Now Ready For, BIU BUSINESS We are now located ' in our fine, new andi modern Garage on King-st (Caldwell's Livery Stand) and are prepared to give first clas.s service in every de- partmient: Bowser Gasoline Pump Compressed Air Pump OiygenC-arhon1IRmover Ail Makes 0f Cars Repaired. We also have in stock these auto supplies: King S- Premier Motor Gasoline National Carbonless Motor Oil Columbia Dry Cel Batteries Tires-Goodyear, iDunlop, iDominion IFulli une of auto repairs. Pi*ckard's G-arage ïtreet Bowmanville Plmb igA N Hating Tîh at Gives You Stsato Y-ou eaud- epend- on y-our pinrnibing-an.d-heatinig to give you the greatest amount of comfort andi ser- vice after we have doue the work. We are experts at the business and our inany satisfied customers are a guarantee that we will do YOU-IR work in the best, possible manner and at the lowest cost. Dont Wait--Do- It Now Estiniates cheerfully given. kid iven pro mpt at~in Repairs of ail Greena way & Elliott Division, Street,'Opposite Goodyear ilotel P(hone 18 day or niglit Bowmanville More Savings At The Cash & Carry Meat Marke t ilere are a -few special values 1 offer this week: Wm. Davies Pork & Beans, 3 cans-for 25e Sardines, per tin.............................. 10e Special Delivery -Service" During summer mnonths order your meat in the afternoon and I will cleliver it to your home next morning before 8 o'clock. G.A, E dmlioind(stbný,Ie (one door east of Levi Morris & Son's) Phone 21 Bowmanville Brantford Roofing We bave reccntly been appointeti Special agents for, the above Re- liable anti Fully Tesieti Roofing, Fîneproof anti eWeathenproof, acti shahl be pleasedt show the gootis anti funnish estimnaies. Portland Cernent Rogers Canadian Portlant Cemenrt i. the best Cemnent, in the tmanket totiay, we bave a !nesb stock in gooti, sounti bags, neady fer tilivery at short notice to any part o! town on country. Scrantôn Coal Scranton C )al is the Standard Anthracite, anti we are [prepareti to take cane o! ont ors in ail sizes. Now i. the time ta put in youc supply, as there is eve,-y indication tbat the pnice will be bighle o on, anti thobe wbo take thein coal ealy will be protecieti witb règard ta price. Ilding Material We bave -our usual stock in aIl 1hiec, anti slicit youn inquiry, anti guarantce goond service. MdcClellain & Company Limited King Street East Bowmanville Office Phone 15 - Residences 228 and 274 ing relatives a t Camborne and - Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lakze Morden have re- turned from a ttrp through Western Ont- ario. m, A. Guthrîje, Toronto, is spePding a ew days with bisz sister, Mirs. G. N. Thurston. Miss Gladys Vanstone lias returned home from hofidaying at Peterboro and other places_ Youmust ses the goods to appreciate the values Alex Elliot, is offerirtg in his removal sale. .Mr. Harold Thurston has returned home after spending his vacation at Sparrow lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Scobeli, Ottawa, were necent guests of Mrs. S. W. Scoheli, Kî East. Mr. and Mrs. '.lar k Mornison and so)n, Raymond, spent Sunday at Mc. G. A.j Mr. and Mrs. Normani Varcoe and son Sta.iley, Pawtuckett, R. L., are visiting ai Mr. Geco. Varcoe's. Ted Jenkins, Kingston, have hee visiiing ai Mn. J. C. Elhiotîrs Mn. and,* Mrs. 