N oti ! The Standard Bank of Canada Bowmanville lias opcned a sub office in the, S. G. Batles Building, Hampton and will transaet a general banking .business on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Office heurs: -40 a. m. te 2.30,p. in. local tiime Geo. L,. Hal,9 anager Dated at Hampton, Jnly 9, 1919. With Focwers, -Simrnuer Fl-owers-- Summer Prices Seasonable lowers at al times for etthor cut purposes or for FIloral Design work. A-~ design work has our per- ;-nal attention, backed -by ou.r years of experience. When in noed of flowers 10t us serve you. S. J. Jackmnan & Sons Florists and Growêrs Bolvmanvilo Phono 80 29-4 Tenders for.-Bridges. "Sealed Tenders" wsil be receved by the undersigneri fo r bnîldruig Cornent Abutement s for 'three or more bridges in the Township of Darlington, op to Saturday. Jaly 26, 1919. at the bour of 1 o'clock p in- tende rers to ,suppiy aIl material and state price per yard of-cernent for each bridge. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac. cepted. For further information apply to menibers of Councliotthuneige, W. P.. ALLIN, Township Clerk. Dated at Hlampton this Sotis day of Jane, 1919, 271f ORCIIARD ON TEN ACRES 0F LAND FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE. The McMlurtry property. u mile east of Nursery Corner, Bowmanville, being lot 9, con 1, Darling- jton, containing about ton acres, mostly covered with apple bearing orehard. The handsome brick residence was burned some tme ago, n there are about 70 000 brick suitable for ruid- in. here are a large barn with cemet founda- Ition and stables undersseath, and a shed ln fairly good condition. Ihis proporty is weil sitnated and wili he o sd on vory easy trvos. For frther paîiculars apply to J. E. L. Goodwîll, barrister, Peterboro. istf Alani M. Williams Funeral Director - Embalmer No extra charge for &stance in country or to city or outside places. Emhalm- ing done in the mSt scienlific mannler. Charges reasonable as my expenses are low.I Phone 58 or 159 43 6m1* Mr. Ford Owner: We will put a set of Hassler Shock Absorbers on your car for 10 days free trial and if you are notý perfectly satisfied that you have the easiest riding car on the mar- ket wo will take them off again and it will flot cost you one cent. Qennine Ford Partu-s We have % fu stock of genuine Ford parts on hand and expert Ford Mechanies to handle the work. Satisfact- ion guaranteed. We have also beonappoînited (Jbevrolet Service Station for this district and are prepared to givo you every at- tention. A lar go stock of Tires, Oils and Aceessories on hand at ail times. Yours for Service LUKL & 8HUYS, Nighit Phono 188-r3 Day Phono 188 r2 I ETPRUIT In Warrn Weather We are receiving beautiful fresh fruit direct from the growers and we eau supply al vour wants. Raspberries Watermelons Tomatoes Cucumbers Fresh Vegetables of ail kînds. Saturday nights are very busy this hot weather and we advise buying ealy in the evenfing. Parcels mnay ho bf t at tho store until you are ready to go homo. Ar~hi~ïTai PHlONE 65., Prompt iDelivery. Bowmanville. DR. J. C. DEVITT - DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King-St. East, Bowmarîvie Office Hours: 9 a.m, t.' 6 p.m. daily except Sunday Phono 90 a House Phone 90b BOWMANVILLE, JULY 24, 1919 BRADLEYS SCHOOL. Report of promotion examinations ire S. S. No. 14, Darlingtoni names in order of merit. Jr. IV 10 Sr. IV-Percy Dewell. Sr.III 10 Jr. IV-Gertie Montgomery (hon) Mary Jebson, Ruby Smith, Fav Camipbell (roc.). Sr. IIlto Jr. III-Sholar Wilbur, Mgahel Wilbur, Ray Smith rec.). Jr. Il- Alico -Osborne, jack Osborne, Ruby Dewell. Sr. Pr.