M,ýcLaughlin & Gray Cutters at F. 0 AUCTIOIN Mason',s, See F. O. Mason's advertisemnent for MONDAY, Feb. 24-Mr bargains. gUson, lot 28, con. 8, Don't use duil skates. Get them seil all of his farm si hollow ground at Luke & Boys', King-st. etc. Sale at t o'cl W. W. Horn is offering balance of GEo. JACKSoN, auctiý season's gloves and mitts at-reduced prices. Luke & Boys are pi grind your skates. Giv( v 500 Pou nds White Lea J TJST one trial convinced the Niagara, St. Catharine; JNavigaition Corrpany that Brandram's Genuine B., Lead rightly deserves the titie, "Best for over two hund Usually they bought one ton of ordinary White covering their boat l'Dalhousie City." Last year they suadeî to try Brandram's. They bought one ton and job was finished had 500 pounds left, whuie the job was botter than former years. This is one instance in hnndreds that we could tell Painters aIl over Canada who have used Brandram's Goî will neyer "go back" to any other. Sole Age uts for West Durhami for Fi-re-co Ranges ar( Mason & Dale's llardwa Phone 145 Bow llaving sold out my retail butcher to Mr iEdrnondstone I arn going into the wli butcher business. 1 arn prepared to paý highest cash prices for cattie, poultri hogs, ai]. farta pyoduce. Get rny prices bef ore disposing of your produce. Beasts kill ed and dressed for farmers at reasonable prices. Outsýâ-tndiig Accoim Ail outstanding accounts should be p ai d Mardi lst. After that date they will other hands for collection. Accounts m settled at Dudley's'Butcher Shop (my1 store) any af ternoon.- Wm.J.-Cha Phono 20,5r3-1 Manvers Road 1l30W EYESIGYHI the most valuable of ail sanses is the most negla( sud the least uuderstood. The presenit age don s0 much of our eyes that we must ail be very part about tham. Wae au do very well witb false teeth,i an arm but wben-tha eye is gène no subsitution eau In aur thot ougb examinations wa are s-ery cara fui toi the condition of bealth of the ayeansd if abnormaitias refusa ta pi-scribe glasses but strougly racommeud meci Remambar, this if for your protection. For Conscientious Eye ,SE "Sea oui- Busy Optometrisî, R. M. Mitehell, un bis white ai Optucai Room. "The, piace wbere poor ayes aud good glasses me R. M.MITCHU4£EdL L & Phone 92 Druggists and Optometrists Bowmauville, Ontario. Nights and Sundays SEEDPEA Contract Peas are booking up very liv( not blarne us if your order does not arrive to get the variety you prefer. U'A ust ai rieeds.,COT ~CAKE MEAL. You want tl the space. The price will sur Irrived, a few ON SEED ai the MEAL. 'V rprise you. We are always open to buy any qui Grain and 'Seeds. Hogg9 &ýLyt1e'Limt Phione 203 Foodl Cont.rol Licenses 3-633 and 12.4 and a Mvrs. H., usîson. 1 Gillson Blower, new.... 375 00 275.00 A PILL THAT uS PRIZED-Tbere have1 Blizzard, M-H tisad one At 9 beau mauy puIs put upon Ibe market sud season 800 00 125.00 .11 d pressed upon publie attention, but noue 1 Farm Wagon .......... 8000 70.00 tavor as Parmeleeis Vegetable Pilîs. Aboya articles canuot he duplicated at Oshawa W-1despread usa of tbem bas attested their these prices. Oedo eto ocJlntn&Cy great value, sud tbay ueed no furîber ad- e-orwsofC uhJhnt & ry : 6-3362. vertisemeut Iban Ibis. Having llrmuly as- iPhonoe131(pndyad igt tablished themselves in public esteem, F 9 M s1(pn1dyadNgt Ibey uow rank without s peer in the list of F O standard vegetable prepsaaion. Phone 131 Bowmanville SALE. TRO FARME RS ATTENTION! N1EL 'MAYDON r.Wilbert J. Fer- Visitors: Miss Carnie Philp--and The regular meeting of the United Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hurîbut, Kemble, Miss Hughi and Miss Lena Slemon spent Darlington, will Faye Philp