Auctionéeer, H-aving secured a license as auction- eer I arn prepared to take a imited number of sales. For terms and dates apply to, THEO. M. SLEMON R. R. 6, BOWMAN VILLE Phone 239-r-1-4. 32-7rn ORCIIARD ON TEN ACRES 0F LAND FOR, SALEIN BOWMANVILLE. The McM.urtry property, j mile east of Nursery Corner, Bowmanville, beîng lot 9, eon 1, Dlarling- ton. containing about ten acres, ,nostly covered with apple bearing orchard. The handsome brick reidence was burned soine tinie ago.. and, there are about 70,000 brick suitable for re.butld- iog. There are a large barn with cernent founda. tio ande stables underneath, and a shed in fairly good condition. Ibhis propprty ie veli sitnated and wiIl be sold on very easy ternms. For furtber pai ticulars apply to J. E. L» Goodwill, barrister. Peterboro. ltf 10 oem m w 1011 Yo0 DE LA Y A beautiful sanitary bathroom is a permanent investment and all the time yo u delay the purcliasing of sucl equipmeî4t you are losing the use, the benefits and satsfacton to he derived from a modern bathroom. j A '$Modd-~nIa 'n ern batliroom placed in your home witli our thorough regard for sanitary - ~ laws and approved plurnbing prac- tice will be an economnie saving if ordered now. Let us est[mnate on placing new __ hxtures in youi old bathroom or on L 2--- makingy a servîceable bathroorn out Keuroya" Laatory of that useless spare room. Rice & Co Opposite Post Office Bowmanville CIMM13 r NOTICEr! TH1E STANDARD BANK 0F CANADA, Bowrnanville, will occupy its New and Commodious Banking Office in iMay next, where it will welcorne ail its old custom- ers and friends, who will be assur- ed of the sarne courteous treatrnent in the future as they have received in the past. A. N. McMILLAN, LOCAL MANAGER. a - .~ = Buy Sugar Now Not a matter of price, but a matter of getting sugar when you need it. Indications Point-a-a- to aniother scarcity of sugar in the not far distant future, as every sugar refinery must export a certain quant4ity of -their output to Enropean markets. St. Lawrence or Dominion S ugar $11.00 per 100 lbs. Bay a bag today. tlarryAlin Phone 186 Bowrnanville Fresh Mined Coal We now have ail sizes of Leigh Valley Anthracite Coal. Canada-Portland Cernent There is no better coal produced. We are Sole Agents for Canada Portland Cernent - whitest and quickest setting cernent sold. See us before placing your order. John A. Holgate & Son Queen and Division Sts, 'Bowmanville OBITUARY MRS. O iVESEVENS MILBURN. town wilt regret t0 learn of the death of Mrs. Olive Stevens, betoved wife of Oliver Mitburn, who passed awav aI ber borne in Gtendale, California, on April 15th, after two rnonths' ittness. Besides ber ,busband, she teaves two smalt children, ber parents,, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. L. Stevens, Peterboro, one sister, Miss Violet Stevens, Detroit, Capt. Leslie Stevens and Mr. Farron Stevens, Peter- boro. The funeral took place from 236 Rusholme Rd., Toronto, on Fniday, April i5, interment being made in Mount Pleasant Cernetery. SPRING WEDDINGS N ICHOLS-EDWARDS. A quiet wedding took place on Wed- nesday afternoon, April 30, at the Methodist Parsonage, Bowmanville, when Rev. S. Settery, M. A., united in marriage 1Mr. Witliamn H. Nichols and Miss Grace- 1Edwards, both of this town. A splendid 1wedding dinner was served at the home of the groorns mother, Mrs. Thos. ïNichots, King-st.,' onty the immediate, retatives being present. After the wed- ding dinner, the happy couple leftfor a motor trip 10 points east. CAMERON-MCMULT.FN A quiet wedding took place on Wednes.. day, April 3oth at Newtonville Methodist Parsonage, when Mr. Derwood F. Camer- on, C. P. R. Operator, Bowrnanvîlle, and son of Mrs. Richard Cameron, Flower, Ont., was united in marriage with Miss Una Winnifred, second daughter of Mr. andi Mrs. Thos. W. McMulten, Bowman-I ville, Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., officiating. The bride wore her travelling costume of, Copenhagen blue taffeta with bat to match. The happy couple returned to the bride'sý home here where a wedding stipper was served- to- the -immediate relatives- after- which the bride and groom left hy the 5. 