'-. of__luIh And How it May be Carried Cut With Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pulls. "HOW 0O YOU DO?" Variaus Greetings in 'Vogue Among the Peoples cf the Earth.' "Dry Trip, Too Duil," Says Brn- Milier's Wùtm Powde re prove-flaeir value. Tisey do nef ceuse any violent tiiturbences in this, stomacis, any pain'pr griping, but do tiseir 'work quietly anti in nîest Atnei*tan, anti Eurepean tish OM.cer When First Ques..ý worms is imperceptible. Yetlsey are cottatrfies, wvien we meot a fZiend, WO in bu Juny therougis, antitram t.he first di)se tisera is shako bauds anti say, "HowNo yu toe AtJunyen * srtevemeet in tise cen'tion -of tise de"ba7tla otiser climes tisa methode A sensattonal lenp et 1000 teet in a sufferer anti an entire -cessation et ci greeý(,ting vacy censitierably. parachute by Major John Edward M. manifestation ef internai trouble. Wlsen two Arabiaiis meet oe an- Pritchardi matie tise arrivai efthtie R-34' et"Ise syris ise cheeks togethar, ai Roosevelt Fielti, Long Islandi, onBulign197 whilea naive e ura prtantia te July 6, aven more spectacular tisan' Frtseya 917tis -total. value of s~tsll lis tiends fae, prenoancee it ias anticipateti, says a tiespatcis trem tisa building poînsits issuati by tisiriy-, ewet atitienseefer"emaî - l" Mineola, NY. live cities le Canada unes $33,936,422, t'ia 4strliainaiveýs hava a greet- Atter circliaà'over tise fieldi for more as state inlatise Canada Year Bok fer jing \-4h i twre patiaiharo, tisen an heur tisa iugoecrafi sitei 118. uneweuti o5sidr vryruile. They itseaf directly ever tise heatiquartars stýick tish1ir ttîuoet ieaislcuber. fet tiseeldi neyai itcimnsTisa Ni Girsý oE AGcnw ýcomt icntise train If Ciinaan e rclig, ntiRayne wiir et tise tangines stoppeti, tise pro- et aSthrfma. Tise viol im cennet lie tiown great -i4se, hb imeiaeloi- poli eieiîsvu nits rutsantisleep is tiriven from fise braie .What usoatset secttorsstaeti~utatsey skwaci raeul relief is tisa immediate affect ef -wille3ýiii th 1 Dr.J.D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy Tise H-intia failîs mstise dusi beora i lu iciato0e£ itesgtiaig- Il isenisises tisa frigisîful condtiones, cleare iss supecter, wite thse Teck crosses oxtocteti tiscont. tisa passages, ati enablas the ïfflicte na bis bande apon hie 'reasi, at a ts Insteet a witie parachute flareti eut te aaàn seap as soundly andi retally as a very low Sexy, tisshsse'1gh1j re againet tisa sky anti hegan te drop witis a chilti, Insist on tisa genuine at, vour gard wttisoat coîaing la p)ersiacl con- tise figure et a man tiangling trom tise eearestdruggist. tact xwitl is object. anti. This performance was se unex- - A Jep reoeves his candale, crosse pectedt tisith bol tise-spectaters coin- Trades Uni-on Census. hie bande, anti cries euit, "Sparo me!" pletely by surprise. Even tise ma- The total traties union nsombership Eut pechaps tise greeting thet -neeltijerity efthtie navalanti army olicers repoctei Rt tisa antiof 1917 was 204, sti-ikeý us as tise mosi sicenge, beth isatinet iseon looking for any sncb 689 for tise Dotminion, being cetupriseti physc ,ly anti nenîally, is tisat o e itiing. la 1,974 local isranchs ofettrades unien South Sec Islander. Ha throwe a jar- HaIt way tiewn tise parachute orgenizatiins etail types, as stateti titi etfater oer tiseiseati et a friand swcru eti sisply to oeasida, caneing . la the Canada Year Book for 1918, visen 3ptiey meet. -tise figure e t s andt t swing until ai- mesi perallie with tise top of tise "pain- Wisy setter from corne ttrien tlîey can Rape pesesses is;igis ,feetiing vaine sl"Il ceea igitet