M.i A. JAMES1~ & SONS, ublishers, $1.50 a year in advance. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY. JULY 17 1919 VOTrivZ..LYV lr.' Exquisite Disply o Summer Wearinïg Apparel. You wilI be Correctly Dressed if Yoi.r Wear Our Stylish Garments. The h ot weather demands ight cool clothhig. We can please you in style and quality. PRETTY VOILE WAISTS We have a very fine collection of these daiuty blouses, neatly trimmed with filet lace and embroidery, iu ail sizes. Prices ........... $1.25 to $450 VOILE DRESSES lu a great varietyof colorsmi fancyfloral aind plaid- designso heautifuily- muade and neatly trimmed, ail sizes. Prices................. $7.00 to $15.00 GINGHAM DRESSES' Made of a good quality of Scotch andi American Ginghams, in attractive plaids and checkis. See these model dresses. Prices......... $4,50 to $8.00 CHAMBRAY DRESSES Tbey make very pretty porcli dresses, very dainty in shades of, piuk, blue and green. Sizcs 34 to 44. Special ................... $7.00 and $8,00 WASH SKIRTS Made of faucy Gabardine, Pique, and Repp-a splendid skirt for outing The styles are bound to attract. Prices.. ................... $2,00 to $7,00 NEW VOILES In a cbarming range of floral desigos of mauve and white, purpie and white, blue aid white, and rose and white,; 40 in. wide, specàal 60c:to $1,25 GHILDREN'S DRESSES Dark colors as well as the lighter, dainitier ones usually associated witb gingliars, great variety of colors, from....................... $2,00 to $7.50 NEW ORGANDIES New organdies, very fashioriable, saud, green, grey, pale bIne, pinli, at 75c-yd COTTON FOULARDS Cotton foulards, lu variety of colorsansd patterns, 42 in, wide, at 60é yd CouhJohusýton &Cryderman BowmanvIlle Phone 104 THIE EDITOR TALKS, 'I. Limîted, .1 I Important No tices For The Week MINISTERS AND CHURCHES! This journal heartily supported the R ev. W. Hi. Spargo after four years' TAYLOR-TRULL candidature of Hon. N. W. Rowell, faithful work on the Plainvilie circuit and The marriage was quietly soiemnized K. C., at the la8t Federal election and a long ministry of good service is super- in Simce-t Methodist Church, Oshawa, bis course in Parliament silice bis elect- anuatïng and with his famnily will take UP on Juiy 2nd of Myrtie Mildred, daughter ion lias been generally acceptable we residence ln Bowmanville. He is suc- of Mr. and Mrs. Aldon C. Truil, Hampton, believe, to those wlio yoted for him. ce;ded by Capt. Rev. Ernest HarsMu, re- and Mr. Byron R. Taylor, London, eldest This country owes him'mucli for his cently froru overseas.-Cobourq orId. sonofMrn MrsRb.TyoOh stand and action ln favor of prohibit- Rev. J. R. Watts, B. A., B. D., of St. awa, Rev. John Garbutt officiating. The ion ý%nd ln helping forward reiufcrce-1 Paul'sP'xesbyterian Churcb, Ottawa, will bride was becomiugly attired ini her mente for overseas at a tinie when preach in St. Paul's Churcli, Bowmanville, travellingsuit of Copenhagen blue taffeta they were urgently needed. But we next Sunday at il a. mu. and in the Meth- with white satin hat and white ospreys have heard nothiug but regrets for and odiit Church at 7 p. m. botb, union ser- wearing a corsage bouquet of pink roses. disapproval of the letter from hlm vices. Rev. D. W. Best, B. A., will Only the immedjate relatives wituessed which appeared in the Toronto papers preacli in St. Paul's Cburch, Ottawa, for the ceremony. The happy couple left by on Monday last, The spirit evinced ý two Sundays. - motor for Toronto and other western toward bis successor in the Provincial Rev. R. Bamforth, B. A., w as present- points. They will reside at 475 Adelaide- leaversind the Lielnks o no ed with a purse by bis Colborne con- st. London, Ont., where they will be at credvitnhMe. Roell.Weareie' ygregation previous t evu o eser- home after Augusti st. sure that bis friends and admirers al ente. -He is one of the best preachers in over the-Dominion must f eel keen re- this Confereuce. At Confereuce when- JONS-CROSSFY. gret over the contents of that unùfort_ ever something real good in the âne of an address is wanted Bro. Bamforth can be A pretty weddiug was solemnized at unate epistie. eed uotegv it. St. John's Church, Bowmanville, on Wed- depeded ponto gve esday July qth, when Elizabeth (Bessie>, Congregations of the Methodist and daughter of Mrs. E., Crossey, Bowman- It is many a year since the demand Presbyterian Churches will worship toe- ville, Ont., was united, in the bonds of for farms was se brisk as ýight Dw gether next Suuday at Il a. m. in St. holy armn wihVcoL.