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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1919, p. 7

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To rove Our lai s A Tea-ot Tet is better, thaaI;aý page cil vetseet Is the-Prs & fin- Flavored 'Tea your rnAleycaprcxe e ut la he Sky. p; the' rurabIe of ecart whee i adi b e c P~ d e h a t c e ~ eY , d h g - le a t 3 ,2 2 5 f e e t, w h ile t h i e ~ i becnmade a cl tan ýaîia-,Io atti beat the fo)rmer hy 15) f eet. e 'iro UatedStrange thougli it ma,, appear, a thr; various aitdesto vhîch cer-tau tuo9s 1bark o'r the simple crack of a earth sounds penietrate. A ma's !ilecarry farthet' than aaý of the 1hu can be heard quite distincy aoemntods ad 1,00 feet frno:n the ground; frogs cr'kn'in a marsh rex ani their hid- îng.-phacc ti the seronaut 3,C000 f2 e.41 'iÉaa's zdatmeatCures mxnu. 'Wtc. E~ET T5 't - , E S Parker's can edean or dye carpets, curtains, laces, draperies-, gowvns, ýetc., and maike theni Iok like new. Send v-ur faded or spotted clothing9 or h ~hl goods, and We ply- carniage charges on,-,-way and 'guarantee satisfactory wark. Our bookiet on household helps that save money will be sent fiee oni request to PARKER'S DYE WORKS, Limîtéd Cleaners and Dyers 791 Yonu-gc-St. - - Toronto ________________CANAýÎJMAN DO'WNED ZEPPELIN Th 'e Wee!tl iI] Moesfrealer Attacked Sxg.Irt~ 111 asios When 19,000 F'et U !p. The sinsulatad hox-pleated skirt 10 attached ti tite waist, which closes at the sida front. No pîseket is requin-1 ed. McCail Pattera No. 8720, Gini'e Dresa. In 5 sizas, 6 to 14 yaears8. Price, 20 cents. Transfer Desiga No. 81 1. -Pnica, 15 cents, The shirt of this individual désigii is la panal affect. The panais are fîiihed back and front with fninge, aad the foundation ib developed ln otrsigmaterial. McCaii 1ýatterü No. 8,485, Ladîes' Waist. in 6 817,5 34 tii 44 bust. No. 8747, Ladies' Shkirt. In 7 ,sîzes, 22 to 34 walst. Pnice, 20 cents easci. Thase patteras may ba obtainad from your> local McCali dealer, ýor frcm the McCal Cii,, 70 Bond St., To- noato, Dept. W. He Was Troo 'Busy. An Italian having applied for citI. zaushIp in the United States wao be- ing examinad Ia the naturaiizatloa court:' "Who Le the president of the United States?"' "Who le vice, presidant?" "~Mr. Marsh." "Couid you ha presidenlt?" "No." "«Mistar, you 'scuse, pionce. busy worka da mine," I very1 Cahins are now being booked on board an airship which ib ti make Ats firat business trip fnom Eng-laad to Buenos Ayrez naxt August. The ac- tuaI distance of the journay 'wii ho just undar 6,000 miles., You knaw of some,b.'-u me do thejdrink i{?ý R's becatuse lea and coffee diý;ajree wt lhém. Next lime a wakeful rui9ht, n r o s e s hear-f lulter or slom- ach disturbarsce follow's tee or cof feeý drinkinq - Tlhink of Postumt- France, wa hava hoved thee! heyiiud ail mesauna Our lave shah hab, Sinca la thy hosons xvahave hid treastire J"hush" yIncidents of the war are cÛm.i in~ to light, it' will ha intenestihg to tell how a Montngal',aviator aScunt- ed for the iast Zeppelin tii ha broug'ht down. The aviator wasULeut. Stuart L. Culley, D.S.O., whio en-iisted ia the Royal Naval Serviceneanlytw6 years agi. Early Sunday morning, Auguet 11, 1918, Word'was broughit in by motor boats that a Zeppelin had been sight- ed. When hie was some, 10,000 feet r P, CuileY Sighted thle "ZPeppeli a c"n- bederable distance away. Hie decidied to attack. it.. He ke'pt straight on until the Zeppelin was ahimost di1iract- iy over himr, whea hac pu'iled up the nose of -the plane and, emptiad his machinis gun into the bottom of tLheý airship, it being coma 200 feet aboya the plane. The plane itseif was 19,- 000 feet in the air, Ia about haif s minute or so spurto of' flame