Newspuperd-vertising Sold Victory Bonds -t-OI)E tise war, odbyr ere "rnarked men'~ In number thywee4000 uMac, 97-this is shown bý-y the nmber of urcasrs f tseGoverunenýit War Loaniï of that date. But in te aturu ofthesam ye, thffeir numbnincre,:rased twenty time-to820000 Ths ws te nmbe puchaingthe Victory Loa, 117.Las nint-No-vember, 1918-over 1,000,000 persons pnrchased the VînIcr a, 1918! These woierUi re;4ults; were"accomplishedt by Press Advertising. Betretis war one-half of- onr, per cent. of our people bought bonds. Nowq~itetwelve and one-haif per cent. of ont' people are bond buyers! IBefore the stupeudeus amount of $676,- 000,000 w erth ef tondse couid be sold te, car Canadian people lu thréee wceks a mo4 tborougb anti exhaustive cailpiguà' et dociton ae ec~sayand th;,e can- pagawc rried t!iouigh bv adJvertisiîn lu thËublic press. The power of, the pintcd viord neyer baci a mtore con vine- iug demnutration. Ey mneoitbe pineor(-, thirough th.erymonit n fadeitrtiemet lutre trctiî ca lucsa n ed ndt, atiedby- fore, and during the campaiga--inada- rerîseent. IKe argument w as ever- looketi. No selling point was negiected. The result je that Canad-Ias today are a nation of boatiholders. Tlîey know what a convenient, ente aad profitable form ef invcstmient bonds are. Instead ef one man la twe hundred own- iug bonds, now eue Cna in aeight- mewemen asud'ecildren,-owae a Gev- eromeut Security. Ti'îj comnieta transformation in the national mm-d and hb1swa: about by advertising in the pi( nation. Iresadveýrtising bh by which a man's reason oai cd and directel. The Miniter ef Finance ack thie, Hie ewa w'ords are: "The wontiarfuPl sucees eFthte Loan wae due la large measure to the!'(te:resOf Canada)1 splendid and uutiring efforts turing Mr. E. R-. Wood-Chairman oet the Dom-ÀiinExecutivei Committee having ocverai campaigo ra eVtr oniisad'. hepeepublicty campaieng, as oeecf ïîh-cnocý'stemrkabe at', fi lent uu b! ict camuý.tpàigne ever undertakei n jean, andi Mr,.1. 1, i, Vice-Chair man cet the samé ecomrniittee eaid. "I have baeen selliný a long lime, bu1 ee on it Sneaesy te sellthem ase at this tim". The reason is tl wor th Prsebasdou.1 take ofmybtot the Press of Cqnada". The csUCCess of Victory Loan, 1918, and the knowledge whiî <,d ians now possess of bonds are a srih calneto the n d Ubtshepo crdftis pinedwodWi teior (o1aVerth~ to sýeli goods1ýýýý-and thisappliesnot> to bonds adone, but ta ti HIHSCHOO)L NOTES. maiubrs $ heboard, who bave cenlistet fo vresservice arc these. A. ake,. Beith, G. Beith, B. L. Mer,R.BrG C. Bornycastle, A. H. Bones],C.E.Bounsail, C. Bruce, '.G, R.CniuerJH Çaî, E.F Carr,R.W Clr-C.ECo, an Coeley, FbeencCoutr ' ouis D. Davieo , R G. Diciuson, F. Dudley, L.DmsT ustan, E. A. Ulot J . Eliett. W. H. H. iFewbe! .Frelni G. Farneombe. W, Gbson G.F. Cibfllan, J. F. Gale. N. . amey,' R. C. Hamblyn, A. Hady, . . ltiginbotbam, E. C. Hoar, W.Ho, ughes, E. Iluglies, E, Hoar, C. Ives, Contpaio éstieffs ye bse flion ndY ndh" ~Con Fia jG. Linton, *W. E. Lockhart, A. utn A.T, LvIe. A. A. Martin, C. H. Mavuard, E. Mar- nard, C. R.Mcr4auýh G. MeClelian, G. Wîv. McCGiÎLD, D. , MacClaren, *A. E. Mc- Laughlin, ýN.