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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1919, p. 5

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HAMý-ýPTON FLOUR MILLS XXX Pastry Flour Whole WWeat Fleur1 Royal Flour for Bread If you cannot secure these popular grades of flour from your t groc 'r -order direct from ]us. Mill feed choppingde uwbile yen wait. We are expecting -a qatt of Goc Caniadian Seed Corn. Your pa~onag~ ohcitedand saifation guarantoed, Chasluà bm> Ham1ptoi F 7-1- Harsh Words. A. widow is the mother of a son who lias giv en her mucli trouble.. 1 arn afraid," said afriend one day, Ithat you are flot flrm enough with Iiinm 'On the contrary," sald the mother, 'sometimes !fear that I arn much too harsh, Idon t maî, b, sy that I hav relly taken any summary aconbt 1 have talked to hlm a great da. An3.thveynsl? t f ~h v-sl,'!cad lh I's &IarTig 4 Dad is happy te ,d thlat he-boy entav te put Vup )with what hla went threugjfh -d haîf-remiove-d tubli.ý li-t-ad île-lad wili ex-ýéàý eneonly tIse cIeanIiicss&ttnd~ ceaifont, tle acase of ply24fce-l Well b-ing.île-tfoilow a dbolI cie-an, e-atfa iy slave sucb- as cnya utoSirop Razor dl1 give-. This aad tle- fct fluet the Ant-Stropj Razor sharpe-as Lis own ble-des ead fe net taken apant fer strop- ping or le-ainï, hltleclthon- sand f e! ddaevrywere- rte necomme-ad île AutoSirop Rao teî-sons. Razer -Strop -1 lds-$ AUTOSnSFTYTAOýCOLiie AutoSirop Building, Toron-to. Canada / - éTAN.D UP TO E!R TEST 'Test thcul for' uaîiîy vand tlheir stur4y servieeand eay iding-an.d yeu wil fin.d Dominion Tires'"Un- questionably The 13est Tires Made". 'lm Wemen'sn-wNatina WrM Sc hoo uhoil-saenauaiax Th1e Gani,,àainTrade Comisio 1on ns to s cure_,reegu-.!ýl-rity cfatn- af tw rtdü. A re-tunt'o pre- simpify dcoIn',g teid ty îln f') n -actnadscno ee-to~ ed. chlrnwh Qpano. net if-e4ing, Ourwai deiin fOur 81 1 asrua weilIto g t C, i i uh et UIP te nery$ Ô,0,0.Tain- te-r for a hicito e an oc1nsioný1,ý)ll tle m taerbunesgil 1fto!the in an irineZ-as nderosdg1th1 people. Thjok hc did'enlse in tle- The Whole-hearLed support gve cshool fl-rmsick-ss c:' e emceup by the. women of Canada, s3ingiy orj fair more p diythan ith ýahby through their organizations,'to f oodl health. Suaisîactorýy meunal progire;5s contrai e-ad other war work showe-d can not!i-)made3ni-as health s firsi how gre-at their collective- influence cûnsiderýd. could be. For t1lo imedlate futur2e-w enQlGd aur. ahudinfluence ail purchases for -Go mner can be acquired only tIOi home te lie of Canadian-made by car'a!ucl au At le-ast 'they cau- goocis and products. Thisa will give net bc ither ' ld clown by rule 'or eMPleYment te returned soldiers and clbtained 11by the imethods aï' a corres- te île niany thouàands who were pond1eiicfc. ï Trly gcocd ae'col man- formne-ny in muniin-making and ne-sira re saidtecorne,- f r1m the s-e other war work. out zad iimê ,ias net ulld h Womien who realize that every dol- truth of tis assertion. 1er eent'but of the country for those If yen a"re a self-centredcl IerseaDj thinga -wtioh can le produced-dai you raii e--xtreme1y lever la orderr Idme-' adve aelyrx!ts 4t e nancial te keep p-e-epieý -,Om loekingbeai siuaro. 7e hv arn uha e-ve-t.Hoêe-rf yu ar chae-dsohe-vly frem abroad dur4-thougbtful )f oles the habit wi,,ll iag th,- four Ye;â-rs e!