14 C. P. R. train for a trip thru Manitoba,; United States and Eastern points. Among! the beautiful gifts to the bride was a cut glass water set and sitver sandwich plate fromthe-ocalC.,P. R. staff. The Mon-* day eveéning previous a miscellaneous shower was given the bride when a nus-' berof ber girl friends assembled at the! home of Miss Ena Corden,, and presented ber with a lovely collection of gifts accompanied liv a bost of good wisbes. Mr. and Mrs. Caineron wiltreside on Elgin-st on their return from theiri honeymoon. The Churches St. Paul's Churcli, Rev. D. W. Best,,Min- ister. i ia, m.- 'A Poor Man". 7 p. mn. -"'Tbree rnen fast asleep". 2.3o p. mi. Sunday Schoot and Bible Classes. The Methodist Church-Rev. S. [Sellerir, M. A., pastor. Morning: Mother's Day Service,~ topic, "Home and Mother". Wear a flower. Evening: Chapiain Boat of the British Navy witi speak and wtlt address a mass meeting in the Opera1 House at the close of then cbsrch services. Corne and hear about the British Navy that saved the world. The "Wbat, Why and How" of Con- secration" was nscely presented to Meth- odist Leaguers on Monday evening byX Rev. S. Sellery, M. A. Miss Lena liaddy read the scripture tesson, Miss Doris Foster played a piano solo and Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Mrs. H. M. Foster sang a pretty duet and Mrs. Caude Ives gave a suitabte reading, Roll Cati ctosed a very interesting service. Mliss Spargo, first vice president, presided. NextMna the meeting wilt be in charge of the Missionary Coîîvenor.f McLaui Toront Colwill i~with fi 1 day. SOLINA tiers' Club discussed «'Consolidated ls" Friday nigat. Mr. W. E. r, Salem, was present and gave a tatk .... The Elgar Maie Quartette Dronto, said to be the best in the witb Miss Stonie as elocutionist, arnîsh the progran at Eldad S. S. îersary Concert .. .. Mr. W. Van is treatîng bis bouse to a coat of ...Mr. Paul Williams of Nestieton Sunday at Mr. Sitas Witliams... id Mrs. Etmer Wilbur, Mr. and F. Thornpson, Mr. and Mrs. A. attended a funeral at' Port Hope av. Messrs. B. G. Stevens and )n Leask motored thema down... as. Fallis, Oshawa, visited at Mr. Pascoe's. TYRONE and Mrs. E. Wbeeler, Meaford, :een visiting their cousin, Mr. H. ..Visitors: Lieut. H. S. Cobb, I. L. T. McLaugblin, Rev. and Mrs. nm, Btackstock, Mn. and Mrs. B. J. ughlin, Enniskilien, Mr.A. F. Annis, to, at Mr. A. W. Annis'; Miss Vera Il and Miss Ella Wight, Toronto,i frends.... .Congratulations t0 Miss me Werry in taking a higb standing completion of bier -business course. is secured a splendid situation in. [Laughlin Motor Office .... Rev. 3eckel is in Oshawa. Gtad to learn qrs. Beckei bas bad a successf il Jon.. .. A most enjoyable time was at League on Tbursday evening the tosing side of a contest put up a 3rogram consisting of readings by Richards,. Harry Smith and Wittfe and solos by Misses Frances Farrell vetyn Brent. Topic was taken by tarte Skinner, after wbich a splen- ach of cake, sandwich and coffee 'ved ..,..junior League on Monday, ent in chair. Miss Squair ably with the topic. Readings were by May Tbornpson and Richard Bible Drill by Margaret Moore and ogue entitied "The Message of .. .Cammunion