Unsig~4Iy !d es a~t~ sure si s t1~t the skin blood need the ~ L~rge~tS I @f~ r~ & n ~ 25~ ýr. Sd~UI~II5~I455L5I5I1flU~ ~ ~fl ~ I~It1IIItB[l~fliII~t'IlI~5 P ir -l.PI-ay. ena waanti then the otherantipuf- Ther aretwolittle wor jjtht aefti out her ee!s and flattcneti them dean ras bis hossIaga. '.Yet she titi not make a acingle, To te eeryiayboywho wemee son4iail thiat shie matie -,vas dreatiful at our sohol, faces.Several ladies in the adec Homa wikrondthestret wit baga afteýa ile te ooindnat a ;j)clip onlis soulte1Tabi'tha was about to give up trying hl's'jÏ you join batte, fnir- playr j3 to whistl, anti Captain Bonney's lc-1 hLrule. tura aigtaa as the great-wal) of China uhen a strange thîng hap- Ail he asks of a. comrade, a -foe or a pnt.Ala ne ihu n naiglilor, waning, from lthe front iseat of the[ This-everydav f ellow w}rnm vond ,,nol enm,., a bar of "Gond 1 know, Sàive-the Queeu," -whistleti clear anti Stands tody ithout a sepCri(er ;n the Is that friantiship be loyal anti battle 1keen. The auincraspeti. The f our Dominion. 0cOur records for placinIg be open, Bnnniiey boys gv u jump, then sat, graduatas -promnptly in posIiions have Anti fair play be, practiceti wiith fnrientias iiia fte aisalwt neyer becnsrase u aaa The I demnand is farc beyon3d oui supp Ou 0r antid t oe arts. From the seat behinti therp thoroughta igi elkon Ol oatsat gatscrouîcl cethe souýntiof seteral eider Bon- Wt uodaý li y oadan brgrtwul neys cleaning their throats hurrietily. Wrie fr or lr~e Ctalgue sezean tivntaeCapt. Ba's speech stoppeti short. ~~. ~, ~~ ~ That vas net allowed in the iso aih oeeihmfc i' e the amehautls; sha titi net know what to do _______________________Our boy is as brave as a-knigit in > ____ _____ a tourney, or where te look. The talk began. He shabutfai ply a-t e rntirs gan, but shie daret not raise ber AhePrison fs gr. p the sanie. het rom the corners of lier down- Thacit 'sbad atens is ras -MrgaetE. Sangster. cua-,t eyes sha coulti see Clemn and Acress i un countrysida, _i____ enry wilithotheir hantikerchiief s stuf- Till aven bProoksý and i rvers wide 1feti into their meuths. Atiam stared Are held inluion clusp. The Girl Whïi Whistled. strai'ght abheat wi tbeut mioving a SMyyyersag itiegilsweefîinger, butsha ceut feel Tuck's sheul- My ~ ~ ~ ~ c- litebokwtictxàl, ~ pct- to be veýry quiet and'thnuiureý, der twitching. Thut,saklgansecery anti generally thcy vwere. Buit Tabitha hn h lcuews vr p Uponitujouuey-te-Oha ca, Honeyhati four brothers ai-i ne1 brauch of the Tlonney family hurriati la now fla rsnwal.asters, anti uot1-ing cul keep ber away without a worti. Mr. anti Mrs. Its course ii, beulu uhingda rk; quiet. She romipet withtàClemjent anti Bouney looketi sorry anti ashamietias 1. peerýiing dowu th-rough bars above, Henry anti Adam anti Tuckemman like they bunileti their ýchiltiren luto the A-ttînpt te cee tihe brook I love, any boy anti rau races anti climbecl- carcilage. They rode home in silence. 1 heur ilt inging-hurkr trees. She was perlectly happy eaF-i Aftaq Mr. Bonney bati tieti the cept for eue thiin-.ehie coult i nt herses he walketi round te the sitie Tbat b'ssýd AngofJoy-anti wings:-wiistit!. Aunýini and Cuiemn said it was of the carrnage. "~Weil, beys!"li "Tbay cno hti ny seul'in me!" because girls were no'tL ulendeti to' saiti stemniy. "Now 1 want, teiknowU Thse iiay if ag wiien was free, whistle; Heniry thoughlt there must bea which oira of you tilagraceti the family Andibavlstili If ins.something wroug w hber mouth. .L-day." Tuck was moi(re ýcofortinlg.