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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1919, p. 1

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M.A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers, $1.50 a year in advance. THE STORE 0F QUALITY OPUr iGrea2t MIId- C1earance à Offers Many Money Savïng Val You Cannot'Afford To Rg We are aiming to clear out everything in You wiil appreciate the trernendous savings we you see the gr eat reu tutions we have made, Cal opportunity Ail Children's Dresses atabout cost1 Greatbargains in Men's Panama and Str Ail Coiored -Voiles and ail Silk and Poplin Dresse Mn' s'Departmei We hiave just- received a shiprnent of Men's latest'styles. Rleeber, we give best values for made-to-measure suiits. Couch, Johnston & Cr'y Bowmanvllle Phone 104i Troule For 30 years we have been making a stu ly of Eye troubles. special People corne long distances to consuit us and hundreds of highly delighted custorners send thei friendsto us. ft costs you no more to get your glasses from us than frorn those less experienced-in fact it costs lesas we buy in such large quantities thiat you got the 4ighest grade framnes and lenses froin us at very rnoderate prices. Cail tUp phone 78 a nd make an appointment or calany tirne wheîî passing. WhnWe Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Jury & Loveli (Chicago OpbthalmiecOollege Oraduats cf )ewYork School cf Optica SDetroit Opti cal Cellegeý Canadian Optical -Collegge Hav e on asked your- seli isquestion egrd igaCamera? Cal]. at our re and get a new KiODAK Catalogue and soe 01ur comploete Ue of geUine Kdaks 24.,our service iu Devel- oýpingo and Pinting. Jry &Lvl It lis a pleasure for us to show Paradis prepar- ations. The odor is vory Paî'adis Dry Cream- 60c Paradis Cold Crearn 60e- Toilet Wa 'S 1,50 Face Powder $1,I25 Jury e, LoIveil I. ~ 'I BOMNLLONTARJfo, CANADA1 THURSDAY, AUGUSI 1 11 VOLUME. LXV. NnMq I THE EDITOR TAL-KS I Prize Lists' cf Bo)wmanie Fairj bave been nîailled toe mers cf Wesd oo r ir f , c retu ry. 1A y tl er Iperson intferested lin i er' x Jhibition should write te lm for al jcopy. Thisý great agricultuial event I hl e on Spt 1erltb and l4th the second dal,-y being the!chief met m um m erI tesreuniion of old and youing thie best F_,111pair in thispart'ofan- ada, ______ "Ch6er-O" witsüe ucli gocd sense in lier lettezýr te vwhich, eferlerce is made in another duiletht ïwel mstaleaoterexertwhicben-I dorses (oUr;rearkslu lst issu1e abouti - qlcwiug f1àrm homes, uthuaidinîg5 and fences te gzet se saIly _'ut cf re- lu s Vhchpair. Gieer-4-iasks cau wvE ,not have lui w h, c Ilschool in whicýi he youniig eaube tauglit te appreciate the beauties cf Nature? 8')o many people 1,o-kupon ia e S1SL. farm as se an qed, v weds as se many trees. Thle sky ook wet Or Cdry -tliey îdo rnotsee ahaze ou the horizon LSuimmer Goods. -An ifnietender ky, are offerîng when The rich, ripe tinta cýf the cern2 ielda Theilld birds saýiîýilghgl, lnd at your earhiest And ail over thë in2plaude nd loiw- SThe ôliarm cf the g(e' lenred.loi flowmanville is on the menp. Tha%ý8ts all riglit but when strancgers triîke priethis towu coming ilu by mto iheei-I ne aigu te tel them the -name oûf the -aw ilats. town. Ma jor R J. Glîlteiaus the-t frienda of bis nmotoing freinBroclk- s at reduoe price. vil11e went thluteOsbw eoete discovered their msae Vudi net lbe a good plan, Mr. Ma;yoýr, 'ote have large sigus erected et the i'main eastand ,we, t en trances On Knse Road 011 wh1ïil hley should b ene BO WMANVIÎLLE in