n ~ (Inaro, à%n.' M. A. a 1s PusFb1iiiers and Ptopr1t.or9. au,1e- Pe elnom, payablee,vne ; 0<after firsL threo months. B. 7. LtLEWJODAMD, CX3L ~owY~Nv!Il -L02f ' oarŽI cer m., Pltt*neb.K a large aotitiy! The ameindrstenis tot.ifederal constitutionpohbtg A ~ ri~to ithe prýo iso f tbf s ame-timent, it taikes 4ffect oneia il, ipeon i vifin e ld ?~oTithat p'roltitioù os the fse- mû her Of I..W.andBols'WhevismIf vOCCa had not héeïf Pyibied as a wa enur1 he conýeùd that REMMA ccoud hav6 beù nsied, The ontimist, who is in théeaent OPINIONS ON w ORLD PROBLEMS. CMCoiN MT Ceun vuWE Express 8 52' a- .- Lt~ress 4:22 a- m Express Ti o.m.,L a 847q.mi Passengei 3 28 p. zf.- P;ic'ngr T.56 p i. Local 7Ï-24 Li. -0Pan~ .'1p. llaiI t) 8 P. '1. Daily exccpt ý'nday. CAADANPAIFORAWAY (OIx Wn~IT GOINqoEUT i j e~ 51cpm. Erpress I2mma=, lTh.Dùe .'îrack hRo ute Agntre roîal cix x A l pydlicide Ucar ca es FarinersC oohopicpa a inas. Chriinîai3 fei50y!raa Carai3 n S ...aMA...........2 50Q ýc1ia0'JnViL N ..... .... e5 Tor ont? o ........... 16o0d News uui'r ramiers 20 pr11 ad,,wn.ds otrsv Antlty suîtt f Putyvne -1 wî-ilhry friends 'and custoniers a very liapy and prospcrousý New Year. J ne 299 Bowustaesiie k5s Cott~ Root Com~ouMu .~ att/e, rWntitc s'e.oeînUuîp ia~dieu'te~ Soid 10 ils-tes te' ~o~j $3,11NO. a. ta per box. triugglsti, or ceot ~ec5ipb et ~ice. THE COO% MEOftiINE CC, g. TOLOkTO. ONT. (Furuudj Wladîcs.) have bbemae metthfe dfci sa le of thse ~6fie tf'. P b llm na nmeroI om uite sary for oete otieu h slack of s aypae en lsd Thotel i ctesV'eN, ors iC) a;o, PhdlpQ aipoiit in ill bea nwatoig foxea Ler ecre iicag h manrc ivnorcmmi peh OLARLINGTOCNV IES EdiatorMA. Jaimlis ealy by- i-,,,rg fasiiy of the lateRichadd Einss iocipwhu came b C, 1a a abou b n ddi e oà;sw; z~Ceiotyfrn dsa roln aie, w1.c sefasiiilyfý geau IIi anad whe etie awr-fs là,da a 1e d.rOrthç - yfamilerh o eai fro 1 tis a'nns parîhMb Secon vive mmd suited Itby auhnud alitn eteu james and %whlor utchersT ows and RSaid Ruvi le-nt' W-ilim nsxa lr irn huaband, WiuS and pIn rtWhoanospg nar e S--st01, inus who breen.n [Cand Aiens, WJohîs and s onLcs, John lrlockÎin , suoiserofoft (ae.) . A ýDlvn oln and Eli z ah Jtx,Il~i a baen le rohèr e Tisas atcd Rihetd olub r A3no BeSylet, Adlha nvilleA ,hi AnU ï Mran Wme ltuanadasme Qhe- 188% ofilso ieArsMimohadjs andp caudrit 01Cnrm owouhav e %dn 0 Eans offe age. aed èlf*tcin re bbnID aI tefand iwout150 uantd8 jh vin e iintA- SiàRisi sonosusrook dnoyterl i10kParkA.Hicliardnt. E.,talyi of& I Jove ç ihign Hanr cli acd be arinon bcbbe is a Be bi e n oGog F. DHoknlit 10 cb., d w rotnha uaJkandmes HeknTavrcity, Miçis ant ciglitv reniins ene nlere ited Milî Oentrytis tuouerfai services begcou-s ïcduti yÎRev. A. ic hrd, M. E., ser Weelligand-sb., Bïo wanvileis cer- ville, Mih, wnit dîo Jne asys