îHe saiti T ha bobys gazeti at, oeeanother ini TheFecholeranisaor kil- fliat Tabitha hatid mi neyer founti -astoîniabreenit. If hiadi net entereti à, l the warebr13600 h ight way te xhistle.11 their headis that :fathrer ant i mothar "Sema day it'l'l corne like a flash,",msndrtot.No eue spoke. safd Tuck. "Jus t you keep en trying-, "u îh t". Bua at Tab." But, for ahl that, lie.,aughlet sharply. "Such conduct cannot go ut lier v;hern she trieti te whistle anti unpuuiisbeti Cfailecl. Adiam looketi ut Tuck anti IHenry I Wlien thea news came eue summer looketi at Clem; thay ail avetiieti look- ýthat Capt. Benjamin Bonuey, who hati ing at their sister. travaleti round the woriti, ' would give a Mr. Bonney's face wa5 surprisedl Prom uffeing y Geti~glecture iu fhe towss hall the beys ant islpleasati; Mrs. Bonney's was HerL~da E Pikha'~ whistled for joy. Their joy was net cati. frtelecturýe,__but .forthe- magic __Than- Taiitha--spkaupý -s a ba V~gtab~ C mpond. lunteru pictures tînt xvera te go wltli beau tee gstonished-at first te gdt lber --Iif. Tahitia was as happy as the reat, brajtb. "I was the oea tt wistleti," Pitch'7g--Pa - ry noy metis but, aithouigli Tuck stooi on bis bond she sait. 1 Wab, ba et n ~r wn te antimaiemcdo clike na blackbird, aIe -"Ob, Talibyl Yen canunot whistla, ~ekeswhidh cu'i only jump up ani tiown anti tour," ýsait Mrs. Bonay reproachfully. iIh1~UtI1t!t~t ce bahaca cnp ieýr hauts. It mt te bar that Slia turneti te bar hughant. "Do't ttlei. ut cllet nevaçbefore lbat!she se olougati te ha2 teeiation ber," ssaiti."Shel your evz~ apar as a gra<tapit optt But father looket stornor flan everý1 and her ltertha th later sldeshad"Tabithu!" ha ,sait, frowni,*ng. my otcere nd o oubeug be Tabithu stoot nup. "I titi wbîstle," e dîbotasht any Bitrs ihtenectuwrefalet sha sait. "I ýcan whistle, I tell yeu, bOyt e fal. The yeuug Bnei eI ild can whistla!" -t Pinkliaus n:thtiîsmay. No plqtures! Just a' Without a,-word Mr, Bonuey liftati Ifo gmtaie ern- taîk lu the tewn hall lu brout lier up anti avugier te the hersa fain ~dnayiisht. Wlieu the day cama theY hlock, "Then whistle!" hae sait. 1otesIfelt fine sit, "We'dti rther ne go, pieuse." How Tabitha tilt try! She liffeti anti my tiubles uus by thut weak- "But, you must go," their mther har chu ant iber chesf; sde fwistet1 nassare a thi goftIý-past. Alwc'neni answeret. Tien sie atitet kiutly, Who SuEf r as Iitsout ry Lytia E.i "If you'1l ha goot chiltren, you shal _ Pinkharn's Vegetable-_ Com,-Lpon.- have flupjucks for suppar, itih plentyVV Mrs. JAs, Rr rn,60Knapp St, eutter. N. S, PiftsburghPu. 1iI ee Y u F d Wonien who suffer frein any ferra of The fliought of flapjacks was a belp; weakus, as ieticateduby ispl ace me'-is, se was the houer of sitting lfie thePro inflammation, ulceratien, irregularities, rupper rigbt!hanti corner of the hall tr ,nI backach rAeaiaho ,rsousuieýsa or inlufui via-w of aer/i-one, All of tha_______ berg's s-uggcstioa d gr Lta . cnrTubIf ha sat on tihe front 0f What People Have Been Pihoum'sh e 'abiCopelt aberich witb two of lier brothers oei Teiling _You AboutDr Fer ever fort-y year i t lins beau oeach site. Sha fait very prend. If correctingÏ sud lIens If yen have xvas something te be a Bonney, after Cbase's Nerve Food. usystari-ui