large.p1lan, li eletters? Te"un"plcmnpae on main street miglit bear asiuwitli "Bewmanville" ou it, t, let ilats in ail the derk nfiglit the other aigunmig ttis ready-made and lbe ebserved. By ail meens, YeuoLrr Worship, place so)me devica on theý highway entraiices telling mOori tsef that the narnecf this beautitual tôwu jg is BOWMAINVILLE.T Bowmanville citizens may not knewb rdelm «lllthat luttera, posted liere Friday even- i be delivered lu that city till the' oloigMonday, because suclile t-t ters do net leave Blowmanville t, lli after 1 o'clock on Saturday, henice!G (th ere is ne postal delivery on Saturday i afte-r sucli letters reach Too tli ila well teowl alse, that le.tters aýd- dressed te residentiel sections f or enteQ and pested ln Bowm anvIlilleatr . m an'y day are net tdeliýVered Lu the ityfil)thethird da, 'th- S o ecsan e 8,leson steed bove-n1odeliÎveryý r iesiîdential sections af ûer vwhet is daily) the Noon Mail (clsd et i p.m. dal)reeclies tbe city. For quickest delivery in Toronte, post letters in Bowmenville before 6:20 p. n. and tbey will be deiivered t'y the first- Fulllliue cf Paradis Toilet Requis- postal delivery next meorning. Lettems ites at Jury& Loveill's te United States ýslould be posted ___________ cfore 1 p. m. deily, except Sunday, Rexîl um frshfron te ectryf or quick, transit. For instance, aJ Rexll umfreh, romthefacoryletter pested in Bewmanville beforei 85c packages for 10e et Jury &1 p. m. wili be delivered in Ne* York Levell's. City around noon of the next day. As far baeck as 185, the writer lived 1Ficto, the niew disinfectant, kils ail at Cempbell's Steam Saw Milis, since gerrbs wherever they mnay be f ound, called Pcdunk, ln the 101h concession, Jury Lo voîl. Derlingtoi. In uhose days black y _____ thimble bernies grew iu great quanti- ties about the clearing, espuciail y We are clearing ont cur stock of around aîumps, and duriug the: berry- Be-thing Caps et greatly red uced(JPîcigsae udeac emr prics. ury& Lvel. 1came eut te the Pine Ridge witli tleirj prics. ury Lueli familles te pick the lusciowus black, m -- bernies. As týhe recta cf th, thimblu Frit rigsfo iuciberry blu-li griow deep dowu -i nth -ýe 3 oz Fut Jarinfr 25c, mc earîli this kinad cf fruit birivesý,-- on thicker and more pliable, thanà the lîglit land sui a s the soit is on t he ordinary varieties, pints or quartai et ridges. Soîne yeers ago w die Jury & Loveii's. farniers who ewn ferma butting lotoi1 the aandy territcry te plant ilooi black thimble berry bushes, herIce w were greatly interested lurea ig i Sweet Pickles. Cali and gel di- OronqNews lest wuuk that Mr. J , l. rections fer making yQur cwn deiic- Ruddell on the old William Crai ieus sweel pickles by the up-te-date ferm neer Le2kard, Clarke tewnship, pla!,, -'Tvmus troble jur &ha s8 acres of black Ihuînhie benrrie2s, plan Ne ussnoteubi. Juy ~the market valuecf which 1ilv, r LovelI. $tu00. We are convinced that the theusands cf acres cf Ridge lands rglt be profitebly cuitivated if Popular Songs andnovelties, dance pn~ ubakbrybse.W records, standard and secred songs, should like te hear fre n ay (,ee,,whe are ail inciuded in the ncew Seplexuber lieslied experience in grewing timbluý" liet ef Fethe records iowlet jury & ernies on sandy soil. LeveiVs. Do you really appreciatumue Few ecoemplisliuents oulside cf those"" nucessary te carry on a homepru- Afreslh shipment of 4armony Gly- ly are iikely te conîribute more gepn . cerine Soap bas Just errived. The nine pleesuru te those living in thLý, e! ýsupply cf Ibis favorite soap