Laj~eg we, erShin sea 4u i~ comnploeo aling, i AIiMITS HUN FAILURU W& guawendee D. D. D. Ask for D3. D. b. to-d*a'. jury & Loveli, Drnt st nowzp ylIe. Diefo)r Ca!eis Beaten '4y Haig WlhFew Maîchiun GunS anad Lit-~ nhe i'r5st4 offilljal Germran account a of a btl on the wesctern fr.nt ha8ý Awn31 been puhis ,' Itli n adîmission of f in lu he t irset baUlt, of -Ypres ln Alter ý 1d r Inluenzaa the fal fJ914 sn also a goiolus Lookt~ Kduç8 a ~ ~ ib tc to the rmuant of the old B rcf eÏ" o u t mpà n e -sa z n y . Qtohad The diefeat lof thà ruinGuard hla nce lr iterp t enwt to t e, ns ý,îat- er -tyofaAtliry udwoner îr ehth reitil lrwae stoedpr~h trvil ndshortof uammunàtion, o, heuatî t ~tongpoints we-re hastlly throw-n 5, ~~~~ ail ad tî t gefher Dad lIoCK h9us" jii'Àt oný l 4e ieper 1enCe g n d i South, h e ot s-Arica. The G, Cermnr u1it -jýq bat- senialtha ti eidedGerany's hopes of winning ~ treatnint be -Ùaspey indeed of winnlng the! rected w4tIs prompt caP ing out of the pocss~s ~ ~ 1 thc bQdy wich cause these pains -nid Il, a be known that by sheer aehes This means that the exl-101y god eho!-nz and obtinate refusali orga ~(the bowels, skia an . id ie")- to apepdfeat ',an extraordinary sbouk be ecited to their h ceyws ale y the remunants Evey nsshui danhose-ntr~aly i h ld arny agallt t best, Ea;Th pett~ s C, T0 ni 5flri, oo-pe the Gerrnan 1qmperor could put ~lesatPlleswheh remae f Ma -dedseteijuhtion bttydthe, appealesan lap. Take theievery Teutpýor willte, vi7tory ~xLthat the o~hi ay Tiis~e~it~fi~nt ~se1Iîusian Guard rQý,olfrd, ke.ten, teton f te iade: ~t t~e 1do y L atri _'d it throu gh thé thin ,bovu Ly the froiquenit G oget out of 1' av bcdatpj~t co iraýJ sdiment inel Une of muddied khaki. But the im-i tir wtc, ~t~ti.dpeit peba enit' of the effort and the full heedchein ~benionin, )u should bie of the enErny'a leaders could obtausetth 4wetrc"Aimlc"(anti- offly be h eý ed t ,or êJnered. Now ureaie), irst1,put up b>' Dr. Pierce. thiey have been disclosed in an au- TQ uil uptis 4r h adimprove thoritative and well-written military "metie" mnuf~st ;,yb> Dr. Pierce,i good sketch maps in which the dis-c te be ha i-n tbtt tdu trs or positions even of regiments are some-P corne geod herb-;,ai t9 ýlic suth asDr.tis iwn m pd 1o' ' t ndbrswthu emn Sought Calais. a, aloo e o pn a~e or iic1i Theý s;tOr,_j jegraphi1ical]>' unI -olded. 7-Theýr e is first the appecarance of Von "Thie Tiger" of France. Beseler's corps of three divisions a 11predity is said to have pilayed covering the advance of four prifect- a part i*i building up flic marveleus 1>' fresh reserve corps. Two corps constitutie w i leads M. Ciemen- were the ,T-wenty-second, T-we2nty- ceau te be described as the "great- 'third, Twenty-sixth and Tvienty- t est yn'ing man ini France."e For seventh, on a front from the River 0 the -past 300 years and more ever>' Lys to the ses. The whole fonirile 17he oxie of his direct ancestors in the new Fourtb Army unlder Du'ke a]er maie lici. bas belonîged te the medi- of Wurtenmberg. Tuis dretisa cal nrofc,sion, and se, presue'ably, summarized, are "Ito close w ithe learnc(l te look aiter bis own health enemy, who is appareýnti>' stili en- g aswcias that cf other people. gaged ici concentrating andreegan Thi trque record cf coctinuity was izing bis forces, and bet anmsd brokcifr thie first tmnie wheci the gain Calais as the final ojcie~ Frecich Pr rric'r's ciidy son, M. Michel!I the 1914 campaigie." Thse Fourtil ù t Ceiceaelccted te becrnse- an Army pushes jin, e-ttaàcking on the ra ecigit,r r ather than study medicine. front ulne from