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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Dec 1911, p. 7

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LNotes oçf Particular Int MEATS. Beef Stew.-Remove the boue frmasirloin steak and eut intoi lrecuhes-. Rll in foeur, season to, Vaste, and frv in bot lard until wel brjvnd.Then add one on- onporhot water over the meat, _nu stLewv th-ire qurters of an heur. AcdVcknn and serve. Mea Ecno Y or Sunday dlin- ner ge a lid olI or v-eal rat adftor lnhlceit cl. For Mon)iday diun-r Ile bouesý anid some, id the meat 1nîakCa ,d soup, or aeni2e with duminýigs. Tuesday dIinner it can lie uised for tomate stewv,, or euLt in sesdipped in egg and fried. Wednesday put it throuighý th e meat chopper; add sýoaked bread, chopped onien, a heaten egg, saIt and pepper, and forrm Vhs ïnto either balîs or a loaf, and bake them in the oven. Spa.u-îish Steak.-A delicieus disli can be made of a flank steak. Cut ofrf aIl tire fat and fry it brown in plenty of butter; lift out, and put it in a 'baking -pani. Sprinkle with saIqt and pepper and f ry a slîced onioni hrown in butter remaining lu the frying pan. Spread oniens o)ver the steak and cover iV witli a can f tomatoes, juice and al] ovrand bake an heur in a slow even, bstig fequntl . Make gravy ofÀ drippîngs rmaining in the pan ndserve hot. Cooli in Aslippan.-Whien yenl dnVwant Vo stay at hiome from hucion -Sunday mýrnîig ou1 aIc cý,ount. cf roasting meat oricke take the ashpan f rom the basebr ner stove, insert your roaýstigpa weicovered, leav a sMaldrft tuingïi Vo finid vour dinek cooke ~ Cokin h SallFamil.-In, I ~eooingfor Vwo iV oiften happeus-, thaýt joints are conisidered extrava- gant and wasteful, and yet if pro- perly' managed they do flot need Vo 'be more se than a daily suppiy cf ch-ops or steak. Buy a nib roast ofone rib, costing about 45 cents. On Sunday have iV as a "rare rýoast," on Mouday cold heef, on Tuesday eut somýe slices, warm in hrown gravy wih hopped olives, or any desredflaoring, and thin slces of toastL. On, Wednesday hoil the hne (nyer hve the nib boue) for oupwit oninsa little bar- lcy, elery or ohcr egetables, as Vast ditats, ud wenty minutes hr,-fore servinig puý iîn small dump- liLgs. On Thr ta hicken Vthe re- mlainsC of opvegetables,' and sýcraps of meat cut frem bone witli buýtter and foeur. Flavor with cur- ry powder; put ail in carthen or granL t pan ; cover with mashed po- tno~and hake until potato)es are bruwna. Besides using the ment in Vsw ay yen have enough dripiipng Vo- wvarm potatees and for fryîng du ýring a who*e wc k. Fnizzlcd Beef.-Slice off enough rîed he-ef te make a haîf pint; putï fryin pan on stove with Vwo table- -poons cf butter: put In bcdf and ifriy brown or crispy ; stir to prevent< bnu rning; put eue and a haîf table- Iýîîoons of fleur in, stir and let hrown. Add eue pint of sweet Lamnb Stew.--Tbree Pound., tomaa aS B atoed adCase That Proves Crmsand Stornach Dis-. ordlers are Cured Fast by Nerviline11. lasI eurxner s ýsù evere 1 tholIgdt ft !terest to Women Folks breast of lamb; c-'int lusmil ics remeve outeide skin; parbeil in enougli water Vo cever it for Vwen- ty minutes; pour Vhis off Vo ne- move- any Vaste of woi,,; wash and put iu a kettIe wiVh enougir water Vo ceover. Add,!a ktahlespýoonful af satIt trd Ilet bell oieehu; the-n ndd eue eu of omatos, Vree onIons cîoped ineoneeaug-rn peas, five ndiury sze ptateslsiced m-edium, adiadai f cayeutne Vhirken juet a littIe and serve witb hot baking powder biscuit. FISH. Salmon Dish.