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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1919, p. 2

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T Il PCAA D 1 A N SI AT I FYlN' Rani I11(1 OtI' ILE.N LINSare pu ulisled evert l i hur11LY fnd Frld a) nu inir. respectively, al,1 i H l,,l li? CMeie. 'Plîes Block, 2C, and Kl t.Wob ios lnisberý and Ptupuict'rs a1,t 5;j.bO ler aiouni. 1ayable i d'ne S(dair5bthrelý (a e ï , To r o?.t,), ur eart , etlndlnig Phy 1'na l"m u4 r,aua O0frice and aitC.~êlllui 2 Paver 1;.agihg Pain.ting anti ('Suocessor ta Johrn M. we .Cal -t bis'residence cor. Oht;ýviQ ai3d IUrhaii-sts4., next doojýr csouiti of Mr. John Grig.'s. 13-tf $12-00 WIN IPE Plus 1/ cent uecr milebeo. August l9th froum ail stations be- tween Lyn anti Toronto, Weston, Pal- -gtave- and -NorfIî--llae , -ineiuti--Pene- tang, f Meaford andi Midland, Depot Harbor and internir',diate stations. August 2ist froni Toronto and al stations west and south t-brpreof lu Ontario. For fui ther partîculars a -ppIIv te any1 Grand Tvuik Ticket Agent or C. E.ý Iiorning, D-styict Pa: L gur Ageat Toronto, Or. J. IEL.1H JURY,TouAet Phomo 78,ot avîl We pal', t0ooc-1eS for' g io i creaml. We want yours. 1Jf we fail to cail on y'ou we would appreciate a. phone cal d' write us. Tie Jwmî( i on bos. arc b îsy duuîig al iud of tire ro paîîî1 ng. Brng iunou old tires and ha. e tita î-tr i f thi dey ,are worth-. it. 7ewiltl yusraighif i Briug ii th-spare tubes and baete euie.We repair pu etre atdblow*Uts Be sure an e ur prices on N *" Tirsf e yen ubay. We liariflie O ly tebetmakes. Cürrier King andi S 5v -(ts7, Bowinianville fhIle 193 ? and Su lverwr.el.eïý 'l iva palc1kaye of Vlît ie~ a~%.ieenor xd 70e -per lb and nce silverspn Canadian Wm. A Rgr Limited andgaate certificate with e S-y &OOn. 11 ElittEstate iamptfo n Indeid en -e- al heeare the oiit- creof tie sarne- inpuLsc and at tain, the Sarne objec- tive- ROSPERTY. Te ,Standard an cf Canada can lielp yoti to at àn.L 5 BOWMANVILLE BAC '-, ..HALL ,. - .'1 MANAGeER SUSBR5FANCH AT HAMPTON, OPEN TUESOAYtI ANDl RISY OFFIFttbHeURS: 10 A.Ml.TO :m 0P.M. Notice to CreditlOWr. IN TIÎE ESTATE of Mnry ',' cConnacbie late oe-lie-'utin of 2-', rrnil-nî County of DoJipi. idom, deceased. Al perset obh,,xir- c! i.uo uplan th esta Le of the said .y t'ioacr, h iidoor about 1the i2utdaif loy11, r cýtdb fyle wi Lh tle uude ; igncd, thfilebr<o h ef A li u til ) ifUotttco tly vet-ified of 1 h-ir am u]ofayecrtith.dh hem, ! i ; il i la fe b aet ho a rmi lrtr w iil1 pah ticantb1, terebo "sav 1,;ri,,d Ily gthu 'a1e t0 24th day CI fduly 19 Stunvle Oi Creito adth iaers. th V~ 'i v iE I1 1 ri !'lhn - 11 a, 3i7 ced. tbihe (lq, , 'i thp îlabo ohe the bbath ay olDthe ft ofr AD. 1917 anti9aithe at ng cltteaait, o cnLie toth are inth reatSeIrdofy cby ut rinted usenuo thpe iadmnitrabors sun or beohe c1m a o!Sep tier1im s. ac;' eountt oý, 2r nikca, amIthe atuf of~~~~ bt rubiS, fa tredWsty bit.0,oîd adujuitrtor abiltitn aa ntans ai Dab eat ToLïoibo , i 2lrd aonto Street, Tco4- t , 0Oubarlo, Soliciturs for bbc Fail Term Opens Sept. 2' Yonge ati haJesStreets, Toronto. Stands today s'ithout a superier in the Dominion. Our records.for p!