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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1919, p. 5

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Warm Footwear This is the weather that calis for comfort rather than style, but we have tried to combine style and comfort in our Winter iFootwear. A Partial List, Kid boots, wool lined, heavy rubbers and sox, overshoes ail sizes, Jersey r ubbers,buckskin moccassins colored leggings, etc , etc. A shoe for every need. A price for every purs e. Fured.R. Foley, Bowmanville. On The Sunnyside Phone 12. Pleased I amn more than pleased with the veny liberal patron- age the people of Bowmanville and viinity have given the "Cash and Carry Meat Mar-ket" since opeuing last Tbursday morning. Many people have alneady becorne regulan customens as they nealize that tbey save money on eveny piece of meat tliey buy from me, SpecalWindow ID ipay You wil l e interested ln our daily wiudowdîsplays this week, Price.s may taik but quality is also there. Carry Yeur Parcels and Save Money- G.' A. Edmondston-,e (One door- east of Levi Morris & Soni's) Phone 21. Bowmranville - um 1', "Just What Is Ne-eded" That is what so many people have told us since they found out we,ýad'-started in business for our- selves. It wil l be our aim and desire to mneiit the good words that are being said about us by looking af ter your Plumbing lleatingTinsmithin g promptly, give you the best of -rnaterials obtaiuable, and do a job that will absolutely satisfy you and be a credit to ourselves. Our reasonable prices will also appeal to you. We are at your service. Greenaïway &D Elott Division Street, Opposite Goodyear Hotel Phone 18 ýday or night) Bowmanville People'sý Fuel & Lumber Depot Fuel Wv arvu pleased 10 announce that we bave au abundant supply of Fuel lu the following lines. Scranton Coal lu Egg, Stove, Clestnut and Pea Sizes, and excellent quality. Cannel Coal, îhe bcdt in the womld for grates and fireplaces. Nul Size Coke, Sîearn Coal, and best quality Srithing Coal. Also firt-clasa lard wood, and kindling wood suitable for ranges aud cookstoves. We ai-c now prepared 10 take cane of ail onders and shall be pleased ta hear fnorn any uf oui- custorners wbo arc no ul Ill supplied. Grass Seeds and Seed Grain -Wc have somne chuice Goverument testcd Red Cloveri, Alsike and Timothy Sced, Marquis Wbeat, White Wave Oaîs, Gnanary Filler Oats and Sprîng Ryc suitable for sced. Itpaya ta 50w Pure Seed, sud we bave taken especial cane ta pi-avide seed that is officiallv analyzed sud gcadcd. Sundrï .es We ai-e till Iaudling Chancoal, Salt, Canadian Poitland Cernent, Lumber and oller Building Material. Oui- Motto la silîl "A Square Deal for ÈÉvcrybudy" and we shail be pleased lu have youi- inquirie, and fui-niaI estitnales un any ut above lines, McCIellan & Company Limited King Street East Bowmanville Office Phone 15 - REesidences 228 and 274 s ~M A L T OISE -TO LET-Suitablo for syal ýýtaîily. Apply te F. F. MuRaiis, Bowmauville. SOnt. 48 f. u-. UL FOR hAL ie ýisered Angug, I years K ed uit a Ig ol tock-gtter. Aýppl]y te ~R.J. lods , Tyone. 6 It RENT-Pro!ie1e-nuw oied hy îlte 1919. New ifronili he put inj, Appy te FRMFOR , UE 10 acres,- lu Bariingtuu, asy -ýtermei. Box-,R, Bowmanvillo, I-ft ,,qOR SALE A1NO-1 0 RENL Several resideuices pK tes asEI TH V. SCOBaEL L, o an FA LI, RYE W'AVITED Any aon tti y 1atd. wil esupay the btghest' prices -forpoult1ry and jnnk. Apply J. Rosenvald, BomniiPhone 289. 