C oser I 31p. m asegr 145p1s Locl 49 ,,it :ao ngr 75 ThePepesror ACýeIE TAI, Our Store is the Place to Buy--Your New Years Requirements. Our st)cke- of highcas groceries is complete. We hav e been very careful ins electing the choicest fruits fpr yuur ýcooking. It will pay you to cit and inspect, then judge for yourselves. Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Choice Caliorna Risins 1M oz. pkdg. 12ýUe. llaloWe ate. .0ea l,,3 for 2kc, iedPeel, oaglemaon, an----itro 20e a lb.- Choie TbleRaiins20,-, 25e and 35e a lb). Choie TbleFig .lO,!l3eandl18e alb. Choce alaa Gape ....,.........20C a lb. As sua, ur rages wiil be of a superiorC qualtyfin, jieyaua swetjust ttho hinýg Shellr] Alohol, SheîntIWalnuts, -Mixv thie bet he axket produces. Go ifnct iaiî r Choisc ea lb. chce aMised Candiso .....1240 a lb Choice ixed Cdis......15e a lb, Choice Mixed Cwadies ............... 20c a lb Choice Choice- Choice Choîce Choice Kisses, Chocolates ........... .....2c a lb. Chocolates ................. 25e a lb. Chocolates....... *" ....... 30e a lb, Clioeolatesr2.... ...........40e a .. Chocolates ............... 50e a lb.' Bulîs' Eyes, Gu Drops, Caramel,, Peppermints, lluntbugs,, ete, Croker ad Glaswa-ein West Durbàam- table lau s agn lamps, hall lamps, diînner sets, tea sets, faney cups and saucers, bon bon dishes, ete. These goods are all neîv aud sold atI close prices. Cashi Paid for Butter and Fggs. 0-*-- & w PW Phone 65. r. owmànvi lie5 lye ed pply to WI.CEMNE ot1 N V L~~~~~~ 0 WETVD IXRl L O 'irDy pces al h -muillm', 320Doini B n-cB i ;,enzr frc 1rto1îtsPa Leii5NiBU CANNING FACTORY1 Siteba2s benseiected andau optnd gi'ven -to aMnreleman 0esals a~ ~ ~~~n canuMatm-ox I oa rw fru, eseamn advGetuales. ai beoigmorFe poulr and wilcontinue prdcS. ln afridititieIbs j Torot, M-.K ibett s. Toronto, at Mx-. John Hellyar's Mr. and Mrs. M . S. Shi0, Toronto, aI hex- mehher's, Mx-s, E. S. eah Mx-. and Mxý-s.W.HCa-e and son, Tox-onto, with M.IacHbs Mrs. W.:coadai isJsi Mc- Donald with relatives in Loudoün. Mx-. and Mrs. Donald McDoualdanso Archie with relatives in Toronto. s~ Mx-s. E. Jeffery aud Mrs. W. Fish;Si witb Mrs. -Thos. E. Hardy, Wbitby. Mx-. and Mrs. W. Pearl and Mx-, and ,Mrs. Marks wîth friends in Toronto. Mx-. and Mrs. W. H-. 'Williams with Rev. and Mx-s. jas. Hodges, Oshawa. Miss Mabel Cox, School of Pedagogy, Toronto, at ber fathex's, Mx-. C. Cox. Mx-. and Mrs. T. C. Osbornue, Whitby, wîtb bier sistex Mx-s. J. N. McDougall. Miss Ida Pincb, Toronto, and Mx-. B., J. Aichin, OshaWa, at Mr. W. B. Pinch's, Misses Julia and Gertruîde Sinclair, Tom outo, wîth their sistex- Mrs. A. Christie,. Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Perey and daughte Rutb, Chicago, El., with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. T..I-H Cryderînan and s-jis with bis sister Mrs. E. Asbley, Osha1wa. _ Mr. and Mx-s. H-. A. L. Andiersou-), S_. K-arî *s, a, hem fathcr's, Mxr-.