi-sh--Wien thickened sweeten; fill tic orange shelas witi take crank egg heater and beat it the mixture, sud place ou ettuce well. Yen will have ne lumps. eaf on smnall plate. Tuis makes a Ham OOmelet.-Use two eggs well dainty, attractive dessert. hesten, oee isf ccp of ntilk, -one Apple Pudding.-Add te one and cup cf ham cnt in small pieces. Stirf a hall cupluls cf strained stewed tuis mixture tegether, place in orne- appîes tic juice cof an- orange,- tic létIe pan, and eccci until it-becomes grated rind aud juice of hall a le- tic thickness ef poacied eggs. mon, tiree tablespoonlbaof sier- Serve on toast. ry, tliree-quarters ef a cupful of Delicieus Chocs. One .piut milk, a ugar, sud two tailespoonfuls of -ne pint water, twov< tabl.espoenfuls I gebat 1in soaked ini cold water sud cf grated ciecelatýe, two tablespoon- tien dissobved in liot water. Stit' fuls cocon, s pinci cf sat; dissolve, ths mixture nntîl it thickens a checolate sud cocos witli bot waterl little, tien bold in the whitcs cf < nd stir inte hot milk sud water; 1tirce eggs whîppcd te a stiff f -cIi lebt cook slowly five or ten minutes, or a haîf pint of w hipped creant. and add cue-third tic quantity of 1 Turn inte a mold, sud wien ccbd hiot coffee; swcetcn sud.cever withi serve with whipped creani. whipped creain. Breakfast Oranges.-Peel an Have Toast Bread Ready.-If -orange, separate tic sections, lay you have leIt fl-cm a meal a hall1 fiat in fcorm of s-pokes on a -be or a quarter boal cf bread that is'in a saucer; sprinkle powdered u teeo dry to bcecaten at the nextý gar over -tien, aud place a red mieal, it is a goe.d ides, at once to candy or drop cf jcbly in tic, mid- eut it inte thin sices for teasting. dbe and on oaci section. Stick in These aslices -can -lieke pt -for--a-day -a &toa-thpiek-or-two-sud--aerve. - or two and net lose ticir value. but if alowed te remain in tic CAKES. ýheIc pece becomes tobard te igrSogý-Uetrees slice niceby. Tic thic lices, wieri nge rSon sg.-Uoe ctir ewg quite dry, are aIse easily crumblcd crien lse nsîî, ne cp ee with a relbing 1pin-. Oens omonelasses eue ccp rn-c Breakfast Popcorn.-Pop severai cupttfeu rrdn tlieseeandulhalfî peppers fulb cf corn. Tien grind -ore, alrd, irce ud of all tic popped cern tireugli tic coffee- ger, n aiepeuu tdrs mill, quite fine; ser-ve with p owder- one tailespoonful of soda. Last -of cd sugar and creant. ail one ccp lioîhng wster. This Creamed Tomatoes.-Oue can cf sponge onu be kept for weeks in n tomatees; put on steve te îîeat;co place sud aprinbki put in pepper, saît,, and sugar to resh for any meal. i>sit he ast; eaý--p tale teo Fried Cakes.-Break two 0e.ggs ini sui ti. tst; baf'petabespona iewl and lient thoroughly; sdj fleur an s littl li~ ~ -sdncrend ondue-hall ccps cf sugar and ]et tomatees come te iboiling peint,' beat again. Noxv add eue ccp -of put in creani sud butter sud stir, csour miîk, two tcaspoons cf but- Let it coek for twe minutes. Serve ter', one teaspoosi cf soda, spices if iiti any kind cf meat. dsrd lu nuht aesf Toinate Sauce.-Take two cupluls desih.Rolu enoutinmrkes.i of canned homatees or leur eblhot ande octtin rngs cones, press tîrougi a straiuer te Havoe bad ant i lasrig t t.Dr remove the seeds. Put t rr tic iqid se ne ca e nsd fj dtrightini in a sauccpan and let it lieu. Add J thersitseîî i eu ropfull a tenspoonful cf butter, a pincli cf ~-utlktl scal u puî,!ý- an sat, ad ateapo Byticth e tic he ast cnes are in cf fleur te thii*en. Let tuis boil cLIs out.Reolelarin oered rat fer ten minutes. Tien rentove from cneot.R, npwdee ua flueundadd tauespon f ~ aterîvard sud filticeici-es with fireand dd tabespon o cr tic littbe cnes tint were ct fren To Soften Cake Fresting-If the tic eetr icing shocld 'harden liefere put- reakfst Cke.