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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1919, p. 7

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I - W W r r a whle aybefore yoî Spin i tecar, taidng tie The thought of saig a GlleteSafety Rzr minte- -cooi corn"fort-- shaving edge ever ,,deveIc can commiïandé% a kepeetl. into c u ilte cAnd if Gil'ette shavîng g. y Our 0Sunîday,wvhynot talkc for a dean shave'as tisee N% INT ERS PAYBE H A L F YARL-Y &linwEd nu mouoy 1lotIwîth us fou frenmi thr ee taM 7 ars, Wriv' for Ioht The Great We3st Permianent Loan Companmy. STRANCE COVENANTS ENTERED INTO IN OLO LEASES. A Recent Irish Incident Recail s Borne QuaInt Exa mplea of Paynîent InKi nd.iý Semaet Lord Massereeue's tenants flu Ce. Antrini stibi bold flair ferns con azxng ho, and)petty near iuo es i recreation. ybtercU are -ngoinq for a family to chrch or vîsiting ~go wî1_ithIa dayis growth of vont$ iksmeifyou own -rxeyou ihirik of five wih he ig'esttype of pe.No mý4-an ,iii the world bIade than the one you slip 'îxe~ ouan added joy ta Start for cbllr dyswork. G;0eut o Safetyrsand.-rau mve tst tilo set h, UiPocetf eçtUon hos- act coiq, nd xcae Butig, n fluit e drsad. m ountestor jLti~ th the knggeI o yn hes fç luco n protuaelasollLontondi theai y vourhtaiehut.g u wss poeid odwithinstrumnts et te Any îïumby or & tant xs hldlndo Tîmioj-terme.tomIerlied tenpranide arrowe, somseean semouhere o dega. Witha adareytebiwand eout hn haîl, inthe County o!nt [ ingliac eh tho service cf carrydin gfle f rom Mihepomasiintoet dliigcyifothe aloal otiamWase destry WOiVO5 adfes.i ofok leases atticl roserre te their landlerd paying twe mufids et ted winet, and certain dettes, sncb as se inaur days' twe hundreds of poars, called' pet- fwerk et e mnan aMi a hor'se, 20 miany jmaînes, yoarly. Frem tenante' et duce, capons, or hoes Weatbnry, lu Wilts, boey aad nie Tbey have reccntly boon warnod Ihefi toe osont te the biý,ng. t.hat they muet eitbor perfermn theso We heur et woel lube bmp, flax, dutios ,or olse agree te an incroaso le bUtter, and cheese boln-g paid iusteed reat propertionete te tbeir value. fof meney as route for ferme during Few people have jhe ieat Idea et the middle ages, the amezing numbor and varlety et Freme's lande, la Gleucesterahiýre, queer covenants enterod inte ln eld were hold by wbat wes called heriet leases, service. Themas Promo, et Lypiatt, Here le a sampbe et eue sncb ancient peid te the ewaor, Lord Berkeley, Iese lu the exact words la whicl it Itwenty herseebees and their aile. It waa origi1aly grauted. mey ho meationed that a bersesboe JWiliam, king, gire te thco, wae umore minuable la thoe days tban Piewdeu licydea, my hôp and my hep hý, theso. banda, witn ail the bouade up and lient lu kind peid for baud et lied- Glowu fremi baron te eerth, freux denhaîn, lu Bueka, waa called "heot- eartb te tItti,- fer tbce and thine te ing cern," whicl mens thet it wes dwelb, item me and mine te tbee and paO, as bote, boot, or compensation. J thine,- fer e bew and e broad-arrew, At Griaxatea, la Nerfelk, ail rosi- trben 1 ceme te bunt upon Yarrew. Iant hnving a éart and herse,,were witnoss that th1ilS la SOOth, I bite tis ebli!ged te de seý.rrai days' work year- wax witb my tootl lu the prosence of îy ia roclaiining the cemmo. But Mlagge, Maud, and Margery, and my thei(ir, food was giron tbema free while tbxltd