Eczema Cured f FiveYearsAgo' A Treatmeuit Whiich Ru Proven > Wouderful Heaier of t ho Olda-Cortified Evidenco t~ieCoipun-Her MrLan et," Iwsut te eem ~~L L'iEPinkýham's. Vagatable 7-fi comrpound t10 s-ll j I iji ~jwornen cvbesufer frein sny lunclionai l Iisturbauce, as t - bs cdoua me moe igood lts-nas-l the - dotor'c Medicine. I Sinc afIiing il I have s a hasAh -- baygirl, sadhave srgh.My bus- b Udnsd I hoth w ptaise your mned- icna 1o aailsuff!ening weme-"-rs. eaNKOP'PELMÂNN, R. This smu elsd-oc~aey Lydia E. Pnbrt sgl-i en pound, bs-s been rselgw no Amaties- te heallt for e-e ttan ferty years and l iiA i ps-ys-ny wemian abo sntIers frotadipicee inl- ' bacicacie, bsCcanroeeeo 'lte bines" l ivtbsances aeeys rsI For patil si~-gelion l agar t Watcb the Ps-utc-y Shelves. Tis assecasa recautlyounlte psa-, t-y csIres cf s-patciotic but thouglet- lacs aomau: Oua quart cas- aiit about a cuplul cf citoa echo-W ln il, net longer fil 10 oes-t,-nd oaanel gissemitit s-fea SDooodUS Of J el'y left b'dry up sad ha anstedi Are lhey ou, your ps-ut-y sitaîf? This ms-y have basa a common sigitt s- fea,, years s-go aiten al ste aitat as wauted sad tht-sa lite -sst out, but noa avhen avec-y spoorful cf food utust ha put le use b s-va itums-ity, n its-a a dî'.opof -ielly es-a ha wasted. The1itouls1eeaper argues Vha s-IsIej cannerd so muet fruit sad vegelablas,1 site jusce cou'Id't flud enougl intlat sr and email jaily s-d jani Classes. Hec- family irase'srnaU lts-y grea lic-ed of oua ki-d ofcf oweheacie, or sucOr vegetabla, baIera tIre cala s s-seC tipi a-nd just a little-a nec-y lhttlls-is was esd eaci tlime. Horers-sce s- f sa Iites-t xviii hlap. Basueyouri amîiyl i l yOu xvii uadouibtedily opeýn hspiasns icst. iTitis W1111 les-veS s1aI-i npty e-ns lu aehyou can c-osnus-y l? ver frLuit o)r vegèts-ble yeu tihuls your famlily wili tire of heore it ie used. Or you 1nrigït carry over a oclsf tomatoes Çor ps-scicstes Vo yoLr-ux e )Or wlees- yen have-40 opena-w. quart es-n. Soes day site wlreitr-n perles-pslai t a berriof ceira wlricit 'asje neDt sa in, te seioce 11erso crues-essirudsny lesy at 10 spoil waltea _sei, rd of ILasting Cure. The Making of Soup. ________"Hve a 'plate of s)oup? " i-kw çfeter Theoldnoton hateczma a i have you asked the familly f 1.1wu 'rh od ntiri ha ibzea l àhave a platLe Of sop, fteryo had ~isese 01theblood 15 refuted tîme andl time again by tie cures tliat arfe spnt- onetu admteiL mak, n dally beitng effected by Dr. Chase'z lit, Now I arn goin to tel1 o that O4~ ~ the secret of tre conoeny is t112 it ma1tters not 7whý_ at heC,1us10 1may serving of"a plate f oo, a0tal hav ben, ~ yu aplyDc- Ch up at the of dinuer. ueiftnd cure of ecz-2rna. ej Wheu pr'operly moade, soup is a thL roof stimulatîug aud whioieýsre dish that, 1'Ms tphnG bateBx25 wil'ladd legaince to the frugal rneal. Jordali. Ont-.w tI"tt rthr 'stimuIlates and urornmotes the d iges- Lad a bdcs fezrao i e He wstobe erya n tion and prepares the stomacli for the and winter w iIt , d~uld flot -worl frood that flos for days at re etddle- Each hop2seho>dd1(, no matter- how 4s t sales-laes onailt S1u11)o* liti ieurýed îhirn. One dayLe tried , D aeisokpt n Chaa's lttrnet, nd A gae arnot ittothis pot s -oad go -!Ilethe ,bs instnt elif. e cotined ts seof mattrlnrnugsand ;boues, to- buýt hadflt ,Uit libdte eodte ith fthe left_-ver gra-vies. Aý 'bxwhie 7ha0was cred1 It-Z uwplt of Scvup should be, serv7ed daily Leerr~une.