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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1919, p. 6

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i- IIýROUGH 0good tinies and bad tinbes for the past 45 years tlhis Ban idi bas steadilygivenitsbest eff ortsi to the developinent and upbuilding of theagricultural, ,m a-ctrîng and comrner. cial business of titis Country, Ourefficientserviceis availabie for the benefit of al custoiners. e97 ÉF!ANADA SOWVMA-NVDLLE BRANCH "Mr. Bubbins," said the proud f afli er, shaking the y oung muan warnmly by the hand, et me tell you that you are a mani afÈ> mny own h-eart." "Oh, - D, sirP," p-oWe4ed--the-bl-s-hing ýsuito-r. 's alter o-u daugtComoftn -4 Ïýfe, rNliable reaulating ,nedicine. So1,d in ihre de- Sold by ait luasa r~n prepaid o ee p tprice, Freepamhlet . ddress TrHE COOK MEOCINE M, Tc5OàO. ONT. (iesisrtfw weplý. spedal _,u to-keep frý ache, conlsipationl, Wc For these recurring ai' dions peculiar to wome: tested and effectuai rer and promptiy on the st( and exert a tonîe, stre bodily functions The vegiabecontaiîn no, thewoldover, fînd nec àn! of Any CONVENJET M BETWEENTOROý (Daily Eiký NO 3-TERIDEAU" Lv Whitb .... 2 37 p., m. Lv. Oshýteýaw .. 2.47 P. m. Lv, orpnxl,3 (05 P. m. Lv, Port Hope. 3 44 P. M. Lv. Cohourcg_.. , 3 5S P. m. Lv. Cborne..., 4.27 P. m. LV.'Fretn.. _ 5 07 P. nm. Lv. Belleville ..... 530 P. m. Ar. Kingstn.., 9.30 p. M. Ar. Perth ......... .8oý p. nm. Ai, Smith's Falls. 8.25 p. m, Ar>- Otta wa .......10.00 p. nm. Equipnient, Smoker, Coach, Cafe, WV. B, HOWARD, Districi C. B. KENT, Agent, P, Best grades of Coa thi __IdE Un i1, He Tat"L - IVES". in Canninîg Time. i course, strorigly i favor off the riew .- Summer quickly ta us i method. The others, xvhile ad.mitting o Ontario this year that carinrg tMe lit la best for vegetabies, yot main-,V was upori us aimost before the fur- tain that many fruits are just as Weil e rnce fires were out. But, off course,l donc the old open-kettie Way. And w e inust cari. Our war lessons $how- many maintaýri that the oid way la t ed us the desirnbilîty off takirig carelmuch less work. off our surplus- fruit and vegetables, Bort-les, however, keep their shape an vwe inl a section ïfortunate better arid look btter if dorie the enougl tot have a home agent or a cold pack way. To make the isyrnp visit from a specialiat we have lad for bernies allow; two quarts of wafer demonstratedt t us the suporiority off for evcry three pouridsoff sugar and - '**, homic-canried stuff ta tInt put up b"j hoil five.minutes. This maltes a me(d- commercial caniner ies. ' mm thin syrup. Wnsb and bull ber- Off course, you cauned your rhub- ries, pak in jar, off course, jars and nr 'by the coid wter method., That tops and rubbers must be hoiled up la, you peeled nnd cut therbb, in wnter, adjuat rubbers nnd put oni ts packeti if inta sterilized. jars, fihied tops, turriing down urtil the edge jvist the jars ta ovenawinïg with cold water, touches the rubben. Thon set in wvnter M AL-xANuD0S IIiNRF1 uaing new rubbers, andi senied tig't- which ila boilirig anti, bail ton miriutes. n n lNo. 1, Lame Ont. lý. _ Remove jars, tighten tops, invert ta l.Do riot forget thnt gooseberries , "or ot et three y cars, 1 was m may be carinet'inir the sanme wnvy, see if they do not leak, and store iri confied to bed wîth Rheumc'Iism. snving bath time and sugar. Arid a dark place. A good way ita ta save Drn httmIh iext faîl if you wnnt ta experiment ail your papen bagsannd,-slip each cuigta uIl tteatmient with crauberies the7, too,, mny be car inlan bag. Thia belpa ta keep the ffrom a number of dloctgrs, and triedt done by calti water method. coor. Rasphermies are apt ta se'tle nearly everyfhîig