Before casting their red po ,vg ater ai fireti, and thonalwi the waterý s somo people tie a srn to "draw,," before adding thi-e rest. Tea to i . so made je ue better and sitronge-r A great secret of tea ýcon-omy i than whien ,,Il the -waýtE>r l added a t Vo add oniy- a nmaIl (quýintit of hu- once. e s o i ?d Dé H EAR Eveýr.thing gond f0 eat costese nruch these days-." "NoV evreiyth-ing. Ilave you tricd Davies or ad Bean?" Cor-,ple tciy iba;lanuiled,. ruady- prep6rd odsaroor ar BE ,îybody,, w,, ,i l i - iyou that the chieî ýd b' dngaud 'energy-pro- ducng e tLeonet!s that nature requires pactvan strong arecombined ini ýr lea-ns, Hand pickad a~perfecily coesso'-fimci adeas ly d- In ec ca -n Î;pl accd a place cf eeatdpDenIr whicir completes tir pefet fndbalan-Pce and adds that dhcoisfa iich -geas with rcaniod-iepark and Tomnate sauce to padd retirer zsi-it you wnti?. Try a can for hlncireon te.- - uorrecw -aetfiag quoicker, , uolh- ing niCeýr. odla1,16 ?n(d 20 ouncoe tins. Plain or witir tomito sauce, Order frosn yosr dealer. The William Davieýs Company, Lim-ýited àTcýOrnto and Mnra Canaa Fod oar Pak~r1' iee us 13 ý-50 ,,d,13-54 108 Barin and Silo cofdxihBatodApri cig Fiying sparks and ebes 1ro , burning building often cause roofs feur by Vo ath ire, especiahljy in a dry, hot season. Under likeconditi o ofs vrdwith are iuneodanger frota flying emlrbers, becausa an-y tirait fahi ou Brantford Aspirait Rlooflng dia eut irarmleecly, Buiid n onoa roof cfBrantt ord Aspirait Roofing- i od-tire fire ifii fot spreatl a«ad ire boards undernoath tire, roofiog WiLl ie protected in a surprising inianer, If a fire starts in the in terior cf a building Brantford Aspirait Roofing ace a a retardant'and keepe tira fire froon spr.?ading. Fire ciiefs auinsur-ance cempanies cadorse ils ,tlie anent coagest- cd cities, Bratford Aspirait Roofing does net absorb water, but sbeds tira heaviest ain witir asie. Acid proof and sUrahi proof. Relia hie, durable,cconoml.cai Tirrea weigits-.-60, lb., 70 ILb, 80 lb. par square. hi fthe came quality as Branford Aspirait, but bas a smoot, rubbery surface iustead of the an.It ile particularly'suitable for verandair decks and ficor cveine.Tiree welhu-40 lb,, 50 lb, asud 60,1lb. per squar-e. Slightly iower uaitVan Branttord Ruirber Roofl'ng. Uscd for satan ourposes. P, as a lebry surface. Except'leoaliy good mneflng at s low pae.3ri. 5lbnd-55 lb. weights. le unade cf iream uaeînea Batorîsh1 oflng, but le figiter la waigl-tA fnru.Cyr ,ialaeflng -at a low prîce. Tasted for years sndia irnetr atisfaction. Sandad ofoa aida. Onea wigt-4 lreParsuae 71n- xSeth g ae A teugirkattprcaedwt ii rd asphait. For maa- lng buildings dn-poo ad in-poe , Asefr o' ing termporary buak bouses, lma apec s'rlnches et Týro ntoCfMé, 0r-C !eHIl~ For sl b F O&ËO -DY CAS.-M. BICE, B A LL DENVER, COLORA&UO. Full we*ighý-,t of teain everypackage noV au inchioet territory east or wastc wiii ire surreuoanted hy Gerunany. Bluff it rnay ail ha. Bufwa havýe1 beau iucliiud te regý,Ad IV, but a bluff so deflaut, no cutepoken aud plain as Vo maire ressi dfficuit on tira part ou Vire Gemman leadlers if tbay £ail Vc fugrantire Ali intomdiiu tirapeaa tns. They ara ruilg popular feeling Vo a peint ýwirra they,ý Mnay have te sand h eir deflauc. Wiry ara Vi-ealaessc bold? COua ebvien raenioir ncuagmn -pence hvCsiuitd ema'ncor ýage sud effonteiry. EBaird Viracad-i er dm~e cwen namme gue~ 'S Y coS~u enadouS tAh G ti SoI ç~J~iii seuLýd packages BREAKINýG THE PACT. Jmadelathe reiterated argumera that social and Industrlia conditiom TIl y, i 1914, wae ,a member of in the Alliud cùnAres are periouel. the "Triple Alliance," camposed of explosive; if peace fa dlayed, se-y Gc. iany, P ustria-llungary and Itaiy the adivocates oà haste, there le no