Mnot "aniciocinin on cveraiocasiss C"turighi Mfer. qeîe eAd e ekescis e is i ellhe, epcctoe therier" o lCwSid solti fninduuI 'Fnt asi eîscowdeisal ie bangelArmebi rewad. n. char omd Hc om lives! scareH a so PoVarsy eomi~'ron er. IN EDXTOR'S üyiL. An ai echol-nale a Drycn 4,Senol, R soff B2 rlsil it es&-'c 2 rusc cenu , MS.h.oirtr, a, wýîL lcal oýption; nd bf wold av brougiowit wata ornie'torai this er u tepoes dhv been xr±llyso ih'usn a gret Iinpriivemient over lpcal op- tion', ibut this il Itsdi sad aae cal1 methoicd w "thKitjatnope, ,orwealSotatta aFve as,~~~~p' whrtenanges 4ya one ao batueugeting suppie% way, nd rrohiîfioi c6i Il at bb op Pau, a msecaèscà eUIi&éi'crl nsisfy off t lle West,ýisnglhouse l t-70 C.,Pit'ug Paý, wiîjs vhlh f l'ihe as be ee vearrsl, anle ndtv dfkîin ji'nte mt detartnsent. ite~ives' oisié idea fte charcte ofbisvok-on reddutios gean. He =cYI, toget te buat recuit outl af2 w ïtaubiSe we have ta nlit ~ hi~b peedabo.t ut )û0reouln ~enraiy.Fortis siliIproeler 0gîvej nevluton$ Webiild dtiqtrbînes ànd! afobtdareddcdslon gattorecete pedfros»m 360 o 'l'.thc, V-poplibg lsscbhen w an bili,3 w00ad 0 borsxgswer fin' 55ec andi 8800 ton sehn. VWe have contaeîs for about 25, c1ip, Ris short telle offa long top lie mde lb An c6da onanà. Passinfg thïoukh Cliàafo eawthce Liisrty ot, Pnd thdt heached for 3 boues. Ne sayehe neyr ealzeï o'w bi fle Lun , isbe- h ors tMngo back Cbibtise car ansi read for20O 3 IrUrs engo oautose"am i, 0<-peua irtobe tise sainie pliae 7I saw bejf or.S cb is rave] c z>,se plains, I oamc bacis by a off leureer ad ai 'akt 1City.aTdse fi.as1ir.ïG.cro(bato gddaim ontisa paku e off S ni e mote. lg wHP at cnaCiyatlS JopI, Mo,-eý Okaîs CiD.sbi et a .wisere he D i îld i ne, Evii ry broken n luhelti, e enI Paadna Irasau saday - aborer A $CIO Per" Fiduu~tiew0rk iar ie accemted a SI)naion Aïe ebeUdtPa riesit of tis Fint NtioualBaS, P ! a Eenas iteetiii "A Rbrseein Tira q~TeUrMANCofIJn. 9o iead Bm. C. metondovr40 vas g. îla Rief erni eekeln;Catre sntes:oc ACnilp basuls wene havebeucioeti sipce Ocbobr CherchesAad isetrs wt tict de uË of TtinsSpon cs e cc Dursas euny o cWiJamesMconet enrtyurhfnietiDr. annscL uhs on bismsaf of is Sorf eslure z1c1 an,&cous aoff- theklae=Jhn edb,-U. caretu,!l cIy, ani nÔ t* £o mdont tit'e Same namél.' H e a îrtsW jrtmli but z a gosdiICo n hii1ý,e Cm thisik, tablishîtsg cof shstiçcod~sm.Ds -rptsti7sreet l7c, fr ont kwesfrom ýrai anmvr ulott e tan ,,&set u a sure pmreprion cuch as Dr.J.D zrnay , xiet a s lcaos? bu ttisre avi be nü c~d frud a genruonof astlmadic vie- timS from , seoUrFe ftise broncii tue I i oevryhee The Drethe l Malady nor arrson diadeadful taig.It vgl nna vn iexcundsode. "~~~~~~~ bitie ot o m-fco Sl tià p w eas Hs ' po to ge tu hoban y ut pou d U-1i1_ the fuès of pilles, OaIt1-leafe and acorn