is very home Ilien gecd music, vocal aud ili- 1 oel ri gt ous efreOu'sîrumental, lience we strongîy ed !o-1 # lirniled, cl n ocausbfr I," ýite the teeching of rnusic by a prop-Jý stockis eheused. uryv & Lový1e1, erly qelfiu ache-r -iii thepulc __________ achel, Bse that ail ci chidran ney ola îni thu ulemunts et ieast cf mousie lu thi THE EDITOR TALKS. "No", feur times, la the way to vote. Thu ef-erendum Ballot and bow te vote areý shownr on page six-of Ibis issue. Dur- ham co ,,unty people bave ne furtber use frth- old license systen with its open 1bar*s te corrupt the morais cf the youtb. Vote "'Ne"on ail four questions submitted andt belp te put an end for ever to the cu;rsedJ bar-room i wth its long catalcgue, IL me.ikes our lieart ache te, see formery heatiful old homes falling inte decy. The tnagedy of it is tha-t the prsn eneralion dees not ap- preciate tlie beeuly of the greetont-of -doora. Sbould we net bu taught liow te, more appreciatu the beuties cf cur ievely Oitrio.,lendacape se that we ceni net even go te the, fields for, the cew's iiitlie quiet cf uvening and. se the grýeun fielda dolled. wilh coutentud hurds cif cattle and aliuep, the setting aun'a reys shining Ilirougli a gloricus- ly intud oed on one aide and falîing upen hu u quall'y beanîlful woods on the otherside witliout fervently thian- ing Ged for sucb a scune? The sea- sous in their tnu have their own par- tulrchiarma for those wlio eau ap- Wlt-re Durham boys. doing? At theLoe Seboci examinations for ntrncet Normal Sohools Bowmau. ville pess-ed ine students and Port Hope seven witli euly eue boy lu oaci lisI. Doua thia imply Ibat boys are net sukngligber education? The pui c acho les te round ont a boy's uducabion as il sbeuld and if tliey fusil te ga,,in furthur educamion in seme cheol tbuy are doing themsulves great injustice, If we had or wayi we wonld baývea fifîli class luevery1 rural sechool anrd a teaclier et the beed1 cof it vwcoith $1000 a year, eue who ceuld Leachi whel country boys andi ?girls shuuld leemu lin tbeir homei achool. We wiab every parent would1 rêpid thue ddress cf Hon. Duncan Mer-1 shahl et Liberal Convention iu Ottawae recently lu whicli le said, "We haveE gelt te tach the boys and girls in the, public schoolq Ibat tie finest bus.iness in the world, the onu Ihat offers theu higgust opportnoiby for home build-t iug, and lie gruatust cpportunity le bucoua a useful citizen, is thal of tlii- iug the sou ou a goed farin.' Fine talk, this! Lut us have more cf it fremn pulpit and pletfcrm, edds the C-inardian. borne in Leamington. meeting tben adjourned. iu ais8ea eus lappy anid Saisfied Csto mers@ In a nut sheýli these few words tell the story of my Important IRernoval Sale in which I amn offering such trernendous reductions in Jewelry, Silverware, Flatware, Clocks, Watches, Cut Glass and Chùina E4vidently some people have been compîtring my prices with other stores and. mail order houses, and iin the comparisoni find my prices se very much lower that they ask if the quality is as good. For the benefit of sueb people I migbt state the- goods I bave placed on sale are from my regular stock. My' personal guarautee goes with* every article as represented. Irresistible Values te Prompt, ERarly Buying. Corne Early and Often. Mantel Clocks heur, à bour stnike, and 8 days regullar $12 for $10 " 10," Kitchen Clocks 8 deas, heur eud I heur stniku regular $6 for $4 Ivory Bedroom Clocks Ranging from $10 te $4 et 20VO off regular pnies. Alarm Clocks $5 for $3 3 2 2 "1.25 Cut Glass Blerry Bowl $12 