WINTER TERM of Teronit" b'gosJan. Sd.Cm- metrdai. Shorthand, Telegraphy or CUvii Service(o- res26 teach- fil] in g cbnt-vrtlgt thoroughly oqir grauaýteis. Wite o dyicatloue W, H. SHAW, PrewJident, YOole & Grrard-st, Toroi-tto 1WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 2. if t rputation for su'peliior training Un 4qual e dealin g is abslntlean aud if m il Cor. Yonge aud Alexander Sts. TORONTO, ONT, is in a cl1assý by itself when first class work is conisidered. Grafinates are sure tu Zet good positions oiing to tiseir proper training. Write for Large Catalogue. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. CHRISTMAS SAILINCS -FROM PORTLAND, ME., AND HALIFAX, N. S. Prom ,Portian Fi rom li*faýx -ÇA NADA, Dec. 2 Dec 3 fMEjANcic, Dec. 9 D.C. 10 TEUTON[U, D;c. 14 De. tg EÀE i mi PIasi 1j1IS SceO D$50, Thmno $3f.25 Acording te S'teamer ant Destination. tMlaziifienit Ne, Steamer and Beautifuilly .pposnte-d. is vao.Carnies sting orche3tra M0OANADA"'and "UTONIC" carry One Ciass Va i n (i) and TilirdCas Passengers oniy. oupvp riaSea,3on of 1952 now UMEIR SAItIïNC;S ready, Send for lisi. AN D NIEEW VEAR uetwe ai stain Cm ada, aise to 3Niagara. Pai~ ad uffloN. Y.,Detroit and P>ort lHron. Midi. SINGEF REJ Good going Dec. 23, 24, 25. Return Limit Dei, .6, 1911. A1,4o good Foiug Dec. 30, 31, 1911. and Jan. 1, 1912. Return tiinjut Jan. 2, 1912. J FAREAtnD Charge 25c) Good going Dec, 21, 1911, to Jan. 1, 1912, inclusive, Returii Limit Jan. 2, 1912. Fu information from J. H. H. Jury, Agent. ALLA ROYAL MAIL IuNE St. John aud Halifax Steamer Frem St. John Hïesperian Dec. 22nd Grampian Jan. 5111 Hesperian Jan. î9îh Tunisian Jan. 26th te Lverpool From Halifax Dec. 23rd Jan. ôth Jan. 2GOt Jan. 27tb Boon ou td Portluud te oGlasgow Steamer From Boston From Portland Namidian Dec. 2ist Lake Erie Jan. 4 Ionian Jan. îîth Sicilian Jan. r8tb Rates of passage Fimst Class, Liverpool service ...$72.50 Second las, Liverpool service .... $so.oo Second Class; Glasgow service..$45.o Third lass, $30,25 or $31.25, according te steamer and service. For,-feaýrdiculars of summer sailings and ratesapply te MV. A. JAMES, Bewmanville, Ontario- ~LaxIcdtu.u Nrntferu rvrcainsliips SHO~TET S.~VOYAGE RylEdwurdL 1912 RalEwr 19,12 Wed fn.10Wed. jan. 241 Wed. fan',. 24 Wedi. Freb. 7 - Royail Geocrge W1.Mur. 6 WVed. Mai. 20 Mur 20Wd. 'APril d fortnihtlytheor. 'MI. A. JAME;S, ]enavl 4 gn.t l'or G'anudlianmîh tasis T Uica u's mIK is bot, s is bis -pl ITE SIGNA[_MA;ý Bringls not good fo-)rr a wysignPalman ; he eau put lu,înf tooQ mnany 1hour,s at it witoutLt ruption. For nearlily ten heîi John llrbreghhd b-een sli up I iL'the littie iga-bxabt] othend of lAe on oïdnbridé ove-r the Erevale river and vaill and 1the actual work he had hi( called upon to do in the time cou haebeen performod easily iu twe ty minutes. The long intervals of idienes dluring which he was ferbidden1 the regulations either te leaveb box or allow anybody to enteri e>ther than the guard or fireman an occasional train held up for fow minutes in the siding in ordi th1at another might pass over tl bridge before it, he had spent g ing oer and over the last scer with his sweetheart, and askiT himself, what there would be in Il worth living for if Esther gotA tir- of waiting and actually gavehi 11P. Esther May was thedagtr thet statiOnmasterï at Erlevale Ju tiou, his immediate paýymiaste(r an ýchief, an-d John and she had disc4- ered thiat they were in love wit oach other before he had been thrE