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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1911, p. 1

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tte BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, EHURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, içgii. VOL. LVII. No. 5ý M. A. JA-MES & SON, Proprietors. FOR THE FOOT RST AS SU RE D If ît's ayhn in Footwear, we ave ik. Ladies' Satn lippers, in Atomoiýibile Skates. aeworth attention. Laies.39c Rubbers, low heels-good. Lde'$ i oo Overshoes Boys' trong ockey Boots 1en',s $i oo Leather Leggings 75,c ucskîn Moccasins $î 6SnagProof Buckle R ubbers Ou midows show many GREATEFOS are eingputL forth ýtou ak a ig ;ow nihoda ROCKB'OTTOM PRICES, OSH1AWA, ONT IMPLEMIENTS!0 Here are a f ew of the rnany fines we handie: Empress Ranges Gas oline Engines International Plows Petrolia Bob Sleighs Standard Sovereigns Petrolea F arin Wagonis Singer Sewing Machines Blue Bell Cream Separators We have also one gooci sec- ond hand cook stove, only used 3 months, to be sold at a great bargain. FRIED T.- HOBBS, The Impleneitt Main. Phaone 122, Bowinaniviilei 1-BANKOF MONTREAL ESIABLISIIWEV -1817 Capitl - 14,887,57f) angerBwav BanK h SCHOOL COMENiCEMi PRESENTA'TON0CERIIC' [Tbb intemesting eveut of thsey the Public Scbooi pupils w as thi mencemeut exerdises lunlise Opera on Fritiay lait when the pupilsr pnizes anti certificates ton general ieney lu the entrauce examinai High Sebool anti in the promotioi maâtions ah mitisummer. Parents eut in goodly numbers te witness t] entations, drills, manches antih( 1sicging anti speeches. Tbbc td pronounceti a splendid success i, seuse. Il was an inspiing sîisih the anray of girls attimeti in wit1c wbo occupiedth ie centre et Iha, uiC, the boys ocupyiung thle VwIng crs wers shationet iit therscbco the entier was gooti. Mr. John .S.MocrtCamn Board e duaioprsdeia the opening atitimess, liehaia îng program nt i waLsplseit many prnsantictd n rsn anti sec whýat was ,te b sitiani( bbcewoie chlooi ag ii the "Wlcrn nCors" etib Baker. jj13p Drý...B-. Daunon, M A., Sdi-enc 't"rmsntdtwepnîz&zsfoile aht EnrnExannination - a nî Alan Gale finst inrï a bLook te Cy senteti cer-tt cates Lte Greta Mo,:ir non Bake-r other b 101or ppXat hon Ellio'tI, Norma LsobN treli, lM1arlonBakr, ret Belm don Rice, Flonence L.îVan Nesi Mingeauti, MurielChantan, ih îgk, Eva Spry, Hariio!liOsisorne, Christie, jack Meath, ReynidLs Gordion Manning, A\n,1w1 ico Mn. Fred J. Mitch,-!! offerti 1w,, for bighest marks in peumauiusir trance exams anti be presentet iic ceaI speech ho Vernon Baker ani 'Mingeauti. bbc scbooi sang anoiber liv eiy "bbc Rover". Rev. Hugli Mucro, B. A., pi, prizes anti certificales te ao ei nids anti Louise Hardy wbo won honor standiing in promotion exar Jr. te Sen.-Fourth, ant i ouer cert te Belle Courtice, Elgin Varcoe, -Lefferv._John Clou ishiThomasE anti Marguerite Ramsay, maký,.inga 1speech et encouragemenh le al iýL anti win in the future. SMiss Nehhie Gouli, mitha ca girls, gave an excellent ehibiion --vingin -Witht Mis-s-Helei fo-rnt, piano. R ev. 1H, PB. 1Ke nn y gavetiec t the afler-noon holdin7g Ieaii ittielk by an occas;ioýna-iturn while hataikedttetnon iiree 'Righi, Respect anti Respousibiilt in closing wisbed ail a Mcrny Cl anti was apparently slartledti t chorus of voices lrorn every part audtoriumc sboutig "bbc sainet Principal Baker directeti the sirý another spietîditi chenus by thes "Th "bcHunîsman," Editor M. A. Jantes presecîci cerificates anti pnizes te Wbhomas anti Artbur Baker for bigbesl shanc promotion exams froma Sect. Ill te boys, andt t Olive MotIon anti Moyse frorn samne