- -q lenotaramble, Lbv 1où0a1 gett'1ng the GRI1 îï'S PROGRESS NU ONE W ILL READ UNMOVEDÙ THlIS STORY Thei Long, Rlaggedý, starved, But un- dau1ý,nted ProÊessi on of Prisoflers J _Reung rôm ermanY. tt A kn~ hrpmgprocession of tt terdemlion fgures 'othed le h oddest colle,!!ction of old rags and bits 0f nio~mSupporting jone anothle,, e lqan~ng o ciuisy stickrs cut from ti 1-1 hedgeio- such -is the sight- that 2mýeets thle British Army in èvery road by which it pursues, its, vitorious ïcardi into Germany, writes a British oficer in the early days, of peace. These sad and suf ering figures are the prisoners of war whoin the Ger- ruans, in the panic, q their ruin and] del'eat,, hastily rýe1eased from cap- tivîty, cnd Lrned out without -food -r a0cquaLe ( cihin; upon the high .oa to mae ithe îest of thei" way baek ~~o the A liUnes. ,O~' il te Alld pionrs of war, I tnl- th Fr~nc tojudg>e by their Tlia 11-r he ~ea~, a e i-o tin nD5ý - m oa n dsea aongst tho ' ~ fl GviOn themî tofy but hF5 f~~r~1 ~nvýreveinth? itoTr et' '-~'semdtzedcuose Th- ,rt-t s th e r of our m n hltf teir nnifý ornv' iiis thergt.n T-f!ii -ih Ron the Gorm any.! f1ý11the pDturo et t bande fe- tuiming priponers ili lieve. re-in main ind ieti ou the dc of t ail who have taci, pa)rt in thesectr ions m r InGerany. T t tigis tedbrodotkainti he ys-o The ne of h smnrellsbthewons îý1pruceoath.eoxi te fwtchth tans-e por et goute,, smaistrond. ha, groo ed hitors e, is theright ohand of the gh ghaontho et. ing Brithe oofit epdiretontdefilesan mentoesou presone f iilanspuinG maîtte bpd-af ilofed hg wth thei BeiginPriag, if.fersersed by thes litte goupae'prioers 'of waree Sha - er inhutnand p pjaresi setotw to smsh. and htave the Pireition fthe stres yu have The Popular Choice People of culture {as±e and refine. mnen{, are keen for heeI{h, smIc~ a-id con{en{men Thouisa-n ds -ofl{hese peole hoose the, as heir table Dheve erage in place of {ýEea or coffée The WeklyCANADIAN RECORD tok!I .Fasion Ht AII~ RT lNE v11 Telis hoýw te, loosen a sore, F a bi nsfle T N V . 1 1tender corn go It ifte - out without pai1n. 0-aaaa 0---O--- a BRIEF SUMMARY 0F EFFORT IN Good newsspreads rapidly an~d drug- LAST 3 MONTHS 0F WAR giats lies-e are kept busy dIsnig fs-ezont', the t' ler discovery uof a Cia- clnastinan, whàch ias said toi loosen Captured More Than 150 Smali Towns any Corn se lt lif'te ont withtt fingera. and ree Ovr 30,00 Fr ne- h Ask at any pliasmacy for a quarter at a s ire thinig tbat an Fre Oes30, Orec ounce of freezône, which wll cost very ~ gr ate t p ssibe Tt' oiloingdesatchis orwrd-onelisfeet ef eves-yliard os- soft curn Tbe ollwingdesatc is orwrd-os- calmas, to01z, lhtiit o! youi' et fs-om the tht' oflice of Sir- E. Kemp, yoil apply.just a few dropa o the' Canadian Oves-sens Miister of Miil- tender, aclilng .curnanad iastantly the' S 540 ta, by Fred James, officiai cors-es- soreness la relieved, andeSo i te corn ____________________________pontent with tise Canatian Oves-sens la se shrsiveled tisat it lifts eut witli- Militas-Forces: ont pain. It las a stlcky substance