for $9 '~ " 7 "5,50 " " 9 "050 Vases, Cream n ed Suger, Spoon Trays, B3on bon dishus, utc, at sim- Plar reductions. %'iýnaî - Odd Pee 1ciaring e eIpnces, cupsaend Bueutiul casv lu reuch Ivory. v pic1esbub Comb and Maici(uru Sels $1-fo $7,50 Ebon Miitarruses, 550for $ Silver Plate Casserole in pyrex, reg. $12 for $8 " whitu linings 13 " 9 " brown linings 13 " 9 Il l 5.50 4 Bread Trays, $7 for 5 Sandwich- Plates, reg. $7 for $5 Il Il - 6 11 4 Tee Service, 4 pieces, reg. $20 for $14 Baking Dabus.........7 5 Bol' Bon Dies........0 $3 50 Flower Baket ......$ fer $10 Pie Plates .,........ reg. $8 for $6,00 Il I . .. . . l 5 Il 300 Cake Baskets... . 5" 3.50 Creain and Soger... " 7" 5.00 4ê~~~ 3.6 5t 50 Comportas......... . 6 4,00 Chuld',s Mugs, $2,50 for $1,25 Flatware Kvsforks and spoos pca values in best kn owon makpescil Gent's Wrist Watches 15 j Ceul goid filled case, $21 fer $15 15 juwel silver filled case, $15 for $9 15 jewul nicIkle filled case, $12 for $8 e Ladies' Wrist Watches 15 jewel, gold filllud case, $24 for $18 15 jewul, geld fflled case, $21 for $15 15 jewel, goid fiîîud case, 816 fer $12 -Dnifyu edon't see anythïing in the-ý above lbat which yen really require it will be well orh our whîe t viit y store anc! seethe actual; barginsiý being oflered, Remember I amn Moving tcshw Jewelry Neeklaes or Pendants, 14 K Gold, rugular $15,00 fer $10.0 14 K GoId, ruguler,$14 00 for $ 9 0 14 K Gold, ragular $ 8.50 for $ 5.50 10 K Gold, regular $ 8.75 fcr $ 6.00 10 K Gcld, ruguler $ 7.50 fer $ 5.50 10 K Gold, regular $ 6.50 fer $ 50 Bronches Set ir peenîs, 14k gold $25 fer $18 Varions autinis ,. ..$15 f or $10 Buatquality, safuby catch $12 for $9 1BesI queîiby, safuty catch, $8 - $5.50 Best queliby, sefety catch, $7 - $4.50 Breclets, big sacrifice, $5,900 for $2,50 Diamond Rings $275,00 foi' $225,00 $250 00 for $)0000 $225 90 for $175,0 $110,00 for $ 90.00 $ 85.00 for $ 75.00 Lowerpriced rings correspondi ngly Iow. Cuif Links, 10 k,' reg. $4,20 for $3,00 Cuif Links, gold fiIl'd $3.00 for $2,0 Scarf Pins, 14k, varions autinga, reg. $10 for $7 sud reg. $6 for $4,50 Lady's Dinuer Rings, reg, $14 for $10 Lower priced rings a gret values G.eut'sCliains, reg. $8,00 for $6,00 Geut's Chaîna, reg. $5.00 for $3.0 Geub's Fehs, ruguiler $4,00 fo)r $2,50 Phioto F rames Jeweler Phonoe8 PBo-wrmanvil CLEMENCE FAMILY PICNIC The annua) Clemience Familv Picnie was beld witb great suiccess at the beautiful homue of Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Bragg, Kinîgston Road East.t, on Tues- iday, August 12th. Over eigbty rel- atives were present and the spacious lawns and large bouse nicely decorat- ed with flags and mottoes made a -fit- ting place for sucli a gathering. The afternooni was spent in ail kinds of sport and a number of Victrola select- ions were rendered. The tables were abundantly spread with ail the. good things desirable for such an occasion. There were relatives presont fromn Toronto, Wbitby, Oshawa, Newcastle and Newtonville. KILLED BY LIGHTNING. Citizens were startled Saturday evening to learn that Mr. Thomas E.