-John Wgb. Mx-. sdMrs. J. T. Trewîr iu wih' their daughtem c1-Mrs. T. 1R. Tennant-, Toronto. c- Mx.adMrs.W.JCoii nsn Ros witb býsi oterMr. ohn ýolwil. Mr. and Mrs. r -mon E. Wî VFigbt and family, Blackstock, at Mms, J. VanNest's. Mx-. Wm. Hutchinson ar dMiss Leah with bis son M-. M. J.Hutebinson, Tor-- onto. Mrs. W. Street, Oshawa, aud Mm. Milton Street, Toronto, at Mrs. M. A, Washing- ton's. Mx-. Thos. Bingham, Mx-. and Mx-s. Win. Canu and family aI Mr-. Thos, Cowan's, Clar-ke. Miss Nellie Pattinson, Teacher in Dom- estie Science Dept., Toronto University, at home. Mms. J. C. Vansbone, Mx-. Byron S. sud Miss May Vanstone, Toronto, aI Mx-. F. C. Vansboue's. Mx-. and Mrs. W. A. Bain, Tox-onto, Dm, and Mrs. G. M. Tx-ewin, Osbawa, ut Mx-. W. Trewiu's. Mr. and Mms. Hax-ry Baskex-ville and Miss Ina, and Miss Eva Curtis, Toronto, aI Mx-. John Curtis.' Misses Annie Westaway, Moutreal, anmd Gladys Westaway, Remnington Business College, Torouto, aI hoirse, __Miss- -Fisher -an.d M, issa rii-ossgb11,Tor-_- onto, Mx-, and Mrs. C. P. Blair ankd Miss Miss Olive BdodToonoMis er Tox-utoaI M. T.E, Hggi-otbam's M-adMxS. .F ucmusdM- Ax-thux J. Treîlcoclo Tox-otoadM PuaiTccilcckPctrbor, a ra, P (J Trebilock-s Mm.X av xs hs TeeradMs i 1 e*p*- - 4- i Bowmanville, Ont. Ux-ders talken also for any newspapex- or magaznep blished at lo-fest c'ýlbrates. Tesai f a- plies tb Ti-!-,STA TESTA X 'Notices of ît, 5cit; isra 0 Wlenfiiiri c cse- eitS~ Ii GL ONe luD ]îII pton, D .ih, to M and McIr. J. Boij. 'hirkon, a son. TR1YF, iTT-At RiddI", Oregon, Sepjt. 9th, teMc and Mrs. R. Nl.- Tsiett, (nepc Ceeue keit) danghter. M:ýARRIAGES MILLSOOR Tol'reon, Dec. 15th, by Rev. W. F. is i, Alice Lilîjan, y, nîîigeýi langhter ofN Mcý. A. J.igi , Orono, mi Ait mcr Mil1s3n, Mouîît V.ernon, Darlington. Cai, CLAPI 4At Port lope, De 'ivn ,Pb b y Be;. canon Dîiel. Mildrei Weotwy ' ond danghter of Mr. William (Clapp, Lnd 't j Ceo c aînpiýn, both nf Port llope, 1. - IMîS-E Ow r la Bowmanviii,, Dc er 25th lii, b Rer a. Jolliffe, Mr. Pelj y Wl. has n M dne Irne Roue, wo-n-est Bo-aiidR. Poley, and MabýAel Olive hileec daugitev ol Mc. 'rho,. i l1 iden, Dacligtn, Hrî'w MOUJRL it:the esïdence of the bride', pïaren ts, Dec. i y Mev. le. A. Wl't- rIL îoIOt a Witby, De.?6n, Pll p~vo, Moore. beloved wife of Jý, Rolw ePhil-, rh 7icd year. E LiOan At WeStern il-O,3pital, 'Tontoi, P.c 25, Iosetta Ena, danghter of the late I1,aa,, Mc,. tilfocl, Isla., Victoria rounty. IGOM nCameron, Dec. lSth, James Ingyl a ia his ieth TI:a. ,Faiierf niNieboL s ingrn1, Port Perryfemcl Irnmanyile. Doinrand Dealetr in Monu ~ ~ F.