class et girls, an or certificates tei Bruce Berry, -Reiti, Evenctt Hardy, Ross Gale, Pye, anti Gertrutie Hamlev. He out te lise boys anti girls tise impr et shiving te gel m tis te houer is the classes. Mn. W. W.' bamblyn, M. A., sp tise great importance et a thore schooi training anti presenteti pný bigbest houer standing anti certifie boiser sud menit in class III îe La Mingeauti anti Herbent Baker and certificahes te Roscoe W/ahker, Eni dam, John Gamble, Gortion Mot Chester Diiiing, Leslie Hughes, Ch( mac antiW/refond Soucb. Rev. W. N. Arnoldi gave a fewr on inspiration ho work for antihot ambition te atain succcss in avery et lite anti especîally in scbool wor presentedt t III chais girls as foliov tificates ho Margaret Kerr anti1 HrgEey onsieelazlewood anti houer certificatest Eniti Souch, Aileen Haziewood, Mi Hamington, Eva Gibson, Marjory, way, Frances Ciough, Gracie i 1Birdie Scarliîîg, Vilda Symons, Cousins, Marion Mooncraft -an Moyse. 1 Miss Lilian McLeau's pupilsj splendid exhibition et faucy marci dlan ho that requireti for the Lord coca prizes anti the performance girls was worlhy et high praise. Rev. H. B. Kenny expnessed biý pleasore-in accceding -le the neci preseut te ptipils et classes I antiIl Central Scbool as folicws: Finit pr bonor cetificate ho Miltieti Law prizeshe Percy Mencer atibed one ho Finit cdass prizes anihoueo £il i We ofier our sincerest thanks to al vho bave fav- ored us with their patronage during the year 1911, 'and especially duricg the Xmas season, and hope that the iNew year m ay carry with it for yoo a fu twelve nth ef success. Wve stili have a largel stock of goods suitabie for, -New Year's gifts. ýJ. BAGNEL,9 GRAND CENTRAL A HA Py -NEW -YE"AR" ous c paros o theýirt fdodrin tIhi a ndou ierewShon, tha te ewYer my rig6it I 'Il' EN . WHI1CII îIS RIGRT ? i THE CHURCHES. ES ~ ~ 1 AN MYR NDCUNILO THE REEVE ? Presbytenian Guild will i oU metýings JPI 1his n eceein~ deicae tingforThursday evcnings -whulie pastor isi thle Reeve to extol his own actions in his Appropniahe Pmusie and excellent sur- year for > n newspaper, but, he wîshes te make cx- mons were given in St. Paul's Cbrishmas ie Cern- lantin. At ast hwe council meetig Sudy -a House eeve James took a stand in opposition1 Rev. Dr. Gnaham illAJ preacli in the in- received t the Mayor and Counciliors. It is truc terest of the Educahion .Society in the 1proflc- t at Councîllor Cornish stood by the Mfethodish ebunch Siunday J'an. 7. ions -to eeveon the first night, but deserted him. Reýv. J. W.- Giabiam, Sccretary of the n exam- n the second, and the Reeve stood entire- Educlational Society of the Mcthodist tunned y alone. curch, wiii preach in Bowmanville Sun- the pres- Thie iquestion in dispute was the agree- day Dec. 31. ear th ment und(en consideration ah the Council Rev. J. Garntt intnoduced an inovation ion w2l Board vvihth e ymeur Power and Elec- in the Cobourg Methodist chunch by hiold- n r ry trie Ce,., by,, wb-Lich go additional, electric ing a service Christmas Day which waza 'Lhn sec lights were te be piaced on the main busi- well attended. ,nessness streets, 6o of which are to bc furnish- Rev. F. W. Anderson, Trocte, Secre- eûioi d for three years with free cunrent by hary Layrnc's Fnrwand Movement, is ta- T '!1i-1te Company, but tlie installation and supply for Rev. Hughi Monroe during the dans and cquiprnent are ah the ex,ýpeï ise of the town, îatter's absence on vacation. nofthe h original estimat -e of ceost of samne be- StPulsPsbcia cngeti, ,ji iueî,g o ver $î6o0.ooi. Thle town aise agnees Port Hope, prcsentcd Rev. H. E. and Mrs. rîd gaveý- te take 30 more lights for. King street ah iutercshl- a cest Of $12 per liglit yearly for samec Abraham with an address and a purse of sec seohl ens na dedyal ot -of 1gold before their removal ho Guel pl. h er$6cOor a total coat f $080.00 foùr " we becorne as littiechildnýýen" wlii Lon. tese30 ighs.Whîe te aneenet was be he iesub eet of Rcv. W .Arnold's.