ücotis trenadlcr Guardsa Bani retô~din~everýy phase of, Caaadi4 prton vre mons pour ute, mrplne3 nd aul tue lnstttmaus of els wararecotî~edby Canadan soidors romth-e llun. Cols. o.'>~ a- d îaho a other v7Tr4 :~ oe sourrampdn an <mer.a p.l çanes. TO CAPtTUWC; U BOALTn l!eaoftsu u-o.1 1 $1 5o14fS' py c PU ~orsent THE COOK MOCN O î0OaTaO. ONT. (Ryvea Wsbo 1,1 ibc of oiM#h are "u-eu se low that wokdrae, n md "Thr.. Ie Tuleoï the Little Shulps. k t-egqsrn. The big oceen lhuer pluuged andI oedthroîugb the heavy s-as withi and ase wiý % !jýhe nloce to the eind. Overheed aýthe' Pierce's Favor-itec ,loude wl-îipped aroethe d.ark1ening1 \ Prescription huas sky. "Sru ignale,"sghdthfe h delnm f nor- esb f tholdngîaves1-th tI ltyya m.il î1a l t ýý Sin i te s, Time asvxhen she niat the strug- - WhaWitndoneÈg1,,vith te sonand gale joyously for i oh r I e breaýst;iug the great tiren-chas of Cwater dofr u wtàpwrfllunýges, roio)icîiug inluier 4Ïh ghas srength, but she wes xvecry, weery taEtlu up wea freom mauy jouruayiugs, and buffet-I Uedover-t , iujgs. A tramer of fear' rau threugh wha yu'l fnd n r. iece' Fve~e ber. Thon doggedly sha puiled her.- Pm'eeripDor.Itîgves ejsFarthepself tcgather anS plowod aboutI! tuaiye- 1ediTe h bai in liqvid or Lashod te bar sides the Ettle beais ~abita.T~beItfor ,m ets, at ail dying, danced te and fro and talked te them- storef. salves. it ;t'le r<EdcUa ht UaI spca "Why -are wa kept'eut of the water? I-te bUuild u ç)rwomcu'e etreî ngiid te cure Oh! howv I ache for a taste ef 1f e," sioatve ouesootbiug cordial and "Wbiaî iood are wa. xvay upharo.? biing uer-vine; pirehy vgtbe lS Why will net our mothem ship lot us aloollo, mmd peýfbctly hL.rmueiec, g?"p Yencai rocure a trial pkg,ý by seUz1- "How bravély we couI dance over ining1e e Dr. Pierea fae, N.Y. thee waves, brother! Oh! wby may we TmLeexuuO ON.-"A fw yarsagenot ho free?" I hai asêrenresbrk-on "Ne one notices us," mourned an- wol epain lu>rbud dwu otheir. gufer i akeI was algfor "Look ai the sky, chiidreu, TeIs t 'about iwo years. f1-1 cte euddnet beautîful? And see, I will throw net sem te get cure tJ t almnt. At a fine spray up te you," called the big hast I tok Dr. Pteee'£P-àerte sbip to her iitthaeues. tien anc di 14iemt ed hnay "hrisn't that fine?" A great medicîna I ovar teck. It huhit me up amm4 wave sapt h iac h ie 1 fait btter Ia evary waY than 1iia1 for diece ho b tielfbus n twc years provloely.«-Mme. L. Hxr:ui. ,sent a beet cf pussengere scuriying On the Samne Job. BIIland Enryhastnot mt for sm tiilia, whau t y uwtc, u~patdY cama ,acrose ýeach other lu the stree4. Ntitiiug hlhs clrum was hookhegý "H-alle, 'Eury; how are yeu gettia' ou? Stili workilsg for the saa pao. pie?"e "Yes," was 'Enry's Sud raply. "Wife, mothar-iu-law tend tan kids." -3s grades of Goal Only kep'l, as odof 1If.you have nlot ordered -'urWinterspl yet, Y, - hiad U te o so usit ihaLble t o advanico Snda rd BardS Buflding. Temnperance St. Phone 177 - i CANA%ýDIAN P'ACIFICk COINVENIENT DAYLIG-.iIT TRAINS BETWEEN TORONTO AND OTTAWA O 38-' 1~E RIDEAU" 1.30 P. sM. 2,37 P. su. 2,47 P- .n. 3 05 P. M. 4.27 p. ni. 5 07 P. I., 5.30 P. m. g910 p. mu. 8.05 p. ni. 8.25 P. su. 10.00 p. mu. Lv. Toronie.. Lv WhiLby.. Lv. Oshawa.. L v. Bowmanville.. L v. Port Hope.. L.Cobourg... Lv, Coborne.... Lvý. Trenton.. Lv. Belleville. Ar, Kingston. Arî,. Perth.. Ar-. Smifi's Falls.. Ar, Ottawa .. No. 37-1111E Lv. Ottawa ... Lv. Smith's Falls Lv. Perth.... '* Lv. Kington..., fV. reLlecville .. Lv. Trif n,.....