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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jan 1919, p. 7

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TERMONDE A CITY I C ~ rra lk,~so lt ~ Beow the circle liesaO IL AN ous, eusitioneýd by the Gerns magnlificeat beit of fertile soul. Tt for hemsl 1es lMay prisoners, îU ils estimated by Goverment authori- f - diýgruibe- 0fEnglish, were 'in ties that the great agricuiturai areauF W T R OI few ek there lias bpeen a constant on many of whicli cattie' can'lie T H 1 R T EE N HUNDRED HOMES stream eof partieýs d% all sizes arriving wnee itotfeînngeat PlI O F BATTLE WITH BURNED TO GROUND. from flie near front te lie quart ered 80,000 square miles, with a climrate TIIOSE 0OF GREAT WAR for a few days and moved on again to e ta fnrhr uoeN Germiany. A local soup commîttee, ofieta tnrtenErp-o- çvay, Fiiilaid and Sweden. Unspeakabis Privations 8uffered bY whîili Mme. Br-iyaýi.*iex, the Burgoinas- TIh is li-idi richer and more pro- CrahnTop efdadIn Iter's wife, was president, lias minister- ductive flian that of any other .cu-Caain rï,.3Rse n a Seven Thousand Inhabitants ed to these with German consent. The ,',-ýuenïo aoen For Four Years. prisoners, while in thce neigliborboi, tyi hewrd ei zfrdfii Lnho n rudeS Nplo' ail receivefi a good bowl of coup each il timbered, and 320ý acres are open Iat Stand. l'le name of Termonde wvll be a day, wItlit wuicli tley must have ,ret n ete flcvihct h tlin ~ saîe o ilGemas orstrv1i take up a homestead. Lieut. D'Arry C. -Iiggins, of 'h geerfinsto corne, sas ç)crresron-ý The churcli of Notre Damie et Ter-Aaîk great ceýnt .1 vaiiey of Canadian Hleadqur tff, 4Cs dent~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ onNv 0 h ol ilnvriod otiewtiobrp f A as athe coldest davs eof winter are as foliews to bis mother, wlio lives foýrget the story of the deliberate, sys- two raflier fa-mous Van 1$ eks. bofli Of :net a as repetfifotfref0ln-rno tenteburning of more than 1,000 which werc liurriedl off to saqfetv be- time ia the prairie states of the Unîted Yesterday 1 had" a rnost ' ntertu liouses of liarilmess iahabitants or of fore thie 0eîra:s erit-'î'rd fithe ,wn, States, like Nebraska, Moitaiin nnd tr-ip in the signais car. We left the muÉdering of innocent civiliafle, ard have been preservbdJ, as, !a a North Dakota. Stock raisers and Mons about 10.30 n.n. anud veut via That bas beca followed by four years sin'iicr way, have bcen the 1ctdu-es farm ers are going inte Alaska on Waterloo te Brussels, where wc wit- et servitude te thie Gcrraans under con- f5 ani he Town Ilali, inelhd,î,g, the every steamner to looki the country nessed ,thîe magrificent receptioa difions ef such itter discemfort that Ti niiduuth canvas, representing tlic in- over - giycn King Albert by the citY-his doulit if any persons et France or Bel- augîrration cf -Mr. de Keyser, wlio w-as Visitors te Alaskça are surprised at first oifficiai visit since before fthe gium bave suffered more than tîsose cf, o ' fjiTorbeoade's mosf famouesens, what tbcy flud when they rench the wnr. I think it iras, iitheut excep- Torionde. as Lordo M.ayor cf London. 0 f flic pri- interier. Nor de they need - to sufer tien, the finest sîglif I cvr saw. 1 have been Ilatlie place te-day.