7tf 1BOWMANVThLEï FE-B. 20, 1919 Il. IHope witb a tcaching.,staff of uinety-six. ISalai-v is $2,500 and travelling expenses. Thbis rnay soon be iucreased '10 $3,oo0. JMajor Suider will be cxpcîcd 10 ceside iu Bowmanville for convenience of teach- eàad trustees. A 1hacet cul dowu nîte cost of living, Bya Picniic Ham aI McMurtry's this week fcr$i,69. Mrs. D. Davis has been visiting friends in Toronto, Miss Sucîgrove,' Camborne, is guest of Mr. Clark Taylor, Toronto, recently visîted his parents. Two-thirds- o± the erjire area of Canada is non- agricultural. -9 Is there a land wbere the sunsets are 50 woinderf Aj as in Canada? Misses Margaret and Minnie Trebilcock spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. B. Donley of Myrtle is the new station agent at Burketon.1 Seventy per cent of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick is natural forest. Mr. Herbert Bessey, Georgetown, has been visiting bis uncle, Mr. Jacob Gaud. Mr-. George Dunn, Toronto, and Wm. Dunn visitcd their aunt, Mr..Joe Rogers. George P. Clar-ke, Coe Hill, returned soldier, bas been appointed postrnaster thece. Dr. T. J. Craig, dcntist, is now associat- ed witb Dr. Wigbtman in practice lu Peterboro. ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lai-ke, Coîborne, spent Sunday witb their daughter Mrs. Geo. Hinds. Misses Gladys Weese, Maijoric Westa- way and Nellie Bottreîl spent the week-4 end in Toronto.1 Mr. Paul. Trebilcock was in town ce- ceutly, returniug from, a trip South to bis home in Peterboro.c Mi-. and Mrs. W. R. Skitch, Lindsay, celebrýted tbe 5otb anviversary of their mariage on Feb. I51h.a Mi-s. L Paterson attended the funeral of lier brother-in-law, Mr. Geo. T. Han- cock at Newtonville on Saturday. Mrs.-Wrn. Morrison, (nee Minnie Rogers), Wbitby, bas been guest of Mfiss Lillian McLean and relatives bei-e. Mc. and Mrs. A. A. Colwill, Newcastle, attended thc funeral of ber uncle, Mr. John D. Way at Lindsay on Fciday. 1Messrs. M. A. James and N. S. B.r rames attended the funeral of Editor C.c A. Goodfellow--at Whitby on Tuesday. Mr., James Wilcox, Darlington Station,1 is in Bowmanvillc Hospital wbere he is1 recovering nicely from bhis recentý ilîness.é Pancakes just like Mother used to make -or maybe better. Corne and taste foc y'ourself at the ParisI Hall, Shi-ovec ruesday, Mai-. 4th.i Pte. Qi-vis Mitchell, Mrs. Mitchell andt ,on spent a few days with their cousina, - Mi-. and Mrs. W. W. Allin at the Post Office. Canadian and Amreican milk prices show tIat this most important food re tails in Canada at, roundly, 25% -less than in tbe U. S. Rev. G. W. Spai-ling, Chung King, West China, wcote receutly to Miss E. M. Werry, Tv one, a vei-y interesting letter wbicb we hope to publisb next week. Mi-. H. G. Hutchinson, new manager of Standard Bank, Oshawa, bas purcbased1 from Mr. Robt. McLaughlin, the baud-1 some bungalow on Sîmcoe-st., noctb, Smoked Picnic Harn ata McMuctry's1 this week $1.69 eacb.1 We welcome t0 Bowmanville business1 and social cii-des Mr. G. N. Thurston and1 frily' of Toronto and we hope tbey find, business good and residence among4 us verv pleasant and satisfactoi-y.1 S1Mr. W. L. Stutt delivered a fine beavy1 horse lait week foc. service Et the Caledonian Milîs, Bowrnanville. Mr. J. L. Morden, tIe proprietor, knows a good borse wben be secs it and is willing 10 