t - tshe did noV job i th the other teling w, ýhat m-ay hapjpenb ra two in the wragalnh,ýt France al1d Brttai, in Fran-ce , ii taly. '11,- e~rtn axid cabinet te erh -,es heokad wi' thr position that tde war wae on 0 a4flictien ilt1ife u ine f laboC et ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 7ý agrsino hepr.fteCn-diptsl reaqt Bianteat- , raiPer, and!the Allance re-racks of Socalis on the French fewred oniy to VWs of 4dfece The Goe iet, r é oon invesýtiga- Aliauce was forired a genieation tions cf Boleve oy Americani ago, the airu at theý timne heng VoSeatrs etc.I keee the largerCotnta power Af-ew -weeks ago Germany MWas from getti-ng nix-,ed iu Vhe Blganp U4fr nan ealypeace.Now we imbroglios. hÀeaýr tnô,pce leasfi rli.Thei Three mionthe, after t'he Great War1 tables aire turned. The hurry-up r began ltaly joiued tbe Entente on àa cornes t'ro5 the Alled couriesand quarrel wihVienna o iver the future! Ge1.nanY isusthreats, dlisposi-tion cof terrVitory, and in thel If thieAIlecutre-ae nucI belief îthat.thesues of the Telton soire nefor n eairpeace, then il forces wul iterese ith the cte-in- i VoGt ran'sinteueetS they may poral aut lb!Orty of the Quirînal. Be- arge-to prevent peace eosabig fore joiniing thie Allies as aginut her soon.I',aeay fe euce wViibring Ourmer associates, Italy made ce- po lte Entente t'he treùibles,1re- tain, as she togt fber futue. , tedè by e me Sful c n.rsperf "i A secret agreelcet was required intor-st Votelype;ncend lot t'he restoring to Italy after the -var whatj troubles corne. was kuown as Iai-Irdna n o rcdrfRuzu oeg cluiding the Adriatire oîtst.IV' W 3e 1ister, le eported to haue said noV infornied of what teck place at afteran cenfmerensiatWeimar "Htisý London before Italy announced her! a qpueonceher ce have every- determih-.ion to oppose thr eutnt 1-Coan n nt ito lose h kt ray be that Britain an France passivu essaceceihrthePac Were illing'to give consent, or VCfe'c nrteEet oldon may have been a queson of neces- suvive or refhs b o ign the peace itycf seif-preeration italian aid! terme," wasrý-equiried -In-the war-.Lw nia-!Hi onlson et is Âs w wnost liesawd death wiÉth the othe" but the fact that Leareches ià isthe powere igtigGerwnany at that! erious thug. IfUrmamy actenon tinie, and Italian demaxh-niFcoul eid ath)is eonclusion-, it i cce cngave stiffand ocre would be nro wny eut; itroube. The ConOvere nc h besides it -was enemy ýterrtoyhat; Entente vwul1 survive, 'but t bey wah -atnvle. -The Italan treaty was rha faced with a pro.blemof a imet, noV the ony eone.France and Br-itaniffci n itubn aue at the Vime ad o paýy thne garîne as Agie h iklho )f Garmny ithad been payed Ince Eutrope was feoowng a policy of "passive resis- In the alng, andimak i iorally tance" lb the cni r tier at ms i doutfu alianes o prevent practi- inay irflict dire eilsun brs , 1e cally the who e f Europe going with sehe wilg toerua the isk of de- Garmany.priving hasel f cf nlfood supplies, a0lra1 maerals îad itue 1~u When the Uuited Sats etiine and Àaratouoas"iVo makeiV -war againsit Germîany it wvas ýnet au, an anàt'chy etain? leranswer tboVhi - ally cf the Alýlies. Diplbinatic cor- may lbeha the wold anot pe-rmit , j espondenelacesthi natiorn as "as- aniia c 1 y ibu G E' ,-ny;thla t thiie 1Ai e ý Sociate la the w1ar amwi ththe other vwihl te cnompeled te occupy the coun- nations. Ti-,other words, Wgshtiug- try ard freed tihe GO-rnn pecele, s ton retaled a frea haid; Whena s net thait tis dltlbn-i' striain wil Pro- a Party Vtirte secret 1aots aadvokre dlsordefs in Àlifel ontisandh uudmeandugis between tue Sulis. force the nnnking of an en-sy pçaeu M3% ilson, as we kuow frin i a- The sfuaticu eSfWt ny difficuilt dresses, had bhie owu progra-L utmno nI l ftal i1pýq1 t< If the war had bean won without1 ance that the YAis should diapiayai tire ad e tihe U S.,the sattienient 1fiîrue'se 1au cfdene.Any veýa- wouid hvebeen aengt'ý;cîold huýie. nase la handllng, for examjiie, VIIè a Europe wouid have teen carved -!lu 1lungai.