Transparenit OVEN*WARE AD 5RKrc' ilas the naine on every piece Saves Fuel, Food and Labor Pyrex saves about j fuel usuaîîy requi-ed, because it a bsorbs nearly al tbe oven heat sud bakes fo}od quickly. Everir dealer is autborized t0 replace any Pyrex disb that breaks in ose of the oven. A wonderfiul invenion-calsud sec îhemü. Ali chapes aud sîzes. Mason & DaIe's Hardware Phone 145' Bow manville More Saving's At The ---Cash &-Carry-Meat Market- Here are a few special values I offer this week: Wm. Davies Pork & Beaus, 3 cans for 25c Sardinies, per tin.............................lO0C Special Delivery Service During summer months order your meat in the aufternooù and 1 will deliver it to yuutr home next morning before 8 o'clock. G. A. Edmondstbne (One door east of Levi-Morris & Son's) Phone 21 Bowmanville Every Man To lfis Own Trade We have proved be yond doubt that expert workmanship is something distinctive. We have also proved to nearly every car owner, both in and out of Bowmanville that our Toronto Mechanic dees NOT experiment on cars ab the owner's expense. The trouble is located immrediately as only experts know how. Our head Mechanic is paid to do this and his competency, is unquestionable. No matter what MAKE or AGE your car is, we can make it run as it did when it lefr, the factory. A thorough training and wide experience enables this to be done. DON'T FORGET-ANY MAKE 0F CAR. Our new Garage on King Street is now open with the equipment and staff Ito facilitate PROMPTNESS, CLEANLINESS and SKILL. A fulll une of accessor- ies and parts for every type of car. Free air, Gasoline, Ois and Greases. Battery repairs and charging. Ignition, Carboration,,Starting -and Lighting specialists. Vîsit us once and we are positive of your future patronage. Pickard's Garage King Street Bowmanvî1le B3rantford Roofing We have recently been appointed Special agents for the ahove Re- liable and Fully Tested Roofing, Fireproof and bWeatherproof, and shal be pleased to show the goods and furnish estimates. Portland Cernent Rogers Canadian Portland Cement is the best Cement in the market today, we have a fresh stock in good, sound bags, ready for delivery at short notice to any part of town or country. Scranton Coal Scranton C )al is the Standard Anthracite, and we are [prepared to take care of orc ers in all sizes. Now is the- time to put in your supply, as there is eve vy indication that the price will be higher-later on, and those who take their coal early will be protected witb regard to price. Building Materlal We have our usual stock in al unes, and solicit your inquiry, and guarantee good service. M4cClellan & Company Limited King Street East Bowmanville O-ffice Phone 15 - Residences.228 and 274 DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Graduate of Royal Dental College, Torlonto, Office, King-St. East, Bowmarivi'e Office Houre: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, except Sunday _- Phone 90a House Phone 9lb1 i - - Mr. MW. j. Clark, an old Hampton boy now an enterprising citizen of Maitoba's metropolis, has- been visiting his sister, Mrs. J. H. Truli, Church-st, and other. relatives in this vicinity. Mîr, Clark is still an active Sabhath School and ehurcb. worker, being Superintendent of Grace Church Sunday Scbool, Winnipeg. He lis brother of Mr. Sam. Clark, M. P. P., Cobourg. *wMýÉ BOWMAINVIJLhE, AU(j 14,19 [ 9 Local and Otherwise Miss Anne Lyle, Toronto, is holidaying at home. Miss jean Dumas is visiting friends in Hamilton. Mrs. H. W. Burk is visiting Mrs. J. H. Hall, Brantford. Miss Margaret Trebilcock spent Sun- day in Peterboro. 