* MeCrimmon, C. W. Meath, J, A. Meath, H, iMingeaud", L. P. Min- geaud, C. Muttea, A: A, Nicliolîs, W. H. Nichilis. J. W. Odell, H. E. Oshorine. H. iPenningten. W, F. Qoick. j N. W. Reyinolds, N. H. Revnýolde, E. W. Rice, R, H. R icharde, F. M. Reb-1lin, E. D. Rowe, W., Redman, W. Re~k 1L. Sanders. E.. Sanders, H. R, Sanders. M. R. Sneen oeî adroS, B. Scobeil, H7-. Sharpe, W. ,C. hrpA, J. Shaw, C. E. Soucb. C. Taylor, J. Tait, A. W ukr 'F. J. Van Neet, H.'A. an Nýest. H. A. Washington, D. C Warnica, R. W W"îrica_, *H, P. Werry, P. W. iý Wetway , 'A. C. Willlamc, L. F. Wilson *'R. A. Wilsoin, N. Worden, M. P. If any namaes have been omitteti frein Ibis list kindiy baud îheam te Principal W. HO_ýC;KCE Y NO0T ES ICan Mr. Twylor explairi t-i rgrapli which appearedin lethe Vroanto Star ? 'Awelb known Toronto referee went [town te a sinal 10-wn ni the east te mc- i~ ~ ~~~~' feFi oky rth ter the match lie ase preseruttiwi si-n egs. Lots etreereos anti umpiave ~abacc pre- ;eite wilîeýggc at vari7ons limes, but whcàzn they icceived tlîam they came lu varions quantitias, and acre et varions vinag---uetly 187,wîth cobwebs. This rere got is - AIinlua buntle-anti tbîey were fresý, ïHalegel a dçze-n in the buncli. Any mr uogate a dozen fresh aggi for rggr ainane cf hockey le being decidediy wcbi paiti. Next vear mrtaybe an 0,nnen eIbaO H. A. misî~--preidin theyc..melu sandardi. et ~ ~ iý inaueetsdnt siup and tioîatadlucowrs, I'he Jhlirl wasoigai called svou o th thîuî, ton Ctumblo, a ~ ~ î3 'uei me.:c n ans first carvati en5.'.itles mara su ace oruri mte a f ilion ndt br~e, bu in ouî Aatvlylate years they hae I e ~nado oglt, silver, 0tee, bra.L~ ryant avu gass anti detachmants tbcy acrei bauds at tl troope pres, baatiniý, as anti ace nandolus ce, nesseti thea II Mrs. Doncaster bas old ber millinery s brougbt businîess teMirs. C. Rettie. we-s ef the Ul other Graves' WrmExteruiluator ias justifled wll d'rive wersfrmth yee iheut injury te the chýid, bcausez ite actin, est metlîod w---------efetiv i ml- be înfluenc- -1% H. Junker, Manager Or-ono Creaýni- erv, le aI his home in Oxford Connty. Mi.A*bcrt Wr-ight, EnLtrprise, dieti of heart faiiure at home e t 1James iRanibeiry knowldgeeJan. 7. Herbert Cameron, DaLrlin ýtn, as been leoking eover Clarke fau zîsý with a view ef investing. Warts are uiisightly beîseanti cerne are painful grow.,ths. Hlifoway's Cern Cure will rç!meve t*1em. Mrs.CampcllTorotois visitinig ber btirsand',:atcrs, Mme10. Sco-tu, Mu EL aud James aud William auie sght of teurt Mon a u noeca ai ...willnearlv 50 years agc by N. N. fIai!, and ..wil raakanoth2r man has a pair of b3ots 30 yesrs ny country',eb, g bands for A PowFR Oi? TS OWN-Dr, Tho mas' hir, sp!;endid ÈiEcÊciç ic 01bas a ýsubtilg pow>er of its oethaot otheroele canuot preîend te, 11iougli there may pretenders. AiU hohave ueed il kuow this and keep it by och Can- th-im as the Most valuable liniment avail- ian who abet uses are innuýruerable ai-d for man-,iy vears it bas, been rized as the ~emntle adîng11.