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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Mar 1919, p. 8

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Mr, and Mrs. John J. Ormiston have moved 10 Oshawa 10 thein new home.... Mn, Hanry Stinson and family, Pontypool, bave moved 10 the farm bought from Mn. J. J. Ormiston .... Mr. Bert. Ferguscu and f amily have imoved 10 Enniskillen to thein new home and nI. McFaddon and familv, Onangerille, bave moved t0 the farm he bas bought recently from Mr. Ferguson. We hope the new neigbbors will try to0 fil the gaps caosed by the old neigbbors in leaving us.,. It was reported last week tbat Mr. T. Adams had moved 10 Mr. J. Alexander's boose. He jnst got some wood there wben the place was sold 10 Mrs. John Stinson, wbo will movo there soon .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur finm- iston have been visiting at Toronto. Another S5liipment The de rand was 80 great for used R, A. F. Blankets that they arc now off the rnarket. We were lucky, however in securing:25 bales cf abso- lutely new blaukets, in original bundies as shipped frorn the mill, which are being cldared at We have also been lortunate ini securing a special c sîgnment o cf Canvas Shoes Aviation- C.aps Army -rRubbers Leaher Waistcot ail going fast at pr actically your own puices. We call'special attention t-o the Leather Waist- coats w-hich are suitable for ail mn.-en ployed out- of doors. Going at less than haîf price paid by the M4unition Board. No-w on sale at 1ar1 sStre wf If you cannot corne phone Wrni, Quick, No. 19. 1 only, Doherty llîgb Oven Range with reservoir. Regular $130 Sole Agents for West Durham for Fi-re=co "Ranges and Ileaters Mason & Dale's Hardware Phone 145 Be wmanville dl Gordon 'Oshomno,--May Wýade,-ODrvai Grills, Irene Grills. Sr 1-Ethelda Hub- bard. Jr I-Florenco Simpson, Whelsby Flint, Willie Bickle. Pr-Cbarles Wado. HELEN JOHNSTON, teacher Rev. Gilbert Gomme, Blackstock, Clerk of the Presbytery of Whitby, con- ducted service aItbe Presbyteiiap church, jOrono, Sonday, AUCTIOIN SALE., MAPLE GROVE Mr. Tom Lamminan, Woodstock, Mrs. Elmer Wiîbur and son, Solina, visited Mrs. L. C. Snowden recently . ... Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, town, spent Tuesday with ber brother, Mr. Thos. Snowden. ... Mr. Wm. Foley, town, spent Monday with bis daughter, Mrs. J. D. Stevens...* Our League visited 'Ebenezer Thursday evening and report a splendid time... Messrs. -R. R. Stevens, J. D. Stevens, J H. Munday, N. I. Metcalfe and L. C. Snowden went to Manchester .... Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilkins and Miss Laila, Salem, and Mrs. H. Vickery, town, visited at Mr. R. L. Worden's. SOLIN'A Mr. anîd Mrs, W. T. Taylor visited at Peterbot o and Midland .... There will be no preaching at Eldad Su.îday. Anniversaiy services at Hampton.... Mr. Herb. Carieron, Bowmianville, lias Iensed his brother James' soutli farm and is nîoving thereon.... Mr. CG H. Scott's sale is on iuesdlay next March llth .. . .League Drama Marci ltth.... Evoîybody should be present at the Farmers' Club Friday niglit to hear the President cf the United Farmers of Ontario speak. MNusie will be pro- vided ..,.. Courlý Archer 1. f0. F. held its monthly meeting by invitation at the home of Mr, Wm. Van Nest. iAf ter the busine-sscf the Court was concluded games w.'re indulged in and mu-,ic was furnished by Miss Sibyl Langmaid and the Van Nest family orchestra. Refreshments were served and a very pleasant evening spent. A vote of thanks was tendcred the host and hostess for their entertainment. Next meeting will be held at the Town Hall, Hamipton, on Tuesday ev'.iýng Mar ch 18Lh when the wives and fami- lies and lady friends of the Foresters are