'lii 5NAo" 5vTSMANan TFIR 150W MA- ~ î aiÇro aaiepulished e, ery 5 horsd -Y d Fria~ î O;liOg.cepecttsely. at T I F S JtI4A Cfue,.ec io's, C anct 27 Ring-at. ares;. itoM1anVille. OntasIiO. Canada. M. A.,Jaimes & Sons. Publiiheri and Proprietors. at $1.50 aoc unn;îmn.payable liarue 20a-rda he J ., iUÂZLEWOOD, M.», C. SI OLD MEDALSST Or T5TTNITY !U"i-ý veralt-v.r Terdnoto. Pour sear@o 'tlendtnig PhygîcÎan and Surefztn Iat a Larmal Hjospital, PlttC5buir. Ka. OfiCe end heatdenC.6 weiUnsgý02 St. 5E'*làhGD* N'o. 58 RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR BOWMAN VILLE. CPAIl'eD TRUNE RAILWAY CGiNc EAST GotiG WEST Express 8.52 a, ru. Local 6.57 a. us" Express M0 a, ru Lccal 945 a.m"* Passeoger 3 28 p. in.' Pass'ngr s 56 p. as," Local e 54 P. r.* Pazs'ngr 7.21,P. ru. Local 7.21 p. r." Yail çii.8 p. ru..-,' *Daiiy excepe 5uuday. CANAIJIAýN PACiiFîc RAILNVAY COINGo W'EýýT GOI5G _SAST Lipos 5.8ams. ExorKess 10.20 cois. "Local 8.2o a ruC 3.&SP u *EXPi-,s 4'.44 Pn' Local 9,48 Pns " 7.42 p.m." Express 11 03a.n *DailLe except 'Soindaný C. B.. Km-i F, Taira Agent CAsNADAN iNorHEN RAîi WA'? CoruEAST GOING WEST Faprc£s 6,j5 p. ru. Express 9 .4o a. ru DalIy except Sunday. a. ail kinds done te vour satisfact-. ion aend ut reasonable prices by Lewîs Rowe (Sueasor te Johin M. Itewe) Cal t bis resid'% .le c or. Ontarie and 1>usýhare-sts., aext oor aouth of Mr. Job'n Grgg's, 13 tf The Double T rackRoute between IYoitreal Toronto Detroit Chicago, - ý'nexcelled doiig- ar service'. Sleeping cars onuib Trains and Parler Cars on the, principal Day Traina.. Fu information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agen-ýt ior C.E. Hornin-. District Passenger Agent, Toronto. J. H.. H. JURIY, ToanA ont, Phone 78 Bowmanville. Notice To Auto O wniers I The Jamieson Bros. are bnsy doing ail kinds of tire repais iag. Bring la yourý old tires adhv ttem re-tread if tbey ewot it. We aili tell yen straigtt if tbey are wortb Seing. Bnin' in tîsose spare tubes antdlhave tbem repaireS. e, nepair puactunes and bloavont.isÈ at short notice. I Be sure ande get oua prices on SNew Tires before yen bny. We handie only the test makes.. I~janilson Bros. Côrner King and lvé r s Tnea and inVigOcatea thle wJ1 &yqt o min ld YIj . oe (NevoA & e p i t (Irc o W r t, e l o e.LeaaC1 ,LoOf frel,,2cJieUC -t Toroto, ppea to Ambiti.ous 3t.etswo do ne,,t care to ]ose twvo or thiee rontstirue. You may enter any day and continue to Graduatin into a good position. Free Booki1,et. Write W. H. Khaw, President.- Get the Best. It Pays.[ EU'IT Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto. Is noted throughout Ca.da for high grade businiess eduç,Ixion. Ti-,e de- reard for ùur grad uats during the last four Vears has btýeo more than five times cur surply. Open ail ycar. wirite for our iîýlu3trated catalogue. Courses may be coranenced at, any W. J. EILLIOTT, Principal. I) Nf~tS adrs~dfo the onder- endorsd tend r r oal for the lb i nn BiIda~s t)~taioand Queb.-c", \Viliho ,, ni cd t the oficeutil 15o'clock- noon Vv.~,Julv"5,101, ftheriupplv cf oal f0' ia ,îoni;; RiIInzathrooghCut the pronre iOuil n ubc to o;ue epcVU'tionaactôhr-ovtencIerýýa bdoha~e't t ~ùil e and bralia the Garetak-. 