8868S, which comes la four sizes, 14-20 ý year.s, price 25c. The smoclcng le i taken from McCal transfer pattera No. 690 (bine or yellow), pnice 10c.1 Mad f laidgingimllAwii±a percale, the.frock is most attractive.1 These patterns may be cbtamed-1 from your local McOall, dealer, or fromi the McCull Go., 70Bode. Toronto, Dept. W. Corne War Facts and Figujres. Thesea rerasorie of the arnazing tacts la Sir Douglas 1lajg's final des- patch- General Headquarters receiveti 9,-, 000 ttlegrams in one day, and 3,400 letters by despatch-riders. Ont army heatiquarters had .10,000 telegramrs in a day, and tht daily telograme on the lines of communication were 23,000. Tbere w ere 1,500 m.iles of tele- graphe and telephones, and 3,688 miles of railways,' on whieh 18001 trains ran weekly. In six weeks 5,000,000 rations were supplied, by caur armies tinriFrance, to S00,000 civilians in the rellieed areas. The total, daily ratio n strength of our armnies was 2,700, 000. An addition of one ounce to tath man's ration ne- presentefl an extra 75 tons. Over 400,000 horsts and mules and 46,700 mnotor vehicles were used, and 4,500 miles of road nmade ox main- %I 1914 there was ont machn u to 500 infantrymea in the British ar-ny, at tht, armistice there was ont manchliegan to 20 infantrymen. Over 700,000 tons of ammunition were ireti by our artillery on tht western front fromn last Auguet to tht armistice. Tht number of individual landiage at tht ports maaagtd by the British armies ta France exceedeti 10,000,000 up to tht armistice, while la tht lnst eleven months of tht war tht averae weeldy tonnage landeti at those ptS was 175,000 ton S. iWater is not of mach use for putting ouit an oil fire. It rmay, indeeti, be t mach worse thanaslee for büring cil floats on it, anti may thus be iar ing the' ire far anti witie. Steam turned upon tht flames thnough pipes is eften highly effective. If its volume ie suticient a cloati will be formed tifat serves as a blarîket, filling tht tank about tht oil and ex- cluding air from it. Mucti more satisfactory, however, le tht newer method ef bringing together two chemical solutions, and spread- îng over tht surface of tht burniug 011 the thick foam resulting from their combination, thereby excluding air and extintguishing tht lames. r. Tht stefm iethoti werks very weîî with gas Well ires, a number of por- table tielti boilers being set Up anti sterem. thrown froîn them upon the barniag gas columa- in tht form of spray., If tht gas stream tan be in- terrupteti for only a moment just above tht point of discharge tht ire will be put out. For putting oeut small gasohune ires (especially on, tht floor) sawdust works sarprisingly well. It floats for a whie on tht surface oftht burning liquiti, forrming a blank'te which ex- claties tht air anti smothers tht flame. Dry eawdust seems te serve as well as moist. Frothy mixture solutions of tht kinti above describeti, when put up in port- able containers of convenient f~z, r usefal in txtinguishing small tires about garages. Sometimes electricity generateti by tht friction of flowing gasoline against tht bettom anti sides ef a can,eor even by tht flow of gasoline\ through a mub- be rhose, produces a sp ark whith, dis- chargeti into an automobile tank that is being ilîleti, ignites tht fluiti with serious or disastroas resuIts. ýTo guarti agtinst accidents 0f this kinti is for obvions reasons most diflitaît. Prom Scottish glen and lilîl; And from the shielti of Portugal, The yfllo-* daffodil; 'Phe wattle fromn Australia's bush, Japans eh ys themum, Cauada's mnapl -leaf that deeketi Se gallantly hem dum; Italy's laurel, spring irst Te crown a classie goti; Anti, plumeti with glory like the sun, Tht U. S. goldenroti. Ail, ahl are rooteti in tht duet' 0f berots o'er the sea, Who.perisheti in tht righteous cause 0f Goti and Liberty. liîmortal is tht wreath entwined On this Memnorial-Day; Tht tribute of a grateful womlti, It will not pass away. *July-the-month of oppressive heat, reti hot days anti sweltering nights, le, extremely harti on littît cnes. Diarr- hoea, dystntery, collt anti cholera, la- fantuin carry off thousantis of precions littît lives every samiir. Thteniother must bt constantly on hem guardti t1 prevent these troubles, or'if they tomne on suddenly to ighit themi. No other metiicine l5 of sucti aid to mothers durinig tht bot summer as is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate tht bowels'anti stomach, anti an occasion- al dose given te tht well chilti wili prevont summner complaint, or if tht tr 'ouble dots tome suddenly will banish iIt. Tht Tablets are solti by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 tc. a box fromn Tht Dr. Williams' Medi- tint Ce., Brockville, Ont. - -------- -- > - THE SECRET OF NAIL,DRýIVING. An Excellent Illustration of the Phil- osophy of Success. La tht first place. there is really no secret about driving a nail. Thte nly thilig te do, is to be sure you bit it on tht hleati every time. Anti if yeu de, tht nail is driX-en,! And