pay the price-Orono News. Our citizeus dceplv sympathize withi Mr-. and Mrs. A. L. Nicholis in the death of their son, Lieut. Hardy Nichoîls who died at Gravenhurst ou Mouday. The funcral took place Wcdncsday at Niagara Falls wbere he rcsided previous 10 bis ilîness. Besides bis young wife and parents be leaves to mouru bis loss two ! b-others, Pte. Andrew Nicholîs, overseas, and Mr. Jas. Nicholîs at home. Miss Louise Hardy cccently met witli a very serious and painful accident t0 ber b aud while tucuing a water tap wbicb was defective. Thc porcelain end broke and causcd a deep ga sh, the metal spike whîch ffheld the porcelain also cntcring the b aud injuring tlie tendons and an artery. Quick and skilful -attention on the part of Dr. Hazlewood combined 1with tbe very thorougb care given by Mire. Smyth and the nurses during four the Hospital, ai-e cesponsible for capid cccovering of the injui-ed baud. Mca. I. Sci-iptuce and.daughter Evva ai-e speeding tIe, winter in California. They had a moat deligbtful trip down and found Mr. Gco. Pirie i-cal well and glad to see his sister and nicce. Miss Evva, writing to a friend says: I neyer was s0 celuctant to leavc any place as 1 was 10 leave Los Angeles. Had a deligbt- fnl time-were entcrtained Et Pasadena Berkeley and greatly enjoyed thcr al], dave passing like minutes. They wrote frorn Hotel Biltmore, Taylor-st., San 1Francisco, Caîf. our special importations be- ing con-flned to -limîted lots.- W. T. le "Big 20" ]Bookstore Local ami Otherwise.' Local news on innt-r pages, Soliers' letters ou muner page. Souch and Woodley's obituaries -page 2. Miss Grey, Lindsay, is visîting Mrçs. John Mclntyre. Mr. David McAlden, Brantford, visited old friends in Orono. Big slaughter of Army Blankels. See advertiscment page 5. Bice's and several other articles are crowded out this issue, Mr. Alex Elliot spent Sunday with bis broîhers in Peterboro. Mrs. W1. Nellis, W'innipeg, le visiting hier sister, Mrs. C. H. Anderson. ýiss Ibrena C. jenkins, Kingston, was recent guest of Mrs John Elliott. Mr. Thomas Percy speut Sundav with his sou, Mr. Harley Percy, Toronto. Every women lu Durham should read F. O. Mason's advertisement on last page. Ham week at McMurtry's. Takre your choice of the srnall Picnic Hams $1.69 eacb. Mr. Fred R. Foley, Bowmanville's en tertainer, assisted at a c6ncert near Trenton on Monday evening. A Pancake Social will be held in the Parish Hall on Shi-ove Tiiesday, Marcb 4th from, five toeight. Ail you can eat for a quarte c! Miss Florence Van Nest arrived safely [n PhiladeIphia; received a bearty wel cotne and found bier mother and other members of tbe faniily well. ,Every home should have one. You can aiford îwo at the price jury & Lovell are selling bot water bottles this week, Read- their advertisement on page 1. 11 Miss Annie Medland, 692 Trumbaîl Ave., E., Detroit, sends best wisbes to Bowmanville friends and renews for the hmre paper to keep in touch witb town events. Hockey match Monday night between SBeaches of Toronto and Bowrnville under auspices of Great War Veteraus result, d in a victory for visitors by score of i-8. SW. H. Walkey, Peterboro, a well known school Principal and widely knowu arnong the Masonic fraternity, died Sunday morning. Formerly of Wbitby. Osliawa Town Council have laid out au extensive scherne of local improvernents, including the paving of the lest liuk on the western aide