%iaisituatio3 n, fa-ypro e ds- Rceord -with ltire exigencbes el'the naatrou. It le a testissue.The9l-, wa.Italy wudhave received ber c6xaiietrnce cf teA4istaedeaiwitih. share accerdiug te the London vact. Russia iasl owmeredin -Herig 1 M ~ *.-,,iu e~v rude IZ lUine the ay o f the 1ufLns.Tire rvaruisj eý tews bounldajy, with a Vwipeght net over unt'll te peace treay l11h 7oe perba0"hý,p, ou th-, e e i s e oru sda c 0f 1signad. other ack. è Polaud wudhave11 re-1 THE ALTAR 0IF IDEALISM. b( ceived Da;1zig and other cuksos Juge-la vwouid bave beeu ceur- Two cable despatches have beend pestdfor the Is cf Fiume frein received, one frein Lonldon, thea ether another quarter. Instead cf the from, Paris, Vaken vonjuctîxeiy,, did tc Langue of Ntions Viera weuld have not make very plesat eading,ý and n. ime a bac e cf rpewýer. eue cannot ha separated frorn the NAtYuraly te Italanrapresenta- other if we wouid !keep in touch with nia t Parie areý cainie for thre the peace tabl,,W fulfilment 6f the secret trea that The London caiJeait with a se- ih broughnt Italy Vo tire sieofUne AI- caiiled American son te the Rus- ul 'Bland Cléenceau and George feel silan Bîhvk. The missionaries tj as if their hands wara ied. Mr. Wii- were LinicelaSt'eýffean sd William son has a free baud, he-Wevar, and ha Buliit, Thç -,foirmer is pretty weii le epposing Ialy's claime on the spe- nowu trouhbis nn-tuckrakýing andý ciflýc ground that they do ne it wall "kbuttinsky" prepensitias. Tira latter pi with iris feurteen points and princi- i, local Vo hic Southepru State. Whera pies contained in thée Leugne of Na- Mlia steffens me there, mc bound toe hi tiens. ms ef afct. t But if thre uewly-created Seutheru The Parie cabla ceavaeyed in guard-'0 Sl'av nation is tel, ive it mue:t have au ed lauguage tiet a deadidocir had beau B ecouomic outiet. Sireaseks that Fiume _________________ ha given te baer as ber "wiudow byd the cas," hauice -tire hitch in the peace"MscC cenfareuce. Wa axpac',t te see ItaIy giva in and abandon ber cdaims as ceeuas sire realizas whbat iV meane to perish ilulher olistinacy. MOUE GERMAN BLUFF. Un Germiauylis talkîng definrtiy as te t iwiat sha il and will noV aoceptil A CCPkZ-2 o i fremn the penca ceuference, and soeOR AN D i obsêrvars in'tira Eürepean ath-l tewaers seeern inlinad te tak srieus-'h P ly tire threataring taik and attitude Yuiee adaha- a cf Gern leaers.ache Wh.ezl you wth V War savim2n Stanmps con be beught wther- opigr tlus clie, retd ttire-,Cierr.nce b,4uze cf hac onite f Fanofor hounidary notirr Gam a a ,togtYer ýitir tire efusi'cfPres, Wilson Vo Zo bycud arainpe'it-outlined by im in iris feurtleen ,peints' address cf an. , 118, nçihniscoresponAnce, rithGerisu fficaispravioas Vo -tire 1f la ia, rhîed for Mr. Wilsn that ie g.ave bis werd to the enemy ns- Jon -what would be exactad in terri- fr, - wbat manner tire terî ria~de4mtai~cnswoi4 ire n,de, ird'hacanotraede freini Orat e- itien. On<±e again if le l-,natd' ha tir Germn ties quit fgtn wudcr aýssurances of kludly treat- alent. Froin ail Mof which wa heýg te dis-_ eu1t. Germru!any wes hppd e ~isrrn an ie-r artirles cidae ad te surrender in a f ew wveek-s et sk-1ed te rave theni. Gerîrýiny i an-ita-n ntarna1ly and externahly, on imd and sas. The ceuntries she bad rîagoced lufigbting ber hattlis were deserting irer; sire had ncthing oG hock forward Vo but defeat and a ation-wide revolutien. Tira Wilson ternis xara toc vague when pubiished te ha ciosely scrut in- [ed at tis turne, and conditions have udaergo-e :a mrighty