iblfi, iowever, ba paihlessry reeteti eut isy usieg Hello- foi- pige durýi 1ng -the failimentis., anidoerroaded gontly toe sagreund. wey'e Cern Cure. "Aggressiva fle fghting fer tise rightsi Ascee as lu tou'ised groandth ie dinig- is the g-ceisport tise uoriti kno-rvS.",ible casent xl uts idling mevetiseut Thea unrsi tisai happene le rereiy -Tisedore ooseveli. areunatitise lti anti centinneti until tisa uvret tisat conîti happen. tmcaefor 1;iaJding. I Major J. W. iarey, efthtie United- States moedical co'rps, was tise firsite - . - -- - ~ reaci tise spot uiseretise-narachuete - ,-~i - h Yen' someutinîe banc it sai tisiI Kettle Tais. writer well will be- helpfui throughol.it tsmemprathReescile "Idont ee tseyeur life. le~~Li 'Daly oveeniet ise Rlt ConsDtipaituron eg ) ine sli iept weî" ktl ihd- Alter yen have ebtainet tise type- respontieti, "Ehs n Etwriter, gei an instruction Ibook ,anti bemol but h des c n thorLl a ho dubics iat1'tis e iason,,ilearn te operate tise\mnchine ,i n tise been musc alco ceneasder tise way t dietv ysiem, anmtinla act isa Yendeune-t sing to-day. use nl your fingers anti therehy 51-ý wnl-o.!uxnîaa body. EBut wsa's amies?" Tis et l - Hendches bauaciss, aistn sobedsing uea inger on each handi. aey erngorents aperiucîts, nti sîr yo'raeîsrly lilti, Write yjonr esenys anti lassons for able mccc eillt-loe, sae mgn r e' ~v oieithat t1he Cook echool on the typawriter. T-ha teachor coiestpton h-o te rbgaigwt. l hcigyuiit.wiiî be pleaseti anti sie'Illspot yen as oenetpatro et tse booie. W 1tti br mi1akeacake juet new- abytsi sbj t e a hai Theis oe trcos-ýeet whiich h bas o htisbudt gtaed bowdirecthae osiint cino ts fIda aro esIf yen liveonutsa farmn, givo e> fr t'oels tie lverani tse stitv~i' CO nxny-isder,' oh, dear! an attractive naine and gatrie let-i anti gemtisee organeinca1)')goti Hoslie drid beat 't,llaggs. trhai ai.D i iafamcr weorking erder larenakhyqui,-k Nor as tiat al, reelisier, Doase respndtne atimkeoi ormor-r Lime, andti hat ise r. Cbiasoe Rid- - , u M em.nbr lae epo,,ýneadmke:U orodr sîey-Liver Pills. istuis 'l telliîte ye- anti bilîs on tise statienery with yonr oeiey afforti relief quickly, but For wiismy own ayos I saw îytýpewritar. tie nd ore tis1;1ta tisi.Tisey posi- iHer stone tisa1ý raisins, tee! Do yena rasea pedigreeti doge, or fine tîe~oce conýstipation, antiineur'O Antid trw sadreed(fnl sigis- rabbits, or pgos rài te lasting regulacicy et tise bowels by Ifi nlntit ce; ~ o n te - becing tise liver Trigbt.iedt s.p-m blýeetet animais or fowls? Dees yoar Mr-. M. Lock, tO Retoire ere. hcu'qraur okafr sister or your hi-other or dees your Ptrockvirlle, Ont., xrtes: "FerLïiiy Anti dso undly s'. iippeti tisa creaim! ahr rmth±u- tpwitrwl yeace I hveben rebltiv.ttaan y o mthrTia ypwrte wl supaie atihae ritia 11u ~yen woender tatmy ~rput pop inte tisa busin-ess anti ieîp nebe Hverather giv en way? yen malta H grew. et rem ttb a wie bintng Ail-ho' g l tisa boiling peint, How carn yeu get a typewriter? Go sLarteti ueing ýDr.i- 1 Viny- Icannot sing te-day." eout anti take suiscsriptions fer lîve Lets"bsiicn er costpal----- periodicals, or saili omething that Uti e ents i iaveev r d 5wud , eo-ple neeti.Sailiyour services. 