Cannington. at Me. J. H. Farmers' Club will be held at Providence arm visiton's alier other atMr. WFre T.tPorteHope..,. iss theloma' S ,emone toek, implements, Werey's; Miss Mary Young with Mrs. School on Tuesday February 251h' at rAston..and'Mrs. L. C. Mraseo eis T. or- untHopCee .. in Totel eo aftrea lock. SebisL Hopr Mr. W ) asn,8pm r J. J, Morrison, Secreas., o1o..M.Atu ubr hdavr laatwe-n holiday wîth hier ioneer. Daeiington, with his cousin, Mr. C. W. U. F. A., and United Farmers C-o-narow..esr.Aerhhis iotdhaught in pas and feeiends.,Aclu ofsd toh]IwWoodley; Miss C). xoore, Oakwood, Operative Co., will address the meeting, hir s ae eni le a euatynpaes ans ove our..clounioy sinc th repared t lwwith lher aunt, Mes R. Woodley; Miss- Ali who are interested in Co-operative hrelinee f ea f hies l uan Iynewshs o e detof rs. Aliy nex.Pte ,e them a trial. es Edythe and Geradinie Cleinens Movemneot aie euedîally invited 10 attend. rlee fsneo i lte n ynw fte et fMs lx otr with Miss Helen Yeliowlees, Bownîar,- F .SuiPeîet jerking himseif away prevenred anything (nee Hazel Moore) reached us' Deepest ville; Miss Irene Werey, Ohawa. at F .SuIPeiet more serions happening.... .The woodhee sympathy is extended t10 bereaved home; Me. A, F. Hines with Me. A; E. C. A. WIGHT, Sec-Treas. for the church bas beau beld and the__________________ Ulemens; Miss Hmzel Annis and annuai1 supply for anotber vear eut and PNellie Thom, Dunbarton, with Miss HîAMPTON drawn.. ier many friends w;.ll be giad Eveln Brnt; ounellorand rs. . At hear that our oldast citiz ,n Mrs. Grace H. Bient wltb Me. and Mes. S. J. Hampton Women's Instituteinteyu sos epgbrh -dwl hs Courtice, Leamington; Mrs. S. Mc- to an At Home in the Sunday School winter. e e Coy witbh ler son, Mr. Perey McCoy, Recru on Tuesday evening next Feb. Toronto; Pleasant evenings werespant 251h. Doors open at 7.30 p.m., progrm ýMAPLE GROVE W3 recently at homes of Mr. A. W. at 8, foliowed by retreshments. Admission Hooper and Mr. Thos. Woodey.... League meeting Friday evaningwas in Stevens wbo have eompleted a 7 day test 'ss Y=t a LU ~~Junior League was ini charge of Miss charge of Miss Miidred Cole, missiona-y Proeured ilie foilowing r suits: The form. iht nor h imr ,,Lola Richards, eeadings by Miss Mar- vice Pres't. After the opening hymns, er's four vear'old eow 25-15 lbs butter fat.! Harris rapaisfrulycredb Too to garet Moore and Hilda Prout. MeA. Rev, Mr-. Brown led in prayer. Ihe the latter wt w erod efrî.5fsfomrycridb es, Toront F.îlines, Toronto, gave an inteeesting seripture lesson was read by Albert Allun. Ebs. bu ter fat.... .Epworth League meet- ovec by me and in future repairs,F B. White Lal.... A very pleasax.t occa i1on was A piano duet was given by Misses Nonie ing Tuesday eyening week was in char e spent at Couinciilor A. H Beent's [foi-n and Mary -ýou':h. The topie "India" Of \4rs. F. Swallowand Miss Aura Ronde, dee yers' lndy eenig heu"W, Oe"was given by M r. T. Salter. Recitation a5:sistant teacher. 'Fliciass gave a very .LV1a y er a .[H ila Î'd o and "Comrade lu Service" classes met "The Little Brown Girl and I" was given iiîteresting and helpful programn, consist-1:1 e eafr cngatlte Mr, and Mes, Fred by Miss Mvary Niddery. Miss Ruth Johns irig of sangs, solos, readings and a dialogue Ihv ag soteto T wer per Parrier andpresentFýd them with a gave a reading taken fromn the Missionarverntitled "The Land of the Mapies".Ihv ag asrieto iwe'the bandsoîne picture and to wish Mr. Buletin written by Rev. and Mis. J. W. Ne-xt League meeting, Thursday evening prepared to gîve best service possi nounce Lorna Mcdoy Godspeed in- his new Sparling. Februarv 251h when the young