jg riion ;L nuesth0 Lnht roî V il tGUd lori izC4ýra breah YOU~ MFK rbtI . ~1~flSince this çoveýng isýuoih anil~rt ___ ___ __ ___ __Z__ __ oi t wlth the utnmost àýtteliton. Ne- caled Great Distffla and S.Pretad ____________gat0 tisafrstu axe0 Tales From The SheIf. aa iaeaddîtes ITlto Neck adZ- ~~FiunitionQ, af The Skn.. Pot Heo~dNveWÂ#h~"I~lnee' insh" a'piBe ]Ldj'uIffected VWhen Right 1 ~ akn~The Martinet. "FU--I ee &ult.i~ ekgcroe yat bgvD£ .- ile Ye m hs j10fudth kil"nt ner dîshies! retet S ip9f- e' frs in f 411e. h fnc trict discipline ISexcellent, it is pisare imnny , et ah o1 r nalyalessential, but the martinet carrnes "l~y, owI wshThusda w mede, otiem ùavetudoprnmarily *vth pro- di,3ciPlin-e too far. novr cile!"Sl~ ted n bd ~~c ngthe lo 'y. T' oter cever- Jhre Martinet colonel gathered his an hgara lthedisbies uh4 r1-n- tidy ~ls epa n y te kt-Tlherâ !1i- . ies ftesl oem sa trong ,eumemnbrane, 1officers about him last iniont-h and is- on kic al te wVl. Sddenh on os Iat5 t ~ z in'or, clteic pein d of severa i aynesluihich sued erders for the reginiett's forth- theous ~eba ~t n he cigeofmoerwb it, hs etr ý th50tie e~gad, eoi gand nd 1comriing train jQIurIey te their 1hofmes. fulirealzingwbatit i mn 1> te re;o ts G, tii-e hahr are cnind Idnteet te an innoceýnt good ~ t~bo ien but 'aîs aveu ron~.a etier an~ioU;x~ioters t JLnO &bo00Itysrves odmdiebanlhie bdon ad lietime n the pert' partdurintthi U anal ýir.mash by B T5qu;ck C arid. Dr. Chae'e lnmý i O, ydar o svd iylif.Tniiu remai-kfble cure wîIs brou,)xgbt l 1m n a hiir 'pro'per ý sba'pe, aidnets iltrain j bcey esaid, "but yov îl Sle oniy aot twe yvears ago, aa, Z tilere ba1 as a pirotecerf the tis-uýs and -the ofcournse, sce to it that tr& n A ihIi cgst bpeenoneretuirn of ti. isresl i - ongans e e iii.uri, o pofnt ,noýyaJng L Thie vce came righ t ,ut 0 1 tche up, 0ease there can bos ne doubt tatt he usn o rfniy esklrig 0esy nua . pemrOit.ifluoqtptofc- 1 t h'10card l playing, andl littie cigar- - and etvwa-, zsta -.0f t he alcure 15!Oneemeet icfuc offi eithkatighas s mest dreppsd t again. i~sD. îStebbhs, Grand BndOnt- einperfornii,, s te ,ýhedtiede4o1ttsoinaspsbl" rle "I a igoIng tp tell You or cl c nàv and ni-usce frein the "Pardeýn ime, colonlel," said a ti ,id "To ho brekete its o ce xrrec ihD. iaeaOn- eiutv oin0ofl Ilht. We l1noW ivie av'ens Aç, but To av~ e 0st nMY mui-,MY littiel haoares conin ÎEtsnih S a powerIlu diif "Yes, captain, sPeak up. 'bat is t a iseuc'ýot on hber 7hea4»hlold' t-hitradttdtiysmcbe SLEEDUh 0 wha adsirce almot rigwrms .'thy wer"e prezdlng oi. " c cire fio iyfamlt t ird~brfr~ 'ejhmebste~ uet e'ee ~ --Mh Pro me, colonel, but would you Stlawa St., IHul, P.Q. tiiesmt frn-y Lfe!"ne±ling ieber. 