'Fred*c Dingman and son, 'Earl, Whitbv, necentL1yvisiteti lis uncie,- Mr arren Dingmanj. Mrs. Fred. W. Trebilcock anti sons anti Mn. Arthur Trebîlcock, Peterboro, cecent- ly visitedt liir parents bore. Mrs. Arthur Baleý and Miss Evelyn Ev- erson, Oshawa, spenit'Éle week-end wiîh their sister, Mrs. Jas. Courtice. Mný._ Walter J.obeston, Columbus, Ohio, is3 visiting bis brother, Mnr. C..A. -Jolinston, anti fiends o! bis boybood tigys. f Mîrs. J. W., Kight unti Miss Helen ýKnîgbi are visiting thie fre sister, j Mrs, John Wyllie, Atticaï,N. Y Mmc. HMacry Spencer -and lovely son 'Bitlli,Toronto, are holiday ieg witb ber mother, Mrs,, E. Williamis, Scugog-st. Mn.. P. C. Trebilcock anti Miss Mincie Ihave gone 10 Canaan, Conu., to visit ber ldaughîer, Ena, Mrs. knr.> J. G. Adam. Mr. and Mrs. John J'oblin, Scugog,*anti Miss Boa Joncs., Moosejaw, Ss. r visiting their brother, Mr. F. H.Jnes Mn.. G. Ross anti taugbter, Hielen, anti Miss K. Mille, Belleville, are guesis of Mrs. C. F. Rce, Sandhburst Cottage, ai- the-lake. Mn. A. L. Milmine, C. P. R station agent, anti Mrs. Milminçe anti family are enjoying two weeks' vacation in Western Ontario Mn. Alvin A. Stacey anti bis bride ar- riveti from Englanti on Tbnrstiay anti are receiving tie congratulations of ibeir many fiectis, Mn. N. N. Colo, Winnipeg, Mac., wbo lias jusi returneti from a trip to Englanti, was in town last week calling on relatives anti olti fientis. Mn.. Ira F. Peance'spent'Suntiay- in Osbawa with ber sister, Mn.. Archie Mc- 'Donald în bonor o! the 73rt i bîtbtay of tbeir faiher, Mr. Samuel Baïken. The gardon party lielti ai-Oak Lotige, bbc homo o! Mn. anti Mns. Chas. Mackey, Brookiin, entier auspices of tlhe Mtbodist Mn. anti Mn.. Chas. H. Mason, anti tiaug;hter of Preston are siayicg ai bis f athen's, Mn, J. J. Masîýon. Mn. Mason bas solti bis gents' fufncishiliîgs business. Dr. Mincie E.Hiot M. A., Elmvna Collego, N. Y,, ail Miss Mabel Higbei, Cobourg, were necent; guosts o! Miss J, E. Riiuidle antiu.theýnoli frientis anti ac- quaintances bore, Mnr, W. S. Smiî, neiar Baltimore, de- lîveroti by moton trý,.uck seeti produci o! 12 acres of alsike 10 ( Sculthonp & Son -of *Pont Hope, Augusi114, for whicb be ne- ceivetia chieck fo3r $Z,300., Mn. and Mc., Wm. Rogerson, Bruns- wick-ave., Teoonto, announce thie engage- ment o!in daugbter, Madelîne Ida, anti Mr, J. H. B3eaton, Oshawa. Marniage to take place le Sepiember. Mn.. S. H. Scriptune anti Miss Evva Scripture, who lias just neturceti from a trip fo Clifonnia andthteNorthWest were guesis of ber sister, Mns. Chas. Manning on route bo ibeir home in Coîborne. Mrs. F. A. Fitcheti anti son Blle, who bave been enjoying iwo monîlis' iolitiays wiih ber parents, Mn. anti Mcs. William Painton, anti with -relatives'at London,' Oct, left Fritiav nîgbi for ibein home Mn Montreal, ,Que. Women's Patriotic League i. accanging a very ictcnestiig meeting in Council Room for Tburstiay ai 3.30 P. tm. Afler the annual report thene will be a social bouc witli nefreshments. AiU ladieç, wbo have belpeti turing tic war, are condially inviteti to this tbe lasb meeting. 'q The engagement s announceti o! Flor- once Sarah,, second daugliter, o! the laie James F. anti Mn,.Honor o! Pont Hope, anti Mn. Thomas Hugb Shearme, socor d son o! the laie Thomas Shearme, Laun- ceston, Cornwall, Englanti. Tie manriage will take place quietly early le Sepiember. Miss Ethel Retidon, daugbter o! Mn.. P. Retidon of Ibis town, bas passeti Part 1 of the Course 'for Kindenganten-Primany examinations for teacbers, bavieg taken tbe Summi-en Course at Hamilton. Miss Retidon succeeis I iss Maioc Van Nesi as beatimistres, in Mlilbrook public People o! Pontypool anti viciity have bougbt five acres from Mn. W. Ridige for a Memorial Park whicb will be fitteti up ti a monument enecteti on wbicb the camies o! ai) tbe brave soltiier boys wio ,went from the section will be inscribeti. $20,0 as