-" Lv. Coîbejrne. L.Cobeurg .. Lv. Port Hiope.. . . Lv, r, Bemanv ile.. Lv. Oshaiwa.. Lv. Wbitby.. Ar. Toronte... 1.00 P. m 2 35 P.s. 2.55 P. , 1.55 P.s. 5 501 P, u -53 P.>m 6.5p. m 6 49 P. M. 7.00 p., su. 742 p. su.. 8 04 Prm. 8,17 p. mu 9 30 P. m., Equipinent, Smodker, Ceach, Cafe, Parler and Observation Parier Car. W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. C. B. KENT, Agent, Post Office, Bowmanville. ALL SLEEPN_ CR DAILY BETWEEN TORON -'NDVANCOUVER FIRST TIIJP SUNDAY, JUNE FIRSI' Leave TORONTO 7,15 p. ini, Arrive WINIPBG 0. 05P. Mn. 2ad day " CLG 9 8) 0 P. no'rd day '~ BANEF 1.40p.ni. 3rd ea Arrive WNCOlU VEF 1ÂU a.ru, 41 daý FIB-3 CJ~S SLISPiNÇ CABP i CSNGEIS Q belew. But the little boats still grumbled., "What gooci are we?" they asked ene aniother ever and ovar. Theln came the stermn, and the big tinar feught as paver before. But it wýas ne use. The spring had gene froin l1er timnber and the fire firom lher -steel. And the wind knew and the wave kniew, and thay1 hammered and beat upen thepeer eid ship untifl she roiled -in ageimy. The ca4tin i er trembla through the- whael under hie hand, and hie knîw., An answer i g tremble weut throug-h the eld man, for' lha, tee, had lost sèe of the spring and fira. Ha, tee, wae weary of the bulletings. "ýBtter see te tihe boats," haiere- marked huskily te a yeung mian at hie sida, "and wiraiese -fer hetlp un- madiately." "Aren't yeu a bit in a hurry? " The youug officar was puzzled, for hie band 'aas net on the pulse of theal'ail- ing ship. "At once!" snapped -the captain, and the young man bounded away, fer sometbing in the captains tona car- riad coniction, Men pattered te, and fre, tha wire- lase sputtered barshiy overhahd, and aboya the bowl of the wind and roar of tha waters came the buzz 'of pre- paration.- A spliutering crash, and tha aid boat settlad in the water. "Dono7 6ebeg'hed weaaîy as-the waiters rusbad througb tha gash lu hier side and lights on the ehip weut eut. Then gatheriug herseif together cha called aloud te the littia bouts. "Stand ready te cave mny charges! Steady new, yeur time has cone! De net fail me or them!" The litile boute heard and trembled. They were frightened. W as this if a? Ceuld they carry on the battie with the 'ea where thýeIr mother ship a falleni?- Oh! this was sad,. and net t a what thaey had ioeked forwa,)rd ten. 1 But there was a10 ture for quesieung. Alveudy they were fllling -ewith panic-stricken men aud wee. Dewni do-an they went ever the sides, tilting Pad creakçing, luto the wat? t ast. And, the voi"ce ofJ th.e ying ship heiche steady. ,Not oena upset. Thie lest man a taken off. Tossed lrritatiko S 7, . arcl, or ordonto.,Bta&Co, eha Limitd, Ti-ent. \Vtlî stars fer candla-light. ________________________________1 theught cf ail thea mourairig heurts - The sorîow and the lees. about like sticks, thee utile boites silil Thc hrlght moon paintad ou each grava siruggled witb the sienm, îuoving The shýtdc* cf a cross. 