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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Mar 1919, p. 5

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Spri«ng Wallpapers, Brigliten up before the Spring rush begins. llundreds of Rolis in ail the latest, designs and at prices that will. surprise you. Prom 8e to 50c per rolf Drop in and let us show you how pretty they are. Special prices in Remuants and borders as low as 3ce-and 5c per rol W.'T. Alle -Big 20 Bôokstô're Slush!.--get your rubbers With the high -price of shoes it wili pay Vou in dollars and cents-to say notbing of health-to protect thema with rubbers. Moreover, with rubbers so priced you cannot afford to take chances on brands without a good reputation. "Li*fe B'uoy" --- The Safe Brand (Lif e and Buoyancy) A guarantee of satisfaction with every pair. FINE RUBBERS, 70c to fl.50 Heavy llubbers, $2.25 to $4.00 Rubber Boots, $2.50 to $5.50 Fred. R. Foley, Bowmanville. On The Sunnyside Phone 12. People's Fue-,l & Lumber Depot Fuel We are pieased te announce thaï we have an abundant supply of Fuel in the foliewing lines: Scranton Coal in Egg, Stove, Chestnut and Pea Sizes, and excellent quality. Cannel Ceai, the best ie the world for grates and firepiaces. Nul Size Coke, Stearn Coal, and best quality Smnithing CeaI. Aise first.'class bard wood and kindling wood suitable for ranges and cookstoves. We are now prepared tetake care of alorders and shall be pleased te hear from any of our custemers who are net fuily supplied. Grass Seeds and Seed Grain We have somne choice Goverement tested Red Ciover, Alsike and Timolhy Seed, Marqu is Wheat, Whîte Wave Oats, Granary Filler Oats and Spring Rye suitable for seed. It pays te sow Pure Seed, snd we have taken especiai care te previde seed that is officialvy analyzed and graded. Sudres We are etill handlîng Charcoal, Sait, Canadian Portland Cernent, Lumber and other Building Material. 0cOr Mtte is still "A Square Deal for Evervbody" and we shall be pleased te have your inquiries, and furnish estimates on any ef above lines. McClellan & Company Limited King Street East Bowmnanville Office Phone 15 - Iesidences 228 and 274 Have YOUv R Enyes Been Examined? Yeon have your teeth examined once, sometimes twice a year. Why net your eyes as weli? They are jnst as important. We have heard it said that an examination aiways means glasses. If thîs is your conception cf our honesty, dont corne te us. Facts are facts however, and fully 75 per cent cf the people not now wearing glasses need optical attention, perhaps you are among these. You Are As Eff icient As Yiou r Eyes. If yen are in, need of and net wearing glasses, yen are therefore relatively inefficient. Right now your Country needs high efficien- cy. We would suggest that yenu corne teo or completely equipped Optical Room where yen can aflord te pay a reasonable price for real professional service. Rernemnber your eyes are your bread-wianers, See our Busy Optornetrist in bis White and Sanitary Opt ical Reem,. The Place Where Poor Eyes and Good Glasses -Meet, Druggists and Optometrists Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone 92 Nîghts and Sundays Phone 280 ~.1 Sergt. Orville W. Bond, who went overseas lu October 1916 with i941b. Batlinfrom Edmouto;n, Alierta, suad was wounded sud gassed at Lens ou W.rc 7, 1918, is vîsiîing bis mothes., Mrs. W.R. Bond sud Uncie M. A. James. He wss aI the Semme, Vmy Ridge, Pass- chendale sud Hill 70. He returued ou