î be- vate colectons in Termoade, lhon ver, hardshiip iu making the trip, for We had lunch on the faîneus fild Iag fthc first Englishman te visit if, as andfiti was a towa of consIderable flrst-ciass steamships te the principal whcre Waterloo was fought 103 years 1 mut have been airnost the lasftoeveaflih, prpclicaliy nefhing-ý resuiaIns ex- ports, with unusualiy reasonable ago, aud if is eue of the iost inter- 1 sec if ia its long ngoay tour years r cpf sUcb flilagos w indî,iiduals man- rates, are rueiiing eut frein Seattle csting spots 1 have seau. ago. -v'ed te liîde. I desçrib-d flic criinal nearly, every day, and naiiread and 'Tlicmost amazaug points about the 0f fthe 2,400 lieuses whicli composed -wreobýage etfIlie fine lie(uses and-'et autemobile lines te the inferior are whoie baffle thaf struck me irvere' flic f0w-n before the irar about 1,300 flic-Museunm and Art Scoel ia 1914, rcadiiy available. Nov is if neces- the extremely short distauce aud the wcre destroyed' or burned wanteniy, andi whaf littlc escaped thon lias si'vce sary te go far, for evcry vallcy iead- vasf aumbes- cf mou iinvolvefi. houso by lieuse, by flic (iernns or been requîsitioned or lootefi. ing fîcîn fhe coast le vniiing for the 1 flicir irsf cufry affer thcy had licou Termniode was a pitialile siglit as 1Iubaadman, tbei e w itacut molestatioa trons the in- aw if four yoc rs ago, whlen fthe aches altasfotcny-four lionss. o f oflice firsf burrirg stîlli smoked. Asj SAFETY-FIIIST COLORS fic somefhing losflian 1,200, lieuses 1 saw if to-day, iritli flic cd ruiss i uiîeuiain n etifoi a nd tfli-i-grown cold but uurcpaired, flie wrcck- a-iePîtn ofNurlM - iicdýi'ate environs, ueariy cli arc cf flic age etfflic big iron bridge sf111 iyiag in WafîePitn tNurlMr pt)eors clas and imali, caddflic great flic river wliore the Gernsans blewi i chant Shpse. r.sajo7,ity etffîsoinnmore ors less dam- upaffer their drunkea carousal on flic -lias flic iar bcautfild or disfigured agi.A large numuber Nwould no e li tt aiglî f et tir cuti y, nrfichepcor Ibcmrlafsice lcmtons? coii,-derefi fit te lire in inlaordinary sien of the old Town Hall sf11 Sbips of tlic Allies arc citilor fîebut flic standards et Termonde dominafing flic Grande Place, if senî-i camoufiaged or painfed grcy, and arc ane not exacting. 0f flic original 10,- cd te rie sadder sf111. I do nef think ur-mcd ne beauty about flils. Jt is 000j, peple aeariy 7,000 have coufInueà thle gaunefpeople ilitf the streefs irliewiwn ire sec nuural steamers fliat ile or0flce, and aay rein et a build- cieercd flîcir îefu±-esng soldien iritli ie gef semefthing ef the colors et ig wli coulfi lc pnfched -up te give sccl an esifbusiasm kair hoir Sad a irar, Witli îpa dguiyteevs sioltr iras'acceuntefi good enougli. siglif fliey are, or' how dreadful bas seis fluant their national colons on1 Ti easf flire houseliolfis crowdcd lun-; lico flicenvrn n i ihicli tley bl u fcu tu na înai cttge. Rooi ier bae gowuacustomed tf ilve. 'Tlic-iron-ore ship from Bilbao bas pattioued A oit make hoires for tir w-'----.