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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1919, p. 2

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ilitNES u pum>iShed every '1hunny atisd Lfius.~unuiBlo ,20 ud 27 Kiig-,t. West, ]Bc, xnarN il! s, Ontkario, ndzt. M. A. ",Bin & Etous, ?uubIsIIcer. a-nd 1roprietors, at 1.50 per aLnm i,,tauditb dysuciii 00 after firat three nionthib. B. 1, IAZLENVOOD. M.D.. C.M.. 5 eýv o~XI I1~APW r o t NY tT fe rmaîSnl txl înî~r.R <fflee.Sind fsteiu iêIIgO t Pa le r ýQ»angIl gh mi, n .u5d N'o our Sati,,dwt- 1011 l>traoubeprcsy Lc-wi.s Ro we (SutCessQr to oh MRJOwe,) Cal Lt II iden or Gtarjou aid Durl;mm-ý,ts,, nexlj door south of Mr. John rf g's 13-tf RAILWN17AI17 t'iIE,3J~ FOiR BO'W-MAIN VILLE,1 C C, .c AS T G o iNO -W ýs -r Fasseuiger 3.28 , p. unu Pssig r o 56* Local 6 54 P.infs'gr72 p. m. Local 7.21,P.un Daily except Sunday. IF upi eso5.58 a.m. Fxpu ess 1.0am *Local 8.2 a n.'C ' 305pun. 'ix) Oa~ 444p.n. Loal ,18 p1m. 7.42 00.' Pres, 12.03 sun C. B. KEN, TWn Agent GouMr,'GEAST G -,z Ws r Fil ItS l---5 i).ml-. Fx es9 oa evie Slepngcas n i-tTr;rainsean Plioron78 E i7 e j Si - S UCEss and Inde- depend oari but on -what you sae 'flie Standard Baiik of Can- ada cmi $veCry mraterially assist you ito vwin success anjd secure- THE 0"F CAMADA P-COWM,-ANVILLE BRAN'CH TUES$OiYS 1A110FRIDAYS eM eUcfil To 'Atiuto Owiiuerý The ~ ~ ~~r JaisnBo. 'ebnsy' dïoilupalil kirns of tii-o repa),inng.,. J3rig in your qd tires and bave tireui re-tread if obey are Worth i.We 'will teil yon s4aighf't i i the c are wo h idoùîing. Bruglutose spare uh" > auD bave themun rapaired. Wèc repair puncýtu-res sd lownf af sho)rt notice, Be sure aud get oui- pi-lors on New 'Tires bhefore yQU u y. Wo baudle ouly the bestmks Ç41rner King and SiIvér Sis Wt,,wmunVwIe Phione 193~ nxîj4terY, ou oouîffy was tne ag-er or mustdfrthe increase bu labor cost hlu the article coislumed, but the middlmau ddedsuriplus profits based on, the inereased 2osf of labor. Furthe- i was dtru udby compsou consent to have ino mor-e strikçes sud flocouts. S t'atisti cians todc figuLires -to provetatiftpeook fîive çays tf0 makec up f0 aho ai> capital 'whaf as10sft lu one day o! 1oireed idllenoess. bui tile cost O!fivngiUd nof ho ex- pecfed. There canniof ba rtuuto forýmer condýitions jin Fran3ce anly more thian bi the counfries this ide the bïg pond(. Freuch-i ecý)ioiomists, ulc 1sf s, icembers ocf oepeu n labor edesj id iud n-nex- ýpc, on t teir public. Tbey doc f'bngs.dffeenly-ndwe mighf sùg- gest- lifl ore scienitificll- over tee Four c-auses exisf whyl foùid aiea ln F~rarce, Tbreof thebe! airise from the effects o! the w"ar u-pon the l ufm~eupfor if. E ryGerirqau sumarne uccess lun sbuýkiu1g a procl.ous cargo of fOod!1s tuoffs muîst hPacoufdfor. Frech conmiss pacetrie fourth, Cause a's of biîbsignificance, as if iporfaînis tO îinOî1ýIçy.Tu19U6 hequan- tif y of fioafiug paper mrouiey iu France amounletof ,1,5cO"00O0 francs. 'lc- day if bs 40,000,000,000 franics. 1'f rose !rom 200,0,0 immediafely pro-i cedin wa'sdech.pimtùon. Experts like Prof, Gide o! tle Insfifufe o! Ecououp4-que,, kqnwIll lu this coun- try, Dy bis lrfns point ouf that pricos sliould ho high wifh this huge, volume o! papor in circýulation ; fhoy would ho high wifhout the fearful eycsses o! war. Fifty per cent, o! the iucreaso bu costs o! liviug is ac- credited-to this source' What is the remedy9 The Freuch people are fold thaf therç is no short c ut sud no goverumental miracle to beo per!ormed. 