* Hoar, Port, Bowmanville, bad been instantly kjlled by lightning. He bad gone to the light- house to light the lamip, wben the steeple, was struck with lIghtning with resuit stated. It is supposed that be was comn- ing down the stairway and holding by the iron railing and so received the elec- tric ,,current. His clothes were torn froru head to' foot and his body c ,onsiderably burned- down the-right -side whe'e -the current ran. Mr. Hoar bas been light- bouse keeper for a number of years and was very popular among the summer visitors at our popular resort. Mr Geo. W. Grant of Toronto remarked te us when speaking of the sad event, 11 don't know how we can'get along at -the Lake witbout Mr. Hoar who was ever ready to assist us in any way.Y The ligbthouse was set on fire by the ligbtning and the bigade surnmoned by the fire-beil, but the lakeside dwellers extinguisbed the1 blaze by pails of water andthus saved the 1 building. it was a verv sad blow te Mrs. 1 Iloar, wbo, with Mr. N. E. Gould, found the lifeless bodly cf ber husband, on going te see why bie had not returned borne. Mrs. Hoar's maiden namne was Delza Nicholls and is sister cof Mr. A. L. Nicholîs, merchant. Sincere and greati sympatby is feit for the sorrowing wife, bis sister, Mr.. Candlar of this town and brotber, Mr. Samuel Hloar cf Toron- to, and other relatives'here, The funeyfal took place on Wednesday-afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S, J. Cour tice and ýdaugbt- 1 er, wbo bave been enjoying their bolidays 1 with relatives bere, bave returned te their1 VETERANS' MEMORIAL, A meeting cf tbe comniittee cf ten ap. pointedat tbe public meeting beld in May last in connection witb memorial of tbe war was beld ini the Council Room last Tbursday evening wben aIl men'bers wbo were in town ýwere present. Mr. Fred, R. Foley was chairman, and Mrs. Editb V. Scobeli, secreîary. Mrs. Scobell reported correspondence iii connection witb owners of -,Camap Hoskin", owners in Montreal. Tbey cannot absolutely donate the land for a memorial park, but will net stand in tbe way of patriotic purposes. Considerable discussion took place as te the relative merits of (I) comînunity building, (2) park, (3) monument. Dr. Bonnyc.astle said tbe veterans were strongly in favor of a building. It was thought the upkeep of a building could be financed by a series of concerts. This would, keep green the memory of the dead berces and at the same time do a valuable service to the returned veterans, as well as te other- young men and the general pujblic.ý Mrs. Hillier reported tbhat she under- stood a monument of whicb we as citizens wouild net be asbamed, wold cest in the neigberbood of from $Io,ooo te $15,000, that this could be erected witbout cost on the land between the Municipal Building and c the P-ost- Office, and -there would -be- ne cost of upkeep witb sucb a memorial, Shâ though t tbe Women's Patriotic League bad a trifle over $500 awaiting the caîllcf the Memorial Committee when formâ of memorial is decided on and that she understood the Girls' Patrietic, Club had about the same amount for a memor- iaI. Tbe upkeep, of a park weuld ameunt te as niucb yearly as a cemmunity building, and would be cf use only during the sum- mer, unlsss a skating or Curling rink could be maintained in connectieîn witbh i. A baseball diamnondf could be made in the park, aIl of wbicb might be used assourc- es ofincome from time tetinte. The idea ofa park seemns to be lo-oknd upon witbi considerable favor, particularly if a mem- orial arcb or monument could be placed n connectien witb it. Sub'-committees were namped to gather morc defloite infermation and be prepar- ed to submit te Committee in, two, weeks, as follows. Building-Dr. Bonnycastle, M4iss Ethel Morris, Principal W. J. Morris- on, B. A.; Park-Mrs Edjth V. Scobeîl, M.iss Lillie McLean, Mr. J. A. McClellmn. Monument-Mrs. S, C. HuIler, Principal R. D. Davidson, Mrs. W. B. Pincb. The Il-- -1 -ý- Il ý

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