change sin&e bhey we-re uttered, Germauy did noV )f ber free wili accèept Lthem unrtî car- 'in defeat starad hem lu tire face. If sautimautalism and idealisir ara emmittad at Vire peace taible tire wiii ha anotirer outirreak lui lacs than âal tire tinne u.euaily cprtn con- ýnantai wars. T1re wirol- issuen reste )n Russia. If terme are te ha made witb tira cilsheviki regima, if wiii ha on'iya sw years- unti Gemmaay is tire"a- latory" lu f art cf rentai rRusais. xermany wili net hava te seud arm- es te :accomplisir ber purposa; cire 'lhl ha appenled to te crosse ver sud 5ve tire empira frein anarýciy. Tire Peace Congrese iras nothing Vo Io witir tire ld uines in Euroýpe. A ew En-rope iras beau craated froni ne convulsin. Juet as iV sàtand;s,I vithout any interference froin peace ýartograpirere, IV le ailluI favor of 1 ï;e enemy Xàntion. Caunot tire Ideal- tas cee tisIu time tc avert dis- 1ster? Bafere tire'war Rusala was meç huttrees tirat savad France. Gar- nany, until a short tiare ago, fearad ussa Thé,eim of Barlin was Vo irak tiere ranco-Itassian Alliance, ird tira moment iV was broken tire efrmn armies weuld be fioeking over Russia ýis out cf tirh ie no'v, emmandnfiy, many fear, for a' long, tu inra, tire most eptirnistua cecn-, nde. What is te Vake traplace cof uss ia A number cf "ef-dater- into"States, newiy iateh-edý, un-' Lablf naessity, and lhable te fly If it, ha coutauded tirat t',ekms cf leac-Loraiannd partscf Poah ermny illcr-ipple tit empire, an'nrny wil g in luterri tory aud aoY ba-31Facesu1olnd ar- vlida ha- raw mtri frein A "sofIn" peace menus aui early re- inrmption ot xvar, and France knws ,t'But a Lanue cfNatonsio t )e feuudeed. Ye, bu,ýt fGarny tetc otesfRcl u uti 1a hcan etablisir a laecfier ovin. akYour Savings Serve You and Serve ýcYour Couqntry-Invest Themaii n W'r Savings Stamps. HOW 'ýFISHES SLE-EP' rn wlnlch evere the , D rea aeiee-p. This membrane,asltiece Unprovlded .Wt Eyelids-Certaln of certain birds, folde Ilikec a curtala Élrds' Ey,3s Proteýýctd by Memb'rarne. ,i l ire coýýrner cof the ey(-. a by atn Ailficeswhih lea d sewit Iineanaupunaction fia ck whipn ,Allf-ýbei wiei ý,lëp o swiil ight us i aquirad, leavlug the eya ,ui. thaîr eyees open, as they are net pro-, 4nedi1te1y and fuliy openi for the axer- vided with eyelids, sud cannot, the; e- aise cf sigint. fore, ýclose tireir.eyçs.,F mexpert em birds, sucb as thre ongle. aise, meute made, IV was diecoverad. thai hv in abrn ircwiaa cerne ,fîlhe have e preference for rest, lies in tire cerner o'f thre eya,, the niglit tiare, but sleap aqualiy wali felded up lie a drawn cburtain. durIag tire day._____ ThieyÉmsy be ebsarved restiag qu'te excîad ail n riuece f rum without. open, for the simple reason that it., eyem are urnprovided with eyelie. Tin- ota f these there e athn em- ~A saerelïaëehis.t~d 33-2, 3 No. 3, S e box. id yall dr,.ggten , .e *Paîdon receipi t hrice Free pamphlet. . ddrlsi: THNE COOK MWEDiCkï;E CC, 1ODONTO. ONT. (Frmïy lrseË In Mfay w-s.s 15 ctý Ici ce,, tim, Canada, folLown the examýple of other Alled countries, hag ruade àt ps 'hèfoir wag( nnr-e n wre-ôivs in safe scrte ihu fot These securities are callei», War Savin,.gs Staxups. The eost now $4.04, but by comnpounding interest, the $4.04 yen in.vestnow wîillbe worth $5.00 in 1924. There is.,ne other security in whl yout can iftvest sueh a small ramqu1cii ihat is as safe and that bears so highi a rate of interest. or you can stlart with 25 cent, by bu"yýing a"I'Thrif t Staýmip. When yoii have sixteen Thriàf t stapq, yoù èýn _,th~e tÙieni for 2, War Savigs Stamp. You take no risks. Thýc, Government of Canada, guarantees to pyyou be oi~loeywtiltrs-tany tîne durjingth five years, or te pa-Yycayu in1924l $5,00 efoir every $4.00 (and et frctox)you nvstnow,