II L are tuhi , d cvcy'irsyafid Fia ing. cce ective.et Tn1Il'.SVATea NAi Office. .nxccs Blo k *26 nd i -Kinlg-Xt. West, jRowmanvile. Oaitario.Cd. M. A. .lames & $one. PIiblishers and Proprietoce, at ýl.iAi)er ILDUTM, payable in adyauie O ~cec irt4tree inonths. B. J. H-AZLEWOOD, MD.,C.11- e erslty. Trno 'u eV rteirlg lvSlan and SIjr'eofnat Ut caïrmeî flospithl. Pithurxw,1<%. Offfce and Reeadence weiIngféQ% St 2oeainine 1No 18. J.T. ALLEN, TAILOR 1. Ox~R F STANDARDSANKC LEUWMAINVXlLL M, 1. .Alui'anounees 1!hathle now makes cvic eierat ]o-wcFt prices. Ladies' luits cnd tind pxrcsedGertlefnen's Gie11c QId rliabýle tilor a til The Double 'Irack Route bciweeii Mlontre ai TrZIOIto Detroit fUnexceiet i daieg car service. $ieigcars on nigist Tr-ains aid P'arieî-Cars en ltae principal D.ay Trains.Ti ii-ia' J. H. LH. JUR Y, oeA Winte r TrmZ, j tre n.'~.v f~r r.'cOrlstruc j tins .hiy.r. O,~t ho~ce a,'aI es- port tîltdrs \VI11 deinani tho ser ci e~ 91 },rî'ht you'~g I 0911'. (oo 4ew vtctogno t» d x. Sha~. 't Bu-.iîree6 ~c}îoobc, foc- qutri W. H. ~hctv~, ~'resjdez~t. winter Têi1 UpenS Jani. Cth t il posirons a e t3, $r4$7aeqî a cksd$I aVI' ntb Aecurs prïoved thibs. Wiefor Ctlge W-. J, FLLYOTrI, Principal. NotUi CeTcr e dito0r S JIN, Y'HE 3/ TTROF thle etaof MI'. 56 of C a L H1,R.S. t). * 1814, that alpr or about h,~ tweeiet ay ef ,lly,118 rce qnird t ce bypoc preaid ordeliver to"t, dceccc, p o bnoc th thrtethdayetJan-l cary 101),~îci mhictae cd craclyat hecd tl0 î t ccr.118 h i e1I iccaJ toe ba vlgl) e edcrb the ec ith a dwe1 nceogte ate ette teeo itrat e IN e S ldstbto, For Farmners and Others J. ROSEN VALD, Phone 289 1 amn prepared to buy ail kiads of Jlink at highest prico's. Any uanityof Poultry wanted, 201:por b and upwardq for Li-,e ~ri~uia N R Da fe xeels bef re the great li the YFerelt Sy adrministr at ion t hat f-ai-7- Pao I ~~ea-.I pettreteel diasmLobknsecht is u saal too ho- i~senoi~force in the Sparta- ilCHS '. A, ENIR C iln," as the N 17-2ebeC t îk cf an- ngop Satcswas the Romant 13 CA. . IEB.. LB, ENEICOOAD.Otho . île r'r~o Ya or i ~ h alOdorth to frec the falze ery Cf patv.otîý---a the lu 1 sn ac Tocecar- cf C 1 1 TiOSVLT qu : ahaiatcl e resis-h e-iîEc- fti ,ra.As r ý r n a-,tehv destcoyet hies~ We h v ry-high, hegh ancient, !-pprc .1 cf lhe resde -tu progiain. o' h Rihaas -nec te sca'n a1 -isi the uint r stcof authon-.y for the fact that great -ev- frcm ha "frieni e neiny sta t î apr-iat1 oo bih batî ws l o'gu.s ý tramers re1 , -gratpersenai- noade ey Theoore W'iEditor~ yt-(x~me foEfo~. itiesq. >½d whilegreat mua do net thle b r1, Tageblatt, ntsc is qUe-fÀ a cdce, ecetmcti,-,g au 1 b- Arnericea l o-ph- f L:is- constit'te the whole- cf life. thoy as "e,- s: , Uîi1e o tld thatï, thriatveinformna- îecht -writes: "The ianinnely pcv;- compvFr the conditions which consti- " e stand fýast'G _y j-i,-it had jsst bon rceiveti "bat Bol- 1 iTolm-rzollern nsonarchy bas tute to rest. Wero it not fer Our sor:s progrïo- of j0lpre1 ii-gnoo-sone st inc u c .