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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1919, p. 4

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_________________________________________ N h N For the finest stock of Black, and CoIored Silk and the best va lue in Silks and Poplins cali at Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman's Ltd. Sayt With Fl'owers Sum mer Flû 1wers Summer Prices 1Seasonable fiowers at ail timos for eîber out purposes or for Floral Design work. Ail design work bas aur per- sonal attention, backed by our years of experieuce. Whcn lu need of flowers let us serve you. S. J. Jackman & Sons Florists and Growêrs 1Boîwmanville l'hone 80 18OWMANNILLE. AUG, 21, 19191 NORTHWEST WEDDING At Rochon Sande, Buffalo Lake, at the summer borne of Mr. and Mre S. E, Souch, Stettier, Alta., forméet4y ot Bowmanville, Orntario, their ouly daughter, Dorothy Pamela, was unit- ed lu marriage with Ewart Sproat Sarvis, Bindioss, Sask., on Wednesday Auguet Oîh at 9.80 a, m. The bride, who was cbarmingly gowned in Georg- ette crope over white satin, wearing a beautitul pearl and peridot crescent, the gift ofý the groom, and carrying the bridai bouquet of white carnations, was givon away hy ber father and pre- ceded by two nephews and nieces Who acîed as pages and flower girls. The ceremony was performed ou the ver- andah overlooking the beautiful waters of Buffalo Lake, aud along with the evergreen decorations, the calor i cherne of Alberta College clor,-1 purple and gold-was carried out very prottily. Bey. Joseph Wordsworth, Red Deer, Alta., au old tamily triend, officiated, assisted by Rey. A. B. Ar- gue, Stettler, the bride's pastor. A reception was held following the cere- mony and a very dainty luncheon was served, atter whicb. the happy couple rnotored ta Stettler iu a gaily decorat- ed and placarded car, accompanied by I a number of friends who gave thern a parting ebower of rice, confetti and strongly attached old boots. Tbe bridai cou ple will spend their honey- 1-ona Clay Banff and Medicine jHat, atter wbich tbey wîll take, up residence lu the city of Edmonton, Alla. The bride received her A. T. C. M. degree at Alberta Colege wbere she bas been an insîructor lu music, while the groom is a medical student at Edmonton University. The very beautiful-assortmeul-of gifts-and -sub- stantial cbfcques c-stifled to the popu- tlarit, of the bride. Ou rIhe evening preceding a huÜge boufire was ablaze oln the beach and ail the sunier r'esi- dents gathered tboreabout, when san gs anidspeeches were in order and the bride elect, who hsd the distinction of being the first bride of Rochon Sande was presented with a beautiful Pyrex- and silver ýpie dieh and fork, after 'whicb refreshments were served and a pleasar.l social time spent. Their many friends in Aberta aud Ontario 1wishâ the yaung couple a happy sud 1prosperous lfe. The friende and rel- iatives froni a dsance, besides a nu m- ber of tawn triende, about sixty lu al, were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bradley, Gil- man, Montana; Mrs. J. J. Souch, Lang- don, N. Dak.; Messrs. B. F. and G. P. Souch and famuliep, Medicine Hat,,Mrs. MacDonald and daughters, Detroit; Mrs. Joseph and Mise Mina Cale and Rev. J. Wordsworth, Red Deer; Mrs. Katrina A. Lee, Enniskillen, Ont.; Mrs W J. and Miss Myrtie Mcbean, Castor, Alta., and Misses Burkholder and Watts of Edmonton. DO YOIJ WA14T A.HOME? FINE RESIDENCE IN HEART 0F Bow- MANVILLE AT A POSITIVE BARGAIN.: Very desirable brick residence witb large garden, good stabe, lovely lawu and modern conveniences, wiîbin five minutes' walk of Post Office Will be sold at a tremendous bargain for cash 10 close au estate. hIquire of M. A. JAMES, Bowmanvil1e.