ty of tht' Ges-man attitude toia-t Canadian1 troopa have fus-nishet a whidh dries wliea applieti aad neves- their Britishli vctims., curions coincteuce in Bsitish miii- laliames os- even irritates-tht' adjola. if t were mnconvenient to, start s-a- tr itr.Tefrttop5t ne n ise tioaing a:party of priseners 94 a 1a 1i~sy ht i-ttop o ne n iae Mous the' day the armistice was Tliis dlacovery will preveat thon- certain day, tht' pasty wonld imply :sigaed wes-et hose of tht' 42nd Royal sanda ef deaths aanually frosu ipckjaw b.confinet without foodi or watt'r uttil H-ighlanders of Canada, which bat- an d infection hlesetoore seslig from suchoer tiecas tt' on1ing oftise talion, throngh7 tie purent regiment, the' suicidai habit ot' cmtting corna. prisner becme onvnieu. Teretht' Stb Royal Highlanders of Canada, Wa5apprealy o rcogitin een Mc' ~is,,affiliated it tt'fmos iak JAPAN'SPOPULATION of scb u elmenas- pricipe ~Watch. On Auguat 23, 1914, tht' laat that you must feet tht' animai which, Britishi battallor. to leave Mons was Production of RîcelRas Not, Kept la to wos-k fokr yeu. '"Necessity knows the 42atd Highlanders, tht' Scottish Pace With Incre ased Birth Rate.. ne la," says.,tht' German, and if A very practicai littie apren iu- Black Watch. Tt hrael h npye'tod there is nu food for prisoers-it' tht' teet is athiis oriwhich slipi on oves- Captnred '%4,000 Ges-mans. sThe s anbshotcann heset thtyexr-fo transport, for instance, is reqnis-ed tht' head anti fastens untes- the' as-m. tfsi aa a as h,.eta mure, urgentiy for ammunition-hnMCi atsn o 62 i-' From Auguat 8 te November 11, the otari bgipieo rç n te tt'li prsjanes -ay ,atar-ve, An4 dstarve Apron. Ina()' sizes, 2-to 12-yl date tht' armistice was tieclareti, tht'e foodi, ays tht' Japan Ativertises-. It la, tbty it at dt'et epuure ani rie,15 cents. Transfer D ag aainCrscpue 4000) Pr's'- tmue that the' production of ineclibas aeglect ani ater-nouri sb mntSON.91 Prc,1cents.i oners, 750 astilles-y guns et' ail cali- belon making mure or leas inc' s that it seems probabie ibtt tt'es-o- bs-es, u,500 machine guas, huntretia et bas not been at sncb a rate as te kt'ep4, tunate unes b are making theis- way trench mostara, anti huge quantities pace with tht' steatiuly gruwing popu- escapet ticatis ou tht' principle et' tht' Inlatht'at thre-e months eft' e is at tht' mes-cies et' tht' elementýs and aurvival ut' tht' fitteat. Tht' sts-oag was- thtersatvct in tiepth te a i onr ieJpn hc eab bave come tbs-ough the urteal; tht'edsac t 5mls oe-n na-' ject te frequent visitations ofe ty-î weakone farssuccubed. -ut' aiprpý-ximrateiy 450 square miles. phoons at tht' muat criticai peri5ot for w Thun eaSpritsuccubt, nTht' pincipal towrss capturt't by tht' tht' cqrp, tht'precarieus nature ot' tht' Tht'Spirt et Briain.Canatians in that time wes-e Cambrai But 'es-ail oae's deep comnpassion j iýL n-îio c ;Dniagniculturai intiustry may becmgn with theis- suffesings, une canut con-at t'Ct'u'nOtI9Dnsn tl thia coanectien, continues tht' temîne tes piisnes e' urswih-Oct. 20; Valenciennea,, Nuv. 2: Mons,' Advt'rtiser, it will be interesting to, eut a, feeling ut' elatolwvs-Nv2.Alnt15amle-txn note thse treniention rate at wlich muctt'Ge-mnstien. to ts-eut and villag-les wt're captus-etiin atidi-, Japan's 1Population las inerea'sing. tuhi eithey erntntnyfiet tomnenrbtio ethose larges- cents-es, which Utlafe ess g h'rate of theis- spi-it. It la tinse that a public re l -m Grmntomnte increase was. a littie mos-e thïan i50- tributr,e we raiti to the magnificent oiveis- 0,0 rnhat.ega 000, but last yeýas's, increase is put, qta7rý-usls ofet'sul, tht'unashakable ciTlians. eotfrdnbate rultatclose upon 800,00~0. Accord-,leg te" selt-rtspe't u' th' Bitih sotie- laTht thee ostaanting attes tougt oficii ,tatistica just piîbiisht'pl tise cnpticty. 're l sa olhadis iby tht'CnainCorps since As-gua;t, ps T -refusI te u, kt twa tbis 11,wse menwihbgntotal numberof tht' Japanese ppula- pprse-agse ls emnadAu.8 srs nAug. 26; aýnti a tion on Deceasher 8,11, a e led±bn toredub e hes forsdtbAi, p. 27rri, l tes honebttesius-net at 57,998,37.1, wih were dits- b Ya , S rt .27 In th e e t re, b tti s, tributeti into 10,241,85 1L dw eli gs at break hss effiores antiin tht' atvince fs-ai Cambrai toc B,~st tht' Gera-san f ailet-fasieti ~ Mencasthrough Va, -lciennes, tht'Cn-tt -t'e'57~rdeitg et t'seiusya ei-u as ont in ees-yian Corps engaget ant i ientifieti a pas-etiwith tht' ceasus takea I ht psycbgoulyicnie sobdouhe ihascki total et' fitty-st'ver. German divisioas,enof1,6tepulinsi a la ts,,hoicalnr.Atofo r h i al eds-se vesal out' )-ýwhom eset'subatly tedi- sacrease of 799,096, anti tises-ecan be wbste a, funds- ail ti i nîsoemat-àas to, rençier. thesu uselesas nîy exscsti yt ht' f souM b prim- maroi, thesepieer t a- hvioe tË.~-ghting oorganizations.he ifdpyele- bearng t' fet'mea Tbe sauteAt Aien weativnce in if i ta population continues teincrease puarntlieusi ani bb n. t' y s4tehtthan twýo weekhs P. 4epth ut' i5 miles. at -sncb a ,rate. It imay be attied thaýt, oueiiuadlao th'fcone hyae sati-est.At -Ars-s-as n(ltri nsbsýzitht' tepth of tht' figures asc-t'eclusiveet' thse Jap-1 an hepacety et B retisb rsee' Ti ewdsg a tebsu ent-tont ie eY hes xV anese, 1or Japanes-e subjctas in Korea, effeet wist -which pe on the shoii- 25 m-iiles, anti fsj _7-oa Ç baiteMasFumsaati, Ka, s-uto woma b was-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ic we- sapu aktsog u inanti at tht' untes-ara. MCCall I55 )miles. At Ain ccpu-t adt es'l.upstn sfna mur, th>et'r ther day, some Geif-an 5iPte- o.81,Lde'Dseý uj1,00pioes sra,1,0;Cm their foot supply la coacennetd. tiers let't a ma-.igcou ni 6 sizes, 34 te 44 bust. Price, 25 brai, 7,174;, ant ifson Cambrai te s-antowrti tlem, ff riu thas d- cnts ., Mon, 2,826. prsoes ecietth'gi't t feyeus-lattensmcaIl elsu- O h' onn t h'Keep Youir 'H' ealth prsete ntier 'eut Otataiitteee ates-s my ha btained On thse Last Day ofWas-. wouldn't, be havin' an-thing to do t'romtheMcCaîî Co.,70 Bond St., Qlck hei2r a-ltit for--NGT R iwith tiens!" sait tht' Iriassergeant Toronto, Dept. st'iW., 3~lîn(tt Mn who toit the stosy- What a contmat