of- the town on the Kingston coad. The women of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church intend having a social and musical evening in the school-room. on St. Patciçk's day, Mai-ch i7tb. Program in keeping witb the day. 8-tf. LESKARD Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robbins were 1serenaded on their arrival ho me af ter their happy honeynioon. The boys weie invited in, introduced to the bride and given refresbments'anda few dollars to spend at the store for a1 further treat, Friday evening a good- ly company surprised1 the bride and. groom at the Hall when a complimen t- ary addres waa read by Mr, Edgar Davey to whicli Mr. Robbins made a happy reply, the company siuging enthusiastically -He's a jolîy good, fellow". Games were indulged lu, refreshments from the plump liarpers served and a jolly social time tlioroly , enloyed with the popular younig Couple. Ail regretted that Mr. Moses Robbins was unable thru illness to at- tend his son's mariage or participate lu the after rejoiciugs-lie spent his 75th bic tldayilubcd. In Ie enlogistie address read to Mr. andMrs. Lorne S. ltobbins conveyed tlie esteem and good wislies of the community and extended a cordial and sincere wel- corne t the bride. Mr. Ttobbins lias been lelpful in mnany ways and by voice and mieans lielped good and wortliy causes. He lias been a good sport, too, alvays standing for dlean sport. As centre baîf hack lie won faine as a footballist. Coinrades have fought for the Empire. Mrs. Robbins was presented with a handsomne Coin- bination Buffet accompanied by the wish for a prospenous and liappy- life and tle blessing of Heaven on their marital union. 0-'eTICE! If using youn Car Get Your Motor License Now -Commercial, Touring, Proof and Non-Proof Liceuses and Permits. If by mail add 10c postage. All chieques must be payatble at par. Henry Reynolds,' GovernMent Issuer Port Hope PPRENTICE WÀNTED-Tu learu milinery, AApply to Haddy & Co., Bowmanviiie. tt gHICKEN BOUSE FOR SALE-Large size, double boarded. Apply to H. B. Creeper, Horsey-st, Bowmanville. 81te: AY FOR SALE-A quantity ut loerandj ilTimothy Ray. Apply te TIIERON S. MOUNT- ,ïuv, R. R. 6 Bowmauvilie, Phone 239-r32. 6-4 ORSLE-Three yonug cows tu reflew suuu,1 adtoyea.rling beitèe, aIse 10 yOnng Pigs for sale. J, Harris, Scugug Road, Bowman- Iville. St UAN WANTED-An experieuced farm auad. Duis tu commence March 1 t. Apply te C. A. Wight, R, R. 4, Bowmanville. Phono 142r2l. Stf HOUSE FOR SALE ORt TO RRNT-With ail! modemn couveniences, Possession March 1.1 Applv ihos. Hardy, Liberty-st, Bowmanville, Phone 128. s8 1 OR SALE -Two colts, good farma chnnl-s, ris iug 3 ami 4years; good cow te reuew April 1. FApply to W. [. BJittery, . 1..6, Bowmnnville. jPhone 2t9w, 82-5 f¶AN WANTED-Married man accnstomed to farta work. Free bouse aud oth2r priviieges. Apply A. E. Rundie, R.R..2, Bowmauvilie, or, P'houe 124.r4. t ioî ESTRAY-Cauee on miy premises on Feb, 12 ltb. Owuer miay have saine by proveug 1pro. Pperty and paviug exponses. B, vAn ýrus, Kiug-st E.. Bowmanvilte. 8 l LOST-Parcei ot ladies' wear Saturday ight, Feb, 15, between W. W. I)Iicinsou's, Liberty LSt,, aud Ubris. Cox's, Wilil feder ploase leave parcel at STATESMANý Office. 81 IlOUSE FOR SALE OR REN5T-In dirt-ciass' condition, runniug-water, eloctrie lights and turoace, car bkýru and work shop. leasou tor selling, pour health. Apply Geo. W. Brown, opposite Town Hall, Bowmianville, Phone 288. 