S. S. Baltic lasI montb. , - BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 13, 19 19 Local, and Otherwise Rev. Capt. Clarke's lelter page 3. Local aud Otbes.wise alse on page 6. Easter Suuday'cornes ou April 20. Miss Wiunie McMulien, spent the week-end ini Toronto. Miss Margaret Trebilcock is vîsiting relai ves in Pelerboro, Reeve T. S. Holgate bas gone on al business trip te Chcago, Ill. MissMillK. Smith, B. A., spent the week. end witb friends lu Oshawa. Misses Lena sud Gertrude Hamley speut the week-end lu Oshawa. Toronto Dally Star, Canada's model evening paper-see advt. page 3. Miss Hauna, Teronto,- speut Suuday with ber sister, Mrs, Fred. Knox. Ms.. sud Mrs. Harley Percy and daugb- tes., Toronto, spent Suuday here. Miss Jean McKenzie, Newtonvilie, was recent guefit of Miss Elva B. Bragg. Coucb, Jobuston & Cryderman are daily openiug out New Spring goods. Mrs. Guesi, Cobourg, is visitiug ber aunt, Mrs. S. Seilery at the Parsonage.' Mr.. snd Mrs. W. A. Bail, Toronto, were guests of ber graudmothes., Mrs. R. Cherry. Ms.. Chas. Carruthers and Ms.. and Mrs, W. H. Carruthers recentll visited fsiends at Ceiborue. Mr,.sud Mrs. R. R. Ellotaud daughter Jean, Toronto, spent Sunday at Ms.. R. M. Mitchell's. Ms.s. R. E. Logan, Toronto, sud Miss Margaret Girvin are visiting theis. sister, Mrs.Alex. Elliot. Try Wm. Davies Brand Pork sud 1Beans, regular I5c, fbis week 3 fer 25C at G. A. Edmendsîone's. Gu r. Wrn. Reenigk, wbo was on the Siberian Force, retumned Fridayn-night from Vancouver, B. C. Methodist Sunday Schoel Annives.sary Concert promises te be bettes. than eves. on Wed 'nesday, Marcb 1. Reserve tbe date. Diugman & Edmondstone will boid theis. Formai Opeuings cf Spring Miiiinery on Friday sud Saturday, Marcb 21st. sud 22nd. 0ur cilizeus wiil ail sincerely sympathize with members sud adbes.ents of the Disciples Cburcb lu the deatb of theis. esteerned pastor. Haddy & Ce. cordially invite the ladies of Bowrnanville sud vicinity te the Mil- linery Openiugs ou Friday sud, March 21 aud 22. Miss E. McCieilau bas returued from Chicago, Ill., where sbe bas been enjcyiug s visit with ber sister, Mrs. B. Brittain for the past ten weeks. Mrs. R. Parker aunounces engagement cf ber daughter Alice, te Edward Powell, Newcastle, marriage te take place quielly at ber home Ibis rnth. Ms.. sud Mrs. A. W. Demorest, Rose- town, Sask, sud Ms.. F. S. Demorest, Foxbos.e, have been visitiug theis. brother-iu-law, Ms.. John A. Holgate. Ms.. Hiram Harrison, Buffalo, N. Y., spent the week-.end witb bis uncle, Ms.. C. L. Munsonr. Ms.s F. A. Philo), Coiborne, aise speut the week-end aI Ms.. Munsou's. Progressive Euchre, undes. auspices cf Rebekah Lodge, will be heid lu I. 0. 0. F. Lodge Room on Monday March 17tb, ad- mission 25c. Everybody welcome. Re- fseshments. Ms.. sud Mrs. Thos. Norton, Locust Hill, snd Ms.. and Mrs. Walter. Manning, Oshawa, visited their brother, PIe. Alex. Prout, who bas just seturned home overseas. Bettes. than eves. wili be the prograrn preseuted at Metbodist Sunday School Anuiversary Concert March i19. Choir cf 75 voices wiii rendes. choruses sud give a vasied The Standard Bank bas ieased the Hersey Bock ou the opposite cernes. from their present location sud are baviug the interierr semodelied prepas.atcry bo occupation on May îst. .Woman's Patsiotic League are stsrtiug a memoriai fund and ail patriotic wemen are asked te make a lile talent mouey bringing same te the regular monthiy Imeeting Mouday April 71b. Mrs. Oke cf Port