111 UUS ~F SIK ES ,ÂlostAlwysDue to Weak, IrnD6eris Ed lood. Apaxrt from îiacident or ilîneissa(due to infection ii,imost aIl 15 health ari ses frora one or two reasons. The great, mistslre Ctisateople make is in flot reiifn tatboIth o! these have th, ]y poor anldiprerbot.Etr Wmflooleseýss rtoetruleo.ts neVe sIl be fouta t be therasf foti, alisost, r'ailmnt. If youa pale, sufifer fnrca eadacheps. or hets les.swîhpapiatofo!tiie bai poor appetita anti wak igestion, thse cause is ahmost ii.1alwas bo"iesus1 If,, yen hve nrosieaiceneur- afiiascaticaand other narri'e hpalas, thecaue i ra dow, exhansteti nerves But'un down nerves areaise a resit o »oa l4eld b iat Illte two chie! cause lîess a : ozeeand the saine. This accounts for th,,e great number .j« people, once in indifferent heaitb,, WEAR _1OSSA ISSUE FORSE.IIC PRIOR TO I 'Original No. Co.Etu. oaitlSaid ta Be OniyCirdinEntl- 1b,4-15 SarFor GOt;hers. Dent for a-eomesbt n away with the itea tîsat eCIv C'y ,nibbon sisadeti reds, Iwhita anti blue coa yveterant O tise C..E.. repraseats tise Mous Star, for 1914 service at tise front.* Theie is -Very littie tifferenne inthc nibbois o! a Mont Star anti the ibison pf ' 1914-15 Star, jue-t a reversai o! tise cooiibut tisea1is onsiderabie ji bieine1 l Ifat tiléy ctldfbr. Thae bs b au. an errneut usn-, pression abroadti hat tise P.P.C.L.I. wcre antitieti te wear the "Mous" starSanis s net the case. Tbe ex- A FORESTRY W\ACHHOUSE. Dtfintiafôésfj'ftl'1Ôutcainon Green Mountain, Kamloops, B.C, frei wbc contant wtcsl kep)t fer forest tires anti mach i amiaetisere- by preventet. ~rIe>cjQtdon th, jnncaý ppe of the W. L Me INNoN & É 0. Ibea1ers in gvernam-ent and Ffeunillal M!cKiocnou fle 9 elina, S t., Toroutô M ~hCje fSevns And hatl t Of e t Youing -Mother: BigtMary Anne .De 'Ver~e. "Coller: "ec ais {w<k yo)u hp egIve it a Yàamïe like Youncg -Mothl 'ler: ýWhy te Cook Late Heurs For Children Retard De- J velopment. One wondIers whist on ea-rtlh the smnall chihX'eîî who are practieclIIy ai- lo-wed to stay up haif thse ngtwilll be lice wheo they growe up. Thýe up- to-date child stainds no0 nonsense from his paîrnt, and goes to bied when hae likes. The fact that friends 'are ex- pected seenisto be -a sreciaàl reýason why he inst be presen-it toeretertajin thens.A brain r ecal m'uh ws dln ing at the homie o! friecnd recentiy saidti to is Ihouttes: "hoechildreni's brains, will nex er dleveflop unless yen send teIsIQ to bed at a p)roper hour. And, wvrse etili, 3yItr littia girls wil lose their looks."' gaiar47 iiet ce a-amlcCw Flor the comanicmoration of Peace t-he Oxford Univeraity 'Pressa have is- sued e'everall i-ind2omie new ed4itions of thse Bible. These inolude a puipit vo lume, a fam-fily Bible, and several1 other emalier styles. Tise Press have, aiso issued commuenieration Testa- ments and Frayer Books. l Great West Permanient Toronto Office. 20 K< Ing t West4. 40/0aliowed on Bavings. Interest comVppted uatrlr Withdrawabie Dyteue I!