-Ta tin-g il on tic cake add a teaspeen- Brafs ae.-ae ene fiýi of ccam and stir quickhy leora ccp of butter, one ccp oi sugar,' few ecods.Tusuil sotenticbeat in two eggs, que aI a tinte, emnnly Declares l'Nervi- lino"l Is a specifie. 'After fifty years, experience !Il rals- lng herses I dan safely testify that no iunîedy gives sud, good resuits for an ail-round stable liniment as Nerviline" hus opens the very earnest letter of J. J.Evanston, who lives near Welling- ton, P. E. "I had a very valUable horse tbat toek distemper' a montb ago, and ,was afraid I was going to losc him. Rlis throat swelIed and bard lumps de- veloped. Rlis nostrýils rmn and he had a terrible eugh. 1 tried different re-. medies, but waa Nervi! unabIe to relieve mny herse of bis ~ pain and suffering till 1 started to, use ~ N'rx iline. 1 mix- ed a bottle of Ner- j viline and sweet uT;1.ccd rubbed the mixture on the 1tbroat and chest three tlînes a day and yOU would scarcely believe the way that ,her5se picked up. Ncrviline cured hlmii. I also bave used Nerviline for col1li,-Ie horses and coxvs, and earncstly recommeiqnd it to every man that is For srain,7sprains, sWellings, colle, i' ditempe, ceughs, and colds, no lini- nin 'i7.-ove se efficaclous lui thel sta blea "Nervi line"-it's geod for acor bat for internai or external us.Wherever there is pain, Nerviline 11ll ure it. Refuse substitutes. Large bottles 50c, trial Size 25e, at al deal-. ers, or The Catarrhozoce Ce., Kicgýston, elterhad.Soft, or bledlgb 1-evl' burna., (eaxves ine scar, eItai,ý, rio ol0f ha1 used am.Fifty ~'eaa leuse Cur guranted.Sold by aidr, gsta lbbot f.sef '-04211 acu crie-naî ciip molsses, -txvo teaspoons cinnamon, one tes- speon cloes. one cup strocg cold cofice, one teaspeen seda mixed in one-half ftic coffcc sud added sîter part cf tic fleur is stirred ie, one ccp raisins rolied ln fleur, eue ccp hickory nuts, fleur three and eue bal cupa. Buttermilk Cookies.-- Twc cups ligit brou n ugar, oue ccp hut- ter', one ccp buttermiik, two egg-s, eue ccp choppcd raisins, oeethird tuaspuunfuh soda, ccc teaspoonlul liaking powder, feur ho mix, isoIt. Tic cookies siould lie ligit sud soit, and xvilh keep for wecka. Tic secr-et is in using tic aeft sugas'. Kecp Fruit Cake Fresi. -- Wrap fruit cake ir t-owcl and put mint: fleur bin ; cover witi fleur sud it ill keep moist and fresi for weeks. 3 SHORT CUTS IN BAKING. A pie eau b-e laked wihile tic stexe e i eing cscd te geltichedits cor. Start lie, fire liriskly only citer tic pie inaslicen made. Tien, as sýo as lic lide are hissing liot, taie off eno ef ticîn, put il ce tic uper rack cfthc ovon, sud put ûhe pie on il. Au extra lid, or oe fs-ontthe bnci cf tic stevýe, xvil be > necessary ho 011 tic place cf tic one s'ernoved fron thti front. Witi teadditionnllihent uder it,the pic siouid bake quickly, xiti a crisp,ý flaky crust. Wieuthe pic is doue, sel ilte ocool on somethiug >tint xvililot tic, air circulate freely 1underneati it-the perferated part o> s, potato-ricer lias been used Eoc- cessluliy for the purpese. A pie 1coolcd iu tus xay does not havye a sogy udei' orusI, as pies ýset zc a cold surface, sud thus made te tasare, likely te have. Nevýr nta pie until ,,ou arc re-ady te- the pie is sPU11'ed- ,kap whan en COMPIETELY ,CURED OF DYSPEPSIA ¶ yN-D-ru-Co DsasaTbt We - are continually hearing from grateful people who have had experi- ences like that of Miss Alice E. Cooper, of Niagara Falls,, Ont., who writes:- "I wish to express rny gralitude to you for the benefit 1 received froin your most wonderful Dyspepsia Tablets. 