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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1919, p. 2

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Tl ÀAI STÀTVF.eMNIi and Tiýv. BowtA,;. %]IX.E NEWýS are piibliehed, - ory ' h Il aday and Frierd.y ,rf 1 1 g, V.s8they at 'i F .t STATESMAN- office.1 Jam1es Bleuc 6an 7K$g.t et Bowmanille. On1tarlo. Ca1,da. M. A. .laMeO & morie, P0Aubl1ere and PropliUtorsi at5.0par annun, lpaFable ndvno$.0trla1thre6 Dxntbs. B. J. 11AZLEWOOD. 11.1>, C.M.. XY VÊr81ty. Toronto> four Y fýaI attundln,< Ph'ý,ulcian arA Vurgo at Mr. OfTIc, andG 1tezdence. ,lnuS. RAILUWAY TIME TABLES ÇADTRUNX RAILWAY CCII'.ÇERA$T Go0.11,4 WESr FXpre5s ý52 a. Mn. Local 6.5, a, , -Expr t f ,, 3 ( a~ ,m. ;Local 0 945 a4. * Pseer3 28 p. m. - 1as5ý'ngr x 56 pnm* ý 5oa 4 P- IP.'ngr 7.1p, i Local ïý2 p.. n. Muai] Qs ,m Daily ex<o-'pÉ Supday, CA NAÏPIN RAII AILWAY GoîziýqWËST GOINOý, IASZ IEY Pl esb 5.58 a.m ExpreSsý 10.20 atJf. *Local 8.2o a. m. .0.5 p EXPI ess 4A44 p.m. Local '9.48 P. lu- *D)aily eXcep' Sunda. C.. B. KIENT, Town Agent CoîNd, UAS GOI-NG W173r Unily except Sunda0y. es9-ùa' ý1>aintJî.îhcg anf- h Jddonc t,, your Satisfact- Lewisce bow Cail --uJh rsdec cor. (fiai VI c YarIor Car ont Full' nform tio rom u Ctajt TrnkTéËeý gnto Ulne~le d7ig8a nrie Cr~ii'Wan Ht ed! Prices o(f (inmarc high. W6 pay go pIC) ces for good creain. We, warit yours, If ive fail to eau lonvyou w would apreciate Ua Cphon ealllor NWrite us.,' Notice To Auto Ownùers Theo Jàmieson'Bros'. are lhusy doinûg all kintis ef tire nepairing. Bripg la your olti tires and have thîam ra-tread if titey are wortit i. We will tel you straight if they are worthing Bi3ring ilitsé prete and, have teirepairéd. WA repr, pncuesad lwct B'P-ure and get onr priîces on NeIires beforo youk buy. We bau-Idie only the e it ats Janiie CSon Br3àos Wood'i i'd ptho anTde Grctif;e i .erndy idn panpkg. on ecei "fn TiRO0GRESS can onily te' ["assurced by okga'd ..Land prepari4g for it. Farmiers -by exercis- ing foresight in raising cattie, ilisý,gs and ôther 'readi1y sale- able produ-cts--can add to their woxth. ~li>aiids andii encourages every ki of agriculturai operatlon. is ST* DOTHE OF CA NADA ~U5BRACH T fAMPON~OPEN OFFCice OURS.* 10 A.M. TO a2:o0Pm, Suimme-r$ Scool& Stdnswho donot care ito b1se two le ortoMOnths finie. Yo)1q îa enteýr any day and continue3 to GSraduatîlininto a good positioD. FreeBookpt.Write W. Hl. SIhles Repaired 'Wtt ie Voii Wait J arn now in at positioni t- give ,You quick servIce and best. of workî».nsiîp aS 1 have two assistants. WormK B,001$ For Sale I have a IMItied stock of good, substantial work, boots for, men.Asosr voeable shoes for ladies amideblidren at reason- r*lies. Geo»lniupage and Try a package of Minto Tea-black. green -or mixed 70c per lb and "nickel silver spoon in every package, made -by Ca nadian Wm. A. Rogers Li'mted and- guaranteed certificate wi th evqîispoon.ý H. Elliott Estate ilampton Is Your Car Iusured ? If not, yoýu are taking'-niuch uan. necessRy ,qchance. 0Our automobile' iurnegivae boueprotection, on thecse five points- Y.. P iiLICLIABILITY. inideïnni- fies assured against loss on liccount in- jurîi to dhe public. 