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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1919, p. 1

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M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. $1.50 a year in advance. I3OWMANVJ,ý,rLLE, ONTARIO, CANADA, TIIURSDAY, JANUARY 2 99VLM.LXNoi CadofTha nkS We deý re ~o thank our custoniers for another year'8 CGII dence and support. For 62 vea s his store has served the good people of Westirham aDd year by year we strive to use thesoibong of the past as stepping E stones to k aio moeucessfui future. If our srie pleases you tell others, if it fails to satisfy yi tel us. There is nothing we appre- 1 FD ciate more thýau suggestions froni our customers if they think oiur service can be improved. Many fanill'es have dealt at this store continu- e ously and seldom corneoe to town without dropping in. It is encouraging- to hear theni tell how many years -Z o p e r i they have deait with, us and to have a chat over old P ro prerl us ail it àdoe,, not seem long since we were powering cayenneq pepper as an apprentice ia the old Corner Drug Store and sold assafoeteda to the Ni) guess work in our Optical Department farmers for the-ir horses or were sent froin store to store for bc -worth of "Pigeon's milk" or "Elbow Grease"-good old days those-but we started out Over 25 years' experience to thank not only those good old friends but the hundreds of new corners who have helped to make the year 1918 so satisfactory. 2 caet ii, cietife 0-adute OticansWe started out 'with one littie store that we whose combined knowledge is at your would ho ashamed of 4 oýday. Now we have fine big 1 lVIis i3unsal- Ar. Jry.flourishing stores in Oshawa, Peterboro, Oolling- servicewood, Owen Sound, Stratford, Letbbridge, and 4 la Toronto. The boys who have served the public well as apprentices have been made managers of our branches and 'il are working together for the better- Jury & [ovelI ment of our gtneral service. (Chicago Ophthalrnîc Coloego That ono word SERVICE is what wo are in Graduates o NewYork School of Opties business for. Just' here let uq say a word about Detroit Optical College Rexail service Jia wh1ich over 8000 of the best Drug- otCanadian Optical Collego gists la the world are linked togother to give the (manille OnarloPhon 78 public a service of such perfection that nothing like it has evor beoir3known before. Wishing eývery customer a Joyous Peaceful 1 New Year, yours for service Jury & Lovel To0 Our-e Friends and Patrons Everywhe'e:, The Spirït of the Sao prompts us tô express our appreciation of your many favors -during thé pàst year and to most heartily wish you health and prosprerity during the coiming Vear. Couc, Jhnston& Cryderman, Limiïted. THE CHUECI-ES Ail members are requested to attend the W. C. T. U. meeting in League Room of Methodist Church Tuesday, jan. 7 at 3 p. ni. St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W. Best, minister. n a. rn-Beginnings; 7p. m.-I A Noble Book and its teaching about God and Man; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School; 8 p. m.-Young People's Guild. Mrs. W. Coombe gave a good paper on "The first cail of Missions" at the League meeting Monday evening. Miss Sicily Laugher gave a recitation and Mr. H. Mac Anesbie read the Lesson. The Methodist Church-Rev. S. Sellery, pastor. Sunday services wiIl be in keep- ing with the opening of the New Year. Mcrning subject, "Forgetting the things that are behind;" even ing-",Consecration for service." Prof. Laugher will give an organ recital at 6.45 p m. The choir GREAT BARGAINS FOR AYLL. F) 0 nriUS V 1 ;ORY REDUCTION If is an) estabisbhed trade rinc.p th'af if e 7rPays fo carry season'1ahle, goods over le the !ollowiag seaisolu - Thîs sounid business idea bas àe. I Mcaty&Ce. Limited, Bwaî ville's big departinenfal storie ia flic, WestfBnd 1Hous, te cendact'every linos of season gonds. Their annlouacemleon 1page four- of flua issule tola ls e wn very -*Intk 1- ostinig aad pr-acticai storýy-eane thîu comipels tepersenal attenltion o every member o!f tebosol-e Ibere is,,;amoerated soie atile;e woaýring apparol o personal use foi, youag, -o)d, nmiddis a-ged, mnaie and femjale,. Prices are quiofed te show ,hle generons rdcto made 0on ai- ImestLýevery article. If aIs île advtl states acsoo "dn ake $5 by spending $1V",lte is surely moa)1ey lanfthe proposition. A. splendid plan la everýy homne is f or oneý mnember of Ihe famuly af fer sappet, wlieaail1 are assemblsd round fthe flixe te rend aloaad tIlsuainuunee;t aad di-Îfcuss filsindivilialFiequirements ('l thie dlifer-ent members or o! the Iome. Ne unnsîaeed enferta-in oeny doalit wbatever about tlsse prices bi genuine and honesf. 1T1e fin cof MeMîîrv & CO. l nal e arh1 ,,ia hi SA W INTERNMENT1 0F GERM3AN FLEET Mn. FRANK B. CoO'LEY SENb8 INTERESTING DESCRITION- 0F MEMORABLE SUREIENDER. Mr. Frank B. Cooley's higli achool- mates and ether Bowmanville friends indluding bis aunt, Mrs. J. C. Rowe, Cburch-st., witl read Vhis article frem Hamilton Spectafor with. more Ihan ordinary interest: Amen g the very large aumber cf yoning men cf Toronto UJniversity who ealisted la the Universiîty Ovel'seas Training Corps for service as officers ia the Imperial Aýrmy, about fifteen or so were requested. by the Britieli Adrniralfy te engage in 'specia srvc under tlie deparîment cf scie. tiflrc re-1 search of the Admiralty, 'bywr under the immediate dirtinc Prof. Dr. J. C. McLeaîîaa, professer of physîcs in the univer5ifty, and were aearly ah heonor rauates cf the university in the department cf mafhemalics and physies. They *ent over la November, 1917, Dr. McLenna liaving preceded Ibem scine montbs. Since lIen they have been chiefly en- gaged in invesligafing-anid censtruct- ing scieafific methods te figît sulimar- mnes and te aid the grand fleet la ifs work, and have lissa located la groups la 'London, Cambridge, Portsmouth and other places. Ia the fortunes of wa, Ires of flisse have lissa located la Scapa Flow, Orkney Islands, since eaxIy la October cf this year, worýking directly ia 'connectien with the grand fleef, and in consequence were eyeý-witnesss cf the iaternment e! the býig Germia fleet in Scapa Flow. Theýy are H. R. Kemp, C. L. Treleaven, a neph)Iew cf Bey. Dr. B. J. Treleaven, and 11. F. B. Ccoley, son cf Bey. and Mrs. J. W. Ccoley, of Stoney Creek. Frem. the last narned interesting l4etters have-just arrived- at bis bois, descriptive cf the scene cf Ithe intern- ment, begianiag with November 23, the day on whidh the first boafs ar- rived. The censorship having just beea iifted, this is about the tirst sfcry cf the great demoastration from. an eye-witnssas o! tle arrivai at the point e! interament, and o!flÏ11 historical eveat. Unider the heading, "Roan Head, Flotta Is., Orkneys, Novemýber 28", Mr. Frank Cou!ey -writes: "Well, t cday l lb hiday for ScapaFow on the s o f whîch Ibe gréëaI (, Gervan doa Jf 76 slips la coming to-day. Beýsides flu, fI grand fleet, with an American divi- Sion, and soie Pred ships are coming in. The Yanks have besa hore before and are pretfy fair boaIs. "The boafs corneli rough a narrew channel. on whictr Roan Head faces, and our but looks righf eut oer if. We can ses il without g,)ing oulside at ail. Af 8 45 a. m. they slarfed coming in, led by a lighf cruiser (British)« We thea had a string cf nias German destroyers, whidb are smart, business-like looking craf t, with very littIe super-structure, and lower la tle waler flan car ewn. These were followed by their convoy cf aine British destroyers and another flotilla cf ours The Geramans have theli ensigns down and ours are flying' only flîsir cwn ensigas and these are, 'No derrnonstrafiens.' Wle won't get any more unlil afler luncheon, whea we-will prehably have fhe ligît cruis- ers. The day is ratIer fhick, se they cannef be seen any great distance, and if. is a poor day for any pictures. "There are Germans aboard fhe destroyers witli British