1 tecDk ber te tii h et fteiedi ol ilbect f 1 tok ,ilon)Yg a little plain ~'Frui Î,-iv ,, icIenlinIya nde At t~ acr luo a endoctier, aïnÀ h.e 9pene! 50eff cf l srcdy Them io.Whiere the suin swigteoccupy;mycmnyat PFor a lyear, 1 suffu,ed ,4 iî RkrJ" .p û;c-,onthe top of a 'pile, naised . ertwbo wreablaiheYae âe»at ton',mnto nxitherg lati- sî? tis; ein free. e ~ayla cdsel afewinh~sani tra cof .of ari 0eg.Tble salVe ht gavie meLt puton s v~y eyee. nd ha oortudswe nnild tbie Weescf tii-e burna .forfv 1' - h.Itried al kinds of teuaàsPatterecd conits facet2, chili4weuld cry for an bjur oir more i-race: iii'th.--tro vïceye hraits r 'ar-e MIe' omPwdsats hr modic';Igeb-ut wthout getting better; "Oh, be ,carfumy l';dit te na1 haln.Fisxwek h iîe iet w ldtie d'àalck M""th"t'the st" owadiesandceti. alc iýi!Lwoild anover be able would bocom.,-D' c f fyeu vwere brol- haâ dcpii e dspyead aileverbe twks. heaaltd 1-sina-peron orI"are îtrlygreuid (!up acpa s l osdte thie siti, as 1111l of us are or '! mthe cb'Id vitbout be)-ing ntcdand te walk- ausi. an ? Exile; long terms ln the rafriger- earii. 'lhe e -eic terinbly, Atlastel or iýsoIti> it o muco _t bc i mnra dpoii f wîb t iconaneîc t hetfferer. "Qu i% i !while lyingîlubed, Iread atoy à catL ii eme e~kidlde old lme about DrLoightte l 'n1 ft>o~ Fiui--tve' uegaa fui ~l. Oli, 9 ha etis~h edCb5ee'p OLii-met, ýo 1I a box11,7,and Pgmnrt fr s' get a "ee'at of ý,The- are enainAlssand-! rfect l cto el'. hto ha ntýs tie odd the int tm Y Tprit fl on ai was re- ta.n"---thast filtra tt ii- inuriusand1at alil times wîlI bc f. und a.iheAthiý nieclhime, auld bel-çdjie ho aue ubetd! ved t painz, and the scodtue miiesrng 1,gteinatles ne2ded g cildt ryi."hy e erthings!1 I didn't h wJigia llgn.L<r ei* c n anaigiti ioçloea kno yo colcitaik! h, ~blhe verha shd ti-efit box the asoes TUhe islam. aiso sGuPphoýniens thýe kîil- ftio,tateside8 bc~ga ffutv cojdnc h aîl I cen-nue Ii-e onv liersaion"inc og -ii siretcnd"ILiiiehe Tkcfirr~' 10V i4ped me, sud I took eýR ray ail gene. ï h;taetlda"l,nes ?as a xreyoann;t l 'Cvrmfgte etoilanhet- the tSesrà dî i~ yr tac~~au! Biypi~~<~P~~~-ti peýopleo -)undb erc aboutyeur sprto ithit throws ff centainegivi gin tr fcs besde Iia se~'erand [atared at tOni-çntmesnt, and I cijenot prR1ail. tutamr- r eeeeemniin mta.