- a igune iconsieraion y te Pbi rr- ini g srmonat1 the Disýciplecuc nincîýpa l hy Committcý-e thle cst01st, iu te30 rexh Sunday. vcnig tpic "Theý lights wias asre by thie Companyv as condya. wel asthekepin inordr or thrcc Rcv.. J. Crothers, M, A., D.D., did cMa-Vears of îthe -,ýwle QO igh-ts. This ne- 1suddeniy ah hbis home in Preston ;,Dec. 2 clmrk luces "os, of ;insýtallation h snetrig 'omh alfalure. R'ev. Dlr. Gohr tcda ý over i001(0.O. was afermYerigbly estcemedpastr o iSouchl Buît the ýchiief ît crns enah ccd Pont HopeýMethodist chunch llanld wcil- 's eu- of hhncc yea- r the own agrtees vho ntini- known in Bay of Quinte Co)nferenc,,e. t o WII- 'ue thles 90 lightlslfor seve yers longer The Presbyterians Of Fnnàiskihicn 'have' lhie j ah-t a cost (f $12 ceach or $oo.oa yeau securing the services of MissMad c,' G - o 75o.o r a total cos;t te h rahepay iîa e hi c cr's nig40 ro Ane cs of applroximlatcy IooodFo naMisGilîman w illgive ber ncihfalÏ ýe Reenl- hat? hfi diînl lgits on "eigsced;'s in Dannv"-in thrce pats Agne Kin Stbbc evesays he a oposedte T is sbeen given, with greaticcepjtlnce Cosnthislagexndur becauseu il is un-in bToronto arid tnany othecr cities an s. cessan. Afew moeighits on, King S'. hwsof 0Ontario. o nzswouid lbe ail ight', butif any. ange11v1Jhn-R.Butier of ol onut it en- armont te bespeùton extra igisîs, thecdiesrcsinteMhdstduh Reve daitat they shuld bc piaced Dc 7ad eieeltwo imlpressive se- cm ia ou. othýr streets andr'oollying places wbcre )me ns. The pl crc pese ih h Achie itbey arc grcatly more needed than on the sru peimd o h an fhm chrsmain streeti. Which party de rahepayers perance.-Cu/eirn h Ente is. R. chrssay takes the ight position, thse Reeve or Mn. Botler is a fermer popular pastor of ai tlie oter embers of the Council ? Sot anigo crut îrscnhed The!i foregoig figures are quoed from Atinual Wcek of Prayer services wil e Wan- rnm-'ory, as the agreeent was taken from be beid firsh week in January, places andcl higbesh the Clcrk's office the ncxt day for execu- speakers as follows: Tuesday,Jan. 2nd, ns frorn tien and hias net been returned. O ne_ Disciple chorch, Rev. H. Mauree, B.A; tificahes clause bias Ibis proviso, tisaItishe Company Wednesdav, Methodist cbunch, Rev. E. C. 1Harold wiil take back -tise cquipmcnt of the 60 LakeP.. fPr oe hndy dugAhh - 4hrs ~-arsh0pîce-h resrcbytertan churchyRvyvxAnir a happy duction on the cost. Friday wilh be Layrnen's Ngt Hm te work Since the forcgoing paragraphs were and Scheel" w 11 be preseuted by M in.Jn written, Reeve James bas taken up the Percy and PicplJoh,]nElitBA SS 0f 12 agreement wihh the Company tbru their Services beg;inla 8 o'cIocký. i of club solicitor and prospects now are 'triig -ar4yat SnaDc OhnI3l aI tiselat flic ôbjecc1iouable clauses will be 50 Beowmanvilie is te bc favorcd wt e modified that the hown will net be obli- hum visit from Euvoy "Brcwen" Ben d cs f gahed ho hake oven the 6o hîghts ah end Of e-nz ihe niifdl no n f hetree ycarsandct that the 10 per cent, pe- 1Bnowc visited lberc recently batu ate îy steny annurnreductien on equipment wili ise was bati vcry few having opetni;e R's reuce _5 per cent,tis effecting a con- hearing birn. He bas travelled as a local l y." and sidenable saving te tlise twn. This gees preacher fer twenty years everywhere hristmas te prove, if it