%on eetna Interest payable lb-glt yeary Pald up Capfia 2427 Rouler skates were us- in Franrej as long ago as 1819. h first Enig-s lish skate had five nu-rci wheels iîà, a sineie row. 0 H RT B LTi NOT ONLY TABLETS WIARKED WITFý "BAYER CROSS" ARE ACPERIN. jute ana Cotton from tihe lonis et Ja-iatciluteiawt themoiinitsnselvas of tise importer, and pre- pan, carpets of siik from Indi; gor- '1914 Mont" Star, excepctnlat it'bears sented hlm -ItI a testimonial for bis geous carpets and prayer-niats fro' sl the dual 'data. Both the 1st and 2nd [zeal, in tise foras o! a pie. Whou open- Persia-ia short, mrountains of carpets Canadian Divisionsar~e JntitIeti to '1 ed,l.this "dainty tiis" was not full o! froiniail parts of the wrld. wenr the '"1914 -1915" Star. Tise orifi- biacicislrds, but cho ull fo of toads!. In other roonis we tee'toms al Star .<1914 on!,.) iýs applicable o! birds o! tise mot brilisiî,. , iumage, alone to seri ice inFane The 1914- iimporteti froîn alimost as 'y countrî115 Star, is given ,for s ýer.vic in any Moatreai, May 29th, '09. nadr ta sa. isee ae bge oxe UeàUe o wa, *cluiin SaoniiMinsrd's Linimnent Co., Limited. o! brighit rti and blac tanageret from Mesopotainia anïqt te arEast. Both Yarmtiutis, N.S. Brazil; blue fiîs"hes andi bronze ducks inclutie all ranks on the stq ength o! al Gentlemen,-I beg f0 let you know fron ' -New Guinea; birds o! Paradise aunit or attachedti to an establis2hment, that I have used MINARD'S LINI- iu a score o! gorgeons varieties, a 015e as 'ci al as voluntary aid detacIsments, MENT for tome timne, anti I find it the worth as mach as 60 gaincas escis' voluntary Ret Cross am,,bulance' best I have ever used for the joints bine chatterers, peacocks and parrots, drivers, or civiliasterving wi,ýth the and, muscles. and ostrich featisers o! hues ranging army lu any rapacity and andcr the Yourý very traly, from blacte pure white. There are direct ion o! the War Office, while ea- THOMAS J. HOGAN. tiîousands o! egrets aud ospreys froue gaget apen war tuties. The Champion ('log and Pedestal Brazil, China, India and South Ameni- The original strength o! No. 2 Cana- Dancer of Canada. ca, wortis ainiost their weight ia gold. dise Staionary Hospital was 146 al Other spacione and pilaredtIIrooms raiîks, ineiadîng aine officers, 35 nars- are crowtiad v I'tistise rost ctly sut ing sisters attached, and 102 other AWneigCop be'utîulporal enmiacls ! te aniks. Four o! the original nursing 1 Tise crowa o! Hungary, wbich is pottpr's art la ail tise giory o! rich andti sisters o! tise uit wentown on the 1 saidteto have been offeret to Prince exquisitely blendeti coloriug. Here, iscspital ship_ Lland1csv-,ery Castie, wisea il.exliIer o! Serbia, was once within toc, are vases anti bowis o! beatan torpedoet on Jane 27, 1918.- Tbey an ace o! goiag to Engianti brass, Egyptitîn andi Persian coffeo siere Miss M\,argaret Fraser (acting jlI 1849, wisen Kossuths struck aa pots, Japaniese pictures, ancle it MSS. matron), taugister o! tise lte Lieut.- blow,ý for liberty, he causet the anent Ëroîn FPersia, tise rarest sud coatiiest Covernor Fraser, o! Nova Scotia; crowu of Hungary'vte, be given lnto bis products o! the..,Dast, maay ef ti s Miss Rena McLean, dâ-ughter o! Sens- custody, and, whieioWle to fiee, e-s or n usI fortune. tnJh cen !Pic Edwart tniredti t carry it wiishm.Rs ititea- Island; Miss M. Sanipson, o! Hamil- tic,, -II to tk ito daon, but Use.s of Otd ici r Materiai, ton, Duntroon, Ont.; anti Miss Alexi- wisen lu danger o!captue h buried Otts ad sds ! wr mten an a Dissuaît, et Montreasi.it nean Oîsova. Odds nd eds ofwar ateril, .Tse're if remnainet ouil 1854ý , wbeu o