'Do etrong l tiie nyne teulei rnesn a Tyetiti jobs.Do soiethin, anti yea'il witbthi caplant e ty tse ame Tisaendene wrte on wax scroill. gaitishe moneý fortiamcne re;ti."i f ew- cent 'uriasce peopfle usedtihis A few years alter yen ha7va pr- McR.Ciilds, Flarrist on, Ont., sisarpenAeti,1onde et geose quille ori chasadth ie typewriter, yeu will ha rtes:"I sufai-octtram constip~faioa ex ansolpa-sncnl esch-a-acu-f -PtXrmg t un-- Orr day I boughts orne of Dr., foui ,tain penz. Te-day la tise age of~ for weithis lheip 0 soboitinl the Cisis,'r iidney-Liver Pille t e c if the typewriter.j famiiy will ba almesi sure te make hie tie umltiip me, anti te my de-- If I usera a boy I meniti net stop1 mark a littie iigiser. ii., eceveti grenu Cent rts until I owned. anti ceultiruna atype- Ts o h etstpwitnlt thos i ar-he mse. They are a spietit me.icneant i îwas ieepwriter It's truc a sîex machine ceets ters ile knewn at once as a progressv th'n on isanti as a beusebelti a largýo sum, but rebuili eues ca e oIup-to-data f ellew. Tise typeurîtar remedy" obtineil large citio*s et very reasen- etincates tise antire family., A second-1 Dm. Cbse'lý sdasy a tvePlarýe able rient.hanti or rebuilît machina cosis littla se nivesalv aetias tret"ent Nothissg goo isl uren l lest Iat tisa stan ant i tile te icaap-np,, anti fer cnst!iaien anti liver andi kidney '-il trobls is-t euce ota n thmntiat býeingcae ue a type- it le, certainly a dandy iuvestmant. apy tore ,yl-rme medicinas are on saý,le, Ona piil a dose; 25 cents a box. s uj aimet mattor-ot-factuese, ho precedeti ntin nson, Bates & Co,, Ltd.. L r .L teoatîine hiz plane for tisa îanciing et ront. F -34 tise R-34. Lf ý V ýy 3m 11Ad eers llglndbytisaEnglis-1 - seAtdwith a Rioyral escert? Who L3 sho -Thiat passes threugh the land se spien- didly? As Eleanor, above whose haltad bier A Cross is set te tel a queen lay here? A Mary, bornefrom Fotberlngay to rest Whera esrth is-kinder than a sister's breast? rzm,70ut Salce f e7Me 'l ntCs0 Workl Nay! 'tis no queen for whem two sum- mer skies O'er silent streats of myriad meistened OBSERVnTIONS. ee capitals a love proclaim, Six littie words lay dlaim ,teyou eaçh cb fleeti n noete paÉsing day-I ou-ghW, iïlmuSt, ieau, famle; I .ii are, 1 may1. INo.laqueen-only 1a simlble English Mr. E. M. Trowýereý, Dominion Slaughtered between a challenge anld Secretary of R ,tilMecobacîs' As- 1 a curse, sociation, in a recent addrass at Carl- Who learned her duty where she ton Place paid a tribute, e tisa press learned te pray, by stating, -It is tiseesal tewn iews- 'And diad as truly as she lives to-day! paper tisat is going te save this Ail that she lsad-anti that was lite- cotuitry," noting 'thî,t tise large City sisa gave, mental stores ansd the big interests AIl that she yudother lives-to that only through 'tise ewn rews- save, papers couldtheis people look for fair Ail that we praise, andi aIl we tain treatulent. "Gel. be.inti it", lie saiti, would be,1 1 "andi den't be afrand te advex tise. It Is summed inlaiser and hier sîmnplielty. depanis on you almost wioliy for its support". Know your sxeeds xvhiie they are XVti autos becoming so numerous roung in order that you may dispose about town moreo attenion i) sheulti ha of them before they pellue yoisr gývn o teseright-ef-,way on tise totit gaiifels and streeteà, a;,è,t 1tile respcciive righits ganfets of the vehlicle antjlIltle pedestrîan. The biggest teuring season in his- This le olten a question of lite snd tory le predicteti for this year. Neyer death. Ignorance, Carl essnoess, before have se many, peopie been tak- nervousuees, a mnts lia:tion or n extended automobile trips as this vatcillation mcv ecuitin a fataýlity or g 1rievous injury. Tise sooj or ihese esn %ise di-ive autos or horýl,41earn te siglîts, thcy are bcund tor.p et thint anefiser day with Ltter, especially the speedorý, %isose 7itchirîgE1eý , main thouglit seemis toe hate show the ingPiles. o public how fast tisey can go, especially surgical oper~ tound