5, ners ill net be corsidered unless made oU the fh ris ricedby the Departmuent andin ac1ordhie e4.th the conditions set forth thecein. }ht;d ýr Most be accompanied by an ac- Cepted h;bq a on achartered bank payable to th odzcof th- Minister of Public Works, eqoal to 10 p. c. of the ainount %f the tender. %Var LonBonds of the Borninion will alan be accent- ei secloritv, or war b,,itds an;d cheques if re- qui ced to inake up au odd amount, By or,r,. B. C. DEr0ROHI-ERS, Departilnt of Publie Works, Ottawa, àJuly I.19l9. S hoes Repaired Wile You Wait Iamrn6w in a position gî9 ve you quick service and best, of workrnanship as I' have two assistants. Work Boot-,"s -For Sale I have a -irniteci stock of igoiod substantial work bo)ots for mon. Also ser- vi'ceable sboes for ladies and children at, reason- able prices., Gco., Hamnpage TLea- and Try a package of Minto Tea-black. greenor mixed î0c Per, lb and nickel silver spoon in -every package, made by Caiadlian Wm. A. Rogers Liited' and 'guaranteed icertificate -with every spoon. -H. Elliott Egtate, Hampton Is Your Car Inisnred?, If not, yen are taking, much un-. neeaychance. Our automobile insuac ives absolute protection on these five points: sPUI3LICLIABILITY. Indemni- fies assured agairpst loss on account in- juries to the public. 2, PROPERT~Y DAMAGE. Pro-. tects owner against dlaims arising from damage to property of others. 3. COLLISION and TRANSPORT- ATION. Reimiburses owner for dam- agt hs owrn car caused by collision or during transportation. 4, FIRE. Insure 8 against fire fram iny cause.. _. THEFT. Covers theft of car or Icnceth îs kind of Insuirance 30%, less then It can be secured in You need aIl this protection..- Phone mie or cal at offlice- and let me give you full particulars. JJ.M ASON pnsurance Agent Bowmanvslle ~r- ~tory et tisa baittI of Auajýterlitz, toek tary- formation, tbrt marcheS savu mareod trout te masiv i ~ttcmilita-r, baud avile te C ~ ~"ANAA ileof esorywblicbdonate-al ra wsfillS ve-yinué. cf I Pairis anS mreSdoava the Champs1 space ilu ie'leu s treeta S Uue- BOW ANVLLEBRACH lysestoavard the ,ýPlace de la Con- vards thakt cmadSa vewo_ tir A. N MQMLLAN ~4eAcoa I crde.lino of mrtBicne Vone pweked- e Ttc place of tenor n l te pr'ocession anS roof s wavere hack wavibpop n ~e o t ac(cordeS t theg eneral 1s, aS anylbung la thp trees whicb lirn Athe - ai ~ -It smartly equippud troopa. It wzasý boulevards. Prices of Crearn are higli. We pay good prices for good creamn. Wc want yours. If we fail to eall on you we would appreciate a phone caîl or write, us. Orný.t4o Creamery Co.9 Orono 1 7*MW J 1) 6. Saturday night, give a bran mash ~ flU L [ kkewarm; and add a tat-lespoonful ______________of saltpet.re. B Y CHAS. M. BICE, B.A., LL.B., DENVER, COLORADO.,H7. Do net use a herse-bat, unless iis a canopy-top hat, The ordinary The Future of Turkey. world is ne rt in the mood of furthe 'el-hae3.bt ee oiehar ta -ternporizig with the harbarous Turk. go d Cati desatcos ifov us hat __________8. A sponga on top of tbe bead Caýoe,,desatces iforn us tatlor even a cloth, is god if kept wet.. T7urke1ýy is mkn desperate, efforts A VicariGus Sciie If dry it is worse than nething. te ar herseil froru dismembernent. 9. If tbe horse la overcorue by IIat D)siamanent she is ready te accept; For the first tîrnoiin f-,e years a ge1l netesao eoebr but exclusion frein. Europe aad the, toucb of sentiment bas corne ee ut of oso Armsenia and Syria are panai- Ge'rany-Gcr-r a n afat T e nsa and bridie, vash eut his mouth, loîsspenge hlm al over, shower bis legs, ties against which sho raisea loud and wa'- is ever, tho e ia ceirn bave bec-s and give hiru two ounces of aromatic ang-ry jlotcst. signad -and seeled, lan fw weks' spirits of ammonia, or two ouncos of~ Her protest. la not supriciag. The peaqe will bc of fieially etbihed and' we prt 'o iri ito amazing thing la that Îit chould find vwe nilI lic aaked te loci, onthe de-s1weet orpta itrei in nt ofefl ympahizrs mon -Crisianpeo-feàtejnaton n dffe(-4werru. Cool bIis head at ence, usng pIýs. If anytbing seems clerrr than FermEr Chancelor von Bethmo.nnl cold water, or,-if