beenr. aîseti by p-rivais sub- scripfion, anti thiýs, iii.i expecteti, will be suipplemeniteti by a good substantial grant ftnm ibe Municipality, -as -ihe estimateti cost, including bbce land, levelling, scibing out shade mress, antimnuet will be close 10 $500û0.Oo. The Park site is a lile casl o! ibie Oddfellows Hall. BOWMANVILLE, AIJG, 21, 1919 Local and Otherwise Miss Ethel Morris is visiting frîends in Toronto. Miss Aura Bottrell, Toronto, is visiting relatives here. 1Miss Doris Fosten is speî,ding hoilidays witli Toronto fiends. Mn M. Gibson, Toronto,, is llidaying vith Mn, 1-1. Thiunston. -Mrs. S. G. Bennett is visiting friends in Pontypool and Bethany. Mr's. D. W. Ireland lias returned fnom several monilis' visit in England.,- Miýss ES. E. Haycraft spent the week-end with Mrs. John L. Bravner, Whitby. Messrs. Cecil Dudley and Stanley Cor- den visited friends ai Coîborne beach Misses Lola and Enid Souch are visit- Lcasile, in ber 68th year. Funecai froni hec lais residence, Newcastle, (Thursday), ai 2 p. nw. te Bowmanville Cemeiecy. HIOAR-Ie BeWîn'anville, &ug, 16ib, Thomas-E. Hear, ageçd 53 ysars. GRAHAM-At Port Percy. Aug. lSib, Samuel Graha n, aged 72, ysare. Father Ot Dr. R. L. mrha ,port Hiope. ALLIN-Ai tbe reaidence ef bis daeghisr, Mca. W. G, Proues, Lindsay, Aeg 13, Parmenas Aluin, tormsriy et Selies, in bis 84ib year. ALEXANDER-At Fort' oeAog. 14, Elizabeth Brodie. widow ef Robert A exander, and moiber et Mca. J, L, Thonipson, iner ec5th year. IN MEMORIAM Ie ieving memory of Caroline Ford, deaclv bslovsd wife of John Babcock, who departed ibis life Auguet fiai, 1916, Ged keows how much we miss ber; He counte the tsars wesed, Aed whisess, 'Husb. as eoely sisepe, Your loved oe is net dead". Serne tums oins day, Our syes a hahses The face we loyed s0 wsll; Some day, some tisas, Our hande shaîl clasp To neyer say tareweil. IUScND, DAUGETER ANC SON. MI spent Sunday with-relatives here. Miss Annie Reddon is bolidaying witb relatives in Hamilton and Guelph. Mrs. Percy Elford, Saskatoon, Sask., lias been visitiog Mrs. John Elford. Bring your chîldren to Alex. Ellioî's store and get a free'souvenir of Bowman- Ville. Mn. and Mrs. C. Tabb, Tyrone, spent Sunday with lier mother, Mrsý Michael Bures. Mrs. (Dr.) Moore and fàemily, Brooklin, were receiitguesis of -Mns. A. E. Mc- Cready. Mn.. John McDonald and Mn. and Mrs. D. D McDonald, Toronto, were guests of Mn. James Smith. Mn. Clark Taylor and, Miss Irene Thompson, Toronito, are holidaying at Mn. Alex Taylor's. Mrs. J. Gailey and Mfiss Gailey, Belle- ville, are visitîng the former's daugbîer, Mns. (Rev.) S. C, Moore. Mns Frank Jackman ispent tise week- end-with lien gisters,--M-ns. L.- GiIlad andi the Misses Moore. Toronto. Miss H 'ilda Jackman lias neturned, from Toronto aften spending a few days with lier sister, Mrs. StanIt.y Dunn. M essrs. J. H. à1. Jury and A. E. Loveli havce been iii Boston, Mass., the past Zweek attending the Rexaîl convention. Mns. Archibalti Campbell and son Cleland Winnipeg, Man,, are guests of ber co usin, Mns, A. E. McCneady. Miss jean Dumas bas'neturnerj fnof visiting Mrs. Jessie Milligani, Clifford, accompanieti by Miss Isabel Bunnett. Mn. and Mrs. Goode andi famiily mot- oreti from Pont Penny on Sucday andi spen.