navigaling parties, and tley will- ses, as tliey enfer the gates, a little te port, a streak o! cil on the water whjch lias been fliere since tle end o! October. It gave us a greal jar laIe oe niglt- and I arn getting a small bit o! the superstructure cf ber. If is rafler iaferesting because Ils sulimarias was caught by one cf the devices we lave been workîag on. 11I waited se I would lie able te tell ycu about tle larger boats, but fhey did net corne this p, in.". On November 27 ho writes: _ We lad the Inat o! the German slips la tcday. Yesterday we lad the baffle- slips and the liglif cruisers and like- wise to-day. Tliey are very mmcli like our own and look very formidable, but are'in a rallier dirty state, and ran'f get up mucli speed. The day before yesterday we lad the baffle cruisers, the largest aad fastest war- slips la th'e world." December 2. "We don't bave se îaay German warships geing la and eut now te worry ns, but foday nias Yankee mine-layers dropped in te ses ns and tlie German slips They wenf throngh the Flow and the British navy amid cheers and< band playing, and on coming te tle Huns Iliey! uiusiness ta ay ob n Bowmanvile. Tke ike eut a list Of your re- 1pay an early visi'tu 28t End Departwint AL ELECTIONS. large number of citi- noiapition meeting ii on M'onday niglit, ,for variolus offices re- vs: Mitchel, F. H Masor. Holgate, L. A ,W. Telu. 3-H. LU Quinn, B. F. ,hder, JehaGrigg, Wa. Ilin, H. H. Diling, M. V. ]Kniht L. Cotnisi, 1. W. Hyndes, STEES-A. N. McMillai, F. J. Mitchell, Chas. 1'. rosent outloek if-,weuli'd ke onily eletion wiMle I lawnea s Éoln CE flei àeoos.Those decliji g lncillor>s include Mess,1 Cln, j. W. EKnighftaw d cf unminees had be [chui Lyle,Rerin b. Coplaad wvotedO el gav-e a record cf werk1 )Y huî1-seAiand coac I urs lis bas held offic* Lcrediahîs casindclu- )yaw f0 keep cows ci 4walkisa.R. J, wraaî ar Ce , GT..spur lin(, id Sewerage Holman selliHng cd DTho! Shî,1 aodyear for feetin f AR rghtL cf waye ao 1x tewver at. intiersci [a & Sicer Ce, Ri niers Ce., andl negotir - on for Steel Plant arid F$120,000 te Patriofh ~poatona are po> rats being suSpen)deil irposos, ose of bis 12 vears, es MUSIC. New Methodist Hymn Books wîlI be used next Sunday for the first time in Bowmanville o' ethodist Church, when Rev. S. Sellery, pastor, wilI preach ser- mons appropriate te the New Year and Prof. Laugher will give another popular organ recital in evening to begin at 6.45 o'clock.- By -request soeri- music- prepared by the choir for Christmas will be rendered, giving a musical service of real menit. Strangers welcome. Corne at 6.45 p. m. to hear the organ recital. Sunday was another big day in the Methodist Church, Bowmanville, when large audiences greeted Rev. Dr. J. W. Graham,' Secretary of Education. whose able and forceful addresses delighted evervbody. The occasion was the Edu- cational Anniversary and subscriptions for $120 were requested and se forcefully were the dlaims of the colleges presented bv Dr. Graham that $200 was the-resuit. The Dr. se charmed the people that he will be a most welcome preacher, at any future time. Musical services vîere very good. In the morning besides the regular numbers -Miss -Evelyn -Dickinson -sang sweetly "A Hymn of the Homeland." In the evening choir sang "Sing, 0 Heavens," Miss Reta Cole and Mr. W. B Tapson singing the solo parts. Miss Cole aIse sang an original composition by Prof. C. C. Laugher entitled'«Ceming Home"- -a lovely selection splendidly rendered. Pastor Sellery assisted in devetional ex- ercises, WEEK 0F PRAYER The Week of Prayer will be observed unitedly la a series of meetings similiar to las-, izan-uary's which proved so enjoyablÀ* and helpful. Series this vear will be. Monday Tanuary 6-Church of Christ Sub]ect-"Training of the Young". Rev B W Hampton will preside. Address by Rev C P Muirhead- Tuesday Jan 7-St John's Churcb. Subject-World's Outlook Rev C P Muirhead wîll preside. Address by Rev B W Hampton Wednesday Jan 8-St Paul's