'Tbhrift, thri! t, sud agai fhi, until the floating debf is roduced; fhrift ibu al thinga until Francoe aut Produce more tansho requires for herself, For us this may appear a prosaic romedy; it will flot appeal to the spoîl- binder, national or local,' but if if is applicable f0 France lu n.ome moasure if must apply on thýs sidle -o! :1th1le [globe,' And France is flot the spender that we are, now or atÎ,sujy other time. The French problemn is ini-fftely groator than ours; but if -will not i niotice thaf France fcackles if, 11ot 1vith sets o!feo fosand boml- basfic chargerz_, against coriporations, but bravely, lookbug the maffer squarely bu the face. Thie goverumouf is doir5g whaf if can to squelch the profteer, aud lim- ifs profits in ah lanosbutfor the re2dLmptiou o! Francûe lie Feph c zoui is relied u "pon fo 'solve flic diffl- cu1tyý .ky ga nod control. Eafythe rame stainhaid fo hoe !aýced lunEnlaud wh~ei the men fhrew the counsel o! thelir «wnluionl leaders to t0e winds sdstruck Gohf f:or fhemseleICs, aud 'the saniewaun had to ho iss ued býy Lloyd George asi came froni President W,,ilson a feWý das go, namely, that the nm mstý not a-cfia 'a stamnpeded bord7(, but pro- Ceed lu au ordierlyj Malnnor hroughý herchosen spokesmien sudi colljective- y.If naot, tbiiiking pcole know f 'hafý choüsis Xnot kfar Off. * se 4 Mr ow flisu ever, lab)or sbould hc undor the dýirecùion o! safe 'loader- sbip asud if labGor is f0 pass fbr'quigh the ordeal uub11-arrmed t if usf fakeý ~cuslo! f s al pro-ý longed disute 0uo r suflers re than thaem ïployer. The latter can I generall'y replenirsh bis los:s, nof off ou [is Ïif owtlabor. And the grea>ter public must ho ts~kn ino .acpu rifaal countries, he- o~safter aIl la saîd su ad doue, if is> nQt 'the strilcer or empfloyer thaf is iu thec majorify, or bqfh comhined, but the iudependenit # lc the Parfy o! the fi-st part.' W1ien this public says la'bor is rgt lablor wins what if bas dem1andod; Twhen 1IL' decreea othewise, ;ab)or loses, iuvnriably. Conditions ia Europe, X body of Ameérican cifizens, iýep- resenfiug' al part ies sud divisions o! sociefy, kuowu as the National TuI- dustrial toard, sont a specisi commis- sion to Europe eàrly lu the year fo study sociol ogical, economical sud bu- dustrial conditions thore; to leau fi-sf bauded how the procosses o! ad- justmout. were proceeding lin the coun- trios il¶at suffered so sevorely from the war. Industrial unresf exiÎsted to a groat degree lu the couhtries visifed by the commission, accordiung tii au inferim. report just publishod, but if is a hope- 'ThI, optimistic finding upon the whole situation. The nations are not goiugl fo piecesby a good doal. Bolshovism bas taken bold, if is true, but able, farseeing statesmen, aided ,bythe sound common seuise o! labor»leaders, bave taken stops'to offset if, flot by violent action, but hy concession sud argument. T he old order o!fbiugs is not coming back; aý nos' world ist <iu process o! foruration, sund thïs is beiug acknowledgod by goverumental lEaders as well as hy prolefariaf rep- reseutativos. A miiddle', grourud Is easy to tfake, .and xiaiutaun.. The 'commission' accepta in ifs re- port the' explanation o! the British Mïistaer o! Labor, Sir Robert Homîre, thaf the folloWing are the chie! cau$es o! Industrial ui-est: 1. The long str'ain