-t the day ai Mn. F rank Jacikman's. Dr. andi Mns. IF. B. Ashtonl, Detroit, Michd-, ha ve baen visiting hec sief on, Mn. (Rev.) S, C. Moore, at the Methodisi Mrs. E. W. Runtile anti dauaghter, Doris and Mrs. Arthur Legge and daughter, Manjorie Oshawa, spent Monday ai Mr. J. Bragg's. Mr%, W. 0. La8e1le. and daughier, Edea,' are v isiting Mr. anti Mrs. J. O LaBelle, Beech Ave., pnevious te retun ing to their home in Edmonton, Alla. Mn. Pency Davitison, Science Master Cobourg Collegiate, wife anti two chiîdren andi Miss Nellie Davidson, Cobourg, have been visitinig bis, unçie, Principal R. Di. Dr. anti Mrs. S. Uglow and son George anti daughter, June, Chicago. Ii., Mn. anti Mns. John Uglow and Mr. and Mns. Sam Bonathan, Newcastle, wene recent guests- of Miss L. Bonathan ai the Lake., -Miss Annie Cox lefi Tuesday monning to visit ber sister, Mn.. (Dr.) C. C. Hart- man, Olds, Alla. Mn.' Wm. Cox accom- panieti bis niece anti will visit bis daught- er ai OYlds and son ai Botha, Alta. Mn. anti Mrs. Alexander Rutherford, Coîbonne, apnnce the engagementi of thein only daughten, Jennie Lena, and Mn, Charles Moffat Caccuthers, Bownianville, thée wedding to tako place the last week in Augusi, Heanty'aied sinLere tihenka to -Il who have nespondete oun requesi for seule- ment of accounts due, Everv dollar ceunis these days anti il takes niany of tbem te keep business bumming tlirough the quiet summen months. Mayor McMillan wishes us to say to motonists that patience wiil cease to be a vintue if they pergiai in'breaking the speeti lirmit in Bownjanville-20 miles an bouc. South-wanders complain of fast driving on Ontario anti Duke streets. Mns. Stanley Dune and baby Donald, wbo have been visiiing her parents, Mn, and Mn.. S. J. Jackman, neturned te Toc- onto by motor Thunstiay accompanied bv ber brother 'andi sisier, Mn. Lerne and Miss Hîlda Jackman and iwo cousins, Mn. Lawrence Kerr anti Miss Ada Jackman. Mn. anti Mrs, William McCutcheon anti daugbben, Helen, Glencoe, on a motor trip te the Tbousand Islands, recently calîcti on their old friends, Mn. and Mrs, W. C. Allun, Division-st. Mn. McCutcbeon ,and Helen were pupils of Mr. Allin, wlio was for 2j years Principal o! Glencoe scbool. Bowmanville Brandi Great War Vet- erans' Association is holding a mnember- ship campaign, objeci be1ng te, reach the i00 mark by Sept. Isi. AIl returned scîdiers in tow:n and district, who are not alreatiy members, are invited te place their application ai once witb any tif the, present members, Dr. Bonnycbastie bas offeneti a box of c gaTs to member bring- ing linlnost new members. Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club fiew ther -fifîli ybur'g bird race, Saturday, Augusi 16, from Lontion, Ont,, a distance of 168 miles. The bird. had a beavy casi wind te combat. Following is tbc resuli: S. Hardy, lIs., 4 hours, 43 minutes; F. Bottrell, 2nd., 4 hours, 4q minutes; L. Creeper, 3ird., 4 heurs, 471 iînutes; L. Richards, îîo report. Who can beat this dloyen seeti yield? Mr, SuJas Poster, Bownaanville, whose farm i. the Britton place, adj;oici'ng Raby, Heati, on the east, Lake.Soe Darling- C W FOR 'SALE-Grade Holstein cow, mait renewed. Appiy Noble Meteaif, Phone 124-81, Bowmanville, RB 2. 34t BELL PIANO--For sale. elegant uprigbt, $225; aise 3 icon gates, 1 large 13x5 fi. Thomas Hardy,, Bewmanvilie. 34 it WANJD-75 te 100 acre farm near town of Bowmanville, complets withb chattels. Ap- ply Oshawa Real Ratate Sales Go,, Oshawa. 32t C 0W ESTRAY-About July 24thI, from lot 24, con 2, Cartwright, a white cow wits red on shoulders, flot deborned. Liberal reward fer bier whereabouts. Thos. H. Brown, Burketon, RB3. 34 2t ADY'S BICYCLE-For sale. Cleveland, in Iperfect repaît, coaster1 brake. Dunlop tires. i nciuding pump and ioods. Price $30. Phone 111-12. 