appearad la several parts of the Zeppelin. The chipe had beaul watching ýthe. performance andimeiateythe Admirai saw thi 1nesflamas o nt this signal tii ail the ships round &~bout: "Tura tii hymn 224, at verse," which le a~s foliows: "0 happy baud of pilgnims, Look uýpward tii the skies, Where sucb a llght affliction, Shall win cm grat a prize." Later Lieut. Cuiley xvas called on by the Admirai tii stand onthe deck of a destroyer whiie the fleet weat hyf with theý crews lining the gunwales cheaning hlm. Laugli When Peoplec J tc On Your Fc Tr this yourself then paso I It along tii othero. -It worksl the simple advica of tis Cincinnati ofaud ifts reznewonaple tountneadig ine cornskia. A qurer tonce adfreon e wcootarye an ny 1gtof lru thoreut aiuffi Ilsy re'enevlery aer o of pui clus fnom n feeMllions n nouamets or evtenauuriationth sof th ig hieels. ih qare of auissounce fJfrelane wl o w aer- logged and Diîe ee ad r-t. corn oBcitish sononer Char. Mllions wo eersiaipeýoîir, aptain Roants a f st I'av iedtmstd n wateioggd crf t han is ce o sevea men were takan off in ynidocean February 8, by the steamship J. A. Bosxvik, adlater lauded at Key West, le -stili afloat with its skipper, -Who is juot as detarmined as aven not tii leave it a dereliet on the high sens as a pniza for soieafoýtrinahunting tug or stamsbiîp wlch igÉht coma aloi, -aa pick it up and taw it la tii t5omuenany port. 'Thê davotkon of C Wain Roberts 'ti the interasts of hise owners îb regard- ed as oaa of the extnairdliaary ex- amples of 'heroigm la the onalsif the scea. According tii the mastér iof the Býostwick, no persuasion could la- duce Captain Robarts tii- leava hie s1hip, which waýs on a voyage from St,' Andrews, Fia., tii Macoris, with ai cargo if lumbar. A severae tonin dis.- 'mantlad -the vesaI and caused it tii 1ieak, the lumber cargo alona kaep.iug 8it afhoat. It waýs foLrty-e,ýgt honte after the -1BostWlckhad rat'tha Clariavoax, Lwith Il its crew except Captain Rob-1 ants- on board, that -the wreCked craft was agaiîn met hy a staamshpRag ing near tha deep laden hulk, the loue mariner on board wae aseked if assist- ance wae aaeded. ý The reply came haec that no help 'aas naedaed. The steamship le of steel. The ship titan was 27 degrees 55 minutes nantit, lngitude 79bdegnreas 5F;minutas wast, But Ou.r An Irishman stod for soine timel befare a hall lan heha ganeral fght semed tii ha gcin.-g on. Finaliy ha couid qtand it ni lnger, and,: ap- pnoachinYg a man la tha doorwaày, askjed 4E-c-Lie rmc, gar, but wnid you mmd tehln e-iz that apivt lih t'again' on la titane, on km'n ,nayona 'cinianl?" Nanara'5 Unimnt efll eves Nenraigia. ISSUE 10-19 Gi¶LS! HAVE A MASS A small'bottie destlroys dandÈuif and doubles beauty of your hair. WitbLIn ton minutas after an appli- cation of Dandonine you eau ait fiiid a single trace -ot dandruif on f aliing bain sud youn scalp wii niit itch, but w,,hat wli, pîcasa you most wili ha aftar a few weeks' use, whien you oea BOw bain, fine ana on at frst-ys-hut rfdaliy new bair-growIng- ail1 mer:thie scalp A lttie Daueraine immaiately ddcub- les the babauty of yaux bain. No' dif- ferenice how duli, fadeS, bittie nd scraggy, just matan a cloth 'wlth Dandonine, and careffuily draw LIt thnoeugh youn hair, takeng ne eali stadat a tise. The aeffect le amaz- ing-your bain wili ha light, lff y and wavy, and baveana appearance of' abundance; an Incomparable lustra, softness and luxuriance., Gat a emaîl bottia of Knowiton's Danderino Iârons any drug store or toilat couater for a few cents and prove t hat youn bhain le as pretty and soft as any -that t-has beau negiactod or injured by caraees tneatnmant-that's all-you suraiy eau have beautiful bain aud lits of it If you wiii juet tnp a littile Danderina. Net