tht' îs0 IiP.F«C.L.I., ..R' tett'lcaiite s'-iiy e'ts andt1tht'14tir.Battbalion, ut' tht' Seventiss Lin iln Bohe lu cnptivîy HRCEt0 TELI ZRBi a't ttck_1ed 1t Mous. Tht' City A Debt .Repaiti. was actually captus-et by thse 42nd fus- tînt Cold anti Tireti Feeling. Our prisoners unanim ,ousîy testify1, As a reanît et' aný interview with tht' Battalion anti tht' Princeas Pat's, anti Get Well, Keep Weil, te th itna hw utim~ C :,ar, as well-ns.fs-oas vasions othes- the R.C.R.'s aise bat some troupa ii pnal l civiliana in lielginas. The pensants sources, Chasles Greene Cumg'ton, M. entes- tht' City., By eleven o'çiock, tht' y usiag tht' OLD RELIABLE. daret blows t'som tht' rifles et' thseD.prvticetttseUvriyu' timeý the, armistice cameý into effect, MINÂRDtJ',S LNIMENT CO., Ltd. guard, anti, risk 1 ev fns e Geneva anti Fellow ut' the' Royal Se-I wehati establishet a line, five kilo- Yýa-mouth, N,. ps-'a bent .itotieane',tto' i'ýy ut'Medicine et' London, etc., basinmets-es eastet' thse city, au that in pniunrs snrcin troghtht' ivtn. ns tht' toliowing sketch which' indtaya thse Canatians ativancedi RIVETLESS SHIP. Villages. A nti un theis- long tramp iviii nuotiebt ps-ove ut' intereat: thistyail. tis-ougli Belginaun ,theis- way te tht' Tht' moat mas-keti traitoet tht' Czar On the' atternoof ut'tht' lth, Lieut. Largest Electrically, Welded Craft allieti linet, atter tes ibrtotht'we bsasouelc t wl oe-Ceneral, SJLAArthurCnr-eanti bis Du!Ilt nBiain. pisuners tvsdt strl ntt Persunally isfiin to goveru 801 staff matit a trinaspha,-nt ents-y into hes-e lias been mudli discussion ut fo ot anti dclthingtsei given thens grent, a courts-ry, Nsqcboias II was aiso! Mens, anti were welcumeti by thon-iteaott'fasbiyutuldn by tht' Belgians h h'twsat i nonitat up'nsu'altinsanuija ot' civilian s i Mnst tiemon- eiectricaiîy -wceti dsteamaiîpa anti lages ths-uugb wbich they, passei.-j anti pensons. Weak ut' chas-actes-, thtie trative' wny. Genes-al Cnrs-le ps-c- thereby avoidiag thet tme anties-pense Tht' Boche treatet bis prisuners asi Czar waa botis n fataliat anti n mystic,~ senteti to tht' City n Canadianu fag consumet Inla iveting. Fs-oas Engianti ia ba-mined rstie ouldnet reitanti whesî affaira ut' Court os- state titi tieti te a lance, which auw bas a Cmswr ftecmltoo bis cattit'. Ht' bat treatet theas net go well he believet he was aban- prominent pince in tise council chans- rivetless 275-ton barge, supposediy tht' rmonstrously te tht' cnt of tht' chaptes-. donet by Cuti. Tbis nlways increas- ber ufthie City hall, Tht' botyguartilreteetiai-eddc-f efs Ht' bas not even soisght te leasen sug conviction since tise Manchurian ut' tht' corps Commanders- xa sec- produceti. It is 125 tt. oves- ail, anti 16 the' exensplns-y ietrihution which tht' Wnr pasalyzetd ail bis snitsatsve antid tien ut' tht' St Imnues-ml Lances-ýaalf o beam. Tht' ll isl rectanguflar Allies as-t going to exact fs-enshlm by annihilatet tht' ittl it'a-i powe'r -hich et' ahum wumt' the, Mous Ribbon anti. nsaking atequate provision for thse s-ch stili possesset. Ail foreignera whe