men will prnued field of labor in Toronto, and to iios isC uesetaewdy entertain. Our League will visit Ebenez r Mr. Sl. J. llen ry, who for pas' peesent, him with a new Methodist -' in iroto:Miss C. Rs spnt -1fe das L s eonTbursday evening Peh 2t rtty~]cniut~en e II you about, 1ymn ~B dd 7 lot h w o r i .o iîa s r:~ e ey ...m is il Stevens is visiting her M asseyHarris Implements and Ma MeCâliougli a slight apt)eeciatiou of vstdTroî reds raî Ms .Snt, Mliss Ida Stevens, Peterboro.... M r. nuine B. B. h ýr services-in training for their play. ClamadTonc fen daub r. rat Mr. C. Fred. Tufford. Port Foe svsîn I neeessay-Phone 232. She was givan a china cake plate... oes r.dMs .R fbil bs cousin, Mi-, Arthur Burgess .. . Miss Pte. John H. Hilis bas beau ver,-'1ilu in d a r .J.Gots Ms hd Nellie Burgess is home after a oleasant W ohtk hsopr n id ileaters. England.... Mes. L Skinner and Mes. Lehs w rda i-. F.iJ.TGroat; Mss Rod. visit witb Port Hope relatives.._.Grov-: customars for thair libaral patronaý d Heter^. Tannant continua qoite'iii....Con- Jon wi fre a sk., TorontoMr.E. te entes attanded the Alliance service hI our square dealings warrant a cont gratulations to Miss Velma S tapes in Bon al reSs. sse h Opera Bouse Sundav night and beard Mr. a passing with honors, exams in tbaory; chir on Sun ay evening and sang a solo Rutbvan MeDonald sing and Fied Sec-; are~ also Miss Edythe Clemeus, and Alisssoilaetrcnîywrtepesn- retary Frank. W.- Duggan, Toront, Beatrica Bigelow honors in highlinb bGis'Cuofaetfdses1 delivar an excellent addî-ess ..Mr.' mavle school exams ... Thursday night's Ms. A. Martin (nea Miss Z. Dewell), sud Cf 'Il j ofa caseroe toMrs.L. Rbbîn of a Lcasserole chrge f Mrs.r iL. yRthbhius'Clb ofa st ondisreqtuiringreqir everalralstitebes.... Becel-topie taken by Mes. L. Good- Mis, P. Ranton). Mr.. suif Mis A. largeý congregation was out Sunday to King Street inan atater which a -nîap talk and Matnbv ee1 eîaîerBW- ear Mr. Frank W. Duggan.'s splendid revîw e toic as ive byMe.mauvilie and Mr. sud Mrs. Robbins at address. IBce.Miss Mary Richards gave a iLeskard. AU join- ii- wi shing t he-yvoung jrie ading aind--Miss -Geealdî-ne Clemnens culsahap nirspru ie j and Ma-ster lIrving Çlemeus sang acopeabppanprsruslf. _____ d2 t..-Wi u ocetwsajThe worms that infest ebjîdren fremin diecided success. Music by Masses. their hirtb are of two kinds, those that I h e% r în ale ad e Ans find lodgment ln the stomach and hs tha ar fondin the intestines. Tha lat- rT G A. Alice Werry . dded greatly to the ter are1most detutie sthey ding te olesle ug"as god.Chaactes wre-ferad with work havoc there. Mille 's Ya Evelyn Brt s Worm Powdars dislodga both insïn Frances Farrell and Massrs. Wilmot wbile expelliig tbem frein the systemn Wright, Howard- Beent, Hlarold serve1rparted agteybv Clemrens, -Alber~t Hilîs and Lionel causad. ports were givan by Misses Jones and ENNISKILLEN I âJ aryRichards. RvJ. E. Beckel i ~ was haiman. Mis R. cflllouh IVisitors: Mr. J. G. Hewitson, Grand deserves great ceadit as instructor and Forks, .paktala 1. . -is'ln ilrect-ess. Proceüds $88 85... Rev, J. witb other, old friands; Miss Elsie Rundle, B. Beekel gave a very thionghtful Bethesda, with Miss Graca Siemon; Mr. S~ sermon Sunday înorning on 'Enoch aud Mrs. jas. Mooray at Mrs. Wm. ILt walked with God'. Mrs. H. Argua Asbton's, Bradley's; Mr. H. J. Werîy's [j a r n e s se- before and Me. A. W. Clemens took leading family aI Mr. Milton Werry's, Tyrone;'ae , c0 u s beluparts lu the flua antbemn ... Me. A, F. Mrs. J. B. Smith, Brighton, with lier be inHunes gava a very earnest talk in Sun- sister, Mis. Barry Rogers; Rev, Mr. iaay be dyShool. Bailay, Toronto, at