-r:teb~e tlb: otr girat mesthe people cou'ld scarcely It'ons, o net Of ul 1Cw1nA t of ', ve ,Ir 1',msîs eg tf,'ts- &scîd rso "~ live, for great men tenuthe tendencios ternis, anti 000coc I)t t 1 e 'CCOI hic-- B'i-r eaîic otnn.Sh'-ttevee1 o'Qa-or edpo on cf thoir timo,,chnge andontro1 the to po-rsiat h finthn h.LCye o ' ~i~ ~ l.q- xslJ~L e cl ~dy auln cvurrenta cf0;oui- civlsto.Behind *'a w uap.t1v ,îtr actp.hI 0anbr- l -'a'1 Ye1.obrt eh eWen their advent, races take she4'ter. and given cer'te - a .iglOur ~course 1 -ar ' e snirnsIrcr va Leb-'a--1tthat e r- 1-i that sheller grcw froc and lire te cighL, av Ier s iforîn. frnt',ii regrras' heee2ieco l te ".-sedîi3 n-»'ýr-ti-i ,i-f io"r bles mankind. was unlaviken at ti-h ie eOf theeîesaghramaeas'-3.7iis ihmeenV-cc-soe i'it The wcewarld joins ith tihe Pen- aiiti-e. -i- ,c--ks Le wasja Bcý-i-i '-, iFI-I-- 'as - n. rme- ard ,,i pie of' 0bis great land of ev ur oi pýci--, We sbail demasd that A-e-Li-land see!kýing îniîen oýl, th hls Ie r n Le batt1c!3eld anti n tbi fatc ont syiipath)y with a stnickeil family, raine ho gNoen eha piivilegc cf xoting national frieads cf1 pro-wvni days t-)lin France md Eegiand, Russia an! anld pa-rtaire-s.of car accrament cf and determiniîsg for itseàit is future 1îptewa Gimrv' Lb DISPLAYED On Sale at al MONEY-ORDER POS T OFFICES BANKS ANDI TFIS SIGN B UY War-Savings Stamps for $4.00 each, place th.ni on the Certificate, which will be gilven to0 you--; have your Stamps reciteedaginut osÉ freec c~g at ,any Mpney-Orderl Post q àce; anid oc't!the first day of 1924, Canada will pay youi $5.00 each for y7our stamps. As an aid -to the purchase of W.-S. S. you con buy THRIFT Stancps for 25 cents eciçh. ,Sixtecn of theeF 1'hrift Staictps on a Thrift Crçi. wili bc exchined forea W.-S. S. Thr-;ý Staropedo iiqt bectr jnterest. Their 7ldrtue I" ha they ectable you ito apply eve,-ry 2_5 cnsyom can save towvard3 tihc purchase of a Gavcrnment, initerest-bearig security. "'If high rats of itreatue be paid or- vrnnetborrow- img- it-,je but ýright tatevery man, wcman, and ciid ahould 'J'(th oprtntyt erthic ners,"SrThomas Wltitc. e "Big Berthe" LefItai Rust. lieshaorbiis tarli îïU ic o'lerlt -bt buaieefi csP~ a $pr5g basIsca ci tail tae l a oli Ci- manart'iiiery yar-,d teinnPrussia. I ~bo~apouo gttL l11,ijcIthe ope&i air prtecetifrin the ctirions hy a. 11e-aidta 'do,-, eTisir rteiny has- lecraced. îher guneo? large calibre- ut- rilha e ya!rP. fton'Gerai-ecsol-. tiers acling-afs guartis, -7, ý-ý7 ,srrow- aswe gather'inithocuglt anc government, aedti 000shid Iv- e a*esTeldy nte 'olil of îia-nyr;)s- feligwith tnse scrrowing famils' saie priviioea erfor ttCoi-tntcat- \Pe h turdte Be1,liuh sst ns fhsçyi let b)eside thiaibelioved dead. It iS meet ci-n provinices, id1r cuI I9ncicl sopsiiat.11 nlewîig ernir ervrdc 1n and fittring thaýwe seoi taraasido tria. If the,? et ipee htseku hvvnlecul ousat' ieiî scc.Vhnsadr frmthe ordîinary dto f tiseday Gerrnanybsb.habsslda