1-aving taken other medicines without having received tbe slightest relief, I beard of your Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia Trablets and thought I would give them a trial. I have been completely cured of dyspepsia. 1 will be unly too pleased to advise any.onetroubled with dyspepsia to give themn a fair trial." Na-Dru-Co Dyspepsia T'ablets not ônly give. the immnediate relief froni beart- burn, flatulence, acidïty of the stomach andbiliousness,wbicb issomruch needed,' but if taken regularly for a few days or weeks they completely cure the rnost aggravated cases of stomach trouble. When for Soc. you can get a box froni o3ur druggist, why go on suffering? iatonal Dmg and liemical Co. of CaaaLmie, btraY 144, smali bits of white soap, let tliem dry, and you will flnd theni a good substitute, for tailor's clialk. Pres-erve Steel Pens.-Steel pe-ns are destroyed by corrosion f romn acid in the ink. Put in Lhe ink somne nails or old steel pens, and the acid will exhaust itself on theni, and the pens in use will flot cor- rode, Use faded lawn waists and dres- ses. Boil the pieces whvite, press -them -smotli, use -them -tu- make corset covers, waists, aprons, or children's clothes,- and witli the cx- pense of a few cents for lace there will lie garments like new and whici. will wear as well. If yeu are short a iread tin take an old tomato ca-n -and cut one end off evenly. This ujîl bake a fie round boal of bread. A cake also can lie baked in it. SALT AS A CLEANSER., As a kitchen disinfeîcLant sait is inralcalile. A lump cf it sieuld lie kcpt in tic kitchen sink, wiere it wihl dissolve sloxvly and 'keep tic dtrain pipe pure sud xholeseme. Fluai it ireely xiti a streng soin- tie efioiingbotsaIt xvter. Foi' remeving egg stains ,brom ilver, sait applied with a soIt dli xviii set ike magie. A pinci cf sait ad- ded to ground cofffce juat liefore ,cookiug xii accentuate tic ustur- aI flaver of tic berry and give body te tic. drink. Greens cscd for sas- lads sheuld b-e tiorocghly rinsed in sait water te disledge possible insecta. Sprinkle saît on a dingy carpel liefere sweeping sud tic transferm 'atien wrought xiii con- vînce tic meat akeptical cf the value - cf sait as a cleanser aleng this ine. 110W TO LIVE LO-NG. With healthy kiducys, oee las a good chance te ive long, but xveak kiducys attliit old age xith great disconftbr. Tieliack liecomes lient sud lame, rieumatiarnt lacirenie, cycigit baila and toc Ire- veluntary pas- sages cf tic urine cause e mt b a r r ass- meut liy day sud bs of slecp at nigit. Bocth's iVid- uey Pilla lring uew strengthite old iacks and quick relief te w-eakened kidneys. Tiey banisi liackaches and rieumatic pain, regubate thc bladdcr and urine. Booth's Kidney Pibîs arc, 'Or iek kidncya in old -or yecng and ai-e guacanteed by tic preprieteus, Tic R. T. Booth Ce., Ltd., Fort'Brie, Ont. Seld eveuywh.erc 50c, box. Free trial sent -on reqcest. Sohd snd gcaranteed in Bo'wranville liy Jury & Leveil. THE OLD SONG A new song siocbd lbc sxveetby sung, It gees but te tic car; A new seong shocld bc sxetly scng, Fer it teuches ne one nns'r. But su old song ntny lie roughhy Tic car forgets its art, As riscs from tic rudeat longue Tic tribsîte tote eeaut. On hentcd fields 'tis xelccme stili; 'Tis swcet on the stesrmy ses, Iu fereats wihd, oni loeley hill, And away -on tic prairie les. But dearer bar thie cbd sang 1Wien fri-enda ire love are nigi, And well knoxvu voices, elear snd strong, Ring octthie chorus ery. -Froni H1eaut Tirelia No. 2, in Na- ti.onal Magazine fer Deceniler. A Cre for Fever sud Ague.