-Perey Neshitt, Willena Wilbur, Leonard Martin. Jr. Pr.- Lillian Jebson, Fred. Osborne, Clarence Martin, Frank Smith. - KATIE M. STEPHENS, teacher. SALEM Promoti on examination for S. S. 9, Darlington: Ir IV 10 Sr IV-Lloyd Richards*, Ella Collacott, Norman Luxton (rocommendod). Sr III 1 Jr IV -Annie McDorfald, Nelson Trimble (roc- ommendod). Jr III 10 Sr III-Percy Cann, George Richards, Ervil Little. Sr II 10 Jr III-Gladys Cann*, Jimmie Hunter*, Gladys Little, Elvira Davis, Edith Cator, Pearl Davis, Nelson Wilkins; Recommnded-Wreford Cornisb. Bob Collaçott. Jr Il fo Sr II-Sosie McIndoo, Johnnie Cator, Albert Cator, Laura Wilkins, Eva Little. I to Jr II-Loia Welsh. Jr I to Sr I-Margaret Hunter, Elmsa Davis, Greta Symons. Jr Pr 10 Se~ Pr-Sidney Elcombe. Jr- Pr-Edgar Cator, Meredith Little. *-honors. D V.-Ru nBENWNETT,eacher. ENFIELD School promotions-names in order of menit: Jr IV 10 Sr IV-Luella Moore. Sr III 10 Jr IV-Dorothy Pascoe, Fior- ence McFadden, Merle Ashton, Henry Saunders,Herb. Ashton (recommende.- Sr 110 Jr II-Cora Mc1adden. _Sr Pr 10 Jr I-Verna Ormiston, Amy Ashton, Norman Stinson. Jr Pr 10 Sr Pr-Grace Niddery. ANNETTA BROWN, teacher. Visitârs: Messrs. joseph- and Ralpb Ashton, Detroit, visiting relatives bore; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Powell andl Mrs. C. Powell and cbldren, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs., Laitimer, Toronto, at Mr. B. Pôwell's; Messrs. Silas Tapp, Toronto, and J. Tapp, Rochester, calling on old fnends; Mr. Everett Ormiston, Oshawa, bolidaying at home; Master Norman Stinson at Pontypool; Miss iucy Camp- boll, Toronto, at Mr. J. Campbell's; Mr. Ross Kent at Mr. Z;. Simpson's. MAYDON Pte. Ambrose Neshiti arrived home from overseas last week.... Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mounljoy, Mrs. T. Hooper'and Messrs. Reuben and Lorenzo Hooper visitod, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sopor ai Harmony ... . Deepest sympatby is foît for Rev. W. T. Wickeit and everyone hopes that ho may ýsoon recover from bis recent accident... . Miss Rilda Siomon, while returning homo from Bowmanville Friday evening felI and broke a small hone in ber left ankle b y slipping from the veranda at ber uncle's, Mr. John Slemon, Eniskillen .... Mr. Elgin Mount- joy visited friends noar Cavan over the week-end.... Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ray- nor, Pontypool. spent Sunday at bais brother's, Mr. H. Raynor. ... Messrs. James and Duncan McNeil were called t0 Bowmanvîlle owing to the deaib of their sistor, Mrs. Duncan VcConnachie. The Progressive Aduit Bible Claîs wil bold ils annual Raspberry social Ibis (Tbursday) ovenbng. Refresbments served and Ice creani sold onChurcb lawn followed by a, concert of hume and local talent. Admission, aduits 25c; children loc. ENNISKILLEN Visitorb: Mrs. Perry, Toronto, guest of Mrs. George Reod; Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Sbemon wbîh Mr. Fred. Vanstone, Bow- manvillo; Miss Irene Worry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Tamblyn, Woodhnidge, at Mr H. J. Wersy's; Miss Cora Sharp, Miss L. Stevens, Oshawa, Miss Pearl ISharp, Toronitu, Messrs James and Frank Gtan i Mr. ana wrsMeoiivU ry ana Haroid, Bowmanville, at Mr. Andrew Sbarp's; Miss Eva Sanderson, Torcnto, at home; Miss I. Hamm, ioronto, witb Mrs. Adam Sharp; Miss Eva Souch, Bowman- ville, wth Mrs. John Pye; Miss E. Crook- shanks ai Mr. Byron McLaughlin's; Miss Gibson, Bowmanville, wth Mrs. Sydney Trewin; Mr. Lo&ie Gîbson, Bowmanville, at Mr. R. Bentham's; Mr. and Mrs. Will Oke witb friends bu Clarke; Miss Greta MeGilI and Miss Phoobe Hodger, Toron- to, at Mr. John McGill's.' Mr3. D. Brunt was called to ber father's bcd ide, wbo il very sick ai Pontypool. . .. Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke, 1Gertieand Winnie motored 10 Toronto. turned wiih iheni for their holidays... We welcome home another of our boys in the penson of Robent Preston, who weut overseas with the 136tb B4ttalion S. .Mn. Wm. Hamilton bas reiurned to Rochester ac.ompanied hy Arthur Brunt iwho bas gone 10 visit bis uncle- at ibat place. . .. Mn. Leslie Robbins, who bas heen serving wiih Uncle Sam's iroops in Germany, bas received bis dscbarge and, accompanied by bis sister Relia, are vis- iting their parents. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Robhins .. . .Mr. and Mrs. George Burk and Miss Burk, Rochester, have neturned 1to Rochester afler visiting ber sisier, Mrs. Frank Robbîus and ber brother, Mn. James Moorey ... . About 60 Loaguens had a jolly outing ai Lake Scugog last Satur- day. =. Mrs. Hoskin bas greatly improved the appearance of ber home by the romoving of -ihe harness sbop and the addition of a veranda and a coat of paint ... Rev. G. T. McKenzie gave a suitable "Peace Sundav" discourse on Sunday evening stating that the peace tneaîy ihat bas lately been signed and the peace we have todav could not have heen accomp- lished without Chrstianiy, and showed that we each have a personal duty along reconstruction linos if we are to have peace wihin our nations and peace hetween our nations. The choir render- ed the anthem "*Oh ho Joyful in the Lord" and a very suitable duet "Peace 'and Gord WilI" by Mrs. E. C. Ashton and Miss Winnie. . ... Sunday Sehool is called to meet ai 9,30 next Sunday when we expeci the Township S. S. Executive to visit our School.' For the finost stock of Blackc and Colored Silk and the boît value in Silks and Poplîns cal at Couch, Johnsion. & Cryderman's Ltd. MAPLE GIROVE Mr. and Mrs. W. Weaiherblt and son Arthur, Port Hope, visited Mr. Truman Powers; Mr. John Tyler, Midloihian Wharf, visited bis cousins, Messrs. How- ard and Ernie Foley and Mrs. J. D. JStevens; Mr. 'Howard Price, Hampton, spent Sunday with Mr. Raymond Snow- don; Mr. anci Mrs. Reid, Toronto, recent- ly vsited ber sister, Mrs. Arthur Trimbbe; Miss Laura Wickett, Toronto, visited ber cousin,_ Mrs. Thos. Snowden and other relatives; Mr. W. Webber and daughter, town, Sundayed aI Mr. Rd. Trimble's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stevenson, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Thickson and two daugbîers, Oshawa, spent the holiday witb t[e former's sister, Mrs. John Snow- den; also Mr. and Mrs. fibeperd. Mrs. Heddon, Toronto, Mrs. Fordoni and daugbter, Mrs. Lovey, Hamilton, Sun- daved ai Mr. John Snowden's; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hockbn, Miss Evelyn Hockin, Mr. Seward Tyler, speol _Sunday with the formor's brother, Mr. Wm. L-ockin, Newcastle; Mrs. D. H. Coates and son Dr. L. t-. Coateý;, Brantford, are visiting ber brother, Mr. T. J. ,Cole and other relatives; Mr. and Mrs. James- Burnrett, Toronto, is visiting ber sisier, Mrs. F. Swallow; A number froni bore aîtended the berny social at Ehenezer on Monday night.... Mrs. H. S. Freeman, town, spent Sunday ai ber son's, H. G. Freema .... Mr. and Mrs. Phi], Dorman, Port Huron, have roturned borne after a pleasant visit witb ber sisior Mrs. Walter Foley