were nmoug tht'at to leave tht' cty lats eion auvd.ipAOly wthe-ige patriation eft'hie prisuners ut' war. approachet hlm in 1916 gathes-et this on Auguat 22, 1914. jolate s bearg ushelates-ticont Hebs ust t ndthensérif.thse impreso. I xliste ense wth it ws 'a Mnstat teBrtihtinueusly weitiet un bt aides, a-hile I e ndtesikas-pad etthm h s ih laI n a-dishja ht rts a-ilatith'sikalke nt ett inswich ihon I ledoe bisiegan fi giting lu tht' war antiit a-as !thuse thereatter art' tack-weideti on te sit' t's- heaseles.power- anti tht' absolute absence utof e- tseaar cadet. Ibrougieut ailI Anti aheu tise German popeas-e, ny.effort on bis part te recoves- Pos- iltht' ad,,aie( inraluabie assistance was ont' aid. Tht' pf roapmtet0 an callet te acornt fus his irnhuTnsn session of',it. When thse revolution out' given by tht' Canatisan Railway-fyIen.in tise nd f10 per cent. i n n- peat lafus- packin g anti prstatsviug tiv ut' tpock prcue, anO, tesnclu ne et'tht' rick aallaanti peisisable foots, sncb ns fruits, veg- r, f1ltCexp(nei launrInt'ett tables, buttLies-anti eggs. Even meats igbo-ltaitei"algb ie 0rC, et'thr'di hee. a g.gaot sisn sUi'lqiicoaat tht' Partl ar1eýment Plan." 40p1t a-st1unhgil h'S reetbmig anti fiaihave been shippeti for great ar tlat-l fote'afurniture c- asduLnmn ue 5t2D~ distnce supeat fibre, 'arri£lng in Write fref-e copy. store 500ft'ttfs-un tht'pua-es- plant, m --t =e perfiect condi tion, tisanka tu thsepecu- lie< rnnig tsl tt' ulis oPree13rUs mloesxh'aepyn lias-~ee pinsethatie enlîtie ut'eht' -,o, ýisitwaik liai0 Tanpotaio Bihinetsc'met n ht steo1tie ramet.prot"d'da jint y hoGP eamnt Copes lasat t i' ht'meal isst MONT REAL - . -Q___ o.31 STUFF FOR MAKING PAP!-R. ClIppiaiga tfomthecoa.1cLre contribute JIm)portanitly ti the supply of raw mateial for imaking highi-grde pape-. It is just an instance of waste- eliMuiation. Asbestos makëres an excellenýt ppr whicli, being, fireprç,of, imiglit e, on mend itself lsighly for deeds aindIothlerj valuable documents. But, unfortunate- ly, no process lias been discovered by whicli paper of this material can be made that has a simoofli, hard ý,uýrface to take ink ýfrom a peii withiut blur- ring.- The ivntrwlio solves this puzzle lias afotnaainghm There will neyer bie a reai paper famine, because paper can benmade eut of almost anythiag vegetabie. It Ia - een marnufactured frosu banana beaves, pineapple leaves, beanstaiks, cabbage-stalks, cat-tails, hay, thistie- dowa andi even mummy wrappings. Sugar-cane refuse makes good pa- per:, cotton staîkallkeýwise. 0f these maters-lical-çulable quazitities: are, throwa aw <ay àanually. R ice ats-aw aP.d flax stalks are, available for the same purpose; alsu .tle wild hemp that -rows- over vast areas la the Soutli-west. .Wlieat straw, rye straw, ont straw anrtî bas-bey straýw make fis-st-class news- papes- and printing paper.1 There are alw fs lenty ofrgaforv makiug Ihigli-gradCje pps-.Why, thenl, aill the receat fusa and rising ps-tees? No reason at ai except that we laivej not yet leas-nedI to utilize, the available I raw mates-ls, which, once