-Dis- turbance cf tic stomeeh aud liver always precede attacks of yesu ague, shewing, derangomeut cf tic I digestive organesud deterloratio)n iu tic quality cf tic blood. In tiese alments pammeee's Veg-e- table Pîlle- have been, fouud moat' efetvabating thie fever and einhu ihie ague in s few dayVS. Tiero ýare rnany wlso aresuec sud te thesý,e tiere îfa ne b-'etter pr1, pa)ration procurabbe as a means of LEARN SIIORTHIIND AT HlOME Do yen knoxv hiat siortiand xritera arc scarce and command good salaries ? T-le coat of a Colege Course inciuding board ia very expensire. Siortiand eau coxv be earned at home iv tic aid cf a series cf progressive lessons xrittcu lu plain evcryday anguage s0 tint acyone xii a fair common sehool education may slcdy il and se perfect imuself or herseif as to take front rank amonget capable stenograpiers. Tic lessons are bound sud are caihcd Caigrapiy or Siortbaud JELECTRIC ROAD COMING. MEETINGS TO BE HELD. BEÂR IN MIND THE DATES AND ATTEND THOSE THAT INTEREST YOU. OLD BOYS' CONFERENCE AT OttILLIA. An O1ler Boys' Conference to discusS "the boy prob.'em," at Orilla on Frirla.y Satnrday and Sunday, December 29, 80 and 31. Confereuce is under auspices Of Onitario Suuday School Association and Provincial Young Men's Christian Association, Tliree hundred delegates expected. People of Orilla have under- taken to provide iospitaiity. Each Sunday Sehool and Treop o! Boy Scouts or High Sehool Club is entitled te txvo delegates, and eaoh Y.M.C.A. te five. Full particulers on application to Mr'. Taylor Stqtten, Secretary, 15 Toronto street, To.xonto. TOWN NOMINATIONS Friday, Dec, 22, at 7.30 P. m. nomination of candidates for office of mavor, reeve and six councîllors wilI bc ield in-Counicil Room. Ail nominations must be made in writicg. All electors siould attend. TOWN ELECTIONS Monday, Jan. 1, 1912, pelling will take place if more candidates offer for election than are required. Polling will take place from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. as follows: West eficr, Counlsnefeypoicrk Nrt Ward-Bowiing Club House; J. S. Moor-, craft, returning efficer, D. McDougall, poli clerk. South Ward-basement South Ward Sebool; Jas. Nokes, returnieg offic- ci', Chas. Rice, poil clcrk. Sehool Trustea Election Nominations for tie office of school- trnstee will be held in e-ici wai'd on Wednesday, Dec. 27, at 12 o'clock noon as foliows : West Ward-Councii room, J. Lyle, returning officer, North Ward -Bowling Club Ho-ose, D. McDougall, returningofficer. Seuti Ward-Sehool basentent, George R. Mason, retuiiing officer. Siould-an election be--neces- sary, voting will tske place on Wednes- ,day, Jan. 3, froni 10 a. mi. to 5 p. mn. Women with pale, colorless faces, wlio feel week and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodilS vigor by using Carter's Iron Pis wiich are made for the ileod, nerves and, complexion. JBELOW THE STANDARD. Hovçdo you feel to-day? Net quite right?' Energy a littie below standlard- not strong enougi to make muchcixer- tions? Nyal's Cod LiverCopudi what you ucecf. Don't get fr; ghiened about tiose words "Cod Liver." You'd neyer know it from tie taste. It's a real ton le containing cod liver extract, extract of malt, wild cherry and hypopiosphites-a splendid combinetioni Tic cod liver extract- builds -you- ule-So -des tuéecxtract of malt. Tic wild cherry sooths the bronchial tract and