1 under the ours cf the sillers axuny froni the deomedhur I sew again theo gravas cf France ('0-îmîin the mneng '1lit. HEAT PROOF VESSE LS. G, 0r e .-;rc the h c roslses tîmen, ThtLeVi. t - r' il, tic mught. Quartz le Repiacing Platlnumn in Menu- For flowers heeîm'ed on every side, facture cf These Utensils. Th eves stirred, jusite malte Hitharto alimet theo only substance A niumi-niug, croaîag lullahy, possible te use for vý,essais la the la-, Till tinie eliuld renie te 'aalile. boratery where high1 heat is.-èmepleyed Se -iay ilmea dear braveldluFac bas been platinaiiv'-ýhichbas becomea AI hogh e u tadls,inFac enorieeeusly expaiv«Ie. But utousils Antog uthls, of hiscosly ietllae nw bingre-To theni the giory aundthe prize et hiscosly ata ae uw bingra- Of ail white iowIly cross., plucad te-, a censîdarabla axient wiih choaper cils cf quartz. 'h le practir- able to e lt or aven te vaporize geld, -cpper-ur-cliver-lu-a-quarta eeceptacle - se wondarfully rasietaut te high tene- paraturas le this neaterlul. The methed adopted for meeking quartz vessels le te malt thee raw mua,_It tonial in a graphite box lu the electilir furuaca, ai a temparaturo exceeding 200degroas Fahireuhaiit, undar a pros- lueom nR~imed sure ef 500 pounde te the square L d .Pnda ' ee inch. Oua peruliarity about those quartz tbeC m on-e vessais isthat whon whiite-het thay Proa xeine camuha throw n ie coltI waier witb-out daýnger of breaking thoi. It le etated by experts- that ;Ïif awildow of tilel cLaNa." ni erao ilnd ýcjff glass Wea sertain laIre, edLda .Pubj' VeiaW Ipruef steai sfeaud ibe lattýLer cmwere o l expeed teilercasi fiamles, tiha salecoe we ~fa wetuldIsuife-r rmore than ibe -wýindew 'rî n nta ,ec(3ntly artîficial spiders' webclditrbnoa haive boan made..'frem ibreade ef spun- good i i b quartz.* hyar edrflylio co smdcine. -ith uch the aeaappearunco usIC aigi stads of neal ccebweb uiad actually'bveaflebalh catch [filas fuirly wollwheu thea lbies gîn n -1aihand have beau sn troked with a siraw pre- a ~ .snut,1ybs viu iydppod lun ~oll '1.The il î -- -an nt bt testhe place o f thegluten lu aun saiajurm.- ondinajnry spîdar's wehb, giviug te iethe e Uc li rn ýouienfeit the rec,ýumite stickluess, woman" 'Mre JOHN KO 1UPPEL&ANN, UR, hi ue vai beu fo~n posibe t aiNo. 1, MeLcan, Nebraska. tract a spidpr te sarui a web by a tan- This fanious root and herb remedy, iug fonk vibratad nea,,r the latter, thas Lydia E. Piukham's Veg'ctabie Cein- suggesting the buzz of a trappad fiy. ponbsba etru oen o _____ America te bealtb for more tha frt _____-edinFrne, years and ih will weli puy auy women N, "mwhore nFac. h suifons from displaceients, lu- "Souîewheîe ln France' I tbinI tihere flummation, ulcenution, irreguicrities, sprirge buekache, headaches, nervounees or A loeaier leafage i', ast irmgs "the -blues" te giva ibis suecesaful A fumrerlien, sweet andI low remedy a trial. Then thut torii ce1d berIore coifl For speciai suggestions in regard te show your allient write Lydia*%I .Piukaî Ameng the Springtides eireriegs. Medicine Ce., Lynu, Mass. The resuli Amdît ierea abird La r'uptuea i ;gs, Wti fuller, e veeter "0ro!Dgs Tbu.n evrrier Spring% cocli kaew, "Scmewhern u ranceU!" For there, where Sp -iîig