- T ~- ec~' a Frslt-a ltte ir asths ay te îdcs redieaec adTwo ý)Aspects. thfa eb-cý oyicr he ù iy-eCo rsi LOKENZO il a pîleaio, ey cseed îeyt e use ibis î,rnP3tsfemeCu-td. foUrtrmo- ~i- iii o.fbstucee listhe"WtherI hat mane wif enc hefore tiiiieeeup had" tirOeeteh"a sufi stuuicenet t et et1 Versd hi niay b. suiCer- "Th chnaseric, m lveyîu Ot. an biriev br t5,mntwtraguethe heat *(lcf the hod 111t! . Whe n, n e bcutI iL eth. of Zigager! holi a _-ce tin ha neerne te rý- .,as'sOaten t ii- irt rntii-eo sicli rlaxsan i cl1-edsI wr cîaeauiy f he~rg~~ hetrestetak eutcPh 'azs te c aa fenaction. ji heamy-' 17 ti-l pdetsla h rcutihaseiosî popa t ee Bttonnt-dth L a ond r-tha s tte it ýjhaîf , LP1iaetheO'fl wh Lhje scea Iinh,-i- wpr i qm eaty fe in dea. b, A niaicf tc diihe ieesd. '70lr i-ov- "avea goti tmeni-y dears," s a prenons qu an ubety la tivahea-nd ep ete.Sle ayb el injred" a .ed-e~rasrt. b- nn0cUmmjtýIc utermre i -acaethehe der.And pcly u-ig exrcle2Pesprigannd nigb t', anritcavra "eï d wh diim srtint en iz oa er "l'r sy,", (1-axlanei r 1ck rea î n mIlas(c, d i s eva- -uv erpnrith a îtat oa frie c irla on'Juiln' ae or atnr n peae c ladee ai rees. ehV e iliset hil en.S n-r hm T~ lam z5c et thck ucecf ta~diit'" Wthoac a ros temak he bd 'Theelin e ase hasea cfceua- y ~3 i-otis-Gav't o11,E1.m 1cmonncowabthat qec ' -,,onTa pths lîat ouIru!"Waa epe go' iesbcrhc t uri h oy art 1v'eu h a1~ ~ tiis-e ý,t zic Mth I. Lt t e p,;a i-esue lie arlid so-emI Ta bosfl Hua h.îs ir ten;sas ffduadTh "nt mebae hecnisttie o Yotkeoughtiie by m-igh ereord and -par -ç zic uii a regpl ied thi-.I citd ftrweae aiec aipthegun j I ...y . eaiy c-iydenI 'u T o n he reeiti, i quc e ars feti. ,i t etm ,m cod s alpuce f icori ý li W-1 1,ph1~, Re-aeî-beta aeei-mg he_,andi e ne i-st T elCaiadaieaI ilver ac for Itan sd. he pla 1 ani te hs a iau-emlà,,tîu epst-ýi I ý,Lf metfls leh th lad iand-vont 75e O ni ann- Il er sng -- Th ya e :1 i2ý,nd Yetoar agcf Pu hi ,tien. Edlud b il Aîùied' N 'lii a a-vo s-St , 1nal o , teol Vis.(5'ri N ~~ n, i-aremakd e e- bsM ncIW vanntila cnt,1 Azer. yen bledncfjýýR I - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Rs row LAaa sd ri w- ni tcb ,nt c ea "î-Fasfin e eFa c "I esofiisai laa Stýtv ns hi Ci-nid llssIFtIjî,iMeîr-.Prc l-eprbo sxriea-lctcu odrcusvbserenbe gI audsî MltheLit torSe. Onereîl piese, Wh t ours.Sotd i- ai tarreb grvi io cnfue--c ti-aioitThe tï ch nearLy ud fi-oi-n thetray. Wtboupnide n'a ht and sgwNord andani aAzne i Cnaa nnSigi o r"eeuaei e nifedn-5lge b n t i en nttteesu Niclccu cceis saucer, anti afîter coma conxing th ~n at l b'g'bvoie, dti i-g Slep hen u pnceCentie, ToushpsChis, owmis ati illgeP cii-sp, Wber~~~~~~~~e ppas ld, yossc iour u i' a e.. n-flityc v -' Ani th~ h hnt ea sagThe gbef lndes f ona î' tlle uiad et1' l cniue1emann pFrc1.15 e p re atKteil Jusin off WsbI i-ikuvsl aAie erneseçvar. 