aeceasavy, chopped enother as a result efl the v-or, it lai Hollweg has vaque-ted that o ba sub- b rpe aaceb that the power cf T- a-kayte ce trol' stlituted f'rtbe former Kai n l the, 10 If tehrel f i ed r the lives of allen ruais shl-uid be feor-ineatol dock on charg>1ea eof high; ihtoqatao et ie ever ended. TIhe pc s'bi1ity of pcr- cr-ime3 and (s:maor f itha war, v, th bran, and a littie water, and add mitting hier to e r iumardshio )over more partUculae-ly rsosiii for, itesi rsgr rgv l Armenia, for examp' oia oea tetthe c littb-at uhok the apheres. i tmeal'groi- or berley water tedrink,. ne buman person-we rould suppose The auplicant cdaims thet hoe, under 11. Watch, yeur-herse. If ho stops' -couId conen'pIate1with teleace. the constitution cf Germany, was swveating suddenly, or if hie breethes Yet it la said f tutertain inf1uences1ý responsihie for the poiliti,1cal condut' short aud quck, or if bis crs droop,ý are urginsg ibis very tbing. Tuvkey of his emperor. Techmecally, yea. er if hoe ste--ida xith bis legs hracedi bas promised good behavior if ste is *-sidnvaya, lhe is ia 'danger of a heati net- dfisarumberd; ibut thi-atens thutý The, trials called l'or in the peaoe or suit stroke and aceds attention et' if she la deprivedcf lher subjeet terri- treaty bave been educative already once. tories and races, the-n unspeekable ýbefore the court bus -beau convenea. 1.I tlas o he h oa he.rrova are te he loolced for. She will They have deruonstrated the 'bold sweats lu the- stable at nigbt, tie hlm proveke a boly wer. "Mas ýacre tho kïngsbip bas upon the German people, outaide, with heddingunder hlm. Un- ChrizÜtien dog," aili ha the slog.an, hgh ad low. The persea of the lessalho ceols off duriug tise nigbt, lie and the soil of Asie Miner a-rd Pales- Kaiser la' still regarded as sacred .a I caunot well stand the noxt day's beat. tine ailI be 'dyed red with the hlood great mauy Gernians avouid he willng ___ of men, wornen and childrca. te have the broat te save hlm, yet It la common thing for farmera * s* *thero la nothing hereic about the man te wovk their bornes la the hayfield The plea la monstrousiy immoral that fied bis country wben lie say the j from ruorning te night, waterirg them and anaintolerable offense te civiliza- 'jig was np" ,Orly et noon. This is doue -evea -on tien. A promise of goodh bevior There la ne evidence that ho__en-L days -of excessive heet. The driver~ haed upon a threat of whlealeTla dgered is person riiing the avar, usually bstoo oerfebu murder la a apacies of attemiptcdi or that hae sevlg1t te secrýfice -self or drinks la the middle of tËe mornig, bckmail te whicb ne self -respecting, famiy. Ho canuot claim credit for and again la the afternoon; but the nation or people can. subruit.' havîng won a hattie, yet, if Germany hoeres, îvho làre equally las, tbirEty, The Uuited Stats la net and bas bad the means, a s econd war woulld go ýWithont. This want of watpr la net heen at wer vitb Turkey; heuýce he opened te proteet the ex-Kaiser's net only distressiug, but ,t causes the ave have ne direct veice la dictatlng person from the ellied court. berces te -drink to exceaa at noon and terirI of peace te lier. But our la- *5 ag'sin at nigbt, avieh often resulta funn ilasettlng the Eastern ques- onBY ail mnslot the trials proceed luncelle, and ulwaya tends te produce. 