(e) now.can au' Church, 7 p. mu. in the MethodisariotwihVctrL_(e) -ur eh&ges -tel l-_ f -iarm -after Curch. Rev J .WtsB.Do - oungest son of Mrs. Geo. I Jones, Hov- faim cliangiug bauds and gen- h J.R._Wts 1S. manville. The ceremony was performed erally at good prices. One reason for Paul's Church, Ottawa, will conduct the by Rev. C. P. Muirhead, Rector. The the back-to-the-land procession is the services. Sunday Schools and Bible bride who was given away by her brother, tremendous cest of living in cities and Classes will -meet in their own schools. Mr. Win. Crossey, wore a oretty gown towns, aud the prospect is not briglit St. Paul's 12-1, Methodist at 2.30 P. rM.' of pearl grey satin and crepe de chene for dany improvement. Indeed, theI- 29-2w- beaded in cut steel and coral beads and tendaucy le still upward.. Thousands Rev. and Mrs. Isaac Snell were given a leghorn hat tritnmed to match with of urbanites are, wisbirug themselves [fareweli by the Bethel cougregation near touches of sîlver and paradise osprey and back on the old farmstead where tbey Campbellford, wben an address was read carried a bouquet of ophelia roses and aforetime grew neariy ail tliey ate and Rev. Mr. Snell presented witli a purse wore the gift of the groom a neekiace of and could wear out clothes and then of money and Mrs. Snell wîth a mono- pearis. She was atteuded by bier sister, patcli it or make-over for another gramn quilt. Mrs, Snell was also tbe Miss Margaret Crossey wearing a gowu season. Another reason why eyes and recipient of a hyrun book fromn the Hast- of uavy blue satin witb overdress of navy bearts are turning to the farm is that ings W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid. Their and sand figured georgette crepe and leg- the cultivated and grazing land yields.nwfel sFanfrhoru bat trimmed to match aud carrîed à returns that are filing the banks witli, Rev. J. U. Robins, in closing bis terni ,bouquet of pink roses. The groom formu- farîners' deposits. Mr. John Lune, at Oakwood,, was presented wlth- an erlv of tbe 75th Bn., recently returued east of town, told us a few days ago oak-framed address expressing apprecia- fromlBelgium was assisted bv Mr. J. M. that lie made more money last year tien of the splendid wïiork doue in aIl Rowe also of the '75th Bn. The groom's on bis farmi than lie made the first ten departruents of the cburch and withgood gift to thie maid of bonor was a sunburst years lie farmed on bis own con.wse o h uue Mrs. Robins was of pearîs and to the best man a pair of A good f arm is a veritable gold mine made the recipient of a beautiful cut-glass gold monogramed cuif links. After a these days. fruit bowl by lier class;- Miss Marjorie recherche wedding luncheon the happy City uwppr r telling their radèrs tat re nads are asking farmers $6 a day witli board aud lodging. Perhaps. Farmaers wvill not pay inexperieuced men any sucli wages. The shortage of farü i elp is beiig exaggerated, too. Last vear the cry for more men was loud arud con- stant up, to end of barvest but f«rmers1 are resourceful and by c-~îain the lielp of farmerettes and otbLerwise, the wliole harvest was garnered. We did pot hear of farmers turning their livestock into grain fields nor did we see any grain standing iu fields tlirougli the winter. It was liarvested1 and mostly lu good condition. Some farmers .lad to work liard and long days, but the work was doue, Hard work bas killed very few men ini any age. Far more bave gone to pre- mature 'graves from lack of exercise of brain and muscle. Its wonderful wbat au amount of f arm work a man cau d-) ou good nourishing food and plenty f sleep. ,Very f ew farmners now-a-days work as liard as their fathers and graudfatliers worked lu the iast century, witb a fonntain peu and Miss Doris -with couple left amid showers of confetti and a hyrun book by lier classmates. good wishes to motor to Toronto and Rev H.B. enn sid areellto isother points. Ou their returu Mr. and Rev.H. . Knnysaidfarwel tohisMrs. Jones will spend the remainder of cougregation at Cobourg on Suuday the summer at Bowmanville-on-the-Lake. evening July 6 in the presence of a large Theë bride was the recipient of many cougregation and friends from outside beautiful presents among theru being a points. At the close Rev. Dr. Reynar case of sjlver fruru the Goodlyear Tire & on behaîf of the congregation presented Rubber Co. Mr. Kenny with a purse of money "as a_________ tribute of love and regard, not as a re- PLOUGHfMAN-SAMELLSý ward for service"., Rev,, Mr. Kenny goes Aveypasneettoklcette to Caruphelîford, eypesn vn okpaea h