lier largesse filags, He flu-iiuu agcaorean -7,kinge, ha kingliesimeodcould ecrbo- stev- Hlie oloseomimig-, sîgnglf AndI o, 'tG~g Tn Wes"-$2 toW~NNP2L fihOINO DATES Are Soothed and Hlealecd'yth Uise ofD.chssOi- The esoeeth e tretl.g erof byreanse uîeiYaImdiiasl tocowmsisertuetrct. theol t tmnentîdotînams m iesitate relieýýf fi,îfi c-,ag stinging enaton. iia faw duy; th, bei-e spot,; are cIeuneýd oct amui thee heaiing pi'ess is set up. -As yen' appiy the olineent frein day to day yoîî rau see for yoursolf iba, spiaudil recuite obmained, and thîs wili encenrage yen te keep on wiih ibistreatmei until the cjura le cemplete. Mrs. StaffordLeo, Wineheoster. Ont., wrltmes: "1I rau beartily ri- comineud Dr.Cbe' Oiutinent, as i cured 'me oet a very Gsavae ýcasa cr eczaeu.' At2tor us-intg caverai renie- dies vithout relief, 1I was aPboutdils- ceuru'gesiihiukiug T couilsinover en -1 dure the ntne sulvaniug. At List oua evaEning- when 1 fait I couid not endura e painanother dayY or heur iougecr. I1h ngt etDr. ae' Oilimeut which I1 hadceuav- tis'ed, andI decidodï to giva ht a trIL To my grcat surnisa, ufier sig t Li Cowurns,1 obtaînsd n elof, tiii lai a faw days m.y ïaffliction beg"ýantB ceýmplote!y disappou. My ucbautnc and -1 I efanspeak of ihe qlck cýiaîs htigcura 1 obt1)aîneà luisuiil short Ue. That uasten yeure ago. Bnd - we --have- kapL hinta ci-1,berne ever siace, and if bas1ý beau a geaa Iseaier for many other complainte. 1 nt0ver fahi te reccniend Dr. Chas' Oiuuniont te my fr-iaýnds andI neigie- bore. "I migiet siate that we havea ais used Dr- heasNarve Food lu eue househiold, andI 1 eauirecomimend Ih aaD Iolug aIl thaiyoli daim 1fer if." In scores of ways Drc. as' Oiutiueuit lecofus in every hom.i, [Iipllc"i alter sulgIf keepe tlise eki eft and i-ieoctie. Uset for bb aîiier thea bath, it Cures chafilng aa skia 1,,11,11o.. ila s soth gatil healiug that h ac11,ta aqs a beaut-iiier of veiety Simy ens a box, al- deal- fBAN,.KRUPTS IN G Ï.RE!N CAPS. How France Diseet rpaed1 Habit of Arious (ust,n , ws prevalent in Frouedumiîg te ,:xteeuth andI seven- teamil cei-trie. AFon 'aho--foind - ;tne~eor ut liquidate hic affaire vasoblgedte wear a gr-een cap-a f;)iit t hinuseif andI a warr-lng te ot.hers. 'ie,,2 who malta a h-obby of getting ri,'. cf their îudebieduess by way 'of thabanrutc Cur ou'd ai alil costesicavc10r of CinBaulrupi- try, ; t ',y stail mumeit o un- tien A similler dot ulhwtus-h J'to lie meted etteo lqut Lo lu Ja- pan. To ceranarer iîon1-O one meed only go harkto a littie baera the Art of Union te ind ihat dehtors lu Scotland were obliged te 'aear garinents of diverse colore, a suit cf grey andI yel- 10w being the most conumon. Fr. Siam., a man una.blo teincet lbs laieblitias 'aso put la chaius andI cer- pelled te work as a slav;e ýýfoir hie-credi- tor. Simould lie escape, hie wite, child- rau, tether, or other relative wara saîzed ilubhie stad. At oee fine beultrupte 'acre con- sidai-at criminal offenders aven lu Eng- land. As a inetter of fact, certain cases of fraudulaut bankruptcy hava lueur- rad tîhe daath penalty in this country, Any '.conceatmeni of books or the s ecreting of-properiy by a -debtor aras se punehe. nder ibis law a ian ce lied J ohn Parrot wee bauged lu 1761. It lesesid tiiai no bauk failure bas or-rdiin-cihina-for-ove-r- nine- huu- dred years. Wheýn suri an avant last heppenad an ediri nec promptly le- sued siatiug ihat lu future anysuce feilura on theo part of a benk would an- tait the savarest punishiaut on ail re- sponaible officiels. The heade of the cashiar, presideut and directors ha- came foi fait. The Graves of Frence. 