Hope sud Ms.s. M. A. McLesn of Bowmanvilie, afles. attendiug the funeral cf the late Mrs. John Mutton, Shiloh, visited aI the home cf Ms., sud r4rs. W. L. Dunuett, Dundouald. Pork sud Beans-Wrn. Davies Brand- regular I5c can, speciai Ibis week Iec each or 3 for 25c. G. A. Edmondstoue. Durham Old Boys' Executive wiii hold ils next social sud busiuess meeting aI the residence cf Ms. S. R. Wicketî, 124 Isabella-st., Torouto, on Tuesday, Mas.cb 18 at 8 o'clock. PIe. J. M. Smith who bas just retus.ned o verseas is stayîng at Ms.. Wallace D Mne' ..seTLne.Pe.Sitens- A quiet wedding took place, Mas.cb 7, lui Prospect Park Methodist Cburch, Earlsceurt, Toronto, wbeu the organist cf that chus.cb, Ernest C. Coibouru, was united lu marriage te Miss Alice Thorne, 7a membes. cf the church chois.. R ev. 1. H. Oke, pasfos., officiated. The cburcb was decorated for the occasion witb ferus sud carnations, sud the wedding rnarch was played bv Miss Louise Osborue, A. T. C M., of Darliugton. Durbam County boys bave a spieudîd record lu Toronto. We note lu minutes cf City Couucil tbat Mr. Fi.inev W. Percy, son cf Mrs. Thomas Percy, Bow- manville, bas been appiointed Depuly City fAuditor aI a sslary cf $2,500.00 per aunum. He had previously worked up le Chief Accc'uutaut cf the Audit DeparI- meut. bis mauy Bowmsnville fs.iends will join lu hearîy congratulations. 3 Dou't ferget le attend bhe Sprng 7Miliiery opeuing aI Haddy & Co., Friday 1 ud Saturday, Msrch 21st. sud 22ud. rMouruiug goods a specisiity. The Toronto Daily Globe celebrated tits 75tb anniversary March 5 issuing severai extra pages conîainiug sketches prtmiers, statesmen, editors sud cibers1 1who bave been before the public sduring some years cf the three-quarlers of a century. Under the beadiug "A Veberan Correspondent" appears this brief item: "A number cf the Canadisu correspeuldents, cf the Globe bave actedi lui that capaclîy for s long lime, but few, if anv, have had a continuons record like tIhat cf Mr. M. A, James of Bowmaniville. Ms.. James is pubiisher of THE STATES- MAN, oue of the best weeklies pubiished 'lu i Ontario Iowus. Prios. to goinig te THiE fSTATESMAN,- Mr. James was a scbool teacherwhicb ne doubî acceunts for the bîgh-ltes.ary character cf bis uewspapes. bis conuection with The Globe as cor-] respondent dates back for oves. 4o yesrs." FU«RAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most complets Equlpment Bunday and nlght callu promptly attended to. BuwrnanviiIe Phonos 10-34 ~IAN WANTED-For general work. Apply to Superintendent Bowmanvîlle Ho"pitel. "-ARM FOR SALEt-50 acres. in Uarlington, 1I;p ~es erras. B P., Bowmanvilie. 38-ft ÀPPRENTICE IVANED-To learn mlliuery. Apply to Hfaddy & Co., Bowmanvii e. 8 f SMALL BOUSE TO LET-Suitable for small family. Apply to F, F. MORaiS, Bowuauville, Ont. 4 i OATS FOR SALE-Quantity of Seed' Oats- Waverley. Fred Downey, lot 19, BF.. Dar. lington, R.R. 2, Bowmnanville. Phoue iSIr1l. 10 2 jGOS FOR HATOBING-Single Comb Rlhode Island Bcd,, prize irds. 5000 'layers. 1-1 B. E Cr seper, Horsey-st, Bowrnanville, Box 306. ti COLTS FOR SALE-Two Clyde colts, 2 and 5 years nid, the latter broken, Apply to.J. D. CIuteveus, 1.2. 3, Bowosanviile. 1'hone 175r4. 93 BULL FOR SALE-Aberdeen Aus, 5 months nid, regstered, thc best of breedin... Appîy B t J. t. t i etcalt, lot 2ý0, B. F., l>rlington. Phone 1-r33.. i FALL RYE WANIFýD-Any aninunt nf fal ye wanted. 1 wïll aiso psy the highest priees Ffor poultry and junk. Apply J. Rnseuvald, Bowmanvillc. Phone 289. 