months in bis position as signalma at the Erevale Bridge South Bo, -T-hat was -when -John- was onlyIj-twez ty-two, and feit that he was goin Vo advancec rapidly. because he ha already b-een placed in charge of signal-box. Esther's father ha shared bis bolief, and looked wit an indulgent eye on the courtshir he hîmself ha.d been in charge of signal-box at Harborough's al- anU bail been speedily prometedt a more impoý(rtant one, where1 bad distîuiguished himself, and bee placeéin lu carge of a small countr station. Wih9 pleasaut home an iight duties, hie thkought his posîtio a perfectly enviable ene, and ha no higher ambition for his daugl ter than Vo sec her married to eoming-station-master. But he would not allow a definit engagement until llarborough ha o)btained his first Dromotion. -And rnow fivo years hait gone 'e and the expeeteil pro)motion ha net. Comeý, aud Esther was losin pýatience.- Other girls, who ha founid loyr ong after she hm were alrecady married, andl wei beginning to despise her as a pe manent old maid. Her faheý ha upraideil her for giving her thoughl te a young man who could net gE ou, and, in consoqueuco, poor Ei ther hait turned upon her lovi and told him, with angry tears, th, if he. cared for, her at all, ho woul net stick ahl his if e at the Sout B3oz. It was unfair of Esthýer. Th youug signalman hait tol himse a thousand times cluring the le:n louely day th-at ho had done all man could do. R1e hail performed his simple i ties perfectly. Net once in the fiv years had ho, made a mistake. Wit a woman's impatience of imperser ah rules, Esther had often bec cross because be would net lot Ih enter the signal-box, or beave ý himself for a streli with ber, whe it could harm nobody and nobo4 weuld knew. But, in spite of ail temptatier her lever hait held firm. At seven o' the telegrapl bell tinkled, as hoc had been waitiî -for it te o 0)for' th1e last ten mir utes, and thecustmay ireetion ticked eut on the neele. A goed train wý,as leaving the juinction, ai wa3 te be turned inte the sidingt enable the passenger train whic followed it Vo pass, and cross th bridge beofore it. Like an automation, Harboroug signalled back that the line wa clear, pulled dowu the lever whie opened the peints fer the siding and strelled te the windew of hi box te hean eut and watch fer th gnoos traiu's slow appreacb. Hoe was censcieus of ne interes in it. Ho was asking himself stil what there would ho, in his hi werth living fer if Esther carrie4 eut ber threat and refuseci Vo "kee] company" with hlm nny longer But it was his custom te mako tIý most ef the passing of the trains nau thve break that thoy-A.Ie is soo-thes and ruo>urishes, "Is be ,a gool neighh'or'itry oo ndatie etngo1rqurlt fn[h rml. L acsi h aîee t ette g- f eeds the nerves. eA "SpIenlilEe n nt utAil igy -wero upheuvel." expressel thofbehie! thutnislueculm with tUeir complexion o00 r. natural ner've-foodn e- aothi a osoesso f pte o i lpx ullpteî _______________ h tainîpg the saits of Hypo h 'le' k"'Mrs. emch 'i'ountIelsusss Heirer nasc phshts oieac hua badjacngmoam- ethe rmoom ut Mrs. Puppson's arip tVuelnian animalcollhave tr Glyerine.mainspoor bIis-,ise slys ho 's te) j rec"ptiuc hast uigbyt-" lulh- is le probeged boyard the iusual P O P ____ n .4LL bJeuGesT8 taai, pYs. \Wby? Is tor hiy ua waîk; but wbe Vcrst ei à niteîUy bla mun.hoe xpluined, butuiyohvn tcrPtn uiesiace r est. Marlo-&Maron Nw vrkLuf-nd the stops that ledi up 2o Ibis box, inte) the standiug gostan n HN 