Church. Subect-Tlie situation and needs in Can- ada. Rev D W Best, B A, will preside. Address bv Rev S Sellerv, M A, B D Thursday Jan 9-Methodist Church, Subjeet-Stewardship. Rev S Sellery will preside Address by Rev D W Best These are great days momentous issues of far neaching import are coming forth Itis our generation that is living in these days and dealing with these affairs Let us help one another and-together seek the help of God. SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT The Lecture Room of St Paul's church was filled Friday evening for the Sunday School Xrnas orogram which was excel- lent and varied. The fui choruses, under the direction of Mr. Neil Yellowlees, were given with fine spirit and dlean enunci- ation. "Red Riding Hood" was channi- ing, the Camp Fire Scene by the "lCros- aders" well done; "How a woman keeps a secret" was true to life and "The Surprise Visît" in which our old friend Bob Parker so ably assisted was greatly enjoyed.- The hit of the evening was nmade by the "chickalickens". Many re- quests ask that program be repeated which was done Moaday evening before a large audience, Miss Eva Henry very cleverly taking the part cf Miss Lillian Bounsaîl and Master Donald Williams contributed a solo which was heartily encored. Proceeds will go as a handsome Xrnas gift to Bowmanvîlle Hospital. Vote Holgate for Reeve. Miss Mita Brown of Toronto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown, Temperance- st., Bowmanville, was married te Fred- eric 0. Weighart, Toronto, bv Rev. Dr. Atkinson, la Christ's Church, 7ist. Street and Broadway, New York City, on Satur- day afternoon, Dec. 2Ist. The attendants were Dr. Jos. Weîgbart of 72nd.' Street and Amsterdam Ave., New York, and Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Weighart, Hoboken, New jersey. Dr. and Mrs, J. L. Hughes, Toronto, ln- vited a few friends to their homne Satur- day evening, te enjoy an excellent mnusical programn on their new Victrola and te everyone present it proved te, be one of great enjcyment. Dr. Hughes sliowed himself to be quite an expert la the hand- ling ef the instrument, and his selections were cf the choic _st chanacter. -H e rn- menced bis prograrn by rendering the story'of "'Christ's Bircth" and ended it by the hyma "Glory te God ln the Highest", interspersed with genis of English, Irish and Scotch songs such as "i hear you caîl- ing mec","y Ain Folk", !lare","se gwaine down te Dixie", Love's old sweet son5rg", et,-. t was a unique treat te al who were in attendance and the thanks of the audience wiere conveyed te Dr. andi Mrs, Hughes, by Mr. Thomlas Yellow- lees and heartily seconded y Dr. F.W. Manlow. Refreshments wene served by Mrsý ugbesat the close of the entertain- May we be pardoned, if at this 1been longer in b festive seasca when kiad words, gcod1 general stor e ir cheer and friendly messages are going1 our advise-mal out te friends la ail lands, we publisb quirements and a few complimentary messages that1 the naoted We have corne teous af ter the completion Store. cf fcrty years as editor of TuE STATESMAN and a few clays before reachinig the age. allotted 'te man cf MUNICIPA tlree-score-and-tea' years, and on the eve cf cur retirement from the busi- A nsal nsss management cf the James zens attended n Publishing flouse. We greatly _ap. Council Boom c -preciatecthese very kind words. - Nominations1 CaPt. Rev. John (iarlntt, Pastor sulted as followý of Shncoe Street MethodIst Chssrch MA-yûn-Jý .B Oshawa, andi former Pastor of Boiv- RFEEV-T. S. mnilville Mtoltchîsrcuh:COUNCILLORSa DEAR Mn. JÂMESýï,-IEndlosed please Yatss, B. C. Be] find $5.00 for my papers. 1 Want THE Cana, llarry AI CÉRISTJAN WORK cf New York for C. qtevens, J. 10 another year tand, T fancy, 1 shail T. H. Kaight, 1 want it as long as it maintains its SCHeOL Tnus, present superiorvity as a religious j. A. Webster,1 weekly. i aleo watTHE STÂT,,EsMN. ,ice. the best weekly news paper in the Province for famnil.y and general news, From the pr aswlla fritào2 lt toeeyapr that thE comrilawmral probi.em. of its Rev asM. conmunity. fraeab Dr. Charle T. Paul, Presîdont Olt Allin, Dilling, C Thse Collegeof Missions, IndiaunaT. .Kngt polils, Inidlan, U. S. A., soli of Mrs. T.