the Parsonage; Pte. McMurtry & Go. Ltd., have a big snap Rossai Griffun arrived ho me frorn Livar- former in PicniçcBains this week $1.69 aacb. pool aarly Sunday 'no;nD a S, on a two Elactrie beaters, toasters, etc., at F O. weaks' icave before goinîg onl 10 Burling- Mason's. ton. Mauy of bis friands called on Soin-_________ day to welcomne him home ... A number _______________ from haie attendad thaetuerai of the lateToriete$00 hchIm thveb Mad ls James Pya, an old Enniskillen boy, aud T as h 400w ih uthv yAac s EB NE ERbrother of Mr. John R. Pye of Ibis vilge. I amn simply forced to put on thîs immense sale and at si ff mnvile E ENE EIRHis agad motbar, brothers and sisters vmanille--hava our sympathy iu their sorrow.... cases away below cost-in order to turn the stock into ta Aunual "P arcel Post"' held Wednasday Epworth League wiil meet aI the home ______ evening was a great success-baautiful of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore Ibis waek neyer had suci a chance to save money as during this sa] ni. ht, and churcb weli fillad. Pastu r sud a good lime is expected .... On Sun- lwwt i, aaou ossadyuwl idIhv Delve conducted devotional exarcises. day tbe services on Ibis circuit were in lwwt i aaou ossadyuwl idIhv f Program: Piano solOû, Miss M. Penfound; charge of Rev. Mr. Bailey, Toronto, in readiugs,,Miss Hîizel Crago, Miss Dorotby the intarests of the Domin'on Alliance. G. F. Annis sud Mr. Frank Walter;' solos, addresses, and is a vary aarnest sud con- I v r t m ~ 'e n Miss Aima Courtice and Mrs, W. R. vinciug speaker. It is wall for ahl women H rfes&S p is ii.E S ple Courtice; quartaI, A. E. Rundie, W. R. 10 know that if thav are British subjects, an s &Su pis Hse u pl s Courtice, F. W. Rundle aud G. F. Aunis. tweity-uuc ycaîs of age, sud hava beea sua Sl ctad Adjournment ta Sunday School room- resîdaut of a place for ane year, tbat they Rglr Sl Alarmn Clocks, reg. 2.00 for $1.50 mad atful eoatd ots otiighave the samne right 10 vote on Ibis i-a- Prica Price "# " Big Bau 4-00 " 3.25 C lad adis'tetules e nlmed n'oîs rcouiingfareidum wben il takes place as the men. i Set Team Hariness $4ý $38 Stay-on Stove Polish 15e, 2 for 25Ce rtclrladies'ounaric eganad an equsits, The liquor party ih doiug ils mightiest. $ 50 $43 Black enamael 15e, 2 for 25Ce a lag or- etc-aIl sold. Ail auj iyed a socia lbour. Le bte temparance men and women of $5 4Io c 1c o 5 Procaeds $12 00 sbarad by W. M. S. anti Ontario do the samne. Contribution fîom " " $60 $50 Boot Blacking I5c, 2 for 25e ba made Mission Circle. .. Mr. R. E. Oiborue at- circuit $73 00... .Nrxt Sabbath moîning 3 set single $30 $23 Machinist Soft Sosp), 5 lb pails aseti. tendao Provincial Sunday Sehool Ex- will be the mouthly'Tamperaucepi-agi-a n Accessories 25% off reg. 50e for 35C asceetain Toronto.. .. Woma's Mi--'------- ... .The Circuit Coneert beld lu tbe Neasfsoot Oul..$2.50 gal $1.50 Enainal Wara IV3% off regular price 1 8 exist we Axliy Tusa feoo-r Methodist Churcb on Friday eveniug mess Dressings, Satin finish 50e 40cý Alumiuum ware 3, off regular prica lical adylca. Delva lu chair Miss Gai-rie Courtice s fine sueeess, botb as 10 numnbers sdand ngish op35 25e Ganlash, reMg. 5c-for 15e read lesson. Study Book was ably takan programn. Each appointament gave se ' ana op3e 2e Sn i~,rg 5 o 0 byMu. . . outie udMr H mauy salections sud everyoue excellent- Stable Brooms 1 75 1 40 Spick & Span, 10-3 for 25C BI o.Sl yMsýG .Ans. ly raudared. Proceeds $47.50 ... Mes. " 150 1.25 Wyandotte Cleaner, 45e for 35e a so Wn.SoloByeSlvs. F A ns as. Moe" " h smayofhr1-25 1.00 Scîub brushes, 25e for 15c er ie here. . .. Miss Maude Bickle visited