1 Mrs. Jean Bennett, Weston, is visiting Mrs. F. A. Haddy. Miss Mortimer, Toronto, is visiting Miss Editni E. Allun. Master jack Kent is visiting his cousin, Mrs. H. Earle, Toronto. Miss Virginia McCullougb, Toronto, is visiting Miss Lola $ouch. What about that memorial? Some citizens stili favor a park' 1Canadian money is worth only 95/2 cents in the United States. Mrs. L. Williamson, Pontypool, is vis- iting at Mr. Edgar Butson's. Miss Dorothy Baird, Brantford, has been visiting Miss Aileen Howard. Mrs. R. Crago, Toronto, is visiting old friends in town, guest of-Mrs. E. Bellman. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mutton and famuly of Hamilton have been visiting relatives here. Misses Emma Larke and Blanche Bal, Oshawa, spent-the week-end with friends hitre. Messrs. Robt. Elliot and Robt. Hendry Peterboro, have been guests of Mr. Alex Elliot. Mrs. Thos. Bowden and babe, Oshawa, are visiting bier sisters, Misses A. and E. Rowe. Mr. Russell Vanstonie, Brantford, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. IF. C. Van- Mrs. Lorne Truli1 and babe, Toronto, are visiting Mrs.-W.-H.-Williams,-Church Street. Mr. Geo J. Anderson, relieving teacher will -also teacb music in Cobourg public schools. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Coiwill, Toronto, are holidaying with his mother, Mrs. J. T. Colwill.f Mrs. Norman Soucb and son, Jack, Toronto, spent the week-end at Mr.Edgar Butson's. Miss Margaret Bal, Toronto, is visiting at bier grandfather's, Mr. W. F. Allen,t Beech Avenue.t Port Hope citizens dont like dust on theïr Sunday clothes hence will water the streets seven days a week. Mr. A. T. Gamsby, a former Oronor boy, bas purchased the drug business of Dr. Bei t, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. William Pudsey, Cavan, harvested 4!ý t acres alsikee1lover seed for whichh, re-a ceived $621 . Does farmîng. pay ? Miss Harriett and Mr. Fred Bartl6tt, Toronto, and Miss Amy Hellyar, Clinton, are visiting at Mr. John Hellyar's. S Returned men should see the specialJ values in suits and overcaatsbeing offered at Couch, Johnston & Crydermnan's' c Lt.-Col. E. D. O'Flynn is prominentlyN mentioned as the Liberal candfidate inV West Hastings for the Ontario Legislat- uire. Misses Gladys, Marjorie and Mariona Hicks and Miss Lucille Mutchier, Granda Rapids, Micb., are guests of Mrs. A. A.e Battle.S Mr. Fred M. Hughes, Manager Royal Bank, Moosejaw, Sask., is visiting bis parents. Gen. and Mrs, John Hughes, Orono. Misses Etta McPherson and Miriam Carscallen, Toronto, were week-end guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. John. N.s Lawrie. Mis s Ella Spargo, who has been enjoy- ing a few weeks' hohidays at home, left Monday to resumne duty at GraceHospital, Toronto.à Typboid fever season has agaîn arrived. i! Citizens who do flot use town water should see to it that wells are in proper condition. Miss Evelyn Bounsaîl, Bowmanville, re- turned home Saturdav after enjoying 1a week's holiday with lier cousin, Miss M.e McKay-Liiîdsay Post. Miss Minnie G. Wallace, B. A., Kempt- ville, who bas been taking a course in Physical Culture in Toronto, is visiting bier cousin, Mrs. Wallace Downey. The wives of the members of the bowl-t ing club, who served refreshments on thei day of the Tournament netted $36.oos whicb they have donated to the Hospitalj Board. -f We appeal to citizens to cut, aIl weeds on their premises and along side of theirt gardens on streets.- Some approaches to the town are a fright. Have we a weed inspector ?t Mr. Harold J. Jeffery of the Staff of Lawson,, Welsh and Campbell, chartered Local and Otherwise. Oshawa is f0 have Sundav cars. Miss LoIs Downs is visiting friends ir Peterboro. SMrs. E. A. Osborne visited relativeý at Kitchener. 1Spectacles found on Silver-si. Applý at STATESMAN office. Mrs. McKeown, London, is visifing bei sîster, Mrs. J. T. Hooper.