erlctos write for al-aven, a Bonney Who coulti net______ atv -ce te Lytila E. inamMedicine whiit , - q C., Lyna, Muss. For the flrst hall heur ebe sut very There eau ha ne question that stragitant quet btweu Tck ntievarybodcy tailsu nnead ef sore ne- straght nd uietbetwen uck nd torative treatinent at this season of Oh!StchAte'Im. If was pleasant te watdli Capýt. thse year. Bau's, hert jerk ais h tietni e Particularly If your blooti bas a ~/, 'Y'/i~' P n tceefieshtow f bi log ca tile tendency 'te ha thin anti watery, the ~ ~24&'a>)~d ýiz zy-shake on tha opn st al aih chauiging season is moat rryîng on difetot hats u br îp ati j~tyen ai,ou suf er frein tirad feel- dragged-fl lier hnsi e'aadli;-Ings, iuck cf energy, failure ofthtie oued. digestive systern and genoral, de- d l? But if was a very wurrn day, anti pression of tise feeliugs. ___________Wit dil ftr a wlîile heth heuart anti shatew If yen coulti enly realize wnat a complota change yent would ex- haahabeante look queerly blurret. Tubitha pe rience witis the use of a few boxes wswouteriug wliy the speaker'% cf Dr, Chus's Nerve Food yen backoache - rack- voîce sountiet sý fur away avbien sud vut o aln umkn ra Sirg with pain har 9 teuly anoflier voico wiispereti slnrpiy ef this treatmnent. ~ . ~ ortisra por l he rilitaur Ifavu Atum' laThe bast proof wae au offar you re-- por n ler igh ea. I wa Adm'slinlu scb lattera as the feleowlug. nar -,he' on oica", anti if suitd, "Keep your hair Thora is ne reuscu lunfisis wonld why worun,-~ ouf cf My eyos!"' Yu wouîd net-obtaiu :jnst us muccl r ý cf many. On those Tîvi a srîit.Seht beneflt frora the use of 94. Chus's days each monfh, nottet rigit over on Adiam -witheut Joerit yenr syhsth rtein la lu a sia I hn nohe e veu knowiug thut ,'she Wuas sleepy.1 condi£ion. ~uU PSsICS Iewoldgo~ dCupf. Ban was tulking about the tas-1 Mra. M. A. Conîiug, 61 3îanley she ouldgo û be yart of Sahara uow, anti sha triie t te streat, Kingaton, Ont., writes: "For sh,ý 7ýt11 c a th des orýuttbe tjk iiÈd- hr fela numnber cf years 1 snfored frein she~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ts, f1 ea h ako itn u atl ai " "larun-dowu -condition 0f the s;-i coheor struggle through the blot anti tusfy, Presently sh fai tom, due te overwork. I ceelti net da a as sama wt br oethiiug wriggIiiug unter lier ieft slaeu and wus rastiesa anti werriad, aur liko a restloss caterpillar. I had pains through my baok, huzz.- housework or her fauaily caes "Take your bea1outf my shoultier!" lue' lu tise ou-rs anti twitcIiing cf my Usually cIa who fae sthosa drag- sit Tuck ilu a whisper. tien ùý,ati niyappet.Ie becî ndeso. ging-down or dizzy symptomas, and Ta i taatrteti up, blinking. "Oh, I, 1 d etdrewvsy aftjting and othar pains caua'>y womanl1 dtor!" cha fhouoglit, "I muetsteëp feuuty affrt Ërein , grea,& disease, cnbecur-dby Dr. uwaka semae way," co~ke.M l uainwns poor, ca urdmy baud-ianti foot lwascoltiandi Before sha grew dTowsy aglan au mny heutatoek Icnurt Pîerce's Favorite Prescription. It itou came te 1ier. "I'l uractice wiistî- tiectorS, but tihgy eu do nothine' cures the cause of these pains., iug fo usysaîf," alie sit"untier my for- me. Whilsf lu ii condfition 1 Faded, Jadad, tired, overworked, breafli," c1Narr cma i. FtPrrkne'aîg weak nerousdalicate women are Aflter a whiie dift'erent peaople in the 1,,ii of this - ileIar ýlv, hielped to strangfh and health by