gees mie effect, tisat wbilc drawiug lange audiences. Ilis hlile steny Shear a Council adopted tbe agreement agaicst the is a wonderfui eue, and proves beyond tof the slreng proheat'of Reeve James, tise Cern- doubt, the eficiency of God te save the ho, yoo,1' pany reccgniziug the Reeve's objection, is werst. In Canada hielhas become knolvln Iging of wiiling ho modify the agreement in ac- as,"Tise mac who pr *he n raga-". Iu schoiars cordauce witb bis views. If yoo appmovc addition te regular serv -ices aiSai vatien of the action taken by Rýeeve James agaînst Army Barracks Envoy, Brown wiii co- So e vcry other member of tiseCoucli xote duct a great watch nîghtsl srvice, on Sun- Norton for lima on Mouday for Reeve nexh yean. day uighh.* Do net fail ho bear bim. iding lu Special singing by Euvoy's daughtcr, Miss Jr. IV DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. L. Brown. Thelma Christmas services ini the Methotiish td hion- - chut ch Suutiay were weil attendeti. Rev. Alfred Our ceunîy boys win the appr),ovai of H. B. Kcnuy's theme ah the merning ser-t Isobel their fcilows -isy thcin giý Lemanluti-,1- st asbelhdse-aMrsae" c pointed meanon aud efficient senvc es. Octaneo W. C. Washington assisted in the epcenîngt orlauce Couuhy Counicil bonoreti the - 'tiring Wam- cxci cises. Iu the eveniug Pastor Kency ist iu ail den, Mn. W. J. Haycraft, Brookliu, a Dan- gave au excellent ser mon ou "The Prince lingten boy, by nresentiug lhm wihh a 'of Peace," bbc choir reutiereti a number poke- of hantisomeGold Headed Cane ah tice close et autherns soitable ho the occasion. Rev.i ) Public of the Decemben sessiou ai hitiby. MUr. W. Jollîffe assisteti ahithe ev cnirg service.1 izes for R. R. Mowbîay, Reeve of Pickering, ou The Suntiay Sciseel session ithse afle- [cales or pnesenting the weli desenveti recognition ceeu was held intutisa churcb Mn. 'Km. awrence cemplimenteti 'arden Haycraft upon Ihe brewiu, superin tendent, pnesîdiug. Miss ri houer efficient performance ef Lis officiai duties Kathleen Knight reciiet "bbc W/ise Men" ;c Bcd- and the just and honorable way lu wisicb vcny niceiy, aud selections were aise well îocatbu bad presitiet oven lte Sbire Panlia- gie yegtby u iit girls. Mn. c Il- el:enh's deliberations. He bias been a very Regicalti Joihiffe gave tise slory et Christ- agressive. anti pepulan Wandcn. mas, Rev. H. B. Kecny a brief atitieas; rearsthe umale quartl'et, Messrs. C. Haliman, b. nenable Mr. Albert Barber, oeeoe the Bowvmac- E Higginbotbami, A. W. Pickanti anti W. yspbene ville olti beys, was plcasiugly surprised S.Bragg sang "God Bless My Boy"; Miss )rk. He and bonorcd by bis Model Schoel cîass ah Jennie McLean gave a vocal soie, anti ýws: ccr- Onillia again Ibis Christmnas. Thte 1aclcet several selections by tlie scheol uctier the Etlieida in ils last issue badti Iis kindly refereuceiadshpoMnJmeHastadth te Jane le ibis inhenestiug clesing cycut: "Model benediction by Rev. W. Joihiffe comphehed Alorden. ScbhooI hene was chosed Friday hast, clos- the pnognam.f [ercedes ing exercises beiug manketi by a very ýWes'la p,,easîng event, the preseutahien ho Mn. A. Smart W/ced and Beliadenua, combiued Boddam, Barber, Principal, of a highly compliment- wîlb the other ingredients uset inl the Eileen any address accompauied with a very best poreus plastens, make Cartcn's S. W. id Eva handsome leather Ihiued club bag. A lange & B. Backacbe Plashers, tise best in the number ofise cew leachers havces'iready mankel. Pnice 23c. gave a secumeti scbools ah very satisfactery salar- îingsim- les, gcneraily $500 a year, anti severai CHINA, WEDDING. Stratb- $550. Il is hoped that Mn. Barber