-A fine disl for suppen mny le, made by takmug eue- haîf eau of Salmen witlout boues. eue and a hall cupe of crnshed crackers, eue cnp of sweet milli, butter the -size of a black wainnt, and eue-quarter saltepoon of Cay- enne pepper. Heat milk with the butter; tIen ndd other lugnedients. Cook five, minutes and seud Vo Vhe table steamiug hot. Salmon Rfl. To oee au best salmon ndd eue cup fine eraeker crmms, eue egg, well beaten, three tablespoons miik, and eue tenspoon Salt. Drain juice frem salmon; pick ont all boues and mince fine w,,ith an cuver forli. Add VIe ether ;nIgrdjits aud-, mix thoroughly. Prnees tightly into w,,el iIuterecd Vin bukliug power eau;: put on caver; ' 2' laVa2 a keýttie of boiling wnter i n.d boil one leur.<is.refullv re- gether. Take, a piece of burlap (the unfinished kind) and wet- on one side with paste. Aiso wet the back of the carpet where you wiE(h Vo rejoin. Put the side whicl isi pasted next the canvas side of the carpet, lay over a board smeothly, draw edges clesely together, anc hold thein in place with a few taýcks half driven in board. =CTQENE Toc Cook Asparagus.-Asaa sheuid lie Iboýile ad içiing end up- war-d in a deep sauicepan; nearly two inches Df the heads should ha out of the water, the steam being sufficient to cook them, as they form the tenderest part of the plant. The liard, stalky part. is rendered soft and delicious by the longer boiling which hs plan per- mts. Cooking thLIirty or forty min- Utes on the plan recommended will -rendler -a third more -ofth tl delicieus, while the head will be properly cooked by the steam aie ne. To Skin Fish.-An easy way to prepare fish, especially those that have to be skinned, is to dip the frsh into -'.clding-wrate-r and -then into cýold water, aud the skin and scales ail will peel off and the fish is ready to cook. Clear (ravy.-Piace a piece of ice the size of an organ in a Jelly bag and bring gravy or soup to a boil. P Ilglte ice in and stiri it aon n the grease will ad- herto -the a KeepRane Clan.Puta news- paper under te burners and on the, tray of a gas range. The paper WiiitL atc al he grease and dirti that usually fail on the tray. The papercan lie taken out and burned and a clean one put in its place. IV will save mudh cleaning, and is easier than cleaning the-,ray. Scrape Pans ,,itl) Can.-A hall pound baking p4ýwder can wil liec found useful in scraping the mold- ing board'; alis fer cleaning flat bottom pans. ConvenientS I.-vrakit- chen table -or bac1ý of a gas range put up a sheifabu six inches wide and have a huard ithie same length as slielf directly under the shelf. Into ths board screw little hoeks and hang sucli things as spoons, strainers and skimmýers that are in use censtantly about a steve or table. On the shel-J keep saIt, pep- per, etc. It will boe a great con- venience and save zn- any steps. Pastry Coek,'s _I(ea.-Kcep cupsi of thec sam-e size Wr the flour hin anid sugar jar. You ill IIflnd Vhe-m handy in makingpis cakes, pd dj ias, tor onr+.hine whire the+bn, a 'nove frem 1 eau and serve hiot with iies areVI nsed lu cup\luls. "l, Do. you know whiat I wonder plan e an sac e rvcot- ce r s'di lqfl.lSo)metim,"es 1 sVidtVe middle age- i21iîj reinsaueorcodsiiced Aenate Bon1 ild atý1e r.-'Wa t er ed man. -_I wondcr if any of Vhe t)in, aand anrauged on a bed of let- boiled ion drnkiuig purposeCs can sone f ie presenit day will hlve tuce or. pursley, garished with be gneatly imnpreved b 'ny benting iu VIe nmmdlCl oýf the young people suices "f lemen. If directions are rnpidly just befoe u siug with a hlo ing ithem nwV nuepes foilowed wiil suice like cheese. Doyen egg beuter. The peculiar ant receilections la tlem fifty ycnrs Fiel Croquettes. -Bell good lifeless aste is rcmoved by VIe ra- îrom now. sized potatoe until well doue; pid beatiug. "Do you iseewV I mean ? mach hem and add one-hall eau Boil a Cnacked Egg.