sou, Henry." tîay did this watt. At the an1me The document la mucb shorter then place, ail tenants wie pastured tboir Unr modemn base, and net hait se dit- cewa on tic cernmon did eue dey's 'thesr a u i t rn Asi th ~vcê j' wheeMeomrilas et Bismarctkand othoer Gai-aiea ciefo aise will ho te, . mnved froim fIe bridge acres the Vie- fuie Hiver, By hi flxe amnis lde ug t werb fer thair iaudlord et berveý tinte. Cheýap fïent! The town etY>f noth la, -ve bi liera stili nemniaally beuad te eond t tho aleriffe oee huudred honig haed in tweaty--fouir pastias, te h dellvcred te flic bn.Se ietely as thi yoar 1778 the aloiifs atteuded la pe: son wltl their offering. SemA efthe tente aalred wore puri iy nominal. _ Bermactop,la Ce. Du: hemn, was hl inuceieby fIe sei vice oethtrea grainis et pappar, Fn ether banida, the rtout nsked was en rose, or a gibt errew, faathored wit a Paacocli's teafbers. One et the eddoest ofsncbtenure was tînt under whicb Kiitgsten 'Rue sol,Ia Dorzet, was hlid. By th tarils cf the egreemont, theo tan bcad, wbneaoo urefte couait o tell the kiag'schamn and te pu tbcm lnaa g wbea ,flnishod with, RINGS,-AROUND THE SUN. ln affir CasteuFollowed by Rali Within 38 Houri,ý Rings, areuad the sua or meen ai- proerly called halos. They may hi( defnadas omcbatcemplicated - rangînatË etrcs and_ CIrclea ojc lght aurrcundlang the sun or the meor acconipaaiod by etbors tagont te ci interaectag 'thom, wlth, spots ci speciai brigbtneas caiied pathelia np pearlng et the Points oetangeacy sud intersection. Parbobia ara meat otten cbeorrod aheut suariso or "suaset, ire- quently wbea the iatorsoctiag arcs are themelvea invisible, oxcept et the pointa et intersection. Inu rerofe ftequency hales average about -22 de- gîoos, 46 degrees, etr 90 dagrees ia radina, --bat -on tra -accastonn otior sizes lare beon eheerred. Haies aie obaorvod onîr whea flore la prosent in tic bigior atmoeapbore a Cloud shoot wllcl mefeoolcgists teorm 'cre stratus. The fleetlng par- tîcles fnrmiag tîls Cloud shoot arc Ica crystals, as fhe Cloud is nlwnys aboya the plane cf permanent treoziag tom- peratures. These are the highest cleude kucwa, the eIrage beigît ha- ing. firo te six miles. Wlou fe ia-su or thc meonIs ebservod threugh sncb a Cloud shoet, rofractien and, roflec- tien of semtieofthfe aua's raya hy the ice crystala produco rings la whici the colore wbon visible are inveriahly arran;od witl tIc ted on the inside et tho arcs. Hales are glond weathor signa. Many weefber prÔerbe based upon tie eh- serratien etf halos -are fcuuded upon aound scien)tiflc princIpîde. Studios et the relation et hales te rainfaîl slow that duriug the summer menthe 56 te 60 -pet cent. et ail halosý are followed by rein wifbia 86 fbouta. During the winter mentis 70 te 75 petcecnt. are se foiioed. DELICATh YOUN àGGIL Need -"7Nw led Blood, te Give Them Hellând Strength. -Dues yem' dughter -luhorIt --dýeli- cate ergeiz7ation frem you? The eneme tyeung girls mer ha inher- ite-d, ojr it may ho causýed br bed air, unsuitablo fend, hasty and Irregular eetiag, lasufficleat ent-of-door exor- ciao and net eneugli reat end sloep. f If coumeson .gredunlly, heginalug wifh languqi, indisposition te mental et hudily oxertion, irritabiiity nnd a feeling et tatigue. Later coes pal- pitation efthte beart, hoadache dîzzl- noss fllewing a steopiag position, troquent beadaches and breethiesa- ns. Ina