'lo sgreat. T a nl e c il nt:o the original grund. They will a diatend d stomrach, or wbat farru- bused la accord avth the sentimient require a rewriting of centemporury e cli "bay boily." Farruers wbo of the AnIda people if it os history; but that la ail tha 'botter. would treet thair herses humranely' used te cave Turkey. The Amiea Thora aili bo revelations regarding I should take aator inte the field forý people wili net apuroe any settleruent the Luropean. volcano of the lat them lan bot aveather. that dees net avbolly free Arruania'dozen years and III often avar was and Syria from the Tu -kish yoke. 1 escaped by a" bair-breadth. They xiii Taclelhulleje ag put the bermit of Amerongen lu a new 1 njaseuougb te permit a mansa hand te If it ha truc that American mission- ligbÏtot many. Hoeavas for war, aaisetacolrbtvuli adoes are appearing as advocutes forlcradied la war and lho implicitly bc--wredeftecle aStenc Turkey, thon the'y are sqdly rirepre- lieved that hae nas dastincd te raIe senting the f eeling of -the U.S. 'The the eartt. But wases arespon.sihble for, , oe it tahes. fth ole Turk bas beea crafty oniough te ýcuti- this avec te the exteut thet most of nsl os i vl asefito;i vetoe the friendstip of the Ameicen' give hlm credit? It wil ho found thati te tghtifwill he et thre atnd asoneries. Ho bas encourageS ,more than once hy bis unaided voice o tesolr, a itins.Testthe hfltting thoir educational efforts, -while rejeet- hae prevented a Enropean war wbenofteclrhyitngpthhrss iag thaîr gospel. Ha bas protected t ha wer perty1 had its savord girded. bau2d. their property and giron them free- No oaa la bis court knew Kuropean The humes- should fit, the collr; if tee, long, tbey will prohably hal dom te carry on their work. For this politics as hie knew it la sevoral coun- huekied tee tight eý,t the top, anS lu, they may tbe grateful; but tbhey surely' tries. Net one of the Prussien miii- cannot te bIlaS te~~~ whet the Turk bas tearists buS a dloser coan.ýectien 'with tiswyteclrwilhasSee wbe& psncb the bersoe t thc top. Sovea: doua te the Christians of the East,1 British affaira. Wier nwh tuerdro e ahn' îpeo or permit sncb personal cerfert as! the die was c'est what i ma must Ivrvy small, bell, ofttn overlooked ho- they 'have enjoyed undor hlmi te out- face.casthmeacvr t weigt theunaprecedented snfferings of xaetemine o tracintinal their less-favorod co-helievers. i Suppose thuat the comiag trial Exmn'yu oÉictmal, The situation is complicaed hy the'ishould rreel that the man ave baveadiftee1ayacesodut the coller ce that it ailI net toucb fact that British intoreats ln a vat 1laed for the avar was e creeture iie pt ftesi smrl Moharnreda world, stretching from la the banda of a cabal;, that haewes' the Nule te the Ganges incline Great ordored te take thet yachting,trip,,rnld ah t ibaic eo Britain te he cautions la deeling, witb: preceding the onthrelak, under p nat' or diluted vinoger, If the skia la i ldt1dpae nS broken, beathe h aitb cloawater, Turkey. Ithat te wudbedbse n is am-1 * * ~~bitions beilicoso son piace:d on thecotiigeitesi. The sym-oaethy of the British peopla, throna if bie refused? Those are pas- If the coller "rides up," it cen bel like thet of the, American people, la sihilitias, but the Kaiser bad retoarned, td1 1yamatnae unn Ste the grh rýya xr it avtb the viJctirus of Turkist atrocities;1 froru bis trip, aras consulteS about the 1 it, rb n xr i but thene la danger that this sym-i danger of a general war growing o ut! runing from trace te trace, heckof petby may net ho translateSd by the of the Sarajevo assassination, and hby tha forelega. stetesmea anS diplomata bte sncb a v-ord could bave preveated the cou- The beat coller for- a mature torse, action as aill ilrgtt the av7rouga eof1 flagation. Instead, tie informred 1hoeaegtdo ~ ayme Armena andSyrie And he dnger usts-a te o abed an thatGraytroughout the yoar, es the leatherj Armeia nd yria. nd he angr Astra t goahed adtht Grmay 1coller.