the hypopiosphites supply phosphorons to thp nervous system-jusîtich thing it nceds. And tic teste is picasant. As an ali'round tonie, strength restorer and bd-ule you'll fled notiing better than Nyal's Cod Liver tompoünd-so why look furtier? You will be pleased. The price is one j dllar. Our Nyal Store in Bowmanville is R. 1 M,. Mitchell & Co., who have just reccived 1 a fresi supply of tic Famous Nyal Fam- ily Remedies. S. S. No. 9, CLARKE. Report for November. Exain. in Spelling-100 marks, Si'. IV: Hazel Sherpe 98, Maud Aluin 96, Robbie Glanvillo 96, Eanl Osbornea 91, W'eliie firent 84. Jr 1V - Huld.a Boweu 89. Hilda Gib- son 31, Eai'nest Keat 80, Leland Keat 78, Wilfrid Samis 70, III Class: Edra Siarpe 94, 0ecij Bow- en 88, Roy Branch 88, Howard Gibson 80, Bîseche Gibson 75, Leta Turner 64. - IlI -Ulass I-MU y--Gibson--6 Ilibson 91, George Glauville 85, Alex. t Bowen 68, Oi'Aille Osborne 63, Austin 1 T'urner 61. D I Class-Work for the month: Ken- i neth Fraser, Lizzie Glanvilie, Evelyn 3 Miiddleton, Harold Osborne.I Brimer- Ha, old Gibson.1 Average attendance for the nionti- q 26i. Vi M. WE-TIIELL, Teacher, S made easy. Tne lbasons seli at one dollar. adAstj.Fallis, Ballyduif-Thee - A robes-so' in thuofiversty cf By flow ho gel a copy free wcdding merci xvas rcndcrcd by Mi's. S. Chicago teld his pupils liaIlho Whoeir wcradirend-eu el hiat er Scnd one dollar forsa year's subscription J. Clark, sisler, wiile tise bride entered ahould consider liera cducated ineie ain las iteoy ho THE STATESMIAN or THE NEWS sud tie drawicg reom, lcaîsing on lie arm of thie beat seuse ef the world wheu occ admire's siocld go le Jury& wc shah ,icclude a copy of tuas vaîcable lier father. Tic ceremeny was pcrformed they could say yes ho cve' one ef Loi cil to-da-y aud gel a large 50 book free. by Rev. R. M. Paîterson. Tic bride xvaa en itte lPaissuSae -becomingly gownied lu Ducicss satin, the qnestions liaI h onbd putcetbtlofPrsa Sg. empire style, himascd ii seed pearls te thent. Here are tic, question; Il is net enl1y a dolightfcl and N EWTON VILLE, sud over lace. Suie xore a Brussels net Has edueshion giren you sy i' eîresiing hai dressing sud beau- veil sud carried a bouquet of xwhite cap- pathy xilh ail good causes sud tefler, but il is sold ceder a rigid M. Zealand hsd a pioughing bec Dec. nations and usaiden liair ferna. Sic xvas made your espouse tient i guaranîce to lianisîs daudruff, stop 13 .I. an MoKenzie bas returned to attended by her sister, Miss Viinnifred, Has it made yeu puhlie-spirited b fahling haur and itciing scalp, ci' Toronto after a few weeks' et home .... who l0oked pretty ini a frock of pick siik Has il made you s brother ho tie moucy bnci. Trustee Board bas engaged Roy S. Ben on- e, trimmed xiti pick satin and over- weak I Parisian Sage ia lie lied liair bolm, Blyti. as teacher for 1912... lace. Tic groom xvas abhy sssisted by Have yo eandhwt keoic on.Iisteùe Seholars of our seheol purposo bavin.abis cousin, Mr. Wili Kennedy, Miihbrook. c leas'nedndxv e make ]o outonie kil eoms. Ilu le oly hu- concert Priday, Dec. 22,.... Methai'dst After tic cenînecy, whîle tic register xvasbiedadkcplntI D yntarxiiuedndufceaeth Literairy Society met Priday evening ho being signed, Mr. J. J. Clarke sang "ýo knoxv wist il la te lic a friend scalp ac'id maie lieelhait]grow log organize, and ro-officered as fotioxys. Perfect Love," tie guests tien ropaired Yourself? -andbextf. Hon. Pres., 11ev, Adamts, Pres., Mx. Ilol-. ho tie beautifnhiy dccoratcd dining room Can yec look au honeat nman or ma~n; het, Vice-Pros., W. Barrota; 