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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1919, p. 5

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We Are. At. Plumbing, Ileal Our sp(é The next tirne you haî ex pert plumber-or tinsmit You are not dealing with we do your work. -Next1 work, our prompt service building up our business ors. 0f course,,our yery, appeal to many. Ah wo you that we deliver the go Greenawe Division Street, Opçl Phono 18 (day or night) TheTaikO' Martyn's Mt Many are the complimentE tceaipting display of.chouc looks, that which appeals PRICES we are charging Tender, Delici Ail wé ask je an order to the beet meat at lowegt pr Dont overlook our otherm 10 Ilb and 20 lb bage of o Phone 34 17- oo:Ct 'Î The visit of Dr. Case, Foot1 Shop, on Wednesday and Thured foot comfort to our many patrow services. What a pity, so many peopL callouses, corns, bunione, sore anc advantage of these opportunities relief and permanent comfort.* The beer ailie alwÉ forn the edt serv Foot Comfort Appiances Fred. K Bowmanville. People's Fuel & We a re pleased to ann ounce that in the following lines: Scranton Coal Sizes, and excellent quality. Cannel and fireplaces. Nut Size Coke, Steai Goal. Aiea first.class bard wood and andcookstoves, We are nnw prepar be pleased to hear from any of our cu Grass Seeds a We have some choice Governi Timothy Seed, Marquis Wheat, Whit and Spring Rys suitable for seed It taken especial care to provide seed tl Sund We are ctill handling Charcoal Lumber and other Building Material. Our Motta is stili "A Square -Dee pleased to have your inquiries, and fu McClelan & 001Co King Street East Office P>hone 15 - e M ALL HOUSE TO LET-Soitabie for emall Sfamnily. Apply Vo F. F. MORRIS, Bwavle ont. 48-Vi. Li ,L r,? qS ýL "-1t-siered Angous,, ysars nidj, quijet -,, gond stock-gettsr. Apply Voi a. J. ilodgson, Tyoue. 6 3t HAYTFOR CALE-A qoantitY of Clover and Timothy Hay. A,ýpply o THERON S. MOUNT- joy, B. B. 6 Bnwmanville, Phone 239r32. 6-4 COWe FOB SALE-Eiglxt cows, some renewed sud some to reusw. A pply o Alan Campbell, Baby Hjead Fariu, R.B. 2, Bowmanville. 0 2t, BOWMAN VILLE, FEB. 13, 119 19 Your S'ervi«ce;Local and Otherw ise Miss Stella M. 'Mason,, spent ting, iinsmnitning Surnday at home. Miss Clars Robbins, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Mn. Wm. Stanfley Pickering, visited Mr. John Sauders. Miss Lusa Cole, Holstein, spent Sunday ve any trouble requiring an 1 with Miss Edlith Allin. th phone for us- Phone 18. Mfiss Frances E. Conlev, Toronto, spent Suniiday with frieuds here. iinexperienced, help When Mýiss JTean Moffat, Orono, was week-end to being specialists in our visltQr at Mr,.lJavid Grigg's. Miss Louise Cryderman, Shàaw's, spent will be a strong feature inl a few days witb frieude at Solins and satisfying our customn- i'Mran s.SnlyD nTot, moderate charges will also Mr. and Mns. W. J. McLaughlin, Osha- ask is a trial to convince wa, recently visited at Mn. W. B. Pincb's. -Mn. W. J. Bray, Toronto, was guest of oods, his sister, Mre. M. A. James on Tuesday. Miss Sarah Woods, Toronto, was guest of M rs. M. A. James -over the week- iy & Eliottend. ay E liottMiss Ena Corden has returned fram a )osite Goodyear ilotel very pleasant visit with Mns, Geo. Booth, Hamilton. Bowmanville Mrs. Eliza Brown of Douglas, Man., is visiting bier sister-in-law, Mre. Chas. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder have gane Vo St. Petersburg, Flarida, to spend a couple o f monthe. Miss Elsie M. Bragg sud Mies Frances Bragg, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mn. The Town ~~~~W. J. Bragg's. we avelrltvsi 'T h , T âw ïiMrs. Peter Ireland and Mre. David Carlisle, England. Misses Inene-- Wenry, Oshawa, andi Florence Bunk spent the week-end with Miss Vilda Symons. _Gunnher Carlisie E. Freuch and bride, Toronto, are visiliug Mr. and Mrs. N. S. ~at Tin oXV Plummen, Liberty-st. eat W *-%dMr. and Mrs. E. Lindsay and faily, Vancouver, B. C., have been visiting bier s being made about our aunt, Mrs. H-. Brock. ce Meaté. Apurt from the Mr. aud Mrs. Lindsay of smost le the VERY LOW British Columbus visited their uncle, Mn 'forthe eetenteof mat.W. J. Clemens, Hampton. Mr. J. H. Darcb, Tyrone, went to Tor- w. anto General Hospital lasI Friday and :us Ju1cy i.veats underwenl a double operation..1 Reserve Wednesday March 5th for tbe convince you that we give Public Schooi Concert- botter than ever rices. -great variety in:programi-mare fun. Cadet R. G. Dickinson, 4th C. M. R. window. Special values iln neturued fnom West Front set week after engarbaving speul over three years overseas. Mga?.Dr. Jamies Brsv, 288 Gderrard-st., E., Toronto, wss gueet of bis brotber-iu-law, Mr. F. A. Faster, Norwood Place, Ibis week.P Miss VildaSyrnans bascompluted lber1 busiess ours andbasacccpted a1 Bowmanville position wilh the McLaugblin Motor Co.,1 Oshawa. Mr, and Mre. RobI. Greenfield havei been in Toronto visîliug Iheir Son, Mr.q Fred Greenfieid, who uuderwent an oper-i alion for appendicitis lu Grâce Hospital.1 We hear the gaad aid custom of pani- à#-% 10cakes on Shrove Tuesdsy is beiug ob- e served by same of the ladies of St. John's Church in Parish Hall. Parliculars uext Expert, to the Sunnyside Boot week. 1 day of lasit week, meant greater Mre. J. C. Vanstane, Toronto, is visit- is who availed themselve8 ofhis iug lber son, Mn. F. C. Vanstone. Miss May Vanstane undcrwent, an operalion le, uflringfro fot trubls,- for appendicitis in Bowmanvilie Hospital ýlesuferin frm fot toubls,- last week and is doiug uicely. d tired aching feet-do not take Miss Florence L. Van Nest, Toronto, wherebythey may obtain instant spent the week-end witb ber sisters bere and at Solina,pnior ta leaviug on Tuesday ta vîsit ber moîher and siseer at i7-4oth Street., South, Philadelphia, Pa. a slli saffo.bis tore have Mr. W. E. Jewell, wbo was lu Torontbo nfmaking a close study of foot last week attendiug the meeting of the Canadian Hackney Horse Society was nents and their correction and elected Vice- Presideut. He also attended tbe Banquet given for Live Stock Breed- aye secure much valuable in- ers sud Exhibitors of the Canadian Nat- -mation from the annual visit of ional Exhibition. Messrs. John A. Holgate & Son of tbe foot expert. They are prepar. evaporabor, receivecl a cancellation of tbe order from the U. S. Goverumeut for to give to the public their best dehydrated vegetables. Some 26 factor- les are coucerued aud the contract was ,ices along this lino. for 1 5,000,000 Ibs of desiccated coup mix- ture. Turnipe were comiug forth in large quanlities aud over 8,000 bushels are T'1 stored lu town. Severai empioyees are