-Eggs some- knew, I guese, ionty eongs-Vw.euty ai salmen. Beat eue egg and udd imes crack upon beiug immcrsed anyway-tihat we used Vo sing when ta salmon and petatees. Roll seme lu boiling water, or'are found Va be 1 was a youth tînt we ail thougît crackers and mix in. Form into so whcu required ior use. To pre- were iovely. Soffi of these lad Smaîl cakes and dip hem su eggs, vent tIc contents fremn oozîng ont come clown Vo us fnem eider ,times which are welI benten., then in gently rub thc crack wiVl moisten- and they are etili living, and Iý nlled crackers, and fny lirown, iu cd cuit, aliowing a littie time for suppose will keep ýn living. But, hot grease. it Vo peuctrate, tIe n it wîll heul as tlere were ether soWl-ge, writteu iu ___wel ns an uncracked egg. tînt day, Vînt uppeal te uis eider MENDING. ________ eople now as strnugiy as Vhey finben ge- ill cfAttsVd Vlue-Pumedid tIen, and perlape more se, Mend Overchoes.-ubr e- Plso tetdVle. am- though ln a som4whabt different ernlly anc worn ont aV VIe heels, le'e Vegetable Pille une the recuIt way now because ýhey brnug liack wlcn VIe soles and uppere are stili of caenem study of the poperties oifend recollections., good. Te muke your nubbens lmet certaun roots and herbe, and VIe ne- "I have no greater pleasure Vlan Vwo or thrco times ne long as be- tien of scbns sedutives and laxa- henniug my childreîl play and sîug fore, buy n 10 cent tube of bicycle tives on VIe digestive uppurutus. Vîose eild sangs thut wcrc suug glue or ceulent, the kiud nsed for TIc succese the compounders have xxheu I was yeung, aud I wonder ixing louer tubes lu bicycle tires. met with uttests the value of their -I do wonder il auyof these Whcn the Ioesneed fixing, have xork. These pille lave heen reeog- songe wittcn san avond iu VIe lmet them gond and dry. Cnt a piece of uized for many yeurs as VIe best ten y.enns, wîll ýsur-ive, Vo be sung nbber cm cerne oid nubIer choc cleansers ai VIe cystem tînt eau bY my cîidren fift 1- yare heuce,] about hall izc of ledl or as large le geV. Their excelcnce was ne.- with anu iterest lue ine now in as needed. :Put cerne glue on Vire cognized irom Vhe first and tlicy tIe songe ofmy yotlý. leel, aIsosece n uthe pateli;.tIeilgo more populur daiiv. "I am incliucýd teuoî it. Lots place VIe camne ou lied; press witI grofaitIc songe is Vie-' ýpreeenVtîtme your hand ou the patel a few min- are feolisl, aren'tlcy4And witI utes, and ýiV ili stick tigît. The CAýTNNED GOODS BENEFICIAL. words poor on worse V1lan peer. And glue dries lnirly mest, se put the stili when I ,sit d ,viwth a book Patch oun liefone it gets tee dry. Minute Quaîtity of Ptoinaines Good ol my old songe and o oxýer iV in Even a lenking nubben eau lie macle for Indigestion. cold blond, rcading insutead ci siug- water tiglit. Thc upper part eau ing, I lave Vo emi over some ni lic flxed VIe saine way, but se ape According Vo a report read hefome thcmn, for cerne of thum xiere pretty off the glossy part arounld tIe pianec VIe French Academy of Science ne- thin and meagre stuff wlen yn te lie meînded, as Vhe glue does'n 't ccntly tînued or canucd fiel and came Vo rend therr. Stilli yenth ,stick: weii ou tire emeotl surface. shcli fiel preserved iu eil or other- lîkes higI fiown r(omanýtie thinge One tube is ceugh for four or ïive wie1 always couVain a smali paranud it does't appiy the ncid test. pair of nubbers and eau lie bougît ,centage of certain ptomnines (poi- We dcn't -do VInttiii we are eIder, lu thce perting goods depantment sens ni decnymng fiesi) frem .0-2 and among the sonne written is ni any lange'store, Vo .06.per cent by weiglt. Thcee tIc preseut dry tîcre-i may bc seme Be ead fo Danin.