-, Mi-. F. R. Foley took 'part in a concert at Kendal on Monday-tvening. Misses Bessie and Ella S. Jollow ai-c eujoving a trip up the Saguenay. Mrs. Jos. Williams, Brantford, is visit- ing bier brother, Mr. F. C. Colmer. Miss Greta Burns bas been visiting ber sisier, Mrs. Chas. r'ahb, Hampton. Miss Vilda Symons bas returned home fromn holidaying at Jacksou's Point. Mr-. and Mrs. F. C. Colmer and family recently visited frîends at Brantford. Miss Margaret Sherlock, Peterboro, is, visiting ber sister, Mrs, W. B. Tapson. Mrs. J. T. Hooper visiied ber niece, Mrs. J. T. McMurtry, Oshawa, Tuesday. Miss Edna Archibald, Belleville, recent- lv visited bier graud-mother, Mrs. Rd. Bailey. Mrs. Wm. Ledger, Pontiac, Mîcb,, is visiîing ber parents, Mi-. and Mrs. A. E. M inning. Mr-. a-d Mrs. W. J. Robson recently visiîed bis parents en route, fo their home in Belleville. Mrs. Thos Jackson bas refurned from a thi-eeweeks' visit with relatives in Toi-- onto and Lindsay. Miss Dorothy M. James is holidaying1 wiîh ber aunt, Mrs. J. E. B. St aples and other relatives in Toronto. Mi-. and Mrs. John Lyle, jr., and daughfers, Irma and Helen, Mimico, are visiting ai Mr., F. R. Dunham's Vin-cent Peart died ai the House- of- Refuge, Cobourg,- last week. The i- mains were interred in Orono. Alsike clover seed is reported as 5 to io busheis pier-acre wbicb at $25 a bushel would seema to bie a profitable crop., Mi-. snd Mrs. F. H. Morris sud childi-en of Edmonton, Alfa., are visiting bis faiher, Mr-. John Morris, Beech Ave. Misses Elva B. Bragg and Gladys V. Palmer are bolidaying wlîh friende ai Port Hope, Wesleyville and ocher points. Mcn's and Boys' ready-îo-wear suifs, the finesi stock they have ever sbown just to 'baud ai Coucb,Johnsi on & Crydcrman's. Mi-. Lawrence Livingstone and wife of New York eare visiting b is aunt, Mirs. (Rcv-.)F. WperCeresadotr relatives. gr etes.anohr Mi-. W. B. Pinch, Misses Mildred and Catherine moiorcd fo Toronto Tuesday to mcci Mrs. Piticb and Miss, Edith. They aîso visiied friends in Hamilton. Albert Hussey, aged 34 years, an cm- liloyee of the euameiling Room of Mc- Laugblin's factory, Oshawa, a returned soldîcr, dicd suddenly on ,Tbursday, jlIy 31. Mr-. and Mrs. Reginald McNicoli, Toi- onto, motored home Sunday afler fwo weeks' vacation ai Bowmanviîle Beach wiih ber parents, Mr-. and Mrs. W. H. Dustan. Mi-. and Mrs. C1ltence Hayes, Sydney aud Mary, Mi-. and Mrs. -JHi Cavauagh and son Billie, Toronto, speni the week- eud wiîh Mrs. W. H. Williams, Liberty strcet.' Mr-. J. N. Goddard, Boston, Mass., MýS Gladys Haines, Ottumwa, Iowa, Mi-. -and N4rs. W. J. Carter and Mi-. Vickers, Belle- ville, were - recent guesis ai Mr-. F. W. Goddsrd's. Foster sud Staples made a sbipmenf of stockr Tbursday, paying 23'/2c for hogs, nre select bog delivercd by Mi-, John MtcCutcheon, 6tb uine, brougbt $67 0.- Orono.Xeu's. Dr. Annis returned from Bowmanville M4onday moruing accompanied by Miss R.achSl Stewart and Mrs. L. Cornish, who s spending a weck wifh friends in town -Lindsay Warder. Eleventb Annual Meeting of the share- holders of the,,Bowman Limited wîl libe held in the Hotel Bowman on Friday, Piugust 22nd, ni 3 o'clock p. m., for the eîection of officers and other business Boys wbo hunt and fisb want Cauada's premier out-of-doors monthly magazine, Rodiand Gun. Augusi numberis a spien- did- issue, For sale ai hookstores. Pub- lished by W. J. Taylor, Woodstock, Ont. Mr-. jas. Stalker, Orono, bas purchased the laie Dr. James Rutherford residence i in that village for $2500. Mr-. Staiker sold bis beautiful farm nortb of the town, w,hich bas been in the Staîker possession for over seventy years. Bowmauville Homing pigeon club fiew their fou-fb young birdrace' on Saturdav, Aug. 9th fromn Strafford, a distance of 135 miles, following is the resuli; F. Bof- t-dll, first, 3 hours. 13 minutes;L. Creepecr, second, 3, bours, 15è; S. Hardy, thîrd, 3 'UNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris & Son Most Cemnplete Eqislpment S.nday and iebt promptly attended te. Bowmanville Phones 10-34 Brancles ORONO HÂPO F OUND-Man's coat on Hanipton road on Sun- dlay. APPlYat STATSEMAN Office. IsOR SALE-Souvenir Range, No.