services at Beth- rere an uplift to ait present. Rev. Tonkin delivered a very thoughtfut rse from. "Do this in remembrance '.Choir rendered excellent mnusic, gparts being taken by Misses Alice ,and Ettie Scott . ... His many swere delighted to listen teo Lieut. on Sunday evening from a fine se from John 10:10. Rev. E. A. nassisted in the service. The rere present in full, giving excel- nthems. They wene assisted by Vera Colwell, Toronto, who aiso ted the congregation with a solo other's-night at League on Thurs- orne and bring -a mother with you. Mother's Day 5Sunday, May 11i Wear a flower in honor of Mother. For mother living a flower bright For those departed a flower white. Carnations, Sweet Peas, Stocks Marguerites (double white) Swainsonia, Snapdragon NastaLrtiurns etc. Order early, supply is limited. S. J. Jackmanl & Sons florists and Growêrs B owmanville Phone 801 "The Greatest Joy 0f Livïing" Is "1seeing everything dis- tinctly wîth ornmfort", Do -you do this? If not, then consuit our busy Optomet- rist, Mr. R. M. Mitchell in his White and Sanitary Op- tical Room, "the place where poor eyes and good glasses meet." R. M. Mi tchell & Co. Druggists and Optometrists Phone 92 Bowmanville Sapper Walter Hosken, better known as 'Moon" by bis school chums in.Row- manville over a quarter of a Century, ago, was in town Monday. He returned'from overseas several weeks ago after two and a haif years' service ini France with the 2nd. Canadian Pioneers. He was wound- ed at Vmy Ridge in 1917 but is in the best of health now and still wears that smite that can't corne off. His mother, Mrs. S. T. Hosken, resides at Enniskillen. Pte. Fred. Tabb, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Tabb, Tyrone, arrived borne Thursday week, crossing on the Olympic. lHe enlisted in Bowrnanville, August 1916 with the 235th. B'n. and went to England in May 1917 and to France in November of the sarne year. While in France, he served with the rnad 4th. 1'n. of ist. Division, He took part in the attack at Amiens, Arras and Cambrai,--ïn which he was-wounded and sent to hospital. Later joined bis unit in time for the march to the Rhine. Pte. Chas. V. Cole who enlîsted with the i95th. B'n. at Regina in -! ay 1916 returned from overseas recently and is visiting relatives here Hie went to France in the fali of 1916 and -served with the 5th. Battation for over a year and was then transferred to ist. Motor Machine Gun Brigade, .lHe took part in ait engagements in 1917 and was gassed at Lens. It will be renernbered tbat two other Bowmanville, boys enlisted with hirn-Norrnan McCrimrnon, who was kiiled and Bert Bounsaîl, who was wound- cd and returned home about a year ago. FOR PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned has received instruc- tions frorn Mrs. E. W. Richards, Administrator, to sell the property known as the J. W. Sparling estate on Liberty-st. North. Bowmanville, cornprising five acres of land on which is erected 8-room- ed brick residence, good barn. Apple trees and a quantity of small fruits. Immediate possession given for land and fuit possession as soon as bousehold, effects are disposed of. For terns and particulars apply to L A. W. TOLE, reatl estate agent, Bowrnanville. New Top, Coats for .Men, Ail New Styles. Sce our Range $10, 00 to $35. 00. Special Tis Week New Neckwear 75e Up. latest patterns. Ail the MEN'S SHIRTS-Fine quality $ .5to $5-00 See these, they are real values BOYS'-Suits and Spring Coats, latest- styles cloths, se these at $5 95 to $18 00 and MEN'S HATS-The only store where you can buy a G enuine Bors- olino, Christ y Higli grade English Hat, King Hats-the hats that set the styles Prices froni $3.00 up. LADIES' 75c and $1.50 guaranteed. Holeproof Hose- per pair, each pair Where You Get Moust For Youir$ WELCOME TO SOLDIERSJ A -large and enthusi-astié audience from different parts of Tyrone circuit assembled ab the churcli on Thursday evening Alay lst., to extend a hearty welcome to Pte, Fred Tabb, Lt.