-waàr that the gwow -ith th~e -e--t 1111e, bit, eoe- finae-ll psIton e citîal.courage-mnt, and i i la belthe Canad laste remit tefefreign battle. Ob&ervion istheote-er halLs courtiesa uraetwel oe-r lfai aand e-en i if la taýed' wýith île mlindlarsadaycinreyte pal, aer keci~ ?ilttle critician eoff our indjebte-dnesýs abreîad, ohrpe-ole's nan-awili.l el-lyûeu1 Lu eur 'totai, honaehold pur-hase- te ai'oicf"tie- i-pilfails yeurself, figure ey ageI.As the- o i'The kMe,!, ina liedoueilvni', y ef Cana1ýda bny abou~t 90 per cno utsw-laS 0outwardly7.Imtin ahth~ s seclIi -m iiiI!e, îe j sally a baiwyve; g aou àraithigtwra r4~ii n haa but !obaervng somýe- person aaeuadngtosiinLthhe woemanne-na syou -iapprorve- will be grap o ths al-ee-eail-ace,. Whe-n another wyte o bout higs tît, L ce.lanyunderstod the(- al-irîés aè tely mc w*i ï0gldy, as ý he-ydid in food e-u- -asie-r te acuire- thap ighihoe 8up - ~rtibr~gplen àreferm. pse. xou have oiyte fe-elthat For every million dollars re-laine-cl yucan iookwe-l hle a gad in Canada BY A REFUSAL" TOItn improves mat2sa oc.Ti BUY,1 OTHER THAN <IANADIAN'T ge-ntle art o! contntly fe'e!,ng ttat GOODSi a years un broken e-mploy- iyen d 'on't rmakie snob abcd pictue, ment ce-n le given to, at least -1,000a±ter il i r-nlyth- ýt and îe people-ý. sim11ple-ai way o! ail.1,tcan le prac- Th anaian Trade Comm-nission tice-d et aIl tin.e-s, but shouid neý-verý le- by eýve-rymeas-uuagn Cana- be cre-lte t1î- point wl1ere it ap- dan -mainufaicturera te makjje-the poce ýfcacose~ word.s, " -de! e arda ,vcwothy e Mnnrlnsh!-,e, èf course, te be thc ih't tradition1s Of!an indus- avoie-d Th pe-rsoýn who dees every.. trial people-. That standard baïs ai- thing psil te attraci attention laý ready laige-ly been e-achec in our tiresomel te look ai and usually inore agrlcult41ural products, tireeorne te liste-n te. A loud or Now -we musi mm nte ibhe beat ac- strident voice is wearying te liste-n count the- nvork of Canadiens l iEe-te, and one- tilow aameas lad, factory as well as in the fie-Id. Now for the- be-erer bats te straiin a.ýttýention wem.uai induce- our peopcienlaciy lu order te aeôn hti en a1nd couintry te imake ai home Land te saed. IfWCe- oi.J(Ldolbea isIvs Lrge 'cquaîntities ef'godswbicl others ae s are e(d atiulr nteresi te womren b'ave e-- for years imiported ie TANKS FOR TOWNS Le- Dominion, wben many o! îhl-n would bave be-e-a,lad we- known what 264 te be- Pre-sented by tle Biitish ccl le effe-cte-d by patriotlc e-coep-j Goverament. eration sucb as maredc war work, The- part played by "Tank bank-" manufa-cturec or gro-wn witbin Our in raiaing moue-y la Great: Britain owri border., The one ouistanding te bring île- war to a succe-saful con- thingr for our national fiuiaÏ'1ncia bet- due-ion is beinig r-onie by tle- te-ranient is that we ai once- CHECK pre-senîtion of -.war-batte-re-d,ý tanks TEFLOW 0F 7MONEY ý OUT- te 264 tewns asý an'ackhowle-dgment WARDS, and th#t we- do evrytbing cf île- successful efforts mad b possible te TURN TUEý STI AM ileir citize-as te procure iavesm-t 0F MONEY INWARDS te Canada, la National War bonds and Waa ai That is, we- Muai opead le-sa abroad; ings certificaltes, The tanks lave- we ma se-l more Dabroad,ý. be waddbyr'île National WaUr The foîlowiAng lîst, tknfeno aig onlt-Who lveke_-)t ficil- re-turiie-, lac;enly a parti cin,- ebusierýco da o! 0 he resulta obD-. p ilation tîo!îlte-maay undrede- o! tained f1>0111e-adar-a thnamore- ihich wivennrily imi- The War Officeý, witbilcosn port from île-'Unite-d Sute-, and [o!fl-Tea-r lias undertelkpy Ce wblIicl, wlth a dete-rmined effort and deliver îlie tanjks tte e owa as île- co-openartive goVwil ithout Soon --s 'practicabîe. The- frai ai île -fuether tus.e o!fiscal m nachineryý, o! tankle- salte-ady on ius jway lack! eôoulre liargeîy remove-d from the.from îleba'tl efl !ds qf France andîý de-bit aide- o! our national bookkeep~- Fland-ens. The Lïocal WMari aig lng. The- liai onîy de-ais witl thoso Com!mittee- iniiead ae-a las e-- thing whicb Prnucipally coucera wo- notiieclo!fl- rsettof o!