Rev.andMrs A.H. Fste wee gvenhome-of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Samelîs, av aindy frweA.lH.bytheremers of te Scugog Island, formnerly of Cartwright, aethdist abernlyte Congrgatonteon Saturday July l2th at 2 p.m , wheu WehtToneMnalevening Jly7.The attheir ouly daughter, Flossie Luella gahi n wa eldaveGage", y7.The Sameils, was uuited iu marriage with Mr. bon\e o rin F. hL. B "eeroft. e. Mr. Stanley Wright Ploughman, eld st son of hosmer oasMres. ee wita cub baMandMr. and Mrs. John Plougliman, Scugog. MrFoster rsn witb a cole. bAgfine The ceremouy was performed by Rev. J. Mrs Foterwih acaserle.A fneW. Totten of Tottenharu. At the musical program was given and refresh- straîns of the wedding mardi played by mente served. Holloway-st. Metbodist Mrs, C. D. Samells, sister-in-law of the Churcb, Belleville, gave thern a cordial bride, the bride given in marriage by ber welcome on their arrivaI there. father, entered the parlor and stood be- Union -services of Presbyterian and fore a bank of greenery, dressed in a Metbodist churches brought out good peari grey sîlk crepe de chene trimmed congreizations on Sunday. Rev. D. W. witb pleatiugs, tucks and folds of same, Best, B. A., preached two excellent ser- wearing a brussels uet veil daiutily caught muons and the respective choirs provitled with caresses of pearl blossorus, and weàr- very good music. At St. Paul's, Mrs. iug the groom's gift a beautiful- gold Alex Coîville took the solo of the antheru necklace set witb pearîs and carrying a and a trio was also well sung by Mrs. bouquet of sweet peas and f ýru. The C. A. Cawker and Messrs. Halîman and bridesmaid, Miss Alfa Crozier, cousin of Iýnight. Both congreg-ttions were greatly the groom, was very prettily dressed lu a pleased to bear Mrs. T, E. Knowlton, Belgian blue, silk mul and carried a Toronto, wbo always receives a warm bouquet of sweet peas and fern. The welcome from ber Bowmanville friends. groom was assisted by Mr. George She sang "The Lord la My Shepherd" at Wesley Sarnelîs, brother of the bride. the morniug service aud "The Lord is Miss Myrtie Plougbmau, sister of the Mindful of Hîs Own" at the evening groom, made a pretty little flower girl service. Botb soles were well rendered. wearing a pinknun's veiling dress triru- rj_ pe :. _ med with white silk and carrying a dainty WEDDINGS. hff A VOLUME. LXV. Na 99 PROMOTION EXAMS ToWVN'PUnnrc ScnooLS. To Sr IV, Houors-Reid Pearn, Dorotliy Pike, Florence Morris, Stuart James, Hugli (ameron. Pass-LeoneQuinn, Kenneth oster, Mlildred Pincli, Marlon Pickard, Annuie Thompson, loue Quinn, Frank Hooper, Eleanor Wood, Florence Suttou, Arnold Taylor, Harold Gili. Recommended-Veruon Westaways Muriel Decli, Margretta Adams, Victoria Turner, Miabel Robinson, Norman Allison, Stauford Symone, Howard Cowle, Fred Turk -Gordon Wîtlieridge, Ernest Mooreraf t, Marlon CI ougb. 1To Jr IV, Tlonors-Joyce Muirlieadg Agnes- Vanstone, Lawrence Turner. Pass-Daisy Culley, Janey Mason, Harvey Rice, Stanley (Jorden, Ernest Roacli, Bruce Lunuey, Dorothy Bonnycastie, Meloria Burns, Ruby Sewell, Raymond CJoIe, AIma Piper, Lloyd Varcoe, Lorne Alfin, Gordon Symons, Katie 1ùinch> Ruby Hallman, Reconîmended-Elsie Culley, Sidney James, Doris Kelly, Elsieý, Whitmee, Glenn Stevens, May Bulbeck, Gordon Chartran, Sam Buttery, Beatrice Ory- derman, Wilbur Oke, Gladys Mutton, To Sr III, Honors-Molly Simpson, Margaret McGregor, Tom Mareli, Marguerite Joness, Nina Dilling. Pass-Bernice Allun, Rilda Barrett, Ada Webber, Lelaud Berry, Lucy Oliver, Florence Lauglier, Alex. Cameron, Dorothy Plummer, Samu Manning, Ada Jackman. Recommended-Dora Hearl, Marie Drew, Jack CJole, Lawrence Goddard,' Irwin Alcumbrack, Fred Ellegett, Gordon Cowle," Audrey Trimble, Orville Williams, Henry Pearce, Urua Allin, Isobel Prouse, Doris 'Ellegett, Gordon Pearce, Berthia Maynard, Madelyn Miller,. To Jr III, Honors-Mary Muirbead, Bernard Mitchell, Frank Newbouse, Jack Kent, Edward Rundle, Roy Shrabb, Ivy Morris, Samu Pike, Regin. ald Taylor. IPase-Louise McMillan, Doreen Battle, Harold Foster, Dick Widdi- combe, Lucy McMurtry, Dorotliy James, Irene Sliortridge, Mairion Roacli. Alberta Henruings, Douglas Carruthers, Eva Jackman, Mildred Luxton, Rester Moorcraft, Gertrude, Richards,1Hilda Hobbs, Lillian Sutton, George Newbouse, Harry Osborne. Recommended - Irene Hallînan, Gregory Colmer, Alfred Morris, Lizzie Clougb, Greta Pollard, Ruby Robinson, Lorne Williams, Helen Kiug, Alma Potter, Gertrude Grant. To Sr Il, Honors-Nellie Piper, Wil-. frid Hamiey, Leila Lewis, Clifford Mc- Mullen. 131