Mr.Ole3T, of cDonld, will sing atth Phono 12, Union Service lu Opera House, Bowman- 1ville, next Stuuday eveuing afler churcb EEM"-'services. Mr. McDonald is onc of Toronto's famous singers wbo neyer fails la deligbt bis audiences. Our cit- izens should pack bbe Opera House at 8:i p. m. Tbe speaàker of the evening le Frank W. Duggan, Ebq., of Toronto. Lum ber Depo't Dan't fail to, attend Ibis meeting. SLu ber epot Mre. W. Manning aud friend Vr- Haskeil, Oshawa, visited Bawmanville el friends last week. Among othere visited was ber aunt, Mr&, Thomas Creeper wbo other tes was held lu the -Parisb Hall ABH FOR SALE-50 acres, in DanlingVto rain 4 o. m. ta 6 p. m. The bostesses Feasy terme, Box B, liowmanville.g3 were Mre. Delmage sud -Mre. Gea. Hum- Fpage. An Anglican Young Peoples' OCKEREls FOR CSALE-Impenial BingieVV socetv bas been orgauized: Presidet- Barred Plymouth B.ocks, prize vinnene at Mn, Ratîeubury;. îst Vice President- Fail and Wiier Shows. Pices rauging 83 Mies Louise Hardy; 2ud. Vice Pres't.- Vo 88. APPIY Vo LUTHERa NicaniS, Bowmanville. Mn.R. Bates; Secretary-Mrs. L. Rawe- O ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 BE- iwoeuidb Treasturený-Mise N. E. Neade. Thé1 Standard Bank, BowmsnvIlle, aiter Juns 1oi et edasoioioua vnn 1919. New Iront will be put in, Apply tý ta welcamne tbe returned boys belougiug John A. Coi or Mn,. EdItb T. Scobsîl, Bowmau. ta bbe Cburch. ville,.5 Lcland Other'wise. Mise Moore, Marganston, is visîtuug Miss Spango. 'Mirs. John Hamblyn le visiting relatives u n Kingston. Mr. Garnet Richarde, Toronto, epeut the week-end at home. Mn. Norman Boltreil, Toronto, spent tbe week-end at home. Miss Haîtie Weese bas gone ta ber home aI Carryiug Place, PIe,.Pency Greenfield snd PI e. 'Brook- ham relurued fnom averseas on Wedues- day. .Mn. sud Mire. Nelson Bragg, Oshawa, recently visited bis mother, Mire. F. L. Bragg. Mn. Arthur Legge, Oshawa, sud Mn. Victor W. Legge, Torouto, speut Suudey at home. PIe. Russel Oeborne's lebter, Bowling Ailey League, Courtice School repart ou lucide pages. Misses Veina sud Rena Jewell recently visited their cousin, Miss Gertrude Slee- man, Oshawa. Mirs. T. w. Cawker 'and son, Charles, ncceutiy visiled at ber fatber's, Mn. Geo. Mitchell, Onono. Mies Allie Oke sud Mies Vers Werry, Ebenezer, epeul Sundsy with their cousin, Mies Rets R. Cole. Mn. sud Mrs, T. Power sud Mise Vers, Maple Grove, abteuded bbc funeral of Ibeir uncle, Samuel Souch. Tue Churches Rev. S. Scllerv preacbcd lu Port Hope Methodiet Chunch on Sunday. St.- Paul's Cburch-Rev. D. W- Beel, minieler. 11 a. m -Que of tbe Jove of Heaven. 7 P. m.-A prisoneir's Dream.i 2:30 P. m.-Sunday Shool.1 Orono Methodiets have raised bbe psstor'e salary to -$iî35o sud appo!nted_ Messre. J. Rickaby, T. Smith, J. T. Cbsp-1 man sud J. E. Dav.ey a Pastoral Supply Committce. Countice Circuit very generouely lu- creased tbe saiary of the Pastor, Rev, R. A. Delve, aI its Board meeting last week, raising il 10 $z35o.oo for tbc current yesr. Old South Darlington always keeps abreast of tbbc ihuesi Metbodist Churcb, Rev. S. Seliery, M. A., B, D., pastar. Sunday morning subject: rFauirl of, series on Lord'. Prayer-bbc girêtest pctition--"Tby will b» doue, etc.". Eveniug: -le Life worlh living?" Sunday Scolaud Bible Clams- es aI 2».30 P. -M- Public~ cordiaiiy unviîed. , CHURCH OF' CHI-ST-Prayer 'meeting Tbursday eveuing. Christian Womnau's Board of Missions give a prognam Friday evening. Admission iocents. AIl corne. Regular preacbing service Sunday lia.m. Bible school at 2:30 P. M. Evening ser- mon aI 6:45-15 minutes carlier. Watcb for date of birtbday social.