-By aptomailics, howexer, do net b-'giu Vthat ilî survive. ,,loliel tîugI Bo cidyfocrcw ln-ubry o uceaei nyapeiable de- tîey May iseem Vo be Vo people of papen fcrwlnecdes, nm erst re rm n w ays niter u a atrrya 5 te 10e, onie bail endli of blackge nll-tw as le tecn aueryas aiîtenudVa nuin cote ,,e.bni been opeucd, and while Vhe "And law do I know but VîntthVe 3wle n a ann otn o i rather lavons Vlan prevents Vhe old folks lu my 'younger dnys 3.WIilc friends are chatting, or development oi the ptemnines tIc thought VIe songe wc sang tIen when otîerwise idie, thrcad tIe mx estigators haxe fennd tînt they wene fooliel ? May-be tIey did; needlec, puting hem iu necclle are noV very poisons. uIn act, but we iovcd thcm tien. and as bock luintirer. Thread tIe fineet minute doses of Vlem seem Vto net eider people we love them ncw; with ele - tlreati, some wtî twc' as a stimulaut onuVIe appetite and hey make youth snu ur in us tînýicade, and mnny of Vhe largesv VIie digestfion genenally, juet as the again. And iV may bi, I may bc, ,IUh four tîrcads, Vo lie "sse ! ac pcemaineî- ound in cod liven ail. Vînt came of îeepresent day caording totahVe vw'egltit fîesok___ __ og îtw le peo(pie now ing t liedunmed. Ien hen Ic -t1i-ink ol noacecunt will stilIlv, week sh ;Iof tcae mcn nbIVl o aeBc.Abic lbrbysm ln of tîoin cwnVr it ~~l wilifunin oku îterbigwith Dr. Toa'Eleneo y i hnti ahtig as tipm thnu n cu loke cenuove. 01 wil cme lme nck Theski vsolnte w itl- , o le enng I ToReai Crpet. Make acn o wHlimedatlyaber Veil and,'lfifity years f nom 00W by our cdm1- dinr leu pate; bel and blue it will p)eueVmutte Vlie Vîtssues anld dren tIeni gre)wn o1(d, julst as wVC> IVýi- isire cmlups. Take ayhris pe relicij. Tnyý it and lic no7w Sin, oven Ie songe ef aur old p~c cictptda iI ovue.As Ie ]liin-iet sn youth, anud wi1,l)justthVe rameijo. cenfIe ýworn pa rt,-) lu Ie caret îuin Ie pi enes àeut and there arc It may lic. ButI t nkthey il ye wshVoneam; se terugiyamplle ganifer Sayiug tînat its tIen '1)e singiu to coneof t'ie witli pacte and ed smooty o nd mgiaiasute.sangs tînt pleased Ius, VIe songe eiver wrong sîd, ov I thisor Vt 'go doýwn fl)renýgligeneratLion worn part. lBe Carefui1li net ta geVe',ge pacte Vîneough on igîit sd. iTHEIE C (APACITY. le eeuto.'. a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~f iitetobeio a ieuw "ayr uî e one og-NT DISPOSEID TO ARGUE. life te a wm apt eais ForWor Canet Wirm"bag- Whvnetr'Teacîier- Yon sayVIe earth is 25,- ing ~ ~ u a-Wie.Buslo ec Bcuetsrare gieuiyet00omiles in clrcumnfereuce. WilI Vrv~~~~~ captV te.r-m refneifiled 1wîVI bc emnes.ze t4,p ipup VtVebakba and placs w iciaectlftisr d 1(emnsjýtrate tînhpa osiol cfr fleurr iwcln usduus 13~garebI eu gecg S~g aired Pun-il -WIaV'stVie coenongr, xbcsol ' dstwt epe rgris fyu ovsne aai imwsliug tVoadmit Solvd hi'ebi. Belal te- opîni, il . il alad],et 1Vgo at VInt.1 9j[ f 1RIAS AFFIC1S CHARAflER MUCRI TO DO WITH ITS MOULDING. May H ya te You,-as they do to everyene. If you eat tee fast, do net imasticate properly, or take food that dees ri fo agree with yen, digfestive de- ran1gem-ents are aluest sure tecorne, - gsioncnrailvlyeads teO Veýry serions physical tr7oublles. relieve and cure indigestion. They have a quick and, tonie actUon on the stomach and its nerves, and se, they giva direct aid to\digestion. The&Y céarry --y aie be di- gestible matter. With their use dyspepsa, hiccouglis, bad taste, unpleasaný' breath and flatulence disappear. You should be careful and remember Beeeliam'sPus A NE YER'SGREIETINqG, Psai 8I 7;psalm 2_11-. _ IBefore your may