eaeîis c.H as Wrotdabis' sicly1 eodtet the deot te eobrTo grot mas and a be powerleseSi t itaep r- î- rla'e.H cd, otiwn nGe)o e mn aiepsid cwlii prince luIcrcibas fa t this day, igti-7,0,00pupeoil e q cn e hasedys;thenvy Olef arn iean metoblie i wa l te review ithe life, recùunt the deaeo ndef 1l ytiet.Crc tainc S eauy -bis uporers, b'eLacebknet: ano vr il oe andi remember the service cf Theo- many whirisc gisat vi b Ierli cec h etc akin 1 tî ol"wl ecn',at dore Roosevelt. strong factqai atev 'pa any 'maaatrhr.H-si -n cdLe eth dlscnsisIeds e S * HTec ota eîi' sdo a goff u a s long a osil;but, cc e"ilc Gos-ma poeople ave saintix, Awctiink cf t ise.usyauJ fruit- -art Sho canet bu cl o;-. fu ifwe Yrogari hlmý as bis aedyrll h n run emdeii t cm va-ntisaI * ' i eoe hx'eth cîlei atinsifili grd k St i rsotv posed, as a sit -te us, Mr. Reeseit aÂiýs bei-n in -aîtd.le'Yof b1s icete1ieAh-îbs niIsev No' , Yo>rlçCity. Oct. 27. 1858, gron- ta eedmîuct eiat fwoJi.Jlstra 'stiaai att oaPdsOe 1Oa aaise-veil vscsseýparts cb viibe icmth ivsile it te pek f-tnhle ls'-'at out, cnd the- tue tîtges asti p-,neclt'.iHocr-cl Vc'ruPu! vaýýt ciels froi coasî te fur- prnoecf the Goti cf rightccnsne.sshatPtia osa- si'erat ctiatsagotl1difb l- icV ea, ant jutie, 'ho h boh farti ndDon1 --.'bfs Secheidacancialý-t psrt lsti erled hhm; h- Whose patho arc on i-tht son. tha'tis tire w-dH-ad Ibis Ba'is'-h ban) lbeau an fieI Ice tisough nisaiy refrai:aiig tram Ynvoir î- ,raacre xvhe,Gr'-î- d istn Woave evUtly thankflti t h n ae.t îs ~ esî00, IuItoat sesgio. eus., andti 1sa ' 1aeWhert wouild envlwrace ha now? tl-ier eci- yorf is srv if, dcsada' aofae Vebv ic ouds..ftn oiln a holi o s-lt- i - fe rscco hesj 1 iiire e1IOi.î_-ja uiMi i n tct. lin bacac-tse'if'su ftor-y.o renfe'disaLh- Slaves et thè Tontonpjloghs. To atemp. a os-ii'- f ths p-at Y Is e ;e C dnnteifrein.Chaos 'o-tnerenGermiany' dmsi alse Pe'ece iIs osleisI o1r, atorl hoé lerhiglswa,ý-aarc e se ac andJenoteReseoî, rio ami-Ceulference eoielngc qaiy 'egszein anotn ra3riole, îî race thaï oOutbaI;ilG'so env thev- frei on AostrdnoinHoîan t oitistht Allies. Moreoveýýr, axxi ni-, t e I ." Ansd 35 a-sIte son aîland 1rIis ceu-y Abotr1m651 - týcenvin 1ceti tisaI t112Pro sie'-etxiii wilOt îîîcer s. esît ls as itaias, h'-s 11I Js toe r wealth the bey. tmeke tht effortoua Ib Iis lhexvould fatbesr, chargod x'its ii "ài-e0oi Oi~ i-al halt lueery lt e hofmé,himacIf ovithout tise cuppor'. cf atica aeut t-inpîa.Brlsîicet ih ilin efo- feu'lt hyicl xeknss atisethe,.Ainciican people, ant il'n chai-p * Is safe patbs o'cr 1the son; ovra Î ltisa pupe areltiat cenflict witb the people of Gi-cal fli- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \'ih oshv oeu ie Bhd bi err t hscieduranicet c . o oe ii i-c . 1 tain nti Fraeo. d.aqn'slba frhihtvccai4f Graiaaingfrei Ri-yrd i- Tise greunid upen n'ilh H-îv Vo'lz ts rpilCutcf ermaL-vfer - - h bîad on boude) 1nk vursity la880, hoe studieti laxvfoi-crci-pî1~- ctigdatcaino ui ~ -x hn îIh00Np al hi ietîpenîcti, thon entereti pea tise py-asuehate claies tisedrigb poiical pathway cf service Ibet ulti-mnytangtlttrahntasa îhI'imctn-nngiepepef Ia'shct, mat.