-c.*g graduabes promptiy lu positions haLve never b-en surpasse i ni Canada. The ;psmtib~ beyond our suppiy., Our thrc,.-ibrining ls wel known. Write today for our large Catalogue. W. J. ELLIQTT, Principal. Shos epafred Whî,iIe You Wait 1 amn nowv in a position to give you quick service and best of workînanship IlTave a lânited stock of good substatitial work boots for men. Also ser- vîceable shoes for ladies and children at reason-' able prices, 21) unpg hb, British trade would go to the coun-! ~ tries with las eotictosa mr PIONNS Li PRfr ý "As and iih ori t 13Y CHA,ýS. SJ., BICE, B3A.,L_ . t hsita i 13mein l toMi!i onnitîns. pounis, sterling, or tWt ilo co-,rt laeupe eanothr cr, ne iars, andtiwe tietemit}ed ta takeaction. îteutweetatbsbeiiaoO Wh k tho WalStret Joural re t. * a hc f ltIf rL sexren hu cent'y 4 rcerzd stho nmeof a i g "Th- resolve Cet tratie uioit t ails iu, oeecounîtry lit will f eilesv in ai kdepaturoin i.lî,friaism afagaate with tecprtive othors. tht r0, akn (oe lu our im'-ricoie sdue alsp teu reiue ther hae ben sa 1t9ng hanges iu the war. We o feuntidtinie af fertime* Ireiand and 1flie Lgu fNfes 1galcre of late-is th-ic rsolut ien ef the that auy increasoef aer ve btaîn- B<rýtlt'h tratie unions te unite with, the!eti was immediuteily copro_'llet by in- A co-nsid( iable nuînber of ill-advised,;i B ritiah Co-opos'atpre Societies, thelat-1 creaseti côst ef livin ýg. Wp e @e ne-w ed in Caciapda anti the U. S. want!y ýte-r with a membership ef 4,000,000, that' wo rnýust have iiorgniztn te te cI'lati a republic, "one anti the fprmer -with 5,000,000. This amal-' control pri-ces,. i-prtxo çxfo ndýi islYc.t Opponents of th6eat another crsaia iot s the eutcem)-e fer o111,pnjrPoaasý, anJ1w ar r ow 7 CertaîIupy have appeaieri te this ciass et the %,war-th& fo rmation ef temaigelaborate arrasmgemn te vi- ees ces. 1Fetieratton eft Britîý ish Inustries, with contri eer colni'noditýy atitsF sourc'e. The2 e rticle X. et' the League a capital eof 000,0 00 The lIed- Tho baning sie h coý peate e Ntins tathas this provision: eration-wa- re, we, ar'e 1-uormedti, mo-t'ornenti, kiownl as the COoropertitve "Thelec îe ofe the longue untier- 7hy the ergnieu'it uite British in- WIýhol1esae Bak,qil, .ii utIrtaIse ail take te roespdcýt andi preserve as nkain- [dust1ry inito a cocipact bodiy te seeurebakg business for thie trade upiowsi st ox-tnal 'laggression tho territo rial fcreigu trade, te 'bult i home trade antid t 500 bra,-nchies ll hoavla fo fr, iitegity anti existing political inde- ccuenmize in evýery way possible. It fthe deposit and irewhr!,g ac.courntq of' peIideýnce eof411 members of the longue. isto mOneet the German Gevernieniîtthe local tIuiniepsa. Theank itsolt basl cs e e t afmiýy sncb ggrossien, or la dirocteti combinations of -industries pleaty o? capital te160do aIl tatWoex- caSe et a ýny ;threat or tdanger of sncb anti the Ainerican trusts, such as ýhel peet to 'do." The,.croienhavethe lan.aggre,-sion th'1e Councîl shiall atiise U. S. 