1 saw the silent'gravas of France Lie tranqu1l lu the niglît. 'ibay seamefi as . hough, thay wera reh Vegetables of all kincis. Sa tard, y nIis are Vry buis lIiiliiii wtî and we advisom buyiug eariy in the oenmmîg> Percele rn-if houlu at ethtu st,îî-u nutil don are 'eady te go bern.-) PH-O~NE 65. Prompt D'elivery. Bowmui.anvii'. Uniderstanding Engïish. with the teakettie face, canit you heaïr Lee Fong was brought bafore a local anything? You'vao got to p)ay a Ii c f justice band fined for baain ha aw [two dollarsý The judge ,had great dlticut uml- YuaalarOhýatbc tie jug the Oriental draadahaCta -'olyooola feigned eutire noacefEnih i , ladesperation, the judge said: Hiory~cr uetkstecr "H'a, man, do you cee? Tat »e oi Y the rooý-,TYyIiy kaniii~ i one dollar. Pay it-or go to ï, d ......_.. T1ha Chink stili asapjred t1f e h n h tnadzto fwaa enigtered and the magîsleter-an raabepr of am achin- peated Uthe question,.n eaý:0! ato lr lhp "Allow me to tellc to ilm, ur ery would ha5 a Monea inthe ri.-ht di. ho-nor," buýret forth the husky co wo ctiSl. hadarrste hl. l'i mate lm n- To have the chiildren sound and healthv dea is the fi rst rare of a moi ber. They can- Th fcer approaclied the prisoner net bc elh if troubled with wsarne, and shuinluhiseuar: "Say, you U e MoîerGrves Worm Extcrminator, Tha a lad im na for e -r a .Make usa of jr. Couvert ia into a source of p,)wLr for lu, rsi Myour farm., Toronto Wjudmiils are up to- dae Itogeffient, quiet. Thiey aiso have double geare A Toronto Winchnihl makes it possible to 'havealal tha couveuie,î- ces of a city wv ter 'ys- tem. combine with a Torouto Wincbnill ai Tooto Pamp and tle i Toronto Water Systcnm and-allt- wator pùmaing Agent fihalsEn os ti g Cr~on We Will put a sto ae hck ýA'bsrerS OU y car for 10days Fren trial and id You areDnotPerfetl1 eatfld ha yn tv t Cejeet iding car on thae - ket WC wîl take theoïl again ami i t wu! not non tYeu oua cent. Ive hava a fol stock ef genumne Ford part40u baud and expert Ford Mechauje-s te handlo the workç. Satisfaut- îonguaranteed. We have aise been appoiuitodChvrl Service Station for this district aend ara prepared te give yen every et- teutGin, large stock of Tircs, Mis anid Accessot es ou biaud at Ilmes.Yours for Service NibtPhoe88-r3 De 1Phone 18 A ar- For I o fl In Western Canada iiR~turn Tnp East"-$'W from WIN~'llPE~. e 2 cent pet mile start~eg point te Winnipeg, TEI~RîTORY ~Fei sa ion nOi iOsih alet n Icnii ts-c on Laike Ontario Shor-e Lime Auui12, j ani He-lok.-Pte or t M,î3. - -ý,; ý a fli ~ romatabns ing.on e ~ Jiictio.imsOniv. Augui1 9 J Fein tatlcs o Ternte-edbev diect ice E 0IL Yf G R thTi 'I. In W arm Vi -eathei, We ar r nic ,7in~îg bauif il fruit direct s a Ie ~ro 'ers cîd r- a !uail I tOurvut Binana Or age oi izs iong experience is at your service, as~herrh~s Waterrne~ons Tornato~xs CUCLI rnbers