- For moat herses, the beat la greeter if British politicai caution would heck bier te the liruit with be lle scosufd vt ar n ho rinfrca by ha nfieý of Am- a rruy and n-evy. There woull have ceeejrt ikug îhii o enican missionerle axto :are on the beauneoavar if this assurance had net coedwihtkng Wî hscl-: scene. been. giron te Austrie hy the Kaiser, baih oa' soie eous The great heart of humanity de- or hy bhis dictetion. If this is net acore et uny point, the liaing cf the manda that Turkey shall ho kicked, aîding and ahetting the avar, we do coller ca easiiy ho ripped, and the! ont of Europe, and ýdivested of ber ~not know avbat wouid censtitute sncbhei envd rpsý siee ie control over Armenia' and Syrie. The an off eace.. ons.te ep 'ar llcm1 on the soe place. burt hlm. But lot hlm, drink oaiy a Cole ads"are muet used, but tbey, f ew swallows if hla sgoing te stand quiki' bcanodsty ca o eiacr stili. De _not fail te water hlm et ba cleaeo, and thus cause muaysrs. night ýaftor te lbas caten bis bey. Stili a pad that mekes thé coller fit Hot Weether Raies. 4. Wbea tae comes ia after arork, is btter' than au iliftting coller 1. oa. litti an drve loaiy. sponge off the hamneau marks ad aithout a pad. 1. 'Sop dla he saddve osle. savoat, his eyes, bis nose and, mouth, By ail means, dean the lusideocf tbe; 2. 'Stp youtor seifaosioble: a and the dock. Wast bis fooet but net, colar every nigbt. If yen avait util posi. e long a ahorse s avorkasbis legs. Ithe next merning you are iikeIy t,~ iag, aater la amalquantities aili net' 5.If the thermemeter la '75 Segrees fr i.0 ous e a en1 orbigter, aipe hlm al ever with a! ttc orse'a shoulders as soon as the! derup spenge, using vinogar avateifclar is reraored. The sait sveat ýCANADIAN PACIFIC COVEIETDAYhIGUT TRAI,îNS BETWEEN TORONTO AND OTTAWA (Daiýly Except Sunday) NO 385 "THE RIDEAU NO. 37 1 HE YORK" Lv. Toronto....... 1.30 P. ru. Lv. Otawa s - ioo p. ru. Lv Wh tby....... 2 37 p. ni. Lv. Sn-th's Ruiwlla 2 35 P. rm. 1-v. O hara. ...... 2.47 P.ru. Lv. Perffh.......... 255 p. mn. Lv, B-,wranville.3 05 p. ri. L v. K ingst()c".... 0.55 P. ru. Lv. 'Port Hlope,..3 44 !). n. Lv. Belleville ... 550 p. ru. Lv, Cobourg.... 3 5îP. ru, Lv. Trenton....... 5 53 p ru- Lv C ...î . 42,7rp. ru. Lv. Clc:n.., 6 25 p. inu. Lv. Trenton ........5C7 p. r1.. Lv. Lobo cg ........6 49 p .u Lv Belleville ..5.30 P. ru. Lv. Pert Heope..7,00 P. ru, Ar. Kingstor.Q se10p. ru. Lv. BOçvruanvli ..7 42 p. r Ar. P erth........8 P. ru. Lv. Osliaia........ 804 P. rm. Ar. Sruî,th's Fall.. î5%p. . Lv. Whitby.......8.X7 P. ru. Ar. Gtawa ....... i0.00 p. ru. Ar., broute........93» p. ru. Equipruent, Siiuekcr, Coach, Caf-,, Parlor and Observation Parlor Car. W. B. HQWARD, District Passenger.Ageot, Toronto. C. B. KENT, Agent, Post Office, Bowmanvilie. Wind Po ier The wind is frec. Par, it te work on your farru. in' liaif-save Yeulabor and time ruake meoney for Voin. It will pump and carry more than a ton of îvater w-ed every day on an average farrui. A Toroit'o Windrusll îvill put the wind to worc on your farir. Net in the old-faslioned w-ey. Toronto Windrnifls are modern-bg, strongeffic- ient, requr.g. little attenition, costing notbîug te un, xvorking- quietlv all le w' tme. Toroat'o Puru1is and Toronto Water Systeius coruiplete a reai water service. Cjivces yen all the aater yen want nder pressure ut -caps et- ervwhere on the farru. Toronto Pumps and Water Systerus-are alsa huilt for use witîh gas- oline or electrie muotera 'We avesore righy ito~estugbklets on- Windruills, Pnrups; ad Water Systerns. We'li sead thesc free te any farmer wvIo sends us bins narue and address. SAgent ChS. aslns ampton