Unustral. Mi1ss Swaetgirl waa engageS tothe curate, andSe took t upon hansaif tei look after him, as ail nice woman îwilL. He was gojng off tii officiata at a funenal, anS she stood ut the gandea g-ate, saairtg-im off. "Take cana of pourseîf, dean!" saiS site. * Yeys-I wili,." eaid the curate. ,'Do," saiS the girl, stilianaxione. "And remembpn: Do't stand -with pour bane head on the damp ground." MONEY ORDERS. Sond a Dominion, Express Monoy OrSon. Fiva Dollars casts thnea cents. "I hope yen put a cross againot Mn. -Snook's Raime whan pou votied, Mary?" "Oh, ne, sCr-I oniy put a cross againat them what 1 did't want ,te cee 'aia. 1 put 'Wîth love ta Mn. Snooks' againet 'ie name.-sých a nica, 'aadsosne young gent!l" NLnwrlI lnment Cures Dandruif, Give tihe î1fîrons a good washing avery now and titan with soda and hot water. NO MATTER ~EA~~E WANT~D My Creed. My creed!? Yea, ieniitel l t you.1 Since You hiave aÊiked me ti define On what 1 bulid my hope of heax en. My creed? Yê9, I can cal It mine Since if beloage tteeverY nian Who reanhes upwïard toward the light, And trusts in God for guidance sure And strength and will tei do the right. You'Il llad it wriften o n y f rîened, In that nid Book upon the sheif: 'Tis "LoVe the Lord with ail thine heart, And love thy nelghlbor as thyseif." Not quite enough? 'Twas counted so By One who wý,Aked by Gale. Christ's v-eed of love for God and,' man Is quite enoý1!gh for yobu and mn-e. Mfnârd'S Liniment Coi., Limlted. Gentlemne,-My daughter, 13 'yrs.i old, was thnown from a sigh and in- juvred hër, eibow so badly lt remnained stiff and very painful for three years. Four bettles of MINAÈD'S LINIMENT completely cured her and she has nlot been troubled for two years. Yours truiy, j. B. LIVES QUE. St. Jo GhP ., l Sth Aug., 1900. A DyspepsIa Cr të M. D. advisos.-iperas wh e é staffe-r an avnelaieetica < ýl and sdConstipation cal% cure ttn-< tIhirt draps cf Extract af utF: after easchitne a d te. aTh'e renedy ije kuo-wn as Milit Sft#!CÇaI's Cprathie Syi'np le, the du ~trade.» Get tuagenuiese. SOc, te and $1.00 Boules., é)( Go alt-r i t kn Appiy a litle, cloir't rvtd, le- traie, and-good-by tw inge! S.ý,ine o externai acîres,-pains, strains, afa' if joýints or muscles, ae-cshnl'r Instant reIiij wthout nrsicto soied ciothi îg. Reiable-tie lga aeliing ii cyar aiter ,car niornt;al by rao fc~rnraals Feep a ig b ïl(rady at ai -l n. Madein CnadaAsk .cir du for SIianSLi nt Itl happened in Engiand where one of the crack regiments of horsemeni were drilliing. One very wiid horse made a daýsh acnoss the field in spite of ail his rider couald do. Instnuctor-Where ýare you goin'? Rider-I don't know, sir, but the horse belongs in Canadn. Minard'a Liniment for sae everywhere. In matters of faith every man must blaze his path through the xnoods and make his own clearing in xvhich tii dweli. And lhe may weii thuk-Go Il hie find spat~e enough tii work his day's work and iight enough tii live by.-Ralph Connor. Pember tti- nom, os h sight t.te gonoain Reduces I3ursal Eniargements, Thickened, $woileu Tissues, Curbe, Filied Tendonc, Ser. ele'ls3 r4suBra,ýràesr $--r tralné;, stoýps Spavin Lmneallays pain. Dotse fot bitererove thle hair o adruugts or di ~d ok1 X tree. ,ABSe,>RBINE-, JR., for masnkind-an antLseptlc Iar"nent for bnve,~u eunodg,, gt 'ss, ilf oI e*olien vi is or glands. 