-ecetany can ire- duiiring the fs-il and iuter, and ueedi ecomen Dt. has's inmen, ad o't buta e ents each week to atate "Ths le iac tify hat lkno Mrs Tbaltd ad te prtyto boiis-îdkeLp jitfor th!is purpose. The abe refoýiir, ad ersatrnnt re* ususl -i proportion is a one-gallon pot~ core i i. 4>r1 , -Lr -1i? 1ùzix. Vou will-rêqie Mr J ous 2 nrrîyone paund of bones toeveryquart of eczenvtla rny aud forabout fve s-udone large union, one rnedi. yeas t~d gea mny ivremledieunli s;zed carrLoeemedium sized bu, otdca wlesreo tbei turni e fagoýt of soup herbs te chekedLtnon ceedAt errauetly evryfou-r lquuarts efwater or less. anC ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~1 ci tcaeksr ai a o-Hv tite 'biitcher crack the bones a ionlD.Ca~' ltnn n Aawtrsdplace inFa poitttgehrwth bouseit i cos o2 - O. v i ng the sssnn.Aci Oite rqie -n me ïu'ce o tts lrr sotbn ItAaout of cold w ater au brinig to a Dr. 'ha&a inîent,60 ont ..bel. Cook very soryfrt1iree -ad boc a W delý r da~n a haîf hours. Straýla th le iiq(,uidsaud ta ts S~o lmied,'flroito.Sub reurnthe benes asud vegetabies tou ston On t ba o sc o. sdremnove the ckeof fat When it C TII~OILFO AIPLAES i hardens. Nowplc titis liquid in a saueepan and heui for one hour. It Be, (tI Eownfor b~ mayTtwý be used orstjclk, soupe, Lurîrlîngbroths,grve n acs Rotay EnluesCover the-buesin heket1 i chi 10~tpnJ csLO- h fr irpars. ;ok slowiy ou the hac t>o'(tieirange CosL~r 1 iv~'ei~et o knon Tr 'for four itours, antil Cin - drain, and -, ~n cte otetul rtay o- owo quaits o!i t'tis stock,-ddfon glies c ontu îycf hemodrucatn of tlentse, oeue cuoful of diced t'es tu as verîîîîg i ancarrots, oeehalf cu.pful of diced on- airpa'- dc'- o so euch onttheý ions, ouae-ns-tf copful of barley, ona arnoth '-~o-f lte engine, il is Ici'upýful of diced potaloes, oas-bal ýup- e~se til t ut~hebesloh rocrab fu ofdiced tut-_nîps, oua-quarter les- must b ~-cd ," e prpee. j'sonfi o pdcrdtityâïa, two Bcfoo th,urp ionseo. iutbeponusof fiuely chopped pars- of a~ r h t e~ mt caclre frtuley, one tabiespoon of dried ceiery dOI SilUlofly li 1 the aves. Cook : slowly for one hour for mab'~go! se'p, hts, dyes, artificial n godtayveeaecup IIew to prepara a fagot of coup lanhesud o cl tc-usthiags, ly- lerls-Di'vide ona Ieek jmb othree pape ~ ,Partssad culfrom lte stem lun. To Ibis piece -of laak add four 'branche(Is, "h v e ~ cho experanca Y cf hyme, ttvo branches of prly wha vocde dt neosariy apu- oep~ceo!f carrot, cu ai nslrip ri-s o c ie "al-hewhlevau itheeinhe ong, two bace of of o e aet '. Srrw.pain, un- colary, .one srnall papper ped4. wcn 2a -chs h er witc lh a striag and drTy ina warrn pulace, Witea dry put ina aglass jar to be used s-s naedad. Mauiy varieties of soupes may. be UGH n ms-de frein the plain stock wilh just afs-w minutes' wck. 0lear tornato soup onee quart el Co~tt toc add oas cnpfl of canned tomna- I toes, rubbed thrLt-ongl a flueqsteve,. O stars- Noodies, macaron :or any cooked ee tal nay 7 ba ndd i VFor clear si)up: Add, one leaspooxi-- fi1ofk; cenbouquet and s-ny de- siedvealblsta s-iiquart cf ~IL TlSYO ?IL N S tcki. tW11en msking rcreani"'M oup s if. yuW:11 s-dd ncu ful 9f repa:red 5,% "i p.15! i stoc te s2acitcupul f mill your coup Tones e ecisr eh, e b rsStoc tanI S t C*e Nvoe iiedas i2o 1 ed hn thrubn r ho n for $5 Or-wlllee, w -Alus Siiby ail,, druglas