7tf WANTED- Experienced fanra baud, single, from April let to NovemWe, Gond wagcs w 0 suitabie man. Apply tn John Lane, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone 142-r31. lit SMA Lt PARCEL 0F SILVERWARE-Left in W. il. Dustan's store just before Christmsas. SOwuer may have same by proving property and pay!ug expenses. il-tf 11OU SE TO LET-8 roomed, furnace, eiectric lighted, water and sewer. on Church street, HBowmanville. Apply to L. A. W. TOLE, Bownanvilie. Phone 41.I-tf il US FOR SALE-9 rooms, tnwn watcs. and electric liglit, j acre ni land, fruit trees, gond stable and ds.iving shed. Apply to JoHN T. 1MOLLOs, opposite GoodY"ss. Botel, Bowmanville. 3 I1.swt C OTTAGE FOR SALE OR TO RENT-A five roamed cottage on Huut-st, electrie ligît, Cbard and soft water, gond garden. Apply'tn Robt. Stanley, near GITR. Station, Bnwman. ville, 12 ,gANTED-Bousemaid for Nurses' Residence, Walso Wardmaid for the Hospital, Bighest 'wages, evenings f.e e and one afternoon eacb week. Apply toSUPERINTEsDENT, General Hos. pital, Os -tf Boy WANTED-To assist in jeweiry store after school hours sud an Satnrdays, Gond Sopportuntt learu watchmaking. High Seoistdn preferred. Apply Alex Elliot, Jeweler, Bowmanville. lit F ARM TO RENT-ilS acres more or iess, belng iFparts lots 3, 4, B.F., Darlington, iu gond state ni cultivation. Gond brick bouse, gond baros ivith stone stabliug underueath. For terrns ap- ply to MaRS. JAS. M cCossACHIszn the premises, Bowrnanville F.. tf P.ROPERTY FOR SALE-Gond ten roorned frame dwelling bouse, glass porch down stairs and balcony openiug irorn tpstairs. al large ais.y s.oms, stone foundation, two cellars, cernent walk around bouse, m ~ood shed and ds.iv- ing shed, bard and1 soit water. Barn is aLlmost Lnew, stoo ioundation, cernent floors in cow and b orse stable, heu boose, pig peu and root cellar. 1Ail buildings in goed conditin. lrout strearn mus throngh place. About 1 acre ordhard and 15 lacres ni land. Aiso household incuture- chairs, tables, hedsteads, couches. cu punard, dressers. aiso Ohevrolet car with ail equiprment. Aiso one patent ioomn, seli feeder, ail uew in. eprovemeots. Possession April Ist. Apply ou prernises to Mrs. Tbos. Gilders, Baydon. addrcss Bowmauville, R.R. 6. 7 85 Ï Rev. T. D. McCullough, Inspecter of >Children's Aid Shelter, Port Hope, fer the past years, has accepted the posi, tien of District Secretary ef the Ontario Council of Social Service at London. Local and Otherwise. Net"""achi.:rton, Local news appears on muner pages. BIRTHS. Snow felI some 6 luches deep Sunday. J.CESONIn Port Pesrry, March Srd, te Mr., snd a.Gen. Jackson, a daughtes.. Couutry news should reach us Monday. PEARSSON-luI Orono, Marcb 4, te Mr. and Mrs, House key fouud. Call at STATESMAN Fred Pearson, a Snn-stiîî.îorn. Office. MAcFÀ5LNE-In Bnwrnanville, Marcbliltb, te Mr.. aud Mr@, J, M. Maciarlane. a daughtes.. Miss Eva Henry spent the week-end MALCOLMAt Nestieton, march 1. to Mr.. and with relatives in Toronto. Mârm. Stanley B, Malcnlrn, a MOU-Lawrence Stan. ley. Farmers, Toronto Daily Star adît. is RtiNDL-In Bowmanville, Match 6tb to Mr.. for you this week. Read it. and Mrs. W. J, S. Rîsodie, a daugtEr-àennette Special iu Pork aud Beaus Ibis week Elizabeth. at Cash & Carry Meat Market. MARRIAGES Mr.. and Mrs. J. P. Dannett, Dundonald, TAPE-FISHER-At 12 Ellerbeck Ave., Toronto, are visiting Bowmauvile friends. by Rey. G. B. Gopelaudj. Mrs. Sarah Fisher., Miss Lena Haddy spent the week-end Indi50i