turned oe proper ac 1count, wll rende- it unneces 'sas-y to draw upon tl fos-ests for pulp. HIRAM JOHNSON, LTD. The oldestesalhe Raw Fur Dealers HIOHEST MARKET PRICES FAiD Satisfaction guaranteed to sh ippere 4107,St.PauI St. Wes'f, Montireal The HIghestPrv te us, ro su c atsty We pay hehigh,ýeat pue ioexpressý T4mr nn. n you are assured of AB-BEY FURGoMPANY 310 81. Paul W. Mentreat, P.Q. ~5eac:Bank of Hochelaga, ilt. Henry. In business for 80 yeara. rCure for Pupies "You don'tneed mercury,potashà or any other strong rminerai to cure pimples lesedby poor 1 Moç4. Take Extraçt of RQot=- druggist calis it ,"Miother Seige's Curative Syrup-and your skin 5wiU clear up as fresh as a baby'.. It wili sweeten your etomach and 5reg ulate your howels." Get-tise s enumne. 'Oc.and $1.0OBottles. Atdrug stores. Seind yo6ur RA TO q Seig manufacturer& and not buying to va- tell we alwaysass.ure the fairest grading and thse highest market prices. Quicis returns 1 No price jus issued but we guarantee to hold your skins separate until you accept or reject our off er. 6 -~-~4 -~ POU UALE EQUIPPE» NWBPAPER iÇfor $1.204on a.4ek *unie Bot 46 W EEKLT NIWSPÂPEt OR SLZ Y'l êWli cii $2.000. Worth double thet amourt. Apfly J. Il_.CO eWilson P~,U1mhng e..Thn Te.crontl C CER.TUMORS. LUMPO. ETGý rut Palu by ouf home treatm-eua. WrItoi 58ll b*tore te. late. Dr'. I8, UMeUe About Boys. Show me the boy who nev,,r threw A stone ot somn,,ýe's cat; Or neyer hurled a snowýball swift At someone's high silk hat. Who. nevgr ran âway from sehool, To' seek the sipighol1e ; Or sîyîy from a n igho's yard Green appies neyer stole. Show me the boy who neyer broke A À pane. of window glass; Who neyer disobeyed the siga That says "Weep clff tht' grass," Who neyer titi a thousaýnti things That grieves ýus sore, to teil; And MI show you a fittkIe oy Who must be far from weli. It is estimateti that the' money se- quired to settle ail the slieswho desire te ýgo on to theJan in the State of ictoria, Australi, '-1 Pli psoh- ably amount to 20000 INSTANYP.Y kRE LEDWIHI KNQKSOUT PAIN THE FIRST ROUIND Comfortingrlif rom paig inakes SIoan9s the Wcrld's Liniment This famous reliever oi -rheuîmiat*c aches, soreness, stiffness, pain-f l sprains, neiuralgic pais, and irost other external twinges that hmot sifiessf rom, crijQys its great sales because itpracticall neyer fuails to bring peyjofot; eif AIwy~sreay fr u'S~taïkes littie to enerat wthet rbbizgandl pro- du-ce rsls an eehn.Matie iii~ Caniada. At ail drugstrs A lag ot, n ecOG.o$1.20 ThhEn dy BIlir or Thidckand Heaithy? A sclp car by C--uticura nsually ineans thickc, gbossy iri1 Frequent shampooCs Ia-ith Cuticia Soapas-e ex- celn.PrCcueitanmI Spoos'y touaches of Cuticura Oiaîment s-o spots of dan- druif, itciing anti irritation of s-li scalp, Nus-ing bettes- for tise com- plex-ion, hais- or atn Sample Eaçh FreQ by Mailý, AsIdress peet- Card: 'Cutleura, Dept. N, Bose-n, U. S. A."» Sd by dealera tltroughont th,'vor-ld. Goronado Beacuh, Clfri FISHING, BYADSR AHN Wvrite fur Wirter olde an Gol Proram JO0H N J H ERNANrl. MNage