____ Iii' comi '~~~~,' ap." the fronct the f veterate c reir O AE FES IP -- ~~ Lcaning over tl' driftar's side, I metschw:o nimo.cra x î-st - i u ceui diceri pt~'iesof oil isifg *ill est.. There la evenfod hma aroud They cain up icn quite tiny wio must have hus celd- ba every , J oins xvhch radobig,' many-hued mnernîgthtiii mug an littie Int infusio-.n is worth eve ,y cent c irciec aste pcdwdl fe vtr are hîs orciy toilet _csoî. reachiug th srfce He is known te faume whe, iosing ail ai î,ri~Ir "She lie?- thre sad the ci, pper_ éise, enierges. triunmphantîy flreom Wr 1fo Cahl etott.ýtr'c "Oii's evecyi Syru f4cI v.OlO 'or autîPc ene e bthc thee wirîi ors olga vio;mpNr week, Se natthave been chckf i is ho trnknown who wîl practice the Olireoex i udt ~iî u of It," iatest revue songl while hic coinrades toehalyvrlnfocr uc'l"rI - Pie LAyu etbe? can think cf notbing else, but lmmin-~PEXII GOE _______________ m ie ~~~~~~~"Declth cha gi, And thon carne ot deatlî, Evecr the. chocs fiendst 'n.. COpo"R .ocrl Ob i t. Ath aev:vives. Two such, liavirg failed te con-1 u "A U-beat, newiy comaisc -d luea gane piay7ed at odd nmoments >,u'anlcrs. hscdcn ct of i _7'le ut onceîOed acfd gs j~Ioted o and just start.d upes a oaecths oughout tho day setell thoîrseives! odSgrCmetln piracy, iad tried te steal past env on the parapet- xxbrc tie light wa.THE G ANJF ftial, and Vr"y wore sot d'.scgnetd te s~ driftor socatinels in the drnssBuj soinvs ets iaii hetec LIQO T ligt ln the lino ut ail. the kce, nover ioigee f Àh beow Ahih explosive choul rudeiy' Speed th.e Laoi Thing. igtvac"pkebrup Ottm inae the ganse by blowing the, i cLoi ihrcmc up bis rcquire- went the cr11, and in responce te it "àntagoincsts into the trench and scat- 1 THE I7IRST MAXIMi GUN 1 YST S mntalu he erd, "pee an bovythe hucîters oncie ced their qnarry, tering tîce chessmeel Unhurt, this E gunt in Noe worbnd Seer aredv Vnciy che tried te escape thiei îrrepressible pair pici-cd theniseives Th a ne sFrtWan 'saOt LOSS0F 3BHITSH CUISES g s beore.At Crone theby dîving- and deehiing. Big cylin- ep sud immediately f el into a violent r paSct LOSO 3BIIH RIER emn overwheimed our cruisers dors fiîed vith deadly explocive drep- altercation as te the respective. AT ATTE 0 JTLAD bcaue hcyhudmor mdem hoo-ped îlrei their docks, torturing the strength of the positions reached he- Whcecî the laVe Sir EHi'ans Stcvec - gence s atterie. The Goti Hopewater 'irto a boi%$g fury on ev ery fore the abrupt stoppage cf the gaine, Mýaxiruc wusabeopic sar Jee,- atre.TeG lHp Onta baud. Thbis continued until the hen- T ces, in the face of reai enthesiasin, 1netsc' heuse ins Broekilyn lived a phy- Zo Thut~i Vesseis Werey Sua, bes oad th oi l. -,nie on -n g nbu tors siere certain that they haid made a high explosive sheli couid stop Vhe sician who had a preVty serva ît-girc. Wl ThoyTa esl ëýeSn Yof the 9.2's was kîseckod out, and the »a "kili." gaine, but couid net decid tis isu., 'stecsono h oiea @ M ~ Hav yo ge an otursde th onsu Ith vs t Vusom of y tbshe 'poetcea ra A sombling Crdite a Turrets icn position was hopeless. The' Scbarn- Mc""aeyugtayohr? opyhsrset r Doinc fth eulaties horst and Gneisenau bad 8'/2-nch \ skdJ Ithis maid î ie evening. Young that gufianc Bigý gusonnsees.e b "Yes, therce's quite --lying bere l'or ~ liSMaxim spent seme time at an up- >One of the geat cytro f the Vaineti ut the cost of, ainong other The pin tecks àn the skirt anti abouts,' repîjt he skipper', indicat sur idwsih i e-hoe war is the ioss of AmriBeatty's Viings, heavy deck armer. - i1eves are very now, atnd the neck ilng wltb bs bani narron', stretch- in hi adbçý ngp t h o threo great battie cruser- Qucen iTicere were other considérations stays-_ Coeitarless te caýrry ont tise8 of sea. l i.1~l aii is and blFing peasie ut the po C - Mary,~~~~~~ th licaman.abl Fînailyne hoal battemn se 611Ivuaýugioenoaint Mar, te Ideftiabi ncd Vise Icn- 'that sveighed lu favor of the design. inrnsM alPutnNo89, eudsrgnecslton The Li-nient tht urles .A1 adept ut, the gentîs art that hoe couidnu vincibe-in the hattie of. Jutland. The bighest naval authorities con-, Ladýies' Dress. In, 5 sizes, 34 te 42 the seul of thle _Kaiser te leurn thehith waloth doo's oueC, iTler of these inugnificent fighting teiramplateti a certain maximum range bt.Price, 25 cents, nubrnentieneti, theugh it' * as Almns bve the atis f . the levetrs ands sbîiis 'sero lest early lu th e engage- of actýibthenmyaiprvei big enougis te bie a fine testimonial IJcueVs usV rpo hn.Te c nin iti - 'w-cinte c -ahfor-a I gun , evuien givilg-5 -i1ic foils jh policeman biaîne n mi bey Thoe other, the third being sunk laVer lu, longer range. A rc-,narkabis andi lit- 'ltlls ilveti ni! r n bruee eto the day. Ail three sank with great tle known fact le that a shoul froin _' -.H L R LA L-Ty ' Uvt L-- vegac of tis hrs 1rapidity after being bit, tise suggec- the Emden struck Vhe bridge cf tiseiMIAD LNMETC Lt, inai tiisettecchhm cfF tion being that their magazines were Sydney at a range of sixteen miles. 1E1 M GC L Y amuh ..bth oe oniteyuhi o.Sp expiodeti by a iecky enenîy shot. The shot svas 'a iucky one, but iV con- î sessio cftein snnigshoe Cfl~NÇ~ IFT 01frWonderful! or tieamunuto nhm Vuloscc cin tcoreshve Thee alu of gn power- And' srs ouseepe n'a sone been advanced as to i 'lat occurred,. The value cf gu owranispe .b but tise Pull MalGzet professes n'es deonstrateti ut the Fulkland 1'l tepitregilr. to have obtaluict frein "a source cf Wf -l iN E tIslandis. By 'virtue cf tise speed of mvitoshef ilprrascusRý7X ü hnmecai uhrt"a xln is chipa Admirai Sturdee reaciseti bis inth_____egaley unimpeachabi uthoritj" anexpiana- ~ ~"TIcat officer there in uniforni," she_____________ tien cf VhL r fcc h ors destination in ine, anti by virtue cf podn alec 12m.w some nesv puiighthtee Yeu simpily say Vo. the drug store saud, "n'as the great-great-granifa- bi ateofte akadIln s 12me. gune s o etémn'ts ofney man, 'Cire me a quarter of an ounce ther cf tise present osvner of tise pr. STOCKS on tse attc of Vce alka-c Icauts fotTheo ws n elniet c l1ck ..of freezonie." This wili cost very iittle Ps ty. Ho n'as as brave as a lion;, antian oher avalmattrs w inl Admiral Sturdee's achievcinent. J" " hav 'thrteresanei oscre jSoune day, Lord Fisher may be able x-or soft corn frein ouo's foot. mon. Hieof nover out a butunte l I Th~siningof