ý)ielyldhm ýttIvoe ttt iltt-pueat't, a--l o-Vdoec- ropbe e,.tisaI came A j'cous fcetepes cai o.tcle, malte ts 15 adusasion1lirre05- pire. IlylacptaiitthtisaI tise'thiscc, lît' t s ible. inIaivl erag iemcisIee leiedfreedeasofuthIe socs. Te glance osier tise recenti cf bis f '- bioo"1e d nys, bcd cs wce ire te l-he ceurt lias titis i-aie been just as 1,aacd publice rviolate -candthie ronance 1"Oui-rnt bousrien"li e-h-ý-e tae keep ,*,lnfrmedicf tise trut? Qf fo-y ntiindmilbleseu, Aclaes. That la IypicaiiY tacTPusa- triail. Wisile sirighi3Ssentene etcbetacssy je182.heacuiat anaioalreu-restriainodti tiseslves la tise eur cf dishtrt tathe Pi-ussl&sAAssembly I- T S'ave-orel'ier "thse Ocy." taio j svvngupn omitee oa Gimn -oI' Tt cewemn fati tisere cSîsong as liberarîca ho cci'- Tlig' cillesiai speciai reforma îona rmalt'er ldtï7S ge" hth e te mu,,nic--ipal corruption, supperîing c nyatx 'esuuee lgrn.leeiwas 0lise7-edemption cf bis coass civil service reforma, ealorys scrriîîg'whie fai-e t ys ta05i'-i- ," soîdoce cuntry fi-uni tie oilthing' tisa rs Aed ber union cf the frac, > iie national conventions, as police coi-obtnlg net a-sSiFoSte -ove u.Itimaioely ber untioing. She mustI eske sure that tise ties ee- mi one f N. Y, iy . .nha15vc-eWi i otquer, iightî yoars aoLiebkneochst visiteti dure cîi,î sric emisonr1nt santi ne ene kuen il balrtsnistseInttiSlsctieieetite Jy sot e patisos 'or1the soc. aisatsec-reîary te tise u. S. uavy, biietcmcnc-ncif i sli ises(ber einours atise interest cf -- - Li tise worn itisSpeýin lho ncruiteti n-isodeau sitntieisuo'lise Sicinlist Labon parIy. Tn'o y-a-s A LEGEND 0OF JUDAS tise *Rough Ridera," foui, oîtssg of bas baud. Tise aeiice termeSe halthvscet-itsts ecsa uial galiaetry anti bravery, rlunticffeti oore eseIa oon that as5urance ti a rev foi-ce encti Coi ý,-nene Grînny, Repentant, WiI M Ls te tise Goerner's chair cf tise Empire tîi cataonas cnese t-ltical lite. J* la interest;r,-îag otet Join thse Feas cf Nationis. Stato passeti itb tnrtiy sti-ido tea Ir oo.tisa, i- iao-ife 15 a Pussian 1bv c-i, ih "Tise tlý.7nsiag guns have dè0o theU - antiora a leader iii tise Nillili'îtie thon te tise resitieny-lisen btisheecd tise sal Ieuitrc' satsett 1înmerement. Sice is a beodbeoea tishétsi eh nl iebisrn u enthronemn ofetpopisîarity onh ie i cn liirtisear1t i- b for cs osnon' et orrî. onfts sU andbutume ai1t- ITteirdmsaeg part of tise ori-tiseldom acoeda e ians non' PesaI "Oui- frünt n'as un-sa.c ec1ct otnii orrsae, any ether cf aur gi-eat mon. broicen.' We have saidt ime anti ag i5says an Englisis magazine. Tse 'conception ndesticomalcti ocf 4"Yencannet bcegeneocus te a Piu-s a-eîya nt1ntealc, l- "Tise seunt i-c- le te meniovy al the anam Cial i esri, ialll nd te -roofis igl1-neebî 'than o-ilIon iuring tise, pastlegenti ofbo-n' tise