meuntains iih, whicb iu other tisys he made an atfeîupt touhave it un- wvould have beau destroyet, are beiug MtrTafci rndd atedadsn - notn turredt tegood, accouai by tisa British MtrTafcnTiia. erhdat etf is notn steiy the secret leaktou", sud, the Mur liions Insventions Departmnt. If las satedti fat, for theat four Austnian goverunt cas b'eforehai Raere are instanc es of wbat fa being ycars, the importation o! motor ve" in es cavation. donc. bides loto Tinidat hm averaged U1_____ Ladies' shoe isasîs, eustrumpets for Par annuni, sud fuis rats is likeiy tf0 Lîardlo Linimlent Onnes fli;eemveîr. airpîsues, sud otier articles aracha isg ncneasa, as not oniy are stocks o! new , mada fronm sawdust. cars practically noie existent lunflic Former Jo. An 18-pouister 515511, mnsi's ue andi Country, but tisoir popularity la grow- Farmer Joe wore russe! breaks, copper baud, atter lathe inanipulationt, ing rapitly. Estate owaars la Trioli- anmer Joe was buriy, niaies an excellent shafting eouplîng. (ati are-bagiuniug to'realize the ad-, FarsrJeht ut he Containers tronus hrapuel shahls ara va tages of motor transport for coa%ýJ Anti bis bahr was curiy, being tarne toc lamlis. veying their protace te, the raiiway orlrBaffer mau tisa Farmer Joe, Discardet airpiane angines are usati cosat, anti are cager te obtaus rcom-1 Neyer sisouteti "Taliy-ho!" for commercial purpesaes. An aitera- usercial trucks for tilt purpese. At i tien in tisa cariurettar maltas tisam pras eut about 600 miles o! ronds suit- 5.1heu tisa air was crîsp anti free availabie for rosi gas, anti witb coup- able for motor -traffl c cxist la Triaidat, Anti the leaves were f alliag, liîîgs mate fîon alalis they bave beau sud lately tisera bas beau a pro. Ret anti goit, from lbadge anti troc, nonnecteti wltlî dynaumos, wiith good nouncee movamnet townrtis thismi- Andthie hut wns eailiug, re.icuits. provameut f ohilgbways. Better man tisa Fanmer .10e ïsuevcute .,i open iseant anti open baud, Hcarty laugis antid ilw Bora anti bret upon the laud, Simple, isonest feliow, Batter man tisan Farusar Jot Tise oit hut cli neyer kaow. oreMon andi Elephants., Toits mate te tetenasiie lic r ctpee- tîve paliag powver o! honstis, mca anti olpsnsshowed that two, herses, weiisng 1,600 poantis cacis, togather pulli-ted ,750 pounts, .or 550 pouatsý more tleacntliie' rombiýe 'g. lit, sisys Better Faruidng. Î, e eleisacît weighiug 1.ý00 ouns 1alet8,750 weigist. Flf sa ageal 7,500 pounds, puIllet 87o0poatC, o jatas msucb as ts anlaaepsnt utue tise hontes, ie ultmîatsatsi own weigb-t, Oneisuairet meapuilet fwelve tsttuiptitt Wsikici gi1orýS l gsoin whîle tienýy are On tishisad,1M u n the lIna utc air, iay eggs anti kili babies." Tise grassbopper, wisan be walks, he aither jumps or hops." "Tse Jaws of a gr aisopper Move "A 1larva is -au unfinishad sia" "Tisa do car iS to show what n plant Mlnre' Liimet OrseCoIde. mue The "Beef Eaters."y The warters, known as "beaf Pcaters,' prebably bacante tbey once ware fet ou rations o! meat, forni- eue of the curiosities o! the Tower of London for visitors. They wear Tudior costumes, anti, like thse Swiss botyguarti of the Pope, they keep e their ancient cos- tumes, undisturbeti by curreats of modern fashion. Just belf<ore mitiaight tise heati war- tar anti the porter, csrrying a bunch o! buge