iseQucn Mry telVel hew hoe kuen' of on Sp"e's A fen' drops of Vhîs non' ethor coin-ca oare e plana; hon', ou tise principie thut it Ipoanti appiied dire itiy upon a tendier n'iich hoe titi net base aiegorai0 witis 1,550 lives; tise Indefatigable, is nseî..cess te send a tortoise te catch aching cern sheuiti relieve the sr-carrnet anay."I Morelf k xvith 962 lires, anti the Invincible,'abrh ot h dia oVk ness lnstantiy, andi soion the entiro Thon sise atideti proudly: s'%Iitb 968 lires, off Jutlanti, on May a i odteAmrlt aecorn, root anti ail, tries up and eau bie "H ekpr utet-ors-Exchange, 8~1, 1916, bas novrbc xliei the Invincible andti ie Inflexible; anti lifted oct 'itli the fingers. gueiens. iu On 15 -1i06 TRANSPeORTATION The Adniiralty lbas remucnt iot hon', svith a fine klwwsledge of Vhs This non' n'ay Vo rid one's fouét of ___IEILiG undslnBritishs ailor's superstitions, hoc ac- corns n'as iutroduced by a Cincinnati anti it wns a'noticeablo fenture? of celerate th ie Atimiral'a tieparture laiman'i aatanlii reoe5 OE RES Ld etc els atne Sccir a gen' oveer vi al on Fritiay, sti1cisy, iV dries, lu a mnoment, anti suna- Rouit by Dominion Express Money jBONDS Ldeices ati Sir Dccuvti Bas oter o1oi3. aln piy elirivels nip the corn srithout lu- Order. If lest or stolen you geV your of Vise cui c hs threo migbty bat- W'a Logr hnExet.d ..Imiprg otr eve irritatlng tli, surrouTit- noney back. War~~ cngze tissue or sitin.te t1 rios When criticizing mruchl cfý thse non' Don'tj-, lot î ille dis cInfectieuor fi Rasu Varions Theories. Iconstruction cf flic earnly m oth f leclia -7 fron iitti at hic corus,-on Wisat actuuîîy occurret n'iîî neyer J sar--ant i nearly ail Vh - rîiiins uclpticeaniasli ryV. AGrnnrsoratia n'ouutic hoe kuesn -witIs absolute certaicrty, haergr etecntuto f This rin chmste reQ s tIse ole cf Vise Blackt Watcis n'ere bu th chrg peintetiit in fir anti CIe log 10 IEMHL UT 1- tougist Vo Engl,ýant1 on VIse sain ii. .IS~VL EI D W' b'Àh hrec iecliao iejtatpro-tms obmiil i vnr Tise German sciso bat beeon a Lanion1 Aýdinira1ty bas ain'ays been Vtth thtts a aie sse narue biis Iat ted s 1eoves. caI -k VsHhit flash igist doors cf tise ammiiuitioln tiens Votis A nCaà, lu ise bjel:fý PatLte£ No. 86741 Misses' Dresas. Lu Several Huntiretl Thoiusanti Deiais5 n'acter, dît noV lnon' te ighland or hoists were ut fut, anti that explo- ji that tise scar n'euid, os couli, not iasV 4 sixos, 14 toi 20 years. Price, 25 i Worth of Foodi Storet ila Custie. ia 'udt ninattt un siens in tise Vurrots causet by ereiny more Visan a periot very nmech less cents,. Tranaf or Deagu.- No. 798.i Th'e paternal solicitetie whiics Vise 'hy ie n'as cemîng bathck "Weel, ye ï,u hielîs comrmunicateti witis tise naga- than n'as goeniiay suggesteti ut Vise P'ilce, 10 cents, exI ie alassoe o is oe," saidth Ie soidier, "it's Vise mx rwlîLmî-scS, s raPQ ils5e eue zile,ýýn rsuledin hedes-rlctontinoe. Rapidity cf construction n'as Tise patteras cnay hoe obýta;nsietid etair peol' as sioe forics tisut n'ien a man 's kiliot tsvo tiscu oine ati ,ISu e nts etuto imperative, anti desgns xvere atiaptetifrei your local McCaii tealer -f Voueset ouran heuts but non' scefutt .,n I nimedîfied, in ortier Visat this i ght îfrei tIse McCalil Go.,,70 Brd .t., tiattie Kasrssyr.ipatsetie tours iolicisys, anti 1'm ne' 'anging ac Th--.sa lanee Vheery, but it is no mnore, crcdSa su chrctr TIekCrsia thin a Vheory, anî there is strong lo secureil It n'es cny n'iscp- L it h- Toronto, Dept. W, p 11Chîrea! presecnptive es'idence in favor cf an- came apparent Visat tise i's siae VîadsLnmntCrs~sees otiser. Explosions precededth ie sini.