2, PRPRT AMA'ýGE. Pro- tects wner agaiànstcdaims ar,5ing firni damýage to vroperty of ùIlers. 3> CO LU SI N and TRANSPORT- ATO.Reimburses owr>er for dam- age f0 bis o)wncar caused by colision or dîrn-ig trans4portation. 4.11k _FRE Insures against fire froin Ican place this kind of Is~ac 30fesa than it can be scrdh mtýiny places. You ineéd alti, s proeclo , Phne me or cati at office and let me iyc fuilpritlrs!gV O J. J. AO eus ,y :- s Lazyiea are tond te te 'wcrli, crtctittey romiain r 'uld Handeeé niea o f the lîaVe S ir Geor ge Etioue arter aa f thé f FathesnotfConfeértio, whicitwil harnveilad by Bis AMajety tcelng SAlC- A'15a0m by pressig a bu(tmtoe aoa.Thée invailng of t03 taueb thiis mepthod 'wli takcepac on Saptember 6, tie lOOth annivesary cf Cartir's birthidav. Thé monumienit s located o-n Flace' ield, Montreal, just n tha aastern slo-po of Mounýt RoyaL OPIION ON ORL PR LE S * the nations practicing it mnust go'-t 0 R D R r, LE M3the te, e.ree I'Y CAS. M. -IC.BALBDENVER, CL"Il*T, ndsrn car Of SocialUst _____________iteatur lis i it ççnpiete emarnhi p 0in frGoîn thuj thraldd.oi f reaility Peac TeUy ad ~ag '3f Ntos atsnopponenis of the cv1at ' xieiec.No crngning defeýr-i ~and notl-ing lhas bern sgge tut e eto theta -his f 'human lhistOry ý Arthe peace treaty wîthGrmn take its place. We are not yet ra cii theý ardor Or cramrps the invn1t-jVe anld"',e Lenigue of Natiens covenant' to turn ocver continentl E urop1e to fancy ai a SocýiaiSt when he sitsi mdioulthe ten1derL? mencies Of thie Hnaddown fito draw u tp ,a rgrarn for tile We k.oW'wlat wasin te md c i ori1ce oig'um~udPs~eereconstruction of sciýety. He plants byhsý 12t Wtheùneaee-cosc Who stoinis, -bis foot on the neck of'authority and by , l a trý eae-ýýïg1Cýs 11 isit-blithely rpditsestablished trut.hs Jngý,that the iLeague covepat ha A'entre Party. wre u liohýtVe. ith ad<ptedl first and miade the basic - and strife in the organizýation of ;n- ~grond for the peace tr-edtes ýwprý In e0ont11ine1-l Europeý a Centristi stitutions. The immense and enviable which were to foUlow. l'le and they par111ty iS nceptd s 1a, part Of 0the, feared that if left by ise to bc deait'jlgiltiemaebinlery. 1It ,Is the adv1ant age cf this is obvious and 1 'if- evident. It exempts Socialist uttýer- singy, he ov~Iahtas taw re~ato ~ ar1smen orchaber s anid assertion froinia host of wol ee ïwýÊrinteUS:hý h para, oul neer assInuterha he . s TaGéran~ th Cetrst arY t1reSome axioms, and di.spenses %vith Snt.But there szhojlùld ccône f-rni, a religioms-Consrvatîve, party 0:1 reýsearch--t!huts out the conýu.sing7 an indepenf1dent, authoritative qulartLer power, having 'util very rpcenitly astat eVblshn eýsrwt a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1'tmlt'hter ilfires age 'hbr'o uebrsya aiy'lght heart and unhinder'ed wrgto-' t'he Wilson contention of indissoffuil-ý other single party, 'houh imevr a \ard his idleal. hynvrpcue iis right niba nconstitu - n:ljity ~ftewhole. Snetble[ culTe ee itr conditions. A 'balance sheet tional and international practices. ehne r n Ewxeor to Eber ýtita . TVhs peo1plê require such a :pro-! Par"tY bas more à'utlority n1g1 ereln at oshs ude r 1ig n noMllncemient in order that they -may, mYent fthan it '7ad er the formie-r______ cliovowthe-Conroersies