- ý,îr7"It Is flot necessaryj to build a new home before enjoying the "glow of comfort" from a Pease "Econom y" Boiler Ail classes of buildingS, from the smallest to the largest, in the coun- try or the city, can be equipped with these dollar-saving heating systems oU very short notice. Rice ;& C Sole Agents I. i n 1 '? m ll [Otth wdeJinl neptybin! Be- prepaî'ed for winter. Take that c1, icy grin off his face. Fi your coal bîn vwithi the sort ofd ceai that wil make-you- comfi-ortabie just o -think about. Lay in your supplv nowand be prepared for initer. Canneli Coal We are agents l'or Pu-rityCael Coal and have a good supply on hand GTive us a eal, John A., Holgate & Son Queeui and Division Sts. Bowmanville 'J Phone 208 When you Require the Services of an Expert Electrician G. PARKIN Silver & Churcb Sts. Bawmanville WEDDING SANbERSON-OKE A very was solemnized at "Sprucedale Farm", the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oke, Enniskillen, on Aug- ust 9tb, wben their eldest daughter, Mary Aleta, was unîtcd in marriage witb Mr. Wiifred Edward Sandetson. Proxnptlv at 2.3o p. ni, to the strains of the Wed - ding March, played Vr Miss MarjorîeOke, Tyrone, cousin of' the bride, the bridai party.took their places in front of a batik of toliage and myrtie. Tbe bride, wbo was unattended was-given in marriage by bier fatber and looked lovely lu ber gown of appricot c. epe de chente trimmed with silver b'eads and lace. carrying a beautiful bouquet of creani roses. The ceremony was performed hy Rev. H. Wilkinson of Greenwood. Ater congratulations some sixty immediate relatives sat down to a splendid wedding supper wbich was served by five girl fricuds of the bride, Misses Viola Truli, Grace Slemon, Mary Brunt, Helena Werry and Gertrude Skinneir. The toast to tbe bride was proposed by~ Rev. H. Wilkinson and responded to by Mr. Wilfrid Sanderson and Mr. Chalmers Sanderson. A very fine collection of gifts was received by the bride. The groom's gift to bis bride was a necklace set witb pearîs and emeralds and to the pianist a bracelet set witb brilliants and rubies. The bridal couple, accompanied hv s nuniher nf friends motored to Tyrone Station wbcre they left for a honcymoon trip and o n their returu will take up resi- dence at 2Willowdalc Farm" Enniskillen. MUSICAL TALKS. NO. 111-THE VIOLIN. Written by Prof. C. C. Lau gher,Mu Bac. Bowman ville. The Violin le the principal Orcheât- rai Instrument. -L-tis -the -soprano '-- the s'tring quartette, the quartette of instruments being, violin (soprano), viola (alto), cello (tenoi, contrabass viol (bass). The quarLeie more often used i8 Tt and 2nd violin, -viola and cello. The face value of the, material in a violin may not exceed tnany cents, but that same Little instrument may be valued at several thousand dollars. I quote front the catalogue of an Amer. ican violin dealer of the better known makers as follows: Guarnerius $18.,000; Bergouzi $9,000; Guarnerius, $8500; Stradivarius $7,500, etc. Everyon-e is familiar with the shape of the violin which is entirely hand made, its weight baing %~ ounces, hbas 4 strings and is played with a bow. The tone of the violin resembles the hurnan voice. Tt was formerly larger, butto "Gaspar da Salo" we owe its preseiit shape. A well-made violin consists of 70 parts, and le generally uuderstood that-the old Iaiian ruakers used such a delicacy ln the niaking, of violi"ns, that it is often spoken of as a violin secret which died with the mak- ers of that period. Viollnists are fam- iliar wîth such namnes as Stradivari, Stainer, Guarnerius, Cremnona, Amati, etc. Mozart