*.Kngt T. J. Hainlyn, Bowsnanville: After the listg DEAn Mn. JAMES,-' I wish to thank rsad by Mr.J Officer, Mr. ROI yolî heartily for the two copies cf the te the chair. STATEsmAN ceataining' the very clever verses of my old friend, Luther Mayor Mitche Werry. 1 shail write te hi te tell accmplished b3 liii how heautifully bis poes lias in- during the- yea terpreted the valerous spirit cf Can. which is a nmost ada, and how it lias quickened in my 1 ng- passing b'j cwn heart the merceries cf our as- Street,, cem_7ýeni sociation together as boys. Now that eaotn' Bov the great victory lias corne Luther Durbai Rub.i1bei wlll feel that lie was a good prophet Waterorksail as well as a clever peet 1 Glove Fcoy To yeu, Mr. James, I have frequent- grounds e G ly spoken cf my admiration cf the dwtellangs, C. JE great contribution von have made te aeo n in tlie jeurnialism of Ontario andcf Can- Ilyg1eeCna ada. You have, during a long period1 tiens aýre uo1w 0 cf years, conducted a paper, of whichSlbeacry any town miglit be proud. 1 have e-x- ReeHia amined and read, I suppose., thousands j eý, cf newspapers, big and littie, a1il l onis around the world. I do netlestewthgatc te put TE STATE5MANý_1 in the veryPunld, granits t front rank cf town ppr. la its inig $00tu be tone, its content and i tS nlakeupt wit1 a ths'co expresses very hig i ideals, whichare ten cfw1jichiw fair exponents cf the i) fe cof os f the Mr. Hol'gate Pr( best tewns on eartli. I have neyr ae oudli met a Bowmanville bjoy whois etyer wig e grateful for TEE STATESMuAN and ai- for pat*'rioticpu ways pleased te ses it. Yýou -Vill M, Toes spe understand, cf course, my manin poýint p)erience fla cour' is that Bowmanville could net ha9,voe reeV e. JDU in )gl liad such a good paper lad ift net lissa d fnor fIe towî, -fer the high ideals, eficen anage- fyles for regis-te] 'ment and literary ability of iswtlyothier rpistc editor 1 1 congratulate you nd wish ýinig of bigs you yet many years of serieLr.Qing; courât cf bisst 1lolgdate For à"R1eeve c if kced u REV. J. W. GRAHAM, B. A., D. D., LL.D., General Secretary of The Educatioinal Society cf the Msth- odi8t Cliurch in (Janada,_who-preached anniversary sermons in Bowmosnville Methodist churcli last Sunday. THE EDITOR'S BOUQUETS - OnlJ-ýeat-a-part 01 --L ýIÏ To TE RPTHET0WýT O i'.ir. irLces ta,> BOWMANVILLE: tzed f, asdqisTra eeedbrieflv tç I arn agai in lathe tield for Reve of the Mr. &rlgg spo tewn cf Bo'wmanrvilleý having been jo olgýilaglDI, nominated for that position, a-nd been ýthe -mey le hi unged te acdept samie by a large numiber »,He vwýould again l-, of nepresentative ditizenis.MrCoili5 I, hereby, respectfully selicit vurvote on b Iis ,30 ero and influence, and should i be electe-d I1 fiýnances aaid will do my funl share in advancingth MGiIbe ueist as town's interest's by a censtant endeaver teOthers conduct its business lan an econornical andStees Blider aggres ive manner. "vis Wishing you al! a Happy aad presper. yna eus New Year. CARI Yours respectfaily, Car trwightO' .Reeve --W A Van T'. S. HOILGATE, -Elliolt, F A H-yland Bowmanville achools deposited la thel DARJ1 Penny Bankila7Sep3tember $xi6 77-anl Council re-eleciE average of 33 cents per scliolar. Reeve -Geo A St( Ne mnatter how muï:ch or how littie land Rhs ar Cou ni WS yeu farmi, yeu wilI do ià more prelltably atdR adCeurtie WF if yena are a suliscnilier for The Weekly ted addclied:Co Sun, the farmers' business paper, $î.oe hsPsce o per year. Send your order direct te The Sulas Wiliams, W Weekly Sun, Toronto, R-:1 ds The addet "fa" ter t date is that of Meliîie MUcKim, Tamwortli, Ho died VteHla f Suinday JDe:c. 22 la Belleville Losrpitai of CuJbso

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