maiy of the rettîrn next hall te take up the class agaînl, as in ail probabîlihy lbe wiil." Ocnbisunsday aflernoon Mr. an3cl- Mrs.f is greahW. H. Wood, Base Lice, werc sui-priseti duc5 tre Cvntwsi a utt m auxa theit home by a numiser of frienti s and Iof the brigist boys who bave beceme p nere.tgbosglebg-octb ~tsi rize and in commercial, prnfessinnai, indîstrial and oh wedding day. -,Allen thc usual f orm- wrie and otiser spbemes ef business activity. th1 itewr xhngdteget ai thmevsai home sorne chatting, ohr The Reehp To the Elecztors of t1he Tc wnv of LADIES ANýD GNLM 1 have beenreustd;a lrenm ber Of rate payera to againoffr myei for the position of Reeve for the ycearr1912 and having acted as chairmaun of the "Roads and street Conmmitîee" for four years and with the time at my dispoi O,1if you sece fit to elect,-ne Iw1 ldeotuy time and 'eniergy nyuritrsts to ,the best of my abiity. L. A» W. Ta1eý poiinof Reeve for 191J2, I do so trust- ing that miy services to yOu for the I ast three yearýs menit advancemient to the Revs 1p have for thie past year -bceen Chalirmnan of the Fine and WtnCern- mitte anid with h begeteL & sciated it me have-hadchaniges in- aulguraLtud in thi eartentthait wflt acv tie townv ooo ava ILneie aýlne theCinist,0aationof a elctr-ic fliotor instead of,, the-gaiso)1lne engine. The Counicil as a whole bas ndaordtr scrv-thebestinte1rests eof thie tnwn in T9L1 (1 ndltuet LS c- fhiCýe yeail1)12 fil] -f confziece in oý1ur abila i)t aei tl bectter., ýWe shou'ii)ld forgeýt tedspon nlts anid -worriea of the as yarand carry neiburden of "ih-aebe's iiin the( new year's counceil. Let uss t wiha a sheet, pro£!ting, not hà-, capping ourelves, by thle ep Uene ' the oU year. If we tïake a1 fresh gnip of thiing, ý;attack our probierns t a niew and stronger enthýuý;si,,wexill un-. doubtedl(y find at,-,ItheL end Jof i19i2 fthat we hiave comïpieteiy elpsdthe year 1911, if Iaa1in rýceive yOUr conlfideelUby eieeinlg me as Reeve, I promlise ho serve youi ho the best of myv ability, taking into consideration thie best interests of the tow>Tn'at-il iimes-. Wsigyou all the comp1limnen-ts of the 1e'IpIarn - Yourobediîent serve1nt, F. C. Pethick. reason unknown tq me I arn '1opposedi by o1n,1\ filled te ofie oe yarand as maosand eee ae1saiygîi en two term , at lest ol!e-s teydosoetin that displeases the r_,ate payers, I-arn offer- why~ ~~~ n th onsoi eptto Cexpen1se of gIngm t hoils o vte fr fyor ouineresand he gnera(l oeS ofy Bowmail -ile havt beena'y inherest a the Co%nci Boýeard awasan cuIt arand-gl op se o avassn ora pubicoffi e n ave nefyer doulbie Sco fidence in me as a public man and wil vote for mc and I arn elected Reeve for a sýecond tern, 1-shall do rny b,'st to hon.or the; renewal of your conifid1ence b)y faithi- town, of Bnwýmainviie nd-clail its cit(izens, Výoting hakea. place on Modyn- New Year's Day- bctween 9 a-m ý d p.m. If you will go tLhe ols n ark your ballot for m, I shah appreciate veur confidence. W:,,shing our town ntuelnges and 'prosperihy, and i Il cîiizenlshel happiness and abonnt iessngin î1, Yours faithfu l'iIly M. A. am s The Lbri fteTwsi tDar- lington wi et i the Town Hiall, Hampton, on Sa nday an. 6at 2 Pan. for elecion of ütofficers adgeeaDbs W. E. PLAD .L ACN DURHAMCOSRAIE Conservative Association of Dunharn-,n mne in Newcastle, Tuesday aflurnoon-j -Dec. i9 with a very fair represei-tation from ever; rnunicipaiity. Mr. P. C. Trebilbock, Bowmanvilie, occupied the chair. Officers for the correct years are: vice, R.- Grandy, Port Hopre, 2nd Vice, cae akr, \wate 3dVcCaph.. Staker Clnke TrasuerG. T-Jncs

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