-liniment for imaýn and st ,e goods M WtVr. FieldingNwatlw~l 0J1'- vit pneumsoiaat i pass-jasway on WSuntiay wpek. iaad'ýï -UC, (lArnton4Or , tiFank gang kT112 aanip îards Get Colore.tretofrîîwdttcfrmahabs ic ceremouy was wituessed nehiiucntîe b aeiearned te on Jauuary 7, wheu tweuty'Rmtv eet .t~ elta en the varions Guards' Bat- pet eta-ylepac îfd is truc pcfi ived aud were received by m i1hte eilthhat it wià l aiwaysde bof theunits fer which a i ine m ukrs ca, I e avenet yet lutendeti, accompanieti by learnedhw safe yen ae tis prepýaration the ralreati statien. The at hani g--t it to-day ani k r'ow for yeur- seuteti arme with drume self, the coloe were unfurleti eorne along the bine. Tee- If yeîî are a stene, be n magnat; if rovds ef inhabitauts wit- yen nre a plant he tesniiepat iurposiug cerernouy. - if yen are a man, ha icîve.-Victer A British ai:acan an Est Afrien as forceti by hie daiby routine te fly evýer uaarly eixty miles ef dense unpepulated bush-a higbly unluter- i estiug bandiscape-anti bacir again. Tic' machiné wuld jog lng l- ldafluitaly without attention frein the f 71' - Hugoilot,"n lii'e caiiie Umtinctly oor- A gntia as pidrswhih sin "Whrat is it Puts t1e ile on the iý "We hit on the happy idea of taking transit, uid on several occasions wc w webs on> tel 'iýhaue, and telegr'aPI faces." Amibersin ake."lil teil Up with usi seicctions fom our limït- li,-wt i ls ý eý n wJrés beavy enough, when wet with, yo what *pute the lines thè'ee, d library. One book read iu the air took alngwthu afls o ea aC,~ dew to cause short circuits. Eugene sajd'. "Age putes some and was Rider Haggard's 'Ayesha,' aTi nd uc a delgtu itnma f-~ adiv~a h ol You can dean the whitc painted 'troUble puts some, andrwork puts lettuco and cuMostbcr saadx;±hos t teiusandmceteorv-Brood woodwork beautifully if you us aL1e but the deepesït are darved yl glanc over the side of the fslg warm -ater and spread a ltl wi-ic cfaith. The sereacee-t brow ile and sec the very co7r aou ngiandiu usmig papý-r ei-velop ~MmrPie Si Ad bx, ing over the cleth, then rnewthteoethat belice-, the wrUý hil, b tisthrilling romance islewoven.wl'eh can be tur-ntd lucide n (dd'gi{ rn dip--peî'ictt clear- wac.BohTr~go,"Letters were rcad audi ttuin , mai; ,todo seivice a s"cond n. icoTSIt e. --F- --- - - - Foi' been 25' years Caiada's Lavor-ior25 uears the biggecStselr " rernber, ( n wflva l.5 "Jt's Al RCght e _________________ - - - ---------------.---- il ,)89 CASGRAIN STRE-fr, MO'NTRýEAL. "la m ry opinion, neo theýr nedI'Cine is 3o curative for Cntpainand Indgestion as 'ri-~ie' 1 was a sufferer froým theise com. plaints for five yers and My about a kind ofIn.t«lPryi; ziMh nasiy Headac/ie, blhig drowsiness after eating, ýIyad ain lu thie back. 1 was înduced to try Frgi--tives' and now for six mou thI haJ -ve beau entirely weiI". A. RO$ENBURG. 50e. a box, 6 for $.0 trial size 25c. At ail dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Lîited',Otaa ORONO <Frorn the.Ve) Frank Boweni headàed the poili at Port Elgin for couecillor. Clarke Fuel Controller's services have been dispensed wi th. and mdpiîed bou; itafet a con- siderbule part of tecnetv tissue under tàe tskLia, an" usailycîpes ou thle surface lu ceve-rLplaces Gen- eraii'y it is causcd by the sm.gem that cauîse boite. I+ is- ac ore S-rious conditioutn abehoweer for catttoals ptneaccoin- parîy it, aud it may 5 depress the vital prs Orof the areadyweakenýed patient ais teO caisseaeat Inua gir- ,eu case it is dfint.