there appear That liglit in which ne can Owell. May yeou ail through the coming year In hope and f aith and lo0ve ex2el: To yen may ail its seasons bring That joy- which luia u Hm its spring. May yen seem neyer far away From those who long your face to see: May faitlful watchers ever pruy That you f rom harm may shieldedl lie: May He whose aid is always noar Grant unto -you a glad new year. T. WATSON. lona Station, Ont., 1911. TEOLD SONGS. WIihe Ballad's 0V1 T-day LAve te Get Into That Classi Do flot siap the spring. ofaife by negleot of the humai ehnim y eolw;ag the accumulation of poisons in tihe system. An imitation of Nature'.3 method of restorint waste of tissue and impove-rishint of thse 5lood aipd nerveus ctrenigth is tu take an alterative glyceriu extraot (without aloohol) of Golden Seal îsd regonj grape root, Bloodroot, Stàne and Mundrake rout with Cherrybark. Over 40 yecarG ago Dr. Pierce gave te thse public this remedy, whiols lce alled Dr. Pierce's Golden Miedical Discovery. He found it would help the blood ini takiug up the proper ele- ments from food, help the liver inte activity, thereby throwing out thse poisons fron thse blood and vitalizing the- whole system s weII as azllaying and soothing a co;ugis. No one ever- takes oold uniess constipated, or exisausted, and having what w.we eud exisaustion of nerve fore. The"Dsovey"isnu -il- round teii which restores tone to the bod nerves and heart by iiaigNature'. methiods of rmstoriLg waste of tissue, udUfeedin9 thse nervest, huand lungs ou rich ~ ~ ted blood. "I suffered frcm pain under my right'choulder blade alsao.a very - severe cougli,- wntes MRs. W. DoSN, of YNew Brookland, S. C., to Dr. E. V. Pierce, fluffalo. N. Y. "Rad four different doctorc end ne di me any good. Some said 1 lied eousumpton, others said 1 would! hava S te have an operation. 1 was bedridden, unable to asit up for sL.x mor ths -and was nothing but a live skeleton. You advised me to take Dr.. - I Pierces Golden Medical DI.covery and Dr. Pierce's Plesssant pelleta. IWhen 1 lied taken one bottie of the 'Diaeovery' 1 I it l or, an hour ut a time, and when 1 lied taken Iliree bottles I coroId do uiy cooleing and tend to the children. I to>k fourteen bottleies l il dwas Mlas. DORS. then in good heailli. My weight la now 167 pounds. We will aend, absoluiely f ree, for the asking, postpaid, oeeof our large 5, sixty-four page bocks on the common diseases, of stock and poultry. Tells you how te feed ail kinds of heavy and light herses, colts and mares milcis cows, calves and futteniug steers, aise how te keep and feed poultry se that they ivil lay as welliun winter as in summer. No farmer should be without it. NOW le tthe lime to use Royal Purpie Stock-Specific At a cosr ef ouly two-tisirds of a cent par day per animal it will increase it il per cent. lu valua. It permanently cures Bots, Colle, Wormse, 5ki Diseases and Debility. Restores, run-dowu animais to plumpuese andi viger. It xii increase tise milk yield three ofive Ibe. per cow per day andi make the mîilk ricisar. Royal Purple le not a stock feed. Thsere le no filler used lu Ire manufacture, anti we import from Europe ail the seetis, herbe, barks, etc., anxd gnind tisen on eur own premises. Tiserefore we eau guarantea jr te roc as heiug absolutaly pure. We do ner use cisaap tiller lu make up a large package. We give you tise hast condition powder aven pur ou tise market in a concentrated terni. A tablespoon levelleti off once a day ie cufficieut for a fusIl grown animai,. It prevants discase, keeps your animale lu perfect bealtb, sud je ab- soiutely isarmiess. Il makes six weeks olti calves as large as erdinary calves ut 