- i of Vise tierstien cf the ,n'1ar n'ose n'ong IîLmn -â-----us --- Brlne Tgeat uoosfrinVh sngcf acbcruse tiat s kosv. hutnon costrcton nteetiupo I THE TOMB 0F A IJ-BOAT Frankfurter Voiksticnme an uaccount abeni gealt- but tIsere, la very bigis nutboýrity for auother phase, anti a pohicy,-, n'as aceob-c cstWiemCre ebro hr ekr c u- na A1 fI teBorlis Workers'- anti Soitiers' charge of mnn'tion oreisn i tise heliEf isat tise explosions, tilt adoptei scci bas berne nnerfu Pths 011O Risiîîg AIl Areuciti Ceunicil, founti storeti an'ay ic tise land' as yet Thse iscale cf wa wao veiS I ay take plae la the magains fruit lu tise shape cf the British navy's Showed Grave of Suismarine KasrscsA.Cresrts naltae cniusiii eac f0 knTob Again 7, nust ho poînteti eut tisat Ivrnemigmht The German ne uchaieneabe evtieîceoxits.Admiralty, kuen' more Visan people ut Surprise anti a cbeery cal brougist ' I requostedt Visse on tuty Vo sison' tise isigh prices cf necessaries cf0fe-but1',weeai n but Vhs second tiseory c ie caust hfoere, andtihie future n'as destitute me on teck. For part of> tise "tark mebsMjssprvsoi-ioe frroigatmbie nIbb und abine, anta in a cule cf of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hus thrueou n'isicé Vhs hoIbervet, of Vise Impérial private Ghiefly frroigaticie n bb undbuadi opeo thoe gav tisaters is thut, (led- Tiemntro eti lse ftrifter bat maintainet lier neyer- houseisoit, noV of tIse court, n'hîci is imitation glaiss Visat rejencbies cellu- days brokeoeut iu a rush. cfe a mvestige , cf oeti classeg of a teclfrgnit s tt nttto.j arudbrcr sn a i fiance cf ail tusanti rogulatîins,ý tIssasg usuu vessela hav hae tes-e IIi hais cf her b d t but aninatet by intense zeai antiuni c iel scahils, v butn tis- jiee ptrol of he bautc bee seulte <laeoeThealt ih trutacre Fý 1 uhre ccorting Votis wkpe sas reatily sicon'u intoý tise large th opo, n ac- nscsity anti auxity, tIse officers -e- marîý j ' nee'un nbti store3rooms. I expectet te fiud a store àutrcp pesesaa plmnions pire- a. o e .m atlg, c -gun platform s" have o uc- m a n f y u Dé ir k o h t I appen , hl V n' a H er lu l r eois a .ar a he V1i I s e a teP I actiorn, bad assenblt in tise. Vurts______________________ble. hcoisîîaie, î up Vs blatsas eqeretiforserîn fr eaere frins. Tse -ainafr-ied bumetnet oc-y snif' lieve sesp dtrnl vrtigeecnpsil S getrles c tmret~ ah Vte gu r it nsy W be tis en ni n'ereo while conceiveei lum - tis n'ayt cfi fo t No, cerdetete fret.iàp ti Am's tseexers 'io ccptVie f u tro is."m- h essisuli W dye ie se tsege j- ocuetstatrfu yaco 'r 2 a'o ela rdn.itrebxe fCîcsaOun a i-eed aile Ilos ss'so re cor c e ta - t ble s ha r u i sE t oiR y'n ct er ca i al l orta n y lia ,o l P.rc r 0rc iý 1 t c V" . Lg e tr