e'-,aAd l pan kg.SereeiDc 1 ath. Remorve frorn the bath, fasleni pries~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ti Ncoihcta1fieTlkWO Vtelidesecýýurely sad thea test for MEWCI1A COTOONTOS. ~rreeiy i,~i~ es-esnd store in s- cool, dry place. WJthere thre e j a fit-e kept in te kitchen, it ail not add to the ceaIsto t eau soupe, stocks, etc., for future use. Weyo ur hadaches, ik is Usully causedl by your liver or stom ach eti out of or),der, These "sic k headaches," quiklydispper as soon as the Stomacli, Isîelevea' of its bilio us-contents.- -Right your stomach -ad regulate and ton'le the liver with Beecharn's Pis, which rapidly improve conditns and promptiy Direcionsof SpcialValueto W tne awikh Every Bx -J PLÎ7 C~~OULU NUT STOP 'ýtedyI FL rset'1 ,e nu, P1îercos the shadows ile Gýtbseïiuae, Amas eosle treestuAnlie grey tff ?-ln*I ~hoTritil l~j~~J êes le the s rtoî >urytay ullil De Tied îru*IIiIII Wltbfn the wals s-wo«wan a voice sl labo.-r vas7 esp e luc-uiug Ast s=a-- Moi F011 rIIt JIIMes Wîîh tyAryn urmure of thre- Kedron mr, an(! wien ,Jher-e are >,,o asny nrCousln-- hunryrnuth t flL".1fr-I1 muelis' yovu of lte ý,groat Seig AaFather abera tbe Master saýve t'ile sp-oonfuiýs. They ar eti aeor io fo orprayed, Worthbit.oderfu1 maedîcine 'fonita-Ivou.-Ena 1Biis self-sacrifice upon the bhI_ Good atreContagions. anv ut ufre o asy Frhon ticesîlesoe b teh A certainutIe boya-egetlig edsa- labo lte hbiof frýttJig, epcaii could gel no permanent reile.Bra battle sounds; auronutthe, at the breast heursad Imas moia ria didm otke'ri-ja% agata, c-proved bhlm by ieraiffrettag -utea-ies' and I 1did soawth pgrs-t To les- tAtusa ewC rusade conte AI- hlm, The acoAr eComnf o f th. e nr--sces;-auoIarelreyfeiih! ing bcm na rd Fsiter wenî t Hadcies tsks tu yur 'Vautttom, so nsol-tgd ovae b tj ffcewtbs-ltt ewrid slni aiie.To ses Ibe glearning efar atiAshLr frou n ou Iis fae, sadis-n eider Coi MI*l2S. MlAADER SHAW, !Es-et, to sclrool-in ea mood te be éilsted "hy 110e.a box, 6 for $2I,0bltrsnie24. SyinDbol G ova wmdres tbings ister ini the days0.could AtIlIdeirsor seÉ nt ureceipt Of lu tAta e m "sGod,"em easily lsaglt wwr. picepostp-d, by FFor ustires-er battier es danger sdtha c-eredy.Site fouud________ __ lts-t Lde Bey, reproved for soid for-, NAVAL NOTEPAPER OucthIb e abeCM2rs Chistn liood bddd(en 10 m entin ee titing, lurad-as- slrd, tu suother and tinge izhVtrudofjbe- shi's Cc-et uwcaï ldnPrsted n1 1To carsý- litespu in, lu s-rs ttifs-, comhng liter gramwaoc-e Wheu site NarNi aBon.Tr-lnIu' ra1 -esetr Ais siarted ta reormail, sie peln- v rBiti~l sn-o-ws-c-les Ulis gci ed ot 10 notce bt-lsthao r iidJc-sjetîe aesseey-g - e er.Jsnslerasic1eU whein the -Dcrn a-ýs cIbtcaýIe d i l in e 'army, zwC-jtet 1Vjr. G. G. Sharp Tiytllrntls-as h'1wrue- A bues s-tento olte 3fs-c t hal ltse suom h inte DUndee -Adv-tiseer. Nets-ýpr-r sî s 0p peinaere gtingres-dy teVj, wl u'-sed by offic anebse il heTeascs AieIrIllshr lt-pia down aboie bssketsful c f siow- crest of ta he i bwhbVh- a- A e a, tnueh go cos-sting. Wbs-evÇ'ýet- long,.uJra'cvl- At raetsyr nboi there ,seemned as- lii;dito o er-n- For hs li et part lt p-a ue p-a p)laint fr'om 11111e 'bey sire dertad Lîit lis wite auud the creetle p frintËed lanA Ctrsia rays Au lo-fUe_-,hl;sarane. bya licery ren-ck or s- rs-pY sigsj -utiesipine, aaexception y tVhs moriugg--ouit ai ji o moul f jo- -o-alite Admlc-aity