says to choose a violin by its looke is like choosing a singing biîrd by it's feathers. nhe prize lists have been issued and mailed by the Secretary to those on bis list. If1 you are desirous of obtaiuiug a copy, drop a Iine to Mr. Charles P. Davis, Oshawa, and he will sec that you get one. It is tirne now tu be lookig up exhibits as thýe Fair iS getting coeat hbaud and this year's prizzE lst offers good induce- nein t 1Exhibitors, PreparationDs are going ahead rapidly for the Fair and the- present prospects arc for a bigger and botter show tban ever before. Remnember the dates, September 8th, gth, and i01h.' Prices Given ForAil Kinds Carpenter Wr Estimates Fe W. P. MO0SES Bra~hw-S 3 î nvL-e I. ,las[ 7 eShnc fTdeI MINISTEËRS AND CHURCHES Rev. E. E. Shields, pastor of tbe Baptist Cburch; Oshawa, bas accepted a caîl to Brantfo'rd. Bowmanville Dist rict meetin g will be hcid on Wednesday, Sept. i0 in Bowman- ville Methodisl cburcb. Rev, R. Wallbridge Allen, Rector of AIl Saints Church, Whitbv, bas resigned and bas been appointed to take charge of Christ Church, Brampton. Prof. Charles T. Paul will prcacb in the Methodist Cburcb next Sunday evening. Rev. S C. Moore will preach in the Pres- byterian cburch lu the morning, 1DISCIPLES CHUIRH-Prof. Chas. T, Paul, D. D., was speaker atý the Disciples' Church Sunday moruing and lu a forceful and cloquent manner put before bis audi- ence the necessity of the churcb risiug tb a sense of ber responsibilily lu the great work in this new era of reconstruction, whicb lies before ber. 'Re urged tbe necessity of a revival not oulv corporale but individuai. Our best wisbes will go witb Dr. Paul and bis estimable wife, who gave a most inspiring and -instructive ad- dress ou the work of tbe Christian Women's Board of Missions wbile lu town, as tbey beave us to return t0 tbeir home and field of labor for the Lord. Sunday next Pastor Graham will prcacb at both services, Morning subjecî, "A sure, foundation"; evening subject "The Lord our Rigbteousness." Corne and bring a friend and you will be made welcomne, Local anid Otherwise Expericnced nurse desires employment. Sec advt. Mrs. Philip Reddou is visiting a sister at Lisle, Ont, Baud Concert on the town lawn on Saturday evening --Miss Nellie--Martyn, Picton, is-visiting- Miss Olive Belnan. SMiss Marlon FeIt, Oshawa, is visiting ber aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Maas, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Caun. Persous overlooked by enumerator sbould sce Mr. Trebilcock about it. Mrs. M. Taniblyn of Elizabetbville is visiting at berfaers Mr. W. Luxton. Mr. and Mrs. John Gowswell, sr., Fox- boro, are visiing Mr. John A.,Holgate. Mr. Thos. Jackson, nortb-east of town, bad a cow fled by lightning on Tuesday. Mrs. T. W. Cawker and Mr. F. Symnons are exhibitors at Cobourg Horse Show this week. Bowmauville Lawn Bowling Club is represented by two rinks aI Belleville's big Tourner. Mr. and Mrs. Bidwell Holgate and family left Saturday for their home in Edmonton, Alla. Men's aud Boys' ready-to-wear suits, the finest stock they have ever showu just 10 baud at Coucb,Johnston & Cryderrn's Dr. J. C. Devitt and son James and Dr. and Mrs, C. W. Slemnon, Euuiskillen,,arc eujoying lite ut the Highlan d Inn, Algoýn- guin Park. Mr. aud Mrs. W. B., Couch and Mr. Walter Johuston (Columbus, Ohio), were lu- Port Hoýpe Saturday atteuding the funeral of Mrs. R. Alexander. Mr. andi Mrs. Wmn. McReynolds -and Miss A'Edra and Mr. and Mrs. W. Willis, Toronto, motored to Unionville ou' Sun- day and visited Mr. John Taylor. Issuanc 'e of a special Canadian postage stamp, commemnoratiug bhc signing of peace, is under cousideration at Ottawa. It will be a bhree-ceut stamp and printed in bwo or three colors. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bradburu, Janet- ville, announce bbe engagement of îbEr niece, Valetta Adeline Bradburu Shea aiid John Wesley McLean of Clabo, niarriage to bake place early lu September. Miss Louise Hardy is bonored witb au invitation 10 a Garden Party given by thei Royal Canadian Yacht Club of Toronto 1 on Monday, August 25, lu bonor of His Royal Higbness, the Prince of Wales. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees and Miss Helen have returned tromn a very pleasanti motor trip 10 Bnucefield wbete tbey had 1 an enjoyable visit with relatives and'I triends at Mrs. Yellowlees' old homei. Mrs. Fred. Smith aud ber daugbter,Mrs. T. E. Walker and two childreu, Chicago, Il, and 'is.'E Scott of Bruicefield, are eujoying a visit witb tbe fornier's iter, Mrs. NelYcoles Mr. su-.d Mrs. S. Marshall, Walter's Falls, announce the engagement of their onfly dau _gbter, Myrtle Viola, and Clarence Lloyd Mý,cLaugbUun, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R, S. M'vcLaughliu, Markdale, the marriage 10 take place quietly in Septeni- ber. One of John Luxton's bouseF, north- egsi of towu, was struck by lightning Monday afternoon, the chimnev wag shat. tered and the lighlniug travelled down tbrougb two stonies -into bbec cellar doing cousiderable damiage enroule. Notbiug !-a- burned No-anwasl tbe buse a Gie N.veTurstin 1Bowmanville's Up-to-date llaberdashery and Fur, Shop, Fine Positions! are being filled daily by the Graduat es of Shaw's Business Schools in Toronto. Write for catalogue and list of recent appointments. Enter any day. P. MCIw'rosH, W. H. SHAW, Principal. President. H-ead Offices at Vonge & Gerrard Sts, Boots Balance of stock on han d will be sold at old prices 'Up to time of arrivai of our new stock, when, prices will rnaterially advance. Prices now range from $1L25 to wt7.O O. What would il cost to rebuild your homne, or to refurnisb vour home in case offlire?' Conskler Th's Careful Iy It is pjFssblçe that yoiur buildings, mahier, tck, fixtui eF, or fUrn- ituIre, are today mucb underifnsured. Thiere bas been suchi a great in- crease in values, that a building or its contents vallued at' $10,ooo a few years, and insured for saY $8,000, might if today destrov- cd by fire cost $15,000 te $2on,ooo leo replace, iIt is therefore a vital rmatter to you thiat the amocunt of your insur- ance be îincreas;ed in proporitin to the increase in value. Hlave you donc it ? Look to it now I will be very glad to give you zail in- formation. Irepresent seventeen of thie very best insurance comîppnies doing business in Canada today. The-re are NONE BETTEý.R orI wul have thiem- in yeur interest. Mrs., Edith V. Scobeli- Insûranc,,e Agent Alan M.'e Williams Funieral Director - Emb aimer No extra charge for distance in country or to city or outside places. Embalm- ing done i the most sciehtific mariner. Charges reasonable as my expenses are low. Phone 58 or 159 43-6m* Iiep Wanted 200 Men, Women, Boys1 and Girls For Pulfing Spreading FLAX Wi l pay $16.00 per acre. Get contracts and full particulars from E.Weiler Durham Flax Co. Ltd. Cor. King and Seugog Streets 30-tf Bowmanville1 Companies -Service Rates are of, the best wben you insure with i NINA E. NEADS Insurance Agent." Phone 162 Office Wellington-st Bowmanville BOOKSO We'have received this week a number of reprints that we are oiffring at 49Cwl Spleudid Value Post Card Views of The town taken froin Aeroplane the latest in -Post Cards. W. T'O Allen 1Big 20 Bookstore1 When you want a nice, tender ont of, meat you just naturall'y