Head, Sask., tn Ms.. James Tape. Port Bope. with Miss Ethel Kirbv, Oshawa. FowLER-BCLLOCK- At "Strathemu Farm", Citizens have reported seeing birds Clarke, Match tb, by Bey. G. R. lare, Miss Lii. working industriouslv aI their nests. lian, daugîter oi Ms.. W. J. Bnllock, sud Mr.. Miss Agnes Maynard sud Miss Winnie JmsBFweoôo Varcoe spent the week-end in Toronto. DEATHS Irish enterîaiument sud lesaI tSt. -BAKER-in Bowrnanville, Marchb ilth. Leah, Paul's Church Mouday evening, 8 o'clock. beloved wiie ni Ms.. Cbas. Baker, aged 33 years. Fanerai fimrnthe residence ni ber sister, Mrs. Mr. Thomas Heigbton sailed ou the E. Flaxman, near G.T.R. Station, ta.daî (Iburs- "Tunisian" March 12th from Liverpool day) at 2.30 p.m. for home. BOYES-At Brnoklin, Fel. 27tb, James Bayes, lu bis 59t1 year. Mr..- Chas. Bonnycastle, Campbellford,' BURLEY-At Ncwtonviile, Feb. 27, James Bar- bas been visiting his brother, Dr. G. C. ev in bis 77tb year. Bonnycastie. MERER-In Clarke, march 6tb, Emma Irene Mr. Fred. R. Foley assisted in the Mercer, aged 31 yeas. Methdis aniverar3conert t Rgla 1.WssrrNx-At Port Witby, Match 2nd, Char- Mo diFridanivera. ocr t alnltte Whitney, aged 73 Years. ou Frday ught.FITZuc.ALD-At MilIhrook, Match 5th, John Able Seaman- R. L. Tait of H. M. S. Robert Fitzgerald, aged 65 Yeats. Exmouth, was recent guest of bis aunt, eIJOLMAN-At Newtonvilie, 7tb, Nellie, Mrs.Herbrt Mvse.idest daughter ni Mr. sud Mrs. M. j. Ho...a.. Mrs. Hrbert oyse, AseTON-In Toronta, 711, 1919, B. w.- JE. Hinksen bas soid bis fas.m cf 130 Bauraton, ?aster ni Disciples' Chu rcb, Bowman- acres south cf the Base Line, East ville- Whitby, te Johns Bras. MCGIEen-At Oshawa, Feb. 28th, Giadvs May, eidcst danghter ni Mr. It, t.McGregor, iu Mr. Howard Bradley sud fatbes., Osh-1 ber 14th ycar. awa, have returned frein an extended trip WARREN-At 73 Dewson-st, Toronto, March 9, te Californîa and the West. Frederick Warren, youngest son ni laIe J. B. . 1Warren, Oshawa. 0cr subscsiplion lists are growîng CARMICIAEL-Ati Myrtie, March 9, Mary Bod- rapidly. It bas gene cut cf fashion te ges, widowni late John Carmiehaei. Jnterred borrow a neighbor's papes.. ut Groveside Geneîery, Brookîju. Weekly Sun becomes the officiai ergan' JOIINSTON-At the resid1euce ni bis daughter, - Mrs. Isaac Elford, soutb Oehawa, March th, cf United Farniers cf Ontario on Aprîl Samuel Johnston, sr., aged 83 vcars. Ist.- May become a-daily later. PURSER-At the-rcsidence n isnote..M Men's Hats sud Caps, Ties sud Shirts, John Purser, Cobourg, on Bard 7, Mr. M W. G, 1Purser, ecior s.and publiiher ni the port Hope ail cf the very latest styles just, receivea 1limes, agedt 62 ycars» at Couch, Johuston St Cryderman's. 1- CLAIRE -At Cherry Valley, March 611, Mary Eveythng ew nd he atet syle atJane Day, widow ni Samjuel D). Clarke, lu ber Eves.thingnew sd thelates styls a ar. Eidcst sister nfi (11ev.) W. C. the Milinery Openings at Haddy & Ce., Washington, Bowmanviile. on Friday sud Saturday, March 21 aud 22. Mr. D. J. Kean, a civil engineer cf IN MEMORIAM Toronto, was appeinted Road Superin- In loving rnemory ai George Argue wbo dieS tendent for Ontario Ceunty aI a salary cf lOtI, 191Là. "~Days ni sadoes stili corne uer us, $1400. Tsars ni sadness niten flow.- Mr. S. R. Caldwell, Kendal, bas bougbt Memory keeps aur laveSonue near us, the brick resideuce from William Whnrn GoS calleS fous. years ago.11 Embleton, Walton-st., Port Hope, for DAUeirERgS. $2900. 