iccyt, go te tise guard-rooni, summon "the escort o! the keys,' m.ade up o! "boa! esters," anti then proceedi cereuîoniously te loci thse great outer gate. Tise passwTord Is givea fonmally to sentrles as tise pro- cession passas, ant'irluconluson r li dtaal saintes ths eys as -tiste porter cries, "Got presarve tis. Rig,'Evary tisrcq usoutistise nelgningkigo qacen sauta the password o! tise tower, f0 tise ceattable, signet anti sealate, anti tise Mayor o! London Is tseonly ii otiser outsite ponton ýsapposadt to now It. This customn la a relie o!fihe tue wisee thie tower anns primrailiy a font- ras. For. SALE. NVSPAFER. WEEKLY. IN BitijOf Couiitv. SiendId opiortuiiity. Wrltc Boex T. Wllsen Publishing Co., Llmtted. 78 Adelaido Sb '%V..r>rronto, w ELL Q PPD . WS"E - and lob prlwit, lg ant ln at OutarlO.' Insu rance ea.-rrled $1,600,WI efor 81.210 on eulck sale. 'Box 02. V1son IPublls Iecg Ce., ltd.. Toronti. WMAT HAVE YOU FOR SALE j;i liLive Foultry. Fanr en.P gene 1Eggs, â'etc.? Wri teL . rach& Sen. la. 8 St. jean iBaptiste âMarzeL Mont- rea.% Que. KOMm r3a!LDFIfýs WRITE FOR OUA FRLLE1300]K OF WHousesPlans, andi Information tell 1 g hnw to gave fronue Tw o te Four Hun- red Dollars on yoirne n-w Ilome. Ad, drees Hilday Comrpsn.a7 23 Jackson, tW.. Hamllton. Ont. - XXW7C17LLAN1,:OS, Gs Ç~~~~pb Il NCR.TMOS LMP.ý T. "Jeet passetiover St. Louis, boece; 18 A S OlIflI evITE we'Ii be backin l N'Yawk at 12.b5." "Oh, well," sait Teliver, "I can at- How te make s creamny beau.ty lotion tend that 12,30 meeting of tise saap for a few cents. powaer people andi catcchtne 1.30 blirnp for London." 1Xinaxd'u Xoniiaant Cures XDlvhtherla. A Reuter telegram frem Kingston (Jarnaica) states that statistcs fur- nished by fruit cornpanies show thatý an extraordiinary crop of bananas %; expecteil. It is beiieved the crop -viil amount to 10,000,000 stems this yeir',i which is four timea as much as last year. Ai gradeB. WrIte for prîce, TORONTO SAL.T WORKS G, J. CLIFF ~-TORONTO The uice of tw o fresh lemnons strained loto a bot te containing three ounces of orcliard white moites a whole quarter pînit of the imost re- maricable lemon skun beautifier at about tise cost one muîtiý pay for a email jar of the ordlnary cold creams, Care P.houild be taken te striin thle lemn iièe throuigh a ,n!coth se no) Wr.vsm p li» ga l, t*en IbMs IIi wlll ~p !bSIIfor mpl, Ee~ woeman know3 that lemnonjuico las used- to bleach and remove such biemishes as freckles, sallownmess and tan and le the Ideal skin sciftener. whitener- and beautifier. Just try ltl Get three o f~eso orchap-e witeat ny iciug stoe anti two ilcnsfri Ulercran at ujp aqutepltfthssetyf-I rant le<hion oin n asaeI daily 'tJtifceu ecamsaf hande. On Face and Hands. Itched and ~urned Cut~UrHeais. "My baby was only a month aid when ber face and i-auds stantedti t gmt reti ant scaly. Tisa coeasarteti la the forni 5~1ani brnt.She nsn , crossat reflasecut c inot sep S "Tis-e ioteti aine of Seecp with twe boxes o, q C' a wiserf she wgs heaieti." Pgei Mrs. Oscar Pelien, Ahctug Ontario, May 7, 1918. Cuticura Soap, Ointment anti 'LTsi- cum are ali you amati for altie Ol d-tacust with Tiui lite enons or Strc soudà e n'oduced i± ;r iyfri addto to your dess"ertrcps $ery c~a ds51,apcmang, suce, grvie, cikes p~idhG vnade ih Qntrh 'U o Qke e Can4 o. iie