- A Union Service wiil be bcld lu Bow- manville Opera House next Sunday eveniug if 1er church services when bbe ronowned Toronto Scottish Vocaliel, Mn. Rutbven McDonald, will sing. Field, Secnetary, Franuk W. Duggan, Toronto, will deliver au address. Be Ibere aI 8:15 p. M. Bowmanvilîe sud Darlington Suuday Schoal convention will be beld lu Eben- ezer chuncb Fridsy Februsry 21, afler- noon sud eveniug. Good program. Rev, W. P. Fletcher, Piavincial Rural Super- 'intendeut, Toronto, Rev. J. W. Rae, Mn. J, J. Masan sud Rev, D. W. Beet are amoug bbc speakers. Pragrams are out. Let every school be represented. CARDS 0F THANKS- Mr. J. T. Allen sud famiiy desire to lbank aIl their fnieudesud neighbors for their kiudly eympathy sud help duriug tbc illuesesud dealh of Mire. Allen. Mire. Richard Woodlev sud famiîy, Tyrone, deesire la lhank ail their friends sud neigbbors for their very great kind- nees sud eympathy exteuded la themn dur- iug the sudden sickneessuad death of bbc busband sud father. DURHAM OLD BOYIS. Another of those pleasaut social even- ings le planned for Monday next Feb. 17thb at the bospitable home of Mn. R. W. King, Io Waimar Raad, Toronto, when ail mtmbers of the Executive of Durham Old Baye' Association and their- wivee are lnvited ta mccl at 8 o'clock. Ail wba will attend sire requested 10 notify bbc hosless at once. Au iutenesting pnogram le in prepara ian, Is e basnuai banquet 10 be reeumed this year now that tbc war is aven? Men's J ewelry We are spleudidly equipped to supply the returned soldier with articles ho May ueed te complote hie civ ilian ontfit. (Juf Links Sean Pins Pocket Watches, Watch Chains Watch Fobs Fountain Pens Pen Kuîvos Cigarette Cases Military Brushes Signet Rings Wedding Rings Alex Ellio Phone 88 ]3owmanville1 Not1ces or Blrthe 90 'enuts; Marrlages ou cents; Deaths, 50 colite, ench insertion,. Whein fumerai curds are pristied et this office. insertion re. BIRTHS. TÂTES-ID Boiemanyils, Feb ôth, Vo Mr. and Mr$. Rloand E; Tates, a son. CALLAN-lu Bowmanville F1<5. til, Vo Mr, %ud Mrs. Geo, Callan. a dangbtsr. Since diedý -MARRIAGES& PÂZT-C05LIN-lu Toronto, Feb. lut, Minis M. Conlin. Oshawa, aud Win.LM. Paget, Toronto. MCROBERTS-H1OOET-1-h Orono, Jan. 29th, by BOY. G. R. Clare, Mrs. Margaret Honey, daugh. er of Wm. Brown, and Wilfrid MoBobsite, ail of New Park. LzDoE1i-MÀNNIN-In Oshawa, Feb,.,10th, by Be,. J. S. I, Wilson, B, A., B. D., Mr. Edward Ledger. Brantford, aud Vesta Margarst. sient daugbter of Mr. Albert Manning, Bommanville, POTTER-InBommauvilesb. lVb, aIsel Moore, beloved ýwife of WWm, A. Potter,ý aged 28' yearâ.. Ffuseral froui-the-,renideuce of ber motlier, Mr&. B. H. Moors, Horsey-stý,to-day (Tburbday), et 2.80 p.m. Vo the Cometery. SOUC-In Bowmauvîlle, February e, Samusel Souch, aged 86 years. DOOLITrLE-I lumli.bus, Jan. BoVli, Elizabsth Doolit Vie, in be r e6th year. YUL-At teManse, Oshawa, Jan Bat, Effie, twin daughter of Bey. and Mns, Lien.Yl, aged 9 years. BUNTIli-Suddonly iu Toronto, Feb. Srd, Fred B. Banting, druggist, 221 Wellesley.eV. Interment iu