2ud- to partake e! tic maîsy delicacies there s pure womnan in the eye l Do you Vice-Pros., Miss V- Milîson, Sec., Miss proyided. Tic groom'a gift te tie bride sec suything te love la n btîle child I? ~HD EP T A. Penxvarden; Treas., Miss Bassctt xvas a mink mufsud pin set xiti pearîs; Will s louely dog follow yeu in lie VD7iCi, ll 1rits uaIieS liv- snd anuExecutivo tte cbridcsnîaid and piacist Pearl cnes- sîreet Ilgss ianiletcotg. cents, and te tie groom a pair of goid C an yenlie high-rnded L $m"Wyithsea atnt yen cuf ifhis. hpyi h enrdvgr,, , LOW RATES FOR CHRIST- Tic bride's going axvay dress xvas cf hpyi i eurdngrc feusado i ol ec ov MAS AND NEW YEAR bruwn veiret trimmcd with Irish lace and libe l Do you thini vsigdse khme ndee i 'u E X C U R S I O N S ~fr in g e . T i c h a p p y y o n g c o u p le xi ii re- a n d h e n e n j s s c m a i l o r via Grand Tînink Railwsy Systeni be- ad hBlidf.. xith irglfikns s iaop? tween all stations lu Canada, ao ho -Aieg or go I0 b Niaga-ra Falls sud Buffalo, N. Y., Port One ofthic brigit, original, intcrcsting yoîmrsý-eibICnyn ebpynon A iefuIsmtelftu Hunron andDetroit, Mici. monîly magazines that is teetle kncxvnCayelokuheIewrdac tra, îipeaes leatn At Single Pare (minimum charge 25c) xc Canada is fie National iMagazin n-scayhngecp olr udadiStrniu taiensenu g food goîug Dec. 23, 24, 25. Retura Iisbed by Tic Ciapple PbisigCe., cna D.'ina'FlcreCl d imtDeo. 26, 1911. Aise good gesnig Bojston, Mass., ai $1 a !lr TcedlitOr r1 rÏ1( Dec. 30, 81 sud Jan, 1. Rtera lintit assumnes afamiliîar syl nd ites2-if e e oknoamidpdl 11esg eth aei as Jark. 2, 1912.hewreadrsiwi a ticlente n -, i h ssd u e la'svîtbe lxiiolyteirtto At 1Pare and One-Third / miimu t 1 lfind e p -uteiar b s'Cnyuscaytcgnlipdle nd urotleucaio ad charge 5c,-'Ld)gi ogDec,21tei Jeu.l1 wrutîirigand it app)eals t le i hants as u m c enbc1uetca1ligtn r s anc.'i Inclusive. lR,-i îfnit .Tni , l12. -,Ve!!a nelet lbs aes o-m1 i I ii n ceiyr heîi r eridc-h-sbett Polipariouar~from GrUand iTrunk -ýcents fora.1 îop.y iand yenn iligetadolrssar l(a ysrsu di ccin )1) tr hsmdoIeale a1gent Jý . . H ury.I xerb eeieont lit.0 sFp, vthte ratr imiusc l tîcL HOURLYý SERVICE To BOW-MANVILLI It was aceounced Fri day tiat wr would be begun on thîe Toronto aud Eastý ern Railway lice from P1oronto te Bow- manville as seon as the weatier permit, ncxt Sprieg. Wheu it is completed, ar hourly service xviii be given to Bowman- ville. Electricity xviii be nsed as tic me- tive power, and service faster than that given by tic railways will be inaugurated. The Toronto and Eastern Railway is practically idcntifled with tic Cacadiar Nortiere siece tie saine officiaIs are at tie bead of boti companies. Their char- ter which has bece approved of by the Railway Commission, alhows them to build a radial line as far as Cobourg, t which point it is likcly ho be evcntually exteeded. It is the aim of tic compacy to operate not only a fast passenger ser- vice, but it is expected that a limited amn- ount of froigbt wilb be carried. Rigit of way lias only been partially obtained but tic lice xviii rue' very close ho tic Kingston road along the ectire route. This means that il will be rue be- twecn and about equal distance from tic G. T. R. Montreal lie and the C. N. O. Trenton lice. Tic fermer railway rues to tic souti of Most of thrcjarertùnu, -WlIfie C. N. O.runs to thi orth. Tic radial will, in nearly cvery case, pass thu tic centre of tic towns, and hence suci places as Whitby, Oshawa and Bowman- ville xviii receive mcci better railway fac- ilities, cot only xviti Toronto, but