le ,G è fise isigis, eofgs Visesaut cfa thés orses evonînt ineos elf ortole Cuti. conelv 0n-i or ear ofwa orrýlîlýec tra oxep ant QiOnn inesume.t ~~his~o mnn~ueoie hse u n~ antio site vessels f en' tesg tunhet ver Vise tvave crestsrone M;atcbsn flatcfeta ~~onnan~~fo oamosI n orcaht aee bul a u itoVsed ster, ofen Sla amrauget lake apprete skipton, U_, S.i Ai Soît elfreywhere tn nicishoe 're iesgn anti hy tIs audei Tisets cf at-l" rt.1 bae so-1! ,U hag of pes ant Eea., tnietl Ça ) ctI ri"r Ve r ecd vorîi g tus t prsuebs iie emuyt uhe ai cneutrl iik fts a ieihs raas xrs haDmatncgit 's hsfisttra i eue insraugi desptin. Tisein non n'ho i ijost ,ý Vat ie usns are Cur Sdhafges.m olt.Drn lels or er ,w, n h Spferie"tac n'a tse maoecin osson- baveti n'oskets fc'n larde fouree yearsEcl, al d l'hi-, __________________charge, _but ji Vo proan e ourt "ses hel ti" for de ignts m l Ile th great tisets onfineci a o erm T y o ce at o re & sr -omigist tacSebenbul a cf t Vh o îhe Serc, cfýi thn S." valu cfl Vise tiefctio jins but must fee veryle koeuly tIse, atcsbY e{fItiuau oarszi,i -BBEY FUR COMPANY rla h iMary i rsn hof ern , rutple Jy plie arer nete ant ea ho -b, te 1eeec Bal c1 Holeaa t hu ,lmaguuag ee aele ________________ 1Indlar rae Iessriows 1utsnomat Hny ce sr .ot-avlu Olt dal ele Frrtilizers inecas What Yields Gaina bfrm en etiliiers ebtainrd lIn FI>pmi[ment 1Ire~s: OntanloAgnciua aelet iiin -- ,i1 -,tïS ain 132 w, ?rIail Shat a' ALeae o luyemui et. Mn- .b0asvhear ge edw d 1 ctlyV .1 iholO b nîrbutl t7ia aet isfieecuu heat t ~ ~ ~ W c e'iinSrtremnilcrc t o!i Co -ic'Tnii"co.nu Ws emcsv Wn. lioli ,eaoeeaa,721, I i I c Whresu fbowers3 l)icosanti sua- jTsyshine c treains, T-.ylait bis body, syben ho dieti. jHo iveti apart. freinm mrts and mn, Anti Sues the frientiiness cf trees, The brelat eo' npanionsi-ip cf skies, Ai t ýIse caressof tise breez, His klin it i s slut'n ~ s But -e n'ouit hed ihrh adiivoti As VIsesearoti ieaf tCps ofey doscri Aur"s! i s nsclO ut7sras" Anv csna v is ib ldcus fistutcmsnio 't ielt GeogL is, cereal dish This strdd food redsro added0."- cc, I or1 is~c ric mu -k or , c r, seuini a s a veaauist1n,,roei o bthe Go-mnnpEý"eope n ortier ti-at Vhior cicii nt ienchluschiltron 'Vile milliu taWd'teeby Vis' gace cf Goti' bot ot. The n'ireOss saio tCanar on, Wa'e s, bas succoodoti n seuig ss sages chearhy VtSdny Autralla ditacecf 100 ilsujù ha ýu' - 1fe ra A cinge ragetcsaýi tsapr due 0,00OngsTiT basVc' prCol,' abuto v-tîief hi ~edyour Basoajeurer.a ue' roi buyino e u el1saiaways enore hct fuiru-cicýaIn e LE CYUPA UARp fl ou ey pFular0-uJre capable3ndSuoarmakere. $1 0.~O ~fO.OOof ti o abl e ew a w Rded cos.in, 'o and jbfi or Cont in tst 1tt,20r0bonh. ukl e.ar xcular o'n li.q'hlng Cpable f makn icicLng NE eliuld ERtrobusy a ce. ma ill el $,00 be. Dead Rl r o B othwelll FOR SALEod (ný anThbernr n lat ne aer no~~~C, inuanecarid,50 .XII Gorc $1o0rn uik al. ox- pacýe. Wand sop $h000. Woreth doubl 1,-terna and eten.0curte wt inY b o u metrtet. Wlta Limied CllbnwoodOn pasisingofCisekersiea C âAlie- SaishPrion an te am L ittinal mor10.Belg ale eehfoi stmc orueea ftek~~î mldenuour f1od j( out theWnre' osts A N' lJ. H,-N N a aae 1