Ypres to the sea, i: Tfle Premler's father, wbe died only assisted b>' the Sixth Ami>' on thse eE 12 yeaws ingo and centinued to prac- ieft. It makes special efforts to cap- n tîce long alter bis eightieth -iycar, turc Dixmude and Nieuport, but feul- th nmade is f,îmeus- son confort tiste ing in these places gets ecross thse ]B iamilv rdos Yser between thens. Ther"Its bopes bi o f breakirig through are dasbed toe a Utensils ht av been, used in tise ground b>' the heroic decisionof n prepanircig eiie;ns hoidbe washied the King' of the Belgians to flood his IM in cold w tert rernove the odor. sountry rether than te let it pass. e&j PRoumania ' wasirlesses ici kilie.i, Reserve Divigions Quit. de rissdng aiid ded fremi disease total iTise writer considers that "tise taek fit 423,567. Fier maie rial losses are asti- set for tise Fourtis Army would pro- Of snated ait $5,000,000,000. babl>' have been achieved in spite of th its very difficuit1 nature if thse Bel- ra 1VYT"gan tts moment of their great- ei I ~ est peril had not celled the ses, te E J their aid." But he admilts later tha e this set was. net decisive, as there t Were possibilties furtiser sentis, and b I"Tise failure of a reserve division es of the Twenty-third Reserve- Corpst gain a decisive ctor> between Bix- ~ O2UHAI choote and Langemarck on October SC ILDREI, -22 and 23 settled aise the fate of the TwentY-sixth end--Twenty-seventh esreCorps (furtiser south). An>' further thought te break througit wes at thse tise eut of tise question." In fact, the enemy was enly pur- suing his usuel practice cf eearclsing for a week place, sterting nortlh snd Ifee eMs, Fitzgrad' SCOMA go, ver>' Wood and ever>' Walinto a sufferin; fros ,nerv(,vsness, bWeache, Strng point, and eaéht of them isad te iseadachse%, aaiohopmptose of & be stormed wlth is eavy lees. The functional dqraneset. It was a. enerni> fougbt dee;pere.tei1y for" evey grateful spiriît for 1beelth rester4sO"ch heap of stonce end ever> pile of led ber te write tiss letter we thée ther bricks iu the villages befo aban- womee a b etfrenin ber experiecc aned find isealtis as sis asdondnn hs Fer euggesUons in regard to yournr<<- P~ g ov7er , t f- te1ata ditien write L-'11ia E. Pink1a-m ÏMediine of tie ourth Aril a.-d ktsatep Ce,, Lyn Mn I~.Tise resuiWt offthei-c te brev1k into Ypres irom tise uýOrth- 0Ysear experience le et yor s ervicweet and of tise gro1p of General 1 edt aLp1,re iMount emie we ~im o +0tise lest -phase wheni te ami' irupunder Grurtrei yop in-, atakte beginNvm hr1. Germa rnAdmis5Defeat 11e tS-k wsto drive nc au pusit the e iy I>'lig noti f tie Comneepre Qaal. The uars> teini its position ,ye"5t of the canal, prsigforwar--a'nd s-prtgte atrm-y gronp of VonLisng wt a, powerfnl enffliade fire as far aas pos- sible. AU- other uite oftise Sixtisil Armiy are te etltack with hc'ee energy on this day."ý Tis,ee aks led te tjie lioss of Dixende and furtise-r port!osc Me,1ssines Cdeoten çi"ver10qoke11J l h- cause Vhey aignîfieýd wu i a c, ed of Ypres ir breoke down. --TFe writerr alier 1ÎlWin Vis ýlee cription eof Von î sn-eeta1e Pcer1iaps he de sgo iroinanuattiti sense, --"r like the iuinGud -tteck, the story begin rlii en' týradualy pete-rs eut, aind ends ae ly. Feilure. is, itowever, conl.