'SelCorporation, for oxamplo.I Alroatiy the c-priieuinbas upon 'if'ùli, meas >by uhicl hibaoblige- * j ~~comnineuceti the îeutivtin ni potscifo ha o fulfilieti." It is estintoti that the ne-b. union te trwîgri! ndfeet of co-operative ncitewtb its tratio parts of the wo-ritd , if nno It i-1 claini dhy the extromists iu ~union accumulation wiîîÏ1 reprosent very seon, thbe seioy ill Le able o te eppsitien te the treaty thafthspo fros 20,000,000 te 25,000,0100 poopie, supply ' pmratialy ail et ifs raw vso wudpro-rouf Irelantigsnn something like 8,000,000O familles. m ateis. It cxî.rns aipafr h in bi fedonh forceanithead - The federation et British industriîes portation et mtr-ia;ls utitt tottientin.As a further c-evidenceý la the mresîlt of parliinentay anti pri- abroati. It lias,, lgar re 'llu h Ie Bttihcouap,îiracy it la claimeti that -rate investigations carried on fer w'olsl at1eai itbuineojter itih -Empre as a vhet ower iv se-riniyears, du-iýng the wa-r, anti'in foodstifs,cotsanises It is e' i e u o n te oe-l preparyat ion fer pencre. A -woriti sur- new pessibrle te 'itr.e lu a co-operative the beag,- anti, this prede.,nîrInatiyî.1 vey was conduei. !,rogarding, firat, ?housse, huilt h-1y acc,-operativé builti- inùfluen-ce oud housoti againat the, raw-mate-Iais aïï&to wbatfeteit-the--ing-departmeu,fuiihd te -t-ho 1r;1h use ]ritisb Empire could ho matie self-do- rminutest tietail-hy cuý-operatlix'e pro-i1 ;h- roiso f this Article o' of[ ptitanti bow long it weuîd take duets. Ce-al is poveifom 'a ce- 1any e ther 4tI-dlve hati no tbonghit of anf thmiougbuniteti atievtamake if se; eperative colliery. The e odti l gon is plingweu dratteti. Article 'ecoi, the uew tai'htcoulti ho on' a ceý-eperative tars-ý, carrieti e te jX. ati lu md the "extem'nal" aggres- hult ati hehea mane- e bulditg enunior in motoi's huilt at a ce-,j siens ,l-f et henations aiready envicted it. Thie question of taroreti tariff re-; operatitre tactory. î tef aggr3sio11 anti fercing a war et laton wth heCoones asgoe!Books are printeti ou a co-oerativo iagrsen The Longue et Nations lations with the Ceioules was nt ntede geneold oth uté inite. lowe-rer, the peëduléection of p-ros, at eee'tieaoer a a e1netei nicut e oue Britaiu for free trade woi'keti soke ciga" rs r arttsfren te-bac, ý- o-teprsetsuraignto- aga-ineti the lat nameti. But' egono eoertv lnainIai5tic miovements wit1in the boundar- the tiecision was practicaiîy antýinanutactureti lu a co-eperafi-re ies e ebes<statos et the laerý-l unaimus tlît hee mathotehacceo faetory. but tau prevent forcîbie aninexation.ý cembieution ani centializatiMr.nd relanti for the presentit la egaiUy <a mam'ed o-opraton moagthogret-, Muc aswe rgre if" sati i'.part of the Unitedi Kingtiom. if -1we' er~idsra ocrah ri- te -pll Brm *',the passing etofthe amal' t'he natienon eutorftheîele. lIt was t-ýratier cannot ho evatiet." hshon ne ettiemnt e the i agrî pointet i eutbtat comeitive -ýýýnations' What wl ho t1he ga-in to the trade ýqusinltseadterl agr bati uulimitd c, ita, gverume1-ertaI union >mo-ren.ient,? If lainsisisteti that of t i eoiga menace te inf(Irna- aid antidofofetail the leading lui-I the buge c-praiocombinaion ho-1toa ecute ri1~X.e h iugforetiamo~' ce portor"< ntiLongue the inatter can ho hrouglit dusties. Germny ad hlit er etere that bedy, fer it la previtiet as word-wtiet-rtiola h,~ saner ani trato uionatswil hoa cockon oloôws.