e aïajority et cases coustl- pation la proseat. Tbcre may ho ne grent bass et flesi, but usnably the complexion tabou on e greenisb-yol- lew palier, Cases efthtbs tInO, if negbectcd, ho- come setious, but If tabou Ii tima tbare le ne aeed te werry. The treat- ment, is qdi-fe easy and simple. Dr. Wiliams' Plat Pille, îvhicl are frea ttom"ýany haraîful or hehît-fermiag drug, are juet fIe fouie neoded te rcmedy this wretcled atateof etbalth.f Theugh 1if la net noticoablo, Improra- ment ectually bogine wlhth fiafrst dose. As fIe beod la made rlcb and ted, tic palier lbavas the face, strength and aetirify gradually me- ttuu and if the troatment la centlnued until the lest symptein disappears, the danger et a relapse ta rery aligit. No seasca e!ofie reer lase odan- gereus te 'the bitaof lîffie cnes as le the summe-r. Tiae xoassaîre lent tfhrewe tlue bit fiastemraci eut oet ordar' se quicbiy t1int tubas prompt aid la çpt baud tfiebaby iamy ho baroud al buman bolp hefere tflic uofber me- alizes le is i l. Suumet ixe ea son when' dierrbcea, choiera lnan- t .,dyser-try andcil are moat pi- raient. Any caieofethteso freubica may prove dondly If net promptîr treaed.- Durîng fie summer 1ha îactlar's hast fi-bcd le Baby's Owu Tahieta. Tiey regulafee b hnwois, swoetea the afomeci anti boep baby1 bhenlfiy. TIc Tahbof1Ms are'solO by modicine denies rs t y mail af '25 cents a box 1roam The Dr. Williams' Medicino Ce., Brectrible, Ont. A apideY1s web Inakea, a good haro- mater. Wheu wînd' or tala la aheed, fixe inseef tiglitene up fixe wcb elong- atiag the filaments ealy, when fine weafhle o omiuxg. UUfnnrd's Liniment Ceres DI)stempor. Rorsesý_ are fen--d cf ?alfabf hay; fer fis reasea If hoLc ofo4 te ltheni lu limltad; quantifies. If fed judâiciousîly if will suffico as thasolorougixafe, a-ven fer womkiug hýerss Nov; s la t i befrtc test bar- gains' Boynow and save uaoncy. WeI have hundrede of god bicycles etI ricea ranglng to 10 to $23.00.I Write or r prtiulaa.R. G. McLeod, l ing S,î ït West, Toronto. abare, W. Hyau 1 ere t, Toronto. 3- 5-7 HP., alse Drag Saw and Double Unit Militer. WIll sali lot or separate, nîl new. F0,. Box 343, Montreal. N ESPAER.WEEKLY. IN BRUCE Conî, plendcid opportunity. WrIte Box T isnPubllshing Ca..- Lilte4, il Adie ac~S.~ Toronta. WELL E,-QUIF1FED NEWSPAPER Wand Job prbnltlng piant Ila atqrn Ontario. InsuJrance arid*.5 .Wil Wa for 2,301oncu1issae. zarst Wilson Publlsblng ËeCa.. Ltd.. Tarante. HELP WANTED. liTA~fD-bENAS, COUNTY REg- YW SNTT E to hendie won- derful ne- vgsline-savei- for Ford cars; Save tencet per gallon;ý exclusive territory; write to-day for narticulars. Post Office Box 715, Toronte, Ont. W'THA T HAE OU IOR SALE IN VLIve Faultry. FPanerFHans. Figeons- Eggs, etc.? 'IL1,Winreuch & Son, IQ-15 St. Jean Baptiste Markcet. Mont- ral, Que, W IEFOR OUUR FItlEEBOOKC 0F House Plan, and Information tell- ng, hew ta rave froînTwa ta Four EHua- dre Dolar qoîyour new HoMe. Ad- dres Hniidy5Cmpalv.23 Jackson W., Hamilton, Ont C IANOBlI. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETO-. ij nternai and exeral crsd with-. eut vain Ny £cor home trat"tent Write- >jstefore taa laIe. Dr. Jellman Mecaiu Ca.Limited. Oallingweaad. Ont .L. i«goinnan DeanK.Pte f1, rces 'qated au tenfinncialpage f the ocronto mna aee le1a lu xGvenetanft MIunioflyal EfoKinnan B 7r. 9 Meind1a St., Tarante LEMNSWHIENAND B« A U TIýFY TH-E $KIN. Make this beautylioý-n chieaply for your face, neck, arme nt,,idanda. At the coat of a -mail Jar of edur celd rcrpeu 'cn lrepaa lqar- ter pint of themetwodetl lmonl fier, by qne tug ixejuice Qt twe frel amnis into a oti ontelgiag thro uaes o cïçç1-, rçJhte. Çar9 tleg b e cetL8-0 inin uip f l acad rompe. ýspcb lemises a fvckbs. elowe taO ae edî up a qu0-r'lu eJtis wetyfra- blia d. ItLil xarlpate sî--oothem r'ub ed bus 14 Tboere was a fim niea erirEgla hiatery we a heary penalty waa u flictod by thoeuuthorties for short weigbt, isud lthe fbar oet puniahmientl wnys se great tiat ather flan rua the rifsetvbolating f10 inw, bakere gen-er-. abîr threw lni an ex tra lent, w ncas- tomersasaked far a dozen boave-s. Thues a "baise? s dozea" camz te 13e nefci twelve places cf a giron article, buIt thirteen, Ninnda.Lite o ures calaIs. Mie. Te prescervr-ire whobo -lemnons for montha, place a layer of dry, fiue sand an dneh deep lu an eartienwýaro jar, thon a rcw cf bamuna with stait end dewnw1ard and se lamons do net tondh onqý another; cever with saud thrco luches la dcpth, thon anethor layer cf ioins. Riepent this until jer le full. Store ln a dry, ceci place. MONEV ORDERS. Pay yonr out-et-tewu eccounts- hy Dominion Express Meuey Ordors. FTive Dollars -ouata ihree cents-- An Enpiy on Geciý C, The "Zoo" blouse. CIn+ rn Jock, treel treni the Ligwande, mmasJwuesbils r"ajvisitiug fIe Leaden "Zoo." ýSeeiag se< r e1 mnaursregoanaimals, le celloe. eutFo1-riîP4z F te an attendan: jflr& "Here, mon Ye îlct tolls 1te naones a e' hà bitbastser." "Crfaiaby,"saudthe attendent "Thet large lack eue la aL bear." Lgts oo iyM n Ward, 220 ls!%y "And that eue witb fhe amalberna Msaklng Farming a R e a ïesre lsa nwaptî"5lpFotBi Egue (d la anme." OA.RA lIE1 HLD "'A meoso! -Aile', mou! if thet's a, 43TogSt - - 'rna meese, thon whiat are yer'rata like7" Tfour druggiat gladiy wPi gireo you lu 11ýe heur cf danger a ma is the gelue "Bayai- Tabioet Asp Â1itin proven: fixe buastor bides, the egelat bacauso genuiue Aspirin tîow la made, trenibleg; ealy ha whoae osto ix for by Canaiens and owuod by e Ca- houeorad for others- fergats te h dian Company., afraid.-Denaid Haukay. TIare la nef e ceut'e Worth et Gem- ______________________________man intoreat la Aspirîn, ail rigita ho- ing purclanti trom tIc U.S. (liwotu- Menut. I I Duiiug fiawar, acd ilitetione I j were solO as Aspirin la pill hoxes and j ~ , vrions other cenfaiere. But nnw yeni Writý. le foi r e-3. au get gonine Aspirin, plainby I QONTO SALT WORXS stampad witl fiesaatety "Bayer Cross" J CIFF TOONT 1-Aspiria prored sane by millionsfo o.~ ~~ 1 04r-~IIHecanche. Tontbache~l,-rcne hnPii,,. Wit ILFingers! Sa-sCousLift. Out J F ihu Any Pain Sore corne, lard corne, eatt cor-ns or aay kind trI a corn cana ehorf-iy b., litted rigît eut wlth the fingera If yau wiil ïapply diectly upen fhe cern a tow drc-opa et treezene, sers g" Cincinnafl autheoritr. RI lcaimed tînt at smaib cqst one eau gat a qurarter ot an otince et trac- zQene aýt aur drug soe,'hIch i1suiJ aleintot rid oue's test et every coma or, calice 'wthon$ paig oroerosg er the danger çofecin This uew drug la ap éther compound, aud whlie stlcby,>dries fia monant il le applied and dees net Inflame or aveni Irrîtate tha surreunding fissue. Thia anueuncamnt wilb intereat maur women lare, for if Ios sald tiat flue proseat higI-heel fcetwaar le 