-unîvel>' adsitted. "No, break througit of thte enemy'e Une itd been accompllsbed. His num-, étmcal superierit>' and more especieli>' the str:ength of bis positions help up mur offensive. We lied notsuced in meking a décisive break thïsmougit and tise.dreani of ending tise cas- peign in tise west in our fevor la 1914 ised te be consigned te its g'rave."7 Strong Points Beat Guards. An initerestingg iect-is given which onfwîirett-eiprsio ut tise tinte býnat tisie ]une off smei-l eong points, -anged like Sentit African bloýck- bouses b>' Sir Douglas Heig's engin- eers, as there was no tise to do miore, marked tise iighweter mark of be guard ettack. The Fourtit Guards1 Brigade, it jes sid, stumbled on "ne' 'lockhous'es net yet dealt with. b>'tise artillery wîtýh etrong wire entengle- mentes proviýded with strong points. M en tried te wolrk titrogi thtie gape single file. Suddenly tisere wes a eafenlng infautry and machine-gun lre ires tise riglit fiank andsie1 if tie.remaining officers fell, Final>' the battalions hed to faîl beck tei ra>'." And tise>' did net corne on'I No higiser praise couid be bestowed, Cr, tiése spposed machine gunes (there being at msost two in eacist ettailon)' weme ordinar>' rifles, 'and ie ertiller>' muet have got tise full- et velue ont oftiteir meagex allot- pruvenled hy Fia4vs 'un My opeaauv , uos ,ruis.l la e gmodas 'Fruit-e-tirs'for Iiestion aad Constpatin. ror'as sui)l'ered with tec dreaed iseaestryiing aliil mdeof isde'afriend told me te try- 'Frit---Vves. o ns>' surprise, 1 ~elifen ula shot tise I1iras ali SOabox, 6 for $2ý,50, trial. sire25c. AtaidaerorfoFui--ie Tt se-ns ebsurd te speais cf a bilh la ýHo Mand, bu-t lItie beet guessers -aret right tise nase cf tise country le ro cr Word "olo,' eanlag e de. pr Ion leis land. An AmeriCan teuniet, bowever, feu 'nd et Gronigene h111 hitiset wee tise sisýowPIace cf tise tcwIn. It wes3 artificiel. "Tiere le e fine ih lise Frienta- ag, eQhie os , eHondr and frein tise suit cr1i f it ~uwl be able L; se tise coun:ït->' -for agreat dis- tancre arennd."1 It nteretdtie omiteet etly te iertiret there wa suh atingaa blill -In HqoIlend. "Bat wýhere leiý-t?ý" 3hecaeked, look- lng eound iseitermîaneble plain. "i "it les Ét oevrtiesbt you can- net ses It for It le hidden by tisat bush! Tise eurie asoeded isi ine bull, a'hchprve t beanarifcil ound not teatyfeet iie hetgis, budt tisena- tives are vr>'preùd c f Ir aonaspeak ef itý as it vere soe.ehuemountain. s anInstance e)flsow successfuil>' a Graigeerle eclv b>' M4isad- mriration for thr ise t ml1,it me>' beý menio 1d ilat tise2.ton 1rltI, cer- P;tnlol-1saveda deep sigis, msie h"Iies fatce anddoud as lfexPýhauvted1 loa e haIr,-tbzouighstfully placed-ties U- byts corporation fer thIs ebjeet, wisenis e reacised th ise sussit. i3uLtotedo thîs emience justice It muet be adnsitted -tit th isbll la be- yend dispute above tise level efthtie Homeege3,. Tise e a wlll givliUpber fihting men, Tise sOidiere ýwll win te their, homes age l B3ut wisýat Iwill bcoa f tise foreet folk, ROb~d o~thei ro-f s fl!q inahd cak1 And tse twersfroswislch their And tiseir -pet,,ed e adrsisone? Thse squlirel l robbdAcf'ilswinter Tise benks iare toriiwheretise dormice And ts ide rtise.,badgers Tise tismueiis lerot t c hi r-toptlone. Tise croon c ise dove )le ne mý0 -ýore Fres t1ieo vlndglen letivebrown eWithfidwn- Rh on c an le al i barlitaew Whgrllbew ýtCewaau Anfi o-kee m- cro 1Iý s ise m in, hercis eadfir ead en aaad oak Roofead weli thbm',ýet isfar ysars eï thn boke- iý rnd ' INWie s tsh a li tisetigla-I? O queto gramoier, wheiv d es tEverythgabeui"tnsfer çweea Oeh, t is cllAntirpleasn catch about etsevitl wes gtfradn- sier'scntntqetonn t A meneaeeon ,for giving or refus- W ath e sOras' 00y Oii1s ic mghie vote are often subtîs, as candi- neie fts oe ali iesc .ats re likel>'to 'discover. vent in tiektha.'okier, i Tekse tieansntccase, et e former