1"etW ogt Ms.. Horace Porter, formerly of Porte "et e o(e' & Son, Oshawa, who bas been overseas, bas taken a position with the Wbîtby E. R. BOUNSALL, Gazette. Designer sud Dealer ln Farmersl If you wish te, reach the Monumnents, Tablets, Markers, etc., la buying public with yeur auction sale an- Granite snd Marble. neuncemeuts insert tbema in THE JAMES BoWmanville. Ontarlo, . (One Phone 21 door east of Levi Morris & Son's) Bowmanville New Gods Are being placed in stock daily New Suits - Coats - Skirts Dresses Silks - Dress Goods - Staple and Fancy Dry Goods sl Next door ta Standard Bank Telephone 106 Bowmanville .:iI E Our c/nn ual Spring Opening On Fîmday,March2 J Fuller announcement next week, Extra! Extra! Extra! Friday and Saturday Specials Hats For Men Grey - Green -. Blue - Mole - Black Soft Ilats, $3.50, $3.00, $2.50, for Also Boys' Caps, regular 65c and 50c for Workmen's Smocks,,Overails, Union Suits Socks and Caps always in stock. (Successor to Mrs. Florence Mayer Knight.) Phone 26 Bownianville of In other words, I arn selllng Meat--for less than lias been the customn in Bowmanville. When 1 started in business about a month ago it was my aim and determination, first, to seli meats of the highest quality; second, to seli meats on a smail margin of profit; third, to give my custom- ers prompt service and courteous trealment at ail times , From the generous patronage I have aiready received . it is suffic- ient proof that the values and service given are unexcelled. Why should I be accused of cutting prices? If I find I can seli meat cheaper than somebody else you dont cali that "cutting." It is giving botter values-more meat for the same amount of money-and that is what the Cash and Carry Meat Market is doifng every week. Carry Your Parcels and Save Money. G. A. Edmondstone Have you eves. Iied Davies Park sud Beaus? Now's your chance, i5c can, 3 for 25e at Edrnondstoue's Cash &, Carry Meat Market. We uuderstsaud Bowmanvîlle merchants are arrauging for the Wednesday aftes.-j noon baîf holiday trom May ist ta Sept.' 301h thîs year You are cordisily iuvited te view tbe display of Spring Miiiinery on Fiday andI, Mas.. 21st sud 22nd. aI Ding- mran sud Edmondstoue's* Methodist Suuday Schoei Concert ou Wednesday, Mas.cb 19 promises te be tbe best yet. Prof. Laugber sud the children are busy practicing for this aunual eveut. Corne ail ye people to the Irish enter- tainment on Mondsv, March i7th, lu St. Paul's Lecture Room on St. Patrick's day in the eveniug, An excellent ps.ogram sud choice refresbmeuîs. Silves. col- lection. Progressive Fuchre Party under aus- pices cf Great War Veterans' Association wili be beld in its uew Club Rocms il James Bloc k on Friday Marcb 341h at 8 pm. Tickets 25c, refreshmeuts iucluded. 'Good prizes. I have on sale Ibis week a Baby Beef whicb was faitj.ued for the Guelph Fat Stock Show. This wili be exceptionaily choice meat. Try seme. G. A. Edmond- stonc-Cash & Carry Meat Market. Womau's Patrietic, League are calliug a specisi meeting with regard te the Mumorial Campaigu for Moudav March 17 lu -the Council Room at 3.30 p.m. Eves.v woman iu town is earnestly re- quested 10 attend. A very piessaut lime was enjoyed en Friday eveuiug Feb. 28, by No. 7 junior. Beys Class of the Metbodist Sundav Scboel at the berne of Ms.. sud Mrs. W. C. Stevens. Afier tes wbich wss beunti- fuily ses.ved by Mrs. Stevens, the class iu- duiged lu a vasietv of interesting games and a sbort program was given by the. boys. i-1

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