cornets. atien reqruired Dr. bases Ontmet xiii relieve Yeu at once -anti as certinîr cu(re yen., 60c. a nex; ail Have vou over noticeti eue (X tise et r d ao, ates & Ce.. imiiteti, traitsfuaiauetethser papor and enclose 2c. stamip ta pay postagF,7e. runnsng rampant le somne q oartors eof __________________ this tows'? Thora are sanme people so distrustful of their fellow-townsmen's OkSctnROtCmo & goond intentions ,that they etiticize -4 sjè setfateeoafýig thlem immediately lisey stat te emefcnei'd auon e soune gooti for tise town. If a big - a' cstet-N.1Si pulewosk je contemplateti they 0Ha 2 L;'Ny3'l'ilrbo start te roar tîsat the etiginator of prai or"'p fpr tba idea is going te get aoniething eut re pahlt Aidr ef it andi taxes r'.iii go up. If a comp ECOKMDIN any coucedes a benefactien they teTOlIOOT.(stry ir.r, golng te take it eut et us inse se ether way. If a pnhV"c-spritesdmac does bis tiuty as hoe sees it, he's pre- judiceti. Andi seotnit gees with the criticises of these public issue'S. Feel- ings et jealeusy andi the I-tient-cayo spirit seem te ha r.ppetmost i l muid NIAILeMNî TflAP whi ch hinders ù esu hlpingç along U I\11 tiigs for tiheimrvm t of tise- tewni. A littl ie tore, y l, alot im.ore, ýSEI LED TE'KDERS, addressed te thre Pesi- co-oeratien la xvisat ie, needed (1te giva ,master Gentlral, vili Se recei,-ed et Ottawa Bowm ianville thea promineuecontise atitS faon, on Fiatite 25tb jn!, t, for thre maxpj. elQvs Contraet for four ypears, thirty serines par * wekl on thre recta BOWIANILL AN I-IILWAY STATION_ FILL FO NEVOU TatmnEs. u~ GRAND TRU2NK PILL FORNER'( 'ý1-STlýUB1,S.-fromth Posimaster Generals Pleasare. Tise stomacis ete centre et Ille cerveus Plinted notices containinz further informiation system, andi whec the sforc-,ach siuspends as ta conditions of proposied Contract mal, bi isgaltisy action thse resuit isý manifest in seen and tlalk ferma tif Tender rnssy e obtarîied disturbances efthtie cerves. If allowed te utltes Offics ffiwminville anti at thre o tPî ffice ofteno[ SPeecter 7 Toronta. pessnrosdebi]ity, ,a danger'us Paît office Inspectai s Office, Toccata, June ail ment, may ensue. Tise dcci censider- leth, 19t9. atien is te restere tiese tomecis te pr rpar A. SUTHERLAND, action, andth iera is ne readicr remedy t53spsat Office Insp"ctor fer tbis than Parmelea's Vegetable illis. Thousands can atteat tise virtue et these in'the Surregate Coturt of the' United pulis in curing nervous àtihorders. -Countie s of Northuwbxt'Iand DARLI1NGTONý- COUNCIL anid Dursarn. TOWN HALL, Hampton, jUne 28th, I5959 IN THE ESTATE 0F MAEGARET ARGUE, lateoe-tie Towship oet Dailington. Miaried Regelar meeting et couincil, members woman, ueceased. ail present, Reeve Stcph-is îSpceýdnsg Notice is hereby oivon puvqsint te R.S.O. l"314, Minuies et lest meeting read-ced ap- Cap. 121, Sec. 56, Ihat ai! pecrss haing elaitos poe.agaosi tire estate of tiead agraAre prev.ti.wro cied ci) or about tire 7thlr ay cf june A Thesa communicatiQns were disposed et: sie, are requiced te îend bypa-st prenan.,r G. A. Williams, Port Hope, Agricultural rieliver te w. E. N, Sîncarr, 5ltio'foit1;1, EX- Representative, wrote th- ua Sisler-utor, 00C-r beforire tb td Ii0otA. D ttrtR-l c Do ý9 tri nnrs,1,e i rn enipi-r nr Faics'will hociseld inleDarlîngten Ihis Falila fautlsat 1.tni'f particulais c Ircrcaa andi eskir-g for a grant. $30 OO was anritire l O f tire sturity ,ifin) red y Lhe4 d -'Jc, ii'n rd liaialtertn ed grnid.tire fierlt! r r preceed ta d.1 ibu!t, tr W. A. McLean, Dep. Minister of Public asstl. f I e dceDsad annong the partiýes n- Highwuay-e, stating tisai ce Engineer would tit'erilis ae. lravirg recard obWyto tire CILaýis be sent te look ie como'ainî by Mzrj r ~wtir ie ri leihv it R. J. Guii. flated ibis Stir day of July A. Di 1919. C. H. Scott and lohn lienderson aketiIV. E. N. SiNCLAIR.