'Is ,tngqs.te hae ITfx, CfIP1 a C a nit1(j jcî Yune Sree su eu blck ast!" rouht l t thfrçt ad kpttt,,)ra. I55L l5uAe I5Iiithe. Y Ïe $1 erets i-ltcliigb Wyi' adtcemrpyb ale heclettia 1 ea" rI;Tl, Lngo trtWet'rnti Cal, "'x w'11,ss.asd ]d wauall tIi-et o- nthE17 , akdinecti rt nti outd se n othr ji-epaniio diýgB_, 1in lai pk, onrecil-1 f flc late , Watl,1one csnIn aainape ha sensible," har, aucergrew . nico-ti meel L, atit olpII Jcý elfrtid t i-t e bnci oflaei-ati hem SPANAnd INFLUENZ OR (IRP Batsyshahanetite di-ngeSoclcsubjeot DP.LE e. s-s-m "Dn' yn a triroe con iii-g n'hea d?" sihe achati peIinç-ly. 1An ac '- -yi ib n glat "D u t yen?" te cp fuidatingtofei whet~ e dgttsa csm-'hot a arnisuesgio hi-ch î'!mus puý4ep aîgoota gight- vantitnetf val"We'.eaI-ci u- foltIn!" Batsyiati- afaii dha nueî- us e- i Oumitt on0ca of g- Iy. "Bat I i-h nidilG n coarse murheu fi peti inthavcecccti, antinhi-teetabut aDbath thrae t:ni-es s da ifw ap h iiem l ec cniin a e due"eti Ucnius omJ ti tPI.-M -îce 1_ su hrwof h pios hal-nd te "Ihis r-bme akanîng:'z Panti sema- L nocmuta li-mou beie, w ea tim he m1 Va' se, bot 't faioonlî c NN' sati~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ den eiïesyT o -yof pisn gvathsinorato iprcsvlyc-__________ buse, ti-tto- ose o apions u laxatved"Youicaleminantabot the shnii ataan Sc aeu e1ate1iutlet, felly vo-hte gig Ha-peploth i-ua, su caiati r. Fer as Fic~sst crch fii ctowidîtsn thedcftappn- s ciu'teyne t wandiesfng at ail mua ci fc -thi..sucfeor su gar er lîl- ti"andth Afrad tht sh hir offndeofhei To avnt h atsc cfbrocîctisor c"pont ugrse" i-a cup ebuiaes't pad ?mna t e etrlte ae "Net p1 _7I oi- latfa7acm e Ain store, uc h i see givn andt fonos, 'flitne secii tha cdh' eiiC 'ter w,,us h faush tha boratiterm 1 k -u c-i -ma n, y eaîBts,'on aue gi-va Cgdlly cs ano hnthe eyjr T The fy e dim ' hc hy il useof lm fl-tn i a nr-ant lhys ýppel Anurie tabl te, but haaddition, tha fore- :ya, longi e leanad way with ws )e,<eit)hi-fw--batble- Sa it a kint,, i tic it, "Don'I.1U-L SZte BgrBr in a tvA rn ,co uti~r îeen puemam-latebeiid p ntistruiihe e-,Mch to han. -urpri'se Mct rntulc11n i'Çpf-' a ,jdun. dSte ati virlioi (seas mil le-s, r tafwet lceua bl'll tnl , iiîtic înSb Ilie cuo- n vocuere 1er.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i - pasGtin~çi~lDicvrr 'rao itifIet uttku -t siagidord ~n Yhone 171 lb is n msl eve r w ta LoopR for, ask for. be sure to 9et Greaitest Naine ài a, 300-Land J Lest'grades of Ca only kpa'oWoIu alkinds. yeýt, ycu hau ;eter cis 0 a- s i idbc v any dïay. 1 77 ýý,