-Col. L. T. McLaughlin and Lieut. 'H. S. Cobb. Rev. J. E. Beckel msade a very efficient chairman and catled on Lt.- Col.' Farrell, Mr. 8. V. Hoar, Bethesda, Mr, Geo. Stephens, Salemn Reeve of IDarlingyton, to give words of greeting. IMost helpfnl addresses were given by Lieut. Cobb, Lt -Col. McLaughtin, [Rev. H. Wilkinson of Enniskitlen, and Rev. G. Gomm of Blackstock. The lattez stated that from lits knowledge of the returned lads lie was not so mucli afraid of them rnaking good, as; lie was of the man who had stayed a.ê home and coined rnoney. -Tlie speech- es were interspersed with solos, duets and choruses, the words of the latter being composed, in lonor of the brave- boys present by sorne of Bethesda friends. RETURNING SOLDIEIRS Dont Delay Any Longer Have, your car overhauled or repaired now., Our expert m'echanies assure you of satisfactory work weIl done and promptly done, We Repair Any Make 0f Car We als-qcarryý a stock of Genun odRpis Maxwell Cars We are distributors of Maxwell cars for this district. .Kirkendall & aveysi Phone-Day 193, Silver and King Streets Nighli0 or 294. - Bownianville Work Day Shoes Adves tisements and window d-iàplays usually fenture the stylish high grade shoes, but the' greatest hulk of taei Tak done on every day wear. A Stroug Feature Oi f Our Business. EveryPair 0Of Work Sh'oes. We Sell Represents A Reliable'Maker.> For Men Heavy S'plit Leather witli plain toe or cap,......*........ ..... .$4.00 and $4.5Ô Oul Grain, black or tan, soft stock $5.00 Elk Skin, special value............ $5.50 Stirling Quality and Comfort In IEvery Pair, Box Caif, smooth, soft, $3.75 Heavy Kid, patent tip, $3.50 Matron, kid, plain toe, $3.00t-or Wîie Phone 12 FRED. R. FOLEY "On the Sunnyside" Bowmanville =11 Giving Customers That is what we have been doing for over 50 years, always selling the best quality of meat and at'prices which are the lowest, quality considered. When you think of the best in meats you naturally think of Cawkers. Goods delivered in town. c., M. Cawker &E-Son Purveyors Phione 64 Bowmanville Pay Cash--- Carry Your Bread--- Save Money. That's our new policy in a nut sheil, startîng May 1. Bread at Store 10o per loaf Bread delivered 11 c per loaf When you- Eat Tod's Bread .You Eat the B est. Care in the selection of materials-SkiIl in the Mix- ing-art in the baking-Cleanliness, llealthfulness -Purity, the first requisite in every detail. These are the reasons for the popular regard for Tod's bread. Thomas Tod. Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville' LOS E B Y Re.T. D. 'McCutlough, late Superin- tendent of Chilidren's Shelter, Port .Hope, was Presented with a purse of $50 on behaîf of cw-lers -and lawn bowlers of thut town prior to bis departure for London, nt. New officers of the Bow!- ing Club are: Hon. Pres.-Dr. L. B. Powers; Pre.-A. E. Andrews; Vice Pres.-W. A. F. Campbell; Sec. Treas- L. Boney; ExÇcutive Cor.- H. Walker, W. J., Oke and J. R, Bunting. Bowmanville Farmers who need help can rende r valuabte aid to these men and to the country by giving returned sotdierc emplovment wherever possibte, 'Annual District Convention of W. M, S., will be hetd at Tyrone on Friday May ,6th. Cornmencing at -10 am. and 2 p.m. (Old time>. Besides other good t ings on the programt Miss Brooks, a returned muis- sionarv from Japan, will address the con- vention.