yet, simple as this opematien as, there is probably net ont pereon in ten who tan drivt a nail straight, or whô çieptm!3is iQ out haîf the time- at Tht wate Lodrive- a nail is te keep youir tyt absolutely on tht heati. t le. impossible te watch tht -hammer anti tht heati at thtsanme time, se tht hanti dots what tht- tyt telle tht brain te thiak. Anti if tht teyt keepe sayliig: "Oen tht heati--on tht h lead"*-on tht hal"then tht n iail iL U)i g o oin -"aiJrvn is ont, of the ineet il- lus"tratý'i)Iý on f Éthtpkilosoppy of sc ces. Center youir tyt, you hieart'mhad your brain on tht1th11g you (desime' to achive, ntiif you concetrate vdu~-&~nt blp utsucceeti. Hit tht c -,-ro rondîl-tivtng le sutt paddock in whichi a co w and acaîf were rbbing noses together in bovine love. "Tho, ofgbt tiakes mie want to do the came."1 "Well, go on,"-sidthe sweet young mnl-i g -p lac rdly, -IL, your cow, you- I fell from a building and received what tht doctor called a very bad spra!ned ankle, andl told me I must not walk on it forl'tbree weeeks. I got MINARD'S LINIMENT' and in six days I w&(s out to work again. 1 uihuik it the best Liniment made. ARCHIE E. LAUNDRY. Edmonton. Ini the Book ofGenesis. There had been a heavy downfall of rain andi the district manager of a Scottisti railway wýas quickly on the warpath. He telegruphed along dif- ferent sections of the fine as follows: "Send full particulars on the flood." Now there was a man on a parti- cular section of the fine where no flooding had taken place, and he de- cided that the message was a joke, s0 ho wired back as follows: "Look in tht Book of Genesis." Mlinard's Liniment Cures Garc~et lu Cows Old Coin i Tree. A coin of tUie reiga of George Il., dateti 1730, was found by a cottager while splitting up an olti tree truk near Burnham l3eeches, says a London despàutc-h. The coin was wde tight- ly in the wood. Experts who saw the coin express the opinion that it must have been dropped tato a cavity in the tree and the bark gradually grew over it. y ES! M AICALL Y cOÜRNS 5' LIPI OUIT WIII-I FIIN GERS You simply say tL(7 thle rug stLore Maui, "GtIve me qaref an ounce of freýezonie." Tihis,, will cost ,very littie but Ie sufficient te rov;e every ibard or soft tom rçi usffetl, A few drops of this uew ë7ther'4com- pound applied directly upon a tenide.r, aching corn shouIjd relieve the sore. aes jnstaiitly, iild eo.thtentr * com, r-oot and ail, 4mtes op and car be lifted o-it witýh the lhînets,. This new way to rid one's feet et Corne wý7as ltou by a Cincinn-ati man, wlwsae i .e, 2il freezoue is -etlcky, it drýaie -, a mont, and im iily shrivels up the coranwthou la llamlng or even , iritatng the sr roundlng tlýse Ut r sklin. Don't lct father die of infectiorn or lockjaw from w1iittling at bis corns,' but clip tisl qut ndmae lm try- it. muiles away ou nte rcroiî uoast-wnale tht current it carnies also çontroîs the light in the lantera. t is propused to Use this type of automatic lighthouse for illuminating coanection with tht opening ef these waters anti tht carrnage of wbeat by tht rrew xailwjry te Fort Churchill. A proposai t-o-e'c1stablish sihïilar lights on tht more-expeseti anti barren toasts of South America has also been con- sîdereti. mainard's Liniment Cures Coltn. rte. Tht automobile bora was adopted in this country la 1900 to substitute whistlts, beils, gongs, etc. By adding 50 par, cent. coal oitl b tht waste cil drnined eut cf tht ea- gint, a vtry efficient mixture is ob- taineti for the use on eprings, whjch will keep them la tht tiaest condition, TU LEND ON TUE TIN 139j- 7 GOVTE[MENI ARNE 0F pURITY.'j W. CLARK 181111E 29-.-'19 Genuine "Bayer Tablets of AsPerin" are now matie, in Canada by a Cana- dian Company-No German interest, mijtevr ci rgkt~hengDurchased from the Uniteti States Government. During the war, acid imitations were solci as Aspirin, in pili boxes and vanl- ous other containers The "Bayer Cross" is yoar only way of knowiiig that you are getting genuine Asperini, pWqvtti afe by millions for Headache, Nouralgia, Cols, Rheumatism, Lum- bago, Neurltis and for Pain generaily. 1Handy tin boxes of 12 tablesas larger-,sized "Bayer" p)ackagescnb had at drug stores. Asperin is the trade mark,ý.egister- ed in Canada, of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic-5.idesttr of Saltcylic- acid. la terrible rash, on face which madýne skin sore and iüiftamed. Irritated faceby scratchingF;Pd wasi¶isfigured'. Could not sleep well andi matie Led uripleasant. Trouble lasteti 3 mon, he before useti Cuticura anti after usin,ýg 2 cakes of Soap and 1 box of Oin-.- ment was completely healed. PFrom signeti statement of Miss Giadyseabel, R.R.3,Brussels,Oýnt. Cuticura Soap, Ointmnent. and Te-, cum promote and rrma;ntain ski purîty, skin comfort and skiii healh often whenall else fails. For frea sample each of Cutieura Soup, Oint- ,uerft - dTalcru address post-card: - "tieura, D.pi. A, Datoa, U. 5 . Sold everywhere. j~ hie~ adicsturbed çges Ci. zTeaor e-, eiso enth -4 Ï4 +ýdýýB-a.y and illidsui t-i-aitq-trï- -u