île- men:- tank, and iii conijunctiouô with île Partal iaio! anaihuhltpons, ivie- wuiborhy, wl rrange- orla Article 1918 Value re-ception and disposition as a pe-t. maet mmniaI o! tlé town's fla- Chee-se-.................$ 114,000 anilen fr o l-wr Lard .... ................288:000 aca fotf-'-iwr Lard-Comîpe-und, etc., 469,0001 Meais (gene-raI)......... 728,00 A Be-an Diseese-, Mut3n and Lamb ,.... 55 00Quebe-cand the Melaritim-e Provine-e- (breýe- ec.) .... 2,167 000 anclniti2 s ai Garde-n and -Fie-Id Se-e-de-. 868 00 sffr1 trog'adseat-enIeclan 6900tlracnoýse, wviîclatiacks the aie-rn Tonintees, c:nuec.l...le-ave-s,0peoda and s--eeausig a, Tomatees, fre-al.......... 5300001Agar Cannecl Vee-tabes ai spots, r-utn gnaatly de-creas- BCkaecl eeaband.....45,00iag yields andiç an i! erien quality of[ Bakd Bans11 ....... 47,0011crop. Wben Infecte,-l-e-cl bas be-en Be-ans.................. 2 593,000 -, Pe-as....................216000 ian 1 -dîe eab- aweio Ce-eal Foods .............142000 icloudyîlt ie -e-se-1» lanîle'gewn Breadstufi's...............195,000 patd-eoa-rpily osdr-l Cotton Manufactures proportionsofîe row are- ome- (gene-rai........88200timesmarke1-d ny 1;y lare staîks or Socke- and Stockings.....,400,000e-alscypansberigaf' Other cotion manufactures 1,166,000faeclev-sTe-dsasl-eai-l Plum e-d Punea......1,27 00-ove-r £rom ye-ar te ye-ar and propagat- Fruits l a kagues ... 6120'0oe-cl by a fungue- 1tînt netains lis vi- Fruitunepcgs.........611000O taliiy ou île- se-e-c. Be-ans grown ou Fuma-cueps,.las,.muff ,123,000 poly draine-cl soil are- more apite Giees nd uta........47,00 l injuned by tis 3disease. Blootesand Sbees ..........2 37990001 Pamnphlet No. 2 5 o! île-. Central Silk Fabrices (gene-ual) 3-6:00Ep rital Faýrm and avaîlal Soap............6 0 l- ?b1caîo Brani'o! îl te- Woolîu Manfactre-s tan-,1sttesfîe-triultsu-ree se-e-c Standh, etc.......... .... 2000001D-aiete grcluea î (ail couninies> _,.... 6500,000 e -moteeslyotied yg-l cn~sounldpol from a fýiecl-ala The-Sic Chld ead iseScI-el e-aly iis-ase-free as le -;e-ie, The Sr> rhlrt td tTIe-seo. pode-slouli2d be immensecl in a A day ipn la cool by a bal!- solution of copper sulple-te- elii sick chiid me-y recuit in a wee-k of ing o! oee poupe1-1 idissolvec ne-gt sçr . -ilne-ss- If, as se0-fe-nhep- gallons o!f atr or a solution o! 'the-,îbpslgis Incisposition prove-s forelaeep-tetbnyglos! te- le the beginning o! soma ce-rn- nae-,or edrosive sublimate eOue oz. muaicabie- dise-ese, île elle-r childclen te elght gallons o! wete-r. 011e,-r con- lu île- schoo! are- xps-clni-d ibos- trol eceue- r-.centaineclInathis ara-e-ssepil fellow n tla m.'-pamphlet. ve-rypo~>uurjr Sprhi ead 1 l 0.e-r,'119ï Meny atial'h- graefl ueso! this mode-i wfr Lois e-e-i ad pr>y tin la Mack Icitler or b-own. o Y OU w~ay thhink that because we are big mantufacturers, and you are- oniýy Oneç consumler ,ont ofseerlmillion, twe hav-nespecialinterecsi i -yl,'adyo have no real interestini us. Nothing could lie fariberfrom îl'e truith ait that, Qiir future as marufacturea de inad hea-îlened, upop jut oe thiag: lr te sriiiton icl Our prodci iveste ou, îe cnumr Ai yu sifcinde-pendis te a lange extent upon the attentîLion whîich yeu youirself give te île buying ef For, be-ar fn mind tfs faciý: ne 2natte wiîl