- ed and goid bars paitd 'cnlber' aîies To lire flua iu one dark ALASKA IS MI1SUNDERSTOOD side, irhile flic fimben craff from vconî ýor tlre eifs flic windows filued --Drammn or oflier Norirogianports wîfli planskinsutcad et glass and hles More Than Thrcc-Qniatcrs et Ares bears a large yod patch dem bher in waIls pcrfially aund rcugnly filied ia, Je lu Tenîperafte Zeote. bull, ounirbicli flics- stands a deep lias licou flicnornmal condit bois c flice coss people of Termonde ferorerfour Alaska is flic most misunder.stci bu Gecss. e le n ht years-. Wlicn the fewn was liurnied,andid nîsreprosenfed secction o e trflic nud Den.mrarl, ber red iif et course, allith uraiture iras burncd, confinent. People geacraliy and sn--white-cross. Sveden bonsts a golden and there rcmained not hlait neughl crely believe fliasfthe namne Alaska cross on a marine-bloc background, ofth fleordinaî-y necessaî-ios et lite. is syacuyrnous mît b noir and ice and suid llolland bars etfrosi, whitc sud Re-entry o! Belgian Troops. couple if accordingly witb ici. creui lls cpefrey The last Gos-mas lctf Termode on anzrisd cold drinks, says an Ami- fccnesorselgcgfia Nov, 15 sud flic flrsf Belgiau0 rcaclied encan irtrYtficpicpt Ile'tbbc rim United States mcrcbanfmaa. flic tewnflicfoliwingSadaAil cf Aisaska aloung is southera ce ast bLazoued ber id rnfity te flic serea Flauders todylas lais ndrafic ucueu, çfîau Codrm by eusenmgty"a- (a) 'flc irlolo ares ou îvbicb Wat- erioe iras fouglif was lcss flan fircire miles iu circumferecc._ (b) Wllirgtoîi's. front linea ia eîîly thice miles, aieugihicfl 0 freeps vere conceufvated.I (c)__Wbileflic baffle iras beiug; îvaged a distaîsce et onîiy_925 yards iuferveued betwee'n Napoceon and Wellington, flic tri-oarmy -cea- Mauders. (d) 45,000 mer, more kiiled or, wounded in seraisheurs' figbfing,o e îrhicb 8,000 were Freuceî, kilaed ia flice aftempfte otake 1Hogu-emouf Fcrm, a very incigaificauf place de- fcusively, but eueetfrre.jt import- suce sfrateg cally..* These tacts toe me mccc rry îim- pressire, especîally wheno contrast cd mifl soeaof fie greaf baffles cf flue war, juif fluishefi. Ail sertfeiles ef the equiipmcîîf used forfglfa then caa lie seen ut tfisc tll Museumi near Lye\ r The Purchase of StLocks and Bonds ceasy wlen our PARTIAL PAYMýENT PLAN b usd. hisreally lîelps you te rav mnFasYen put 1by just reguar arnugs malngyour mi-nthly payrnments te us the la- samasgolng towards flicpur- clisse cf any sele -tefi dividend- paying stock. We invi1te yen te Write novî for a free cof o!our boolet e-atifled "S avbn g by tlic Partial Paymcat Plan," MembErsMo 5ea t i Cangea 105-106 Tranýsport-tien 6uî'dinq NIONTREALr, . te us, ne matter what quanldty. We pay the hîgýhest price, aise expresB charges. Try on-ce and eu are assurcd Of satîsfact ion. ABBEY FUR CC,-:N 310 et-~Paul W. Montreal, PQ, Rtererelice-, Bapk of IlOChpaga. St. IL buaî'aess fer 10 YeerS. F The Latest Desigiis Simple lit tIc dresifetus ing the deep yoke effect, back and front, flic sides- droppiug te hip lne and r- ing flaps for tflicokecKs wihiang beloîn. MeCail1 Pafter No. 8647, ade'Dresi. Ia 6 sizes, 31 te 44 sigu o. 88T Prie, 15 cents Qistai-ka 1hsow, -n , eartý 11 0, O W liIa zu@crLT ?4EW8PA oeR 01S When makh oig 1-.08 oth o>itfobl the adition o ,Iy l.. a . ca bs them ight l ,t.Tpn t e i e. llollaud's mines are now pr-uia ceai af flic rate oet abot200,0 fous a year. gsoor dio eeyrn -v os Go, sra , .- Vs c W. .YONQTC T U~~~ ASho BiICa7 Jlockor Bu&tisJ

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