- 9. Bai-gain 4for quick sale, Geo. R. Mason,, Bowmanvilie. 33 If L OSTMau' ligtcolred verc aso cnue1 inch pipe cutter-. Finder please infori Chas. Bastings, Hanmpton. 33t AN7D75 te 100 acre faimu near town of Bnwmanville, complote with chattels, Ap- ply Oshawa Beal Est ste Sales Co., Oshawa. 32t POIJLTRY AND JUINK A. Diliick pays highest pcash price for ail kiuds of Poulti-y aud Junk~ Phone 299 or cali at bis resideuce 77 Ontario Street. 19-tf F OR SALE-14 choice high gi-ade bireodiog ewes, 2 years chd; also 12 br.edy Durhami spring calvos. Apply Roy Ti-ull. Base Line, near »arlington Station. 33 if F ARM FOR SALE-100 acres, lot 2 con 9, Dar- Ilington, frame bouse aud f rame bai-n. For particulars apply unoù-te pi-emises to M. Collins, Pontypool. RR 3. 3 t BOAR FOR SERVIÈ;E-Registei-ed Yorkshire, gond long smooth lines, woighs about 250 Ihe. Perey R. Lee, lot 9, coul2, Darliogtou. Box 147, Bowmauville. Phone 212. 31 9 1~ANTED-Two i-noms and huard at Bowmnu yville Beach for four adulte and eue child. wKindiy state toris for une week starting Aug. 18. H. Webb, 24 Somerset Ave, Toronto. lt A ITOS FOR SALE-1 Overland, Model 85-4, lu gond condition; 1 Chevrelet, 1918 Model; 1 overlaud, Model 68, Iuspect these cars at Picksrd's New Garage, Kirigst, Bowmauvilie. 92t PURSE LOST On Friday A ug. S. in Bnwman- ville or between Solina sud towo, a simaî1 P black pures containiug bis, silve r sud door key. Reward for return t STATESMN Office or R. M. Mitchell's drug store. 33t COÂL AND FLOUR FOR SALE-, now have plenty ef coal at the C.N.R. station, Tyrone. cAlso ou baud a quantity of thiat famons Five Roses Flour. Phono 146-3 or 181-12. ApplY to R. B. Colacutt, Bowmanville. sot il IFER STRAYED-On or about July lst, froni lot 21, con 9. Dsrliiigton, a red heifer yearling, somes spots ou left of belly, not de. borned. Information leading to rocovory suit- ably rewarded. Talmage Heni-y, R, R. 2, Bur-ke- ton. sit ilORSE LOST-Or strayed f romn lot 29, con 6, Darlington, on Aug. Srd, a bay horse, 4 yoars nId, fore top trimuied,small star inoforehead, right bled foot white, and fot locks trimmed. Reward for fuSder. Plusse phone Thos. Baker, Soliua, or write Robt. Montgomery, Hampton. BRU L.32t OR SALE OU EXCEANGE-Framne dwelling, F9 i-noms, 3 closets, electi wired, gond s, able Fbarit and large heu bouse aIse eloctric wirpd, bard aud soft water, half acre land with choice lot cf fruit trous; central situation ; will oeil or exchange for smaller proporty Apply to Drawer B. Bowmauvllle.H F RSALE-Prottiest bungalow in Bowmau- ville, soliS brick, six roonis, bathroom. two Fcellars, kiti-ben, bot air sud auxilisry heat- ing, aIl modern convenioncos, over an acre of garden aud orchard, gond haro. Varions articles of spare furnituro anS tools for privato sale. Mrs, Marsh, Phoro 263, Bowmsnviile. Bit FOR SALE-The store property on, Bowmanville, n0W occupied by tbe Dingman F&Eduiondatone mllinery; also the double, brick cottage sud framne cottage on snuth side oi Wellington-st between Division sud Georgests; aIl occupied at lai, rontals. Apply te Mrs. Edith -V- Scobel. Insurance aud Real Estate Agent, Bowmanviiio. On . 3 3 38 FOR SALE-Choice fam, contal'ning 165 acres, 2 miles east of the beautif ni town of Cobourg Fbouucled un eouth bv Lake Ontario, ou north by Kingston Road, Goverument Bighway fromn Toronto east; runpiug streani, boavy dlay soul, a11 und er cultivatinfi.-,-ail level grounS This is a choice-faïi. Most desirable situation, noue better. Liberal terms. Apply Mrs. (Capt.) Gif- lord. F0.. Box 805, Cobourg, ont, 3222 FAUM FOR. SALE-131 acres, lot 9, con 4, in township of Clarke. .Gond day Ioam suitable Ffor mixed farming, O. N. R. station onu lainm. Ohurcb and sehool Wtbin bal a mile. Twe bank haros, batik stable anS coofortable bouse. Gnod orchard just Etartîng te bear. Gond ronds around farm. lor further particulars appiy te F. J. Mitchell, Royal Bank, Bowmanville, or to W. H. Giddy, Port HJopeý or te T. J. Ballagh, Starkville. Trustees. 