8*21 IFARM TO RENT-126 acres more or less, being parts lots 8, 4, BF., Dariington, lu good state utf cultivation. Good brick bouse, good barns witb stouo stabliug uoderneatb. For teris ap- piy te Mas. JAS. M CCoNNACHiE un the premeses, Bowmanville P.O. 2tt FARM TO RENT-100 acres, cou 6, lot 20, Dar- liugtou, 75 acres under cultivation, 25 acres April Ist Fer furtber particulars appiy to J, T. Burns. Hamptou, RE. 1, Phone 28-r15. tt P ROPERTY FOR SALE-Goud ton roumed trame d1wellieg bouse, zlass porcb dowu Pstairs and baicuny epening frein upstairs, ail large airy rouins, stone foundation, two cellars, cemeut walk aroun thouse, ms ood shed and driv- ing shed,_ bard and soft water Baru is almost new, stone teundation, cement fluors in c0w and herse stable, heun bouse. pig peu and root celar. Ail buildings lu good conditio.n'Pmont streai euns through place. About 1 acre orchard and 15 acres ut land. Also bousebold furiture- chairs, tables, bedsteads, couches, cupuoard, dressers, alsu Chevrolet car with all e quipinent. AIse one patent loom, self teeder, al uew im- provements. Possession April lst. Apply on p remises to Mrs, Thos. Gilders, Haydon, address Bowmanvilie, R.R. 6ý 7 8e Noice to Creditors. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant te the Revised Statutes et Ontario, 1914, Chapter 121, Section 56, that ail porsons baviug cdaims against the kstate etfJohn Gordon, lateofetthe Township of Cartwright in the CountyoetDur. bain, Builder deceased, wbo died un or about the Eighth day ut August A. B 1914, are te serad by post prepaid. or te deliver te F. 1). Meure, the nndersigned Solicitor fer the Adiinistratrix ut the Estate of the said deceased. on or betore the Eigbth day ut Varcb, 1919, thoir naines, eddress- os and descriptions, and a full statereent of the particulars ut theer daims and the nature ut the scrtif ans, h,-d hy theut, duPe verefled hy statntory declaratton. Atter sncb last mentioned date the Admenis- tratrix vill proceed Io distrihute the aseets ot the deceased ameg the parties entitled thereto, bavieg regard only to the claires of wbicb she shail then have notice, and she shahl net ho hiable for the ase tesu distrihuted, or for any part thereot. te any person ut whose laim she shahl neot have notice at the turne ut the distribution. A.D.inistratrixLnsy Soliciter fer the dF. .MufstEti insy Lîndsay, 1iSth Febrnary. 1919.,S "Licensed Auctioneers" LYCETT & DISNEY 55 King Street East OSHAWA Phones 793 and 589 Sales of ail kinds conducted anywhere, any. time by competent auctioneers, For terms and dates write or plione. 8O-lyr 1 h. Yoâý,ur Oportunity Exterination .sale Ladies' and Misses' Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts and Waists Coats and Suits $20,00 to $23,50 Coats & Suit& $14,95 $25.OOto $2 7.25 fi" $1975 $29.25 tu $129.75 6(" $2 1.75 $32.00 to $32.75 " 99 $24.75 $39.75 if ~$29.75 Ladies' Ski*rts $ 5.25 tu $ 5.75 Ladies' Skirts $ 4.26 $7.00Oto $7.75 $ 8.25 to $ 8.75 $10.00 to $11.25 $14.25 to $15.00 $19 75 to $20.00 Any Ladies' '4 $ 5,95 ci $ 6.76 69 $ 8.75 $14.95 Ladies' Waists Waist, your choi-ce 20, per cent off regular price. Ladies' Dresses A splendid choice, beautiful garments, 25 per cent off regular prices. Extra SpêcïàI Bargain 25 only Lýadies' and Misses Coats at exaetly price. Next door tj Standard Bank-4 Telephone 106 Bowman-tlile Notizes of