- "Tt is aise declareti te ho the tbe U. S. 'hatifi n -a nti industrial, prîces ant i prfitcs, anti, if strikes tiuiyrgte ecebre h couibigtonset i-nt u'îea. Idu-shuiticone, mem -rs t te co-ea-1 eagýue te bring te the attentlion 'et viduliai mat o l Cent rftin tiv unon onii h iagel sef de- he asaýemhly or et the council any cn'- if it wejre te, conitinue the after-te pondent. A st-riRe wudnet affectict~enc btî-î,afcigitr war stru ýgie,. F iist etail the big thoîr îutiuatres, i afetgi t banka were matieatronge: tbi'ough 1Tbo Russian Zemrstvo Cet pure-wàar,] ntioal, r at -î bictbr"tesdt amalgamation. siays was ,a co-oeraitiesocety tiati itraina oc>r h ot uudestadingheteennani1usupo Labýoýsanw the trond et things ant filiedt ibing thý'ýe sileinsu. Soviet i! bpaetipna"te ril i qusinreadé Artice XXrie'S-! was e d. ,It argueti th af combinaý-Rssaspeedt atsttfleaemymyfomieex tienet apial ati udutgymean e e tatise ceusider "nenainlcoutil- danerte -rde ninisn.Betrethe 111 the Augruat Srho',J. Lau-r-Itiens whaseýcontinra-iiue ilu en-I war: the ~its pee;ple were a "e oce Lauglii-lubringa the-,labr siua danger the, penýe iet the worldU«." oporativo people,", Co-oerative se- tien frem th,'Éle cleis iote eeat.In the Leagioe, Britlish Dominions cioties bati becoeb éPart oetflue nation- Nationalizaion, natial co-ep)erativoý are gi-r n representation; but the aI lite. secaties, trtouno' ,c annot t ako Leaa~e is oniy a big corporation-ifs Ia çýzplaining the union ot ergan- mourey ont oet the air. Hligluer wages, tnisaeptfreib o-de izeti labo-r wifb the contrai ce-qper-ý shomter heurs, c1seuhsp rules sean are ectrs, a councalbla rdis cs ative hbod.y, red frarnley, Lecretary ' bas etfratie te - the natieop applying Article V. et the Longue provides that of fthe Parliamentarv Comiftee etfthemi f 0tboy feu te 'adtititepre-duction.ecptitbsetretroeu'ea tbe Tratio Union Cengreas, put if thir Shoulti a laîrger sbam'e et the manage- meetings et the assemhly and' council, way: "We hiave watcheti witb peculiar'nmont et iïntustry hoé transferreti trom appoiutment et conimittees, etc., any interost the formation et British in-i experts and placet inl the hîunts e icsinofle oni ma oh 0d'istries into a sociefy, wlilcb now re- "w-ýaqking tielegafes," anti the business uneunions vote. Anti oncb et the presents somïe 16,000 firma, witb a shoulti£fel on this account, labo-r pewers bas but a single vote lunflue capital et fouir thousanti million would pnot ho henoýfitteti, but burt. couneil.