seul cf Judas Is- tise~~~~~ PnmCaalascbeihliesaicaiibpiots gilh- foui- yeaîs lettoîa cf bi-otliely love cariot lied fricmtiese uicidc's coi-pao ebility anti togged deIeri-nti,jn etof,__t___ h e sBritishs, Beigi.is anti Frech<i Irougis tise roi, sas-i pasetifi-un Mr. Roosevelt, andthie termiuation of LROENSOMCNR. Sociahista. While tise osle oetCr- iyat bya iie1ls ees tise Russe-Japaneso ovar îa anolis'-2 I n-y nas sîngsag sag-, et hale yieideti tagirief. example oet iss ctarnetional states- IWientie ta e nst Englauti ant i pîying tise GetoAdihhiieg-cthgs!cdts mansisip. [t1 cinan jrxv ofutWar te hiag psilneanti panisis- d it' bcdto, ie er v Jrk- * Reeca-pu- hisheb eticgc-ding tbs strage ment ulson lise poi thtiI cuntr-y, nsicoket inla(for te isorndova of vet lt' a- t ofie aIofMtis Oe hite e woehas mos-etitise carts Liebisnechstn'as preaching Inteanation- Heaven woreeopen), ani scortise Roncs e ricefesfice teeccoteia bit off its axis. We heecti ains a i- an alig pnýte ok Apost b, is hi-etisen, staningop-about Houe, mercan ba neer ccoded tanaueaton bou hi stang1Of tis alalieti nations te recis ut and, a table laid oitis broniandti omIsnee, hîno his riglgbtul tank as a sciler thénaseandtion abot hics taugve-stop tise ovananti hring' about tise 1tiheisody anti tiseblodfti f ier Lord. anti oriter, Ibut bis exploratier trop trwtèsoil' r.Mn r-international tiveam ut e n'isole worritiThon came On'- woetook hlm htse late tise ieart of -At-b cahd increasetidts oia rir eu i< n nnruied hie lise orrers theveot. iseetincedtir b sti.'Wahv tia rclts teoetis-oleig esteti egeilat bringinp- ietore lise 'in uieTho future' av grenîly e wrdIsor p nwl eople tise ravings et this tanac, he utuehelenga le tise peeple," orciteti for tisee, seit tise Master n'hom anti bocks orilteasuhsequentiy heliseopi oaîchworti. "Tise clasa st-up--udsacrtbteyi.Mygss au-Presiiet bcd nmade hlm btter But tbey hava been beai-ning wa lorbeisteslvto f h r JdsIcaitbtryd MyIet uutierstood1 by tise people. affect tise Ti-otzky propagande bas' î in sts avto tts ic'coulti nct sit tiowu ta my -supper 1111 Tise meviceism anti etrihielatiupon tise cula- r oritianti aheulti1letaniat, anti n'ahopo tisaI t w oiltison nastbei-e.', heeAbi fRoee alseciaim adp tal Isefn oieapritti'ieIcarry on very soon, tise cias st-up-gb "Se,1ater manyl- tiys, on tise seul geersn'i-bfRogsetlicnsthe tie' n evtaise fortueri propgande cfttise open international înterconvse 0itiî of Germnany, purgeti1 antireneocti. hreurts eailangt i on'one eue qe:-Boisiseviku, tisaI firaI ppea'red as \ tise proleleriat cf 'al countries, ci-en coma hback ltalise feliowship cf civil- leinstseof llao wno nbis es-c-ati nelai-gar tissu a mna's enti, 'iîthhose wiith.,n'hom n'e are t n'ai-. Iizetinations. They may h aste tise tin h idm fhspvîncîphco hihhs ped ni nwi i ntise international clasa st-ugp-ie communien et freedoni meenwhiila, prepareduess. Tisa happy tiemestie antiobisba p-ainilo'ila resta net only hepe for lise