1put- tiug cotes on praoflcaiby eairiy womaa's fot e Sure Y O- SEE THESETW WNDRFLJJE IVETiiS 1. The "Ultona" that pîcys AILL 2. Thtc ALL-WOOD OVAL TOND records with the exact WEIGHT. CHREER-but ite a vib- ra e DIAFHRAGM and correct FEEDLE. Nethlng ta take off- whlch el4minatos rmetellie haret- fixthIag ta put on. A simple twist naqs. LET YOUR E YII BE THIE ôt the wr$st adjosts it instantly te JUOGE. The BrunswikExhihit leaet the Senth West entrix,,ce ofthte Proceas Building. Frac RecitelIs Dtilly. THE MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GALES COMPANY 819 VONGE STREET -. TORONT9 1lut bow seidoni fIe beane ni-e cnntod rigîf Sesims aid, ooitmos mushy, somaflns tee îîet-et perla-pv Once to a Crisp. And 'f lahe urs e of tagthcy tequiro uand cn en wasfe et axpensiva fuel. Naext fime gef "Cierb'a" Port and Beaus. Tboy araeiways rc:ady--mat lent and serve.,ad nte Every beau of uifrmuie -evamy beau wboeo yct vr'u coeeed te pciaction, Tbey ara seid wlthti l-caiada et sauce. 'Toma, Çbu ýhli, Plain:---uy the bind yeu ]lte test, they are ail delile,,s "Clarbç'a wiill e appreclaitad by -,valfixe family, Ieme eceomlal-ndsare fIie leïiseboaper wert anti wetry TeGceemumeu,ýIt lageud ou evary ýcenet "Ciart's" Portand 889 Boens sud other gecd fliagas guarauteos flair abseluts purlfy. W. CLARK, LIMITED MONTREAL U, "EVIVE ara finmg new Hadelicl*lus uses for Cern S tarch every day-in fa-ctl, for ) very meal5 Not alonesmthcrpmgrie and auEs, ad simple puidding --bt crispD,dlvaQp astrieýs; flaky rubedandbicts rych teder akesapiflig; end dsetvscsu ouiee InSiaon cESONS-o ohe n, tedpckae, 824 I Cleaou Sclpand 'Ater shuv'bn~ysd bhoe athing toocli dîr or irritation, if ooy, wiîb Cuticura Olataicut. Wasb il effwitîCuticura Soap audbctwat-r, usiug pbe'cy cf Seap boat npplie4 wtl toe bauds. One Soap tc, all uses, slavieg, shampooiing,, hetbing, Fiuaiiy duat slavon p arts witx Cuti' cura Tebcnm, TIc Soap, Oiumment anti Talcurn solO cvorywiera. - i - The foilowing comnposition on geese. wa ritton in a western ct by a scheelboy: Ce sea a heavy-set bird with a helad on one si4e and a tail on the other. ýHie foot la set so far lbach on l1is running gecar that tbey, nearly miessbis body. Somie geese la ganders and bas a curl iilu is tail. Ganders don't lay or set They juat ent, loal an'd igo simn.If I bad to ho a geese I wouild rather be a gander. Gooese do nt give Ut but give eggs, but for me give mieliberty oDr give me deatb. Th.-e British Goverment mnade a profit o? £1O,500OOO0 by insuning pro- Spe'rty agaînast aircraft and bombard- m nent rîsks; £18,610,-OOO was received ln premiums and only £2,97O,0OO paid 0N4,.Y TABLETS MARKED WITH, "IBAVtR CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. IfYu Don't Oea the "Biayer Cross" on the Tablets, Refuse Themn-Ttey Are Not Asplrin 'At AIS. Tho A B C Automoble Ttý 'oad Guiýde of 96 pages. 756etinli Xps ey' Map, Legend and comploIndeWCçx, Ail Roads clearly showni. Improved County Reis Iïý,n I¶eavy Red Lines.1 If your dealer can't siiîy yon we will mail one direc(,t 'forVO AUTO GUIDE COMPANY i82 King St. East T Ioronto Reliable rubbers save much leess in cann-ng. WE -have numnerous irquris fromn propecivepurch-1a sers for Western Farm Lainds Sen d fuil1 part2 icurs o f your land t U N 1N I N T U S C M P N Y eC lliïl ]lit iiiii (Ilion m lit rl

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