bier mauy friands in the passing away of a Ph .1ps, reg. 20e for i5e and Sanitary sister Viola, at Oshawa rcetl..... igfamily lu MrIb. oter nd * Wa a d osh Bregdsfr 0 Miss A. H. L esi- spaul the week-end à 51 y nth eath of bis dsughter-in- SupplesBoards:: eg " 3fr 5e Brockvill . . .. Mrs. Chas. NichaIs, Indian law, Mrs. A ex. Potier at Bowmanville 3upie 5eC 25c H Eead, Sask, is bomaward bouud after Many relatives from bare atteuded the 4 hngasatCt35 25 visiting relatives bere .. . .Suuday services ueraI ou Tbursday.. ..Tbe Tyroea 2Poueograpbsea. ostor75 Washiug Machines, reg $14. for $10 weeenjoyabla. Frank W. Duggan, Tor- young people are putting on thair pay' St0 ecoîNedie, rg. 90e for 7 -5e Wringers, reg. $9,00 for $6,00 onowere reete h wr o'h "Little Brown Jug", aI the Mthuist SelNels e.1e k. -5 Galvanizad Tubs at cost SDominion Alliance in the miornîng, witb Churcb on 4friday, Fab. 28th, Look out Galvanized Pails aI c.)st gond financial response; Pastor Delve for notice naxt week. St ve Vacuum Sweapar, reg $14. for $8 presched at nigt... .Mr. John Hudsn The Win-One Glass 0f Tyrene -*vll i Entarprise higb aven, $135 for $85 Paints 40% balow preseut prîcasL visitad Oshawa friands.... .Annual Town- gîve îbeir dramna antitled "Thea Little I OaEeonomy.......... 35 " ýo Satety aors, reg $5.0 for $4c25 sbip (Provincial) S. S. Convention meats Brown Jug" at Enuiskiilen ou i Fîay, s iOkHae......5"2pnwSoelrg6e'0 5 Phone 280 bai-a Friday, sessions aI 2 sud 7 p. m. Fab. 281b. Special music is beiug pro- t Quebe............. 2-50 10 Suow Shovels, reg 75c for 45e aitrctin. .. .astr Clfi'rd Lna as 5e sd Ic. 82w. îQoauHeîer........505.00" 5 for2 f r-, Cpot For Iris Repairs of Darlington that the Massey- Fy . O. Mason hava beau takan parts, etc., may ba secured at mress So parts always in stock and am ibla. it 2 yeaes bas beu baudling this lahiuary and do any repaie work Âty of> thauikiug our nuinai-ous age in the past sud trust that tinuance of your patrenage. Mayer- ,salers many a have ls bc- case. lies r $1.50 )r 85c Mc 75c 5 for $50 i"75 6,) )o ýplies r $14.50 "20.00 2 8.00 69e r 0c 25c or 412ec 412c 4'X2c at $1,99 Y .1.25 )r -for 25c for 50e for 25C For -25e for 'ýoc 25C ;e the t My ant it it the 'ly. ,nville eand to pay the whole such low prices-in oney quickly. Yor ale. Compare price bhem beaten in every Sýav!ing Daïry Supp] ..reamer- Cans, reg $2.oo for Strainer Pails, reg. $1.25 foi rbermometers, reg $ r.oo foi Butter bowls, reg. 75c for 5( Il "$1.00 for 7, Prints" 25c for 20c " Ladies "200 for 15c 1 Sharpies Separator reg $5 1 Standard go 1 Il" 75 Churns, reg $12.00 for $10,0i I Il10.00 " 8,ci c CI2.00 " 1.51 Chicken and Animal SUPI Buckeye Incubator $19,50 fc 26.00 36.00 rhermometers, reg 75c for .Àquid Louse Killer, 6oe for E'owder Il " 30c loir E'redigest Scrap, reg 6c lb ft IlMeal "6z LayingrMash 6c CaIf Vleal at reducedprices ZOyster Slheil, $2.25 per cwt Grit 1.50 l" " Pratt's Liniment, for man oi beast, 30c Fleave nd Cough Cure, 6oc Worm Powder, 6oe for 5oc BI ickmore Gaul Cure, 35c f E'rdtt's il "l 30c fi .hiccken Regulator, reg 6oc 30e s'tore do not realizi invite you to visi bove list, and you w but would jump a and see.' >pointment shoýp ear 'ORE ON erman Ltd. Bowma --K-- relatives,... .Our commnunity hiope to gisie tour three returned heroes a. right royal welcome this (Thursday) evening in the church.... Our Le-4gue service iast week was prepared and presided over by Miss Vera Siemon. The topic on "Africa" was given in a, very helpful manner by Mrs. Henrv Ashton; missionary readings and a short bible contest ma~de it a profit- able service. Miss Dora Mountjoy was the winner in the contest,