84 2 POULTRY ANC DJ13YK-A. Dillicit paye highest pcash priai for al] Akids of Poultry and Junk Phone 299 or eallU i residencee 77 -Ontario Street. lt-tf rARMI FOR SA L8E-100 acres, lot 2. cou t, Dar. ~lington, frame bouse and frame barn. Fer Fpacticalars apply en the prensises te M. Collins, Pontypool, Rn 8. H3,3$ COWS FOR SALE-Eleven good milking cewe. Terni: 6 menths' creclit on approved notes bsaring 6% inierst. Apply te J K. Valleau, Bock Farni, Base line, Bowmanville. 34t BOAR FOR SRRVICE-Registersd Yorkirie, good long smootb lines, wsighs about 260 B bs. Percy R. Les, lot t, con 2, tlarlingion, Box 147, Bowieauville. Phoos 212. 310 J ERSEY GOW-For sale, six years old, due to renew early ie September, Anyone desirîng a good Jersey eow shouldseethiso e, N. T. Bragg, RËt 6, Bowmanville. Pheone 2L'r18, 341t EMPLOYMENT WANTED-By a middle-aged womau with eigbi years' experience in gen- oral nursing and midwifery. ApDly te Mrs. Amelia Young, over Tod's Bakery, Bowixnaevýille' 3 HOU7SE FOR SALE-7 roomed bik buse, bard water well, new cistern, 1 acre, go garden, saal fruits, geod sta ble in 140w-i manville, Apply te Mrs. Edith V. cbsl l8r ance Agent, Bewmanvill ,84 3 COAL AND FLOUR FOR SALE-I now have plenty of ceai at the C.N.R.. station, Tyrece. rCAisoeon band a quaniy of thai famions Five Rosas Fleur, 1Phone 146-3 or 181-12. Applv te n. H. (jollacutt, Bowinanville. sot HEIFER STRAYED-On or about J uly 1 et, f rom lot 21, con 9, Darlingion, a ced heifer yearling, somes spots on lef i of bslly, net de- bocned. Information leading t e ccvery suit- »ably cewarded. Talmage Ileury, R, R. 2, Burke- ton. 31t F RSALE-Houe and 4 acres of good garden la id wfth heacing orchard in Bowmanville, 10 'roemed bouse in excellent condition with electric ligbts, waters ocks, hatbroorn, furnace; cew drive barn and bien bouse. This is a genuine bargain for quick sale. Apply Jas. Dudley, Box 218, Bwnnvills.8 4t F OR SAL-lyse strpopeciy on Ring-st, Bownmanville, now occupied by the Dingmian & Edmondetone miliinery; aise the double brick cottage andi frame çoitage on soutb aide of between Division and George-ste; al occupied ai .fui rentals.' Apply te Mca.s Edib V. Scbeiinurance and Ueal iRatisAgent, Bow;nanville, Un i.3 8 3 FOR SALE OU EXCHAINGE-Frams dwelling, t rooms, 3 closeis, electric wired. good stable Fbace aud large bon bouse also eiscie wiced, bard and soft vater, baîf acre-land witb choice ?loi ef fruit troes; cýentralý situation ; will ssii or excbaege fe r maller preperty Apply te Dawsr B, BoWmanville. N\î EW 1BOUSE FOR SALE-Ah convenliseces, lot UGx135, funnace l!arget enougb te beai miueb lar'ger oue.Cani shlow a lecter fro'm a previeus ,tenant atatin: ibhat bhe badiablj1utely ne- faulite lid ii sbus.Tbe bouse lbas bsec ofot bheated vith 8 tons of eai bei- weeil thefnae aid U kiesu aage, Asmply1 Thomlas Hlardy, Lbet.siBWManLVll1e. 34 1 Ons of the besi umilk benee l omn vile. La f et elp 1ceason fer s ll Mm4ed iate, posseSion. VWill 'lIAi a &gî.eaý_t scrfie.Apply te -N'il MutLton, 42ri.Î kPIVIATE SALE 20j CAV and 141,fEPsoaftig t igh grad I oletein Seîf efs, iely marhksd; drkcd and reoan Durb1amnesd ste s ase141 epeoall seseie Shopsicabredingewss,, 2 er l.Applly RoýyýjTrUll,Baeiner Local and Otherwise. Waich founti. Sec ativt. Sale o! calves anti sleep. Sec adtvi Mrs. Kate Wight is visiting fnientis in Toronto. 