Ring out the old Ring in the new - Ring happy belis across the snow GoodiWshes We drop our usual business appeal in this space to extend to ail our customers SEASON'S GREETINOS As we stand on the threshold of a New Year with the silver lining of Peace glimmering through the dark clouds of War, we gladly pause a moment to thank aIl our friends for their goodwill and patronage under War conditions and to wish them a ful measure of prosperity and content- ment in the N~ew Year of Peace. FRED. R. FOLEV Bowmanville Phone 12 On tario -~On the Sûnny Side - DontrEndangerYour-SIht by using cheap bargaliiî Glasses. If flot scientifie- ally correct for the particular defeets of your BOWMANVILILE, JAN, 9, 19L9~ Local and Otherwise Winter is wearing away nicely. Good Friday cornes on April 18. New Can Factorv is going up fast. jack Frost got in keen work last week. Miss Ann Lyle, Toronto, recertly visit- ed at home. Proper damper control will save 25% of coal. Try it. Mr. L. S. Dumas of U. S. Navy, spent Xmas. at home. Mr. Clark Taylor, Toronto, spent New Years at home, Friday morning several irches, of feathery snow fell. Buy a smoked Ham fromt McMurtry & Co at great saving. Miss Kaf e Percy, Columbus,, Ohio, isi holidaying at home.; Ten gallons whiskey were stolen from A. F. Perks. Cobourg. Work la being rushed n0w at Cemetery bridge-high time, eh? Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Tapson were in Toronto for New Years. Oshawa merchants came to Bowman- ville for Christmas poultry. Railway travel was heavier the past Christmas than ever before. Miss Grace Trewin is- visiting her s15ter,,Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto. Mrs., Wm. McReynolds is visiting ber daughter, Mrs. W. Willis, Toronto. 1Luke & Boys are prepared to hollow grind your skates. Give them a trial. Mrs.- Amos, Exeter, is visiting hersister, Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock who has been ili.' Mr. J. A. Harnes, Teeswater, Ont., was ,.o,-.,t o,,st of' Rev W. C. Washingto. Notics of BIsths 50 celnts; Maria", 50 coflis; Deaths, 50 cel&ts, cach Iist5oie. When fatitel cards are pritees et this office., insertioln free. BIRTHS. LOCKHART-At NeWtoUVille, Us-. 25tb, to Mrx and Mrs. Arthur Lockhart, a son. IuEATHs LEE-At Burketon, Jan. 7th, Frederick W. Lee, aged 5S years. Funeral from bis late residence, Enniskillen,- Friday at 1 o'clock for Bowmanville cemetery. McLEoD-At Plainville, Dec. 26tb, Alexander McLeod, in bis 83rd year. Luxo-In Orono. Jan. fitb, Mrs. Mary Broad Luxon, ini ber SOth veaT. YELLOWLEES-At Hampton, Jan. 4th, Donald P. Yellowlees, aged 58 years. toBBiNs-At Scarboro, Jan. 4, Agnes, beloved wifo of Oeo, T, Robbins, in ber 3îrd year. CADMAN- Suddenly at his borne, Owen Sound. Dec. 31, Rev. W. J. Cadman, in bis 7tb year. VANALSTYNE-At Westoyn, Dec. 28 , Charles C. VanAistyne, in bis 65th year, formerly of Oshawa. JACKsoN-At Newniarket, Jan. 6th, Erastus Jackson, of the Neai market Era, in bis 9th year. TERRy-In London, Dec. 28, Jessie MçDonald, beloved wife of Walter Terry, forsnerly cf Bow- manville. LOTT-In Osbawa, Dec. 31, Margaret A. Rom- baugb, beloved wil e of Abert Lott. Interred at Ebenezer. HAGERMAN-115 Toronto, Jan. lst, Sarah Eliza- beth, wsdow of James H. Hagerman, Port Hope, in ber 8rd year. SAvEnT At Starkville, Dec. Ztb, Lillian Flor- ence, elclest daughter of Win. Savery, aged 19 years and il months. JENNiNGs-In Bowmanville, Jan. 5tb, Greta Victoria Jackman, 'widow of the late Hubert G. Jeunings, aged 25 years. DODDS-At 927 Batbnrst-st. Toronto, Jan. th, Tb'-s lH,.Dodds, ini bis 63rd year. Brotber-in-law of Mrs. S. J. Henry, Bowxanville. BEEWER-In Oshawa, Jan. 1st, Susan M. B., Grose, beloved wife of Mr, John Brewer, agý(d 79 years. Mother of Mrs. D. M. Tod, Oshawa. McLAUGHLIN-At Gorrie, Jan. 2nd, Caroline Elizabeth Scott, widow of T. FI. MeLaughlin,I aged 74 years. Sister of Mr. Ihos. J. not Tyrone. RiGns-ý At the residence-of ber daughter, Mrs. W. H. TukiýIer, 44 Leopold-st, Toronto, Jan. 4ub, Mary A. widow of the late John liggs, aged 87 years. Interred in Bownanville Cenetery Mon- day. vina ~SaIe b GRO-CERIES tÈ llaving rented a store in Oshawa 1 have decided to move the last week of thïsrnonth. 1 arn therefore offering rny entire stock of groceries at Startlng Prices to save expense of rnoving thern. Corne early and share in the money-saving bargaîns being offered., This wiII be a Cash and Deiver sale, not Cash and Carry. Here are just a few of the many savings, the store is fuil -of rnany otherrectos