o!flthe r 2, The nervous efeect produiced by the eïtrome indlustrialeffots o! the ,nation. > Sovictisas lu L'abor, 4. The rise lu the costo! living'. - Ie.ter ~ e b-ýrptîon info English Itfis not probablefMat tSe matrthlbikiing o! the reolufionary -ideas wIll como to a test, as t'heïr szobe r sec- fomthle c onf1Ir1inet. olul houghf will go fo th1-e aid o! thle t the opinion oif the cmiso struikers sud proe-nt the ,raî,lrO.a)dsIt-te cause O! nIOStprtcaîm rfi ntion f.rcm becomug So 4ýaugerousl-v 'the rise lu te c t o!livýing. xrm, acto lct heGo'Verumen utri is;srinEurope hve cldifL fa-Dpriea chi foxa sowdwn;but fromn thelea rerolution byfoe. uGrtB- stardpin i wuldhoil'ratng t tin they use the hig'ri cost o!fivn kw how dce SonaorThomas ocae s an argumsent f or asolue Goveru-' to Casam ndWinstances wben ho aa ertLmontowunersi, wor naIntiatoby odo thie foo the U. S. Snace "direct action" if uecossary.' The1 thýt tbecoudc o!the railroad worko g-otlabo0rogaiaouh eer ors in~mku uhdnad odrdrpuit nbotee .drcul on rpeAlac"orarodmn This n -,cnn(u-aJP ifs allies arno lurs aud tmranpot workrs joiAr du!l ut cri-euh a foa egr enem',as ith the oý, -n-evfieolmn S up- mucb co lte tru cleal esa oio h eig oeuet Vhe wee ayear ao.Thi'sovr ment waa clothed wifh no end o! auto- IniFrc the chie! labor organiza- Motor S8us Recelves Radio Messages As t Travels. Oceain-goijïg steamshlps are flot the enly conveyances privilegeâ to main- tain radio coi.-muitnication wit;.i the rest ofthle wrld,( as they move along their courses. A mnotor bus rutnnig from' SLonidon to Colchester, England - was providlet rerently withs a wire1ess -re- celvlnig aitvAna, coiisisting of a- couÎ of wvire on ai rectangular 'wood fram, mnounted on fille side of the body. Pas- songers of Lw~al prominence were sup- plied wlth lead telephone,,receivers contiected f0o the wire, and as the bus bowled1 along the highway;they listen- ed to ý peécles and music whoqpe, lear- ness -was uwimpaired by the1a4a Palms do. best when slighitly pot bound4, rather thýan. placed in Pots that ore t0o large. wJhoilpver you Genre a ick, beada Che rS Pl 1qu attckco ~ p, ar i OHf by, the timely use of -PI LL 5., Laigeat Sale of env, Medicine in 'Ib o oI TOS AVU, whLch 1wJ 1lbe sent free. IPrices ,of Crearn are.high.ý We pay goodprices for good> 1cream. We, walt, yours. If we fail to cal! on you.we would apprecia.te a phoneý eall-or write us. OronO ,CreameryC. Oro no Whîe lYoWait I api now in a positi'on to give, you qnick service and best ofwomasi as I havetoasians WorkP., Bo0."ts Fr al gooýd susata vr bosfor m"en1. ASUer O PINIONS ON WOR ýîp P lB MI"-ý,S li ýnbt,;c an ___________effic iency. The ba as united tho 13Y' C]AS M. BICEI A LBDEFNVER, COLORADO. -eople of Fra e as nover before. Fr~ee m~d ~nerxca. afx uthority for the durato o ttion oftc~ru. hento t1he war. One of ifs measurIs 's to jbr.1 ý(2, iou nesas ad a sobeirug A ,kùg torvey o-s fromr a Pairis tïake over and conduct railiroad thun-eofo. 'rcttrze is in ht o- co'e o ndnt h.vngail the ear- t Vortation tlroagliout thie country. it 'os mn alohes ut the be-: m1ari cfi truth, relating to the conducti bas not yet relinquîs-hed bits thry1îepraishtc-prtie cio cf 1 nc U the m-atter of living,,over the alod.Th mlysare n- fr adfo h oouiu cosi~ civilian soildiers, if the Iterni mabeo if i an rit- pomîfod. re1 against exploiters and prftor ill1 Althùoug-h isa uncouscious rt-pmied They a-u n Goverumentl tide over the cri1sis. cýi - çI f _sOme 0Of Our trigger-mouthed1 service; furf1hormoro, fhey are bu fhe' Not so muoch labororaiton polifi(ýïans, it is of vital- iuteresf f0 employmeut of the pul'icî. cexist in If aly as in the eithercostis ail on this side the Atlantic. 