xviii caci other. Tic new electric bine xviii stimulate tie epening up of subîîrbs contribuîory to Toronto along the lake shore, and aiready ticre lias becu a cumber of sncb planned. Farmers aloeg the- Kingston road xviii be aile to make qaick trips ho aud front Tor- onto The stops will be as close as is con- sistent with a fast service. Wien tic Cenadian Northern were building-ticir Toronto te Trenton licfe it was irnpssiblc 10 run close to several large towns, owicg to prohibitive grades. It is intecded te build brancc lices fi'om tic radial, wiich illii pase tien tie centre of the tewcs te tic Trentoni bine, and hence suci howns as Whitby, Oshawa and Bow- manville, as well as otier points, xviii be provided wîti excellent freigit facilities. Ir, tuis way tic radial will act as a feeder ta tic C. N. O. Trenton bine, Tic r!ad'il will, of coursýe, bave its stai't- ieg poit in Toronto, but just - where, lias etbecu decidcd. - Wrd The girls who have gene eut from this town are not a iitbehind the boys for mek- .ng their influence faLt; they do net corne into--tlm -ii-celightIe uL-t teir -man-y-970od offices are appreciated in the circbes in wiici tiey live, move and showv their activities, and the editor cf this journal s always glad te record anything menit- orions they do in any public way. The Toronto Globe on Friday refers to a former Bowrn,îoville girl (lce Miss Geor- gie McGill) as'follows: Tic Women's Musical Club liad a very unterestinz Christmas progrant arranred by Mrs. A. S. Vogt. jhe flrst number was an organ selection played iy Mr. 1 Richard Tattorsaîl. Thie boys' choir frein St. Alhec's Catiedral sang ChisNt- mas carols and eue or two of them sang solos, Miss Hinekbey, a sweet-îoiied soprano, deligited ail who heard. heu. M4r. Lautz sang quite a numier of hie own compositions The program xvas a very enjoyable one and the meeting was very largely ettended. q1' DECEMBER WEDDINGS. MACDONALD -MCKENZIE. A pretty wcdding hock place Saturday Dec. 2-at-Netovflat-tl--residece-afo the bride's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie, wien theur second daugiter, Miss Mary, was married te Dr. William Hlerbert Macdonald, ouly soc of Mr. sud Mrs. Wm. Macdonald, Gaît. Rev. P. Mc- Leod, Newcastle, conducted tic ceremony. The bouse -vas charmingly decoratcd witi nacntities of vcllow acd white cirysanthe- muums, f eres and red bernies. Tic bride's ister, Miss Helen McKeezie, played tic Vcdding Marci. Tic iride's gown was pechd colorcd sihk, with pipings of pick cIlvet and peari oreameuts. Sic was un- ttended, After dejeuner Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald heft for tic wcst, tic bride wearing n smart tailored suit of grey tweed, black bat and bine fox furs, tic reom's gitt. Ticy will reside in West Toronto. FALLIS--WILSON. At Valleyfield Farm, Lifford, tie home of Mr. and Mrs R. Wilson Wednesday, Nov. 29, an cxccedingly pretty bouse çvcddieg was celebrated, tie coutracting NEWCASTLZ Mi'. W. T. Taylo'ranld dauIlters, Sol-1 lina, reeently vKie a .E Gilbank's .Reve A. A. Cewhiecie wo cars of a frýw astern 0Ontario ..Mr. Geo. Gr-ay atnd the Winitcr Eaairat Guelph.. . ýMks. H1addon, Newv York, lias, returrned home alter a pleatsantý visit wti be3r-meiwsin Mis. fleuron, .... .MissTd, Port %oe, recently -visited Airs. J. Phiip .Miss TreILeven lias purchased the Arnott farim west of the village...New offleers of Lodge Newcastle S.O.E. aýe: Prosidens, F B. Loveldn, jr; Vice Pres., John Fouikes; Secretary, Ben. Moi"e; Treasurer, J. J. Ugbow; Chaplin, O Pýark. er; A udjînes, Il. R. Pearce, E. Os