1 R OIR mischevieus smile, 1 the guurd's-van at thte reur. Thrn i "Don't be frigbtenied, Jack, 1 came 1a mmn of tprrible dead si-ý am net cemiugip)," she rai lence, anit Harboruh antl SRNGDPEUIAITIS0 bre-athlessly, "uinci 1I:au ie ho- TetIgub a tl lig hirid-ýëif-amainpasses.TI1lYad SfiiriuuRTHQAKE tecone and teIl yo)u, ulthough fa- Whe oreýcoveric onseio)usniess, J)ther is witiug fo)r bis supper, undIehowus lyiuig on the fleer of hisc- I rau all chýce way bore. Whut do bin, with a foldel ceat -iuder hiis Nlost Tremendotis Poe are Not 1,. ,For snàa7Ë1 and .4 lldrena. ,ro yu tbink, dear i If bas comne ut 1headi. Somebody was kueeling bc- fur hast! Youi ar!c promonýtel to the sý de bim, hliga pocket-fiush te M%_ways Those Whieh Do the Tt rd Y u H v or- endlesbaw box, whecre father lusedi i lp There wvýýre other muiein 1 lîost Damage, irs V be, with a ms of ten shillings a teroom utweek straigbt off. Tfie letter wa s elaqut stll. 1He dit neot Earthqulakes frequently come t' hesenit te -dzd, und I fuît 1I must mn- want-tVo cecme back fVo -celcIIeusu1, esa vr saeuy nu lunepectedlyV, S h n icu-loin e h se ustesfrwih pî-ssuI.g off. with--merciy a scure o *etbPeprîouIA>J l ay u h ey Se a wvig i orîia-ýjin leho alne answer, 1He would much ouusîng ý,-wilespreah ruin.aul loss of ssflgt ToItrdcg dia- on docmet uer halasehu-serbave hiel. Buit a burning ifo lai a few moments, but altbough tit~tmdadoeo er h ,Ili ried lber news eut breuthessly, und anxiety in bis mmndfo 1rced hlm bc tbeseo tremors of the leurth are im-s ,-for several reusos-the smaËlest of su. eitlred on the seismo- which wus thut lho wauted te see Hw mn r ibl2 ogaheisrmnts wbich wuit ex-'c tbeowwenderful annone ntwh asked, bis veice emotionless. pectuutly for shivers ia varien bv bis own eyes-Jack ra down the "Noue uctualty, thauk gool- seattered cities, geeîogists usuaîï PoolsDlsoCeru- intr by k~~~~~~ ~ noss !" said the man beuhing over resorve judgmeat andhbesitutote tosadetort1sete bisstis IVwstohoIa isig hlm. "The driver stuck Vo bis post, iuike ru-pid inferences or prehic- Mei liber, and remiuling bier that a ise i of ton shillings a week, and the and is badly hurt, poor fellew; the tiens f rom any particuhur listurb- NOT NAUCO T 9C. of popcsofrlb mîyetu fireman was throwu right into the unees. Thus, tbough from h'gb ae a busy junction ike Weuîlesbuw ca edradsesptcy pasture Vo deep Valley, frcrn tbe justified their immehiate marriage, tlsoebt otntli o-sekuIfae u a eety und satisafiel te the full the coudi- tlsoebt otntli o-sokadfae n a eety b go- tiens under whicb bier futher would 'unlol u asneuIh .Iwti w as far-awuy Mur-1 negive bis, cousent, thut Esther bo- is net se budly injurel as yeu wouldltnqe eebrlfrishro ng t expeet. Luckiby feor bim, the guard 'Of. 1902, trembled aIse, mon of ife ~~of the geels trainwsetobi science are net yet ready te 1111k the 'ed "I den't know how yeu can waut van. Drink a drop more of this."1 twe phenomenu. ,;nm te marry me ut ulI wben I bave Hurborougb would bave likel to Il any rate, Dr. EdmunI O. been se ,horril 1" she sobbed. Au' rfuedtbu te piittrekel Ovy, curator of geolog-y al ÂerecReUd fs onIe ofJac ha toasurelie aginanddow bi troa agin,, hî wii. e arthquuke expert of the Amlerican ion, Sour Stomachb.Diarrboea,ý ofJuk al V a sre ber un unn bs Vmouugiut bis air !i, MuseuM of NtrlHsoy snetl Wr jonusoseeih ~ agun tht shebal een he bet II net unt ver o getup aaîn.pirpared 7te say that tw, two sheeýks gsspLs0FSR . i andi mest patient