32 2t FARMS FOR SALE. Lot 29, con 9, township nf Clarke, 125 acres, soul cay loam, gond Termes easy. Lots BR and 34, 'couD., township ni Clar-ke, 150 acres, known as the Stewart Ianm, gond build- in<gs, soil dlay and sandy ioam. Pie $2000. Lot 19, cou 1, township of Clar-ke, 170 acres, soul cîay aud sandy loani, gond buildings. This i%,a fiue dairy lai-m well watered anuS fret cîs pasturo, These fai-ms offur excellent opportunities for returoed soidiers. Apply to L. A. W. TOLE, Rosi Estate Agent, Bowmanville, 82 2 Prices Given ForAli Kinds Carpenter "Wiork Estimates Free W.'P. MOSES Bradshaw-St, Bowmauville Alan M. %Wifliams Funeral Director - Embalmer No extracharge for distance in country or to c4tv or outside places. Embalm- ing donc in the most scientific manner. Charges reasoniable as iny expenses are low. I i L The Shiop That Leads Noticeo t 6rths bu conite; mas-sieamob0 cents;Doh, 0c t, chisets. Whou fumeacielcardsarese prlittea et tftis office. insertion free. 1 BIRTHS. TAnu bn Dailiugton, Aog. 1, -to Mr-. and MSrs. Chas. Tabb, s son. MARRIAGES CORDN-RUIoTas-Iu BoWmanvillo, Aug. 6, by Rev. D. W. Best, B.A., Mr. Lyail Cordon, Bow- mauville, sud Miss Msud Annie Ruiter, Darling- ton. DUVÀILL-MLLaas At Grimsby, Aug. 4th, by Rer. L, H. Coi-rie. Mous E. eidest daunhter of Bobt. iller, Pontypool, sud Bai-i B. ]Duvaîl, OKE-PoILP-At the residence of the hiides aunt, Hi-s. F. T. Fitzgerald, Dailingtoon, Aug. 12, by Bey. F. Wnodger, Bowmanville, Miss Atidie, daugbter of the late Richard T. Phîlp, sud Mr-. Wm. Oke, bothof Wbitby township, Il ________________________ I ~ -- 1-1lr BUYNOW WhiieYou Can At, Old Prices. Last week's Toronto papers quoted boots and shoes had advanced froni 20 to 40 per cent at the whole- sale houses which meaus muita higher prices to the public in the near future- We recommend our eus- tomers to buy now while old prices maintain. A Real Bargain Ini Low Shoes Men'san lso Ptn Leather Oxfords, wel1t soles, great wearers, out price $3.95 ,Odd lunes ivomeil S of pmsN slippers and oxfords at $2.95 It will pay you to buy for next sumnier. FRED. R. FOLEY, Phone 12. "On, the Sunny'side" Bowmanville, ÊýrPraütipedist always at your service. Big- Reductions RéadymtIM Reay-o - ear Garments For the balance of July we are offering at, great reductions and at exceptional values ail Ready-to-Wear Garments now in stock. They must be cleared in a hurry to matke room for Fall goods., See T'hese Garments Today S. W- Masoin & Son Across f rom Standard Bank Telephone 106 Bowmanvijle G. C. BONNYCASTLE L D. S., D.D. S., Honor Graduate in -Deatistry of Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeous of Ontario Office'King-st - Bowmanville Office Phone 40. H-ouse Phone 255, Saturday Night Special $1-0 CAPS $1oo Lo0ok For This $1,.00 Sale Every Week. Ail Straw Hats To Clear At Cost and Less Go, N. THIURSTON. 1 . and Fur Shop. DRATHS W.4BDELL-ID Orono, Ang. 9UI, Wm Waddell, aged &5 years. McCAUGHE-At Cohourg, Auz.9, MajorJohn MCCughey, aged 82 years. "Lest We Forget-' E, R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer, ln Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., la Granite and Marble, Bowmanville. Ontarlo. ORCHARD ON TEN ACRES 0F LAND FOR SALE IN BOWMANVILLE. The MeMurtry property, mile enet of Nuirsery Corner, Bowmauvilie, being lot 9, coul1, Darling. ton. coutaiuiug about ton acres, mostly covered With applo besring orchard, The handeome brick residouco wss humeS somo tuie ago, anS therse are about 70,000 brick suitable for re-build. iug. There are a lai-go bai-n witb coni eut fonda-, ti. nd udstables underneatb, sud naosebuinairly geod condition. Tbis pi-opei-ty ise-woll situated anS will busolS onvory easy terme.i. For luriher patiuars npply to J, E. L. GooSwbil, barriste-, Peebro. 1881