10ý weeks. You eau develop six pige ready tor market in juet onue moutis's less rime tissu you eau possibly do witbout it ut a coet of ouly $1.50, saving yen a mnonth'e work sud fod-A S60Cpack- age, will iast aJ herse 70 tisys.A. $1.50 psul or air- tigist tin coutaining tour timas as mnucis as a 50e package STOCK L wlll last au anim- al 280 days. If yeu have neyer usaS it try it on the peorest animal yen have ou your place anti wateis resuIte. If il Sees not produce better results tisun anytinig you have aver nsedt or give you satisfaction, wa will reatunti your mouey. Andrew Wegricb, et Wainflaet, Ont., sys tisat lie tnieti it.on one cow, weigiseti br muRk on tise 151h, 17 Ibe., on thse 251h se gave 22 Ibe. Dau McEwen, Canada's gre.atet herse trainer, sas "I have ted Royal Purple te The tel aud ail my raeisorees fer tour yeare. Tisey have neyer beau off tisei7r tecti. Tour cougb owa works liRe magie." Mn. 4Tom .Smiths, amrfor tha on. Adam Back,sys. h'e atils mare inu dur stables laet fail balongiug to Mis Ceto et ontreal,. We coUld net taed ber any bran on aco "te ecouniugý. We commenceti usiug yeur Royal Purpla Stock speelii. 'Th1e-resuits were Wonder- fui. We ftoInuSate mig Iltbrjjee wIeakse wa ould teeS liar bran or any other sottt fedadsud shle actually Look ou 25 Ilbs. duning that tina." Royal Pupie Poultry Speelfie will maRe your liane lav lu w!uter ais well as lu suni- Truer, sud yet a SOýc package willi 1,t 55 lens 75 daye, or s 1 50,, psul or air-tiglit tiîn contain>q tour timaS s as mmcl as a SOc ackage, will liast 210 daye. It preventjs peul11try from loeing flash at moultiug tlima, curas sund pravenite al the ordlnary dueasses, mnaRes their plum-ý1age bright anud kîeape tIlin prime condition., k! Mrs. Wm. Burubum, et ]Santford, Ont., aaye: "I ted your Poulrry Specie te, 32 baens durng tise winrer anti sometlrmas sot as enany as two dozen eggs par day lu February anti Mareis." Mn. Andrew Hicks, et Ceutralia, Ont., saye: "I uneat your Srock Spacitie on 20 mnilk cewe. Tlsay bave increaseti 30 par cent, inu tieir milR anti 1 gel aveu barrer results trorn your Pocltry specifie. We bcd 60 bans laying cge. Wiseu we commfenceS ueing Poultry Specifie we were get- ring fiva or six age a day. In lae ssu anfive tisys we got 150 egge. Tise wera the coldeet das last wiutar." Yeu can sec rbe recuits ar once atten you commence using tis material. Wisen farmere gar acquaintet i wtb Rayai Purple brantis tisey will neyer ba witbout tisam. Royal Purpie Cough Specifie During the aet -tour yaars tisere bas beau au api- demie cougts goiug tiseougis every stable lu Canada, wbicb bas been a great sauresetofaunnoyanceto horcaman. Our Royal P u rp Ie Co,,gh Cure will absolutuly (clU r e tisscoughisnlu4 tisys, wili break up anti cure dieteme A N ULM Y inJua0y dass, aisso- 50c per tn, by ail Royal Purpie Gall Cure Willi cure all sorte et open soes on mn or beast. Will abeolutaly dry up anti cure scratchas lu a vary faw tisys. Mr. Sam Owen, Coacisman for tisa Hon. AiaiBacR, eays: 'By tellowing directions I1Cidyeur Royail Purpia Gal Curaexiii cure scratches ýanti make tishcabepee] off par- tactly dry lu about tour or fiva days." Price OIc, by mail Roya-ýl Purpie Sweat Liiinmeýnt 77111 retince any lamnesse lu a very shior't ime. Mn. J'no. M1. Daly, Cealmi-an ii, Loudon, sys: "STe lhava nineý horeeâs, cosatyteainlg ceI, su.Id have aliillindeoettrouble witts tisam ibetnig lame atl imats. 1 bava usaS roue Swaat Liimnt tLorn tars lskani have nyrkiiown i t te ta!