Office p-pn, aea ere auattnIaar reprof or soding couid bsihd- The nolpmper of Dif.S. SI. Vin _________________ appeared undrer te sunsbdrte of'tac oea tfrol ita naval vcoef 1797.! au d od ntur7e. HalS.Tierbs e msI naturs-liya' Pcarlsps lais-eadcf? Little Boy il le tigrer in ils creetr. The edy of lite e1 sema eier mmber-of the1fs-nir ikwo ania iscater lu-oslî ii "ges out of b-d ounte %acg sie." lite ides of coayeing " gtuns. A2 cross unrd or a reproOFsoelis ..S Reveiýge has tie Draka louit, sets Ibewhoe dry aroag. JusI a sad carnies tlirtoitto of "Lyal De. "Terri'ble Cias efE-m---cnred our cns of aste -adliesring scs or"Tthe Ielrtaoba e- hnamr by-og1diae o c mores-cle dunjg Vie ft-stfeaheur tryen rchr its bth mlloa d yes-rs, wçith isif dozan ,pcaiî.Bî ef ireday seais lelit'sace _hs- d mig. The ferer is "Arrï onees ntrrbecondition. Almost a garo's-nter te power to hart Us - I aman-votîsuwrçck. IL laook juintSboutles te wod -r !,ý !ae-,ý apcp tnentar-e. ndie %l attr te a cearup this dis=esa" by tor orloole WhVs-r 'aend wi-g-d rc-Avho itahat bw b- ii ic tAsfe etimnony of a .prcmin- laI smiling faces s-td uafs-iing gond iucaîli a eut- nereptpr man. 1fenm u i lamper be lte guass-t ite break-! Ships naneds-"tecilleUs and bn"'Si icbi soy n uisonareuend.bW faA- table. uutl aatha ý,c- stop thjrnae - havale eu so imeny"msr cores wilh ltus plae. .MS. soelitmpton is nea 17.,aMVelooAiodW%-ehturst asCfreiy "The Womaa Who Underclaude" OCphoitub haie. '[-ha crttOf 9ur jOU fIeuiîa hotde <nour 0ersouai Site mnakes no plan foc- you tb fuiflî ga-Ichanual siphng port is vary qous-t1e.-1ry AtToda. 1Jr& The aomaa aito uiiderslnnids; avolvad, includi'tg, arong-~t other Lvl luges omniî,Ot Site seads nto uished grIst la your e mbleant nkudhit'sl'alto et sad breast- ' inlplateand lv:o Sl- os 'dning bs-cmcsoute ' Tita aomsa ho underesands. 400Vaars 'Tis ltaetougitt site br ings Sta-ndard Grs-e ofFi'r -S 239 Nle'ger. 1 PPIyFou t'eým hcsoiici n ýýncet' ra s n SustitFlu Gxrsasm s-ted Whiolc, Wbeat Flour. ]Phone 129 PB Do your Pl-tons le.ak oil and dirty up your spark phigs? -If soe e au re- bore y-our cylinders and fi t oversîze pistou.ýinsuring dean plugs and more powo-r, -also you ivili use less oil. Corne Pnd let us tell you about it. es~ We have a large quantity of oil on hand ofail-grades Ait the di~fférent -kinds --- of Gargoyle for Tractors,1 Stearn En- gieCars, etc. Our price is rigrht. Sild in quantifies frorn one galon to one barieli. Ail kind of Ford parts a.nd accessories on hand at ail tirnes. Phone 18'ARG0swani TRUST FUN%-,DS 0= Savings Departmnent giveff you a~ guarn-tee cof agouer.eurity and ~sTmO tara înterest at current rate. BOWMANVILLE BRANCH A. K MiMIILAN9. ------------ Titlsiage antI singe halo lte heat of yo-o, Tiîl iti flows and glos And flnally groas talo vson f dreame coma Site site sand -siljes from iter an,-s-y -chair, Tha omnawito unde-ssa-nrd, As-dr s ie stetis yout pisasgco Tawomau altv1o uurdarstand 1s, Site nys -no dI Focr heatt or bt- To htIsihe givng you, -% ser soul's fisj3 -a gace Gvsyou sîrea-g'lïitfor ltaraCe, Tte -race liaIm ikes dr rcos This Happes-ed ln Toronuto F-irIhope you hita ,nodj n ig2 it's reest lunlta old, f amiliar r,7oom, Sou ,(-relut-s-d soldier) -- Pretty good, >dsd. 1 ducked undar ltse bed only oncle. Fs-lter (alat-md)-Why, wattass lte trouble?1 S on-TIre grbaga man's s-Ilsck ou lte canes-at 5 a.m.1