6u hee.oth oi~i~"ou France is a nation of politica, In T Canada the Govrumouet did net; unrest aud radicalism abundaut. omlisf s. If ashuIrt terribly by the, take over the railroads, but merely ss war and we can hairdlY arpîpeiafe the' exorcised a sort of sxpervision over 1Th, ral solution for the grave tremcendous buYrden she is called f0 thoeni, But, the railroad 1emnployes are problens ,thitf confrouf those,,naf1os hear. pt, as u war, he is ravein the Public service just as effctwally ad~i o~ir swlaii~fo and has set out fo do vwhat she ac-t as if.fhey wore civîlia slies TeItewr 2and lts years o!f terrible des- conpllished f th woudor andadi-'url are nof in privaf o omp'loymoue-,t. ti-ýctivene-ss, is to be found lu great- tion of thne worid filt ersaowhen Aud lbecause fhey are in the publicrinufysdpoucity Spia Gerïnauy iniagîrued she h'ad her down service, e-mloyedl on a national pub- sr ss is ti d o hi u tte reprt. Th nnd ouf, lic uiit1oy ireteive uiarked favors etreus nqfbk!on tisi th rot. The, 11u thefirsf lae when the echo ofý fromn the people. Can if be c!ainýeà output hbelps labor must bo aband oued whaf vvas being said at W,,as.hbngtoný, thaf the railroad men owe xuiotling liv or theïe wil conie 'au international whnthe latter dicoverod sUddenly the p ublic, thafthoyvcan in a body bankruptey. 01hat there as uc a probleni ags liv- quit their jobswineo the miood France wuas the quickest fo. realize ing cotreachIed aOcs teoanri ks he t his. Eng1and is coming f0- iz-very theFro<'hppplpenai~ or4~u. T I 'fa1of of luc. Thc warring nations the discovery was aiarngii,, for ýthae Labor ý leaders willot asserf auc~h a miust maice up the losses by gre<gter ftrst thiig fthe U. S. would do wowld diThoy know that the raýlroad efflciency. Capital must pe-rfürnnia 'be to put ar n ebargo oufoodexpotd worknnowe a rociprocýal du y to ~sao ~eepoe is oka -a very seri9us jnatter for-Frarnce. the public sud to t h,,Governent. tfi shne od su aemp ifer astifookist Satis-fied that if was Pa falso l]arD-Ahyi Wiihenour' Congress, before the Gov- uteeuaebswrmnf polican , rne ftells Us of -wha.tý erumo1nt f oik lhold, rec2ognized rail-J do theirý best. Strikes are ouf -of,,the isbigdoue there to eet theJ( pr- roaîd enpiloyts as ini a "cîas by ifhem- question. sure, seivo s," sud 1sf or wheu theGor- Em -)ployer psud employed have irl 1dnment coblîgafd he puicfasrto 'HFOQINGETN-diei i b - e dtermnation thlat t'hero shual lnmot in-,reases iu psy, w1hch railroad isa comimon aiimentand few are frçe be -no Jurther wage increase orn. a Nideeariugs could not afford, fheso acts !of i.I il-os itrsig on scale and without' due ivsiain requirod olg tfo the pbi from pIk--lint and o£tetn the suffering atti9nding The -workiau bha,, had brugt omo e mon s ot, I. Te very best rem dy, fo hlm thlat it is as case of rob 5n , Bt In this nmatter, a- bu otho n s-?rule4Vcgutabie Pilbtakrexiic- Peter fo pay Paul. Every wgebu, dstia dsp)utes, the spirit of Soviet-1 cordkug fo directions. They rectify the irregular action of the stomach and re- croase bias mrufan ncr, s in living fs is ibroad. Labor ogiatosstorehety action. For marxy years cosfs, moore fthar the pay in-er7eas, abor leaders are igunored and the Mon ithey bavýe been a standard remedy o and thie spiral mgh oinue inde-afa.weaefl the Soviets bu Rus- dspepsi adý nigsio nd are higl ~S~I,~Iyin e~I~d~cages ) "Teeis on1y. -je liiimathat is 'ii- iorns of peopk ic W apeak th Snlib poilta-nt, uow. It b 5the ntost inipoft- ln-ago r~ ilosof ie- ant ',)ne becaLuse if is the. offlytsaFeh,7 ioi emn,3 mrfil- wheh e n hav ' ýe an y power."