invited. Mr. Alex. Stewart, 111gb Auditor, Toronto, will address the meeting.and Mr. J. 17. Keachie, Tor- onto,- wiil sing- This event will cele- brate thle 2st anniiversaryof the or- 'ganization cf this Court. Refresh- monts will ho served. EBENEZER Missongry program at Sýunday School next Sunday mornîng. The annuai visit of Maplo Grove Ep- worth Leaguers was a fine success in every wav. The evenîng was fine and they came over 50 strong. The Schooi- room was filied, about 135 altogether being present. Ebenzer President, Miss Vera Werry, opened the service, prayer being -offered'byý Rev. W. C. Parsons. After welcome was extended, Mr. L.-C. Snowden, Pres. Maple Grove League, took the Chair, and this program was splerididly-,reridered: Scripturç Lesson,>1 Mr., W. E. Snowdeig; topic,, "Sir Walîer1 Scott," Mr. Lorneë Stevens; lreadings, Miss Viola Stevens, Miss Vera Power,l ,Mr. Raymond Snowden and Master Elgin Mund -y; piano solos, Miss Gladys Allin, Miss Rota Power and Miss Stella Jeffrey;1 vocal duel, Misses Vera Power and Edna Swallow. A social haîf bour was on- joved, refreshments-sandwiches, cake and ice cream-were servod. Evoryone! present enjoyed the ooting. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Cleme as, Tyrone, spent Wednesday at H. J. Hancock's... Mr. W. R. Picke 1 bas engaged Willîo Lymer, Maple Grove, for the sommer.... 1 Several Aeropianes have passed over here recertiy-sureiy a good sign of spring!' ...Mrs, A. Richards, Oshawa, visited, relatives here. Mr. and Miss Pascoe, Wbitby, îpent week-end at Mr. J. L. Parsons',...Red Cross workors meti Thursdav afternoon, Reading by Miss1 Aura Osborne, solo by Miss Alma Cour7- tieadinsirumetital by Miss qiae Gar- tIineander much enijiyed.... Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundle spent Uriday ini Tor- onio.... Mr. Harry Stafford, Oshawa,! Ispent Sunday bee.... .Mr. E. Trirnm is1 havinïg a Sale cf bis Stock and Farm! Implements on Monday, March ioh.... Miss Pearl Parsons, Oshawa, was out for Sunday .... Mr. Lorenzo Tril, Toronto, and Miss Rhoda Johns, Hamptop., were: mnarried at the Parsonage on Saturday ...Mr. and Ms C. T'. Oke, Oshawa, spent Sabbatb with bis parents.. .. Fine audiences were out Sabbath, and Pastor1 IDeIve uîving us two capital -ermons on "The Unpardonable Sin" and "' FheO lher Side", v. hich ail enjoyed. Good musicJ belped the services, . .. Mr. Norman Allen and, Miss E. Toombs, Bowmanville, Sun- dayod ai bis, home.... Heavy Raim, ac- companied witb ligbtning, fell Friday, night, and made il seem quite spring-like, yet il was still February,. ... Miss Ettie, iAlfin, Newcastle, is visiting ber sister,1 MrR. N. Down.... .On dit that an Electrîc! Ligbt wili be installed ai Courtice Corners for safety-may il be soon.... NIr. Sidney Nichols, Oshawa, was home fcr Sabbath-always giad 10 see von, Sidi ...Master Trick, Harmony, spent last woek at Mrs. E. Walter's .. . .Commission- or flenrv Baison certainly des2rves great credit for the splendid shape ini which ho is maintaining the Kingston {oad. t nover approacbed ils present fine condi- tion and both motorists and vehicie Vi'SionS Of Be a uty becôme rrealities here.,-Yolu )nbw that the mi'nute your eyes rest upon our superb collection cf hracelkts, pins, cuMl buttns, rings, earnings, lockets, etc,, 1It Is A Display 0f Jewelry that arouses enthusiasm in al lov- ors cf the artistic aud heautif ni. It is an exhibit that f ully warrants the glaarantee.