-te say whýy a carbuacle chouIti -li ater than a blexcept that the forn-ier is more likeiy teo Qcur in persons who are al- reaýdysuifer u'ng frein stine debilitat ing d.uîseaise, such uis dýiabÉetes. It begins as aniýnflammînationi deep down ini the los e connective tisei beueath the skin, atfludiug it gro-wth uncvavd obstruct by, the! theeeiskin, it burrows, e1Ve~w until it flnds a favo-rable u>ppruit y, te cor. ne te he surface.A îcarbuLncLe is moat iikely te formin l places l'ike: the ba o f the neýck or r dean in the bac,(k, wbieîe the skin je thicki but it may occasJorlally coi-ne.ou the arin ior the face. The firet s igns Are those cf a ha- ginning hoil-harduess of the part,j redness, somaîitimes a liîtte itchring,I and gradually incrcaîii*u, pain 'ani teuderneiss. T-hýe Lsku, îeddedandi býoggy, le raiset sl-ght'ly ov er a- mec or leas extensive area, prtaps one or two iuches wide by two or- three luches long Annd miaýf open lun oue or twe places, giviag exit te a' littuis sticky, clear or yelloviîsh fluidl that siuou dries aundfoi-ns crusta tover open:nga. There ls a 4tlïviug buruiag pain deep beunth the sk iî; and flnaily, if netnLsete ar buuceeopeusL at severai pints gi- inge exit te the conta ined ps; t he epssthe irbele surface of tl'ecar uce.The- coustitutional ipt areý often severe-fever soreým.- .e silight chills, hearache-, rpipulise,1 loss of appet-ite, aabevy coated1 torngu7e. Dea,,th imaýy ocrfo drain ou the ia freorbot p9is-oiling miay eeopfen bop tion cf the toxýins or cf the g-inis i In, the e.amly Stages hot or coild ap-1 plctosgive soîneý relief; but vwhleu m'-utter bais former, a physician dhut open the carbundle frecly by cross- shaped . or sfar--esh!aped cents htg deep into the inflamed tie, aud then dires s i t thntepialc- tions. Theeu tngsr esu- letetdby ctigor a Co'edte openeiputaeouiybuit is Lina se wheua pysIianmakes ealy inci- sibons, LrIS9RÉL'Y FLYING Tes and Sandwiches 6,000 Feet in the The "Welceene " aig silb ehg utedocf the Salvatien ýrny ôoselsi- ten te reepit hilWi beodily -DONT u tr ies utebys'f -acp hr The ESialaien Amyr appeal ea MduiDoll!asufr tv- -tienArpr has nia e -urel appeat oreuntcnet.kpue Ug lu the seltctcine? asdaa ei rtuêln rbii S ~ th lomncoz u e r beyste gîve nauta gi;e libraiy: Whu- ics ine-a c opîyetCud&slaatffh -e hr or over HIRQ, thre le worKfP7 the Séavaou Aoy Lasie The wearywati, udthe'--iaved d-cjplle epli duge that MUST bcuade gane, a-ppy sinieud a cern fortable body beiçe ckep troubleat a distane. Do net let the Hestels chut7or lck c,"uaa Jaua yCI 1h b pout "Firâ t evéLs ~Apïà?a'- A 1WORD ABOUC TE HSTLS!Hae yu cier beený lucide a Salvatien Army Horde? if anet, aaa ret=nrrd nan about the Hsel uParie e on oot, aitn or ay othere thareteh hs sae roe E Let EHMtel yen aboletirheREAUL ihdeewmecoobdag, the frid egge, aud botas eeeand hnt baths.if he kuows yenl very wllerygieynahmatabou thespir itual co iot eSavtcuAmyLsir iv hseae far fron Treasurer Toronte sd OutAl: W! EDMUND WALKER Bani cf ommeceSt. John, N.B. Treasurer NovaScta DONALD NMGLLIVRAy BnetCru ,ce, Halifax, NS. COMüISSIONER RICHARDS, id4 -20 Albert St., Toronto