ýic t cure il Isorts ensoafedtendons, e'tc." Prieu, 0C 8-ounce botties. by mail î". Royal ParpIe Uçe Rller ThIsis leretireir diîfferant troa aur li IrArkft'- îlu eie fr vyou Vo understanti eune et our boakiats, a's we ' f tisane. It wiijUteyan animale witl)is ntIefra th amnotýisrs them.r. Pnice 2W5 An nssorted order amnicning b $5.00 we w4ili rePay. Wliat we wisis to imprese on your mind is tisat we manuifactuare nothiY, Ous' bookiet gives over- 400 recomm endations fer eut different line2 from peo3pie give yeu above tise naines of a few who have used it, eur' best recommendation who lias ever usedanay lune we manufacture. Send Today For F.rea Bcookiet. VW, A. JENHIENS Mý VFG. Royal PiQrpIe supplies an'd FreeBokt fr-on Jury and Lovell, Sowr-nén IFatalisil cf Oriental Due te Diet etRcWhich Aise mo i _ use of Nareoties, If You are noV quite sat-is-fled that yormentalhty, yeur abilities aind perhaps even your character are al that they should lie, you will lede greatly interested in the deole ra- tion of the late Prof. Friedrichi Nietzsche, whose writings are no-w being translated jute English, that a man's diet lias mucli Vo do with the mouiding oi lis temperameut and characten. The British Mcd- -icai Journal,--iitI .appare-nt -appro-- va fProf. Nletzsche's theories, lieste case of Herbert Spencer, who adopted vcgetarianismi by way ni experimenting. After living for tweive Mo nths on-,a strictly vegetarian diet, Spencer\was so struek by VIe-dcteriui-ation- of hi-s 'literary output durîng that pcrnd that lie destroy.ed Vhe whole of it and reverted Vo lis previons diet. Spencer and his cities noted aui improvement in lis literary style almost immediateiy aiter lie began eating meat once moreý. BUDDHJSM DEPENYDS ON DIET. Prof. Nietzsche deals with nation- ai types and national diets ratIer than with indîviduals. He attri- -butes-theï -stoiid--fatalisni of -VIte Oriental Vo lis diet of rice.' "WIen a profeund dislike of ex- istence gets the upper hand," lie enys, "the atten effect of a great errer iu diet of' which a people lias been long guilty cornes te ligît. The spread of Buddhism (noV jVc enigin) is tIns Vo a coueldenable ex- Veunt dependent on the -excessive and aimost exclusive rice fare of the Hindoos and on the universal en-' ervation that resuitsi thereform..' ..The immense prevalence of rice eatiug impels Vo the use cf opium and narcotics, in like man- ner as VIe'immense prevaience of potato-eating impeis te VIe use of brandy. ItVaise impels, lowever, iu its more subVie after-effeets, te modes of thouglit and feeling whidb operate nar-cýoticaliY. ; OPENS UP WJDE FIELDS. The Bnitieli Medical Journal takes up VlIe thread oýf VIe argumeiýnt at hs point an.d saysý: heeis l here iîdicýated i- field of researclih which di'etetie reformers might wcli1 explore, if only by way of varying the monotouy of incessant reitera.- tion of VIe superiority in 'fond value' cf lenils and haricot beauis over beefsteaks and mutten chops. "There are chidren who ,show an instinctive nerugnance fer animal foeds and seem te tînive lest with- -out them-'~physiological vegetan- in'sncb individuals miglit be called. Other chidren prefer ment and savories te the ligliter foods whicli the modemn parent1 commonly provides. IV may or may net lie true that avoldance of animal ioods affects the dispos1- tien andi tendis toward the elimina-i tien cf Vhe combative instinct; facte are wanting to decide, a question part cf the fiscal activities of the so compiex. priestiy establsîment3s. "Vege1anians who have before Perhaps the miost înterestiug o tIe adopting of Vînt negimen been all Vhe Iunied record which haveL moderate dninkers aud smoker[s conme to liglit are VIe cnt acttu- often Joe whoily -or in part VIe lets kept by a flrm ofajilakes ai taste for aicobolie- beverages -on money lenders-known as "VIe