and1 fantastie- vines, ýWhich she wili niaie when su a(nU cornes again, Quaïýint arabesques in argent, fat anid coid, Lis ct'ius hieseèt}dnsBy adby, akigmy leafy garden as of o d, Theseý frosty fantasies shall char my eye amaxs , damask, emeraid and gold. ~O INOW-Di 'rIlr ofte Stive appzrairi. -shauld be èwith atcre-be- fore -û copiat ions ariËs, d tan n be~dtl ceit to. cope wlth. Tlises etrée>;eçly to this end and one that Is Nwih1isîrè Ji, is Païimýelee's Veget'sblé Pilis, the bet laxaie find sedative On the Dorkt II rsdt séa but try themn now. One trîil will coiàjince anyone tbi- thcy aftil best ýýtnach regular that eau e goit. A Change of Oiin Sli'j;nie--'0n the C~snsbfr theirmarrage he gavç im a bautn fu7 oT cntitied '.A Peret 4n±e yeafïofmarried life'1" Sh~r~e-"YesmtChstssh gae im a bok entitie q il Ai mal I ave met._ i~. thehedtbal effect o '0 teý Sieoff yn Medicine fa the We4 Speci I - 1For This Wee Hlorse Bl(anketS rdre 2yeas goani arnied over from at yenra saingoff $1,00per blaniset. pqu, LtlsadRb, ful'and itttodridover frans laetyara a saving of fyfri ,00te $10.00. Mitte".antiG]e-v&4 at 1mb 'year's prices. F urJLý lined an iitation fur à,'-at a aving off f rom $ 5.00 t Strs 4 il Sid4a on rery obee magin for qosessal '!IW >MlkiDg PlowFe at $5,00 belose prescat price. Separators, MasscyHris De Lavai anti Sharpies. GTlram op o ne -Brnbia, ihnl niPathe at redaceti pri-ceatil. Noremàber Jet. Gramophone record;s, ail kintis, Phhie 13L Flashliglits, large assortment. Ttoofing off ai-i Sida nd Roof Painit. F. . ason Open-ï Day iii Nlght. Bownianvllle Tw eTrfys1i Uses Standard Pastrylo,-)urf Cereals anùd Substitute Stad Gade of Fonu a2o iabni ai dWhoie Wbeat Fleur. "I on Jan. lst, 1924 evtr Dola'w 11 î#±h o W-S-S. cami be registered loi1sstbs 25 cents e-CLu 16 THRIFI STÀMPS, erdisangeable for O.Ua W-S.S. Tti tliis l3ank olters every fa~iIity r~ t e conduet of ac~ounts5 o. nian Iactu aers farmers an mervhan~'s. ec'r'n ta nu SAVINOS DEPARTMQNT et every Prrscj. 35 BOW ~ ANVILLE BRANCH A PRAYER- FOR 1919. ALMIHTYf THR, a ywe e$eru~ tis éc*year as oue comumence,, înt d oMs-ni e df a jary. Mkiy " starb it with ce - & oIil fujÀtl u a Sue - ledge off u c s sbia d t fttr~4 Urîl y ca tha le oneM nen. O ri~w ~Tl t before us be wtd Mkof'cij;itoi#h u'ifitle dot? brooding. but chaste, wrh nieuaie May we ahoose for readbng Llaose bookas ehidcis ntua,Uprove, reflneý. Mam-y ou- w'rk b, ue bito t3àé iiésoeurab 1yQMy auspilaybecla exrieantirItde'Alsueýheny. -'May we isy Thy biecsing -and Ën ' lëatu'de-, 0 Lôi, ch lire thils >ca as te be able te say attise e na off tbe year that waec prenonýs ycar n nay hae bega, b firstsplidid vear off iizltt after four.vc'arfof arknpeisshas been BY CHIAS. M. BICE, B.A., LL.B., DEIVER, COLORÀ.>-i) ll;lý UL-ML-- -L -si -M TheDnino of Ca>nadaj