ý permission to buîld wire fonce i or bonus- 1 t)i Ohawa. GCri guantii. Sa citersfer A. .. Reynoldis, 2. J. Mceesockz gnt. .- ~ r,, ~ -., ,..s... Executers, Solina, Ont.te8a Pho1ne 2034 use ,it Foodi Con t.ol Licen ses 3-633 and 1-9-4 and -36 TI-E STANDARD BrANK 0F CANADA, BoWînanville, wî ll occupy its New and Coinutnod ions Banking Office in May next, where it will welcorne ail its old custom- ers and friends, 'Who will be tssur- cd of the s'ame courteous treatment in the future as they have received 'n the past. A. N. MMLAF LOCAL MANAGER. of unr meats mýake their aPpeal to the happy f4mily circie -where quaiity foods are appreciateci. Nothing but the bc4ý and lots of Lijat is to be found there. Honest wcights and satisfactory service. Our Telephorie is your fricnd, orsy Ik.Phne225 B ow iii 2 -~ i I e i R Wto iii tite sUI1* arang$em1ents tor che,,eks-i was restorcd to hea1îth in the way to headquarters Major byteFavorite Prescription of D Banyaked for someo details aboutI IleCe~ibOwrie fiAU woen.. hd jst ini --dan -eDoch-making-- Cagdtoo in looks, for aftor'tak- t'rans-atlantic ilight and had topped it Eng 11r. P-ier(.o's Favorite PrescrIp- o11 wItn a VOcU-1-oot paraonfuTe umnp re- titheskin becomes clear, thio, plied:-vi ai'r'bbt Drugits-~ll -t-lu tblts Major, Tllarney__as ncrpIeý,ed, Hie liqnuid. It'7s a wonnsbesu tom- 1 was complaining aIbout islc k et "Wbtdo you' Jean I~r? hoý n- Uonrn~ ~~ ~~m ONTBTO "D iec'sqrd n~ivns nd rn-dwn.Thes coditins etit. e boul hae ben here lonig w '11cth FavoritePab o1tln. tok ~Ar~iga edures ao se(ral buleý-s of it adtrully be]vlricadtipe f is outer gar- t l I oneo my good heairis of o-a to mnec ht ol eeln h t~ eedci e Itok ad ~e cmeexo- t ~espal bie uifrm. oa1in the, C-1n 6 Bay tetS. pa. r. 5a,. and givez t.uttesih h-eàjpit nïeedý,S&o dorits own- work, azcd no it wellý. ~e t:sl I iJ. . ~ ,euliigUn-ionj Sec. 7 50 W. R. Aluin, saiary, 2tid. quarter 110 0O M. A Jases& Snsplg. anti adt. 55 6e1 A. T. Stainton, acd rancm- 2 12r 001 J. ~ ~ ~ i JSits "" 9 171 001 I ake one psuregularly ~ ~tW~i u~t1~o kou> you are 1.Mlsn ________________________ T.W. Virtue IVER ah absene ofMon nthe 0 15o ou 14 185 00 11 200r, i001-, Siti. T. Hear, JO 5 225 00 Fre.. bucirn," --52-50-00 A. W. Anses, 1 8 '300 00 Council adjourned te Saturtiay, Tuly 26, TisE OIL eFOR111cee auHLET.-I -n finerthan Dr., Tisenas'lEclectric 0O1, u:edas tise musýcles anti sîines pliable, ,ae Ise orce o ut et them andi strergibens ism for strains tisat ma ýy be put upn t isets.Iisids pre-emninent for tiî upsani isietes, wiso for years tave ieen u Ihzmtle ,cant tetify te lus nana as1aic ilt ta Ollswi eil Tor b 13 2((1au1 i 1 Ir - r. io - z- -- - - - - - -* B!Q!FU~ ~5 -- - - - -i- TanNo. 3 Train No. S7 Lv. Dou ._....... ......... 1.40 p.m . I Ar. DON .............7.......... Ar. OTTAWA- ..... ........10,00 p.m. j Ar. TORONTO'. . .... .,.0..m Makng U Itvrn;,i;Dtz Stops DIRECT CNEOiNTO AND FROM KINOaSTON EQUIMEN-8moingCar Flrst Olpas craiches Oafe Pargor car W. £1.WR0 District Pasmenger Age,ýiL Toronto ) -t - 5 , 1 à It is not too late to sow Va ewextra acres of CoRiN, I3UCKWHEAT Mi LLEFýTT or HUNGAIRIAN QAS ana the Feed inay cor1 ne r h"nybefore another Crop. We h'?ve the Seed for, you. M1,r. Pea rwer If, for any rao you haive not been al os, i orSe Peags, please Jet us know atonce what you have left. Phione,203 Hogg &Lyti.e Limnîte4