sons to-bacco. If, therefore, the crav- of Egib," estab]ished at Balon îng for narcotce attributed te niee- before.ther time of Snahrb eatiug races have adietetie origi, probably as eaniy as 1000 B..i nl iVý is presumabiy due ratîcr Vo Vhe whicî existed for severni ocenuunies. nîtrogenous factor than te the vege- These "brick books," asVeyhv table oengin of their food. L been cicdeonttiute thleche source ef oun cneldgeof 111e lu11 ma1c-it Ba > byioui. IN ANCIENT BiON Tefirm o4f Egibipsesd ener- mns ý3weaýith 1and influce ,auid havec Rew and By Whem tieBnk been deùntdte Iw hcud Business W1asCare on. I cfïVie auic;eut wold." They -catr- rled ou every sert of flun'icial Receut discovermes of the wonders transaction. They niade banis Vo of Babylonian civilizatien, reen- 'the State, as weli _te ( private forced by the fruits. of eanlier ex- pensons, 'aud the, fiian of the.( plorations,,, show that "Business ile court were entrusted i te i for business" as, a rule of lufe is as eid several genenations. Tley col.- as history, sýays the, Acceuntant. iected Vhe laud taxes-, tithos and As fan bac k as 2000 years beforeP dues for Vhe use of public, ronds an-i Christ the Babylonians hari madïe pnid tlemn inte the royaltrnsry sncb progress lu commercial apti- They aise uuderteok ý7whiat -we tude that special iaws lad toe should now descnibe as"guis framed Vo deal with those gentle- for pnivate indîvidual, nudilu ad- mlen ,Who Vicd shorteuts te wealth. dition Vo their vast nmoueyicý lend- The young mnan witli expectations iug transacti«Xns muet as have realized lu those days wîtI leces ne- engaged lu what we u o~ term gard te the sacrednesis cf VIe per- "'bnnker's" busineýs, for- Wenewio% sou and the igît Vo live, bor-ow- that documents existed luintho1se ed, as hic modern prototype net ennly days cerresronding Vo ,mo0d - infrdquntly does Vo-day, freimVhe lernchecks and bills efeilage professional mouey lender. The vanieus transactions )f the The Babylonian merdhant hank- firmn were neted down on day l- cd regulariy and issued bis brick lets, which were stored in great' "eques" and bis ci exchange. eartle- ware jars for sa-fety, and, and tIe law stepped iu, even as it eartîenware jars for aliiiian does to-day, te prýesenve înioat threVhy rem-raiued iuil the-, thl ngîts o)f prorertyv. Se k'een few years age.-) vlere VIe bus>inesinstincts cf Vhe Ail bean VIe nairJes (ef the con- p»eople Vntevyer, the pieste wenc traeting parties, and wtcss net bov a eailu ofenngeau.and mast of them are dnted. Theii iu real estate. Indccd a great part Egibi firm were neot tIcoh ygre ef the commerce cf Bahylonia was trading firm lu ancientBayeia corîcenratcd lu the- temples. l as during the excavation 's ut lSif- TIe c-ýqunttisof 5nCVa1, fer there wcre discovenedýc the re- cereais andote commodities corde ef aniother finm,kow as which either as giite te tIe temples Munusu, which rose te a psto or efferings te tle gode pourcd lunio great wcalth and imiportantce daily were sold by VIe pnieste, wîo duning tIc fifth century B.C. did net negleet Vo geVtîchir ful margin -oi profit. Business ability " h iudecd seeme Vo have Icen &n im- I ihal leave footpnints ou 'Che portant qualification for admission sande ef," said the idealietý. Vo Vhe pniestheod. "What forlý" nsked tIhcude Careful accouints ni revenue, ani practicul person., 'ýNobody wýilt expenditure were kept, and Vlese want te go 'round lookiug- forfe- show tl'at invcstments in bans and Iprints., What we wuut 1te0de for. Vhe purclase oi land and other pro- posterity is te help build some good fitable lealings were a regula- ronýds."

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