begen, Vgi>,"o am e eim> leeI2tion cf an En-gîicounjt>' equirs wlf e wa ie anf hm ris ollcited tise surppjort cfan6tori- memrniiigagsur ifisd tod ye nette? ous peeciser wsom ise-,had once sent Tise Irlehsgile yed is steedîil>'. c 1prison. Thise men rerusedI(. "But "Sure, an Oldl1at,"sirereied,-cals bat hittîs pIOaclaiig affair iras >rears 1>'. "Sýi s eed ïme ýpiweÏttisle y go," urged tise iiag!setrate candidate; caenl an' _i.c0i>'tculd bher, tirt, Qi1 .let bygpones be yoe. was toc bue>' gettla' tise breakfast "It lsn'iit becauseynn e Ute ready to lok et tisboc" jail, " replîed ýtise man_,?ut tie reason---->- for irnics yen did IL.Yenu said It iras AnUedctdDg Erebbit I sisot, and It wae abas Tisle Tise Fre-ncismen diCd net lîke the teck ian who don't, knoirtise diffeence0f tie brckiag dcg berrlng issway. eýtwveon a rabbit and e bars len't fit "tsalrgt"ei ieie.'e' ýsit le Farlaszeat."Its- 'rgt" adtehs."o' ye ao tise pmverb, 'Parkiag doge BeOýke anre ,a irenderful heýIp te man "Ahs, ys"si ueFecma,"I --,.ýpecîally bank beckz and pecket knOw zeproverbe,1 you en ze pro- eeOks. vre csiek'o seprvebe' a godbrilitboy to epri> nor and p-art>' outdoors:' "Tisat's aill nght," said tise appliceat, 'bjut whet becenses cf me when tise do'or le sIut?" 'h lu need of a purga. tive, do not resrt to vio- lent catbarticsi5 but take the gentie, natural iaxative- Lorgeat Sole of an~ ~4odkloe b. tboWpzl& Sofd ees~e.~ho o. [a boxe,, iste. n "Conratlatons y ugherYou g&AND wh-y -sliouldn't 1 boitwek ~-rn~e ine, sliico it lias- dn o A using -Dr. Cha"e's Nerve E od7 so 1nm1uch go. "Is that what haïz made such a Miss Gertrude. M. Burreil, Clementsport, chlange in your ap-pearaxice? You 'ere so N.. pale and thin, 1 was rather 2anxious about "ienaiu ïd ,$r a ~aum-sibev(fva-'oods i your health." njflite h itnerv,,,, en.1 ïix Years, "Why, I have g ine fftecn po aind , d el A mysmié akdwn. Lied ne 1 I feel so weiI, 1 f cisele.Iould net sleep, had nlght mý,"u1 aýd rghrnaeMy "And you have- sch a god, healthy ysieaigâ ire me ne tme t ëolor. Yourbood nmust be rîch and red,'> ânÉI eLnotirhe indtoýte wee in erLe utwO c aeygoe,çýdaY wbutILdd - - "l kn~e'wyou asre f nyth - n t e' a o o iýf5ri'egod on0x wie Ï4 te get thatour doctor did fpot psst1b, eI Sai'd TeîJrj' Nreod nîothing about it to yeni." c1:da_ ve ý,ý it ata, and -tise resuits fr-om "Well, Iwill not have any doub tsabout i ts ue cdfou-nd ieirves gettinrg seady Dr. Chase's Nerve Fol ithe f uture aftef peie epre e w}#at a hecalthy looing ig iir tl' as miade 1fasrabistl o a ldrbework, and cen of you." hgl 'oonsdD.Cha,.e's Nerve Fo 'od 'Tés, and J feel sgo.d eenltoo, - AeioW enes .. ays: *It aives was e nevousa~d rriablethatI wa mcgreatceisfc±o tevouch for tsthei- was 80 nevcilenyan irtiiab'E efngalaend thse ben-efit she very easily anrfoYed and upe.Then I isaýî',c l -o ren yeumoneru; discevery.") j!) id '-o tose fearful nroshead- Dr, lae' e, 50oç,~ ext a1hs. lu,"hajL god1nesthý1t is ailP fr À!,a eaes or Edmanso, ,Bates over, and I knlow w hat to gi-v' cedi to for & eLt. ororto. C)n ùevpry box of the the ichanige." g&u -eyen. i11Ihm tha Portrait and sig- "I an ve y gad y u ae se we1 agAin of A. W. hase, M .D.,th an u ,.nd thiink Dr. Chase;,_', Nerve od a very neep Bo uthor. ment ofaminrlif!on.-Tise tlhne aa ulbl t- eei'tÉctd&'eem l~ iad 'beW tee short te allow anything morel tisai ,, hreni4nes5, ssllwhoes, a fesw loophisesiiul tise meet ýe'lent---- ary -wire. Pt.wmas thse men behiud thern wvhe formeç-d tise bulwark, BUSH HIDES HOLLAND'S HILL. An Artifiolal Meun)lrd ef Whieh the Mdtch Are Ver.Y Proud.