of sweethiearts, Theme were twe mon lu the box aycneto.I u os, ov itlthe sound -of thetri ap- beside the ma who Wus gîvring hi hl àmU utjO itil proachin froin thehouctdmits,ïbutàit by ne meuns ý iztr z th pouciug remthejuncienre-brandy, unI wbom he ecgizel ievt-o e ý,miuded hlm thut lho wus ou Iuty,, uow as a local decter. One was ut 1oial. und thut a signalmun must net ho the telegrupb; the ether-a short, NýOT LINKED UP. YOK DIseen rnuking love lu business heurs. Iumk, tbick- set rmu-seemed te ho "The fermer greut eurthquuke iu -Esther -r-e-membeed-it, --tee, -and-i-ictutiog-ilu sharp, masterful-, stuc- -Martiiqe asntcncelwt herelfawu batiy. ututons.those iu etber parts of the womhd,'> ýa Jack sto ut the tep ef the stairs 1He tumnel abruptby te wber, saId the scientist lu hiseussing tho a i watching bier swiftly-runniug figure Harbomough lay, and ut the sight question, uI hoi ought to kuow,- for ad utilit isapeuol.At the samo of himi the sigualmun foît very mucb ho weatVoth triceo salso >lTCPOWAlPH th moment the train came lu view ike faiutiug ugain; fer ho receg- after the, liaster aldmule an ex- iH gU OPFY t Ot IV ip; round- the curve, anI hoe turned te nized the little lark maus Oscar huustive stuîy of the conditions _7 a enter bis cabiti. Willett, the truffie manager of the tbero. "Moeovr," hoe went on, -5, The tebegmaph wus tinkling and compauy. citubthewresvrlu- te tiekiug hespemuI-tely, but hoe paîl ne "Webb, decterl, is hoe cemiug sequent quakes of boss ýmagnitude, hoe attention Vo it; for, us lho enterel round?"lieho sked. n synipathetic sheck was-foît ut 111 rDDIIAlfhTl Prof. Meehkf as bjeen a por- onbis glunce lbah falen on a dewu- "Yes; hoe is ubb rigbt," sait the MarItinique ut the ime of theLMUu ILU LIU Ii sisteut ulv)cute o <f the tbeory thut rpressel lever, und bis bbod froze man witb the flash. "0f course, iV quakes ut Pelee, St. V[ncent, Sanf lifîe ceuhd Iho prebo4ng-e' litbougb ih wîh orror. was a strain, and I imagine be's Fruncisco, or Jamuicu. However,- artificlal mneanisuand bis Lîvaeaeyof ou The depreosned lever meunt that been working evertime on vemy lit- there muy, of course, lie suni coua reparation basel-( on seur r mihk ad the points te the sidiug were st'Il tle food." nection between the sboeks in DISCOVERY PROBABLE SOhILE for that purpose wYas fellowed by a ,- open, unI that the passengor tr, "AIl the more credit Vo him,"' sait Switzerlaud undinl the Rhine rogien 0yIEEDY.getvgu fti rprto n a which generuhly guthered a speel, Oscar Willett, i bis sharp voice, anI the disturbunco iu Murtinique. kinlred lacteal fools lu EnglaI. of more than fifty miles an heur "for keeping bis mind cleur lu an The fuet that thoy were se ueurly Amemica unI the continenit of it ceming down the incline fromn Ere- eémergency !" And lho bell eut his synebroneus wouhd certuiuhy leul Old Âge ______Neel Eroe ad vale Jun-etion, insteud of cressiug baud Vo Hurborough. "Tbunks for te thut thought, ut any rate. I aGrntMrb uoe the Eevale bridge, woulldusb lu-'my Iife !" bie said. "Don't move aminterestol teo sec, wbat the fulber WVearing ont of the HiLUB,. IS )y, te the siliug und the wuitiuig train I knew how a strain like this takes records of the two shocks suy. As LBIG IS aI there. - ~~~it eut of a man, unI the uneertain- yet wo have bal nothiug but the man Mahe, HlSAESAî rNEswilbof. ng As a multter of strict ule, ho ty as te wbat-the collisïon weulî hoci-meagre eot ihc av per- T-ttrra ,ineognýituthe lanI o ý Fied for 5952 lu n ecinwtth ýad sgheuld have ultered thie points ho-j ike. We've get eut of it Iprotty- cd lu the niewsrupers. perpetuial yub or something like i un-der-inmed npublications at prices statedý d, fore hoe signalbel the lino cbeur, but Icbeaply. I beieve, as it happons; PROBABLE CAUSES. it, wbîeh exists lu the mytbelogy of Duily Globe, mlomn)ing edition.