Births m'OQ elms; a an Weilfeneral cards are uriested C, hi office. llssertlooi troc. BIRTHS. PEARCE-In Cjlarke, Febý 7th, te Mr, and Mrs. Reubon Pearce, a son, PROUTIJT uBewmanville, Feb. 2nd, te Mr. and Mrs. f. E. Prout, a son. FRÀNCIs-lu Darlington, Feb. llth, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Francis, a eon. SCOT-At Meadowbrook Farin, Darlington, Feb, ]ith, to Mr. and Mrs. Lirbert N. Scott, a daughter. MARRIAGES PORTEOU-DAaCw--Ât Orono, by 11ev. Ô. R. Clare. Feb. 6th, Bazel Jane, eldest daughtor ot Mr. and Mrs.Jas. H. Darch; and Mr.Frederick A. Porteons, ail of Tyrone. DEATHS MITCHELL-In Poutypool, Feb. lSth, Samuel Mitchell, aged 76 years. PYE lun Bowmanville, February lSth, Robert James Pye, ln bis 52nd year. ASHTON-In Darlington, Feb. lith, William L. Ashiton, aged 67 y oars, 7 months. HANCOC-At Newtonville, Feb, lth, George Thomnas irancock, Isr., in his 74th year, HARIS-In Clarke, Feb. 12th, Jane Pinkbam, beloved wife ot Wiu. Harris, aged 72 years. CAESWEL-In Oshawa, Feb. 12th, Rebecca Thomas, widow of Edward Carswell, lunlier S7tb year. WAY-lu Lindsay, Feb. 12, John D. Way, ag ed 8i years. of Mrs. Levi Moûrris, Bowmauville. HIJTCHESON-At Cecil, Sask., Feb. 4th,' Vinceut R. C. Hntr-heson, eldest son of late St. John Il. Hntchesou of iiowmiauville, Ont. GOODvELLOW-In Witby, Feb. 16, Charles A. Goodfellow, ut Whitby Gazette and- Chronicle, in bis 64tb year, beloved husbaud ef Mary L. Magee. NICHOLLs-At Graveuburst, Feb. 17, ient. W. Hardy Nichoils, eldest son ut Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs, Bowmanville, aged 25years. Interment in Falls View cemetery, Niagara Falls, ont. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory utfJohn BondIe, beioyed lbns. baud outjennette Rundie, who passed away on Febrnary 18, 1918. Bae otsadueses tili come 'er me, Teaxs ini silence oteiijflow, For memory keeps hlm ever near me. Iho' I have iearned to li-e alune. WIFE AND SONS. Iu ioviug memory ot unr doar sou and brothor, William Thoumas Johus, uuly beioved son ut Eliz- abeth Johns ami the late William Henry ýJùhns, who died Feb. 20. ifl. Bays ut saduess stilI ceme o'er ns, Tears ut sorruw otten flow,. Memory keepsounr luved une near ns, Whom 0-ed called eleven years agu. O' we miss him 'but how sadly, Our grieving hearts alone enu tel], Bartb bas.luit hlm, Heaven bas gained hM, Jesus ban doue ail things weli. 1 MOTHER AND SISTEa. "Lest WJe Forget' E. R. BOUNSALL, D)eoigner andBeaier ln Monuments, Tablets, Mai-kera, etc., là Granite and bMa-bme. Bowmanville, naro Auctionéer Having secured a icense as auction- eer I arn prepared to take a liinsited number of sales. For terms and dates a pply to THEO. M. ,SLEMON R. R. 6, BoWMANVILLE Phone 239-r-I-4. 32-7mn More Than, It~ -j - w,- ROYAL AIR FORCE Blankets TheGovernment, having no further use for these extra large heavy blankets,-the samne are pl aced on the market AT HALE COST PRICE are for sale at the Harness Store of Mar-kus Mayer These blankets are the top notch-of perfection -for home use, camping,'o atomobile rugs, in fact any place where a good hea vy, wool blanket can, be- used, It is one chance in a lifetime to procure such a big bargain. Get A. Qui*ck Move On MURAL DIRECTORS L. Morris- & Son Mont Complote lqilpuient Sunday and iîcel pi-oiptly ettendd 1.Ql Buwmanvllle Phones 10-34 Branches: OOO HAPO r. -- 1

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