ýmentslaltMne, tl -Yaiteand Mai. Lu F1NR L D0 EcT 2 .....p....att .nd udate. L omnsl Poe 03 momummuq BO M NILE0E.28 91 'Christmas Visitors. Mr. G eo, Pingle, Ottaw-ýa, at home. Mr. Alex. Bagnieli, Torc oto ajhme Mr.HaeyeryTootaho . Miss Gladys Munday, Torronto, at home. Mr. Ernest Reh'der, Toronto, at home. Miss Sheridan at hier home in Brockville. Miss Lizzie Connors, Marmora, at home. Miss Lillie Bounsail, North Bay, at home. Mr. Roy Candier, Toronxto, at his fath- er's. Mr. Norman E enna Port Hope, at home. Mr. Russelýi Jakm,-miln,, at homne. Mx.Geo. GilIllJan, xbige ith is motheýýr. Mr. John Findlay, Castieton, with 'rela- tives here. Mr. Howard Percy, Torontoat Mr. J. H. Percy's. Mrs. S. H. Thompson with hier daughter at Janetville. Misses Myrtie V. and Elsie Bragg, Tor- onto, at home. Messrs. H. L. and N. T. Creeper, Tor- onto, at home. M\Lssrs. E-1.rF. and! Chas. Weeks, Tor-t onto), at home.0 Mr.-. as. Gale,BradMr Fred Gale, Samluel îinghiaml's. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. 7McK' ,av, Torontoati Mr.:Tos. Sherin's, -- Mr.-and Mrs-Hooper--el with relatives here. SMr. and Mrs. W. Beith and family, Tor-c onito, with relatives.1c Rev. H. B. Kenny with relatives inc Prince Edward county. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, McCullough, Tor- onto' at Mr-. N. Horne's. Mr-. and Mrs. F. J. Cole and family with Mx-, Wý. îRiding, Oshawa. Miýss Haýzel Lowe, Oshawa, guest of hier cusin Miss Olie uton Mr.L. Paterson ith Jher nefphew Mr-. Geo. S. McLean, oroto Mles-zrs. Hobart and BzeKihHm ýiten, at Mrs. Jas. Knig!ht's. Miss Amy L. Armour, Hiartford, Conn., r with hier aunt Miss Armour, V Miss Winnîe Brittain, Toronto, at lier s grandfather's, Mr-. L. Morris, MIiss Isabella Lawrie, 'Brampton, with her bro ther Mr. Alex. Lawrie. s MisMarie Painton and Miss Sharpe, f TForonto, at Mr. W. Painton's.p 4fIr. and Mrs, John Begley and famil u 2 DOORsSÏ 1 P~OS IEHORý,SEY BLOCKt, HNE 4,OWATîLE L ï el p1 racers' DMe BiTkeasCas Nex dor t Stndad BnkB wanv61 T A business experîince of 54 yearýs of cout- tinlually increasing voluame is a reco-ý,ýrd to be proud of This Xmas bhas been a recocrd bireaker in Hie bistory oo ur store aud w batiyappre= ciat (bs coniuued mark o public conD en qce e T ýh ps ie sric ws Jil cntiue s orîmtty andle tbe best (bat is ini us will be devoted (o tbe initerests o! our customers Wee wisb ail a llappy New Year wellÎ filled wiýt rue joy and real satisfaction, A NEW YEAR'S GIFT FOR EVERY CUSTOMER To clear out the balance of our Xmas stock we will make a present to every customer purchasing anything in Xmas goods their choce of any other article or articles to the sarne value. In other words, if y'ou buy a dollar's worth you get a dollar's worth free-make your own selectîin frorn our stock of Xnias goods in the saine propofition for larget or smaller purchases. Juy Lo113iV The Safe, SaiLatxy Dx-uggists and Opticias.s Mx.adMrs. C. Hf. Anderson anilsens