(of quality we give with every article. Corne and see ib. Alex. MElliot Jeweler Bowmanville Gunn's "Shur="- Greatly mesures a quick, oarly, even growth on Spring seeding. For prices on speciai fertilizers for corn, sugar heets or general field Icrops, consuit local agent at once. Oscar Bo. Andrus King-st E. Box 373 Bowmanville Those New Spring Wall Papers Are Now Ready W TE believe those who are VYlooking for Wall papers that are forerunners of the cotning styles for Spring, 1919, and who ap- preciate taste and distinctive character in home decoration will appreciate our display. They will also find it to their advantage to make selections early-many of our special importations ho- ing confined to limited lots. W. T. Allen "Big 20" Bookstore FRIDAY, Marth 7-Mr. 1. L. Brown will seli ail of his stock, implements, fur- niture, etc. Sale' at 1 o'clock. See bis. LI. A W. TrOLE, auctioneer. MONDAY,' March ioth-Elias S. Trimm, lot 21, Broken Front, Darlington, wilI seli ail of his farma stock, implements, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bis. W. MAW, auctioneer. MONDAY, March io-Mr. James H. Darch, lot 4, con. 7, Darlington, will seti by auction, ail of his farm stock, implements, etc. Sale at i o'clock, See buis.- L. A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. TUESDAY, March Il-Mr. Chas. H. Scott, lot 29, Con. 5, Darlington, will seli ail of bis farm stock, consisting of registered cattle, Shropshire sheep, implements, etc. Sale atit o'clock, See bis. GEO. JACKSON, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, March i.-Nlessrs. A. J. Sý'hort and Frank Aldsworth, will seil a quantitv of farin stock, on lot 26, con- cession 3, Darlin2ton, an important sale. Sale antI1o'cock. ,See large pos ters. JAMES 8ISHOP, auctioneer. THURSDAY, -March 20-Senator Robert Beith will hold a great dispersion sale of registered Hacknev and Ciydesdales horses at Waverlev Farm, Bowman- ville. Sale at 12 o'clock. Send foi catalogue. WALTER HARLAND SMITH, 4uctioneer. FRIDAY, March 28-Mr, James G. Burns, lot 25, con. 5, Darlington, owing to iii- health will selI by auction ail of his farm stock, impiements. etc. Sale ai i o'clock. See bills. GEO. JACKSON, auctioneer. Boys, read February Rod and Gun, now on newstands. Has much to interest the sportsman in story, article and special department,. Pubiished by W. J. Tavlor, Limited. Wodstock, Ont. Leagne. Annual Tbank Offering services wîll be heid on Sunday Marcb 9tb, Sermons will ho preacbed at 10.30 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Rer. H Wilkinson, Enniskilien. Special music is being prepared by the choir. We hope for liberai contributionis. 1The Lord lovetb a cheerful giver, League meeting Fridav evening was in, charge of Presîdent Hilton Peters ln absence of Evorett Kerslako. A fIer singing, the Lord's Prayer was i epeated iu concert.- Scriptore Lesson was read by -Will Wbite. - The topic- "Our JudiciaU Sx stem" was giron by Mrs. F. T Aluin. Miss Mîldred Cole favored witb a piano solo, and a short reading was giron by Miss Mary Roach. Visitors: Mr, C. Stonhouse home after aà pleasantvisit wîtb friends in Friendsbip, New York; Mrs. E. Ward and Mr. 0. Ward, Columbus, at Mr. F. G. Kerslake's;. Mr. Evemoît Brown, P. S. I., visiîing fiouds in Ottawa; Mr. aîîd Mrs. F. Johns, Bowmanville, aI Mr. J.L. Johns.... .TbeirI manv frieuds wisb Mr. and Mrs. L. Tru 1 ý -ueo Miss Rhoda Johns-many yeams of, happiness and pm.osperî'ty. They wili reside in Torontoq. . .Women's Institute held a ynsuccessfui A om"o Tuesday evening Feb. 251h. Af 1er a good program i Jiles -wrýre served and af social boun spent. Proceeds about $24.1 A very pleaslng evont took place.Feb. ý 22nd at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. Ej, Clarke. when fniends and members of theI family met 10 spend a s ,cial eveuîng. Being Mns, Clarke's birthday their cbildren presented ber with a very baud- 1 somo combination buffet aud Ibis address. DEAR MOTHE,-We your cbildren, grandchildren and friends have met on yorbithday10 spend a social ovening with vou and father and 10 