- Hý,,the Prince et Wales, in CiVilia n Attire. Barsli anti Silo Roclft,ti i Brantfeord Asphaît Reofing. Flying spairks-and embers fromn a burning -building often cause roof s near by to catch fire, especiai4y in a dry, liotleason. Under like conditions, roof s covered with are in neot(ïag' fros flylng embers, hecause aîîy that fail on Brantfo-rd -A SIhai ï ooflngdo ut harmiessiy. Builti a honfire ou a roof If afi- rf sinueifsiu t a builinUg Braaltýfot.d Aspl-ii t Roofnig acta as a retardanit aiu keeps tbe lire from spreading. Fh-re chiots anti insuranlce cempe-nies endorse ifs use in the meaf congest- B~atfrd tpai Ro-fngdoces2t absorh <watCer, il)bt aelics thil hearleat r i iîbase . 4c4dproof ati 1mJ pef {eib dtfibId~coaenicl T-ree we_îghts-60 l, K lb , 1hwyisuae e Brantford Rubber MRoofing Is tv a c quajty i sBnmoo sbj, ith~a~sueth, rubbory surffacti insteatiof the sarit. ILi ' i cua1ysi~ i t- verantiab decka quiflecoverig- . Tbree >vighits-4 lb., 50 lb., anti 60 lb. anme purpeses. Hasq a leathery surface. F7,cepoalgodroofing at a lo'w ïpric_. 3,5l5 , i nt 5 lb. eê a StancLard Mohawk Roofi1ng Ls miatieof -ýtîe une aerials as Brantford .Aspbalt Roofing, but ia l~her iî wr gh.A, tborourghiy reliable reofinrg et a low price. T~ta, Ot ean an has gîcmx tntre gifatoSande oon e CIim-ývam Sheathing Paper A îougli leratt paper ceated wibh bigh-giatie aphaît. For p3. iug buildings damp-pi-oef anti wind-p-rot. Also for roofona-tmprr bunit lieuses, lumber camps, etc. Samples of aay of lhe-se rooftngs andiprices uail 6e funtîirhedo!! request. Head Office and Factory, Brantfor'd, Canada Brcaches at Toronto, MnretHaitfax Fur sal by YiMicllaii & Co.,-LîimîtLcdi William the VWOOdsinan tutoba eeiaithtsth pangof trees eut doit- by the caui ofeu the idus 1et oheuzol- -asr e are cenvmnced ef one leru. The limnitations contois cd on the Longue were ;ncidentally reel ta recenfly by Pi esitient Wil-soîî in bis message te fthe Senate cin the Fi alu treaty. "The covenant ofthtIe League et Nations provitios fot milifMry action to-r theo protection etftf s members, only upon the atixice et the courncil of thse Longue," ho wrote, "ativice te ho, if ls pîtsumeti cnly ripea deliberatien efthfle membox- states, only if ifs oitn jutigment justifies snob actian," If couiti ne t h 0g wiselu thse casec efthfle Uniteti States, ne mtte: wbat the froaty prairideti. Cougiess rannot ho ignoret nor sho-h et ifs constifu- tional power-s by any document, But fthe op),position introduceti n lot et strewmoa anti scarecrows te trigbten the Anierican people. to-r au Irush republie, thse provisions- efthfle Longue rather fn-rer a boni ing ofITlnd's toil Ytnhan torbld if. liii.. Never.Faillng Remedy for Ineligetef lors, $tcuss h Di ortie a Appendicitis anti Kidney Stones are olten causeti by Gail Stenes, anti rnislead people nUl those bati att ~Its e-f Ga Stone Colle appear. Not e-ne la tan Oeil Stone Sufferers kue-ws what la the trouble. Matlatt's Speci~c neili cure without pain 'or oper- t 's - a~ou, For Sale at ail Druggl~ts. Ha- commen S by ury & Losteli Drugglsta, Bowmanviiio atid Oshawa 581 ONTARIO T, TOROIIT ONt S. 1 t I Rolling up cbiltiren's oci a st-rote - ba tbem at the tep anti maRes tbeuî faîl tiewn wbe~ worn, -fil é' as 1 - i m il- 1-1- have very litt- ýl 1- Il--- -F-- - 1- v m

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