demecral- But lisey canuol ail doorsto h ie toast lte et more Ihan îiirty yeexs santi'tiniuip-tise amtordtetiervahionizahion, ftoihie pollical anti economie till Germany la there," eut reonspicuouaîy in lise expéreccaof asvie cnbytie noo' cnsva of thtie norîoing ciasa, ---e- Ibis gi-oct man andtihie sati anti un-i? rt aicnîy- but also lise eue hope tor tise mess et Rumanïa, Il lsamaununceti, Sas Se- conolale rie£ fet'tht fa!ie b vtste\ ri rgatise people concerneti even tinringlise p-un t howso'an,înlerest in Canatialan scor bis yougesl secnp-o dooru ho ýa * O*nai-. Fovo.ard hoatise clasii struggle! Hoîstein caIlle and Perciseron isorses, Frnc prvefi-bip-fe Aica. T-day, aste olrreomrFrad teseinternational ciaso oIs -prospecta of purcisases Seing hasý tonceti tisý'e eart cf lise n'iole laorna up, liîs tinseih Germaay, Dr. st-up-ple for tise émancipation efthtie irade in bots uines, Amorcan eupl. -Kari Liebknechst, as lieh or centre 'ovkinp- clcss!' e s *c' - of Europe. Merk - -mn'euho ilh a- 0 # *,nshtl V le m Tisotire eosveit, lise cAiti cernlarge in tise publicoyebetere ho Net se -differenot fricmtiseLenîne. bUenIght n bef èane ioeyîrlsuyn, anti your meoynaises isis lent exit as Onefothtie Trolzisy manifete, beihsoe f ,ae oulii long i-vo la tise heurts cr ycsu-, actera li the p-i-al orrîidraina. ile ndeed, tisaie is no dîfferene eeptsr iu httE Esk i consojrtrym.Ieitas y oui- placeha;lavesry ditffci-nt tren tlie Rus sien 1 tise racial temperameels cf lse two b6ood eed'thepuifnn a-l FS S 'SVICLY tom e-dSm ions (Sanie-price as before the war) - = Yeu will neyer be at a loas for enter- -tala,'ment, for with ', Fia Maater ,s Voice " Records Yeu have at your- C", command1 ail the musîc of the world fau hlessly renderec by the World'a = Best Artista IV- 90 Ccents for 1-inch, double-sîded Hesitation Waltz Miro',fBaud 216047 The Bluebrtl-Hcnry Brr-and-The Little- (3uod for Nothing's Good for Something Alýter Ail Cainpbelî-;md Jlarr 2,16048,- The Rose of No M-enï'5a Lnd-and-Watch, Hope and Wait, Littîe Girl Henriy Barr 216039 Mkkey-Hcej Buyr-oad-My Ain Falk ý ý - ; ý - ý i' len Turner 216040 SUDn Of MY Sol-and-Rescue the Perishing (Ilynmns) Barry McCIaskey1 216045= How Woald NYou Like to Be My DadCiI7 -Fox Trot-ccd-A Little Birch- Canoe and 1 - Yot-Was Mro's Band 216050 J':7t JÇnýae lt r Henry Barr 18509 Foxc Trot 30-, C, Smith'ý,Orvhestra 18473 iiUn peu d'Amour-and-Ta Voix m'Appele, = Enzo Bozano 263014 Immoar Waltz-oîld-Kiss MeAgn-at - Jas C. S ithrhstra 35663 $m Oriental-Fox To-c-ooa-n* Swij Jas. C. Smnith's Orchestra 35676 1orgetMeNo-Watz-McKee's OMeMra -and-Fe.ieie Waltt merkela' Orchestra 35639 Red Seait Recorde DiIeM&beï Garrison 64637 Luct-Mad Scene Gallî-Curci 74509 - = Viero:Ie frra~$4 to $597 /od n a.5y p1ay- menteifdeîre),Ael fr feecopy cf - 620-page Mý,usiceJ Encycpediia, litting ovïcr- 9000 "Hie iMaêter'eVotc& ecr, - Meà E Hea the at ay "1lis as,'s Voce eaeru Manufaétured by Be clir t-, -poC.C. imJe Mocttreal U1117-37, 7F77