I saw adi errîsed to Whlen ýou open these fruits pour off a grent deal. To get; nrourid this let cure iiheumatisin, wifhauf roceiving the water anti cook down ta haif the thein stand fiffteen minutes after the any bcaefÎt. n -original quartity. Then ndd l'e fruit syrup bas beeri ndded, when yau will Finaliy, I decided tai try <Fruit-a- l and cook until off the desired con - finti they -have settled enough sa thaf tives". Before I lîad usod half a box, «siatericy, sweetenirig mat before ae- yau may ndd more bernies. I noticed an improvement; flie pain mainving froni the' lire. A pinch off The favorite inethod off caring was not. se sorore, and the swling 1soda ndtled while the fruit is eooinlg strawberrios in our household isa the startod ta go down.g 1 wili neutralize sanie off the acid anid following: Use only fresh, finm, r ipe I continurd /akin'g Ihisirit' me- hi -lessen -the--aaiount -cf sugasIr -neededI.-anti sourid -bernies.__Prepare berrnes._____czý1.e Now as to coiti pack. Sirice fie Add elgif aunices off sugar anti twa , mpr-oving ail th-e-tivm-e, -and- ah __ ar mistice has been sigaed and we feel tablespoons off water for every quart n10W1[can wlk about tria miles and l we can speak aur mmid freely, I bave of bernes. Bail slowly for ffteen do ight chores about the place". heard a number off houselteepers sny minutes iri an ernmeled or ncid-proof fEADE UNO thoy werene iftioroughly conviaaced kettie, covered with a well-fltted cor- f( o,6 o 25,tra ie2c as ta the superiority af this- method or while boilirig. Allow bernies ta At ail deniers or sent- postpaid an t t for everything. These weme women cool anid remairi avern rgit in caver-, receîpt Off price by Fruit-a-tires wba have b een carining.for years witi eti kettie. Pack cold bernies la glass LmieiOtaa good luck. The girls off the earining jars. Put rubber and cap in positionri, .1 Otaa -clubs anid the youngem womnen are, off nat tight. Sterillize for ten minutes TeJyOrHeBsBig lu bot water bath ouffit; ite usiig a he ail aur ora, surnveiaen e, a wnter-sal outfit ar a five-pounti From lont th ô pingu ff wae ee, 9steam-presure outflt, stenilize six , ,ou héJlau o ar minuts; orif usrig a alu inun'hoy me welcome home ns ta us are minues;or i usng n alminm jOur troasures near and dear; pressure-coolter otflt stenlize for 1 They'mo lilto the floral gifts off Spring, four minutes. Reniore jars. TightenWosbrfhlHevnsa, cavons. Invert and cool ta test the. obt iiltsw ol opr fjoint4 Wrap jars wltb papon ta pro- Te oys ourghsero bri ompar ee foiheadache, back- verif blenching, anid store. The jye likertosurnghn! ral eaknless and depression. Off course, yon are going ta malte wifh showors inients and other condi- sanie off your hernies lut a suri pro- In good old Sumimer. time, serves. Therare sereral wnys off hniyel ht h ui hm ýn, Beecham's Pills are a doirig this. HIe:e laorie. Pick the WOff loe oring thyfae rsncrh inedy. They act gently bre al r h onncas And as such gladsomo sources ffing :omach, liver and bovyels, irig weather wbich promises ta be, Their cheerfulîtrss around, -ngthening effect on the hot nd dry for tiva or fhnee dnys. Sa wifh if f00 for us abound 1-- Washandi hall bernies and weigh., The joys our lîeroes bring! se famous pis are purely Allow eqttal quartities'off sugar anti ,habit-forrning drag', and bennies. Place the hernies on n shal- Again, tiey're like the Atumn's le fte -ef ect~ W m enlow plater. M ale a tick sy up off 1 wealth, ,le afer-efects. omelithe sugar moistene, witir .just eaongh Whlen harveat lhomes are- gay, and ae o er uiet dsslete-And foil and donbt ha cegivea xvay eded help strengt Pvin oubr r acet solv eteTahappýinesand health; saga. Pur srup averheries When al fhe