- - $4 50 neurly evory race nul country will Daily Mai and Empire.......... 4 50 or- cinury routine se uearly simultune- for us al Vo finI oursolves in the the Lesser Antilles de net noces- c icvrdoeo hsdyýTrnoWrd ......z5 ýa eus that the mule coulî ho ignoel. river, A mun whe eau lecide on aiynîctareudsne accordiag te Pr-of. Elie Metchai- Daily News,. ............. 0 ts Only o-night the two operatiens the instant wbich is the botter of avoluni uetivity crSescecof keffthe autel mîsereseopist. Be- Daîly Star, in couutmry.......25 et bal net been simutuneous. Lu two culamities is a ma with a heud vlai ctvm.Socswr e- fore a soi,, nPaisclld h Daily Star, in town.......... 35 bis seuldma ~portel fmom Port de France, St. ~l ai oîe u Weekly Mail and Emrpire..... is- tho, moment hetweensignulling the on , huicr! Thomas, Gualelupe, St. Vincent, Opiit rf eeuki oi fWeeklyGlb........r5 or, line, clear und raisîng the lever, bis Amoug Johnr Hamherougb s mu n oiia s may bae xperiments cenluctel by bimself W75 ites........ ut sweetbeurt bal callel him, anI the admirable qjaities wus that of re- eedu teacsalm vet wblch led Vo tbe conviction thut olI Weklly Suni,............ ....... 17 ld ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bé leedauenfeoteIiauu sbn bu bus oltuogaln tofa wesakumeds tb ugo is a gemm uane t an inevitablo Farmer's Advocute ............2 hd leve mh eeforgte lve. Even n nd est abo nII ut hns lnet un- galieofwake. T e c uow Ho mih.ft h n evr.ime, hit w t Vil ho b alIrn hemeanthen-quake lu Switzerlaal, which i-s said coalition that caunot be emudicat- Faim n fla iry ....... .. .....s nwlemgtbintmbt ithVo bave beeneenthe mostme snevore lu - he Optimists, Society cein- Fumily Hieral........ ........2 0ol tohv be h ms eerMi omi'c ourna;........... hoi bis baud on it, ho hesitated. The doctei's rntur-uar, ù- eii giveu i fifty yeurs, was probubly due Vo Pr ses in AsnI.nceurshiîp mauy per- ~sîa eal.......2~ eîf train wus thuulering hy. Ho coubî sleepiug-hruugbt ,and shept uearly 1fuuting, the sulden slipring o sopby, itemture, hiploîacy Christian Guardian...._........ 2 50 ng net ho sure wbether the englue bal ni heno f h etdu in gidn fsrtfe ok it iieadat n ,Cunadian Fammi .... z............ i 8s reachel the points or net, und iehountil te noonfthe ex y gaudngoLsoaifedrokslae eicwn uI rt uIalso sol-- spraa te he widowual tmnolcouseueuc, thu a Lnden ew,-now positions unI elevutions. Dus- mre n vatr. i~m.î'Ai--__ sprag t th widow an tunedpapor enubled bim te uuderstand turbunees of this kial are ret os- cort s daitr.Me 'g l- sick te melizo thut, if ho bald actel, thut lho wus the homo of the heur. peeially surpmising in reglons lîke cortisthe, higb piestcss. '£hoe SIXTY-SIX LNFAMI1LY. iv the inevitable accident would have From the newspaper it appearet' the Alps. Tbey are comparativeîy eb 0'tof ho society, us its naine ith been preventel. Even now there thut the Erovabe river, swobben bYy yeng, geoloîul n aschindicates is Vo look ou the briglît hln te ag osbl a- was a moment beforo the engino flodls, bal îinexpectedlv carriel young regions changes of form uandide of