in ýand ont regim~Te. laï'1îiice the Centre partY utt.Hnar îttjOt of Congress antwithout bias, minta1ý inste '!rig'ts" <111dth, "'eft" in euiiibrim, rev~tin eiter n Ter, is,>much that ils pathe>ic in the C-rtain poitical histoîogists Main- extremist or reýactionary course. history cf Austetia, and its dnce pow- tain thiat, if the tissue connetirigthe *e 1 eee rful Ha1pthurgs. Leagule charter with t-he Geman Itis prop0oseti by a fiJrSt ieutýena1nt1 The dual monarchy, as it-is known, ternis is severeti, both perish, O0thers of Mr. Lloyti George Lhat a Centre is a thing'cf shreds anti patches, for ,snsist that the connecting link is arti- party b ie formed in Great Britain) lit is'neither tuail nor monarchical, aay ficial as well as superflzîal, andi its Mr. Winittcn ChurchliilP rstca,îogr se-verance net at ail vital to aither, radical, put out feeleï-s the other, night! Austria, by the peace ternis li- that the inclusion of the one with at a Ù'inner atWitdd')Y 1numb-er's cf posed rupon lier, is not se potent as, the other was a. political trick to, se- the Coalitin ansrt(!a thers,. li' on' cf sevýeral of the newly orcateti cure the aoto f theiegu ro hefi i etrmntcoeigïfro0in states Fsurro-ntiing what ls left of visions fromn the Senate, antisho Ldhe labors cf paris at planingfrteoc great empire. And these 'be ignlored by, the Senate, aild t4at i the fuiture safeyciof his minlistry. states iire Iargely matie up of the- the latter judFo ch onli o-n .li's mrties. The prpaet Bitish party, we t 1ke parcelings cf thiat-Effpîre. Frmn If di eatynýi, s igned by ernyý it, would stand ii, thIe middle 'cf thet years the people cf Austria "will lie unir cplbo e ha pprioveti roai, bt'e thce exLtrem ists frcmu cahled to pýay tribute to the niations stngalonie, and if confirmation c, f one or othier of thée Labor parties and thait suffet-ed from the great 'war. The that tre-aty b)y the upper bodyy meanîs te ltf -oner 1iv , fui iccouiliing will ot be kno-wn in peaceamn the nations, undeubtfedly Iý t has corne te pass in that éü Ausgtria's case for some months, net a mjrt in the Senate -nil, adopt thiat it Must be ai new party, drawn un t il a- reparation commission bas de- fthe courrse for lealvîng the eagu frofi te leide r paruties, or a Labor term;ieti thieeamount that b)roken covertant fo-r furtler tieba."te and(1 party in control cf P1)arianient and the nation can pay wititin a iaôal amendainent, pcssibly for redrafting Government. Aready h ie eid It is se with Grsa ad of the hleisruet parties are ont cf the running in it wil ha so with al cf Gerxna;Llny's- On the ojther u, if, as is _C4nieti'all but namie -aad( a framt-rework cf allies; wýhich brings Vo mmtinte powlý- b'Y thleadinistr-ationplaes the organization. The Liberal party was ers -vh'icbli have beau ves tét u inte t1reaty covtentis and it0 Leagua coveýn- spit witit the o)vCrthro of the As-' cmmssons eix 'the totals to 1be ani-t are as theSse twins-joýined[qui.tit Cabinet a n dt ilhenamniag cf assignat for paymieat by tha dafeated for life and deatit-the Senate wiljl -oyd, George as Prei er. -The Union- powers. dofzbtlass hesitata te defeat or uinduly l ist pairty, ittelf a coilition-cf Whigs CC de'1ay -world peýace ai rco.en then