nîerryîrinkors sing caver hernies witb n glass and setin Teraasofuce, the suri until tic hernies are soft and~'hi aan fsces the ynu ba jelie. Te fniede-We share thoir triumph wrlen we blesa pends upori wother conditions. Thon 'iejy u oosbig Meiin n tins orM store la fruit jars andi simnior for Eut, ah, they fouet us mrost off al feu minutes in bot wter bath. Wheu Winfer snows comoe down, A seondmetod cllsforboiling Andi Nature woars hiem darkeat froxvn, A theberAseod eoti plcils fore u And brooks and broazos brawi; t-, StrniesehefoLancascireg la fie sunFoirflicn if is aur aîc-iriles eing ann t. nisnLaeasfrsnglnd.Equal quantifies off fruit andt sugan To wlîafand where they'vo beon; rire used, Malte a syrnp by llowiitg Eut îecompense is giron in twa~up of -iater for ercnry thnee pountis off sugan anti boilirig un'riî Thojy u oosbî - tireada. Add the hernies anti cooltJkILCR OU-Cii fif cea mind ut. thn sprndnl1 are the cammanest aliments of mankinti IN P A C I1 IC plteaat u ntesa iiifi andi if negîteteti may iead ta serions A..A.syrup jellies. This nay thon be stor- iejiditions. Dr. Thamas' Eciectrie Oul eti as jeily, caveing the top with!1 wili relieve the branchial1 passages off ~YLI OH IT -T RAINS panaffiri. inflItiiinitaspeedily atid îh irouuhiyan Raspbennies, cherries andi peaches will streigthen theni against subsequent . 1 l'- A D O TAWAmayliepreervd bythesunmetoa.attack. Anti as it eases the inflammatian ~TO A D OTTheAmayherpiesenvoud b te ua etho itwili stop the cough, beçause it allays cep S ndTh e h ri e an lt e e ptod bfo eal irritation in the throat. Try it and ;eptSunay)woiiin, ani te pnchs pred and t rave it. __________________________eut in eighfhs on quartons, accarding ___ NO. 37-"'THE YORK" to size, Cherries are especinlly god. A Wife's Revenge. Lv. Ottawa........T1.00 p. m. Use fie juice off fhe cherries fa molat- "i anm sormy ta be crifical, my dear," Lv. SPerth's...a....2.55 P. M. On te sugan for fie srp. ein said Mm. Lambltin, "but this pudding Lv. KPert...........55 p. ni. Oewnn las soe aiils not the kinti thaf mothon used fa Lv, ington 5.5 uncoolted anid pneserved malte-not by n long shof."1 -Lv. Belleville. 5 50 P. ni. simply wifi sugar. This taltes a great "îf's f00 bati, Ienry," repliled Mrs. Lv. Trçnton........53p. m. deal off sugar, a pouad and a quarter< Lanibkin, amiabiy. "I dou',t lnow Lv. Coburne.... 6.25 P. ni. fan eveny paund off fruit, but the ne-1 what fa da about if. Perhnps youd Lv. Cortbope....0 P. mi. suif la mare than satisfyiag wien, ictier1 write ta hem and fe11 item. She Lv. PoartHope..-7.002Çp.nm. winter drnws nround. The fruit shorild lscunt il. over titis affenoon"- Lv.BOhwnanv.....e8742P. ni.bcmxdwtth dr gaan Lv. Oshaway........0 .~ emxt ihfedy sgnat1 AN ALwAvs READY PILL -Te those Av. TWhity....... 8.17 P. ni. every berry crushed,' A wootin o-iof Pt>l habit .medicire seflittl11e con- A r.Trno....9 30 P. nitata mashen is a gooti "weapan" tae , tegea - iy f i ï tus way Tie jas shou ho fllerebtaityfflifgeatcars yspepsina, idu îeam ant elgf motha.have solti il for years. Do nt SCIE iNat ÎHis Fauit. [nte av wth Conjaie-or"Noie. ta help ire with le peaneSt *ig, or Prntruofi. this next trick, I w.ttesrie f , , ngP;ilaS. NI a bay-ju 1st aay bo :y in the audience- ~e171 *surie-l1 oer atio rquired.1 yes, you nul do, my liffle mnan; came Dr hs' Oaneft i e -n~n ionco aîong.Nw tiv ersenebc ni as crIry -toe uOc . a'; :alitfe.