bloti f the hall began tec cast curions 0f ail the SYmnptema f1 rem wbich I Fail Te rm Opens Sept. 2 ~ ~ r humre-sa. When hae tr-aigif oued up, hic look waa net nanyse stern. "Weil, if yen diti't meîn te, Tub," ha sait, "ýwe'hl say ne usioe. Nbw, rua off anti fut eggs for fie- flapjanoka." "Wait a minuttý!" cniet Tubithâ. Hem face waa twist et and she spoke queer- ly fromeue corner of lier menth. "I do houieer-I do believe I'm goiug, te whistia again," 91lie catit. Anti sure, enougli, cloarer anti sweef or flan, nny blackbirti, sie whisfled again fia sfately oit Na-ý tional Anthons. it la nanallv safic te say that -ahen a cd t lapale, sickly, pecevisis anti restless, the cause la werms. Tisese parasites range the stomLacl anti initestines, causingý serions disondena cf the digestion aud pneveuting- the infant -roua daiving sua tenance froîn feod. Miilan'a Wei in Pewders, by.. destroying the worms, corrects thase fauWitf ettcdigestion anti serveste restore île en.-gatia te healthv action, Bocet, andthle world bo>osta wifî yen; Knock, anti ycu're on the shlf; For the worlt gets sick of, fhe one who kicks -Anti wishes lhe'd knack himseif. Boost wheu the sun la ahiaiag, Bocat wheu if starta te nain; If, yen happen to faîfl, diont lie there anti bnwl, But gef np antidica gatn. Bocat for yorscol' tancemant, 1Boost for the fhluga sublima; For the wonker thaf's founutou fie topmosl round b Ta the booster-every finie. THE PILL THAr LEAUS THEm ALL.- Pilla are tise meat portable anti compact cf ail medicines, anti wËlen eaqy to-take are-fie most acceptable et preparations., Brît tbeyf must attesitishe p:wer te ha popular. As Pnrmeiee's Vegelable Pilla are the moat popuilar cfil pilla theymuaI fully meet ail rcsiesef.AccurntelY compoundet anti comvpeDset eofingretiants proven te ha affectiýve inregulatine tise digestive orgues,thr is ne curer met- icina te he had aylee SWALLOWS EAT MOSQUITOIES Birds Do, Xuchi te Keep Down lns ect 1 Lite Increns'e. If you waunt te free the neigbbor-. heet et mosquifeos ,3encourage swval- lows te make fbemiselves Utlionie, says the Amnenicanj Foresfry Assoc1-i tien, which la cont(ucting the snational bird-bouse bidigcontact amone' soehool chlîren. Tiese birds feed aI-1 mes-tanfiraly upon obuoxieus insects andte fbywill& do much towarti proft- iug orchards anti ofier Irees frï inseet pestaý. No baffer investrnenl] can be mataI, therefora, flansoe. bonzes §et ouf for martins cr et 1eri swallows. 0 f the, bina swallows the pumple- Martin i-a the largeaI, fhe maie heing anfiraly bua aboyae anti below, while the femuale -la bina above with a ýgray, breaft. Savallows are higiiy migra- tory, meaf ef theraispentiug fthe winter linSoufh America. The Princess Pats. Youve rond oet tie charge cf thse 4'TÀit Brigade," 110w hey tacot bofi schef anti aboli, 0f tise gallant, taspeauf charge tisey mate Into tisa rery juv'c cf hall- 110w enly hait of tbemn cama buck *I'o recoîra fise glouy tisay't won - -Now, li'ft tiste tale efthtie Princessa pats. Who won sictory from tise Hua. Tliey calet away te a torailandu A full fismea tiPsnst aseue, Tbey waut, a gallant tigisI lue'baud, Te Éorie'hf-a wrl-wea-roue', -- Te figlif tfor Kine' audFrincoaut, -Fer bouse anti freslto, They îîeet dne goad, but ut trop et but, R-uchet cu-a roalefleslita. Dawn loto tisevahay f Doafish - Dewa m tisa- juwsof ethll, Anti eut frein thsofume eoftisa baffle brouts, But