and other relatives and friends .... Pastor Delve expects 10 preacb bis -farewell sermon nexi Sîînday. Mens Hiais and C-aps-,Ties ancShiris alof the very latesi styles just received at Coucb, Johnston & Cnyderman's. Berry social beld on Mcndav evening under i.uspices of the Sunday Scbool was a decided success. Raspherries, cream, cake, ice croam, etc., wero sold on the cafaierba plan, after which an excellent progran was rondered by the following- artbsts, aIl of whom acq'îitted them sele splendbdly: Readings were given by Miss Lvla Osborne, Ebenezer, Miss Connie Seward, Maple Grove, Mr. Fred R. Foley, Bowmanvblle; vocal solos by Miss Elizabeth Painion, Bowmanville; instr umental solos Miss M. Abernethy. Base> Lino. Pastor DoIve acied as chair- man. Procoeds $70. EBENEZER Promotion report of S. S. 4, Darling- ton: To Sr IV-Ruhy i uhhard, Hazel Rundle, Allie Worden (recommended). To Jr III-Keitb Worden. To Sr II Fern Oke, Orval Grills, Ireno Grills; Recommended-Gordon Oshor ne, Willie Wade. To Sr I-Ethelda Hubbard. To Jr I-Florence Simipson. HELEN L. JoHNSTON, teacher. Mrs. (Rev.) J. Pollock and children,i Salford, Ont., are holidaying ai Mr. Geo. A. Pearee's... . Mrs. R. Wilson and hahe bhave returned t0 ber home in _London, after a mn nis' visit with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. F. Lane.... 7Mr. Thos. Oke and wifo spont tho wek-end-witb Black- stock relatives...-. .uîdÀy services drew largo congregations, Pastor De. vo deliver- ing two intorosting discoursoes on "Trans- figuration" and "The Open Door". Ex- cellent music was furnishod by our choir. Sunday Scbool had over 100 present.... Mrs. J. Armour foul downstairs but is gettbng over the sbock nicely. . , . Rain foul Monday, and will ho productive of great good... . Miss Vota Colwill, Tor- onto, spent week-end witb Miss Louise Osborne.... Pte. Sulas. Pieol is hack froni cverseas, and is wtb bis uncle Dean before proceeding 10 bis home iu tbe West.... .arnd Mrs. A. C Hezzie- wood and Miss Lorna Oke, Toronto, [were down for week-end , ..,Mr, and Mrs. A. F. Rundle are visiiing rIorunto and Owen Sound friends. .... Mr. Ernest and Miss Chissie Freeman, Bowmfanville, Sundayed bore. . .. Mrs. O. O. Worden, Toronto, with Mrs. J. Worden... Rev. and Mrs. Doive went io Tyrone Sunday evening t0 see Rev. W. T. Wickei.. .Peace Celebration was en- joved hy a large number of Ehenezeriies on Saiurday .. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gieo. Van- Dyke speni Sunday wth Enfield relatives ...Mr. Elmer Rundle bas reiurned 10 Toronto after an eDjoyable stywih bis] parenîs. ... raeyiîîg lS auouî istusucu îsuîu, with a fine yield hotb as to quality and quantiii. . .. Mr. and Mrs. Siorey, Osh- awa, speni the holiday ai Mr.-'A. J. Gay's ...Miss A. H Lear is holidaying ai Brockvile... .Mrs. Baniford, Oshawa, is visiiing ber daughier, Mrs. H. Power.... Our Pastor's trne was again exteuded a week, aud ho hids fanewell io us next Sabbath. V r. and Mrs. Carters,_ Ton- onto, were guests of Mn. H. Anderson-ý-... Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Countice and daughter, Leamington, are bolidaving bore... Master Wllie DoIve, Tynone, was home for Sunday .... Mr. Hy. Stafford, Osh- awa, was oui for week-end .... Mr. and Mns. Rd. Snowden, Oshawa, Mn. John combe, Miss Jean Dumas and Mn. Non- man Williams, Bowmanville, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. H. Balson Sunday even- ing......Mr. and Mns. John Hall, Enfieid, spent Monday bohre.... Mn. and Mns. N. Down visited Newcastle fieuds. ... Miss Mabelle Walton bas retunned froni Keene and Peterboro . ... Mr. Mon ley W orden bas been bu Toronto... .Misses R. Splen and M. Sprentnall are guesis of Misses E. and D. Brooks.. .. Miss Elsie Crago spont the week-end at Bowmnanville. . .. Mn, J, 'C. rrull, Toonto, with bis brother Ina _Misses Elford, Toronto, and Rouse, Brantford, are guests of Mrs. Goo. F. Anuis .... Misses Alice Oke and Lota Pickell loft, Monday for Belleville 10 at- tend the Bay of Quinte Conference Suni- mer School, The former represenis the Sunday School, and the latter the Ep- wontb League .. . .Our young people weni to Taunton last Thursday nigbt, and "lsbowered" Mrs. G. Beckel (ueo Miss Mary Prouse) with granitewane. Al on- jovod a fine ovening. Shed opening passed off splendidiy, raspherries aud creani, "ake, etc., were senved. Prognani: Piano duel-Misses M. Penfound and- L. Osborne; solos-Miss V. Wenry, Silas Pickell; readings-Mrs. O. Worden, Toronto, Miss L. Osborne; quatet-Moîdages W. R. Couriice and G. F. Annis and Messrs. F. L. Walter and G. Fe. Annis. Pnoceeds $65. Shed is 12ox62f ' The coniractor was J. Clat- worthy, Hampton, and building comn- miieeî were Messrs. W. E.-Courtice, R. E. Osborne and B. F. Gardiner. AIl are pleased with the fine structure. Men's and Boys' ready-to-wear subIs, the finesi stock tbey have evor shown just 10 hand at Couch,Johnston & Crydenman's I.mited. PROVIDENCE Dorothy Somers, the 6-year old daugh- ter of Dr. J.' S. Somers, Toronto, was struck hy an auto and injured on Wed- nesday, She was taken to the Hospital and is recovering nicely. Report of promotion examfinations of S. S. 5, Darlington: Ir IV 10 ,Sr IV- Stanley Osborne 855, Mabel Dowson 78*. Sr III to Jr. IV-Melbourne Osborne 75*. Jr III to Sr III-Valeria Diiling 68. Sr II to Jr HIl-Eva Darch 52 (reC', Jr II to Sr II--A1vin Dows on 83, Alan Os- borne 68, Jr I to Sr I-Fernie Crago. Sr Pr-to Jr I-George Dilling, Rose Kemp. Jr Pr-jack Stapleton, Leland Crago. Figures indicate per cent. *- honors. EFFA G. WIGHT, teacher. DARLINGTON Miss H. T. Goode, Brantford, is ho!i- daying at home.... Mrs A. Nix, Hamil- ton, is visiling at Mr. Fred. Downey's.... Mirs. Geo. Fitzgerald, Toronto, and Mrs. A. Stewart, Seaforth, are visiting Mr. E. J. ......... Mr. 'and Mrs, W. H. Wood were in Toronto atfending the wedding of Mr. Harold Langstone and Miss Ella ......... Mrs, E. J. Burk and Miss Minnie Thompson spent Sunday with selatives at Enniskillen.... Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Smith, Oshawa, and child, Barbara, spent Sundav ai Mr. D. W. Downey's. TY-ONIE Visîtors: Master Lawson Richards, Oshawa,-ai -Mr.- F. Richards"--Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Haddy, Toronto, Mrs. F. A. Haddy, Bowmanville, guesis at -A. E. Clemens'; Lieut. V. A. Hooper with friends in Toronto and Pontypool; Dr. W. T7. Yeo, Toronto, and Miss Yeo, Little Britain, guosts ai parsonage; Mrs. W. A. Wilson and Master Brent with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brent; Mr. J-H. -MeRoberts andfamily, Toronto, with bis moîber. Mrs. H. McRoberts; Mrs. Harry Hooper, Ponlypool, Miss Lily McLean, Bowmanville, 'ai C. Hoop- er 's. Congratulations to Miss A. E. Brent in passing withb honors her recent vocal exam .... Thursday's League was in charge of Miss Mary Richards,topic taken by Miss Mabel Wight, readings hy Misses Lola Richards and H-azel Hodgson and piano solo by Miss V. E. Staples .. . .Re- pairing is heing done to our parsonage and a new piano placed in the Sundav School room.... .At Pontypool on Satur- day