-Niy'vnorceure - di-ier-, r ,inan5n, ats &(n. Tiulited, fr.hav e you?" 10,nol. uape hx v-r ifin "- rioî ths y' (iinocentlyt " o, faqther!" Denmark Has Oldest FIag. The flag off Denmark, a plain re d -iriner, bearîng on it a white cross, la te oldest flag now in existence. For rer 300 years both Norway and Swe- leu were nnited wfth Denmnrk under is flag. ln the year 1212 king WaI- lmar of Denmark, when leading his oosto battie against the Livonians, tri, or thought ho saw, a 'bright liglit nthe-, form off a cross lu the sky. Ho ild titis appioarance to ho a promise )fDivine aid. and pressed forward to 7ictory. Front this finie ho had the -oss placed on the flag off his country tad called it the Dannebrog-that la, te strength off Denmark. M iIJer's W orm Powders were devised te ýotIy relieve the, children who suifer om the, ravages of worms. It is a s;m- eý preparation warra'ted ta destroy oçmachic and intestinalwrm jht fock or, injary te, thc most sensitive 'stem. They srt thorroughly -and pain- essly, and though in sanie cases they rhay tuse vomiting, that is an indications off teir powerftsl action and flot any off nau- ating prapery. The Scotch of It. "Haw was it yeunonver let your mother know you'd woni the V.C.?" "It wasnn ma turn tae write." The most obstiniate corns and warts fail ýresist Hollaway's Corw Cure. Try it. The wetter clothes are iroried, the tare glossy and starchier they xviii tok, and this la the way sheer col- irs and lingerie blouses should look. Ail mithers can put away anxiety re- ardu.., their suifering chiIdreri when they ave Mother Graves' Worm Exter, mina- tr ta give-relief.- Its effects are sure and [sting. Womna as beer a nititle fa nman! for thoasantis off years. But aheie a tho one nititle thaf ie alienys refuses! to give up.1 ' Taxation hefare the wa r in Greaf Britair, France 1, anti Germany, was,ý per heatinl the proportion off1 eventy-fhnee, eighf y, anti forty mes- pectively. 535i - il *isol yourwoèyse naturally gz.te pto A lazy liver antiISSP *pated bowels are ba- p.thingsdangerous thingzs Exercise as much as you ~.can-but keep your flver -and bowels up to the mark ail the time. Take one pl1 regAaAàsy -until you are sur~e you are ail right agaifl. Colorless faces often show the absence of Ihon in the blood. Carte's Iron PUI wi11 help this con'ton z1 -J'il of our me~ts make their appeal to the happy family circle w4ieve c iuality f oodls are ippreciated. Nothing but tiebest and lots of that is t o be found there. Honest weiglits and satisfaet oV Serviece Ouir Teiepliine is your f ird Wilber J. Duley Jlorsey BIk. Phone 295 EBowmanvlle Icif TO AND FROM VIA LAKE ONTARIO SH-ORE UNE "The Rideau" to Ottawa "The York" T EFFECTIVE JUNE 2ND, 1919 Train No. as Lv. oRONTO. 1........... '.30 p.m. Lv.ý DON ............... ...- 1.4.0 p.m . Ar. OTTAWA .10.00.... ....... Train No. 37 Lv, OTTAWA, ....-........ 1.00 p.m,, Ar. DoNa ...... . --.. 9,17 p.M.. Ar. T.....O.... .30 p. I Dally ecepot Sunday Ma4king al! Intermedila-te Stops DIETCONN-EOTION TO ýeANÏDFOMKN T EQUPMET Snotngcar Firt las Caches Cafe Parilor Car Librry Caova-lon ar- fý-,éne particulara .rom Cndta 'acfeTicket Agents W. Ba.IHOWARD, District, Paseenge- Agent,, Toronto L-. L,. ,.- wn Agjent, Post Off*îcc Offers ô e tk ET us show you Today's Maxwell L.and you'Il agree with us. No one has ever criticîzed the Maxwell on the grounds of reliability. No one cau criticize this latest Max-, well on the grounds of good liooks. Though the chassis was clfsigned hîve'years ago, though over 300,100 cars have been bul I on this one 7 an, Maxwell engineers are still holding fast to this original design. Because Ît is rîght. Pinprov-ed àt is, of couriný a thou- sand ways. Anîd in ad-dition, Today 's MaxNxvell embodies 24 secent improve-_ ments in appearan ne. Corne and see the hatest Maxwel1l satîsfy yourself. Ycou'11 find it offers le style, ability and value you ernand. And you'Il firic us willing to Put it t0 your rnest critical tests. ........ .

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