few relurnedtot tell Hosv breat te brouest witb tientistisay Te uphoît a fuir Priucesas fame, It Wsn't Fair. FaIsan "I'm ashiset e eey-u crylue' bec'auLsýýa aoa ln'ye.A like a mal." Belbiia"Yaa, and l tison uyan- yeu't gira-ma a i-liokin', like yen suir' y-yen woult i-f yen aven b-heurt la'me u-ain' tisat hk-kiati et l-langulaga," Wormis sap tis tincutis anti nudarra ne the ,vitalitv ef chiîdran. Sire-gthen them hy usine' Motion Graývas' Worm Ébc- torminster te drive rut thc para'site'. VIA LAKE ONTARIO SHORE UNE "The Rideau" to Ottawa to To ronto EFFECTIVE JUNE 2N~, 1919 TraIn No. 3 Lv, TOOT , 1.30 Cp.ni Lv O.................40 p.m. Ar, OiTTAWýNA..........-ý.10.00 ý)p.m. Trai n Na 7 Lv, OTTAW'A ... ....1.00 p.m. Ar. DON.. .......... ....9e17 p.m. Makng i ntoermediate 8tops DIRCT ONEOTONTO AMD FROM KINOSTONýý W. 8, 4OWnR, iterict Paýsengsr Agent, Tor«iàto ber rnouth and puf7ed hier cheeks; she tu-lrned up her nus ntioendantid shut her eyes; ',î ae i th faces she hati made in the haill, and iseveral more; but the nyrsi a a louti hiSs. At tbe sounti of thetL hi3s Tuck'sý long-pent iaughtercameout like ai cork from the spout of o a kettle. "Ganny Bells gaier!" he crieti. And' Adam and Henry antiClern, unabe to help themnselves, iÀned . Their laugliter rocked the carniage. At that Ta1bitha . lest hr temper. She stood on the ho e bock andi stampeti. "Dicin't I w.histle in the, hall ?" she crei oitn ne fingert in her brothers' f 1s "itint 1, now -just as -Wei*l );,as oy? Adiam antid esînimfl ement ani Tutck forget thenînl-,,-ves,. "Not seweIll asa boy!" t1icy crieti in chorus. Then they turnedito the i; aher, alarmeti. "She ditin't mein te whlistfle in the hall!" they atidd buril ier It is greter in mranyv ways than apy of theic 300,000 of this ver,,y samê modL. You give it a second look 'from the curb, forT it is reflned. srengine,.for it is eupe with Hlot Spot and Ram 's-horn. Y-ou fec,_1 a delithitfu1 omfort ithe , ,sCeaýt, for it has bettLý.er srns .aIbettof upIolIstery. You go less ofton to, thc battery servi-c&, station, fir the improved electrical unit saves battery. wear. You reg-ýiste r s ati sfa.ctýý' io whtn you exam In e 1he iprovedl top, for the fabrie is mcoreý- durable. And the one thatcrnslatbu hol ot be least in these dolrcutneays is the delight'in tho ý,value -yo receive. theFrice is 195To.,Wnsr Post war purc-ý--hases for)ý cash hiavesaved you many a pretygo olr 'LUI mllili 11177 i il -- ý'..Yuay -e a= L-a- îeers, 9 ororra Iviluw W£10,111 YLIU allu ý Urjnnev CO,ýnpý L IvIr r-ýnnn,.y noact over the! , 1 i -L La rkapurs. Thse tifferonce lu tise fellagae is se, great us te lent a person te baellera Ihat tis ar.annual anti peronnial lark- "~umsare 'a diffament* familly et plants: Theoftluage efthtie annual la fine anti graceful, somewhat racembline' uyrie- phyllnm, or parrot'a feautierý, tisepopu- han aquariumi plant Tise brout lenroti fellaga cf tisa parnlal ,lurkapurs la entiralir tifforeuf; this aIse le attrac- tive.# Tise annual larlispurs make hanth 0 comae bots witis thoîr- ligisI, gracefll toluage anti orie'it celoret flowers. placot ilu wator anti really seem more delicafa anti reflua-h than lise parea. niai sorte. Betis tiseannuaL anti parauniark apura are beuefttti dby libaîial firlliz- lue' anti taihy watoine' turing thise ot weather; Patience is fie iglif bewer 0of suc- 1 1 m j -tore-milzs porg Mord miles on P ÎÏ1 If