and Conservatlives, is baegiýpning ýte ý No tears neeti be shed for 'Austria wl;hole international cnovrsy, -with ýisintegrate on labor policias anti the'as a unit. In the first place, the miii -1 the possibi')4Y of lettLingGeiay go Irish question. tary p)arty la Austoia-Hulingary iun unwobipped of jstce"*1914,' deliberately proveked iwar %with1 e ** *Tha naw party wonuid permit the 'Serbia. The latter nation was charged Senator Hale 'f Maine, a- careful, dissolution of 'the two parties of old with a crime site was innocent of . The wùll-tc(rsed ctzn recently subitted ý( iwitbouý,t toc great a, strain being p ut plot PgIs erdinand was not su an ameadmnent te the Knox resoluto. uruon the leaders anrd tha ýom1pon-tn uch Serlbian as it wits 'uVra It anti mataeanadtress in support there- parts wýouCLt take thi ntra ourse' was ç,te tble interaest of Ceýýany tliot of that betokenet inl every lina the Ite the ri-ht, or rea"ý.tionary party; -te the _A.rcixt(uke shouiti net ascentith perfect feasilbiliV.y cf separatinig ,tlie thiaft, or' radijcal gronlp, or' te the throne. In tite second prlace, thie war covenant from the treaty proparý Centre party.wsprvktanielaadhyina ,wfthout hanm to tha latter. ThielAt i, the atscerdancy voft ite purely in t ha" kuowleçlge that if itwreo' ameqndie-nt declareiit'te ha e poic Lhe.sga iti n apclitics la' AustriR -nary woulih bobt cf tha ,U.ýS. to ancou age the ceto Great Britaýin th lecauingmieir- hyGarmny, accortiingtoheir y cf a't1eagua of 'Nations te guerantcea *ings and forelbodings' and new aîg-.ainounce(l "Mittle-Europat" pregrani the w~orit's peace anti arrange for, ments. 4rganizati labor is in, the cf thal greata"r Em,]pire. Wlhen she had anl international court cf justice, aIong ' aaddle. in theý months since the beatea tha rest of Europe, Germàiany the bines laid tiowa of late byDvdAm stice ws fign'iati IV as been dlriv-' was to annex lier aily inthe war as J.; liii, autitority on'internat ioni lawïo. ng thie Lloydi George ni*inistry faster an aconomi ncasity anti as part of ]Wi bis atidrats Senator Hale haIedt tat titan the latter caredtot go. Duriag the greatar prograim cf domiînating te' ounjry shoulti ge aiteati with thé - _be war thea tradle union1s learned lhair' net only Europie'but the INear East. beague lidea anti net give Up the witoio strengtit, ani whiie they, useti it l'hé bouse cf Hapsburg was dooniet plan 1bacante the presant one f ails ta cautio-usly' anti upon te whola patri- witit the first. shot flied. "Débanda' guard Amenican rigitts. 1cticahlly, titey l1aid fotadations flor a est Austria!" daclaret. a distingu4shet "Let us bave' a Loéagùa of Nations new ordar floin the war. aio-European statesman wben .ha beard of In spita cf îWilsont, if ha rafusedtote éization-,govaramwent o'wne rsîip-is thte assassination cf te Austriani giva usan Amrican leagua,"-declarat thé order cf thte heur. Investient,l Arcittuka, for hae knaw witat was ba- te Maine statesman. ý The ccuatry capital, caunot -ýompiain very well< tint ilt-te spark that wats te set a wîl.lresponti to his appeal witanevar ha for it is a case of two evils anti cf continent infiama. "0f Austria titera anti those acting with him mnake . lear citoesing te lesàer. must ho