1Mn.. Bryant, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. A. E, Giltiers. Bcesding ewes, calves anti sbeep for sale. Sec adt Hacti-bag foueti. Enquire ai THE STATESMAN office. Mrs, C. Hutchinson, Toronto, i5 visiiieg Mrs. J. 0. LaBelle. Mn. N. B. Allin, Honeywooti, bas been vieitieg relatives bers. IMiss HÏelen Beiti, Ottawa, is visibing bhermoîben, Mcs. A. Beitb., Mr. James Milligan, North Bay, was rodent guesi o! Mn. R. Dumas. H-ome Made ]Bread For macy years Toti's lread bas been famous for its flavo-8 sweet, nut-like flavor, no other baker can imitate. Tod's, Homeý Made Bread is guo enough to et without butter. Try alaf Thomas Td Baker and Confectioner Bowmanviîïle LP k BUY NOW While You Cuan- At Old Prices. Last week's Toronto papers quoted boots and shoes had advanced from 20 to 40 per cent at the whole- sale houses which uteans mucli higher prices to' the public in the near futuire. We recomm,-ýend Our eus- tomers to buy uiow whule olci prices mint-ýin. Here Aé-re Four Rea-l --Snaps- .MEN'S Brown Cal!, laced, leallber soles, -rubber heels, very neat last............ $8,00 MIEN'S Black, Cal! Blutcher leather sole and heel....$6.00 WOMEN'S Brown Calf, laced bigh top, leather soles, nubber heels, penforateti tip ...$7.00 WOMEN'S Black Kid, high top, laced, rubber heel ...$6.50 Phone 12. FRED. R. rOLEY) Ii0n the Sunnyside" IaPactipedist always at your service. Bowmanvillie, - ~ -2 Bi0g Reductions In Ready-to -Wear Garments For the balance of July we are offering at great reductions and at exceptional values all Ready-to.-Wear Garments now in stock. They must be cleared in a hnrry t o make room for Fail goods., Sce These Garmients Today Sb.,W. Mason& Son Across from Standard Bank Telephone 106 Bowmanvile G. C. BONNYCASTLE L. D. B., D. D. B., Honon Graduate in Dextistry of Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Sungeons of 'Ontanio Ofeice King-st Bowmianville Offi.ce Phone 40- House Phione 255 DR. J. C. DEVITT DENTIST Graduate of Royal 'Dental College, Toroanto. Office; King-Sr. East, Boýwmaruvi3le Office fou0rrs: 9 am to fî p.m. daily except Sunday phone 90a HuePhone 90b Nottce of Blrths 50 cents; fil rieoeý cenlts; Deaths, 30 cents, r k nsrtIo.) Wheon tnqerai cur aare PrIie'-4 at thi; office, insertion free. BIRTHS. COUVIER le Orono, Aug, 14, te Mr. and Mrs. W. a. Convier,-a son. R1CIIAPDSN-In PonatVpool, Aug. 9, le Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rîcehardson, a son. IIENa-le Bowmanvjlle Hospital, Aug. 17, te, Mr, and Mrs. M. W. Henry, a son. MARRIAGES TA1T-IRVING--In Bowmanviile, Aug. ilth. by Rtev. C. P. Muirhead. Celia Irving, Liverpool, Exeg.. te Charles Willliam Tait, Bowmanville, SANDRSON-OKEý-At Enniskjllen, Aug. tb, by 11ev. H. WilkinSon, Greenwood, Mis$ Mary Aleta, eldest daughter of William Oke, and Wilfrid E. Sanderson, both of Enniskillen, FALLIs-FER.GTSON-At Vancouver; B. C,, July 2ttb,by-Re, R. McTaggartý fJalgary, <ta., Claora- Edna, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ferguson, and Milard P. Fallas, eldest son of M 3 . and Mrs. Chas. Fallis. both ef Cartwright. DEATHS PIC5CARD-ID Bowmanville. Aug. lStb, Mary 1 EEEaMEEý ý Y Our Health Demands Good Bread The chief item of diet should be bread -the, ail-round, complete nourishment. - But that, item miust be of the highest quality to give fulleet nutrimenît. 1 amn using the highest grade ingredients that money eau buy-- the hi__Wghest gracie Ihat-eiits.- - TOD's 1 -- ' i iii 'Lest We Forget", Diesigner and Dealer lu Monumnents, Tahiets, Markerffsec., la Granite and Marbîs. FUNERAL DIRECTORS L. Morris> & Son Me'st eComplets Rquipment Sanday and nigbt cala promptiy attended to. Btr,wmanville Pliones 10-34 Branches: ORONO HAMPTON F 1 FOUND-On Kingston Road East. In- <qufrs at STATR'SMN Q< OOIe. 34 3 WATCF[l FOUND-On Wharf Road, Aug. lfith, lady' wtch. Inquire ai TIrESTATESISÂN Ofic. 34 3 ~IAID WANTED - For general housework. Apple te Mrs. G. W. Hezzelwood, Box 237, Osli W1 It 1 1