what cane we selecthîenmaite-riaiswhc go îin a csiloe- ne matter hw perle-ct île- woruaehp al- it wiili net giVe yul- fli m- --o aisato unleso Ufi"fa cOrre-cny flt ted fa yourfot And that ia eomethfa-g wilwe cannot control. We- do finsi.ailet îl mate-rials wdhgomeOun ahoeesshah lbe îlbe be-st quality ai the- pnice: ýwe do make tsure that île wnkîasf m9s i-ariy perfect as qur humeanig nzston n make it-but we mui.aioSte îene. We- ciînot mesure ourse-ires that yen wfil buy îhe type- e! boe- whfch wiiI give- yen île be-et service, 'or îhe size- and id tl whiciîh alone can give yenconfriand ÀýAdsu we- spe-ak te you tînougli tis advertiig- île onl metlod by whicl we can hope tet reacl eyeu ail Our ebje-ct is net me-ney te se-il more of oueboe-s. We sloi e- en te by .-,M. aboas. Our purpose is, ratIeýr io te-il yn o e meyebaf bttrC oniontand bterscrvic",Zfrn 0f course we hope-cia n il buy A. H. M. shees, auid we ar oîfdettat soonen or later. you wiido se,,' But xe - waet Lte mke aune that whe-n en dobuy !tle-n'i yoU wiliet al l e comfort anid satifatin h c e-ty e ld if oto the-ni Our beekici, "How te Buoy Shees" gees inte île- sbjett more fliy tln l- pssible - anr-whpa3ýpe-r space. It is sent on ne-que-st te any addre-s a f Canada,. e- we se-ad ye a copy with, our complimients? AMIES'HOLDEN McCREAD'Y, LIMITEIS ',&Shoemakerseo the Nation» ST. JOHNI MONTRE-AL TOROONTO W-hen >Yom buy Shoa& look for- FAMOUS BATTLESHIPS. "Elizabeth" ie a Favorite Name ln the British Navy. Th ae"EIlzabeth' le ne o!the trcina nes o! the Brtih av, There was an Elizabeth ln the*Fe-tas e-arly as 1614, and the name was hiand- e-d on from slip to slp almiost with- out a break for 250 years. Then for a centiury Lt rmindforgotten, until 192,he prefix "Queea"-being added laccordance ,,Ith l ashion intro. duoed by Klng EdAward. C-trangrely enul ormeàr EIIza1)eths hýave ýbe-en ascaed ahrw the faài1ure,2 than î- le ucceso f the Bn- timh Nav.;:and SO île SupersttloUG wil! wonder wli'y îleLiZZie wsont to the Dar-danelles Il Tige-r le anether eepeo! the con- tinuity o!e aa loecltrfor there bshbmena Tige-r of ! meort, At4D ~S ON ~&CI4 CAN 0F 'n -- W.~U4K 'orne-SA' j-thlo re-tn-r n ae very sol* flghting, chasing, biockading ;ad cnt- ting out for the at three cetuie o the glbe. Te first eas bullt in 1546', 'ti.kenBIo and the present bate-cruiscr l teDeit, etaF ald Brai.,,WorI 4, 1e D 'z eleventh -ear-shlp that has borne the 1 enp LI. ! ne ipifrPthon the naine.To link np the two would bc, ,-)r 5 n 41peue, aiý wil, lErEY od y te write the hlstor-N o! theBiildrlt r nie i plain plrg on rceeI ' f oxiccNeiopamplet aiIed frac Te W Navy-or niost o! >It., 5 CoC., TO ONT. î; ( OIl y i '-j H waw~wra~~ed &e~ed ~ac~a~e whb RIGLEY'S upon (t (s a ~uar~ antee of qua(ity, wrd -the (arme S'A seBn im (n thec ujorA c hat las wbati W~(OL~Y'inmane. SEALED -TIGI-T KEPT RiGHTI N- mkài le The Flavour has Lformed a close werking associ':,.-n with the LO DNCOLINT;Y W- STMINSTrER AND PARR SBAK, IMITED oneofthe gieat FEnglih joint stock bans, foUte pur-. poseet eeouagiig tade ithn th Em i andfor excelled facilitles for handllng .-Ïait clanseb of busIness, wlth Gr-eat Britain ndland and teCUtnent of 'Europe. Corpratons flms nd ndiiduls ho lshtea'traiý act business wlth the Mther Cmuntr-y, lntuding the tran.sfer of funds to or f rom thai Britlisiix lies, are ii- vited t conter wlth the Branch M'Aanagers ;;t the Batk. Over560Braueh~ troubou Caada, 'Newteundv- land, dih. West Indies, Cent11ral and South Ame-rica. ÏM Y-b q

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