present 10 yoo our affectionate greetings and congratula- 1 tions. Witb every added year or love for you grows stronger and deeper as we' realize how mucb your unselfisbness and, devotion mean t0 us. Wo sincerelv hope andl pray that vou will ho spared manv, years 10 your family and frionds. We ' hope by acts of devotion and kindness te I erer show our love for you- Please ex. cept this combination buffet as your bimîbday gift. Mrs. Clarke replied in a neat littho speech thanking ber cbildren for theirt kind thoughtfulness. After a programi of music and several congratulatomy speeches a sumptuous supper was serred, a prettily decomated birthday cake oc- cpying the table centre. The rosI of the evening was speut lu a social way. TY]RONU Visitors: Mrs. Hlîgbso)n, Myrtle, with ber cousin, Mrs. F, G. Byam; Miss D. Jones witb ber sister, Miss 1. L. Joues; Miss Margaret Hooper, Toronto, Mr. and rs. Hamry Hooper, Pontypool, ai Mr. C. Hooper's; Mr. and Mrs, Howard Cole at Mn, 1H. Argue's; Mr. and Mrs. A. E Clemens wîth friends aI Courtice; Mr sud Mrs, H. Argue ai Mr. J. J. Vîrtue's, Hampton; Mn Lonne McCoy la atîendîng! Elliott's Business College, Toronto.. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Beckeî, Mn. and Mrs. C. Hooper alttnded the chrisîening of the l latIer's grandchild-Percy Hooper Werry -son of Mn. and Mrs,- Frank Werry,, Salem .everai older nesideuts met Monday 10 congratulata Mn, Peter Werry on bis 82nd birtbday. The pastor Rer. J, E. Beckel acîed as toastmasîer and a, number cf verv interesting speeches were ý miade by Mr. J. W. ý!cLaughiin, Thos. Wcodley, jas. Hodgson and Charles Hooper. Mm. P. Werry made a neat reply. Tuesday evening bis nearest, relatives met to wisbhlmir many happy retumuis cf the day... Misses Marie IWerry aud Hilda Tempemly Iook part in d the concert aI Haydou .everal yotiug - , people v, eut 10 Enniskilleu 10 bear our dramatists gire "The Little Brown Jug". Mr. W. Staples and Miss A. G. Werry' wîih Miss V. E. Staples as accompaulst pmovided the music.. .. Miss Viola Cooper, town, visîted at Mrs. -F. A. Patne's... 1 Thifrsday's League was in charge cf Ronald Scott. Miss E. E . Rundie, Bethesda, ably dealt with the topic. Mr. C. W. Woodley gave an excellent read- ing "That Something" amd Miss Geraldtne and Irving Clemeus sang uicely a duet ...Counexional Fonds, were presented to'0ý a large congregatlon Sunday morniug ilu a rery dlean, concise and interesîing way, by Pastor Beckel. The choir renderd, splendid music, Miss Myrtle Moore aoly, officiating ai the organ. Suuday eveuîng next sermon will be 10 ladies. ..,. W. M. S. will meot at Mrs H. Argue's Thurs- da y ai 3 p.m... Miss Evelyn Breut and Mn. A. W. Annis gave very interestîug reports of Ebenezer Sunday School Con- vention. Miss Mary Brigbtwell officiated as organîst. Mîssîonary pnogramn next Sunday. Fathers'Day wîll beho ...... .Jr. League in change of EanI Coulter, Presi- dent Marie Werny in chair. Prayer by Paston Beckel. Bible lesson by Miss May Tbompson; readings by Hilda Prout and Miss Sqoair Talk "The Young Chris- tian", Paston Beekel... Sons of England At Homo wiIl be held on March i7th. Rev. H. T. Crossley, Toronto, is con- ducting evangelisîic services in tbe Meth- odist chuncli aI Thorndaie. Rev. W. Higgs, Millbrook, is in the midst of Iwo weeks' evangelisîic 'services, ton addresses fnom oulsidemnitr being gîVen, ' NOTICE TO PAY UP. As I bave soid my business and shall ho leaving Enniskillen aI the end of Manch, ail outstandîng accounts should ho settled sud ail due bills traded out duriug Ibis month. Io-2w, MRs. F. W. LEE. kHAYDON Visitors: Misses Hugb, Port Hope, with their sister, Miss E. Hugh, Teacher; Mr. and Mrs. J. Slemon, Enniskillen aI Mr. S. Wood!ey's ... . Pie Social beld Tborsday