-T(,lstoi.lijons Ial1n 2 il4rs~aih 11 millions otge> nd7 nIin IfI .1statd that over 140 il -Russian. Now on'Sl HE RE are a few se1edionp from, this month's offerings amongsl wh.ich wil be found selections to suit ail ta«stes, including Poplar, "Dance, Instru.mntal and Operatic numbers beautifully renw dered by foremliost artists. Corncel and make your choice frorna fll st'ck, 90 cents for 10-inch, double-sidect MySwanee Home-Viviun Hl-ile Toeaeun Alabamna Butterfly Chmres Hart-Elliott Shaw 18566- Anything is Nice if It Cornes froun Dixieand-American 'Quare-and-Eyes Thaf Say 111 Love You" Irving ansd Jack Kmufunan 18589 Yoe're Stili an'OId Sweetheart of Mne-Spencer-Barr--and iT~ae f Gladness Lewis H'a es-hn r 15 la the Heart of a F1o-and-I Found You Her Burr 18591 Take Your Girlie to tiseMovies-B7iI,1pMUrray-and'-Baby A îthiur ields 18592 1 Aýn't 'en Got 'en No Time te Have tiseBIues-ily Murray- .Ed Smale-and--Take Mo to thse Land of Jazz M~arion Harris 1§593 Peter Gink-One.SteP--and-ýEçyptIand-ýFox Trot Six Brown Brothers 18562 Ruspana-OneSteu---nd--Have a Smle-Medley Fox Trot -PIter 1,563 Fidgety Feet-One-Step-and-Lazy Dâddy-Fosý Trot OriginalI DIqIeIaid Jazz Band 18,ç64 Tel! Me-and--TWhe Vamp-Fox "Trots Jos. C. Smit1ý's,% WLed Seal Records at Greatly e4i e Cd Cýa!0ue Prices La C.ampauso dî San Gisto (enir) lEnrico Caruso Fou' You a Rose (Borfto!nc) E lde Ggorza La Traviatan- Ais,fors' ê lui (So,rno) aICuc Tsu~çishMsrh (Volu~) k Jascha lHeifetz eatflOhie(Yoln)Krelsler The First Rose of Summer (Tenor), John MCormâck 64770 64817 648M8 jV2&rolafsom $34 up to $597, sold on easypauesi¶ desired. As- for free copy or oui 624-pa-e Musical Enc- clpeialsofx vé 90 "isMster s Veice"Rcr. Hea te at any "I M ~er oc e"d1r Maruffiéhîred lby Brie rmopone 'Am*é Montreal 1921e.ui M N -~ 'j tiI~il H t IIt~~~ttî1tiE ~IiIiI I IItt~ItII t tII ShoutdBe ît Here IT IS-Get IT NOW! IT'S both a rnan's car and a wonï.,an' ca-this latest Maxwell. It has, the dependability--the in- buîit quality. that a man demands' And toda,,y's Mxelirproved in 24 ay, as theadvaniced style'and cos, r6mycornfýort Ihat a wmroPan The 30",0,000 N'Iaxwells that have been buit on this original chassis (desi-ýgned five years ago) prove that it is the ideal family car-easy on tires.' easy on gas, easy on oci-'handies' 1Ifiht, rideswell1, performs amazingiy. BrilIg the family around and raake your test of the Maxwell. Or have us corne ound to your place, But by ail rnceanis see the latesit Max- weIl. 7Today, i 1 Kirkendall & I~avey, BOWMAN VILLE eh rich,,fuI-ýy orr±ýea --the sa'me every *ýin'e il, 1 C- , riiieir qua 9. F-H , 1 11-lu gm-&-lý 1-Elý'.Xf-& PFAI lelý ýlý ý, 1 la Bill When you n a npxoe, tender out of metyou jwst naturmlly corne to ou store. W 'elîha-ve ere tecîtiZQWs ]3owrnanville for, over 50 years. Jeubber Tired Buggy good as new. Great value. C.M. Cawý;kde-r &KS;,oni Puirveyors Aý ýIllllWý- 1 Ï111

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