Pickering cenistery. RUTaERroitD-In Orono, Feb. Itb, Mary Beat- ries, daughter ni late Dr. James and Rosaline Rutherford, aged 83 years. FAREWELL-At SaUlt St*. Marie, Peb. 4tb. of influenza, Roy S. Farewell, youngest son cf A. W, Farewell, aud brother of Mno. T. IH. Everson, Oshawa. WERRT-At Boselandyale, Darlington, ou Sun. day Februrry Oth, 1919, Elizabeth Bray', relict of laVe William Werry, lu er»7th ysar. Inteiment in Eldad cemetery. MANAN-In Buffalo, N..,, esb. 2, Elisu Mau. gan, aged 74 ysars, mother oi Charles Mangan, Newcastle, whers luterment took place'in the Catholie cemetery. FUKERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Mont Complets Equlpuient Sunday and uight celle promptly atteuded Vo. Bujwmanville Phones 10-34 Branches: ORONO EiAMP1'OIs BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE.-Apply Vo H. N. Morrison, Libsrty-st. North, Bowman- ville. ,71t MAN WANTED-Married mau accustomsd to farta work. -Free bouse and oth er privileges. Apply A. E. Bundie, B.B. 2, Bowmnvills, or Phoue 124.rd. SU FALL BYE WANTED-Any amonut oni lu rye wanted. 1 will l senpsy the igbsst prices for poultry and junk. Apply J. Ensenvaid, Bowmauville. Phone 289. i t W ÂTED-Competent girl or wouian Vo do gensral bouses wrk, famiy of two, Gond Wwagesud n waàbiug. -Apply Vo Mre. H.A. Porter, 55 Divinin.s, Oshawa. 7 1* PROPERTY FOR SALE-Gond ten ronmed frame dwsllig houne, glass ponch down stairesud baicony opsning lmom upetaire, all large airy morne, stone inundation. two cellars, cernent walk around bouse, wxood shed and dru.- Iug shed, liard sud soit water. Barm l amnet new, stone iondation, cernent flonne in cow and- bores stable, heu bouses. pig peu sud ont ceslar, Albuildn n ond condition. Trout stream 16 aces of land. Alen household furnitue- chairs, tables. bedsteads, couches, cupad, dressers. also Chevrolet car with ail equipmet Also onuepatent ioom. belf feeder, ail ne1w li- povements. Possession Apnîll it, Apply on prernises Vo Hrs. Thos. Glders, Haydon, addres Bowauie, B.B. 6. 7 Si FARMS BY TENDER, Two Excellent Farms For Sale ln Cartwright Town- ship, Durham County. The nndersigned will receive tenders for Vhs south.sadt bah nof lot 21, con 10, consisting oi 94 acres, mors or lese; ase for uortb hall nf lot 21, con 9, being 100 serre, and uorth-west hall ni lot 22, cou 9, consisting of 25 acres, en block, ituated iu hs Towuship ni Cartwright, CounVy ni Dur- ham On hs lots are Vvo gond dwelling houss, Vwo wells, two tuuning epringe, neyer failiug spriug creek, 2 gond cemeut cisterne ; 3 bans-ý 1 barn 100 ft long with stabling onde rueatb-hen pene. bog pens, diviug sheds-aii anîldings in gond repair. Windmill ou baen, 100 fruit trees, 2 elephones with al eouve,îîencee. About 60 acres bueh, balance under gond enitivatlon, well fsnced and gond repair ; soil dlay loam. C.P.B, ,lag tion onucorner ni larm; close Vo churces, .2choo1a.sud gond markets. These larme nier. look hs beautiiul waters oi Lake Scugog which abound with fish-a veritable Tonit', Paradise. As ths nwnsr's time is inlY taken no wiVh buai. uses in eity hs above valuable property muest be sold. Purcbaser may bhave 1lowing possession onu sud a rSn. 1, 1919. Fu1 possession given purchaser March 1, 1920. Tenders ior hs aboie mentioned larme wili ho received until Thnreday, 20th day of February, 12 o'clock