ovenîng in SchooI bouse was a grand success. Programù was good, including selections from the Ashton Quartet, Enniskil len, solos by Miss Werry, Tyrone. Red Cross quilt was sold for $IO-Gce and the pies for $6o.oo. Total proceeds ,yo, Groceries Phone 36 Butcher. - Hardware Bowmanviile New Depot For Massey=Harri*s RIepairs I wish to infor-m the farmers of Darlington that the Massey- Ha.rrii repairs formerly carried by F. O. nMason have heen taikeu oN er by mie and ini future repaira, parts, ctoc., may ho secured at Mayz'er' s Har-ness Shop t &e arge tissortment of pa,ïrts aîiays in stock an(! arn prepared to give hest service possible. Mr. S. J. Henry, who for past 2 years has been handling this territory, will continue to ho on the road to supply you with the Massey-ffarris Iroplements and Machinery and do any repair work necessary-Phone 232. We both take this opportunity of thanking our numerous custorners for their liheral patronage in the past, and trust that 'Iour square dealings warrant a continuance of your patronage. Marks7Ma King Street Bowmanville THE CUT-RATE HARDWARE STORE Real Money97-Savi*ngê Sale lu these days cf "sales" the poor buyer flcund- rer's around in the sea cf uncertainty, fearfully skep- tical as te where te go-where te get the rnost for his rnoney. But when it cernes ,te real genuine rnoney-.saving values in hardware, f arm macin- ery, household supplies, etc., the people are ferced te admnit that I take the lead fer selling at low prices. February Sale prices stili continue. Corne in and get yeur share. F. O. Mason Phone 131. Open Day and Night. DARLINoroN COUNCIL TOWN HALL, Hampton, Feb. 22, 1919. Rogular meeting, members al present, Reeve Geo. A. Stephens presiding. Minutes were read and approved. A. L. Bruntcomplained of water course at lot 17j con. 7.> Coun. Sonchi- tbini- vostigate and report. Treasuren reported eceipt of $164-45 f romù Counties Treasurer for material for coonty roads, $îo oo from Fred Smith for cedar on road, $25.00 from F. B. Glaspell for wood on road and $8.00 from Jas. Hodgson for bridge timber., These orders were drawn on Treasurer: H. Wilcox, work on road$ 3 00 Hedley Oke, gravel -4 dO Geo. Taylor,-work on road 5 0c H. Rabm, gravel and road rent 5 75 A H. Aluin, gravel 7 0 A, L. Bruni, W.F. bonus 5 00 Municipal World, biank forms 88I J. J. Mason, Treasu er's Bond 5 do W. R. .Allin, Registration fees, 1918 24 40 John Reynoids, bal. salary, colector 85 o Councîl adjorned 10 Saîurday, Mamch 291h, aI I o'clock. W. R. ALLIN, Tp, Clerk. HANMPTON Reserve Marcb I7tb for Kedron Dram- atic Club, wbo wili give the drama Bowmanvllle Trai*t's Reputation For The Best Groceries lias stood the test cf time, and I arn still giving my rnany custorners best values, best, service and best greceries obtaiDable, My increase in business during the past year has. been very gratifying. 'It, is sufficient. proof that it pays te buy groceries frern Poe65 Archie Tait, Bowrnanville SEED PEAS1.ý. Cortract Peas are booking up very lively. Do not blame us if your order does not arrive in time te get the variety yen prefer. reeus.Just arrivecl, a few cars cf eeG'S.COTTON SEED and OIL We wan t CAKE MEAL. Yen want the MEAL. the space. The price will surprise yen. We are always epen te buy any quantity cf Grain ilnd Seeds,' Hogg & Lytie Limited Oshawa Phone 203 Food Contrel Licenses 3-633 and 12-4 and 6-38362. Our Customers Are Indëed Sat 1sf ied With the values and service they re- ceive at our store-and why shouldn~t they be? There is ne-place ini town where yen get better rneat and greceries and more for the rnoney than we pass over the ceunters six days in the week. Watch our windows for Specials., J.B.MAR TYN 1 mi auzm 1 j

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