wihrelatives in London. M- and Mx-s. George Sutherlan., Tox- onto, at Mr-. David Grigg',. U-Mr. and Mx-s. E. Orchard, Albe ýrta, with bis sister Mcc. J. D. Fletcher and othe- friends. ,C-Mr. F. W. Walsh, manager.of the Good- year Tire ansd Rubber Co. office, Winui- peg, with Mr-. Chas, M. Ca-rthers. Mx-. nd M-sV7. H.Gee ooM- C. CTabynadfamily, D- n xs W. W.Tamblyn's. Mxi-. Ed-ward Worden., Miss Maude Wor- den and Mx 1r-. FiedGisn Toronto, Miss Vida WrePtrbr om]Sebool, and ix.ad Mx. m. Worden n -d fam- ily, Solina,; at Mx-s. Jas. WVoxden's. Mx-' S. Ma-lnEete-, was'in town e- ceutly on a business visit to Mx-. J. W Alexander of the D. O. & P. Co- and was shown ax-ound town by 'Mr. A. Mitchell, the Company's genial travelling repres- entative. He soon became an admirer of i"Beautiful Bowmanyille." Vote fox- Tole and good xoads.-advî. The best is the cheapest; Scr-anton coal is recognized by ail the leading dealers in Canada and the United States as the best coal. Sevex-al cars fx-esh mined just re- ceived. McClelfan & Co Limited, GOES TO WEST INDIES The popula- SS. "Laux-entic," White S tar Line's Canadian Service, will make two cruises 10 Wýýest Indies sailing Janu- ary 20 and Fbur 24, 1912, cruiseS occupving 31 days each, visiting 14 pots including the principal Brîtish possession and the Panama Canal. "Laux-entic- i lax-gest vessel ever sent 10 West nde and is magnificently equîpped for a trop- ical1 cruise baving pex-fect system of venti- lation, remax-kable deck area and ail the uip-to-date features of- the-moderm. Irans- Atlantic liuer. Fix-st elaspasengex-s y. o moiilre delightful wintertp can be imagined than one of these cruises. M. A. lames, Agent, Bowmnanville, TO NEWSSUSRBR BARGATiN DAY OFFER FOR YOiTr. Eu oxî-der,3add fewhundx-ed more redes1j TE Nw amiy Ci-cle th iis vemy~~ ibxaofe-imae 410 you: îEvýeîy nybsown subscipîan for, ne.,., year sud send us -one: new îîame for 192 ill receive both pape-s for $1.50. lu ote- wox-ds, every subsx-ibe- wbo pays bis ows subscription to end, of 1912 may ox-der THE NEWS sent 10 as many fiends, not now subscribers, aI 5o cents each as de- six-ed. What better Xmas present cau yon send 10 absent frierds than THE NEWS for 56 weeks. This dues not apply, 10 persans, living.in United States. Send 'ail ax-ders 10 CaO. XW. J AMES, Publishe-, VTe hav e been appointe(-d 'loctal agents *for GoodyAcar Rubber Co., goods Auomble, MtrCyliclean Goodyear &Goods foýr 1 r rîce with a Lîberal.;-'G'arantee.- * AL& GREETINGS FOR THE foAle"lbea taV uis-g the s, and ce hope they nul cntinue to samorus iLi tue sme mianner ini the future. "Thau the approaching PNeW Year iay be une of prosmitdj hppne(Morai" su i- j~ Rd'k . Michel Co. Druggists ând Opticians UN Phmone 92a; ight CalIS 92b' omnil.I~ -- Qbc- 1 A irnb. w w w ir--ýgg P-griq A m 'i à --ým vr w w Ir-na