corne to our store. We have served the citizens of Bowmanvilleior over 50 years. Bûggy For S5aie IRubber-ý Tired Buggy good as new, Great value. C. M. Cawker & Son iPurveyors-: Phone 64 Bowmanville I Modern violin studeuts smile to thiuk ot the great violinisîs playiug wibb the chinoauthe righl baud. sido oft he tail-piece. Now we play witb the cohn ou the loftbaud aide oftIhe Isilpiece. Violin compositions were in evidon ce araund 16310. About tbat tirùe the art of violin playing was generally under- staod. -Two notes at one lime may be plsv. ed on a violin and with a quick sweep of the bow four notes may be played alrnost simultaueously. The violin and its mnusic bardly bears description. Hear the groal violinists of taday aud the executian aud interpretation forma will simply amaze one. Let us review the career of the great- est violinist thal ever lived, Niccolo Paganini, au 1Italian, horu 1784, died 1840. Aitho Niccolo was vory delicate hie ruother dreamed Ihat lho wauld be. corne the groaleet violiuist. This lu- spired hlm for at 6 years hoe was a re. msrkable player aud at 9 years hie playýed at a concert, playiug his awn arigýinal variations, It muet be re- membered that the uotcd Paganini piaved ouly hie own composoitious. At eloyen yearsof age hie father took 'hlm to Farina tb take lessons froni the great teachýr, Ralla, but Balla was sick lu bcd, aud while Niccolo wajted in an adjoîning roon, lhe aaw a vialin and a miusic composition laying ou the table, aud takiug the violin hoe played the composition so porfectly that Rolla iuquired wbal master was in the bouse. Ou seeing a more boy ho could hardi y believe bis owu eyes and protested Ihal -ho could teach, hlm uothing. Paganini played astonisbing feats; on one aud Lwo strings tb imîliate a conversation betwean two loyers. He taok off the 2 middle_ strings D and A and played the duel -on the nomaiuing striogs. Sa well was Paganini receiv- ed sud appreciated that Pape bo XII decaraled hlmp with the Order of the Golden Spur. Reports were abraad Ibatliho was a child of Satan, wboîn one man dleclared ho saw directing hie bow at a concert. Paganini troquent- ly visited su old Florentine casîle'aud people declared Ihat hoe held inter- course witb the Devil for lhey beard ail manuer of querÈ noises caming tram the place. When hie made bis lirSt app"eaýrînce lu 'on4lourau-iogF fallowed Iaiï)ilu the streeîs, even piuching him aI limes ta see if hoe wero real. lu bis playing hi oia- biued the arcoand piz.,zicato tagether, pluickinàg the string- with bis left band and at the same limie using bis bow with fris rigbrt, maktng nmosL ast,oish-1 ip.g tests. H1e tunied bis vialin ta pro duce diffei ent effecla, hie system beiug niosýtly bis own even tho' ho had mucb t raiuilng. Paganîini was much opposod 10 the wilee af society leaders. Ou one occasion tboy, triedto secure trom hlmü $1,000 %worth of Violin nmuiseoil roturu for the price of a dinner. On aizalher, while concertiziug in Paris ho rieceived al pressing .invitation la dine wilh notab le camnpauy, sud a pastscripl acdiig "Doltfail le bring your vai" Paganini returued the iniaincar-d wilb followiug writleu ou t 4,lMy Violin doos ntdinie". Paganini wrougbl, a revolulion lu, the Violin world. Vieuitompl, the reuoùWn- ed Violi niel, wha had heard the woui- derfai 'V.irtuso esaid "Ho le the groatesl lif usaî ----11 1"14 ;à=Z==Q Sauls and Overcoa (s We are now ready. to shoçw you Our new sam pies for [ail -a n'd W/nier We A/re Agents For Cooke 'Bros. e& c4tten Art Mode Clothes 44Wh~ere The Good Ctothes Corne From" Watc OurSalturmday Nigbt E-ach Week 1 -1

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