thlngs. Prof. Metchnikoff Sonb b1J,ý1 on wolî reach the peints, but the me- uway part of the ailwuy bridge!ef struta are te ho, lookel for. cortaiuly nîhemel te that funhea- SowbyhiesCos. or ment found bim parulyzel unI thewhich spaunel it; thut the news THE IRHINE REGION. hoetttal hpe sping hlingPoce Te, shows thut th Chinese gîve iV nent iV was lest. With a dungerous bal been carniedtotethe northorn To oe Rie eino hole Leonsouteu Fbin ha h otceumulW edi t teoaslargo famil hie ch on jar, the ongine cuught the points. silo muihway-box just un time o Voen- "othr baud, moaly, thon Rhe devey hu her inciexistinmh rd oa ni1 cly Muny mon as distructel as ho be the signulmun, theme te wire valey a, eew he lue Fomest, vesr adwe cec sprogres- is ahle Vo live toýgthe)r witboutii wol aemovel the peints evenana urgent message te bis coufreme diviîiag the fumihypopmy Te niwoull b o lt;bti pt, costh ie o pteave mule' u e! fur older rocks. The for- A SPECJFIC GERM. fuet that a fauîiilylivn ogte a, bisuiws teebu;bto, lh arspite uross he traiveno. tp h a-mutien is muoh older thun the Alps, Accordiug Vo what Prof. Metchai-i is large is mogurlel us aprof of, of- bugis distrctio d n, h ifamer- proacing ttan ufiie h ndIt is bhreeolby rocks cf koff tolthe Optiînists, bis cen-,I gee lepor u al oretcureo bg-,ugh bal is tenervo unI judgmont Fuilin Vo geV uuy rspus h g ter ugo thathose whîch quirios laVe the reusous for mental - ifo o!its membersunI nsF a sr îg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 eug teess tetepuinbakpto frtiayrepag1fringo the upper Rline. fier e and physical Iecay lu the îmnpa 1 eprseîy i- kuowiug that te divemt tho train bis mnessage, ald the iiie r om atbquuke sboeks are inideel sur- anmlbletue vra por- I Theeaema uhs lfm ,ns in the middle woiýld cause a weorse oougoh's box as busily tucking rsnua atmanowih net id ma ay eae. A cloeorh5inWifa eiah aga dsaccident thun the collisien., eut: "Stop trin. Bridge carriel only shook up Switzelanî, but 1evruI esstn xei iagta !awho utevlg Id LsVeut, ho fluîîg himsebf forwarî uwuy," wben Mm. Willett, wbe bhal was strougly felt ut Frankfort, mentor ho bal accuuuulateh a of Munig-Tao, wbo, e fally Ce isista te ut the open winlow, sboutiag te the been a passengor, hurriol un VO Stuttgart, Munieh, Stmasburg, and mass of' material whicbhuhd con- lna alcf sxysxmknwitb eueî(1 eh guard. IV wus tee laVe for the driv- cross-examine the sigualman, ald Mayence as welh as this i-s sail Vo vinceolhlmn that olh ugo was net a servant, [i;y;ve ouh t ho lie or te boum bis wuruiug, but the fouud hlm uncouscieus. It huit been have been, muy take runk us. au more woaring eut o! h baalcmonmu. Sho is ()9yoaîil. guard t the buck unlerstood, cri- easy for the traffic manager te form emhpfee ma eeoith-mchnbue al h a a l bus m nin enmne umru chi lentby, for hoe coul heur the sud- bis own deluctions, ald it was bis! portance. specifie, germ Further expei- granhchilren unIdru-rulhl as itou grinding cf the brakos, ald cceunt o! the aff air thut uppeurel QUAKES TIREMENDOUS. monts, hoe>suil, hbal loctel pthe Imren. eh thon the crash, as the englue tashel in the Press, admule Hamborougb "That is a peint whieb is fro- virus bhich was lahoreut in cvery ,la the territerv theeare Vwor [g _______________ a hoo-a ma wo, by bi ic k t mcae nerh ua en Iii .îs jumeat and action, barecsavel a Anueatly nouuap. -g. In nommal iO i jother fumilies of meme t,1ianfor-ty lisnrluIpse-qaeo neutonwîbcue a benofa er rorse ebrffenbten~ a