rorne, E, Thaelhray; Cominittee men, George Gains, John Hall, E. Osborne, A. Col- will, S. Jose, J. Parsons, J, W. Bradley .Ano o meeting of Presbyterianl 9on epe Society was held Friday evening Dec. 8 whoen short papers on the probiemni of the churcli in city and coun- try würe reedi by Wallace Flolmes, Rob- ert Trewin, Alma Argaîl, snd Lois Grey. Rev, P. McLeod gave an eddress dealing witi the problems of tie country church. Rerrarks were made by Mr. Alcorn, Dr. Olver and Mr, J. W,.IBradley, Solos rendered by Mrs, Otton and Mr, Barrie- cott added greatly te the evening's pleas- CLUBBING LIST HESTTEsMI~erws~xIpbfur'- nished for 1912 in connection with tic under-narned publications at prices stated Dslly Globe, merning edition ..$4 50 Daily Mail and Empire.... -....... 4 50 Toronto World ................ 3 5o Daily News,........._. ....... 2 5o Daîly Star, ie country ............ 2 50 Daiýly Star, in town.......... Wekly Mail and Empire.,,........ 1 75 Weekly Globe.,................. 17 Weckly Witncss ...........I 75 Weckly Sun, - ,,,-.,....,1, I75 Farmer'a Adrocate .............. 2 Farm and Dairy,.,,,,,,, Femily 14,rald.,.,... ,, 00 Home Junl........ 75 CIrîstiani Herald................ 2 5o Christian Guardian............ 2 90 Canadian Farm- ........,,.,, 5 TEST 0F BEST EDUCATION. Furnislied By Questions cf Chic ago MOTHER'S SPIIERE Tir' eyer a place, on tic wiole' Tiere's neyer an heur or muiinte, But szomreth"iig ap-s-ergrief oùr feriiti Tiere's alýwys a mohrini1h Oh; nnyle a Little Bo'y BIc bias Or maybe fledgling linnet. Someliody's darling asurontelidy'e pride- Tiere's always s motier in it. Ticre's aiways s crewn- or coveted sea-t- Senteone stands to bac or -win il; 'Whate'er tic issue lie, or £tour or s w ec t, Tiere's always saimother in it. IWietiera wedding dress or xvhe- tier shrùuýd, Ther-e's always a hacd te spin 1h. Sighiug and ead or radlant and uro cd, Tiere's always a motier in à1h. Ohi, mayie t's jiiet a bonnet or c-ap Tbat's -ieed4,qg a pin b pin it. Oh. ntayli a cry fer côekie oi' snap, Tierc's alwnys a inother in it. Oh, nirybe a lesson seO mcd te Curlylcks fears te liegin il. turf, Tiere's aixvnî s as thein iiit. For evezrywlicîe in tIse ruud of ttus And in evrr- an sd rnYute, Corne jey or 1in or corne nonce or corne, strife. Tiere's sic ara a motmer in-t Oh, iybe a little Christ-Ciild is Or rusyhe nestliug.- ue Soieesece is happy at nigit and at There's alwasïs a m-eties ýýn it! _FPrlward Wiliur Mggýon, ini Na- tional Magazine for December. WOMEN READ THIS5 Paritilan. Sage Puts Lîister Into The Rind Tou Have Always Bouglit, and which bas been la -use for over 30 years, bias borne the signature of and ia-s been made under bis per- sonal s upervision since Its infkncy. _e , AiloW no one to deceive you i tls. AU C ounterfeits, Imitations and 61Just-as-good"I are but; Experiments that trifle with and endanger the bealth of Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment. ais Castoria is a barxnless substitute for Caýstor Oil, Pare.' gorne, Drops and Soothing Syrops. It, is Pleasant. it; contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee 1It destroys Worm s and alinys FevéHhnSs. -It cures Diarrhea and Wind Colle. It rclleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatuleney. Lt assimîlates the Food, regulates the Stemacli and Bowels, giving healthy and naturai sleepe The Chidren's Pnce-he otber1's Fiend, ita EtheSixiau'uc 'n h iR Yo ve i ays llg, In Use For Ov-e 0 Ya 7M C N7 UR C MP NY 7 M RlR 8 5W t. ?EW YOnICàY

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