an endi, for it failati to reteemi titat thé Leagua provisions ara net Mucit of wbat is baing tiona acon- its pletiges te Citristantica. It was a uecessary part cf thea wiole treaty. oaiically anti politically over titera is ý,given te task oL-reconciliig German, #rha vote on confirmation or no con- under strass. Grant Bntain is ha- Slav, aud Magyar in dafense of civil- firmation la the Senate itangs upon giuning to appreg-iate what were te, ization titreatenet by ÏVite unspeakabla titis oaa issue, costs te tekInngtiom andthie empire Turk, anti instead ti , oinet hauts witit But 1iV stems Vo us tat if ite cf tewar. hbu te, testroy Cbri5keadom,"' Leagua cf Nations covenant slitout ha Thea Unitad iStat e, noV baing requir- *C divorcatd froni te-mainpeaca trenty éd Vo go Vo axt renes te savé a situa- The aai cf tite peace taxais as mata thara woulti ha leftuno enforcing pow- tien, is refurning te its intiivitiualsmn public is te preveat se fan as possible er,- andt iis woulti mean titat Germnany anti its procadure. IV is likely Vo te absorption of 'iviat remains--cf, coulti wit iapunity refusa to carry prova tita saviag grace of te citer Austria by ýGermany. Witether titis -eut te -cm-f'te aectr-eaty.-- ntis I Saa&iimf ails,-i-l-ca ha- preventeti hy-any ,tiocume'nt- No alternative Ms cifereti by thej competiticn with intivitual freaeaim, remains te ha séeau. At ail avants, Austria is tiet'-.own aconcmically, anti ___________________________________________________ from Vtha mil;*.tary standpoiat, site 1s poweriess. Site will hava neititer army nor navy te speak "cf for mai- -yaýars. Her ma.rchiant sbîps must go te -. ~ ' te nations tha- suifaretifroinite submariaa war. Site is oipie f aiost of liar tarritory ar nti opla-tion, titat is, te Anstrna that held la bonds Standard Banh Building, T.rnperance Si.. for -August 'THIS îs truly an ail-Canadian list '- featuring Ruthven McDonald of Toronto; Geoffrey O'}Iara of Chathaým; Gitz Rice and EAksýi-n Trio of Montrea. 9TJSealR ecords ai GredZt-R educedCatalog Prices RUTHVEN McDONALD GEOFFRE Y O'HARA 90 cents for lO-nfçh, double-9ided FatherCA Blocit, Rnhve' Mecnld'262 Building for Eternty-and-In the Sitadow of Hi@s Wlngs Ruthivetn McDonald 216063 Donghboy-Jack and Donghnut Jill (Gitz Rice) -and-Burmah Moon (Gltz Rica) GeffeyO'H-ara 216059 -a 1O! Helea-Ona-Step Willa Ecksteln '. Srand Trio 216060 Burmah Moon-Fox Tfot (Gltz Rîceý)-,7nd 7-Im FrvrBoignka-a Vicaroa froini$Z7.50 tc- $59-7- (SOM for fre copy ofeour 624 -page Mu-, I Nager's Voil-eý" dealers " M.Inufac .Il,',mby Berliner CGram.-phonïýe Co3, YLirlI d 0l9196.ePl f Il I ~ Il I. h ~ V. I Leave T (ot)-(Unio n J N I)9,Ê5p.. G I Me., ~d. Fr,-~ax~ianNational JAl thêc Way 'f Tu& hum.,. Sa-Via Norh A&Y, T. & iN. O.. j Ccr>àne, thence C.N.R. Through Standarà and n1t~e~~iMnwed., Fr1., to Vancouver, W&g end Dn~ as Tues., lluez., S tg toWinnipeg. Ticketo &rie, finOl e -711-717 N. Rallways Agent. Cite TIcket Offles. ' ý2 gê e ýHat and union Station, Toronto; 7 dIames $trevt North, Kmiç.A 1. ARAÀ,OPATrno l3est gradesýj of Coal onijl keptl aiso Wfood Yf hytcn /~v it~e~d~OurWir yet, ycu had bettei uo so as, it is liable to advane ~nLe 0yS 1

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