1% betl and roztÇw , $1.25 a boutle at drug.. el5ts' or Postpaid. WIhI sell youi more if ycu In Big Dernand Highest Prices Assured by Sending to Wagn erg as~ &Company 84 FRONT ST. EAST TORONTO Established 1907 Send a Trial Lot Resuit s Iili Please You WHETHER MAR,COLT, JACK "ffectas la oheiiret ton - DITEMPIC.PINKEYE, 1IFLLENZAý ,UCIGk o C0 D hestatltion iu the stud , e orein the fieildo oi thte ro-iad ndtha baby colt ara ai01p1t ~tdfrom Ld' J ebY fuicasonldose. Buy from younr dnuc'fflt. SPOHN ME DICAL COMPANGsaInenU A -ntitled ito thenaeecse atald ,.iy ALL secon da CORR' ',EC(TLY LI The "U'Lltona," the only reproducer w7trhbastir right DIAPRRAGM,' exact WEIGHT and ore NEEDLBI for playing each malte of recordexcl asIt should lha played. Amr uoo h ~t makea it ready for Whîi,-vern male if record o de-ire to play. 2. Tèhe all-wood toue chabr ui iea îu- gives campiete freedom from a" metailit l'arshuaes.,, The Brunswick le the one instrument that gives you ahouayuurestrlited ýchoice of all the worles - ne- cor-deS mrnol4ïî. -THE MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SALES CO. Dépt. W. L. Excelolor Life BIdg. 'Torcrnto Plas sn m, raof 1Nam..................................... ehoingtheBrnswck t.or R................................... uew mrethod of erdc ti0en....M.r.... ... rflACRR WNT~ -AT ONCE Ifo Seara~ Shoo No4, Sandw1vji French.A.pyti aryMreete 1t.Tes. .R o.W~o. Ont. t~ tlU Dlta26 cnwS, mostly lgh G-rade Hoiteins. freshenlng lni gond ea- Eson, from three tii eight year id- ;ç. right every way. Caýsh wltýh order. 1-Leference, Merchants' Bank, LDelta. J. C. eyre. Caty, Qtauo Lede tCO, w ELL EUIPED NEWSI'PER ndjob v rintlng plant ln. Eastern 0.tntarho. èInsurance carrled S. 9.W119 for $1,.r, on qulc sale. Box' 62. W1l-~nPutllbln Ci..Ltd.. ToSronto. r1T EEiCLYNEWgPAPER FÔR S fALB y y lii New Ontario. Owner xolngx te F'ranc@ WilIMsel $2,000. Wortl!i double that synoiu.Aptly,-,. H. oie Wilson ublhigCo. Ltniteýd. Tononito. fANCER. TUMdORS. LUMPO. ETC.. I nteme aiand external. 'cur;ý1 with- Ut Pain by ôtir hme treatmnent Wrte us before too late. Dr. Bpllîmn M edical COn. llsnited. Cilgtoi.Ont. _& T IES 0x V-AUTO riRES, rate ýrices. Itiverdale Gaag &ubber CÇ,Lerràýrd !and Ha"1n 1,St., oono and î25 orhstrSt. Ws.Vntel L A[ESWANEDTO O PL-AIN bpare time, good pay. work. sent amy dis- tance, charges iaid. Send stamoIpfor ,-arttculars., National Manwuaturlnz Company v ,itrûal. If pou would 1ear ta i ve, keep in touch with ex 'e'y cent y ou spend. and bakci nryfcTelt ter ocuf ri E4 Cura ora.rithdaidhiud toth tat I or.C-,ntm i'the ninTaý, t, z m ec aajs skin droubes.tigv rtc~nSa Fndonmct Free ,s atead-g boes cf utcara im è $PRNG U8RATS We pay the bt pýrlce for Sprinu Sedan3lPure yu ha'-ve. You areý assured of satisfaction in price and treatmelit. ABBEY FUR COMPANY 810 St. Paul St. W., Montreal, Que. Ia bnsiness for 30 years Reference: Bank of Hochelaga, St. Henry. V~o. * ISTRY'I ictor>l O F TIIyyr GREAT S. J. DUNCAN-~CLA&Rr. wlth Canada's Valorout'Achievemeàts Dy MAJOR W. S. WALLACE, M.A.(ox.) Lecturer In Modern Hitory in Tor-onto University. Large Handiome Volume, over 400 double colutin pages, equal te aborit 900 ord'm r ae.Pi tu e on every page. ,Ntearýly 400Ow iiehotos. besides B«autiCul Colored Plat es, 0n. double page. in mest effective color, ohowlrüg-camouflaCed hsavy en bwttery, woth &bout half the price of thebok AGENTS- WANTEU FIRST COfM. F11 EV Wme tolose. The elsncolored plates and euperlor Canadian officiai potsoeil this, book on sight. THIS '5$ DIFFERENT to any other a book on the-niarket, Clerefore cotopetition nil. Sç,*sd 5Oc- ,mailing expenses of elaborate workingouitfit and full instructiomns immediately, The J. L. NICROIS CO. Limted, TORUTG E'AGLEmoro TAGTYL 3 WrIte to-da3m for Our bhIg FRLER GATAZOGIUI sleowing inn full lines of Bicycles for Men and Wîmen, Boys sud Girls. MOTOR CYCLES MOTOR ATTAOHMENTS Tires, Coaster firalces,%Wheels, Inuer Tubes, Lýamps, Blis, Cyciometers, Caddies, IEquip- ment snd Parts of Bicycles. Von cau buy your supplies from us et wholesale prie. T. W. BOYD & SON, 27 Notre Damee Street Weot. MontreaL,

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