noon. The highest or any tender noV necesssnily accepted. For information as regarde terme ni paymeut, etc.. eend ail communication8 directVo he o-ner, F. W, B2ACOCK, 58 Bert. mount Aye., Toronto, or WM. BAOCTp, iJlerk, Netleton Station, Ont,.e54 Miss Florence Nunn, Coiborne, well known in Bowmanville and Darlingtan, recentiy received from ber brother, Spir. Charles W. Nuon, sent tbrougb Y. M C, A. from Paris, two brass paper knives from Cambrai, two teaspoons from Amiens, a Ivariety case from Cambrai, a small shelil anýd bullet fromn Amiens and two pins aud a uecklace froméArras. Lades'Aid In The Methodist Church BOWMAINVILLE Tuesday, February 18: Mrs. Jean Blewett Composer and Enter tainer Toronto will give her popular aiddreees "A Womani's Way" In it ehe gete right away from war, politics, and ie huma», tender> and humorousý followed by a recital of the following numbers: Cynthia, being the protest of a much abused married man; The popular Mirs. Muir; The Maid and the Minieter, and othere. A good musical program of solos, duete, quartets and Orchestra. Admission 35c Children 15o opens T hursday Having purchased the butcher business ofi Mr4lWrni Challis I amn roving the fixtures across the stî-eet -to the store recently occupied by Mr. Rd. Snowden and will be ready for business Thursday, February l13th. The W.Vm. Davie.s ,Co's Well-known and highe st quality goods"on the"rnarK..- et wilI ho carried exclusively. People have been asking for Wm. Davies Co's. goods in Bowmanville for'a-, long tirne-they're here. Patronize this store. Here Is, Where You' Save Money Specials For This Week: Steaks Rest Round -Steak..,.- lb_ Beet Surnomn Steak......32c lb Best Porterhouse Steak ... 32o lb Bee3t Shoulder Steak..25e lb Beet Hainburg Steak ...25e lb Pork Offai (Fresh in Daily). Home-made 8ausage ...22e lb New En)glând Saus 1ages . ..28o lb Little Pork Saueages...30e lb Pork Hearte, Livers, XKidneye, Teuderloing sud Sparer.ib-. Roasts Best Rib Roast, boue in 27e lb Beet Rib Rost, boue ont .35e lb Beet Blade Roaset of beef 24c lb Best Thick Rib Rost ,....,25e lb Beet Round Boue Shoulder Roasb 22e lb J3est Centre Cet Bikt.22o lb IBest Bnrieket Point. 20c lb .Best Stewing Beef l8c to 20e lb Smoked and Pickled Meats 1 will also carry a fulll une of the choicest Smoked and Pickled Meats at lowest prices. Dont forget our Cooked Meats - 20 different kinds to choose from. Carry Your Parcels and Save Money 6. A FdniondsILCItone 1 (one door east of Levi Morris & Son's) Phone 21 Bowmnanvîlle Y our Opportunity Eýxteri- nation S ale Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits, Dresse Skirts and Waists Any Ladies' Coats and .Suits $20.00 ta $23,50 Coase Suite $14.95, $25.OOto $27,25 " "$19175 $29.25 10 $29.75 " "$21.75 $32.00 ta $32.75 Il te$24.7b $39.75 66 64$29,75 Ladies' Skirts $ 5.25 ta $ 5.75 Ladies'Skirts $ 4.25 $ 6.00 to $ 6.50 Il I $ 4.75 $ 7.00Oto $ 7.75 $ 5.95 $ 8.25 to $ 8.75 " $ 6.76 $10.00 ta $11,'25 " $ 8.75 $14.25 to $15.00 " $11.75: $19 75 to$20.00 $14-.95 Lad ies' Wa s ts Waist, you choice 20 per cent off regular price, Ladiles' Dresses off rogular prices.' Extra Spécïàl Bargain 25 only Ladies' and Misses (Joats at exactly - price. Next door -4: Standard Bank Telephone 106 Bowmanville t G. A. EDMONDSTONEfs fleatrla rket 1

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