afiernoon the east-bound train struck a motor truck on wbich were a load of effecis heing -taken from Bethany to Tyrone for Rev. T. W. Wickett, Mr. F. Edmunson, Oshawa;in charge. The two mon wore hurled from the truck. Dr. D. W. Clark was called and found that Mr. Wickott had received a deep gash in the head and hadlv hruised on his body. Mr. Edmunson had several ribs hroken and was hadly cul on the head. Botb are recovering favorahly, but it was an awfullv close caîl. NOT ICE The Bank of Montreal has opened a branch office in the E1iott Block , Hampton and solicits your business. J. A. McCLELLAN, Manager Dated at ilampton, July 8, 1919. O ptomfetry Opturuetry m is e scienceouf measurnug the varions errons of, vifÀio unnlv.iriîo theAnraner glasses for their correction. Is Optometry growing in iýmport- ance and scope? Yes, it is fast assuming its posiý- tion as an essential of human ad- vancement. Is -the public as familiar with Optomotry as it should be? By nu means. Optumetry is far more important than the majority of peoplo have any idea of. Who is interestedin Optometry? Every person whose eyos are in an abnormal condition. What percentage of poople have abnormal vision? Approximately 70 per cent. Would those seven in ton people bc the botter for securing the aid of au Optomotrist? ULnquestionably. In what way? Thoir officiency and onjoymoent of life would ho increasod. R. M Michel &Co. Druggists adOptomotrists,ý Phono 92 Bowmanville Niglits or Sunday Phonie280 James Thonipson, sr, died at Cold Springs aged 8t voars. Rev. Wm. Farncomb, Toronto, Mrs. Farncomb, Miss Farncomh and Miss Rose of, Newcastle arrbved ai the Falls last' week and expect 10 remaîn several weoks. -Lindsay Post A good storv is told of a reiurned soldier. Ho had seen several vears service overseas and wben ho arnived at- Orpemee station ho naturally looked aronffd for some of bis frionds. Finding none, ho iook off bis cap and gave ihree lusty~ cheors for himîself. Down WiVth The Higôh Cost 0f Living Dont kick about the price of food being high-come to the Cash &- Carry Meat Market and help yourself to these special values: Sardines ..............per eau 10c, Choice Canned Pears, per ean 15e Pork & Beans ...3 cans for 2?5e Best Ried Salinon. per tin ...37c Piekled Hock, per lb ....... 15e Special Delivery Service uring summer months order your meat in the afternoon and I will ételiver it to your home next morning before 8 o'cloek. (One door east of Levi, Morris & Son's) Phone 21 Bowmanville You Make No Mistake, Iu bringing your auto to our garage if it requires overhauling or re -pairs of any kind. Our long -ex- perience in the repair business, handling ail makes of cars, places us in, a position to give yon -the best of service and"satisfaction, Our prices are1 reason.- able, too Used Cars For Sale Big 4 Overland Car. 1918 Ford Light Truck 1914 Ford Touring Car Also lisseil-Kuiglit Car Kirkendall & Davey Phone-Day 193; Night 101 or 294. Silver and King Streets Bowmanville Blocks 0f Bargains At Men's Summer Suits No Need, to be Hot - - $13.75 New N eckwear $1.25 and $1.50 Values for $1,00 Sec These-They Are Good R emember Our Cleaning, Pressing Departmient Goods Called For and Delivered. Where You -Get Most Value For YOUr Our lMýai1t'Order Department ait ycour service. Puy One B3ananas Oranges Lemons Grape Fruit G.C. BONNYCASTLE Honor Graduate in Detiîstry of Toronto University. Gr-Aduate of the Royal College of Denýtal Suargoons of Ontario OfieKing-jSt - Bowmanville O'ffice PhonTe 4r,. House Phone 215 -i ýIT -1- ýr-